View Full Version : Western Bulldogs Website

Ghost Dog
05-11-2011, 05:11 PM
Seems our Graphics dept is busy at work with the photoshop filters..

How about Matthew Boyd, The Messiah of the West....aaaaaammmen.
hmmm or maybe this his version of the Zoolander 'Magnum' stare?


Anyway, regarding our website, what changes do you all suggest??
Personally, I'd like to see a bit better writing than the same dry as-a-bulldogs balls press releases. they should head hunt some woof.net posters.
Any other changes you would like to see?

05-11-2011, 06:20 PM
More news and information on players. There has been no talk on delistings, rookies etc.

I still feel the club keeps the members in the dark a bit.

05-11-2011, 11:47 PM
I think they could do a bit more to bring members into the club a bit more.

There's the obvious first step that should have already happened with keeping us in the know about delistings and whatnot, but then there are the things that get members to feel like part of the club. These are things about players personalities, quick insights into the workings behind the scenes, stuff beyond just player highlights and mundane sponsored press releases.

The Kennels video series was ok in this respect, and they do release random videos occasionally (recently a soccer shootout one), but just having articles about individuals and their backgrounds, or what a typical week is like for a random player, just stuff like that that is easy to organise and boring to some, but to those who want to really feel like they know the people involved with the club it gives them that chance.

06-11-2011, 05:46 AM
^^^ This.

I love finding out about the personalities of the players and the other people behind the scenes. Rather then this cardboard cut-out no individuals crap that you normally get. It's why I enjoy Twitter so much, you get a unique little insight into their personalities. Hopefully the launch of a Bulldogs YouTube Channel will mean we will get more of this sort of thing.

I thought it odd that they obviously filmed the soccer shoot-out to put on the website (with Easton commentating and all that) but then didn't put it up straight away. Makes me wonder at what point during the season it was and that maybe they didn't want to be seen as mucking around.

06-11-2011, 08:48 AM
All the websites are getting a big revamp before next season. Hopefully they listened to all the workshops they held. Melbourne in the media was highly praised and I suspect most clubs will adopt something like it.


CTV was also spoken highly of.


And of course integration with more social media.

06-11-2011, 09:42 AM
More news and information on players. There has been no talk on delistings, rookies etc.

I still feel the club keeps the members in the dark a bit.

Agree i want them to do more .The Pies and the Bombers do it the best you can pay $5 dollars to watch the clubs B&F live online if you can,t afford to go or can,t make it not highlights drip feed up to a week later. The pies also do an awesome coverage of there preseason showing games and practice highlights so you get a sense how the old and new players are shaping up. Why can,t they have a weekly show online Bob Murphy would be a great talk show host with inside info on players lives and training behind the scenes footage no secrets just fun stuff. I would watch.

06-11-2011, 10:16 AM
Bob Murphy would be a great talk show host with inside info on players lives and training behind the scenes footage no secrets just fun stuff. I would watch.

He use to do club corner on the old fox footy channel and was very good and entertaining.

06-11-2011, 10:26 AM
He use to do club corner on the old fox footy channel and was very good and entertaining.
Did not know that Bornadog thanks for that info.

06-11-2011, 10:27 AM
The Bulldoze fund isnt done well either they want us to donate but I cant find a figure anywhere of how its doing, at least put the amount up if we are donating.

Ghost Dog
06-11-2011, 10:42 AM
When it all comes down to it, its about Money right?
But, I have a design degree in Multimedia not using much these days and I'm dead sure there are others who are pretty savvy with computers on here. If every fan chipped in I'm sure there could be a way to boost contributions to WB digital media efforts.
They should tender for a bunch of volunteer positions on govolunteer.com.au

Otherwise, Other players have Blogs ( Harry O'Brien etc ) why can't some of our guys put up a blog of some kind?
Will or Bob would be up for it.

they had one thing on Mangrook once about what players ate, down at western Oval. It was really fascinating. I'd like to see a bit more of that.

Other ideas - small things really
Anything that can put up that is not hard to vet
Kids colouring competition ( just scan and put them up , not hard )
Where are they now? - A la Coon dog interviews.
Old photos section - come on there must be hundereds of old club photos we can put on to the site. The site does not have
any sense of history of culture about it. That's what we love about the club.

07-11-2011, 09:07 AM
When you go to the player list the games/goals heading is stuck at 2010, but the info is from 2011.

Some players debut years aren't included.

It shouldn't be hard for Gods' sake.


07-11-2011, 08:33 PM
I'd love to see fans' stories.
Why I'm a bulldog.
My favorite memory.
Fans of the week. ( whatever happened to the two wonderful women from the 'year of the dogs' documentary?)

A player's blog is a great idea.

I just think the site could be more quirky ( not sure that's exactly the right word, but I mean something which captures our unique club) A cartoon from First dog on the moon occasionally. A sense of our history.
A sense of humor. An insight into our players that isn't just robotic. What it's like to be a trainer. Families of players..who didn't love reading about Murf and his family?

There is so much that could be done!

07-11-2011, 09:20 PM
I just think the site could be more quirky ( not sure that's exactly the right word, but I mean something which captures our unique club) A cartoon from First dog on the moon occasionally.

Or "less generic"

08-11-2011, 10:07 AM
Exactly. Having a bit of uniqueness about it and bringing people past the basic would be brilliant. I don't have high hopes of this happening however because the club seems incapable of telling us anything through the site. The only way you know who's been cut so far is by piecing together various random mostly unrelated articles from a variety of sources.

How hard would it be from the club to release a statement saying:

"Further to our earlier list changes Brennan Stack has been delisted for personal reasons. Luke Dahlhaus and Matthew Panos have been promoted from the rookie list to the senior list while Ed Barlow and Eddie Prato have both been cut. Jason Johannissen will be given another year on the rookie list. We wish all former players the best of luck with their futures".

How hard would that article be?

08-11-2011, 11:48 AM
How hard would that article be?

Not hard at all. They could just cut and paste exactly what you wrote, because it's got all the required information.

I don't even visit the club site anymore.

08-11-2011, 04:01 PM
I'd love to see fans' stories.
Why I'm a bulldog.
My favorite memory.
Fans of the week. ( whatever happened to the two wonderful women from the 'year of the dogs' documentary?)

A player's blog is a great idea.

I just think the site could be more quirky ( not sure that's exactly the right word, but I mean something which captures our unique club) A cartoon from First dog on the moon occasionally. A sense of our history.
A sense of humor. An insight into our players that isn't just robotic. What it's like to be a trainer. Families of players..who didn't love reading about Murf and his family?

There is so much that could be done!
They still go to the footy.

08-11-2011, 04:26 PM
I'd love to see fans' stories.

Fans of the week. ( whatever happened to the two wonderful women from the 'year of the dogs' documentary?)

Do you mean the mother and daughter, Pat and Jenny? If so, they go to most home games and show up at training usually once a week. I've kept in contact with them since meeting them during my 2002 Melbourne visit. I've rung them a few times, the last time a few months ago after Rodney Eade stepped down. They're the salt of the earth and catching up with them is one of the highlights of my Melbourne visits.

Ghost Dog
08-11-2011, 05:36 PM
Not hard at all. They could just cut and paste exactly what you wrote, because it's got all the required information.

I don't even visit the club site anymore.

Good point E and W.
Me too actually. I very seldom go to the site. This is the Western Bulldogs website for me.

09-11-2011, 12:58 PM
This is the Western Bulldogs website for me.

Me too. Always see it here first.

11-11-2011, 06:41 PM
Credit where credit is due Bulldog TV has improved a hell of a lot.

Highlights from the B&F were fantastic. It was great to here what the players and new coach had to say.

The pre-season snippets are another really good initiative granted they are only a 2 min highlight package but it gives people who can't make it to training an idea what is going on.

Yes, they could get better with player movement updates.

As ghost dog says it comes down to money and resources. I'd imagine we wouldn't be extremely well resourced in this area, I'd imagine it is a fine balancing act with what area gets what funding.

12-11-2011, 08:51 AM
Why do we need a decent website, when all the breaking and quality reporting happens on Woof ?:D:D

12-11-2011, 09:44 AM
Has anyone infiltrated the clubs coaches for inside info yet??

12-11-2011, 09:51 AM
Love the regular Bulldogs TV updates

12-11-2011, 11:01 AM
Going bulldog shop in a minute, rang club number on website, tried every different option on recorded msge not one answered, wanted to confirm shop is open and if i might be lucky enough to be their when they were training.. its not just the website thats the problem its the phone number too!
I am going to chance it and go down as it says shop is open until 2 but they dont answer phone.

14-11-2011, 11:10 AM
I'm a web designer and e-marketer, and I agree the site mostly sucks, but I understand that the resources are very low for web stuff and they just use the standard — and by all reports very restrictive — generic AFL Bigpond template, like just about every team other than Essendon, who are the AFL leaders by a country mile when it comes to online marketing. I've also had reports they spend nearly a million bucks on their overall IT budget (this is unconfirmed but probable).

I think the club has made a good step in the right direction in hiring Tom Nickson as our new “Digital Dog”. Hopefully he can take our online marketing to a better level. But any decision to increase our web efforts needs to come from the top, and Smorgon (and our club board in general) just seems too conservative and old-school to really appreciate the website and social media's opportunity. This is part of the reason I didn't apply for the role myself.

In terms of volunteering, I have in fact offered my services and ideas to Tom a number of times before, completely free of charge and unconditional, and have yet to hear back, if only to politely decline. This only reinforces my belief that he and Nick (Truelson) are somewhat hamstrung by upper management and have little room to move. Or, of course, he didn't like my ideas, but he could have at least said so, I thought.

Anyway, I do think the website needs much improvement, but don't see it happening for a while yet.

16-11-2011, 11:14 AM
I think the club has made a good step in the right direction in hiring Tom Nickson as our new “Digital Dog”. Hopefully he can take our online marketing to a better level. But any decision to increase our web efforts needs to come from the top, and Smorgon (and our club board in general) just seems too conservative and old-school to really appreciate the website and social media's opportunity. This is part of the reason I didn't apply for the role myself.

In terms of volunteering, I have in fact offered my services and ideas to Tom a number of times before, completely free of charge and unconditional, and have yet to hear back, if only to politely decline. This only reinforces my belief that he and Nick (Truelson) are somewhat hamstrung by upper management and have little room to move. Or, of course, he didn't like my ideas, but he could have at least said so, I thought.


Perhaps being new to the job he wants to stamp his own mark first, rather than walk in the door and take on someone else's ideas. The club would wonder why they hired him in the first place.

But you are right it is polite to reply.

I've always been very reluctant about offering my services to the club or getting involved more because i like to remain a supporter and barracker without any personal feelings getting in the way. I always thought that if i knew the coaching staff or players personally or if i worked there and had a company/employee relationship, then it would tarnish my love for the club.

ie i hate where i work because they don't pay me enough and i think their direction and management decisions are a joke. If i worked at the WB's i'd be scared of that happening as well. Although working for free that may not be the case :p

The Underdog
27-11-2011, 07:50 AM
You know when you click on "The Club" link in the banner on the homepage the next page comes up with an option for Players and the player representing our team in that photo is none other than Callan Ward from GWS


27-11-2011, 08:32 AM
I'd normally say it's understandable because it's off season but they bothered to change the pic for coaches already.

27-11-2011, 02:04 PM
I'd normally say it's understandable because it's off season but they bothered to change the pic for coaches already.

Rodney Eade is still listed amongst the coaches profiles :confused:

So, we have a GWS player and a *sickens me to say it!* Collingwood coach featured on our site.

FAIL, Western Bulldogs, FAIL.

28-11-2011, 12:35 AM
Rodney Eade is still listed amongst the coaches profiles :confused:

So, we have a GWS player and a *sickens me to say it!* Collingwood coach featured on our site.

FAIL, Western Bulldogs, FAIL.


28-11-2011, 09:40 PM
Rodney Eade is still listed amongst the coaches profiles :confused:

So, we have a GWS player and a *sickens me to say it!* Collingwood coach featured on our site.

FAIL, Western Bulldogs, FAIL.

incredible really.

28-11-2011, 09:51 PM
I just sent an email to the club letting them know about the issues. Hope it is rectified soon..

29-11-2011, 08:50 AM
Rodney Eade is still listed amongst the coaches profiles :confused:

So, we have a GWS player and a *sickens me to say it!* Collingwood coach featured on our site.

FAIL, Western Bulldogs, FAIL.

In this particular case, it may simply be that they haven't had the chance to get the new coaches and players in for snaps, etc.

29-11-2011, 09:30 AM
In this particular case, it may simply be that they haven't had the chance to get the new coaches and players in for snaps, etc.

The new coach is plastered all over the front page, they have interviewed them all on bulldog TV surely they have pictures and whatever else they need.

29-11-2011, 05:20 PM
I just sent an email to the club letting them know about the issues. Hope it is rectified soon..

In this particular case, it may simply be that they haven't had the chance to get the new coaches and players in for snaps, etc.

Paul's pic was already up, and the others, they'd just left Rocket's there. The new draftees are also up, with the exception of Clay Smith.

I received a response today from Tom Nickson (Digital Marketing Co-ordinator), indicating that the Ward pic was an 'oversight on our part', and Eade's profile still being up was due to "a recent glitch within the AFL database that appeared to have restored a couple of previously deactivated profiles".... he advised that the errors have both been rectified.

So, given the speed of response, I'd have to say well done to them.

16-02-2012, 05:18 PM
The website still doesn't have the new players numbers, yet we saw them at the practise match with numbers.

Pull your socks up marketing department:mad:

16-02-2012, 05:35 PM
The website still doesn't have the new players numbers, yet we saw them at the practise match with numbers.

Pull your socks up marketing department:mad:

They also haven't updated the players heights and weight, which would be nice to see given we've made such a big focus on bulking the players up this preseason.

16-02-2012, 11:30 PM
Through their Twitter account, they've asked fans to complete this quiz to help with content for the 'new website'. Not sure exactly how different the 'new website' will be...the quiz/survey seems like a waste of time to me?

Link (https://afl.optimalworkshop.com/treejack/westernbulldogsfcia)

17-02-2012, 05:02 PM
The Bulldogs website definitely could have a few improvements. The Western Bulldogs Facebook page is good and updates the stories from the club pretty well. Bulldogs TV is very good.

Danny the snakeman
17-02-2012, 07:48 PM
He use to do club corner on the old fox footy channel and was very good and entertaining.

Bobs doing 1 night a week on afl360 this season.

19-02-2012, 11:54 PM
Just looking at a couple of player bios... the stats section has 2010 info, and there is still contradictory information e.g. Fletcher Roberts in the details is listed as 193cm, and in the bio section, as 196cm. Poor form.

21-02-2012, 04:12 PM
Player numbers and BIO's are now updated.

21-02-2012, 06:27 PM
Player numbers and BIO's are now updated.

Not this one...


21-02-2012, 10:47 PM
Not this one...


Bio's are updated all be it with mistakes.:eek:

16-10-2012, 10:23 AM
Good to see the club website has been updated with the delisted/retired players off the players list, although Tom Hill is still listed.

This is far better than previous years.

16-10-2012, 10:55 AM
Good to see the club website has been updated with the delisted/retired players off the players list, although Tom Hill is still listed.

This is far better than previous years.

Forgive me if this had been mentioned elsewhere, but what's the news with Panos?

16-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Forgive me if this had been mentioned elsewhere, but what's the news with Panos?

I'm not sure myself but apparently they mentioned something about it at our B and F night. Could he have been delisted.

16-10-2012, 01:47 PM
I'm not sure myself but apparently they mentioned something about it at our B and F night. Could he have been delisted.

That was Tom Hill

16-10-2012, 01:48 PM
That was Tom Hill

Tom Hill that's right was delisted. How about Panos.

16-10-2012, 01:49 PM
Tom Hill that's right was delisted. How about Panos.

have heard nothing on Panos

16-10-2012, 01:51 PM
have heard nothing on Panos

I heard maybe I'm wrong news from the B&F was said about his future but I'm guessing his still on our list.

16-10-2012, 03:25 PM
Good to see the club website has been updated with the delisted/retired players off the players list, although Tom Hill is still listed.

This is far better than previous years.

Maybe better than previous BD but the fact that Tom Hill's name is still indicated as listed given this has been public knowledge for some time does not indicate to me a website that is being appropriately resourced and/or well managed.

This time of year many supporters are listening out via different channels for any current information they can get regarding player movements.

For our Club's website to remain a viable communication channel its currency is paramount otherwise the punters, that is our supporters, will simply switch it off as I did long ago.

I heard maybe I'm wrong news from the B&F was said about his future but I'm guessing his still on our list.

There was no mention of Panos at any of the B&F speeches. He was definitely still listed the evening of our B&F.

05-12-2012, 12:57 PM
Just want to give the club website a slap on the back for it last couple of weeks. I've found the information, videos about the preseason, new recruits etc and the communication to be very good. Hey even Denis doing the interviews seems far more comfortable and accomplished in the role.

Here is hoping they continue like this and get even better from now on.

Remi Moses
05-12-2012, 01:47 PM
Certainly a big improvement.
The guy doing in the interviews sounds like Chris Scott.:eek:

05-12-2012, 02:00 PM
I think they've really stepped up the digital media and fan engagement. Big thumbs up to the club.

05-12-2012, 02:05 PM
The websites are all due for an overhaul in the coming weeks, and some clubs are quite concerned about how user-friendly the changes are going to be. Hopefully it does improve things!

Strongly agree with Slim's point though, the coverage over the entire pre-season has been outstanding. Keep it up!!

05-12-2012, 02:19 PM
+1, well done Dogs

06-12-2012, 10:38 AM
Love the Happy Birthday email and video link to Dahl and Jonesy's Happy Birthday greeting.
Really good touch and clever marketing.

06-12-2012, 11:43 AM
Very cute! But I was slightly miffed that my hubby got the birthday song and I missed out!

06-12-2012, 12:04 PM
Very cute! But I was slightly miffed that my hubby got the birthday song and I missed out!

Wonder how you missed out. Is your name and birthdate registered with the Club ? I can't recall getting this from the Club last year but then I'm not great at reading all my eMails. Is it a new initiative ?

09-01-2013, 11:26 PM
Although the website has been upgraded with some fantastic additions, there is still lots of improvement needed.

I was looking up the board members tonight to see if Ian Veal is still vice president and low and behold Smorgon is still showing as the President and Chairman.

Its all the little things that need to be kept up to date, otherwise websites lose credibility.

10-01-2013, 12:59 AM
Although the website has been upgraded with some fantastic additions, there is still lots of improvement needed.

I was looking up the board members tonight to see if Ian Veal is still vice president and low and behold Smorgon is still showing as the President and Chairman.

Its all the little things that need to be kept up to date, otherwise websites lose credibility.

I've emailed godogs@westernbulldogs.com.au to get them to fix it up

10-01-2013, 08:49 AM
I signed up for my membership last night and it asks you to pick your favourite player from our 2012 squad (hence Panos, Sherman etc.)

10-01-2013, 12:48 PM
Although the website has been upgraded with some fantastic additions, there is still lots of improvement needed.

I was looking up the board members tonight to see if Ian Veal is still vice president and low and behold Smorgon is still showing as the President and Chairman.

Its all the little things that need to be kept up to date, otherwise websites lose credibility.

They also need to update the playing list etc, but from memory they usually fix all that up once they do the team photos etc.