View Full Version : Favourite player to watch from each side

Rocco Jones
11-06-2012, 09:17 PM
To drum up some discussion on this board I was thinking of having a '...... from each side' thread. I am starting off with your favourite player to watch from each side. I was thinking most exciting but I think that limits it a bit to fast players and the like. If you were going to a neutral game, who would you most look forward to seeing?

Crows- Patrick Dangerfield: Has developed into a real inside/outside type. Love his ability to just grab the ball in a pack and run.

Lions- Jono Brown: A beast.

Blues - Chris Judd: They have their electrifying smalls but this I am going to be boring and stick with this old man.

Pies- Daisy Thomas: Nice balance between the flair and the hard stuff.

Dons- Dustin Fletcher: Odd call here, maybe I just love the freak show aspect!

Freo- Stephen Hill: So dangerous, no wonder he gets a hard tag every week.

Cats- Stevie J: I'm with Bobby.

Suns- Harley Bennell: Speed and skill thing again. It should probably be Ablett but his entertainment value is hurt by his role.

GWS- Stephen Coniglio I couldn't pick Ward.

Hawks- Buddy Franklin: No need to explain.

Dees- Jeremy Howe: What a leap?

Kangas- Daniel Wells: Smooth.

Power- Jay Schulz: That was hard work!

Tigers- Dustin Martin: Hasn't really come on as much as expected this season but love the don't argue.

Swans- Lewis Jetta: Actually my reason for this topic! Love watching him run.

Saints- Nick Riewoldt Probably an element of looking forward to watching him fail but the main Saint I'd wanna watch.

Eagles- Nic Nat: Freak.

Dogs- Luke Dahlhaus: Let's clone him.

11-06-2012, 09:58 PM
Good idea for a thread Rocco. Might as well have a go...

Crows- Kurt Tippett: When on song very entertaining watching him pluck marks from everywhere.

Lions- Simon Black: Old man but still awesome.

Blues - Marc Murphy: Well and truly overtaken Judd.

Pies- Travis Cloke: Can go from awesome to awful within 2 seconds but no matter what always entertaining.

Dons- Dyson Heppell: Great to watch a kid come in and make this much of an impact

Freo- Aaron Sandilands: Like watching Andre the Giant play football.

Cats- Jimmy Bartel: Always finds something when the Cats need it.

Suns- K.Hunt: Interesting to watch his progression week to week.

GWS- Folau: same as Hunt.

Hawks- Buddy Franklin: He who is tired of Buddy is tired of football.

Melbourne- Frawley: Very good backman.

Kangas- Boomer Harvey: Old man still getting it done.

Power- Chad Wingard: Good skills.

Tigers- Trent Cotchin: Best performed young mid in the game.

Swans- Sam Reid: Doesn't do much but I love his contested marking.

Saints- Lenny Hayes: the only Saint I respect. Hard at it and just wills himself to win every contest. Severely underrated.

Eagles- Nic Nat: Same as Buddy.

Dogs- Can't choose.

11-06-2012, 10:48 PM
Crows - Dangerfield - Nuff Said.
Lions - J Brown (Is there any tougher)
Blues - Robinson. Odd choice but I love how rough as guts he is, not a pretty footballer but tough as nails.
Pies - Do I have to? I will go with Pendlebury, my Supercoach champion.
Dons - Has to be the 900 year old fossil Fletcher, the game changes but does not leave EVERYONE behind.
Freo - Pav. Just think how good he would be in our forward line. *daydream*
Suns - Has to be Ablett, only reason to watch them imo, although Bennell is starting to catch my eye.
GWS - Don't have one. Time might change that.
Hawks - Buddy, obvious reasons.
Melb - Howe - Great to watch him touch the sky every week
Roos - Thompson for all the wrong reasons, spud.
Power - Westhoff because he looks like a great young fwd some games, then the next week he looks like the worst player out there. Not sure what your gunna get each week.
Tigers - Martin. Mancrush. Love the way he goes about it. (But wouldnt name my kid after him). Maric close second.
Swans - Reid also, could be a very good player. Prob won't be.
Saints - Hayes and only Hayes. Courageous.
Eagles - Nic Nat in contest situations, his leap is incredible.
Dogs - Would have to say Lake, just feel more relieved knowing he's sitting at backstop not letting those big ones go through.

Edit: Forgot Geelong, how could I. Have a soft spot for them. Gotta name one? Um.....Mr Johnson Bartel-Wojac-Selwood-Chapman.

Ghost Dog
11-06-2012, 10:54 PM
Crows - Dangerfield
Lions - J Brown
Blues - Judd - carries that team.
Pies - Nathan Buckley ( like listening to his coach pressers )
Bombers - Fletcher
Freo - Ballantyne ( a highly entertaining pest)
Suns - Gablett
GWS - anyone but Callan Ward.
Hawks - Rioli
Melb - Mitch Clarke
Roos - Thompson - brings back fuzzy memories of his dance with Barry Hall.
Power - Jay Schultz
Tigers - Jack King - makes me laugh. I think he's a closet cross dresser.
Swans -Jarrad McVeigh - Just admire what he has managed to get out of himself. A blue collar footballer.
Saints - Lenny Hayes. Tears us apart. Love / hate
Eagles - Josh Hill ( just kidding ) um.... Priddis. Hard at it.
Dogs -Liam Picken. From my hometown and turns up every single week. And the ONLY WB footballer who prefers budgie smugglers over board shorts IIRC. That's guts!!

The Bulldogs Bite
11-06-2012, 11:31 PM
Crows - Patrick Dangerfield: Very courageous, very strong, very quick. Pretty much the type of midfielder you want; he can impact the game from anywhere on the ground with his skillset.

Lions - Pearce Hanley: The Irish guy is exciting to watch. He's a really strong build, but he's really quick and covers the ground well. Has a pretty penetrating kick and sets up the play.

Blues - Marc Murphy: It's hard not to like how he plays his footy. Great in the clearances/stoppages, but probably even better on the spread.

Pies - Steele Sidebottom: Absolute gun. Great decision maker, great user of the ball, supreme endurance.

Dons - Jobe Watson: Plays with plenty of heart; a serious leader if I've ever seen one.

Freo - Nat Fyfe: Seriously silky skilled player, and they are missing him big time.

Cats - Motlop: I've really enjoyed watching him play this season. His pace is absolutely off the charts! He crumbs the ball really well, uses it well and makes good decisions. Perfect small forward.

Suns - Gary Ablett: The best bar none.

GWS - Nobody.

Hawks - Buddy Franklin: Amazing.

Dees - Jeremy Howe: Great set of hands/leap.

Kangas - Nobody.

Power - Hamish Hartlett: Kid's got class.

Tigers - Dustin Martin: A bit like Dangerfield, although he hasn't had a great year so far.

Swans - Lewis Jetta: Another speedy, skilled player. Gotta love 'em.

Saints - Nobody.

Eagles - Nic Nat: Incredible to watch, much like Buddy is.

Dogs - Luke Dahlhaus: Creates excitement, regularly lifts the side with his run and carry.

12-06-2012, 01:05 AM
Adelaide- Richard Tambling: Drafted in front of Buddy, traded to a second club and still can't get a game. 100% intensity 10% efficiency.

Brisbane- Brent Staker: KO'd by Barry Hall, still on an AFL list as a fringe player at 28, and his hair makes me laugh.

Carlton- Brock McClean: 2 clubs have given first round picks to secure his services, is slower than Daniel Cross, lost Melbourne a training ground for doing burnouts in the car park, tried to fight a supporter at a VFL game last year... And his name is Brock!

Collingwood- Harry O'Brien: seeing a player that's so shit have so many feral nuff nuff's conned into thinking he's a good footballer has me intrigued.

Essendon- David Myers: Slow, lumbering, clumsy, and has the intrinsic ability when presented with a 50-50 to choose the wrong option every time. I go to Essendon games just to watch him, oh and he was drafted the pick before Joel Selwood.

Fremantle- so many to choose from but it has to be Kepler Bradley; No wonder he has no peripheral vision the poor bastard hasn't got a neck, how's he supposed to look around.

Geelong- Josh Hunt: Big and strong and will iron out a player if they don't see him coming but put him in a situation where he could receive body contact and he's scared of his own shadow. Plus he has cool tough stickers.

Gold Coast- Campbell Brown: He honestly believes he's a hard man, it's just brilliant!

GWS- Rhys Palmer: A Perth rockstar who's stuck in the middle of a region where not one person knows who he is.

Hawthorn- Ryan Shoenmakers: How a young player still in the system has managed to have as many bad games/moments in such a short period of time is remarkable. The fact he was a first round draft pick and Jarrad Bounan actually got a game in front of him once as a key defender makes him my idol.

Melbourne- Lynden Dunn: Maybe it's the tache, maybe it's his pseudo tough guy routine, maybe it's the fact that he's just completely shit, but I can't help but want to watch Melbourne just to see him play.

Norf- Michael Firrito: When you're nicknamed Spud you're off to a flyer, the fact that his playing output reflects that name makes it even better, but the fact he is respected by the half a dozen supporters that follow this club makes him a must see player as far as I'm concerned.

Port Adelaide- Kane Cornes: His Dad hates the club and the club hates him, it's an amazing situation. Throw in he's actually won a couple of B&F's and watching him desperately trying each week to hang onto his place in the senior team regardless of how well he plays can't be missed.

Richmond- Jake King: This guy actually plays football for a living. He is the footballing equivalent of Scott Muller, a guy who despite achieving nothing on the playing field is still famous.

St Kilda- Brett Peake: This man single handedly embodies everything I admire in a footballer who's played 10 years as a professional... He's is shit in every aspect of the game.

Sydney- Ted Richards: Not a terrible player but everytime I look at him I laugh, I like to laugh, so I like to watch him play.

WCE- Chris Masten: Looks like he should camping out in city square protesting about something he doesn't quite understand, and comparing hipster tatts and heavily manicured moustaches, but he's not he's playing football... And still not quite understanding what it's all about.

Bulldogs- Jarrad Grant: I used to love Star Track and he's aged so much better than Denny Crane.

12-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Love your list Greystache -- got in ahead of me in listing duds. Anyway, I'll take it seriously:


Crows- has to be Petrenko. Underrated and undervalued, I would go after him in a trade.

Lions- Brown, I guess. That whole list is underwhelming.

Blues - Hmm. Big shorts Betts, maybe. Not a great fan of any of their players.

Pies- Tie between Pendles and Swan.. LOVE these guys. The best exponents of the art and graft of stoppage play.

Dons- Can I say Hille? Hasn't been sighted for a while, but very influential when on the park.

Freo- Pav. Boring I know, but just proves that man-crushes can last forever. Would still take him in a trade in a heartbeat, even if just for a year or two.

Cats- Hmm, I think I like Harry Taylor. Gets big jobs, does big jobs.

Suns- Gablett, I suppose. Don't watch them a lot.

GWS- The whole team has been quite enjoyable on the whole, but I don't know enough about any individual player, and I'm not about to pick Ward or Scully.

Hawks- Josh Gibson. Kinda love/hate relationship here, can't stand that he's too small for his role, so he can't actually mark the ball but just keeps belting it away, but can't help admiring his reading of the game. If he was about 5cm taller he would be in the Lake class of dominant backmen. Can't STAND Buddy and Rioli.

Dees- Colin Garland. Only because of his last quarter marks and goals against the Dons last week. On another note, we should go after Davey and/or Sylvia.

Kangas- Urgh. Maybe Harvey. What's wrong with Urquhart? Moneyball pick?

Power- Rodan and Carlisle, if I had to pick.

Tigers- Dustin Martin. My no.1 pick if trading a player in from another club (tied with Pendles). Jumping Jack is pretty fun to watch too, and I do like Houli. Oh wait, NAHAAAASSSS!!!! This guy never gets tackled in the forward 50 and makes great decisions.

Swans- Goodes. An oldie but a goodie.

Saints- Lenny Hayes. Warrior. Probably my favourite player from another club, wish he was a Dog. Farran still runs around in circles and kicks aimlessly.

Eagles- I don't know, actually. Big Cox, probably.

Dogs- Murph. Brilliance incarnate.

ps. Don't know how I forgot Jimmy Bartel. Easily my favourite player from another club.

Ghost Dog
12-06-2012, 04:11 PM

Jake King - I rest my case.

12-06-2012, 06:22 PM
Adelaide - Taylor Walker. Hate his mullet, and hate that commentators use his full name EVERY time he gets it....but love how sweetly he times a 60 metre bomb on goal.

Brisbane - Jono Brown. Hard to go past him on any level.

Carlton - Judd - just for the ability to win a clearance with three blokes hanging off him.

Collingwood - Pendlebury for his smooth moving and Dale Thomas for his frantic attack on the footy - both for ability to create.

Essendon - Watson. I love a 'slow player that can't kick' - that finds a way to ave a huge influence every week with footy smarts.

Freo - Nat Fyfe - he's a freak. May end up one of the very very top echelon players - if he can free himself of injury.

Geelong - Bartel - just a hero of a player. Doesn't have pace or athleticism - just knows how to play footy and stands up in the big games and moments.

Suns - Gary. Best player in the game - can do it all.

GWS - Not really sure yet. Ward is pretty impressive.

Hawks - Jordan Lewis, his 2011 finals (particularly his attack on the footy) impressed me.

Demons - quickly becoming Jeremy Howe. Hangers!

Kangaroos - Tough question...perhaps Petrie for his contested marking.

Power - Hartlett is an emerging talent.

Tigers - Cotchin. Love his awareness, and understated toughness - in heavy traffic.

Swans - Jude Bolton. Tough, committed, team man - very much the same ilk as Hayes and Bartel with a shade or two less talent. But a competitor and just seems like a great bloke.

Saints: Lenny Hayes....just a champion and goes about it the right way.

Eagles - Nic Nat - excitement factor.

Dogs - Bob Murphy, pleasure to watch what he can do.

13-06-2012, 10:28 AM
I'm not sure how much I can add to that already posted, but I'll give it a go…

Crows- Rory Sloane: Have been watching him and like the guy.

Lions- Jonathan “Man Mountain” Brown: Why? Because he's heeeeyoooooge!

Blues- Mitch Robinson As said above, admire the hardness.

Pies- Daisy Thomas: Proved himself in the 2010 GFs. Was great to see someone long-maligned come of age.

Dons- Dustin Fletcher: Love the Fletch! He's the definition of club champion. Also: 20 years playing an outdoor sport in Australia and is paler than a Pom.

Freo- The Pav: Another champ, looks like a warrior of old with the schnozz…

Cats- Jimmy Bartel: Nicest man in football, star player to back it up.

Suns- Karmichael Hunt: I like how he's gone about the change, and reckon he's a good player.

GWS- Callan Ward: I won't say why, as it would be bad form. Think “Nathan Brown”.

Hawks- Cyril Rioli: Delicious!

Dees- Nathan Jones: Tough, gives his all every time.

Kangas Tough one. The only NM game I ever watch is when they play us, and I have to admit: I just don't give a toss about North. Not enough to have any kind of opinion on their players. Not Harvey is the best I can offer.

Power See North Melbourne.

Tigers- Ivan Maric: I admit it, the Mullet has won me over.

Swans- Adam Goodes: No explanation necessary.

Saints- The Milne Rat: I hate the guy, but love watching him play. Does that make sense?

Eagles- Nic Nat: Would give all I had to put a red, white and blue jumper on the man.

Dogs- Luke Dahlhaus: The excitement in the crowd when he gets the ball is palpable.

13-06-2012, 10:42 AM
Crows- Rory Sloane- look so laconic, great to watch

Lions- Simon Black- One of the best ever, pleasure to watch.

Blues- Nick Duigan- would be one of those players i'd love to have at the dogs, hard and uncompromising.

Pies- Pendlebury- One of/ if not the best big game player in the comp.


Freo- Michael Barlow- Liked watching him at Werribee, like watching him at freo

Cats- Corey Enright- One of my fav non bulldog players

Suns- Dion Prestia- Super imressed with this kid

GWS- Tomas Bugg- Supercoach reasons

Hawks- Buddy- Nuff said

Dees- Cale Morton- He makes me laugh

Kangas- Really struggle to like anything about watching North, especially their "tough guys".I do enjoy watching Lindsay Thomas kick for goal

Power-Harlett looks class

Tigers- Trent Cotchin- Will be elite in 1-2 yrs

Swans- Josh Kennedy- Backed him to win the brownmlow in rd 1 ($81), like watching him play well.

Saints- Lenny Hayes- Champion player, his effort in the tied grand final was unbelievable

Eagles- The Q Stick- what a douche bag!!

Dogs- Libba- The ability to find a team mate in traffic is just awesome to watch.

dog town
13-06-2012, 09:21 PM
Not the best players just guys I enjoy watching for various reasons.

Adelaide- Scott Thompson - Just love the way he goes about it, absolute warrior. Amazing rig on him as well these days just quietly.

Brisbane- Not many to be honest. Not his fault but the game has gone away from J.Brown. Painful to watch him at times now. Simon Black was my favourite for a long time and still gives the odd glimpse.

Carlton- Love watching Chris Yarran. Cant think of many guys that can run away from people the way he can. Not sure how much effect he has on every contest but sure is fun to watch. A guilty pleasure.

Collingwood- Luke Ball - This guy was gone. A year later gives Lenny Hayes (of all people) a touch up in the grand final replay. Just found a way to make his game work at the top level. Anyone who can do that to Lenny Hayes in a game of that magnitude has my absolute respect. Just a tough bugger to go with it.

Essendon- Jobe Watson - Amazing vision and poise with the footy. Have to respect the way he has changed his body shape. Very impressive speaker.

Freo- Stephen Hill- Another guilty pleasure. Incredibly frustrating when he gets tagged and barely touches it. When he does get off the leash he is glorious to watch. Apologies to Luke McPharlin who has been underrated in the eastern states for a long time.

Geelong- Love them all. Very hard to choose. Would probably have to take Bartel or Scarlett. The entire team is like this but Bartel has an amazing will to win.

Suns- Liked the look of Brandon Matera last year. I think they are using him the wrong way this season. Will no doubt be an annoying little shit of a small forward for a long time to come.

GWS- Setanta - Believe it or not I loved watching him at Carlton. Reminded me of a poor mans Matty Richardson. Just gives everything, emotional and aggressive. Would take a hanger then play on and get caught.

Hawthorn- Jordan Lewis - I have gone full circle on this guy. Talks tough but walks the walk. Always takes his turn, plays brilliantly in big games and is no longer just a token tough guy.

Melbourne- Jack Watts - Mainly because I am going to enjoy watching the idiots who have criticised him eat humble pie. Has some great attributes and will justify his high draft pick in time. Reads it well, good distributor, questionable bloke but will make it.

North- Tough gig. Pass.

Power- Trengove - Really big potential as a key defender. Always respect the guys who dont take the easy way out.

Swans- So many of them. Will go with Jude Bolton. Just a crazy person. Apologies to many.

Saints- Lenny Hayes - Tough, great leader, underrated ball user, worlds best candy seller and a great bloke.

Eagles- Beau Waters - Really courageous player and a decent ball user. Probably didn't realise how good he was until I watched them live a few weeks in a row. Also ate a teammates live gold fish straight out of the bowl during mad monday premiership celebrations.

Happy Days
13-06-2012, 11:41 PM
Adelaide: Rory Sloane - Hard as, but not to the detriment of his skills

Brisbane: Jared Polec - Will ALWAYS try to take on anyone and everyone he can get near, often to little effect but it's still entertaining to watch

Carlton: Chris Yarran - Such a beautiful kick, and at such pace too

Collingwood: Dale Thomas - Just does everything so well, and after the GC game a couple of weeks ago finally convinced me he's not a dickhead

Essendon: Dyson Heppel - His spin-move should be talked about in the same vein as Dustin Martin's don't argue

Freo: Matthew Pavlich - Love SuperPav, could line up anywhere on the ground and probably be AA at it.

Geelong: Steve Johnson - Plays like an absolute smart arse, but is always entertaining. Re-invented the way set shots are taken on even a slightly tough angle

Gold Coast: Ablett by default, the Suns are spiritless and a bore to watch

GWS: As above except they don't have anyone even close to Ablett. Someone needs to tell them that starting a fight as a ritual in the 2nd/3rd quarter is stupid.

Hawthorn: Buddy

Melbourne: Jack Watts - Had some dealings with him earlier this year and suffice to say he is an outstanding human being who I really want to see do well

North: Drew Petrie - Love watching him push players around one on one. The most harshly dealt with player in the league in terms of umpiring towards him

Port: Hamish Hartlett - Shows a lot of class and skill, hopefully can keep his body in check

Richmond: Dustin Martin - Plays with such an aggression but is still an amazing kick

St. Kilda: Brendon Goddard - Best kick in the world

Sydney: Adam Goodes - Same as Pav

West Coast: Nic Nat - Still can't use the ball, but think he may jump over another ruckman any day now.

17-06-2012, 12:11 PM
Adelaide - Kurt Tippet - He's just the sort of player we need
Brisbane - Simon Black - Been a terrific player over the journey
Carlton - Andrew Walker - We should have pushed harder to get him
Collingwood - Scott Pendlebury
Essendon - Jobe Watson
Fremantle - Michael Barlow - How did we miss him?
Geelong - Jimmy Bartel
Hawthorn - Luke Hodge - Great user of the ball
GC Suns - GA
GWS - Callan Ward
Melbourne - Jeremy Howe
North Melb - Boomer Harvey
Port - Jackson Trengove - He would be ideal for us
Richmond - Trent Cotchin
St Kilda - Leigh Montagna
Sydney - Josh Kennedy
West Coast - Dean Cox

19-06-2012, 10:33 AM
Adelaide - Kurt Tippet - He's just the sort of player we need
Brisbane - Simon Black - Been a terrific player over the journey
Carlton - Andrew Walker - We should have pushed harder to get him
Collingwood - Scott Pendlebury
Essendon - Jobe Watson
Fremantle - Michael Barlow - How did we miss him?
Geelong - Jimmy Bartel
Hawthorn - Luke Hodge - Great user of the ball
GC Suns - GA
GWS - Callan Ward
Melbourne - Jeremy Howe
North Melb - Boomer Harvey
Port - Jackson Trengove - He would be ideal for us
Richmond - Trent Cotchin
St Kilda - Leigh Montagna
Sydney - Josh Kennedy
West Coast - Dean Cox

Not after his effort against Roughy on Sunday he wouldn't Very ordinary indeed.

19-06-2012, 11:12 AM
I don't like many players from other clubs but do like watching:

* Gablett
* Buddy
* Cyril
* Yarran
* Hill (freo)
*J Brown

19-06-2012, 07:30 PM
Not after his effort against Roughy on Sunday he wouldn't Very ordinary indeed.

Wrecked his middle finger in a contest and struggled. He's a terrifically versatile player who moves well between ruck, forward and defenders positions.

21-06-2012, 06:03 PM
Adelaide-What's his name that bogan down the forward line....ummmmm. It's left me, anyway him. Taylor Walker!
Lions- Brown.
Blues - Armfield
Pies- Wellingham
Dons- Dempsey
Freo- Fyfe
Cats- Stevie J
Suns- Harley Bennell
GWS- Campbell
Hawks- Lewis
Dees- Maloney
Kangas- Petrie
Power- No one.
Tigers- Jack
Swans- Goodsey.
Saints- Milney
Eagles- Nic Nat

Dogs- Griffen

23-06-2012, 12:13 AM
I found the 'Who do you hate' thread too difficult, so popped over to this one.

Adelaide: Rory Sloane. Great run, hard at the ball.

Lions: J Brown. Classic Aussie bloke, great to watch.

Blues: Mitch Robinson. I don't particularly like him, but he is great to watch.

Pies: Pendlebury. Don't mind Daisy these days, used to give me the sh*ts.

Essendon: Crameri. Love where he's come from, what he's able to do.

Freo: Fyfe and Hill. I love the promise of a young player.

Cats: Bartel. He is great. Nothing more to say.

GC: Enjoyed McKenzie last year, Ablett is a joy to watch. I look forward to when he gets to play in a competitive team again.

GWS: Callan Ward is still one of my favourite players in the AFL.

Hawks: Buddy. Definitely NOT Cyril, does some nice things but MY GOD is he overrated.

Demons: Jeremy Howe has burst onto the scene this year, an individual highlights reel (and does a fair bit that doesn't make the highlights too!)

Kangas: I really dislike the Kangaroos. Brent Harvey was the first name I thought of for the other thread.

Port: Schulz, I guess.

Richmond: Cotchin. Loved watching Martin last year, but hasn't been as prolific this year.

Swans: Mumford, when he's fit and firing is great to watch. Massive unit, but moves with ease.

Saints: Lenny Hayes. Like Bartel, he is great.

Eagles: Beau Waters. I do love a bit of Nic Nat too...

Dogs: Dahlhaus makes me so happy. And I am proud to say that, as a heterosexual male.

23-06-2012, 09:10 AM
I found the 'Who do you hate' thread too difficult, so popped over to this one.

I'm the opposite I don't like many opposition players.

Probably Bartel, J Brown and Nic Nat

23-06-2012, 11:44 AM
Adelaide - Tippett
Brisbane - Simon Black - love to watch him play. brilliant
Carlton - Marc Murphy
Collingwood - Scott Pendlebury
Essendon - Jobe Watson
Fremantle - Pav
Hawthorn - Luke Hodge
GC Suns - Gary Ablett
GWS - Callan Ward (he was good for us and is still the same for them)
Melbourne - Mitch Clarke
North Melb - Harvey - old player who still runs rings around the young ones
Port - no thanks
Richmond - Robbie Nahas
St Kilda - Lenny Hayes
Sydney - Goodes
West Coast - Nic Nat - Awesome