View Full Version : Arguing/fighting at the footy with opposition supporters

22-09-2007, 11:34 PM
We all have stories about having arguments/fights at the footy what are some interesting ones that you have been involved it?

Here’s a couple of standout ones in my many many years of going to the footy…

• One time at Moorabbin this goes back some 25 years, we were playing St Kilda and Darryl Cotton was sitting not far from us ( St Kilda supporter ) and he was just an idiot know all but knew nothing ( you know the type) so a friend at the time turned around and told him to shut up, Cotton responded and told him to try and support a team which character not some team that lives in a dump. It went on for two quarters, Dogs came back and won the game, my friend turned to Cotton and said Mate, how about you stick to singing those crap songs of yours and those twice weekly hairdressing perm/tips appointments, Cotton’s friend took a swipe at my friend and poor innocent me trying to break it up gets hit over the head with a plastic bag that had a blanket in it ( thankfully, I might add). Looking back now it was quite funny.

• This one concerns North Melbourne again quite a while back, after playing North at Arden Street and winning that game, we used to catch train/bus to get back home, this story happened in my teens ( many moons ago) As we are walking away from Arden Street some idiot with a Kangaroos flag clocks me over the head with it, I asked him why did you do that…the bloke goes “Simple, your stupid team beat my team” and I thought someone should suffer for it”, I turned around and kicked him in the shins ( those Ugg boots did the trick) and ran….many years later, an ex of mine introduced me to his cousin, you guessed it was that idiot that hit me over the head with the flag, gees did we laugh about that incident.

I have some more stories and will post some later…feel free to share your supporter stories….

23-09-2007, 09:52 AM
The only time I got in a schuffle at the footy was at Whitten Oval. It was versus the Swans and it ended being a draw. Possibly late 80s early 90s. Jason Watt might have drawn it for us?
With the poor weather we went to the covered outer. According to a Swans fan every bulldog player was a poofter and ball over the boundary was deliberate.
I just countered by calling the Swans players the same.
In the end we escaped with a draw when we should have lost and sort of stuck in his face. He got close so I just pushed him off. In seconds there was 4 or 5 around us but it cooled down. Almost got messy.

23-09-2007, 10:01 AM
The only time I wanted to clock someone was also at Whitten Oval. In the Fitzroy sharing days. Standing in our usual spot between the races we were joined by a number of Fitzroy fans who again abused our players.
It got worse and in the end they basically raciallly abused my father.
I never forgot some of the faces. I saw them at the Napier Hotel in Fitzroy a few times. I'm pretty sure one of them died in a stair fall in "The Club" in Smith St Collingwood
Another of the dickheads was recently on 1v100 where he buggered up and lost over 100K.

23-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Never been in a physical altercation at the football. Once as a youngster though, running around with another Dogs supporting mate at Football Park having a dob in the car park, we kicked the ball and snapped off a Crows supporters aerial. The old bloke, after seeing us in Dogs scarfs came over and started threatening us - we were about 12 years old, from memory it could've been 1997. My mates father came over and a bit of a tussle ensured with a few punches thrown. My mates dad won, and the Dogs won the game. Good times.

23-09-2007, 11:45 AM
Another one that springs to mind...

Whist sitting at the MCG ( this one goes back a quite a few years also) and this time we were playing Melbourne.

My friends and I were discussing the game and the tactics the Bulldogs should employ so they could beat Melbourne. One of my friends noticed a few Melbourne supporters listening to the conversation and decided to start having a dig at Garry Lyon and how useless he was in the first two quarters one of the guys from the Melbourne camp decided to put his two cents in and it was on...verbally yelling at each other etc it went on for about 10 minutes until the Melb guy turned around and said..."Listen, I really don't know why I am arguing, I don't really know anything about Melbourne but I think Garry Lyon is a good bloke. With that he took out his thermos poured himself a cup of tea and proceeded to watch the game. We lost that game and as we were walking away from our seats ready to leave the Melb guy pipes up..."at least I know something about winning, unlike you losers. Gees it was funny.

23-09-2007, 12:38 PM
I've never really been in too many arguments, people usually laugh at me because I never shut up during the match...although some people don't appreciate it I guess, but usually I know more of their team anyway, so they shouldn't complain. When I was younger though, I was at an Essendon game and there was a drunk Bombers fan next to me, and he was getting really abusive, and whenever I said 'Go Dogs' or 'Go Westy' or something he started having a go at me, and his wife ended up moving him away, by force. I was so scared, I think I was about 7.

The Coon Dog
23-09-2007, 12:56 PM
I went to the Bulldogs v Hawthorn clash at the MCG this season. I sat next to a Bulldog supporter who kept on hitting me...particularly when Nathan Eagleton got the ball.

23-09-2007, 02:59 PM
I went to the Bulldogs v Hawthorn clash at the MCG this season. I sat next to a Bulldog supporter who kept on hitting me...particularly when Nathan Eagleton got the ball.

He should have done us all a favour and gone the biff on your big ugly mug. You barrack like a jellyfish lost in a sock.

Dry Rot
23-09-2007, 04:42 PM
A guy brandished a knife at me many moons ago at the SCG post a Roosters v Sea Eagles game - dunno what his problem was, his team won.

A North guy pulled a knife on a Saints friend of mine post a Roos v Saints night game at the SCG, but she deserved it.

Had a couple of verbal stoushes with young Swans at the SCG - they are just ignorant knobs.

Had a great time at the '99 Dogs v Swans game at the SCG. Scored a great Swans members seat on the wing and made my way through a sea of red and white, disguised.

Waited till the game was about to start, stood up, removed my coat and revealed my red, white and blue to the crowd. Felt like a superman. Copped heaps, and we got hammered in the first quarter, down by about 45 points.

But then we turned the game around and won by about 24 points (yes, we used to be able to win at the SCG) and gave the crowd heaps.

23-09-2007, 07:17 PM
This year at the eagles dogs game i was sitting amongst a bunch of feral eagles supporters. This got very intense and after i gave a few sledges towards ben cousins the crowd was well and truly down my throat and as we was getting thumped i was ready to rumble and go a few rounds.

The last qtr began and i stood to my feet and screamed at the top of my lungs u bunch of drug cheating ferals ur nothing but gutter scum i'll take u all on.

Lets just say i got a few punches in and was quietly escorted out of the dome.

The Coon Dog
23-09-2007, 07:38 PM
Welcome G#1Fan. You must have had a few to drink first & welcome to WOOF.

23-09-2007, 07:49 PM
This year at the eagles dogs game i was sitting amongst a bunch of feral eagles supporters. This got very intense and after i gave a few sledges towards ben cousins the crowd was well and truly down my throat and as we was getting thumped i was ready to rumble and go a few rounds.

Guess you will remember that for a while to come, even where we were sitting the amount of boos and Bulldog supporters having a go at Cousins was unbelievable.

Welcome to WOOF and happy posting. :)

W W Biscuit
24-09-2007, 07:40 AM
* Footscray vs Essendon at VFL Park in the late 70s. Being just nippers, my mates and I were clinging to the inside of the boundary fence deep into time on in the last quarter. Of course, it was standard practice in those days to barnstorm the field at the end of the game. When the siren blew, I scrambled over the fence, only to receive a 'helping hand' from some toothless, old Essendon hag. I nosedived into the turf and, as I regained my dignity, turned to see her cackling away like the Wicked Witch of the East. My 9 year old comeback was, "I'm going to sue you!!" This made her cackle even harder. Then she pulled a cloke over her head and disappeared (okay, the last sentence is BS).

* Not an altercation, but kinda cute. As a kid, I regularly made the trip down to Kardinia Park with my Geelong supporting dad. After one Dogs-Cats game, we were filing out of the ground when I took leave from my dad to buy The Herald. I made a beeline for a paperboy standing next to a stack of Heralds. However, as I approached he walked away for some reason. Being an honest lad, I grabbed a paper from the stack and stood there waiting for him to come back. After about a minute, I felt someone grab my hand. I looked around, startled, to see that a Geelong supporting granny had pushed twenty cents into my palm. She picked up a paper and shuffled off. So did I, with a free paper and - for a kid in those days - a tidy profit. :)

24-09-2007, 09:14 AM
Haha, good stories. Interesting thread so far, let's hear some more.