View Full Version : Bulldogs in turmoil

21-10-2007, 01:04 PM
According to Caroline Wilson the bulldogs are in crisis. The 'fallout has only just begun". Bickering between CEO and eade

21-10-2007, 01:28 PM
I'm not 100% sure that she specifically mentioned the Bulldogs however, there has been speculation that there has been trouble at the Kennel now for a couple of weeks now.

I hope that the club gets on the front foot with this.

21-10-2007, 03:45 PM
Trust me, I was watching , she said the bulldogs. Makes sense, lost the last 7 games, 4 assistants walk, Mcmahon takes swipe, Eade has unsettled clubs in the past. I'm not surprised. Bring on Peter Sumich, dont waste another year.

21-10-2007, 05:24 PM
Trust me, I was watching , she said the bulldogs. Makes sense, lost the last 7 games, 4 assistants walk, Mcmahon takes swipe, Eade has unsettled clubs in the past. I'm not surprised. Bring on Peter Sumich, dont waste another year.

Well we know for sure that Monty was given too good of an opportunity to pass up on and to some extent Drain was as well. Wellman hadn't been setting the world on fire and it was probably a good time to go. Bond was a huge loss but even he acknowledged that Eade did what he could to help him get a senior coaching job.

You seem to be a bit keen on getting Eade out of the way but perhaps more things will become evident over the next week or two.

Why do you rate Sumich so highly?

21-10-2007, 05:36 PM
I believe he is the best assistant coach. I like what he has to say about the game, what he has done as a coach in the past. Don't be fooled by the "good onya mum, tiptop's the one'' ads of the early 90's. He is no fool! Freo ,Melb, Essendon will regret not taking him.

21-10-2007, 06:27 PM
I believe he is the best assistant coach. I like what he has to say about the game, what he has done as a coach in the past. Don't be fooled by the "good onya mum, tiptop's the one'' ads of the early 90's. He is no fool! Freo ,Melb, Essendon will regret not taking him.

So you think Eade should be moved on even with a couple of more years left on the contract?

21-10-2007, 07:26 PM
If he is the reason for the turmoil, then yes. Who knows whats going on

21-10-2007, 07:30 PM
If he is the reason for the turmoil, then yes. Who knows whats going on

Is anything really as black and white as that? For what it's worth a think Sumich would be the wrong person for our club regardless of his reputation. If we were to replace Eade, and I don't think we will, we should look at someone with a fair bit of senior experience.

21-10-2007, 07:50 PM
Why do we need an experienced coach? Look at Worsfold, Roo's and Clarkson. Nothing wrong with inexperienced coach, just need the right one

21-10-2007, 08:02 PM
Why do we need an experienced coach? Look at Worsfold, Roo's and Clarkson. Nothing wrong with inexperienced coach, just need the right one

But all those teams were in a lot stronger position off the field than what we are. (I know we could argue about Sydney but the AFL will never let them falter)
To break a coaches contract given the dollars Eade would be on would hurt the club in a big way and it might not be a hit that we could take. I'd rather look to work out and fix any differences that might be troubling things at the club than replace the coach.

21-10-2007, 08:10 PM
We just can't go around replacing coaches at the drop of a hat last time I checked we weren't the Richmond footy club.

Whatever problems the club has internally they will sort it out assistants come and go big deal new blood, fresh faces and an air of change will do the club good.

21-10-2007, 08:22 PM
You are right, we cant afford to pay Eade out. We should just finish last for the next 2 yrs, that should get membership and sponsorship up

21-10-2007, 08:34 PM
You are right, we cant afford to pay Eade out. We should just finish last for the next 2 yrs, that should get membership and sponsorship up

I thought we were just having a decent exchange of views but I guess not, either way the sarcasm isn't overly appreciated and not one that I will bite back on. For what it's worth I don't share your prophecy of doom.

21-10-2007, 08:50 PM
Who knows whats going on. A coach like Eade normally has to succed in his first 2 yrs. They burn to many players. When Eade left Sydney, everyone said "he didn't develop young kids, and he lost the players". Sound familiar? I hope not....

Dancin' Douggy
21-10-2007, 08:59 PM
weren't geelong in 'turmoil' last year?

The Coon Dog
21-10-2007, 09:01 PM
Who knows whats going on. A coach like Eade normally has to succed in his first 2 yrs. They burn to many players. When Eade left Sydney, everyone said "he didn't develop young kids, and he lost the players". Sound familiar? I hope not....

Yet, Adam Goodes continues to publicly thank Rocket for getting to to the level he's been able to achieve.

Tend to agree with BB's comment about sarcasm. I think that's best left elsewhere. Here, it's like we're a community & I really enjoy the healthy respect shown to posters & their opinions.

Let's hope it continues to remain that way, but jerry, I share the concern you have & it would be nice if we really (& I mean really) knew what was going on. Obviously we don't, consequently we're obligated to respond to rumour & innuendo.

21-10-2007, 09:01 PM
When Eade left Sydney, everyone said "he didn't develop young kids, and he lost the players". Sound familiar? I hope not....

Not sure I agree with this. Eade played Higgins, Everitt, Williams Lynch, Harbrow and Hill whilst resisting the temptation of bringing back Robbins and Faulkner. He seemed very keen to develop the youngsters this year and basically the losses mounted up when we had a number of first year players in the team.
I guess there is a few things that some could be critical of Eade about but not playing the youngsters should not be one of them.

21-10-2007, 09:02 PM
weren't geelong in 'turmoil' last year?

They sure were and people wanted Bombers head on the chopping block if you look now he is a Premiership coach. So some good luck and the players all dedicated and striving to do the same thing who knows where we will go.

21-10-2007, 09:17 PM
There is more to developing kids then just giving them a game GVGjr. Otherwise anyone could coach. To take a talented youngster to A grade player takes a lot.

21-10-2007, 09:28 PM
There is more to developing kids then just giving them a game GVGjr. Otherwise anyone could coach. To take a talented youngster to A grade player takes a lot.

I don't get this. Giving them senior games experience is generally regarded as a good thing for their development. It's not like he left them stranded on the bench for 3 out of the 4 quarters either. He also waited until they displayed some good form back at Werribee before playing them giving them the best opportunity to succeed. We also had Mifsud appointed as a development coach which was a positive step. I'm not sure how you can draw a bow that he wasn't working to develop the younger group.
It's seems you have a problem with him and that's fine we are typically on here to discuss things but your argument is somewhat vague, disjointed and not really supported by a lot of facts.

He had problems at Sydney that he should have handled better but he's better for the experience. I suppose we will read and hear more about this tomorrow. I'll record the show tomorrow morning for a closer look.

22-10-2007, 02:46 AM
I really think and hope that this is a beat up. I think Eade has done a great job, considering where we were 3 years ago when he took over. Yes 2007 was disappointing, but I do believe as well that much of the reason for 2007 was that personnel in the club (playing and non-playing) stopped listening to the message and went their own way. I don't think Eade has lost the players and if he has a problem with Cam Rose then I would suggest that its something Smorgan and the Board of Directors need to sort out and sacking one or the other is not an option - they are grown men who 3 years ago signed up to a vision.

Certainly what we have seen of Eade in that time is his willingless to give people a go, but also his ruthlessness when they don't take on board his way of doing things. I think his decisions about much of our playing group and assistant's have been on the ball. His trading to date has been on the money and certainly he has not undervalued any of the players traded. As for his player development, well that speaks for itself. If you look at the key players in the side when he coached his first game in 2005 compared to the key players now then he has definitely succeeded in making us less reliant on 5 individuals.

As for replacemeents for Eade? I think its a little premature. Its one thing to sack a coach who has underperformed, I don't think that is the case here. Sumich? Maybe, but I think I'd prefer Hardwick if we were going to go down the path of replacing Eade.

22-10-2007, 07:02 AM
Great post there Fredi and I agree with just about everything you have said. I'm not as convinced about Hardwick though.

22-10-2007, 08:50 AM
Just watched the replay and Caroline's final comments were about two financial struggling clubs which was us and the Kangaroos.

1) Mentioned the Kangaroos and the problems with the board and the prolonged effort in signing of Laidley as a negative.
2) Mentioned the Bulldogs that the coach and CEO weren't getting on and other people leaving left and right as a negative.

She may have also mentioned that we will hear more about this.

I don't think she told us anything more that we haven't already been hearing for a couple of weeks ourselves.

22-10-2007, 11:08 PM
Just watched the replay and Caroline's final comments were about two financial struggling clubs which was us and the Kangaroos.

1) Mentioned the Kangaroos and the problems with the board and the prolonged effort in signing of Laidley as a negative.
2) Mentioned the Bulldogs that the coach and CEO weren't getting on and other people leaving left and right as a negative.

She may have also mentioned that we will hear more about this.

I don't think she told us anything more that we haven't already been hearing for a couple of weeks ourselves.

Eade will explain afew things on SEN, this thursday after 4pm.

23-10-2007, 04:01 PM
You are right, we cant afford to pay Eade out. We should just finish last for the next 2 yrs, that should get membership and sponsorship up

I'll be willing to bet $1000 with you that we won't be coming last for the next 2 years.

23-10-2007, 04:03 PM
There is more to developing kids then just giving them a game GVGjr. Otherwise anyone could coach. To take a talented youngster to A grade player takes a lot.

So Adam Goodes would be quite a good person for Rodney to put on his resume then?

23-10-2007, 04:15 PM
2007 was disappointing, but I do believe as well that much of the reason for 2007 was that personnel in the club (playing and non-playing) stopped listening to the message and went their own way. I don't think Eade has lost the players .

If players stop listening to the message doesn't that mean that the coach has lost the players? I'd say Mcmahon was one that never wanted to listen.

This year was a rather interesting one for our club and Rocket tried quite a few new things. Some I agreed with, others I didn't. The most intriguing one was Scott West starting in the forward line.

I didn't like it because it deprived our midfield but I liked it because Eade was throwing our younger players into the deep end.

A few of our players improved a lot this year and I was very happy with Boyd's continued improvement. It's crucial for our side to have Boyd and Cross in.

Dry Rot
23-10-2007, 04:18 PM
I didn't like it because it deprived our midfield but I liked it because Eade was throwing our younger players into the deep end.

IIRC in 2005 and 2007 the Pies were struck down with many injuries, forcing Malthouse to play young players. They didn't do so well in 2005 but did bloody well in 2007.

I hope that throwing some of our young guys in at the deep end hasn't hurt them either.

Bulldog Revolution
23-10-2007, 04:57 PM
If players stop listening to the message doesn't that mean that the coach has lost the players? I'd say Mcmahon was one that never wanted to listen.

The 9 time champion, zen embracing basketball coach Phil Jackson of the Los Angeles Lakers talks about players coming to him with their rice bowls empty, ready to learn and not thinking they know everything about the game.

23-10-2007, 10:24 PM
The 9 time champion, zen embracing basketball coach Phil Jackson of the Los Angeles Lakers talks about players coming to him with their rice bowls empty, ready to learn and not thinking they know everything about the game.

Makes me think about the movie Kill Bill #2

23-10-2007, 10:47 PM
If players stop listening to the message doesn't that mean that the coach has lost the players? I'd say Mcmahon was one that never wanted to listen.

I didn't quite mean it that way. What I was driving t was that players stopped listening in the sense that they stopped doing all of the things which had made them successful. I don't think that this was a refelction on Rocket, but more of a reflection that the group as a whole drifted into a comfort zone.....things were going well, natural improvement would automatically come, someone would play a blinder and drag us over the line, darcy was back (and Murphy and hahn) etc.....those sorts of things.

Rocket warned us that reaching the finals in 06 wouldn't guarantee success, but I think some guys just failed to listen and take heed of the warning. is that rocket's fault? maybe, but then I think some guys, McMahon, Faulkner, Eagleton, Power, Robbins etc were probably not the type of guys to listen and learn.