View Full Version : Feedback Please: Would you donate your membership pack for next year?

27-02-2014, 03:29 PM
Hi All,

I've been in touch with the club on a few ideas about membership, and the contact is fantastic, not too mention they have a hard task.

I would like to know whether you would donate your membership pack next year, if you don't really utilise it or would like to donate it. I tried to donate mine this year to a under privileged child in the tickets you can purchase for them along with your membership. But logistically it was too hard. Also many on here don't seem to do a lot with their packs.

Consequently, if we or the club set up a facility and put some staffing hours into it, would you consider donating your pack to an under privileged child who is given tickets as a part of our community program.

There is also an idea that you could either do this or 'opt out' and see that money going back into the club. I will relay any feedback next week or so, so if you read this please provide some feedback, it would be much appreciated and well used by decision makers at the club.

These are just ideas, no decisions have been made, the WBFC did not solicit this thread and no comments made by me necessarily reflect any views or anybody employed by the WBFC.


Daughter of the West
27-02-2014, 04:18 PM
I would absolutely love to see my membership pack either go to an underprivileged child or to opt out of receiving them. I don't wear caps, ever, and I have no less than fifteen bulldogs caps at my house. I love my membership, but I'm not particularly fond of all the trinkets that accompany it. Any solutions that would delete the extras would be great.

27-02-2014, 04:23 PM
I would absolutely love to see my membership pack either go to an underprivileged child or to opt out of receiving them. I don't wear caps, ever, and I have no less than fifteen bulldogs caps at my house. I love my membership, but I'm not particularly fond of all the trinkets that accompany it. Any solutions that would delete the extras would be great.

I agree with you, but pressed the wrong vote :( (can you change mine?)

I have so many scarves and caps its not funny and would love to donate them right now if I could.

Remi Moses
27-02-2014, 05:13 PM
Like to see it go back and redistributed to an underprivileged family.
Got about 10 back packs, hats galore and scarves.
Appreciate the pack, but it's a good idea to donate to others.

27-02-2014, 07:10 PM
BT is this like the Bulldogs Backyard endeavour?

I use my membership but would happily buy another if it was going to a potential Bulldogs fan.

27-02-2014, 07:33 PM
BT is this like the Bulldogs Backyard endeavour?

I use my membership but would happily buy another if it was going to a potential Bulldogs fan.

Yeah, that's where it started. Long story... After we found Peter put a million, I felt compelled to do a little more. So I did another VFL contribution and did two lots of the backyard. I asked what the kids get and it seemed a little light on. So I asked them to re-route my members pack which was not sent for some reason, ie it would give the kids stickers to put on their school diaries and tell their friends how good we are. But it was logistically very, very difficult so I gave it away to a family friends child. So in dealing with someone at the club I asked if we could look at this because (if WOOF is anything to go on) there seems to be lifetime members who would love to give a young child a smile by giving another lanyard of sticker to a child going to games. So (among other things) I said I'd do a straw poll on here and go back with the results.

27-02-2014, 09:18 PM
I would love to be able to donate my pack to a under privallaged kid.

Happy Days
28-02-2014, 11:25 AM
I'd also be down to donate my pack, but with the opt out option maybe we could redistribute the funds that would otherwise be spent on the pack? Maybe $5 or so from each opt out membership could go to the needy.

28-02-2014, 12:42 PM
definitely would donate the pack...I do use the scarf but would happily buy another one

28-02-2014, 01:02 PM
Very nice initiative BT, any idea if any other club does something similar? If not it would be a tick in the box for our 'community club' stance

Bulldog Joe
28-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Donation of scarves has some merit and they could surely even be prior year scarves and distributed through local schools.

I think the Bulldog Backyard is a great idea, but we should also be donating free tickets to fill up the stadium for home games against interstate clubs.

28-02-2014, 01:24 PM
Very nice initiative BT, any idea if any other club does something similar? If not it would be a tick in the box for our 'community club' stance

Thanks Lem. I don't think other clubs do it, or we didn't think so anyway. I'm personally not sure if any other club offer members the bulldogs backyard packs, but I thought it would be cool for the kids I got tickets for could get a sticker or lanyard. That kind of excitement or thought takes me back to the Western Oval in the early 90's and learning to draw the old bulldog logo on all my school books. So if longterm members don't really want the packs, these kids would love a doggies lanyard a million times more than some of us.

The only catch would be needing a staff member to manage the process and set up logistics in the IT system and membership systems, so it would take a bit more than just an idea. And on that, the idea needs testing to see if members would support it, hence the thread.

As I've said to the club, we mightn't have the premierships of other clubs, but we do have in spades is character, intigrity and spirit from a decent and passionate supporter base and can look ourselves in the mirror where others can't. So this should be a strength of ours, so if members are happy to donate or opt out or similar then it's worth looking into.

28-02-2014, 02:47 PM
I voted the donate selection or opting out is fine too. I do like a good sticker though. I have a heap of hats...

28-02-2014, 05:16 PM
Sorry, but I enjoy receiving my member's pack every year. Last year my cat received a member's cap with her Pet Membership. :confused: However, I gave it to an Aussie who was in the same nursing home as my mum. He's been living here for 30 years and as a Queenslander had no AFL team. He's now an honorary member of the Western Bulldogs and wore his cap every day at the nursing home. I brought him back a jar of Vegemite from my trip to Melbourne last week. Can't wait to see his face when I give it to him!

28-02-2014, 05:19 PM
Sorry, but I enjoy receiving my member's pack every year. Last year my cat received a member's cap with her Pet Membership. :confused: However, I gave it to an Aussie who was in the same nursing home as my mum. He's been living here for 30 years and as a Queenslander had no AFL team. He's now an honorary member of the Western Bulldogs and wore his cap every day at the nursing home. I brought him back a jar of Vegemite from my trip to Melbourne last week. Can't wait to see his face when I give it to him!

No need to apologise at all, I'm just testing the water. The feedback is appreciated.

28-02-2014, 05:44 PM
Can't wait to see his face when I give it to him!

or when he tries to eat it :D

28-02-2014, 10:39 PM
I use my pack, have given some of the caps to my nephews.

01-03-2014, 12:08 AM
I'd be happy to see my pack go to a kid who would have a use for it. So long as I can have the 2014 bumper stickers-I think there are two of those. I've got enough scarves, caps and things to outfit a small army but last years stickers are looking a bit tatty.

01-03-2014, 12:19 AM
Would definitely donate the pack. (Still want to receive Bulldog magazine though)

02-03-2014, 01:38 PM
Thanks everyone, if you haven't voted but would like to please do.

02-03-2014, 02:34 PM
Not sure how to vote.

I still do the Bulldogs Backyard so happy to buy tickets for those who can't. I want the packs for my kids - living interstate we don't get to games much so it is the one tangible contact they have with the club. I want my fridge magnet showing the games schedule.

I DONT want anything else...

How do you staff/manage this - obviously my fridge magnet request is a stupid one (you have to either opt in or opt out of the packs that is for sure) but whilst I would happily donate my pack I would want the ones for the kids and they are all part of the same membership contract...

03-03-2014, 08:44 AM
Similar to mjp ie.live interstate and don't get to games much. We have 3 x interstate memberships for my wife and (toddler) son. Thus would be happy to donate one or two memberships.

03-03-2014, 10:56 AM
We currently receive four fridge magnets. One is great and necessary but four is probably over the top!

22-12-2014, 02:40 PM
I'm throwing it out there, are there any woofers who are wanting to see their membership packs go out to the Bulldogs backyard kids?

For me personally, I have all the stickers, hats etc to last a lifetime. My logic thinks giving kids some branded merchandise to put on school diaries or wear hats to school is better than sitting in my cupboard. I'm going to take my pack to the preseason WO game and give it to the club irregardless. If anyone is in the same boat let me know and if it's ok by the mods we can give a donation on behalf of WOOF or simply as individual members.

22-12-2014, 03:59 PM
I'm throwing it out there, are there any woofers who are wanting to see their membership packs go out to the Bulldogs backyard kids?

For me personally, I have all the stickers, hats etc to last a lifetime. My logic thinks giving kids some branded merchandise to put on school diaries or wear hats to school is better than sitting in my cupboard. I'm going to take my pack to the preseason WO game and give it to the club irregardless. If anyone is in the same boat let me know and if it's ok by the mods we can give a donation on behalf of WOOF or simply as individual members.

Awesome idea. I wish I had have seen this before I opened my pack. I've just purchased a big storage box for all my hats and scarves.

I've been racking my brain lately trying to think of ideas to give more opportunities for people to go to the footy and also for ways to raise money for debt eradication. Think I might look at a Bulldogs backyard donation too

22-12-2014, 04:59 PM
Should be a tick the box option on the renew page/documentation

22-12-2014, 05:03 PM
I would.

On a side note what happened to the key ring, it was generally the only thing I found useful in the pack.

22-12-2014, 05:17 PM
Should be a tick the box option on the renew page/documentation

Apparently too hard and costly from the club's perspective which I understand as it was explained to me in detail. But I'm happy to do all the leg work to see our stuff go to investing in a good cause and investment in future members as a civil bulldog service on any WOOFERS behalf. I think the NAB game if we can make it is the easiest way for the club to get everything, assuming most are going or know someone who is going. Otherwise I have a PO Box or could do some limited running around prior to the our game which starts at 4.40.

22-12-2014, 05:59 PM
l currently do the Bulldogs Backyard and would love to donate my pack.
Hopefully a few of these kids become members in the future!

22-12-2014, 09:11 PM
I would.

On a side note what happened to the key ring, it was generally the only thing I found useful in the pack.
I got a keyring.

22-12-2014, 09:21 PM
I'd certainly donate a cap, scarf and whatever nicknacks to a potential fan. In the past I've made sure a daughter of a mate of mine gets a few Bulldog gifts each year.

I'd also be happy to buy some extra's.

22-12-2014, 10:00 PM
It is a good idea. My kids covet the stuff to an extent, though. I will be taking up the Bulldogs Backyard option again this year.

22-12-2014, 10:11 PM
Sounds awesome one and all. I will bump the thread from time to time to keep interest. I will coordinate the donations if happy, which is simple if you're coming to the NAB game at Whitten Oval. If circumstances don't suit, please send me a PM and I will try to work something out in terms of collecting or receiving items by the said NAB game and we can present our donation together.

Thanks for the support for the idea. It's interesting some soulless clubs think that by saying they are 'the people's club' they somehow are. Where as something like this from the clubs people to help others is what the term 'people's club' actually is.

22-12-2014, 11:10 PM
Happy to donate hats, scarves, stickers etc

The Bulldogs Bite
22-12-2014, 11:55 PM
I keep the scarf and key ring, but happy to donate the cap/stickers.

23-12-2014, 06:11 AM
I got a keyring.

Don't in my pack and haven't since about 2010, which is crap as it's the only part of the pack I use.

13-02-2015, 06:37 PM

I will contact the club next week and see if we can have a drop off point.

S Coast Simon
16-02-2015, 03:03 AM
Brilliant idea bulldogtragic. It I great to read all the beautiful people on this thread willing to donate to the kids. I live on the Sunshine Coast and all my family donate our membership tickets back to the club for under privileged kids to go to the footy and watch our Bulldogs. I would gladly donate my pack if there was a way of doing it as I'm sure my family would to. While im going I would like to thank all the supporters that write updates about training as we don't get to see the boys in action very often it is great to read up on how their travelling.

16-02-2015, 01:25 PM
Absolutely. I suggested a similar idea to the club years ago but didn't get a response. I have so many scarves it is ridiculous. I suggested to the club that each they should leave the membership pack out unless the member ticks a box or something indicating they want the pack. This way the club can use the money or donate the contents for better use like promoting the club within the western region.

I also suggested the club should try to the following for 1 game to see if we can create a real home ground advantage:

1. Give members on level 1 a blue t-shirt, level 2 a white t-shirt and level 3 a red t-shirt (obviously with the Bulldogs logo)
2. Section off an area behind the goals on all levels so people wearing the t-shirt can sit.
3. Imagine seeing the top level full of red shirts, 2nd level full of white shirts and the ground level full of blue shirts.

Anyway just an idea.

16-02-2015, 02:18 PM
Absolutely. I suggested a similar idea to the club years ago but didn't get a response. I have so many scarves it is ridiculous. I suggested to the club that each they should leave the membership pack out unless the member ticks a box or something indicating they want the pack. This way the club can use the money or donate the contents for better use like promoting the club within the western region.

I also suggested the club should try to the following for 1 game to see if we can create a real home ground advantage:

1. Give members on level 1 a blue t-shirt, level 2 a white t-shirt and level 3 a red t-shirt (obviously with the Bulldogs logo)
2. Section off an area behind the goals on all levels so people wearing the t-shirt can sit.
3. Imagine seeing the top level full of red shirts, 2nd level full of white shirts and the ground level full of blue shirts.

Anyway just an idea.

Who wears a t-shirt at a night game at Etihad? That place is bloody freezing 90% of the time.

16-02-2015, 02:28 PM
Who wears a t-shirt at a night game at Etihad? That place is bloody freezing 90% of the time.

First of all how many night games do the Dogs get? They make long sleeve t-shirts these days too plus nothing stopping you wearing it over something else. It is all about creating an atmosphere that shows the opposition you are in our home ground. This is obviously hard to do at Etihad given it is the home ground for many clubs.


16-02-2015, 02:52 PM
First of all how many night games do the Dogs get? They make long sleeve t-shirts these days too plus nothing stopping you wearing it over something else. It is all about creating an atmosphere that shows the opposition you are in our home ground. This is obviously hard to do at Etihad given it is the home ground for many clubs.


5 of 10 of our home games in Melbourne are twilight or night and the 5 during the day are against crap teams (St. Kilda) or interstate clubs. I get what you're saying but the hard part would be convincing enough people to the ground during our day games against lower teams or interstate teams and then getting enough people to wear them to create an atmosphere. We get approximately 20k during these games and there are many, many, many gaps in the stands during them.

16-02-2015, 04:15 PM
5 of 10 of our home games in Melbourne are twilight or night and the 5 during the day are against crap teams (St. Kilda) or interstate clubs. I get what you're saying but the hard part would be convincing enough people to the ground during our day games against lower teams or interstate teams and then getting enough people to wear them to create an atmosphere. We get approximately 20k during these games and there are many, many, many gaps in the stands during them.

Yes I agree which is why I am just suggesting just initially for 1 game but against a team where you are going to get a bigger crowd. I am suggesting the club coordinate it and can even promote it by giving away a t-shirt for free and give free tickets to the game to those either disadvantaged or to promote the club (dial a crowd as such). If the club organised it you simply reserve a section and have bulldogs volunteers hand them out as you go into the section.

Years ago the Doggies played Melbourne and there was a group of tourists sitting behind me who had no idea about the game. So we told them to barrack for the Doggies and gave them our scarves and cap to keep. They were wrapped and began cheering for the Dogs.

The club needs to do something different. No good just copying what other clubs have already done. I understand about the poor attendance but who cares if most of the scattered 12000 attendees sit one end of the ground for 1 game. I've been to sporting events internationally and even with small numbers when you get the same supporters sitting together the volume goes up as does the intimidating feeling the opposition supporters get. I hear what you are saying but the club needs to do something different and be bold. I am not saying this is the answer but singing a song isn't going to work when it can be hard enough to get people to yell "go Doggies"

18-02-2015, 06:18 PM
From the club to interested Woofers:

" Thank you for the offer of returning some of the collateral. We would love to accept these on your behalf to distribute to the attendees of the Bulldog Backyard.

At our NAB Challenge game, we will have a membership marquee located at the main entrance and will also have a staff member at the front desk. It is likely to be quite busy but I will inform our team to expect some returned items.

Once again, thank you for your kind consideration. "

18-02-2015, 10:56 PM
Well done BT.

19-02-2015, 07:27 AM
Well done.

l have collected all the gear and bring it with me to the NAB game.

20-02-2015, 01:51 PM
Great idea...got 2 scarves this year and assorted stuff so will bring it along

25-02-2015, 05:30 PM
From the club to interested Woofers:

" Thank you for the offer of returning some of the collateral. We would love to accept these on your behalf to distribute to the attendees of the Bulldog Backyard.

At our NAB Challenge game, we will have a membership marquee located at the main entrance and will also have a staff member at the front desk. It is likely to be quite busy but I will inform our team to expect some returned items.

Once again, thank you for your kind consideration. "

Just a bump for any interested woofers on Saturday.

27-02-2015, 07:51 PM
Final Bump. Thanks All.

22-05-2015, 02:58 PM
Well done woofers, this is a question on the club's survey:

" I would use an option to donate my membership supporter pack to Western Bulldogs community programs "

YES. :)

22-05-2015, 03:00 PM
Well done woofers, this is a question on the club's survey:

" I would use an option to donate my membership supporter pack to Western Bulldogs community programs "

YES. :)

How did the initial donations go back in February?

22-05-2015, 03:04 PM
How did the initial donations go back in February?

Not sure exactly. The club had the main reception manned so I didn't have to collect anything on behalf of us. I know I gave them my stuff, so that's one.

22-05-2015, 06:52 PM
BT, in the club member survey it is now a question about donating your "add ons"

22-05-2015, 07:09 PM
BT, in the club member survey it is now a question about donating your "add ons"

I hope the response is as strong as this thread. It would be great to think our unwanted stuff may recruit future kids as members.

22-05-2015, 09:27 PM
I went through all my old scarves the other day and I have a box full. Surely they can be donated to homeless people or refugees. I have sent emails to a couple of organisations to see if they can use them.

22-05-2015, 09:35 PM
I went through all my old scarves the other day and I have a box full. Surely they can be donated to homeless people or refugees. I have sent emails to a couple of organisations to see if they can use them.

You would hope they can use them, and hopefully someone takes them, if not send me a PM and I can help with this if its not something the club wants to make the running on.

30-10-2015, 03:35 PM
How good is it that the club is officially running with this option to donate our membership packs back to the club for community programs. I saw it on the auto renew statement this week and think it's cool that our donations could go to disadvantaged kids who may just be a part of the next generation of members. Anyone donating it back too?

30-10-2015, 03:43 PM
How good is it that the club is officially running with this option to donate our membership packs back to the club for community programs. I saw it on the auto renew statement this week and think it's cool that our donations could go to disadvantaged kids who may just be a part of the next generation of members. Anyone donating it back too?

I ended up donating scarves and hats to an organisation in East malvern who distribute clothes etc to the homeles, so hopefully kept a few warm during the winter.

You would hope they can use them, and hopefully someone takes them, if not send me a PM and I can help with this if its not something the club wants to make the running on.

Yes will do this x 3 memberships.

30-10-2015, 03:46 PM
I ended up donating scarves and hats to an organisation in East malvern who distribute clothes etc to the homeles, so hopefully kept a few warm during the winter.

Yes will do this x 3 memberships.

Awesome on both fronts. I'm doing some charity work which is doing a few things, one helping clothing and home essentials for refugees. You've given me a great idea for some pre loved scarves and hats!!

30-10-2015, 03:53 PM
Awesome on both fronts. I'm doing some charity work which is doing a few things, one helping clothing and home essentials for refugees. You've given me a great idea for some pre loved scarves and hats!!

I first tried to give them to refugee organisations and none of them wanted clothing.

I thought, if you are going to settle in Australia, let's see you with a RWB scarf and cap. :)

I thing I had something like 30 plus scarves and caps as I buy three memberships per year.

30-10-2015, 03:56 PM
I first tried to give them to refugee organisations and none of them wanted clothing.

I thought, if you are going to settle in Australia, let's see you with a RWB scarf and cap. :)

I thing I had something like 30 plus scarves and caps as I buy three memberships per year.

30 scarves. 3 per year. So you've been a member for only 10 years then? :D

30-10-2015, 04:20 PM
30 scarves. 3 per year. So you've been a member for only 10 years then? :D

I knew you would say that. :D

I was just guessing approx.

Not sure when the club started including scarves.

PS: Been a member more like 45 plus years.