View Full Version : Now: Equal Bottom of The Ladder on Points (Spoon coming?)

14-06-2014, 10:23 PM
We've got one game up, being tomorrow. But as the ladder stands bottom of the ladder is 3 wins. We're not in the spoon spot right now owing to percentage only.

If the Collingwood's, Sydneys, Hawks, Cats, Ports etc, beat us than we are unfortunately in contention. If they beat us badly, our percentage may not save us a spoon.

In lieu of talking about this issue sporadically over multiple threads, this is it's home. I'm hoping the players will respond, but in being as objective as I can, I wouldn't tip us except for maybe the Saints and maybe GWS in Round 23 (and GWS this week is much better than us last week). I think that match against GWS looks like it may be a good opportunity for Roughy and Morris to sell our club to Patton, Cameron or Boyd.

If we do land the spoon, I hope we then go all out. Pick 1 on the table to GWS, offer multiple opposition players good salaries with the option to come via that trade and get another to walk with pick 1 PSD.

Not too much fun to think about, but we are equal last on points right now with a tough back season. As much pressure as there is on the club now or pressure on our players to avoid the spoon, JMac and the recruiters will be under the pump to determine potentially grand final changing decisions like 'Patton or McCartin' if those variables are apparent. We just can't get those decisions wrong.

14-06-2014, 10:25 PM
Wouldn't be a day ending in 'Y' without a new negative thread hey BT !

14-06-2014, 10:26 PM
Wouldn't be a day ending in 'Y' without a new negative thread hey BT !

There is always 'tomorrow' Ozza!

14-06-2014, 10:43 PM
Wouldn't be a day ending in 'Y' without a new negative thread hey BT !

Is it not a fact that we are equal bottom on points?

If that is the case, can not there be discussion about the issues that surround it? That we are bottom is the unpleasant or negative thing, not being allowed to discuss it.

To that end, I'm not too sure what other threads you refer to. Is the light hearted one about interstate players, talking positively and philosophically about being bulldog, favourite non top line players, the best goal you ever kicked? Or the vent here thread to centralise comments? I'm not sure what other threads constitute such a comment, but do please let me know.

14-06-2014, 11:18 PM
At the risk of discussing realistic scenarios, that is if 18th occurred, Webby's suggestion of allowing Griffen out of his contract could be interesting, if it could be done like Del Santo as the compensation would likely be pick 2. That is, not selling him, but being open to listening to hypotheticals in which Griffen is allowed to do as he wishes, moreover if the pick and free salary cap secured something else the club wanted. Letting a Griffen walk for pick 6 or 7 is nowhere near what he's worth, but picks 1 & 2 is a fascinating thought bubble, especially if another top line player walks with PSD 1. It's in the less realistic basket, but thinking and discussing aspects of certain possibilities ought not be negative, despite 18th being unpleasant to think of. Very unpleasant.

14-06-2014, 11:21 PM
Yes it's a fact we are equal bottom on points. There are 6 teams with 3 wins.
I don't really see it as necessary to be speculating on whether 'spoon is coming' 11 weeks out from the end of the season.
The negativity is pretty bloody relentless, whether it's the rejuvenated 'pack your bags' thread, selection, crameri, an element of a video about Darley, Gia, and many many more topics.

I get that there is plenty to be negative about right at the moment- I really do. I just reckon it's becoming a sport on here - and on a day where plenty of blokes in our VFL team that we've looking for improvement from all stepped up to the plate and beat the top side, that it was a good day. So I jump on here for a look and the first thing I see is a thread about us winning the spoon, so I laughed and thought 'of course! Another mood killer!'.

I'm not telling you what to write or what not to write - or anyone else for that matter. I don't definitely don't want to go 15 rounds plus time on about it either. I just personally find it tedious.

14-06-2014, 11:48 PM
Maybe you misunderstand me:

- I'm not negative on Gia, I'm suggesting the strategy to continually use him as a sub is open to question, nay, even flawed. Having a critical opinion isn't negative. I have made it clear Gia isn't to blame, I have tried to be clear and concise and have been supported by many more than have disagreed with me. If people weren't interested in having well thought out discussions where we may disagree, we wouldn't discuss them. But we are, so clearly it's somewhat interesting.

- I have no idea on Crameri negativity. I've been a supporter of his since day one. I have some understanding of various aspects of law in this area, and have given my thoughts about aspects of this. I genuinely fail to see anything I've said on Stew is negative. If the thought of a suspension isn't what you want to hear, it doesn't mean I'm being negative. If you want me to openly lie and tell you he's getting off I can't I'm sorry, Essendon have burnt him badly and I hope for the best with him. But an athlete who died in hospital and was a given a doping drug to revive him was initially suspended for 2 years, and is the only WADA appeal to be successful to my knowledge. He succeeded on the basis he would have stayed dead if not for it and was unconscious at the time.

- There are 3 pages of general unease about the lack of team changes, yet I'm called out. I think that's unfair, but that's free speech I guess.

- Again, the Darley thread has half a dozen similar views, yet I'm called out. As above.

- For god sake, the rejuvenated bags thread... Please go back to the bumping post. Please read it, copy it and post it here. The thread has at very stages encapsulated varying sentiment... Read the posts from mods after my bump explaining that it was clear the purpose for the bump, and not designed for negativity. Clearly you didn't read the bump post and posts after it, I think Westdog54 made it clear.... If people didn't want to discuss it, there wouldn't have been 200 new posts!!!

Discussing a spoon potential in and of itself is not negative. It throws up many issues that a rolling discussion over the remainder of the season. It might be unpleasant thing like pressure on players or coaches, but it might also throw up issues like Webby has voiced around our (potential) Free Agents in terms of compensation. As we move towards round 23, against GWS, it provides a place to again have rolling conversation about where we might be looking in terms of debates like going for Wright or McCartin, or trading a pick 1 for say, Jon Patton. In the history of our club, I can't recall any list manager going to the CEO or Board and telling them we are trading Pick 1. By not discussing this at all until such time as just before the trade period denies people interested in such issues the ability to think the matters through. Matters change from week to week, last weeks bad ideas could be next weeks good ideas.

By calling me out on a handful if things I strongly contend are not negative, when others are not seems selective, if not unfair. You also fail to mention numerous light hearted fun threads, and two very, very positive threads about being proud of our club, and being proud of the off field people who donate to keep us alive. "And many, many more topics".

But that's fine you equate things that are critical or unpleasant as being negative. I don't. We disagree. We move on.

Dogs 24/7
14-06-2014, 11:53 PM
Is it not a fact that we are equal bottom on points?

If that is the case, can not there be discussion about the issues that surround it? That we are bottom is the unpleasant or negative thing, not being allowed to discuss it.

To that end, I'm not too sure what other threads you refer to. Is the light hearted one about interstate players, talking positively and philosophically about being bulldog, favourite non top line players, the best goal you ever kicked? Or the vent here thread to centralise comments? I'm not sure what other threads constitute such a comment, but do please let me know.

is it not a fact that you have tried to pot McCartney after every loss in a roundabout way?not you per say because you seem more adept at loading the gun for others rather than firing the bullets yourself. death by a 1,000 cuts seems to be your MO.
It doesnt matter if its Guido and his role as a sub or the development of players or the Austin upgrade or bumping the sack McCartney thread you are very adept at swinging it back to or pointing it towards McCartney. in this current effort even the thread title is a dig at the club. You had a choice to have a positive or a negative theme to the thread but predictably chose the latter.

15-06-2014, 12:14 AM
is it not a fact that you have tried to pot McCartney after every loss in a roundabout way?not you per say because you seem more adept at loading the gun for others rather than firing the bullets yourself. death by a 1,000 cuts seems to be your MO.
It doesnt matter if its Guido and his role as a sub or the development of players or the Austin upgrade or bumping the sack McCartney thread you are very adept at swinging it back to or pointing it towards McCartney. in this current effort even the thread title is a dig at the club. You had a choice to have a positive or a negative theme to the thread but predictably chose the latter.

I have no issue with Gia, feel free to copy comments of mine which are not a critical and thoughtful as to strategy. Do any other posters support this?

Again, feel free to copy the bumping post from the bags thread and comments from mods shortly after it.

The media have questioned Macca for two weeks pretty solidly. Can I not ask questions that the media are asking?

I feel the guns/cuts comment is exceedingly unfair. When I'm asked for an opinion I give it, generally I will try to explain why I might hold a different view. That you feel you couldn't send me a PM is ungracious and unfair. I love this club and have put my money where my mouth is and will until I die. That we disagree from time to time on how we get to the successful end goal is healthy. Discussion and debate encourages thinking, it can either reinforce what we think we are doing is great, or it might make us think about other things I hadn't considered. Ie, Webby highlighting trading senior players et al was not in my mind, but I like that others can make me think about a range of issues.

As per above, the selective neglect to mention the many other positive contributions is unfair. I ask questions, I share opinion and if other posters didn't want to post 200 times on the one thread, they didn't have to. But they did and the conversation has been intelligent and thought provoking. But if you want to ask me if I would re-signed Macca, I told someone on a PM this week I would have, but on better terms from the clubs perspective because we bought at the high water mark. I don't do a guns or cuts, feel free not to pot me next time but to ask me if you feel I'm not being direct enough for you.

And for the record, I don't want the spoon. I want to win every week in, and week out. I want the 500 kids in the cheer squad to follow in our traditions and be ambassadors for everything we hold dear. I want Macca to be the next and second premiership coach and to see our father sons win a medal and fill the void that their dad's never got to experience, especially Libba since he kicked the sealing goal in 1997.

15-06-2014, 01:24 AM
Second post in the game day prediction thread:

Lots and lots
BOG Austin
First Goal Roughead

Just turns what should be a fun thread trying to guess what will happen into a depressing one

Remi Moses
15-06-2014, 01:51 AM
Hasn't this been done to death ?
Yes, we are equal bottom ! Along with a top 4 fancy Richmond( now that's regression)
Carlton are in there as well with 4 wins.( hardly worthy of a million dollar finishing coach) and a team at 11'o'clock!
You can lock it in that Stkilda this time next year will be under the blowtorch.We may finish bottom ( I don't think so)
To be honest 16th or 18th isn't going to make much difference to our membership numbers.

15-06-2014, 03:19 AM
Is now a good time to mention I've had a feeling since a few weeks into the season that we'd win the wooden spoon?

15-06-2014, 04:08 AM
Wouldn't be a day ending in 'Y' without a new negative thread hey BT !

Well played.

15-06-2014, 07:38 AM
Its a fair discussion to have. The way we are playing at the moment we barely look like winning a game with the run home we have.

What we do if it pans out is an important discussion to have. There are a lot of drafting and list management issues to discuss.

15-06-2014, 09:52 AM
I would take mc cartin and if we can get a big name player like Patton or Frawley, we get a player ready to go now and one to come on in a year or so

15-06-2014, 10:22 AM
Second post in the game day prediction thread:

Just turns what should be a fun thread trying to guess what will happen into a depressing one

So are you going to find every post you consider 'negative' and put it here? So every thought I think which isn't overwhelmingly positive is depressing?

Do you you want me to start another thread so you post anything else I post which isn't depressing.

15-06-2014, 10:32 AM
Forgive me not following all threads but isn't the likely best available player in the next draft a midfielder? Patton holds real value for us, probably a better bet than a yet to be tried recruit, so hopefully we look at the possibility with courage. However our last number one draft pick was and is a winner, tragic about the knee, but those number one picks are sexy.
I don't want to finish bottom, I thought we'd finish around ten with a bullet but I'm not worried about the stigma of finishing bottom. Some of us here have done it before in an era when it was hard to rise up the ladder. We will rise with this team and a number one pick may well help us to go all the way.

15-06-2014, 10:35 AM
Since no one wishes to ot justify my negativity simply based on the pack your bags thread, he is the bumping thread followed by a mods post:


Thought I'd bump this to see where the MaccaLove is.

I'm not endorsing the title, but this thread lingered as a barometer of MaccaLove.

I mentioned in another thread, I'm personally feeling like 30 games into the Rhode Dynasty. Outside of 6 weeks last year, this dynasty hasn't moved as much forward as I would've hoped by now. Not even close.


BT, you of ask people should know that the bump is dead in the modern game.

As the original 'bumper' I totally understand where you are coming from. We are a working forward structure away from bring a very competitive side but we could, bay, should be doing better. Predictable is a good description for us tactically.

As a note there are 200 posts of thoughtful discussion and sharing of thoughts on this thread... Am I somehow responsible for the sharing of these thoughts and opinions, or am I only responsible for bad things?

I have two very passionate and very positive threads about being bulldog (philosophical thread) and proudly passionate about those who have donated for the future of our club. Anyone got any comment about that or the fun threads around these one?

15-06-2014, 10:39 AM
The season is not done by a long way, hopefully we will regroup and show a bit of fight and pick up the odd surprising win.
As long as its not the tripe we have dished up in the last couple of games and we don't get blown out of the water.
But the likelihood of us finishing in the bottom couple has me salivating at the big key forward prospect we will pick up in the draft next year.
IMO there is more pressure and need to get the selections right in the coming draft than any other year of our existence.

15-06-2014, 10:44 AM
Forgive me not following all threads but isn't the likely best available player in the next draft a midfielder? Patton holds real value for us, probably a better bet than a yet to be tried recruit, so hopefully we look at the possibility with courage. However our last number one draft pick was and is a winner, tragic about the knee, but those number one picks are sexy.
I don't want to finish bottom, I thought we'd finish around ten with a bullet but I'm not worried about the stigma of finishing bottom. Some of us here have done it before in an era when it was hard to rise up the ladder. We will rise with this team and a number one pick may well help us to go all the way.

Thanks for not playing the man, droop, it's a good question around the final draft order connect possibly with whether we can win ourselves up, of if we get Pick 1. If we get pick one and we put it on the market I think the members will be nervous, it's a brave move. Any of the top draftees could be pretty good or very good, say Wright as a KPP and second ruck. But if we think it's been a case of underperformance this year and we think finals are within 2 years, a ready made KPP like Patton will be ready to impact those finals. GWS would be open to a trade with pick 1, but if it's say pick 5 they would try to demand another top kid. It would a massive call to put pick 1 on the table, I'm not sure how it would be received by members as it's a radical plan. But I guess by thinking and talking about these things over the remainder of the season we will in a position to have thought about all the implications.

15-06-2014, 10:51 AM
I wouldn't favour trading away and early pick for a mix of established players or picks unless someone is prepared to pay overs and I mean well over the market value. I doubt whether the most likely suitors GWS or GC would be interested anyway.
Free agency or the trade table is the best time for us to address gaps in the list but after seeing so many people challenge the likes Stevens trade or even the logic behind adding Goodes with the last pick in the rookie draft as wasted selections I guess the more acceptable position is to go to the draft table.

Do we need to shake it up and clear a few established players off our list and start again? I'm not sure but maybe that is worth exploring.

15-06-2014, 10:51 AM
The season is not done by a long way, hopefully we will regroup and show a bit of fight and pick up the odd surprising win.
As long as its not the tripe we have dished up in the last couple of games and we don't get blown out of the water.
But the likelihood of us finishing in the bottom couple has me salivating at the big key forward prospect we will pick up in the draft next year.
IMO there is more pressure and need to get the selections right in the coming draft than any other year of our existence.

Exactly, the implication of getting a pick 1 when the consensus seems to be there is no clear stand out is a lot of pressure on Dalrympe. Of it's even more Pressure on JMac. Trading pick 1 in the draft would be one of those career defining decisions, if it works he's a genius, if not it's a lot of pressure too.

Ideally we are not finishing bottom, but if we do constructive discussion about the attached decisions or implications to the club will at least give us a certain perspective prior to such an eventuality.

15-06-2014, 11:03 AM
Thanks for not playing the man, droop, it's a good question around the final draft order connect possibly with whether we can win ourselves up, of if we get Pick 1. If we get pick one and we put it on the market I think the members will be nervous, it's a brave move. Any of the top draftees could be pretty good or very good, say Wright as a KPP and second ruck. But if we think it's been a case of underperformance this year and we think finals are within 2 years, a ready made KPP like Patton will be ready to impact those finals. GWS would be open to a trade with pick 1, but if it's say pick 5 they would try to demand another top kid. It would a massive call to put pick 1 on the table, I'm not sure how it would be received by members as it's a radical plan. But I guess by thinking and talking about these things over the remainder of the season we will in a position to have thought about all the implications.
I respect Melbourne for what they did with last years draft, Dom Tyson (or is it Tom Dyson?), Bernie Vince and Salem regardless of how it all pans out for them. It showed courage and imagination that I want in my leaders and footy club.
Patton does offer more in the medium term than say a Wright but also probably in the long term. Buddy to Sydney for the price of the mortgage on the harbour bridge seemed patently ridiculous but I think Sydney will win the flag, so a brave and imaginative decision may be what's needed.

15-06-2014, 11:50 AM
I wouldn't favour trading away and early pick for a mix of established players or picks unless someone is prepared to pay overs and I mean well over the market value. I doubt whether the most likely suitors GWS or GC would be interested anyway.
Free agency or the trade table is the best time for us to address gaps in the list but after seeing so many people challenge the likes Stevens trade or even the logic behind adding Goodes with the last pick in the rookie draft as wasted selections I guess the more acceptable position is to go to the draft table.

Do we need to shake it up and clear a few established players off our list and start again? I'm not sure but maybe that is worth exploring.

Macca said in a recent function that I went the same thing. We will be looking at who is available during the free agency period to address any gaps, and if we can, will also be looking at a KPF. Someone yelled out Tomlinson and Macca said love to get him to the club.

15-06-2014, 12:44 PM
We are not the spoon side, we are pretty much in the right spot on the ladder. I expect to drop another place and go under Brisbane but no more. We are a better side than the other 3 especially with Jones and Grant in the side, so getting pick 4 is what I think we will be getting which with the other 3 lists we should get the second best KPF. Happy Days.

15-06-2014, 01:00 PM
So are you going to find every post you consider 'negative' and put it here? So every thought I think which isn't overwhelmingly positive is depressing?

Do you you want me to start another thread so you post anything else I post which isn't depressing.

Maybe that was a little unfair, so let me put it this way. Your issue with the club promoting Austin is that it is the safe, boring, depressing option where we bring in a known quantity to play a role instead of giving someone else a go that might show some improvement and offer us hope for the future.

Your issue with only making one change this week is along the same lines, if we lose to the bottom team with that side and only make one change to face a top 4 side, then it gives us very little hope for coming away with the win.

The club is more than likely making the right decisions but you are looking for something to give you some hope and optimism for the future. A lot of supporters feel the same, which explains the excitement with our kids getting it done in the VFL yesterday.

But then after all of that, you start a thread announcing we need to start thinking about winning the wooden spoon. Supporters who have been crying out for something to get excited about who came on here to discuss the VFL win were faced with more negativity about how we will be lucky to win another game and only have the next draft to look forward to.

We know we're struggling, we know our draw only gets harder, but we're looking for something to keep us engaged. It's no fun coming on here hearing about burnout and wooden spoon prospects

15-06-2014, 01:06 PM
I am a believer that it up to the individual poster to determine whether he wants to introduce a negative or positive thread. Freedom of speech etc etc. Nevertheless my personal preference for threads on for example where we are going to finish, what draft pick we get,who we are going to go after and who will be trade bait or drop of our list is best discussed at the latter stages of the season. Just my preference. Who knows we might get surprise a few wins in the second half of the season which will put a different slant on a lot of poster's thoughts.

15-06-2014, 01:16 PM
Tyler Keitel.

15-06-2014, 01:18 PM
Clearly there are philosophical differences. Making critical comment or discussing scenarios which are not fun or wanted is in my thinking not negativity. If you read this threads third paragraph you will note that I was starting a thread to specifically talk around issues to with spoons, finishing 18th or near by and then flow on effects which need discussing. The intention of that comment was to draw critical comment away from other threads, allowing more positive comments to made across the board. The other intent was to create a thread as a running critical analysis from week to week because things can change very quickly around so many issues or variables. If people don't want to participate in a running and proactive thinking of this area than everyone can exercise their ability to ignore this thread. Just like people could have not posted 200 times to the bags thread. There are plenty of seriously fun, positive and passionate threads I've started recently. I'm not too sure if those critical of me have shared their positivity on those threads. But the narrative so far on this thread is to 'play the man', make unfair comment, make sweeping generalisations, cite threads but not actually produce what I said, ignore the fact many members and moderators have agreed with me on numerous points, ignore the fact that I explain my thoughts constructively (ie the sub strategy) rather than sweeping generalisations, all while at the same time some ignore my fun, positive and passionate threads.

15-06-2014, 01:24 PM
I don't want to play the man BT and I do generally really enjoy your perspective. I did see this thread on top of the forums and my instinctive reaction without seeing who had started it was "here goes BT". I don't know you and god knows I'm guilty of a damn good vent on this forum over the last few weeks. I think given your passion for posting it may just be you represent the barometer of where the wind changes. Lots of us feeling it is tough. Hopefully the kids yesterday give many of us some hope. Again; I have no idea of all your posts and I'm sure there is balance in there and lord knows you are a passionate member. Think we might all be in a bit of a "where the heck is the next win if it wasn't ruddy Brisbane" frame of mind. The title just pretty much said "hey everyone. Just pointing out that we don't just suck, WE REALLY SUCK - DON'T MISS THE PERCENTAGES!!"
We know. We suck. Hopefully we get better :(

15-06-2014, 01:32 PM
I am a believer that it up to the individual poster to determine whether he wants to introduce a negative or positive thread. Freedom of speech etc etc. Nevertheless my personal preference for threads on for example where we are going to finish, what draft pick we get,who we are going to go after and who will be trade bait or drop of our list is best discussed at the latter stages of the season. Just my preference. Who knows we might get surprise a few wins in the second half of the season which will put a different slant on a lot of poster's thoughts.
Thanks B4L. As to your last point it's exactly why I've posted it now. A running conversation and thinking about the journey over the remainder of the season is a good opportunity to question and assess things as they happen. Instead of waiting until a month out from some decisions where there is limited time or limited spread of opinion, talking over 3 months allows us to hypothesise scenarios or set a benchmark as to players, list management, ratios (etc). then if the wins or losses or how we play confirms or rejects our thinking then we have a considerably more detailed understanding of what's happening and can base our opinions on a more solid basis.

If and when we start winning, then the conversation changes but understanding the position as well as the counter position. The original pack bags thread started as a very negative thread, but when it finished it was actually a beacon of positivity to Macca. And when bumped solely on the basis of conversation, they've been 200 or so posts in very good thinking and discussing. The best case scenario is winning for the remainder of 2014 and not being close to the 18th spot.

(I started the 'vent here' thread a week or so ago. I wonder if the 4 pages of annoyed posts allowed some posters to vent in that thread and perhaps not express those views on other threads and thus not do it in others allowing for more free conversation because the frustration was vented outside other threads...)

15-06-2014, 02:35 PM
Lets try and get back onto the original point of the thread and consider what we would do if we get an early pick. Do we trade it for other picks and players or do we try and excite the members by adding the best prospect available from this years talent?

15-06-2014, 02:38 PM
Should've waited until after we play before making this thread, if we beat Collingwood we won't be equal last.

15-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Lets try and get back onto the original point of the thread and consider what we would do if we get an early pick. Do we trade it for other picks and players or do we try and excite the members by adding the best prospect available from this years talent?

Best available. No point trading for ready made players if we finish bottom 4

Bumper Bulldogs
15-06-2014, 02:54 PM
Should've waited until after we play before making this thread, if we beat Collingwood we won't be equal last.

Its not going to matter as the cats are 12 Goals up against the Saints 3rd quarter

15-06-2014, 02:57 PM
Best available. No point trading for ready made players if we finish bottom 4

I agree. But what happens if we are presented with a Dom Tyson scenario and we get another pick inside the top ten as well as very talented kid who is only 20-22?

15-06-2014, 02:59 PM
Saints favourite to win number 27

Wooden spoon tally[edit (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Australian_Football_League_wooden_sp oons&action=edit&section=6)]

Total Wooden Spoons
Year of last Wooden Spoon

St Kilda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Kilda_Football_Club)

North Melbourne (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Melbourne_Football_Club)/Kangaroos

Melbourne (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melbourne_Football_Club)

Hawthorn (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorn_Football_Club)

South Melbourne/Sydney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Swans)

Fitzroy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzroy_Football_Club)

Richmond (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richmond_Football_Club)

Geelong (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geelong_Football_Club)

Footscray/Western Bulldogs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Bulldogs)

Essendon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essendon_Football_Club)

University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_Football_Club)

Carlton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlton_Football_Club)

Greater Western Sydney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Western_Sydney_Football_Club)

Collingwood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collingwood_Football_Club)

Brisbane Bears (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brisbane_Bears)

Gold Coast (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Coast_Football_Club)

West Coast Eagles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Coast_Eagles)

Fremantle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fremantle_Football_Club)

Brisbane Lions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brisbane_Lions)

Port Adelaide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Adelaide_Football_Club)

Adelaide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide_Football_Club)

15-06-2014, 03:01 PM
Saints with 26 already. Bloody hell that's one ugly fact for them.

15-06-2014, 03:04 PM
Saints with 26 already. Bloody hell that's one ugly fact for them.

Geelong 100 - Saints 17 - how embarrassing for them.

15-06-2014, 03:08 PM
Saints with 26 already. Bloody hell that's one ugly fact for them.

And likely to get another 10 year key forward to boot. Life can really be cruel that way....

15-06-2014, 03:10 PM
Should've waited until after we play before making this thread, if we beat Collingwood we won't be equal last.

Exactly. Bring on the Pies.

15-06-2014, 03:11 PM
And likely to get another 10 year key forward to boot. Life can really be cruel that way....

They've done well with their drafts having very good talls, especially last bottom out with Kosi & Roo. Good foils for Gerhig and Milne.

15-06-2014, 03:12 PM
Should've waited until after we play before making this thread, if we beat Collingwood we won't be equal last.

Nothing would make me happier, quite literally, than a win today.

15-06-2014, 03:15 PM
I agree. But what happens if we are presented with a Dom Tyson scenario and we get another pick inside the top ten as well as very talented kid who is only 20-22?

I think that's more appealing if we're outside the bottom 4 and look like missing out on the elite KPF's in the draft

15-06-2014, 03:22 PM
They've done well with their drafts having very good talls, especially last bottom out with Kosi & Roo. Good foils for Gerhig and Milne.

Yeah well Riewoldt has been the best key forward since 2000. By a big margin too.

Unfortunately, if we were to finish last (which we won't), there doesn't seem to be a Nick Riewoldt available. Just a whole bunch of Kosies! To be honest, from the bit of underage footy I've seen, Christian Petracca looks the standout. If we were to have the number one pick, I'd be inclined to engineer a trade for picks 6+7, or something like that. Alternatively, trade for a Patton and late first round pick. If Jeremy Cameron is really available, just offer pick 1 for him.

15-06-2014, 03:38 PM
Yeah well Riewoldt has been the best key forward since 2000. By a big margin too.

Unfortunately, if we were to finish last (which we won't), there doesn't seem to be a Nick Riewoldt available. Just a whole bunch of Kosies! To be honest, from the bit of underage footy I've seen, Christian Petracca looks the standout. If we were to have the number one pick, I'd be inclined to engineer a trade for picks 6+7, or something like that. Alternatively, trade for a Patton and late first round pick. If Jeremy Cameron is really available, just offer pick 1 for him.

Great post, this lateral thinking what I was hoping for as I like to think. I think should we have pick 1 we need to be open to how to get the most value, it's a ballsy move could be career defining or career ending. If Patton or Cameron are gettable, then I thinks it's worth thinking of that option over the remainder of the year. However, let's say a Carlton makes a stupid offer to get Patton or Cameron and the player agrees. Could we wedge ourselves in, threaten to take the player in the PSD and put pick 1 on the table in a triangle deal. Something like Patton to Carlton, pick 1 and 27 to GWS, dogs get picks 9, 20 & Tomlinson & Garlett. Is that enough value for a Wright or Petracca??

15-06-2014, 06:12 PM
Nothing would make me happier, quite literally, than a win today.

;), lets enjoy it.

15-06-2014, 06:13 PM
You jinxed it BT.

Keep it up.

15-06-2014, 06:15 PM
Closed thread:d

15-06-2014, 06:17 PM
I am a believer that it up to the individual poster to determine whether he wants to introduce a negative or positive thread. Freedom of speech etc etc. Nevertheless my personal preference for threads on for example where we are going to finish, what draft pick we get,who we are going to go after and who will be trade bait or drop of our list is best discussed at the latter stages of the season. Just my preference. Who knows we might get surprise a few wins in the second half of the season which will put a different slant on a lot of poster's thoughts.

Start of a few I hope.

15-06-2014, 06:17 PM
You jinxed it BT.

Keep it up.

That's the plan Chef, you can all send me love. :)

I agree let's enjoy it, there is more that unites us than divides us and unity after a win is a good feeling for everyone.

15-06-2014, 06:22 PM
That's the plan Chef, you can all send me love. :)

I agree let's enjoy it, there is more that unites us than divides us and unity after a win is a good feeling for everyone.

Yep. What a special afternoon.

15-06-2014, 06:45 PM
Start of a few I hope.

Good call B4L

15-06-2014, 06:48 PM
All of a sudden we're talking pick 6-10 again :)

16-06-2014, 08:49 AM
Where's that can we make Finals thread ;)

16-06-2014, 10:40 AM
Where's that can we make Finals thread ;)

NO! BT is banned from starting any positive thread whatsoever for the remainder of the year. When he starts threads like this, we win :)

16-06-2014, 11:24 AM
NO! BT is banned from starting any positive thread whatsoever for the remainder of the year. When he starts threads like this, we win :)

Here is I was about to start the Dan Lonergan Appreciation Society. Oh well, I'm banned from doing so. :)

I'll just rely on the positive threads I've started, I'm noticing people aren't posting much in them...