View Full Version : Damien Barrett what's his agenda ?

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27-09-2014, 01:23 PM
Seems everything this bloke is writing about is negative about us, is their any truth in it or is he just plucking at straws and blowing it out of proportion ?
For those who haven't heard he has said the senior group has lost Macca, has said it on a few occasions now, but from what I read on here and other places I haven't heard it at all, only him.

27-09-2014, 01:40 PM
He's been bashing us all year on the AFL site and Triple M, not sure how far back his vendetta rages though. Very little respect for him as a journalist, I've always dismissed it as the typical deflections of a North Melbourne supporter.

27-09-2014, 01:41 PM
To me he seems more concerned with being first with news rather than being correct with news.

27-09-2014, 01:44 PM
I don't like his 'journalism'. It seems most outside of the boys club on 9/MMM don't either. Just tune out when he's around.

27-09-2014, 02:04 PM
I grew my hair long so people would stop saying that I looked like him.

27-09-2014, 02:25 PM
I grew my hair long so people would stop saying that I looked like him.


Bumper Bulldogs
27-09-2014, 03:49 PM

You are indeed in trouble ;)

Ghost Dog
27-09-2014, 06:37 PM
Dicky Knee of journalism. Spends a lot of time making 'Big calls' and then getting on the back foot in deference to 'Gaz.' Yeah, but Gaz....Gaz....I dunno Gaz....

Probably picked the Swans to win the final.

Remi Moses
27-09-2014, 07:00 PM
I grew my hair long so people would stop saying that I looked like him.

Your a better journo two.
Barrett, Ralph Malph Denham just many of the woeful accredited ( says laughing) AFL journalists

27-09-2014, 07:05 PM
I would suggest there's a little truth in what he says about the senior players not being too happy with McCartney (and vice versa), and considering they've put in ordinary results this year and lack leadership quality when things are tough I'm not surprised there's some tension.

We've been through this to death though, and Barrett is probably dramatising the issue more than anything else.

27-09-2014, 08:02 PM
He is a terrible journalist and a really ordinary character.

His view of the work is too generate scandal and muck rake, which most Clubs cough up opportunities to do throughout a few seasons. Player behaviour, coach sackings, board turmoil etc - its his bread and butter. Obviously he had us pegged to give him something to run with but as a Club under Macca and PG we've been extremely steadfast in our approach. Stubborn even. In us, he has met a force equally committed to our task as he is to his. While he is rummaging through bins, snivelling and scheming we've just kept trotting out the same message come hell or high water. It has got under his skin.

Accused the Club of not having "the guts" to make a change in the coaching dept. Prying away at rumours of player dissent in recent weeks. Its all jus an attempt to create a BIG story for him to break over summer. Yet all he is getting is a united front and a consistent message. Making the bloke look as stupid as he in all reality is.

Here is an "IF / THEN" for you Damo:
"If a truck ever hit you. Then, the driver would probably reverse over your remains." Such is the regard in which you are held by the genuine fans and good people of the game.

27-09-2014, 08:09 PM
PG doesn't like the club to respond to Rumours good or bad but I think sometimes not responding can be a bad thing, I remember him saying only when trades are done we will discuss them otherwise nothing to be said.
Basically let the media say what they like true or not, we aren't ruled by rumour or innuendo and won't spend our time responding.

27-09-2014, 08:11 PM
Big Grand Final day Sonof? :)

Nuggety Back Pocket
27-09-2014, 08:21 PM
I would suggest there's a little truth in what he says about the senior players not being too happy with McCartney (and vice versa), and considering they've put in ordinary results this year and lack leadership quality when things are tough I'm not surprised there's some tension.

We've been through this to death though, and Barrett is probably dramatising the issue more than anything else.

A lot of the tension comes from having a poor playing list sadly lacking in depth. I would like the MC to really study the foot skills of Hawthorn today. Our lack of skill is a major factor in us being a bottom four team. We have too many players who do not dispose of the ball correctly. Unless this important area is urgently addressed we will continue to struggle.

Remi Moses
27-09-2014, 08:24 PM
Yes and of course a change was made he'd be accusing the club of allowing the tail leading the dog( no pun intended)
Just muck raking shit inconsequential drivel which he seems to make an art form of .

Remi Moses
27-09-2014, 08:27 PM
A lot of the tension comes from having a poor playing list sadly lacking in depth. I would like the MC to really study the foot skills of Hawthorn today. Our lack of skill is a major factor in us being a bottom four team. We have too many players who do not dispose of the ball correctly. Unless this important area is urgently addressed we will continue to struggle.
Not only that they need to recruit good decision makers .
Looking at Hawthorn they always seem to be able to look inside 50 and find a player.

27-09-2014, 08:47 PM
A lot of the tension comes from having a poor playing list sadly lacking in depth. I would like the MC to really study the foot skills of Hawthorn today. Our lack of skill is a major factor in us being a bottom four team. We have too many players who do not dispose of the ball correctly. Unless this important area is urgently addressed we will continue to struggle.


One of the good things about sitting in the nosebleed section (I was pretty much 15m towards the goals from the base of the scoreboard at the Ponsford End) is you get a good feel for the gaps players get between themselves and their opponents all over the ground because you're so bloody high up!

What I noticed was that Hawthorn with two to three metres to spare used the ball by hand immeasurably better than the Swans. This was all skill and decisiveness rolled into one.

Given three to five metres space they hit targets regularly by foot. Short, long and in between.

Our drafting now needs to concentrate on these area as we have too many players that can't do the latter, even if we are getting better and better at the former.

The Hawks of today are light years ahead of our very skillful sides of the 2008-2010 era - which we've dropped away from in recent times. We have such a long way to go, and the only way we'll get there is via the draft. Recruiting good decision makers and good kicks is so important for us now. If we land a tall with our first pick, and end up with two or three second rounders polish needs to be front of mind with the second round picks.

27-09-2014, 08:50 PM
Umm this post above seems to Have gone off course, this is a thread about Barrett and his picking on us and what is the reason for it, not about hawks win :-)

27-09-2014, 09:07 PM
Sorry Tiger.

It's branched out, so to get it back on track - Barrett is bad, and I don't like him.

27-09-2014, 10:15 PM
Seems everything this bloke is writing about is negative about us, is their any truth in it or is he just plucking at straws and blowing it out of proportion ?
For those who haven't heard he has said the senior group has lost Macca, has said it on a few occasions now, but from what I read on here and other places I haven't heard it at all, only him.

I don't like giving this topic any more oxygen than it deserves but Barrett said a fair bit more than this on his AFL.com.au segment with Gary Lyon early on in the week. It was poor form by Barrett but also by Lyon to not question the allegation that Barrett was making. In particular, he claimed that the "rumblings were real and that they are also legitimate" and that it's not a happy place. Is it Barrett determining the legitimacy ? Why didn't Lyon challenge anything about this accusation ? He (Barrett) then made the call that our Club should move Macca on but our Club "does not have enough guts" to do anything about it.

27-09-2014, 10:38 PM
Clearly he dislikes Macca. For what reason I do not know.

Having said that I would be gobsmacked if the club was a happy place to be around at the minute. We had a terrible season that never got going. Been bad for 4 years running now. If the senior players are happy there is something wrong with them.

27-09-2014, 10:57 PM
Clearly he dislikes Macca. For what reason I do not know.

Having said that I would be gobsmacked if the club was a happy place to be around at the minute. We had a terrible season that never got going. Been bad for 4 years running now. If the senior players are happy there is something wrong with them.

Maybe he just sees Brendan and our Club as easy targets for his journalistic style. I see it as simply baiting us for a response. It frustrates journos immensely when they get nothing coming back.

We erred earlier in the season when calling out Jackson's reason for being demoted through media channels.
Look how they fed on it for weeks and unfortunately probably will for years to come. I say give them nothing.

27-09-2014, 11:01 PM
I think we need to keep at the back of our minds that he's not completely full of shit and that there might be something to it.

Just as an option to fall back on, nothing more and nothing less. I mean really, is it that unreasonable to suggest the coach and the senior players who in each other's minds aren't performing to the required level aren't happy with each other and aren't getting along?

Remi Moses
27-09-2014, 11:16 PM
Just being captain obvious
For me if we're battling next season it's going to go from a whisper to a roar.
If we have more than a few disgruntled players it will become a mutiny .
Which will result in only one outcome, and to say we need a good start next season is an understatement .

27-09-2014, 11:18 PM
I think we need to keep at the back of our minds that he's not completely full of shit and that there might be something to it.

Just as an option to fall back on, nothing more and nothing less. I mean really, is it that unreasonable to suggest the coach and the senior players who in each other's minds aren't performing to the required level aren't happy with each other and aren't getting along?

No one would be surprised following an end of season review, after the season we had, that some tensions and words didn't surface between players and coach. That's a good thing. But when you have said journo sprouting that our Club does not have the guts to move Brendan on following what he claims as 'legitimate' then that's taking it to another level.

Just being captain obvious
For me if we're battling next season it's going to go from a whisper to a roar.
If we have more than a few disgruntled players it will become a mutiny .
Which will result in only one outcome, and to say we need a good start next season is an understatement .

Can only hope it's a mutiny of the sort that nearly saw Thompson out the door before leading Geelong to three flags.

27-09-2014, 11:22 PM
Barret is a prize goose, who gives a toss what this bloke says, or for that matter anyone who has any thing to do with the footy show.
They push their own agenda and really have no credibility at all.
As if anyone would pay any attention to the plastic Brayshaw or Lyon compared to our very credible President's in Smorgon or Gordon.

27-09-2014, 11:47 PM
Barrett is like Caro, makes up stories from rumours and the odd one is right then hangs his hat on it.
That's how I see him anyway, he has made a few bad calls over the years.

28-09-2014, 01:29 AM
He's the typical of modem journalist. Smash the small clubs because even if he's wrong he won't be held to account and kiss the dick of the big club on the up at the time.

Everyone in the middle he'd just hedges his bets in case they're up next year.

He starts a rumour and then clowns like Garry Lyon and Matthew Lloyd take it the next step so they don't look like they're outside the loop.

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 01:49 AM
Barrett is like Caro, makes up stories from rumours and the odd one is right then hangs his hat on it.
That's how I see him anyway, he has made a few bad calls over the years.

I think Caro has better sauces than Barrett .
Can someone get the bloke sole polyfila

28-09-2014, 02:40 AM
Caro as a journalist is pretty spot on.

Not every journo is good at TV or radio, Caro is good at print. When she's against our team I hate it, as she's often right, when she's against our opposition I watch intently.

The Doctor
28-09-2014, 08:28 AM
Barrett is like Caro, makes up stories from rumours and the odd one is right then hangs his hat on it.
That's how I see him anyway, he has made a few bad calls over the years.

That's not true about Caro. She's far too professional to make up stories from rumours.

As for Barrett that's perhaps another story. But has anyone considered he may actually be right?

always right
28-09-2014, 08:32 AM
"Caro" and "Professional".......there's two words you don't normally see in the same sentence. I'd describe her more as an "over-embellisher" than a "maker-upperer".

28-09-2014, 10:47 AM
That's not true about Caro. She's far too professional to make up stories from rumours.

As for Barrett that's perhaps another story. But has anyone considered he may actually be right?

I don't agree with the vast majority of criticism Caro cops, some of the tangents she gets on are over the top but she's the best of a bad lot for mine. It's a sad day for football journalism when Mark Robinson occupies what was the most coveted position.

28-09-2014, 11:49 AM
Barrett is a poor mans Hutchy. I think that says it all!

28-09-2014, 01:31 PM
I don't agree with the vast majority of criticism Caro cops, some of the tangents she gets on are over the top but she's the best of a bad lot for mine. It's a sad day for football journalism when Mark Robinson occupies what was the most coveted position.

My problem with Caro is that she has never seemed interested in the football itself. All you ever hear is negativity and politics. Maybe she sees it as the niche she can fill as a football journo, but it really comes across as someone who is simply searching for drama.

28-09-2014, 01:36 PM
My problem with Caro is that she has never seemed interested in the football itself. All you ever hear is negativity and politics. Maybe she sees it as the niche she can fill as a football journo, but it really comes across as someone who is simply searching for drama.

Her articles over the past few days have been very positive!

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 02:47 PM
That's not true about Caro. She's far too professional to make up stories from rumours.

As for Barrett that's perhaps another story. But has anyone considered he may actually be right?

Of course he is .
The worlds flat in his world

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 02:48 PM
My problem with Caro is that she has never seemed interested in the football itself. All you ever hear is negativity and politics. Maybe she sees it as the niche she can fill as a football journo, but it really comes across as someone who is simply searching for drama.

Because that's her role . You've 1000 odd others to report to ask the same questions 10 times or more.

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 02:51 PM
Scotty Gullan ( follows the club) was asked what's the rumblings on a Richter scale.
He answered its a stomach ache proportions .

always right
28-09-2014, 03:01 PM
Because that's her role . You've 1000 odd others to report to ask the same questions 10 times or more.

Perhaps that's the problem......she seeks out drama. Although some would argue she creates the drama.

28-09-2014, 03:44 PM
Scotty Gullan ( follows the club) was asked what's the rumblings on a Richter scale.
He answered its a stomach ache proportions .

Does that mean the club needs a bowel movement and it will clear or more serious operation ?

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 03:45 PM
Perhaps that's the problem......she seeks out drama. Although some would argue she creates the drama.

Yeah she probably does on occasions, but in saying that I'd believe her and Patrick Smith's sources ahead of a blow hard like Barrett.

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 03:47 PM
Does that mean the club needs a bowel movement and it will clear or more serious operation ?

More like a Imodium and a lay down .

28-09-2014, 04:06 PM
That's a plus then, just some rest from a frustrating season.

28-09-2014, 05:05 PM
Is he making this up:

Essendon's Mark Thompson could be open to offers from the Gold Coast Suns according to Damien Barrett.

28-09-2014, 05:08 PM
Damian Barrett is a shotgun journalist, he is firing off a million pellets in all directions, he is bound to get one right.

One thing our club is good for is being steadfast and resolute.

The bulldog tragician
28-09-2014, 05:23 PM
I will always respect Caro for her reporting on the Essendon saga. She has led the way and avoided the boys club mentality. She's been dead right too. Lots of other journos including Barrett and Robinson are just groupies.

I agree with others that the rumblings from our club are likely to have foundation though, and so they should. There needs to be soul searching, from all angles. I feel we are at a real turning point and the next few months are so important to get right.

The Doctor
28-09-2014, 05:48 PM
It's a sad day for football journalism when Mark Robinson occupies what was the most coveted position.

All his credibility went down the toilet with his support of key Essendon figures in the drugs scandal. He has allowed his bias to overrule his objectivity. Despite his position at the Herald Sun he is increasingly becoming a lightweight in the industry, and deservedly so. Who takes him seriously now? Bit of a pity as I did like his take on a lot of onfield footy stuff.

28-09-2014, 06:31 PM
I can confirm Barrett's rumour that senior players are dissatisfied with the coach. My source is someone who knows the players and talks to them on a social basis every couple weeks of weeks or so. I can't confirm the seriousness of their dissatisfaction, but it has me worried. Also, if Barrett knows it and I know it, surely the club knows it.

Remi Moses
28-09-2014, 10:39 PM
I am dissatisfied with the senior players .
Except for a few they had poor years.

The Doctor
28-09-2014, 11:12 PM
I'm dissatisfied with the coach he has had 3 poor years

28-09-2014, 11:31 PM
All his credibility went down the toilet with his support of key Essendon figures in the drugs scandal. He has allowed his bias to overrule his objectivity. Despite his position at the Herald Sun he is increasingly becoming a lightweight in the industry, and deservedly so. Who takes him seriously now? Bit of a pity as I did like his take on a lot of onfield footy stuff.

He has become a parody of himself now too.

29-09-2014, 12:03 AM
Caro said directly this week on Footy Classified that there were major problems at the Kennel. She mentioned problems
between senior and younger players if memory serves, as well as with the coach.

Remi Moses
29-09-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm dissatisfied with the coach he has had 3 poor years

So the players should not be held to any accountability?

29-09-2014, 06:33 AM
I'm dissatisfied with the coach he has had 3 poor years

With a poor list. What more did you expect?

29-09-2014, 06:42 AM
There were issues reported at the end of 2013 between senior and younger players. Clearly they have not been fixed. The upcoming pre-season will be very interesting indeed.

29-09-2014, 09:08 AM
If we lose quality young players because of this I'll be so pissed

29-09-2014, 10:20 AM
My problem with Caro is that she has never seemed interested in the football itself. All you ever hear is negativity and politics. Maybe she sees it as the niche she can fill as a football journo, but it really comes across as someone who is simply searching for drama.
That's her role - she gets the tough gigs as a journo because The Age know she's the best they've got.
I'd take her columns over Quayle's fluff pieces.

29-09-2014, 11:16 AM
That's her role - she gets the tough gigs as a journo because The Age know she's the best they've got.
I'd take her columns over Quayle's fluff pieces.

I enjoy Emma's fluff pieces, but also Caro's tough questioning of clubs. I think there is a need for both.

29-09-2014, 12:14 PM
That's her role - she gets the tough gigs as a journo because The Age know she's the best they've got.
I'd take her columns over Quayle's fluff pieces.

Wilson would be the only chief writer for any sport, and for any newspaper I'm the world, that goes home once the game starts. She has no interest in the game, even less idea how it's played, and makes her living muck raking the sport the pays her bills.

Add in the fact that most of her stories are driven by personal agendas and I couldn't have less respect for her.

Quayle at least has some knowledge of the game and can provide some insight into younger players otherwise not available.

29-09-2014, 12:55 PM
I've been told that Greg Denham doesnt bother going to the football either GS. Another journo told me that he might go to a game every couple of years.

29-09-2014, 12:57 PM
Fasalo has come out already and dismissed Barretts claim that he has asked to traded.

29-09-2014, 12:59 PM
Fasalo has come out already and dismissed Barretts claim that he has asked to traded.

I look forward to Barrett coming out and saying that Fasolo is a liar

Remi Moses
29-09-2014, 01:00 PM
A little birdy told me a chief football reporter ( rather portly type)
Rocked up to the Geelong Hawthorn final a little tired and emotional lets say.
Everyone in the assembled press area got a good look at what he'd had for lunch!
Had it get somebody else to write on the game, as he was thrown into a cab to go home.

29-09-2014, 01:37 PM
A little birdy told me a chief football reporter ( rather portly type)
Rocked up to the Geelong Hawthorn final a little tired and emotional lets say.
Everyone in the assembled press area got a good look at what he'd had for lunch!
Had it get somebody else to write on the game, as he was thrown into a cab to go home.

He was just on the radio saying he was in the Hawthorn rooms after the game so I don't know how correct that is.

29-09-2014, 01:46 PM
He was just on the radio saying he was in the Hawthorn rooms after the game so I don't know how correct that is.

I think Remi was talking about the Geelong/Hawks QF match, not the GF.

29-09-2014, 01:54 PM
I think Remi was talking about the Geelong/Hawks QF match, not the GF.

D'oh! You're right.

It's partly Remi's fault that I got it wrong. :)

17-06-2016, 10:16 AM
Absolutely sick of Damian Barrett and his vendetta against Bevo and the Bulldogs in general.

His stupid column on the AFL site "Sliding doors", has something against us every week, and usually involving Tom Boyd and his salary, or Bevo and Talia. WTF is his problem

This week:


Also during the week he had another go at Peter Gordon and the signing of Tom Boyd:


He is an absolute slime bag.

17-06-2016, 10:21 AM
Pathetic excuse for a human being.

Whoever employs him should be ashamed of themselves. No credibility whatsoever. Unfortunately, and i have no idea why, his tripe reporting keeps him in a job.

17-06-2016, 10:22 AM
He's the AFL media's version of a TMZ papparazi style journalist.

17-06-2016, 10:50 AM
I hate the guy as much as the next person but the awful sliding doors column he writes he's been pretty positive about us in recent weeks. Boyd's contract will always be a talking point but after this season (Rumored to be frontloaded at $1.8M+) it's pretty much a standard big player contract.

17-06-2016, 10:54 AM
He's just a self righteousness douche that has nothing else to slag us with and hates Bevo because he won't play the game.

17-06-2016, 10:55 AM
I hate the guy as much as the next person but the awful sliding doors column he writes he's been pretty positive about us in recent weeks. Boyd's contract will always be a talking point but after this season (Rumored to be frontloaded at $1.8M+) it's pretty much a standard big player contract.

This is his MO:

Week A: praise Bont or Stringer
Week B: slag Boyd

Rinse and repeat.

17-06-2016, 11:13 AM
It is a fixation, no doubt about it. His other fixation is Nathan Buckley, as he is a Malthouse admirer - as a result you won't see him overly praising Bolton or Carlton in 2016 as it makes his boy Mick look bad.

Every journo has a couple of fixations and easy targets they draw on to justify their roles and keep the column inches flowing - Scully and Tippett copped it pretty mercilessly early on in their long term contracts. Even Barrett will shut up when Boydy starts to deliver at senior level on a consistent basis.

17-06-2016, 11:15 AM
When boyd comes good and his wage is down to 500,000 because we front loaded then what's his MO?

17-06-2016, 11:21 AM
It is a fixation, no doubt about it. His other fixation is Nathan Buckley, as he is a Malthouse admirer - as a result you won't see him overly praising Bolton or Carlton in 2016 as it makes his boy Mick look bad.

Every journo has a couple of fixations and easy targets they draw on to justify their roles and keep the column inches flowing - Scully and Tippett copped it pretty mercilessly early on in their long term contracts. Even Barrett will shut up when Boydy starts to deliver at senior level on a consistent basis.

He's the perfect mouthpiece for that time honoured Australian tradition of tall poppy syndrome. There is a big chunk of the AFL supporting population that loves the idea of a young kid taking the big money and failing and he plays to that crowd to a tee.

17-06-2016, 11:31 AM
He's the perfect mouthpiece for that time honoured Australian tradition of tall poppy syndrome. There is a big chunk of the AFL supporting population that loves the idea of a young kid taking the big money and failing and he plays to that crowd to a tee.
Leigh Matthews is at the front of this queue - hasn't he been a revelation since coming back to Brisbane as pseudo president

17-06-2016, 11:53 AM
It is a fixation, no doubt about it. His other fixation is Nathan Buckley, as he is a Malthouse admirer - as a result you won't see him overly praising Bolton or Carlton in 2016 as it makes his boy Mick look bad.

Every journo has a couple of fixations and easy targets they draw on to justify their roles and keep the column inches flowing - Scully and Tippett copped it pretty mercilessly early on in their long term contracts. Even Barrett will shut up when Boydy starts to deliver at senior level on a consistent basis.

Yeah that's the key isn't it? When that happens, and it will, the raging hard on he has for us will finally start to go flaccid.

When boyd comes good and his wage is down to 500,000 because we front loaded then what's his MO?

Long service lead presumably.

Leigh Matthews is at the front of this queue - hasn't he been a revelation since coming back to Brisbane as pseudo president

The blatant ill will Lethal has for Toyd comforts me no end. If Mattews thinks that us finally getting off the can and getting the tall forward that our previous flag tilts have lacked is such an awful idea then I love it! It kind of reminds me of Bobby Davis and his carry on over Brad Hardie. "Oh you just can't play like that, back pockets shouldn't be running down the ground like that. What about their opponents? Defenders running down the ground and leaving their opponents all by themselves will never catch on"

17-06-2016, 12:01 PM
It kind of reminds me of Bobby Davis and his carry on over Brad Hardie. "Oh you just can't play like that, back pockets shouldn't be running down the ground like that. What about their opponents? Defenders running down the ground and leaving their opponents all by themselves will never catch on"
He kind of had a point in the 1985 PF :(

Dancin' Douggy
17-06-2016, 12:33 PM
Lock Barrett in a room with tom Boyd for an hour.

17-06-2016, 01:01 PM
Lock Barrett in a room with tom Boyd for an hour.

Nah, Redpath or Libba.

The Bulldogs Bite
17-06-2016, 01:26 PM
Nah, Redpath or Libba.

I'd prefer it be Bevo.

17-06-2016, 01:27 PM
This is his MO:

Week A: praise Bont or Stringer
Week B: slag Boyd

Rinse and repeat.

You forgot the jabs at our coach comrade.

17-06-2016, 02:30 PM
He kind of had a point in the 1985 PF :(

It took them 24 weeks and three quarters to expose it. Mind you when it fell apart it really did fall apart. We just couldn't work out how to stop the little old bloke from kicking goals from all over the place.

We needed a team defence. Own some zones.

17-06-2016, 04:18 PM
Lock Barrett in a room with tom Boyd for an hour.

I'd prefer it be Bevo.

Possibly not locked in but this has already played out between Luke and Barrett.

Also, not that he is of any significance in any circle but this Toyd topic is a very tiring hobby horse of Greg Denham.
Gaining AFL media accreditation seems about as easy as getting a bunch of free tickets to a GWS game.

17-06-2016, 04:28 PM
Possibly not locked in but this has already played out between Luke and Barrett.

Also, not that he is of any significance in any circle but this Toyd topic is a very tiring hobby horse of Greg Denham.
Gaining AFL media accreditation seems about as easy as getting a bunch of free tickets to a GWS game.

I might be naive but I don't get why his contract causes some journos to lose their mind, other than tall poppy syndrome rearing its head. Who other than the Bulldogs should really care what he's being paid and how it may or may not affect our list management down the track.

Honestly, who gives a ****? We're the ones paying him the money, why do they take it personally as if Boydy has drained their private bank account. It's nuts.

17-06-2016, 04:45 PM
I have the feeling that well before the end of the season we will have tried the Boyd Redpath combo again and this time it will work. In fact, if it works, it could be the thing that takes us to a flag this year. That will fix Barrett up.

17-06-2016, 04:52 PM
Imagine Boyd comes good this year and kicks 4 in the grand final and we win .. Then what Barrett?
How hilarious would that be .. He couldn't jump on the bandwagon quick enough !

17-06-2016, 04:56 PM
Imagine Boyd comes good this year and kicks 4 in the grand final and we win .. Then what Barrett?
How hilarious would that be .. He couldn't jump on the bandwagon quick enough !

Even better, Boyd accepts his medal and says into the mic - "suck a fat one, Damo".

17-06-2016, 06:07 PM
Barrett, for some reason I can't put my finger on, always strikes me as being perfect for a movie role playing the guy who sells counterfeit anti-biotics during some wartime epidemic. Maybe the humidity over here is getting to me!

17-06-2016, 06:24 PM
Who does this Damo bloke barrack for anyway? There's a plethora of AFL reporters, and a very long queue of many more who want their jobs. Some are desperate for attention in an effort to be noticed and continue to show the people who employ them how many clicks they got this week. These are the ones that aren't able to get enough clicks or praise by being good and/or clever / original journalists. Surely no one that matters in the AFL gives a shit what he writes. #oxygenthief

17-06-2016, 06:33 PM
Who does this Damo bloke barrack for anyway?


17-06-2016, 06:59 PM
Greg Denham was banging on about this this morning with KB..had to turn off.
Just don't get what their problem is..it's NOT their money we are spending ffs

17-06-2016, 07:11 PM
Greg Denham was banging on about this this morning with KB..had to turn off.
Just don't get what their problem is..it's NOT their money we are spending ffs

That was painful radio. KB and listeners taking a logical point of view and Denham just repeating his nonsense and feigning offence at us paying Boyd whatever we are allegedly paying him.

17-06-2016, 07:19 PM
That was painful radio. KB and listeners taking a logical point of view and Denham just repeating his nonsense and feigning offence at us paying Boyd whatever we are allegedly paying him.

KB should've asked him 'why do you care?'

17-06-2016, 07:40 PM
Where's the outcry over Collingwood engaging in the second most expensive trade ever using picks 5 & 7 on Treloar, finishing bottom 5 (nowhere near finals) and no picks inside the first 25 at the draft - effectively retarding their ability to rebuild. And paying a player $800,000 to play VFL while poor Mason Cox gets a pittance as an international rookie.

Oh... Double standards, selective feigned outrage and intellectually stripped supposed journalists whose lack of intelligence and ability offer to insight leaves them unable to fulfill the professional obligations so just target a 20yo, an exciting club and play a redundant Mark Latham-esq class warfare card. Maybe that's the take home message, Barrett (and others like him) are to journalism what Mark Latham is to Prime Ministerialship. Just a dumb loud mouth with a microphone that history will show fall into nothing when the greater public ignore them when the public sees him for the fraud he is.

Remi Moses
17-06-2016, 09:05 PM
The issue is he continually flogs this dead horse.
The initial media narrative, (and The bin dweller led the chorus) was the club wouldn't be able to re-sign it's young stars .
Fair to say that's been off the mark . Then the narrative was they can't sign any free agents . Matthew Suckling was signed
He has an agenda no doubt

17-06-2016, 09:18 PM
Travis Cloke averaging $800,000 - 2016 - 5 games, 5 goals (omitted, not injured). Mason Cox $50,000 as an international rookie.
Tom Boyd averaging $900,000 - 2016 - 4 games, 5 goals (injured, coming back via VFL). Jack Redpath $150,000 or so as a listed player.

If Redpath should be upset about Boyd's wage as he's playing VFL, then I look forward to the article/reference next week using the exact same logic and reasoning with Cox & Cloke. More so as Cox is getting paid the lowest level salary in the AFL (international rookie salary).

17-06-2016, 09:27 PM
Redpath can't be too upset. He re-signed.

17-06-2016, 09:44 PM
Redpath can't be too upset. He re-signed.

Barrett doesn't need 'facts' to illustrate a point. His crayons and boogers are just fine in illustrating his intellect.

17-06-2016, 09:52 PM
Where's the outcry over Collingwood engaging in the second most expensive trade ever using picks 5 & 7 on Treloar, finishing bottom 5 (nowhere near finals) and no picks inside the first 25 at the draft - effectively retarding their ability to rebuild. And paying a player $800,000 to play VFL while poor Mason Cox gets a pittance as an international rookie.


COMPLETELY off topic. What if another club bids high for a father son (such as Daicos) and Collingwood dont have a pick that round to match it?

17-06-2016, 09:54 PM
COMPLETELY off topic. What if another club bids high for a father son (such as Daicos) and Collingwood dont have a pick that round to match it?

What happens? It will be one of my favourite ever draft nights and the nuclear fall out will be epic.

17-06-2016, 09:58 PM
He's a Herald Sun reporter.

I'd anyone has been paying any attention the The Herald Sun lately you'll notice lies writ large across the front page.

No accountability, no regard and no reckoning. Any person that writes for them goes down in my esteem because of it.

And yeah, Barrett is a tool to boot.

17-06-2016, 10:00 PM
The issue is he continually flogs this dead horse.
The initial media narrative, (and The bin dweller led the chorus) was the club wouldn't be able to re-sign it's young stars .
Fair to say that's been off the mark . Then the narrative was they can't sign any free agents . Matthew Suckling was signed
He has an agenda no doubt

He's not a bin dweller.

Technically he's a scavenger/ bin scab.

Travis Cloke averaging $800,000 - 2016 - 5 games, 5 goals (omitted, not injured). Mason Cox $50,000 as an international rookie.
Tom Boyd averaging $900,000 - 2016 - 4 games, 5 goals (injured, coming back via VFL). Jack Redpath $150,000 or so as a listed player.

If Redpath should be upset about Boyd's wage as he's playing VFL, then I look forward to the article/reference next week using the exact same logic and reasoning with Cox & Cloke. More so as Cox is getting paid the lowest level salary in the AFL (international rookie salary).

Write it. Use the exact comparison above, Toyd got 20 touches on the VFL last and worked so hard he was physically distressed a couple of times he came to the bench because he was working hard.

The last I heard about David Cloke in the reserves is he wasn't going all that flash.

COMPLETELY off topic. What if another club bids high for a father son (such as Daicos) and Collingwood dont have a pick that round to match it?

Indeed they have foregone quite a few points. Is young Daicos in this year's draft?

17-06-2016, 10:11 PM
COMPLETELY off topic. What if another club bids high for a father son (such as Daicos) and Collingwood dont have a pick that round to match it?

It will be Tom Boyd's pay packets fault.

17-06-2016, 10:18 PM
This is his MO:

Week A: praise Bont or Stringer
Week B: slag Boyd

Rinse and repeat.

He actually wrapped up Bont this week also!

17-06-2016, 10:29 PM
It will be Tom Boyd's pay packets fault.

I believe it's there next pick no matter where it is.

17-06-2016, 11:17 PM
Where's the outcry over Collingwood engaging in the second most expensive trade ever using picks 5 & 7 on Treloar, finishing bottom 5 (nowhere near finals) and no picks inside the first 25 at the draft - effectively retarding their ability to rebuild. And paying a player $800,000 to play VFL while poor Mason Cox gets a pittance as an international rookie.

Oh... Double standards, selective feigned outrage and intellectually stripped supposed journalists whose lack of intelligence and ability offer to insight leaves them unable to fulfill the professional obligations so just target a 20yo, an exciting club and play a redundant Mark Latham-esq class warfare card. Maybe that's the take home message, Barrett (and others like him) are to journalism what Mark Latham is to Prime Ministerialship. Just a dumb loud mouth with a microphone that history will show fall into nothing when the greater public ignore them when the public sees him for the fraud he is.


17-06-2016, 11:24 PM
I believe it's there next pick no matter where it is.

Doesn't the bidding system come into play?

I can see a fire sale at Collingwood to stock up on picks and/or trade up.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
17-06-2016, 11:26 PM
According to Jon Ralph tonight, Jack Redpath has ignored other suitors and has extended his contract with us.
Yeah Barrett... the Tom Boyd contract is really driving a rift through our playing list.....

17-06-2016, 11:57 PM
Barrett and Bevo DESPISE each other... That's the agenda. End of story.

(BTW, Bevo's a footy coach & Barrett a journo... So "end of story" = game, set, match: Beveridge!)

Remi Moses
18-06-2016, 12:06 AM
Barrett draws a wage to tell the afl world Bont and Stringer are good and Tom's getting overpaid ?
Just Wow !

18-06-2016, 05:59 AM
If i could go back on the sliding doors by round. I swear this year he has said . "If stringer is our favourite....then the bont is closing fast" twice already this season. Hes a freakin numnut. Hes paid to do a job. Give us something we dont know barrett. Useless!

18-06-2016, 06:06 AM
I believe Pies can use points from next year's draft to match a bid this year, just means they go into deficit and get pushed back in the draft board.

18-06-2016, 08:56 AM
Obviously the pies didn't think past last year when chasing treloar, they could well and truely lose Daicos if some club decides they really want him.
That could really be a slap in the face to Peter a bloke who adores his pies.
Then again he could pull the I want to go home card after a year or two if he is drafted interstate.

18-06-2016, 02:16 PM
I believe Pies can use points from next year's draft to match a bid this year, just means they go into deficit and get pushed back in the draft board.

Yes apparently Clubs can use future draft picks for two years in a row only.

Happy Days
18-06-2016, 03:34 PM
Apart from "gotta earn those dollars, no room for GLORY BOYS in the AFL", is there any tangible well-evidenced argument of exactly *why* the Boyd deal was bad? Have we experienced any negative effect stemming from it? Anything at all? We've re-signed everyone we've wanted to, still attracted free agents, haven't had to squeeze anyone out, haven't missed out on attracting anyone to the club, etc.

I've said it ad nauseum, but there really is nothing that gets you hated more easily and irrationally than having the nerve to make money playing AFL football.

18-06-2016, 03:57 PM
I think the Boyd deal told all and sundry we will not roll over. I also think Boyd will be as good if not better than Tippet as a forward & ruck type. He is not a mobile forward like Dixon or Cameron or Hogan. It appears he is going to take a few years more for us to reap the rewards aka Hawkins style. However if increase in mobility and marking and scare factor is like the continued improvement of Big Red over last 3 years then we will not regret the deal.

Let's just ignore idiots like Barrett who does not watch VFL matches and hence does not see continued improvement in Boyd and others who seamlessly play their role when called up to the seniors.

Remember many supporters writing off Big Red, Fletch, and Our Roughie? And Look at what they are becoming.... Patience one and all. As Wayne said regarding the stratocaster in the music shop display...."It will be mine. It will be mine!"

The day of Boyd becoming a star and us lifting that elusive cup will come, and IMO not too far away either.

18-06-2016, 04:14 PM
It's funny isn't it jack had only started to come good at 25 and Hawkins took 5 years .. Why don't they realise Boyd is only 20 ?

Ghost Dog
18-06-2016, 04:20 PM
I'm considering a change.org petition about Barrett. He has no clue what he is talking about.

Bulldog Joe
18-06-2016, 05:46 PM
Apart from "gotta earn those dollars, no room for GLORY BOYS in the AFL", is there any tangible well-evidenced argument of exactly *why* the Boyd deal was bad? Have we experienced any negative effect stemming from it? Anything at all? We've re-signed everyone we've wanted to, still attracted free agents, haven't had to squeeze anyone out, haven't missed out on attracting anyone to the club, etc.

I've said it ad nauseum, but there really is nothing that gets you hated more easily and irrationally than having the nerve to make money playing AFL football.

Contrast the situation in Sydney(post Buddy), where they were unable to retain Shane Biggs (Thanks) or Nic Malceski.

18-06-2016, 05:47 PM
Contrast the situation in Sydney(post Buddy), where they were unable to retain Shane Biggs (Thanks) or Nic Malceski.

They also lost Mumford to allow the deal to occur.

18-06-2016, 05:49 PM
Did I hear a while back that 'Damo' blocks people on Twitter who challenge his opinions?

18-06-2016, 05:52 PM
Did I hear a while back that 'Damo' blocks people on Twitter who challenge his opinions?

Apparently so.

18-06-2016, 06:13 PM
Did I hear a while back that 'Damo' blocks people on Twitter who challenge his opinions?

Happily admitted it on his podcast. Anything negative and instantly blocked.

18-06-2016, 06:27 PM
Happily admitted it on his podcast. Anything negative and instantly blocked.
How do you know if you are blocked

18-06-2016, 06:36 PM
Did I hear a while back that 'Damo' blocks people on Twitter who challenge his opinions?

Yep. Like the prepubescent man baby his articles demonstrate he is.

19-06-2016, 12:23 AM
I was just reading that Tom Scully has extended his contract with GWS. Can you believe that Tom Scully, a former number draft pick, was prized way from Melbourne in 2011 with a six year offer worth $6,000,000?

That's right, a player trade involving GWS and a Victorian club over a former first pick player and large contract has actually occurred before 2014. Only thing is, I don't recall Damett banging on about it really ever at all, let alone for two years. Or maybe I'm mistaken by the facts.

(Damett is not only a joining of his names, but it's also what I say when I've spent 60 seconds reading some shite column and realise it was his shite column and I've once again lost another 60 seconds of my life I can never regain. Use it and it'll stick and annoy the egomaniac, so please tell your friends to use it.)

19-06-2016, 11:52 AM
I was just reading that Tom Scully has extended his contract with GWS. Can you believe that Tom Scully, a former number draft pick, was prized way from Melbourne in 2011 with a six year offer worth $6,000,000?

That's right, a player trade involving GWS and a Victorian club over a former first pick player and large contract has actually occurred before 2014. Only thing is, I don't recall Damett banging on about it really ever at all, let alone for two years. Or maybe I'm mistaken by the facts.

(Damett is not only a joining of his names, but it's also what I say when I've spent 60 seconds reading some shite column and realise it was his shite column and I've once again lost another 60 seconds of my life I can never regain. Use it and it'll stick and annoy the egomaniac, so please tell your friends to use it.)

Scully has now taken a pay cut.

19-06-2016, 12:33 PM
Scully has now taken a pay cut.

Yes, Boyd may too. That's not the point.

19-06-2016, 01:28 PM
Yes, Boyd may too. That's not the point.

Just a comment, understand your point.

20-06-2016, 06:40 PM
Scully has now taken a pay cut.

That's GWS PR spin. He's extended his contract for less money (think it's approx $500k) than he's currently on because let's face it, who's going to continue to stump up the $1M for Tom Scully that he's been paid for the past few years. He's improved this year but he's the highest paid underachiever in league footy.

He's not taking a pay cut for the good of the team, he's just being paid what he's actually worth.

I hope we can engage in the same spin when Boyd's next contract is negotiated!

20-06-2016, 06:46 PM
That's GWS PR spin. He's extended his contract for less money (think it's approx $500k) than he's currently on because let's face it, who's going to continue to stump up the $1M for Tom Scully that he's been paid for the past few years. He's improved this year but he's the highest paid underachiever in league footy.

He's not taking a pay cut for the good of the team, he's just being paid what he's actually worth.

I hope we can engage in the same spin when Boyd's next contract is negotiated!

A three time premiership vice captain, and twice Norm Smith medalist taking a pay cut. Hate to say this, but you're dreaming. :D

Remi Moses
20-06-2016, 10:17 PM
They're talking Brad Scott, and Barrett's left and replaced by Judd
Bit to close to home Barrett?

21-06-2016, 12:02 AM
That's GWS PR spin. He's extended his contract for less money (think it's approx $500k) than he's currently on because let's face it, who's going to continue to stump up the $1M for Tom Scully that he's been paid for the past few years. He's improved this year but he's the highest paid underachiever in league footy.

He's not taking a pay cut for the good of the team, he's just being paid what he's actually worth.

I hope we can engage in the same spin when Boyd's next contract is negotiated!

A three time premiership vice captain, and twice Norm Smith medalist taking a pay cut. Hate to say this, but you're dreaming. :D

Yep. If all go according to plan by the time we have to negotiate his next contract we will have to pay him far more than this contract pays. With Tom being the greatest player of all time and everything

08-07-2016, 10:44 AM
Today's offering:


it worked successfully for Dennis Denuto in The Castle ...


... Luke Beveridge has every right, too, to wait for the right vibe before he allows Tom Boyd back in to the senior team.

That almost... sounded... nice?

08-07-2016, 10:56 AM
Today's offering:

That almost... sounded... nice?

Nothing else to offer up on sliding doors. Its either Boyd or have a go at Bevo - he is a Flog

08-07-2016, 10:57 AM
Today's offering:

That almost... sounded... nice?

Apart from the fact it didn't work for Dennis. I wonder how long it took him to think of this?

08-07-2016, 12:43 PM
He's taking the piss out of Bevo.

08-07-2016, 01:58 PM
Saw a very disheveled Craig "Hutchy" Hutchison at Tullamarine this morning. He looks like a heart attack waiting to happen.

Remi Moses
08-07-2016, 02:54 PM
I saw him a couple of years back and he liked a picture of unhealthyness

08-07-2016, 03:15 PM
He's a big guy.

08-07-2016, 04:14 PM
I didn't see all of footy classified but I thought Hutchy was defending us at stages.

08-07-2016, 06:58 PM
He's a big guy.

By contrast, from watching AFL360, is it just me or has Robbo dropped a heap of weight from last year?

08-07-2016, 07:09 PM
By contrast, from watching AFL360, is it just me or has Robbo dropped a heap of weight from last year?

Not from his head that's for sure

08-07-2016, 07:32 PM
I didn't see all of footy classified but I thought Hutchy was defending us at stages.

Hutchy does defend the Boyd deal.

08-07-2016, 07:37 PM
By contrast, from watching AFL360, is it just me or has Robbo dropped a heap of weight from last year?

Think he's cut back on the grog. He looks and acts a heap soberer.

08-07-2016, 07:41 PM
I actually don't mind Hutchy, doesn't have that inbred us against them mentality like Barrett, Caro and Robbo at times regarding media and AFL.
Jake Niall I haven't taken to him, he seems to have a good head for radio.

08-07-2016, 08:04 PM
By contrast, from watching AFL360, is it just me or has Robbo dropped a heap of weight from last year?

When Sheamus made him stand up him from the desk to show his shorts his legs were very skinny

08-07-2016, 11:40 PM
By contrast, from watching AFL360, is it just me or has Robbo dropped a heap of weight from last year?

He's much lighter.

10-09-2016, 12:54 PM
Barrett's sliding doors this week:

there's room on that little roundabout outside Whitten Oval for another statue ...

... they may soon need to squeeze in another bust – for the little bloke with long hair, massive biceps and who played just 31 games for the club back in the '90s.

10-09-2016, 01:11 PM
The guys on Off The Bench had a giggle about this flog this morning...apparently he has his own Emoji

10-09-2016, 01:22 PM
Barrett's sliding doors this week:

there's room on that little roundabout outside Whitten Oval for another statue ...

... they may soon need to squeeze in another bust – for the little bloke with long hair, massive biceps and who played just 31 games for the club back in the '90s.

I noticed that. He's realised we don't care about his sniping so now he's kissing up. What's he going to do when he realises we don't care about his kissing up?

10-09-2016, 03:46 PM
I noticed that. He's realised we don't care about his sniping so now he's kissing up. What's he going to do when he realises we don't care about his kissing up?

I assume you are talking about the club doesn't care about his sniping? Because clearly their are a number of posters on this forum who do!

10-09-2016, 04:07 PM
I assume you are talking about the club doesn't care about his sniping? Because clearly their are a number of posters on this forum who do!

Most definitely the club. This forum collectively does, that's without a doubt!

10-09-2016, 04:30 PM

10-09-2016, 05:14 PM
Barrett's sliding doors this week:

there's room on that little roundabout outside Whitten Oval for another statue ...

... they may soon need to squeeze in another bust – for the little bloke with long hair, massive biceps and who played just 31 games for the club back in the '90s.

Who is he talking about?

10-09-2016, 05:19 PM
Who is he talking about?

Are you serious?

10-09-2016, 05:22 PM
Who is he talking about?

Mark Alvey.

10-09-2016, 06:03 PM
Luke Beveridge

10-09-2016, 06:08 PM
Who is he talking about?


10-09-2016, 06:09 PM
Seriously?? Erect a statue for a bloke because we won a final? That's a pot shot at the club

10-09-2016, 06:09 PM
seriously?? Erect a statue for a bloke because we won a final? That's a pot shot at the club

grand final

10-09-2016, 06:37 PM
Seriously?? Erect a statue for a bloke because we won a final? That's a pot shot at the club

Pretty much everything of his is a pot shot at the club. Hence why I don't read, watch or listen to anything of his.

10-09-2016, 06:43 PM
Barrett's trying to kiss up to Beveridge now that he can see that Bevo's a career coach. He realises he needs him on side. He needs Bevo to answer his calls....

.... Won't work though. Too late. Bevo wouldn't urinate on Barrett if he was on fire.

10-09-2016, 07:55 PM
Seriously?? Erect a statue for a bloke because we won a final? That's a pot shot at the club

It's a massive public piss in Bevo's pocket from Barrett. Barrett has slowly worked out that he's not going to win this fight he's picked and it was a pretty dumb idea starting a feud with Bevo at the moment. Anyway that's what I think.

11-09-2016, 08:10 AM
Barrett's trying to kiss up to Beveridge now that he can see that Bevo's a career coach. He realises he needs him on side. He needs Bevo to answer his calls....

.... Won't work though. Too late. Bevo wouldn't urinate on Barrett if he was on fire.

Wasn't that what he was thinking of doing at the Brownlow night ?

11-09-2016, 12:00 PM
It's a massive public piss in Bevo's pocket from Barrett. Barrett has slowly worked out that he's not going to win this fight he's picked and it was a pretty dumb idea starting a feud with Bevo at the moment. Anyway that's what I think.

That's the way I see it. Barratt's realised he's backed the wrong horse and he's trying to make nice.

11-09-2016, 12:05 PM
It's a massive public piss in Bevo's pocket from Barrett. Barrett has slowly worked out that he's not going to win this fight he's picked and it was a pretty dumb idea starting a feud with Bevo at the moment. Anyway that's what I think.

If T Boyd has another good game and we manage to roll the Hawks I'll be demanding something like:

Tom Boyd repeats the last two weeks efforts and leads his team to an unlikely premiership.
This column will sit down to a very generous serving of humble pie.

Rocket Science
11-09-2016, 01:01 PM
If T Boyd has another good game and we manage to roll the Hawks I'll be demanding something like:

Tom Boyd repeats the last two weeks efforts and leads his team to an unlikely premiership.
This column will sit down to a very generous serving of excrement pie.


11-09-2016, 01:12 PM

I was going to point out that the expression was actually umble pie but I like your suggestion a lot better. I'm even happy to provide some excrement.

11-09-2016, 08:52 PM
I was going to point out that the expression was actually umble pie but I like your suggestion a lot better. I'm even happy to provide some excrement.

Wow. Generous offer.

11-09-2016, 10:13 PM
Wow. Generous offer.

If you have a look at just a few of my posts you'll see that I've provided plenty already.

12-09-2016, 09:29 AM
On Barrett: there used to be a bloke outside the G collecting money for the Salvos. I always thought he looked a bit sus. He always had a three day growth, his once-white shirt was now grey and its collar sported a patina of grime. His collection box looked home made. I can picture Barrett, when he's washed up and living in a rooming house West Melbourne pulling the same stunt to make a quid - an absolute imposter, a snitch, a sniper, a white anter. How he ever got a platform is beyond me.

I'm Not Bitter Anymore!
12-09-2016, 01:00 PM
He'll be trying to wash your car window when you stop at the lights

12-09-2016, 03:41 PM
On Barrett: there used to be a bloke outside the G collecting money for the Salvos. I always thought he looked a bit sus. He always had a three day growth, his once-white shirt was now grey and its collar sported a patina of grime. His collection box looked home made. I can picture Barrett, when he's washed up and living in a rooming house West Melbourne pulling the same stunt to make a quid - an absolute imposter, a snitch, a sniper, a white anter. How he ever got a platform is beyond me.

He was apart of the 'Mates Club' and being even remotely good at your job isn't a requirement for a seat at that table.

03-10-2016, 12:31 PM

03-10-2016, 12:48 PM

genius bornadog!!!!! Genius!!!!

03-10-2016, 12:50 PM


03-10-2016, 01:12 PM
I'm not sure if anyone caught the Sunday Footy Show yesterday, but he did a 180 degree change of tune that any politician would be proud of.

He congratulated Peter Gordon on his "interference" in the Tom Boyd trade, saying it was an extremely brave move and has been vital to us winning the flag. He spoke glowingly of Luke Beveridge.

No mention of an apology for all the bulldust he has been pedalling for the past 2 years. We won't forget Flog Barrett.

03-10-2016, 01:20 PM
I'm not sure if anyone caught the Sunday Footy Show yesterday, but he did a 180 degree change of tune that any politician would be proud of.

He congratulated Peter Gordon on his "interference" in the Tom Boyd trade, saying it was an extremely brave move and has been vital to us winning the flag. He spoke glowingly of Luke Beveridge.

No mention of an apology for all the bulldust he has been pedalling for the past 2 years. We won't forget Flog Barrett..

He also admitted, Tom was a great return on investment

03-10-2016, 01:26 PM
He wrote this on the AFL website on the GF eve: Link (http://www.afl.com.au/news/2016-09-30/damian-barrett-no-excuses-have-got-the-swans-and-dogs-this-far)

"The Bulldogs’ adversity in 2016 has centred around the unfortunate season-ending injury to captain Bob Murphy. A key forward in Jack Redpath and key midfielder in Mitch Wallis have also endured serious injury.

Coach Luke Beveridge has never once even thought to make excuses around availability. Contrast that approach with North Melbourne’s woe-is-us attitude when its players started to drop mid-season.

Managing a $12 million debt could have crippled the Bulldogs’ ability to believe in blue skies. It didn’t. Nor did changing the CEO mid-season, or losing a key assistant coach thereafter.

Being forced to travel to Perth and Sydney for elimination and preliminary finals could have provided an excuse not to perform at optimum, as could the decision to take a massive risk in that first final with five underdone players.

An off-field punch-on between Zaine Cordy and Tom Boyd had the potential to destabilise. Instead it bonded. Cordy, with 10 games to his name, has been named at centre half-forward for the Grand Final; Boyd at full-forward.

Clay Smith doesn’t make excuses. Not after three knee reconstructions. Not after playing a preliminary final just days after the death of a close mate.

Luke Dahlhaus doesn’t make excuses, either. Not when he was playing for the reserve-reserves only six years ago, and again not when he suffered a knee injury this year.

When Beveridge walked into this club in late 2014, captain Ryan Griffen had just walked out. Brownlow medallist Adam Cooney and important forward Shaun Higgins also sought new football homes.

Beveridge never ventured even near making an excuse based on available talent.

His ability to propel this club to Saturday’s Grand Final is already AFL legend, no matter the result."

I believe, he knows that he won't get anything from us in the years ahead if he continue to report about us in a shite way and now slowly making it up.

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 01:45 PM
Mental note. Cam Mooney, Craig Hutchinson were among the few to pick us in the final, and have been good advocates for Tom Boyd.
Also think Lloyd has been fair. Few of the others can hang their heads in shame.

03-10-2016, 01:47 PM
Mental note. Cam Mooney, Craig Hutchinson were among the few to pick us in the final, and have been good advocates for Tom Boyd.

Wayne carey backed Tom all the way and voted for him the Norm as well.

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 01:50 PM
Wayne carey backed Tom all the way and voted for him the Norm as well.

Richo as well. Actual footballers I guess who know it takes a little while to develop.

03-10-2016, 02:20 PM
Mental note. Cam Mooney, Craig Hutchinson were among the few to pick us in the final, and have been good advocates for Tom Boyd.
Also think Lloyd has been fair. Few of the others can hang their heads in shame.

I was at a Grand Final breakfast on Saturday. All of the following guests made a tip for the game;

Brent Harvey, Drew Petrie, Luke Hodge, Marc Murphy, Bill Brownless, Choco Williams, Terry Wallace & Brendan Fevola.

All of them said 'My heart says bulldogs, but head says Sydney - so I'm tipping Sydney" - Except for Fevola.

Interestingly, Fevola said (paraphrasing) "I've spoken to Jude Bolton - and it sounds like Mills and McVeigh are not quite right and underdone - I think that's a mistake and the dogs will run over them".

He also mentioned that he gave his two tickets to Fifi Box's bulldogs supporting parents, and that "If there are footy gods - then I hope they shine down on the dogs today". FEV!!

03-10-2016, 02:29 PM
Richo as well. Actual footballers I guess who know it takes a little while to develop.

I've actually spoken to Richo personally about T Boyd and I wouldn't go so far as to say that Richo backed Boyd to be a star.

He said, that in his opinion, Boyd's hands weren't good enough for him to achieve star quality. He'd be a good, solid player, but never to the level of his contract value.

Carey was certainly more pro-Tom than Richo.

03-10-2016, 02:42 PM
I've actually spoken to Richo personally about T Boyd and I wouldn't go so far as to say that Richo backed Boyd to be a star.

He said, that in his opinion, Boyd's hands weren't good enough for him to achieve star quality. He'd be a good, solid player, but never to the level of his contract value.

Carey was certainly more pro-Tom than Richo.

Pfff, what does Richo know. ;)

03-10-2016, 02:42 PM
tip for the game;

This got me interested to see how many were tipping us to win this year GF (sorry to be off topic and a long winded copy/paste from the internet): .. looked like 50/50 to me :)

HS, 28 expert tipsters, 12 for Sydney, 16 WB
Jon Ralph Scott Gullan Kevin Bartlett

David King Sam Landsberger Gerard Whateley

Jon Anderson Sam Edmund Bill Shorten

Lauren Wood Grant Baker Glenn McFarlane

Tim Watson Dermott Brereton Paul Chapman

Michael Warner Jonathan Brown Jay Clark

Ron Reed Malcolm Turnbull Bianca Chatfield

Mark Robinson Patrick Dangerfield Daryl Timms 142

Rebecca Williams Shane Crawford Scott Pendlebury

Eliza Sewell

theroar.com.au, 3 expert tipsters, 2 for Sydney, 1 for WB
Michael DiFabrizio
The romance of a Bulldogs flag is irresistible, but in tipping you can’t afford to get romantic. (Click to Tweet) It’s a head game, not a heart game.
For mine, it’s tough to see the Swans beaten here.

BJ Conkey
Sydney were the minor premiers for a reason.
They scored almost 400 more points in attack than the Bulldogs in home-and-away matches.

Josh Elliott
Unlike the two of them, both tipping Sydney, I can confirm I’ll be tipping the Bulldogs.
Maybe I’m on the bandwagon a bit but I think their finals form has been the best of any side, and their hunger can’t be matched.

TheAge, 20 tipsters, 10 for Sydney, 10 for WB

The Swans are custom-made for finals footy, they've been here before and they know what it takes. They will settle quicker, and that might make all the difference.
Sydney by 15 points.

Sydney. The midfield is in superb form, Buddy is almost unstoppable and the 2014 grand final defeat still rankles.

Western Bulldogs, to quote Updike: "There will always lurk, around a corner in a pocket of our knowledge of the odds, an indefensible hope, which you now and then find in sports, when a density of expectation hangs in the air and plucks an event out of the future."
Western Bulldogs by 2 points.

Western Bulldogs, because they won't be denied.
Western Bulldogs by 5 points.

Few sides have the midfield depth to match it with the Swans, but the Bulldogs are capable of doing so.
Western Bulldogs by 3 points.

Sydney, best defence in the AFL, best midfield, a more than capable attack and motivation to spare after what happened on this day two years ago.
Sydney by 24 points.

Western Bulldogs are just as good inside as Swans and are quicker on the outside. But more so it is the irresistible romantic momentum.
Western Bulldogs by 7 points.

Western Bulldogs. Because it's magic and they believe it.
Western Bulldogs by 2 points.

The Bulldogs can neutralise the Swans' powerful midfield, they're battle-hardened, and they're ready.
Western Bulldogs by 8 points.

Western Bulldogs are riding an incredible wave of emotion and have taken all before them. There's no reason why it won't continue on Saturday.
Western Bulldogs by 7 points.

Sydney have the best defence, the deepest midfield and a man called Buddy Franklin.
Sydney by 23 points.

Hard to write off the Dogs, but Sydney's physical dismantlement of Geelong was too overwhelming to overlook.
Sydney by 12 points.

The Western Bulldogs, carried by the well wishes of every Victorian, have the drive and courage to go all the way.
Western Bulldogs by 8 points.

Sydney's midfield depth – and ferocity at the man and ball will provide their second flag under Longmire.
Sydney by 17 points.

Both teams can move the ball around quickly and play with incredible intensity – but only the Swans know what to expect on grand final day.
Sydney by 32 points.

The logical tip in many ways is Sydney, the steadiest team all season. But the Bulldogs have defied logic all year long. They're on a roll and have already shown they know how to beat these Swans.
Western Bulldogs by 6 points.

Last Friday night against the Cats showed that hunger was a driving force for the Swans. And I'm tipping a big game from one of the best in the competition, Lance Franklin.
Sydney by 14 points.

The head says Sydney, but the heart says the Western Bulldogs, and they're playing like they have Dog (sorry) on their side, with unshakeable belief. My tip is Western Bulldogs.
Western Bulldogs by 3 points.

The Swans have worked too hard to atone for its 2014 capitulation to not perform at their best now and their best should win.
Sydney by 11 points.

Making the grand final is a big deal for the Bulldogs but not so the Swans, who are still burning from the pain of 2014.
Sydney by 17 points.

AFL: 15 Experts tipsters, 9 for Sydney, 6 for WB
Nick Bowen
Winner: Sydney Swans, 11 points
The talking point: In the dying minutes, the Bulldogs mount one final charge, pumping the ball deep inside their forward 50. As the ball drops short, Tom Boyd looks best placed to mark before Dane Rampe screams in from the side to take match-saving grab.

Ashley Browne
Winner: Sydney Swans, 10 points
The talking point: Two great midfielders going at each other, but the Dogs might struggle to quell the Swans' forward line if Franklin gets going and Tippett clunks a few. Jake Stringer needs to stand up and provide some spark and something for the Swans defenders to worry about.

Adam Curley
Winner: Western Bulldogs, 11 points
The talking point: Jake Stringer turns a horrible day on its head when moved into the midfield for the final term, after being blanketed by All Australian Dane Rampe. The star Bulldog inspires his side to victory after trailing by 20-points at the last change.

Ryan Davidson
Winner: Western Bulldogs, 11 points
The talking point: Headlines will abound that the AFL's longest premiership drought has been broken when Luke Beveridge and Easton Wood lift the cup to a sea of adoring red, white and blue faithful.

Nat Edwards
Winner: Sydney Swans, seven points
The talking point: Sydney Swans' youngsters make their mark on the big stage. Not overawed by the occasion, the Swans young guns in Isaac Heeney, Tom Papley, and Zak Jones rise to the challenge, leading the charge towards their first flag.

Lee Gaskin
Winner: Sydney Swans, three points
The talking point: The Swans will skip away to a four-goal lead at the main break before the Bulldogs display the fight they're renowned for to get back in the contest. The Dogs will surge late, but Heath Grundy will replicate Leo Barry's famous mark from the 2005 Grand Final to secure the Swans the flag.

Ben Guthrie
Winner: Sydney Swans by 17 points
The talking point: When the game is at its most fierce in the third term, Isaac Heeney elevates himself above all others with a standout performance on the game's biggest stage.

Travis King
Winner: Western Bulldogs, eight points
The talking point: Charging into a wide-open forward line, Lance Franklin's 70m kick dribbles just to the wrong side of the behind post and he's pinged for deliberate out of bounds. The Dogs sweep the ball to the other end for Clay Smith to kick the match-sealing goal.

Alex Malcolm
Winner: Sydney Swans, six points
The talking point: Franklin imposing himself in a tight, low-scoring encounter. He's had some big days in finals but this will be his finest hour. He'll impose himself physically and create goals through his presence, as he did in the first quarter of the preliminary final.

Dinny Navaratnam
Winner: Western Bulldogs, four points
The talking point: It will be a relatively quiet game from Jake Stringer from the first three quarters, but a moment of brilliance with 15 minutes remaining will see him fend off Josh Kennedy before snapping the ball through to put the Dogs ahead by seven points.

Peter Ryan
Winner: Western Bulldogs, 8 points
The talking point: Buddy puts in a vintage Grand Final performance, kicking seven goals and showing himself the best player on the ground, but the Western Bulldogs stand up and remain in touch at three-quarter time. Coach Luke Beveridge asks Bob Murphy to address the troops at the last break and the Bulldogs kick six goals to zero in the last quarter to win.

Nathan Schmook
Winner: Sydney Swans, 16 points
The talking point: The battle between young Swans star Isaac Heeney and Bulldogs superstar Marcus Bontempelli, who both top off brilliant finals campaigns by playing key roles for their teams. Should the Dogs have done more to stop Heeney?

Matt Thompson
Winner: Western Bulldogs, five points
The talking point: The umpires will put the whistle away and we'll wonder what all the debate about deliberate rushed behinds and out of bounds was about in the first place.

Callum Twomey
Winner: Sydney Swans, 23 points
The talking point: Lance Franklin and Kurt Tippett combine for eight goals to deliver the Swans a premiership and justify their high-priced moves to the club in recent years.

Michael Whiting
Winner: Sydney Swans, 15 points
The talking point: The Bulldogs get plenty of ball, winning contested possessions, clearances and inside 50s, but just can't kick a winning score. The smart Swans defence not only locks down their opponents, but provides enough counter-attacking run to give their own forwards time and space to kick enough goals.

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 03:00 PM
Thanks Webby for the insight and the list choco. Interesting reading!

Well, anyway Peter made a great defence of the decision and now the proof is in the pudding!
What annoys me most is we paid MARKET VALUE for Tom. Other clubs would have paid more.
The fact he is so physically big makes people forget how young he actually is.

07-10-2016, 09:05 AM

He also admitted, Tom was a great return on investment

Here it's on Sliding doors:
"Western Bulldogs

Tom Boyd never plays again ...

... it doesn't matter. There has been full return on investment, just two years in. Great finals series. Remarkable Grand Final. JDJ was a more than worthy Norm Smith medallist, but the more we reflect and the more we watch a replay, Boyd was our BOG. A bit like Voss in the 2001 GF."

07-10-2016, 09:08 AM

Careful not to make him to realistic. I'm not going to be a member of any club that accepts him.

Axe Man
07-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Justin Leppitsch the latest to try and belt the worm.:)

Unhappy Justin Leppitsch confronts Damian Barrett, Michael Voss acts as peacemaker (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/more-news/the-score-unhappy-justin-leppitsch-confronts-damian-barrett-michael-voss-acts-as-peacemaker/news-story/aee5d9beb5cb2152a2faf47a75830623)

GRAND Final week is a time for reunions and catch-ups in the football world.

But sometimes they can end in tears — well almost — if the wrong people cross paths which is what happened at The Footy Show after-party.

A number of the Brisbane players have a yearly reunion during Grand Final week where they come together to relive the good old days from their three flags.

After a decent session the Lions boys arrived at the Precinct Hotel where Channel Nine were holding its end-of-season party last Thursday night.

Justin Leppitsch was leading the charge and he made a beeline for Footy Show reporter Damian Barrett.

The pair exchanged words with the recently sacked Brisbane coach apparently less than pleased with how Barrett had reported the goings-on at the Lions this season.

To the shock of onlookers, former Lions ruckman Jamie Charman had to physically restrain Leppitsch with captain Michael Voss also required to act as a peacemaker.

07-10-2016, 10:00 AM
Here it's on Sliding doors:
"Western Bulldogs

Tom Boyd never plays again ...

... it doesn't matter. There has been full return on investment, just two years in. Great finals series. Remarkable Grand Final. JDJ was a more than worthy Norm Smith medallist, but the more we reflect and the more we watch a replay, Boyd was our BOG. A bit like Voss in the 2001 GF."

I don't like the shitstorm he helped make for Tom. But credit where it's due, that's as close to an apology as Tom and the club will ever get.

07-10-2016, 12:22 PM
Ha! Good on ya leppa. Good to give journo's some feedback on their dribble. Leppa just didn't have the cattle. Barrett is a spud!

07-10-2016, 07:20 PM
Ha! Good on ya leppa. Good to give journo's some feedback on their dribble. Leppa just didn't have the cattle. Barrett is a spud!

Flog and a Tool!!!!

07-10-2016, 09:23 PM
I'm not sure if anyone caught the Sunday Footy Show yesterday, but he did a 180 degree change of tune that any politician would be proud of.

He congratulated Peter Gordon on his "interference" in the Tom Boyd trade, saying it was an extremely brave move and has been vital to us winning the flag. He spoke glowingly of Luke Beveridge.

No mention of an apology for all the bulldust he has been pedalling for the past 2 years. We won't forget Flog Barrett.

At the family day after the GF win Danny McGinlay asked him about Purple's comments on Tom Boyd and His involvement ... with great aplomb Peter said "The good thing about some journalists is they're never wrong for long".

Ghost Dog
07-10-2016, 10:53 PM
I can't think of any other journalist who riles coaches ( Leppa, Bevo ) like Barrett.
Is there some code of honour that stops journo's pointing out the flaws of other journalists?
I would have thought a confrontation like that would be well reported if it were player to player, or coach to coach.
They made a drunken embrace by two of our boys ( who are best mates ) into a violent assault. Love how they get off Scott free.

Such hypocrites.

07-10-2016, 11:57 PM
Pfff, what does Richo know. ;)

Oh man. I can remember Richo embarrassing us a few times. Did he kick double figures against us once? Or he had kicked 9 in the first half or something like that.

I can't think of any other journalist who riles coaches ( Leppa, Bevo ) like Barrett.
Is there some code of honour that stops journo's pointing out the flaws of other journalists?
I would have thought a confrontation like that would be well reported if it were player to player, or coach to coach.
They made a drunken embrace by two of our boys ( who are best mates ) into a violent assault. Love how they get off Scott free.

Such hypocrites.

Those boys did their bit and more toward a proemership

08-10-2016, 01:12 PM
I can't think of any other journalist who riles coaches ( Leppa, Bevo ) like Barrett.
Is there some code of honour that stops journo's pointing out the flaws of other journalists?
I would have thought a confrontation like that would be well reported if it were player to player, or coach to coach.
They made a drunken embrace by two of our boys ( who are best mates ) into a violent assault. Love how they get off Scott free.

Such hypocrites.

There is. When Bevo was on that show with Barrett and Caroline they tried their best to keep it off the table. As you said hypocrites.

Ghost Dog
08-10-2016, 02:32 PM
Oh man. I can remember Richo embarrassing us a few times. Did he kick double figures against us once? Or he had kicked 9 in the first half or something like that.

Those boys did their bit and more toward a proemership

Misplaced pronoun. What I meant is, the journalists blew the Boyd and Cordy thing right out of the water, making a mountain out of a molehill. But when it involves a journalist, it all goes quiet.
The fact Leppa had to be physically restrained is quite extreme.

08-10-2016, 02:38 PM
Misplaced pronoun. What I meant is, the journalists blew the Boyd and Cordy thing right out of the water, making a mountain out of a molehill. But when it involves a journalist, it all goes quiet.

Unless it's a journo from another paper and it gives you the chance to pontificate about how you've never been so drunk that you drove your car into a pizza shop.

08-10-2016, 07:55 PM
Misplaced pronoun. What I meant is, the journalists blew the Boyd and Cordy thing right out of the water, making a mountain out of a molehill. But when it involves a journalist, it all goes quiet.
The fact Leppa had to be physically restrained is quite extreme.

It probably says more about how well hinged Leppitsch is, to be fair. Happy to take the adulation as a premiership player, but not happy to take the criticism when the dogs breakfast he had a significant hand in creating gets exposed.

Some of his behaviour towards the media was pathetic towards the end of his tenure, and if he's having to resort to physical violence then he's an idiot.

08-10-2016, 08:13 PM
It probably says more about how well hinged Leppitsch is, to be fair. Happy to take the adulation as a premiership player, but not happy to take the criticism when the dogs breakfast he had a significant hand in creating gets exposed.

Some of his behaviour towards the media was pathetic towards the end of his tenure, and if he's having to resort to physical violence then he's an idiot.

Yep. Barrett is a grade A flog, of that there's no doubt. But Leppa's treatment of the media only fuelled the fire underneath himself and he refuses to take any responsibility for it. Then to want to bash or be held back and be seen to want to bash a journo when you've just got your old job back at Richmond is puerile. I wonder where Dusty learned it's okay to go out in public and threaten people and need to be restrained???

08-10-2016, 08:50 PM
It probably says more about how well hinged Leppitsch is, to be fair. Happy to take the adulation as a premiership player, but not happy to take the criticism when the dogs breakfast he had a significant hand in creating gets exposed.

Some of his behaviour towards the media was pathetic towards the end of his tenure, and if he's having to resort to physical violence then he's an idiot.

He never seemed keen on close examination of his reasons in pressers often turning the question back on the asker. They had a closed boys club up in Brisbane with Lethal minding the door and running interference.

08-10-2016, 10:16 PM
He never seemed keen on close examination of his reasons in pressers often turning the question back on the asker. They had a closed boys club up in Brisbane with Lethal minding the door and running interference.

One hundred per cent TD.

Ghost Dog
09-10-2016, 01:57 PM
Barrett is a bit of a Dickie Knee, if you are old enough to remember him. Not inherently evil but extremely annoying and a bit of a mouth.

09-10-2016, 02:11 PM
Barrett is a bit of a Dickie Knee, if you are old enough to remember him. Not inherently evil but extremely annoying and a bit of a mouth.

And spineless. With someone else's hand up his arse.

14-10-2016, 09:16 AM
Curious sliding doors this morning: If...there is one club playing high-grade poker this trade period....then......it is the Dogs. Look out when they reveal their hand....

Very curious.

14-10-2016, 09:24 AM
Curious sliding doors this morning: If...there is one club playing high-grade poker this trade period....then......it is the Dogs. Look out when they reveal their hand....

Very curious.

He has no idea what we are doing

14-10-2016, 09:31 AM

14-10-2016, 10:03 AM

Just speculating but with the Hawks clearing the deck chairs maybe a part of the next Hawthorn senior player offload e.g. Gibson, Burgoyne

14-10-2016, 10:10 AM
Just speculating but with the Hawks clearing the deck chairs maybe a part of the next Hawthorn senior player offload e.g. Gibson, Burgoyne

My random guesses would be either Jackson Trengrove or Todd Goldstein.

14-10-2016, 10:48 AM
My random guesses would be either Jackson Trengrove or Todd Goldstein.

Jaeger or Fyffe. This season taught us to go beyond our wildest dreams. :D

14-10-2016, 10:59 AM
My random guesses would be either Jackson Trengrove or Todd Goldstein.

Now that Adams is gone, Trengrove it is.

PS: time for an avatar change.

14-10-2016, 11:26 AM
Barrett to edit his sliding doors column this morning to something about Tom Boy's contract causing all these players leaving.

14-10-2016, 11:39 AM
He is two years to late .. Is that an old quote?

14-10-2016, 11:49 AM
My random guesses would be either Jackson Trengrove
Yes please - would be the perfect prototype flexible key defender under the Bevo plan.

14-10-2016, 12:07 PM
Someone mentioned Rampe the other day. Heeney too.

14-10-2016, 02:59 PM
Would lurv Heeney

14-10-2016, 03:01 PM
Port have cap issues, but we're just speculating at this stage.

It's been a crazy trade period so far, WA media re posting rumours about Todd Goldstein heading west, Sam Mitchell's gone, Jordan Lewis may leave, nothing is sacred now.

Robbo mentioned that he was slammed earlier in the year for suggesting Deledio should be traded and now his being shopped around is barely in the top 10 of trading interest stories.

15-10-2016, 08:51 AM
I don't get why all of a sudden we are now validating what is clearly just speculation. For a guy that likes to 'break the news' this is nothing but a 50 cents each way bet by him. I'll wait a bit longer to see what develops.

15-10-2016, 08:57 AM
I don't get why all of a sudden we are now validating what is clearly just speculation. For a guy that likes to 'break the news' this is nothing but a 50 cents each way bet by him. I'll wait a bit longer to see what develops.

Agree it could be anyone or no-one and I don't think he has any idea. He may have heard something but given his history with Bevo I'd imagine it's from no-one in the upper reaches of the club.

15-10-2016, 11:11 AM
Barrett would be the last to know .
Stevo would be my bet to let out the facts of what and when it happens.

15-10-2016, 11:47 AM
Barrett= No F#$%&ing Idea.

15-10-2016, 02:16 PM
I don't think he's pulled that out of thin air. If we are working on deals with other clubs, he could just as easily hear about it from them. There is somethg significant afoot (whether it eventuates is another matter).

15-10-2016, 02:21 PM
I don't think he's pulled that out of thin air. If we are working on deals with other clubs, he could just as easily hear about it from them. There is somethg significant afoot (whether it eventuates is another matter).

I have my doubts.

Think we'll end up with a few middling picks for all of Adams, Hamling, Stevens and Hrovat, plus we'll trade out a late pick for Cloke and that'll be that.

Would love to be wrong.

15-10-2016, 02:30 PM
I have my doubts.

Think we'll end up with a few middling picks for all of Adams, Hamling, Stevens and Hrovat, plus we'll trade out a late pick for Cloke and that'll be that.

Would love to be wrong.

We all hope you're wrong.

15-10-2016, 02:32 PM
He probably heard that the Bulldogs were working on a big secret deal and were being very cagey from Anthony Hudson on SEN yesterday morning trade central like I did.

15-10-2016, 04:50 PM
He probably heard that the Bulldogs were working on a big secret deal and were being very cagey from Anthony Hudson on SEN yesterday morning trade central like I did.

I'm very sceptical but this has been reported by several journalists, is it just a reaction because we have kept our cards close to our chest this trade season ?

15-10-2016, 05:45 PM
I'm very sceptical but this has been reported by several journalists, is it just a reaction because we have kept our cards close to our chest this trade season ?

Peter Gordon did say we will be very active in the trade period. (Pre Grand Final, so may have changed )

15-10-2016, 05:50 PM
Peter Gordon did say we will be very active in the trade period. (Pre Grand Final, so may have changed )

We are by default now. We have to work out at least 4 trades out, so heaps of cash and some value of the trade table. This is where JMac needs to earn a his salary, either with getting good kids back, packaging up mid round picks or another audacious big trade. 5 late second rounders isn't a great trade period for the guys were are letting go.

15-10-2016, 06:20 PM
After hearing all the stuff that goes on during the year wouldn't be surprised if most of it is already sorted out by the trade period it's just the shuffling of picks that holds it up because no one knows where they will finish at end of year.

15-10-2016, 08:06 PM
We are by default now. We have to work out at least 4 trades out, so heaps of cash and some value of the trade table. This is where JMac needs to earn a his salary, either with getting good kids back, packaging up mid round picks or another audacious big trade. 5 late second rounders isn't a great trade period for the guys were are letting go.

I think we're going to end up a tad disappointed.

15-10-2016, 08:35 PM
We are by default now. We have to work out at least 4 trades out, so heaps of cash and some value of the trade table. This is where JMac needs to earn a his salary, either with getting good kids back, packaging up mid round picks or another audacious big trade. 5 late second rounders isn't a great trade period for the guys were are letting go.

Jmac earns his salary by not offering Hamling 500k.

2 rounder would a great result, most likely 3rd.

24-03-2017, 10:21 AM
Barrett - Sliding Doors Round 1.


you look back at the Grand Final ...
... JJ remains a very worthy Norm Smith Medal recipient. Boyd would've been too. He cost a bomb, actually two bombs. Yet even if he never again touches a football for the Bulldogs, he was a bargain.

24-03-2017, 10:33 AM

Barrett has been wrong all along...


Why not specifically say "I was wrong"...

24-03-2017, 11:13 AM

Barrett has been wrong all along...


Why not specifically say "I was wrong"...


25-03-2017, 03:47 PM
Might be sucking up because he had upset so many clubs they refuse to talk to him anymore.
No stories no job

26-03-2017, 07:14 PM

I second this statement. Barrett is a freakin twat. Didn't have time for him the moment I seen his rat shaped head.

31-03-2017, 03:39 PM
Sliding Doors round 2

you heard Bevo's post-match press conference last week (http://www.afl.com.au/video/2017-03-25/full-postmatch-bulldogs) and didn’t google "Fibonacci sequence" ...
... you’re in the minority. Or a liar.

31-03-2017, 04:36 PM
Sliding Doors round 2

you heard Bevo's post-match press conference last week (http://www.afl.com.au/video/2017-03-25/full-postmatch-bulldogs) and didn’t google "Fibonacci sequence" ...
... you’re in the minority. Or a liar.

Reading Dan Brown novels have finally paid off!!

31-03-2017, 05:10 PM
I googled it.

Axe Man
21-04-2017, 12:11 PM
Barrett now leader of the Tom Boyd fan club?

IF our gut feel is right ... THEN ... Tom Boyd will kick eight.

21-04-2017, 12:32 PM
Barrett now leader of the Tom Boyd fan club?

IF our gut feel is right ... THEN ... Tom Boyd will kick eight.

I will counter that by saying 1 Boyd is rucking a lot so wouldn't be in the forward line long enough , obviously Barrett doesn't watch our games
2 he has made this outrageous statement to pot us if it doesn't happen, and it won't happen.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
21-04-2017, 01:13 PM
The cynic in me says he's made this statement to find a way to at some later stage get back in the 'what a terrible trade tom Boyd was' market.
There is no way Tom Boyd is kicking 8 goals this weekend or anytime soon..Notwithstanding his extra ruck responsibilities right now, he's not in good form and would be lucky to get 8 kicks right now, let alone 8 goals.

21-04-2017, 01:26 PM
Yeah setting him up to fail.

That is a stupid statement.

21-04-2017, 01:28 PM
Given everyone here is hanging on his every word, that makes him an excellent journalist.
Who knew?

21-04-2017, 05:57 PM
Given everyone here is hanging on his every word, that makes him an excellent journalist.
Who knew?

You're doing it wrong

IF everyone hangs on his every word...
THEN he must be an excellent journalist.

21-04-2017, 08:53 PM
Given everyone here is hanging on his every word, that makes him an excellent journalist.
Who knew?

Not me. I didn't know that at all.