View Full Version : Hands up if you're behind the coach and the club.

10-10-2014, 06:51 AM
I sure as hell am.

Historically I think we are only behind StKilda when it comes to the rash and unwarranted sacking of coaches. A line in the sand has clearly been drawn by club management that while the players' input is welcome, they are NOT in charge of the club.

It's been made clear that players who put the club first, and are willing to learn and develop, will be supported, and that culture will be valued over personnel.

It all sounds pretty fair to me.

I'm in. Who is with me?

10-10-2014, 06:58 AM
Great post and great thread.

I am too.

10-10-2014, 07:03 AM
Bulldogs through and through, no one player is greater than the team.
Stand firm and lets sail on a course of greatness. I'm in.

10-10-2014, 07:03 AM
All the way.

If the senior players can't handle it - Leave.

Sometime things need to be smashed to be rebuilt.

10-10-2014, 07:04 AM
Finally someone has come along with the ruthless intention of accepting nothing less than the ultimate success for this club. Macca has the opportunity to go down as a Bulldog god. I'm still in.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
10-10-2014, 07:10 AM
I Agree wholeheartedly.
As much as it pains me to see players like Griff dump us, we need to stand behind the club. A culture that allows player groups to try and control the ship needs to be stopped. If as the media reports, certain players got their noses out of joint due to some honest feedback about their performance, do we need them at our club? Do we really want to accept players who aren't going to buy in to a team first culture? Maybe that's a part of the reason we have not been quite good enough to get over the line in those prelims.
Griff has been one of my 4 favourite players in my lifetime Templeton, Grant, Johnno and Griff.
But if he doesn't have the courage and resolve to pull this team together, then goodbye enjoy your money train to GWS.

10-10-2014, 07:21 AM

Bulldog Revolution
10-10-2014, 07:37 AM
I understand being behind the club but theres no point being behind the coach if he is not the right coach.

Don't get me wrong, I like McCartney and have liked a lot of his philosophy (loved his rising star speech in 2013).

The actions of our captain have called into question whether he is the right coach.

McCartney needs to lift in a number of areas. He clearly must communicate a lot better with the senior core. I want a coach who can connect with our players and get the best out of them. The game style and match day manoeuvring are the other areas.

always right
10-10-2014, 07:52 AM
Big questions around the coach but there is no option in the short term. Back him and the club or we will implode.

10-10-2014, 07:53 AM
I am. Come hell or high water.

It is a brave new world out there and I think the urgent leadership have a level of honesty and integrity, as well as an appetite for the fight we haven't had for a long time. It mightn't pay dividends, but no other strategy we've employed yet has either. These guys are doing what they said they'd do and I love that.

10-10-2014, 07:54 AM
I'm behind the club. They've appointed and reaffirmed support for the coach. By that logic I support the coach. I certainly support the emphasis on nurturing and supporting the young group in a team environment, who en masse could not have performed more admirably on the ground in 2014. I also support the notion that the tail should never wag the dog.

10-10-2014, 07:58 AM
After a brief lapse yesterday when floored by the news, yes I am - 100%.

It's time to show unity, our Club needs support right now more than ever since I've been following. And that's what we as supporters do.

I might crack a smile this afternoon, like the dog in my avatar.

10-10-2014, 08:05 AM
Macca seems to have the support of the key people off the field (including those with the deep-pockets) as part of the mantra of getting a team that is capable of being successful in Sept. Obviously some of the older guys haven't taken well to some home truths being told and are unwilling to change. This is crucial, as the young players need to see what the standard is set by the older guys, which establishes the culture.

Agree Macca may have some weaknesses in how he expressed this but if he has admitted he erred to a degree and will make changes that's fine. Everyone makes mistakes. It appears some senior guys are unwilling to change.

Whether Macca will coach the side to ultimate success is another matter but he is the Development Coach in the Development phase for this club. He is the guy the Club MUST back (and appears to be doing so). He (and the Board) have my support.

As for Cyclops, the media can paint it as a guys who just wants to have fun in obscurity for less but the way he and his management have handled it is appalling. It appears he was never upfront and honest with the Club. Unfortunate characteristic from him and obviously NOT Captain material.

10-10-2014, 08:05 AM
I am 100% behind him. Success doesn't come cheaply or easily.

There are no shortcuts available to get where we need to be.

What I am worried about is another bleak year and those not strong enough to stay the course will demand action.

10-10-2014, 08:11 AM
I am behind the club. Always have been and always will be.

I am also behind the coach (with a caveat). As Bulldog Revolution has quite rightly pointed out there are question marks as to whether he is the right coach or not. The caveat is if he strays from his mantra and does not continue to build this team from the ground up ie. mainly through drafting top players. I have no problem in recruiting one or two key players such as a Lonergan to fill the gaps and teach the youngsters but the mantra has to be to build a dynasty. Make no bones about this what he is doing s huge - there are huge ramifications for our football club one way or the other way. If it comes off then he will be seen as legend within the club.

He is a brave man. Our management is also brave for supporting his methods and mantra. Weaker leadership would have bent over and removed the coach. Whether this proves the right move only time will tell. If one or two of our key younger players decide that they want out then this may all suddenly turn. But until then I am behind what he is trying to establish for our football club.

10-10-2014, 08:12 AM
Yes. I'm cracking in too.

10-10-2014, 08:13 AM
We will know by this afternoon if Macca still has the support of the club.

Club first for me with no conditions.

always right
10-10-2014, 08:26 AM
We will know by this afternoon if Macca still has the support of the club.

Club first for me with no conditions.

The worst result for the club is to lose the players they have, sack the coach, watch his assistants leave with him and retain a player who was prepared to walk out on the club he was appointed to lead. There is nothing in that scenerio that could be deemed a positive. We must stick with McCartney even if it ultimatel only ends up for one more year.

10-10-2014, 08:28 AM
We will know by this afternoon if Macca still has the support of the club.

Club first for me with no conditions.

Yep, anyone who suggests they are ready to pack it in if such and such is coach or if such and such leaves probably aren't that true of a supporter in the first place.

Well that's my opinion anyway.

10-10-2014, 08:29 AM
I'm in.

No short cuts.

10-10-2014, 08:33 AM
100% behind the coach and club.

10-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Yep. Behind the club and Bmac.

10-10-2014, 08:38 AM
The worst result for the club is to lose the players they have, sack the coach, watch his assistants leave with him and retain a player who was prepared to walk out on the club he was appointed to lead. There is nothing in that scenerio that could be deemed a positive. We must stick with McCartney even if it ultimatel only ends up for one more year.

Spot on. I can't see any alternative.

10-10-2014, 08:39 AM
I am behind the club, though I'm 50-50 on the coach - which isn't to say I want him sacked.

10-10-2014, 08:45 AM
I've been a Doggies supporter for 35 years, and nothing will ever change that.
100% behind the club and its decisions...!!!
The unique thing about our club is our loyal supporters. We could all take the easy way out and change clubs just for premierships (like Hawthorn and Collingwood supporters) but NO WAY.
I can't wait until we win our 2nd premiership. Its going to be one of the best and most exciting things to happen to the AFL in recent times...

10-10-2014, 08:45 AM
I am concerned the Club will buckle today and offer the knee jerk sacking reaction the media has been hunting. This is a great test of the Club's leadership and their ability to communicate as well as whether or not they hold deeds as the equal of words.

10-10-2014, 08:50 AM
I am concerned the Club will buckle today and offer the knee jerk sacking reaction the media has been hunting. This is a great test of the Club's leadership and their ability to communicate as well as whether or not they hold deeds as the equal of words.

I hope not but you could well be right.

10-10-2014, 08:50 AM
The club has to keep McCartney.

Do do so now would only be to our massive detriment, and leave the club a mess.

We should not be sacking anyone to convince someone like Griffen to stay, and I'm not convinced sacking BMac would do that anyway.

I see McCartney as the coach who is going to build a new culture at the club, particularly in the young blokes. If the older blokes can't handle it so be it. And I prioritise this culture change over on field results. I think McCartney continues in his role for the next 2 years, and as we start to improve then we focus less on culture change and more on fixing up match day.

10-10-2014, 08:54 AM
Trouble is that the coach can't coach and is he a poor man-manager.

I am not drawn into his religion of a change in culture and sustained success.

Anybody who thinks that Addison and Austen are good players and who wants to recruit players like Lonergan, Waite and Dawes and shows very little emotion in the coaching box and ...so forth and so on and so on.

I wonder what the opinion of supporters would be if they found out that Libba, Dahl and Bonti were part of the group that Ryan Griffen represented when he complained to the management about the coach.

What do you think that Ryan Griffen complained about?

After this year is over, the coach still won't be able to coach. However, due to his poor coaching he will have several low picks and young guns.

Montgomery would be a better option.

10-10-2014, 08:57 AM
Behind Macca and Co 100%.

10-10-2014, 08:58 AM
One other thought.

We saw this year the young guys step up and out preform the older guy on many occasions. Who's not to say that Macca has had trouble working his game plan because the senior players not fully committing to the idea.

It's hard to implement a plan or strategy if you don't have 100% support. If we get through this and the ones that don't want to be involve go we could see a quick up curve on next seasons performance.

10-10-2014, 08:59 AM
I'm all in behind the club and coach.

They are building towards something we haven't had for 60 years. We aren't trying to make up numbers or simply play finals, we are trying to build a dynasty. We are doing it under the eye of a group who have done exactly that.

If players aren't behind that, then they are at the wrong club.

10-10-2014, 09:14 AM
Any chance Macca was actively managing out some of the older guys? He knows that he can't sack them without upsetting the membership so they need to be the ones to request a trade.

I also suggest that the move from Griff caught everyone off guard as he back doored them rather than man up and ask for a trade face to face himself.

Bottom line perhaps the coach got what he wants but it hasn't gone the way you would ideally want it to. Although this sort of thing would always cause angst.

I will go back and put my tin foil hat on now.

10-10-2014, 09:18 AM
Any chance Macca was actively managing out some of the older guys? He knows that he can't sack them without upsetting the membership so they need to be the ones to request a trade.

I also suggest that the move from Griff caught everyone off guard as he back doored them rather than man up and ask for a trade face to face himself.

Bottom line perhaps the coach got what he wants but it hasn't gone the way you would ideally want it to. Although this sort of thing would always cause angst.

I will go back and put my tin foil hat on now.

I think you're probably right. There's no doubt in my mind the coach has been turning the screws on some of the players looking to see if they have the mettle. I don't think Griffen would have been in his sights.

10-10-2014, 09:19 AM
A lot of rhetoric like, "No player is bigger than the club".

What about, "No dud coach is bigger than the club".

10-10-2014, 09:21 AM
I'm more behind the club than ever. My biggest criticism of it was that we weren't ruthless enough in moving on our trade-able senior guys. I think we've simply gotten lucky here!

Through either luck, clever management or whatever we've weeded out an obvious problem who is not of the right age for premiership windows, is worth trade currency and actually wants (!) to go to a club who have great trading chips.

Finally, finally, finally, the club is not half-pregnant. We are going for it. All I need now is for Minson to put his hand up for a move to Geelong or wherever and we're away. The progress that many seem to have missed this year is our younger guys shouldering far more of the load. Griff, Cooney, Minson etc were invaluable in helping the 19-20 year olds, but now Libba, Wallis, Macrae, Stringer, Dahlhaus etc are ready to lead the next crop of kids. They'll all spend 5-6 years in a premiership window together.

After 60 years, we'll finally be fair dinkum!

10-10-2014, 09:25 AM
If Griff wasn't captain there would be no where near as much fuss.

10-10-2014, 09:26 AM
Macca didn't have any problem getting rid of Cross, who every-body apparently loves. I think that it is drawing a long bow to suggest that he has engineered all of this.

Griff made a formal representation to the club regarding Macca, complaining on behalf of the playing group. He went through the right channels and did it in the right way. In the end, he felt that his best option was to fall on his sword.

10-10-2014, 09:37 AM
You buy a membership so you buy in to what the club believes in. I'm in.

Macca now has the chance to mould the kids into what he thinks will be what is required to achieve the ultimate success. Time will tell whether he succeeds, but the club has given him the time. If there is no significant improvement at the end of his current term, move him on. Was it right to give him an extension, again time will tell?

10-10-2014, 09:43 AM
I am.

For the first time it feels like we're trying to build a champion team, not a team that tries to pinch a premiership with a core of aging veterans and some kids that are just there to fill in the gaps. I'm prepared to let it ride and see if we can finally get somewhere.

If we sack the coach to keep a few senior players happy then we will be reinforcing the culture that has failed to produce success for generations.

10-10-2014, 09:50 AM
I am.

For the first time it feels like we're trying to build a champion team, not a team that tries to pinch a premiership with a core of aging veterans and some kids that are just there to fill in the gaps. I'm prepared to let it ride and see if we can finally get somewhere.

If we sack the coach to keep a few senior players happy then we will be reinforcing the culture that has failed to produce success for generations.

Hit the nail on the head.

Daughter of the West
10-10-2014, 09:52 AM
I am behind the club.

I have red, white and blue running through my veins.

I will support my club through thick and thin.

I won't pretend that I'm not confused, disappointed and concerned about what is going on at the kennel, but I am definitely standing behind my club.

10-10-2014, 09:53 AM
Havent been Brendans biggest fan, but am totally behind him after what happened yesterday. The dog is finally looking like it can wag its own tail.

10-10-2014, 10:02 AM
Yes Im behind the club. Always have been always will be. Am behind the coach in terms of the latest events - yes.

The jury's still out for mine whether BMAC has the ability to coach, especially on game day and whether his game plan is on the right track. I guess 2015 is crunch time for BMAC. Time will tell.

10-10-2014, 10:03 AM
100% behind club - especially with PG and Grant who are men of integrity.

Regarding Macca I support him to change the culture too. My proviso is he must still have the younger brigade and Morris and Murphy on board. Presumably the recent review confirmed this.

I want the Club and players who are going to stay to show a united front. I'd love Morris, Murphy, Stevens and maybe a polished youngster to front the media and show support to Macca. I think it will alleviate some of the angst being voiced by a significant part of the membership base.

10-10-2014, 10:03 AM
If Griff wasn't captain there would be no where near as much fuss.

Was Griff ever captain??!!

Let's be honest! Played poorly, invisible in the media, clearly sulked and contributed to a disintegrating culture... Poor appointment at best. Murphy was always the obvious choice, for mine. Still is, even if it's just for 12 months until a younger bloke demands it.

10-10-2014, 10:04 AM
Macca didn't have any problem getting rid of Cross, who every-body apparently loves. I think that it is drawing a long bow to suggest that he has engineered all of this.

Griff made a formal representation to the club regarding Macca, complaining on behalf of the playing group. He went through the right channels and did it in the right way. In the end, he felt that his best option was to fall on his sword.

Was he representing the playing group, or a vocal, disgruntled minority of the playing group?

I dare say its the latter.

10-10-2014, 10:06 AM
Let's not turn on Griffen's playing legacy - I think he had a few poor games this year due to injury. He tried his best in media. He was still a great player for us, nothing can change that.

10-10-2014, 10:09 AM
SEN reporting it looks like Macca has resigned. If their mail is correct - ARRGH !!!

10-10-2014, 10:16 AM
I just don't get it.

10-10-2014, 10:26 AM
Came on here to say I was 100% behind the club which was looking gutsy and determined in a difficult time.

But now -- if it's true that Macca has resigned, it's extremely disappointing. What the hell happens now?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
10-10-2014, 10:30 AM
How can the club hold fast on a long term path, and even after a harsh review in which they re-affirm their commitment to stay the course, follow it up with an firmer affirmation of that decision as it did in its press release yesterday...and then less than 24 hours later, blink and change course 180 degrees. If true, we are a complete rabble and I will have lost all faith with the club's ability to create a successful culture going forward. Garlick and PG will need to be accountable

10-10-2014, 10:32 AM
If Macca does go too, the AFL has to step in and make sure the club doesn't completely fall apart, like they did at Melbourne and Port. First thing would be to encourage Bomber Thompson to make his way to Whitten Oval, like they did with Paul Roos at the Dees.

10-10-2014, 10:42 AM
If Macca does go too, the AFL has to step in and make sure the club doesn't completely fall apart, like they did at Melbourne and Port. First thing would be to encourage Bomber Thompson to make his way to Whitten Oval, like they did with Paul Roos at the Dees.

Thompson is a great mate of McCartney. The only thing that will come from him I'd imagine is chiding and mockery.

10-10-2014, 10:46 AM
At least he would have a fair idea what he was in for...

10-10-2014, 10:50 AM
If Macca does go too, the AFL has to step in and make sure the club doesn't completely fall apart, like they did at Melbourne and Port. First thing would be to encourage Bomber Thompson to make his way to Whitten Oval, like they did with Paul Roos at the Dees.

You're kidding right?

Do you honestly think we'd be able to attract a high calibre experienced coach when the football industry knows our senior players have unending control over the club? No one with an alternative would come to us, they know they can't push back on our leaders and try to change the environment, because if they do there'll be a mutiny and the club's management team will buckle.

Bomber Thompson would laugh if we approached him.

10-10-2014, 10:51 AM
SEN reporting it looks like Macca has resigned. If their mail is correct - ARRGH !!!

Will SERIOUSLY lose my shit if this has occurred. The club would officially be in crisis.

What I want to see today is a clear reaffirmation that McCartney has the support of the management of the club. I wouldn't mind hearing that Macca WANTED to resign but changed his mind when this support was reaffirmed.

10-10-2014, 10:53 AM
If Macca was staying, he would be part of the presser with PG and SG at 11.30

10-10-2014, 11:51 AM
I''m lowering my hand.

The management of the club has lost my support. The club itself hasn't.

Its going to take a lot of convincing to swing me around that PG and SG are the right people to be in charge right now.

If the club was fair dinkum, Griffen, Cooney, and anyone else who was part of this mutiny would be out the door as well.

10-10-2014, 05:22 PM
I am. Come hell or high water.

It is a brave new world out there and I think the urgent leadership have a level of honesty and integrity, as well as an appetite for the fight we haven't had for a long time. It mightn't pay dividends, but no other strategy we've employed yet has either. These guys are doing what they said they'd do and I love that.

I rescind these comments, which were made on the false assumption that the Club was in fact going to hold fast and do what they said they'd do. PG's flip flop today was one of the biggest let downs I have ever experienced as a member of any organisation. They have to recover my faith now, because my belief in their judgment has been shaken. They are a poor trade result away from it being irreparable.

10-10-2014, 05:28 PM
I rescind these comments, which were made on the false assumption that the Club was in fact going to hold fast and do what they said they'd do. PG's flip flop today was one of the biggest let downs I have ever experienced as a member of any organisation. They have to recover my faith now, because my belief in their judgment has been shaken. They are a poor trade result away from it being irreparable.

What I took out of the presser was Macca thought his position was untenable and he couldn't coach the players anymore, or his job of coaching would be difficult in 2015 and he decided to step down.

10-10-2014, 07:07 PM
The more I sit and process this all, the more it paints a picture of a toxic environment within the football department.

10-10-2014, 07:42 PM
What I took out of the presser was Macca thought his position was untenable and he couldn't coach the players anymore, or his job of coaching would be difficult in 2015 and he decided to step down.

my impression too. He knew he had been fatally wounded.

10-10-2014, 09:22 PM
The more I sit and process this all, the more it paints a picture of a toxic environment within the football department.

I remember hearing Macca speak somewhere and he said after he took the job there were more assistant coaches wanting out than wanting in. I hope we're not back there. But toxic is the word.

11-10-2014, 02:23 AM
I remember hearing Macca speak somewhere and he said after he took the job there were more assistant coaches wanting out than wanting in. I hope we're not back there. But toxic is the word.

Surely if we can get Johnson, West, Darcy, and Smith back to the club as assistants we'll be flying. They know what it means to be a bulldog.

11-10-2014, 01:53 PM
Surely if we can get Johnson, West, Darcy, and Smith back to the club as assistants we'll be flying. They know what it means to be a bulldog.

As far as I can remember the favourite sons who have been coaches are Charlie, Teddy, Don McKenzie, Bluey Hampshire, Terry Wheeler & Terry Wallace. In that group we won a premiership, came runners up, featured in prelims and played in a number of finals.McKenzie & Hampshire had poor teams and didn't feature in finals.

11-10-2014, 02:48 PM
As far as I can remember the favourite sons who have been coaches are Charlie, Teddy, Don McKenzie, Bluey Hampshire, Terry Wheeler & Terry Wallace. In that group we won a premiership, came runners up, featured in prelims and played in a number of finals.McKenzie & Hampshire had poor teams and didn't feature in finals.

Interesting counter point to the cultural cringe we experience at thought of hiring our own. Not sure how I feel about that, I just want the best available candidate and for them to embody the traits of the Club that will take us forward while putting the negative aspects to bed.

11-10-2014, 04:11 PM
Interesting counter point to the cultural cringe we experience at thought of hiring our own. Not sure how I feel about that, I just want the best available candidate and for them to embody the traits of the Club that will take us forward while putting the negative aspects to bed.

Yes I would like the best available too just putting it out there that hiring one of our own is not always a bad move. By the way I would consider Monty one of our own.

11-10-2014, 08:21 PM
As far as I can remember the favourite sons who have been coaches are Charlie, Teddy, Don McKenzie, Bluey Hampshire, Terry Wheeler & Terry Wallace. In that group we won a premiership, came runners up, featured in prelims and played in a number of finals.McKenzie & Hampshire had poor teams and didn't feature in finals.

6 coaches,1 premiership, and 1 other grand final appearance from all those years. Most club's supporters would see that and call it a disastrous record.

11-10-2014, 08:53 PM
6 coaches,1 premiership, and 1 other grand final appearance from all those years. Most club's supporters would see that and call it a disastrous record.

The other way to look at it if you add all the other "non bulldog coaches" into the equation we still will have only one premiership and 1 grand final.:)

13-10-2014, 02:47 PM
Flip-Flopping again.

If the Boyd trade gets done at a good price, I'm back to patting management on the back.

Geez I'm fickle. ;)

13-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Flip-Flopping again.

If the Boyd trade gets done at a good price, I'm back to patting management on the back.

Geez I'm fickle. ;)

Is this Jmac's / Dalrymple's work?

always right
13-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Flip-Flopping again.

If the Boyd trade gets done at a good price, I'm back to patting management on the back.

Geez I'm fickle. ;)

and if it falls through......

13-10-2014, 02:54 PM
You have to wonder that if Boyd was sticking his hand up and asking to be traded to the Bulldogs happened 10 minutes after Griffen said he wanted out would McCartney still be at the club? I think there is a fair chance he would be.

13-10-2014, 02:58 PM
and if it falls through......

I'm just going to pretend that the AFL doesn't even exist. ;)

13-10-2014, 10:41 PM
You have to wonder that if Boyd was sticking his hand up and asking to be traded to the Bulldogs happened 10 minutes after Griffen said he wanted out would McCartney still be at the club? I think there is a fair chance he would be.

Jones doesn't need to go to Carlton to be the 2nd forward if we get Tom Boyd