View Full Version : Who should we get as our new coach?

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Jam Donuts
10-10-2014, 11:03 AM
If the worst happens and Brendan has resigned, who would you like the club to pursue as our new coach?

10-10-2014, 11:04 AM
The cupboard is bare. We are behind Adelaide & GC in the chase for a new one.

Scott West is a rumour, would placate the masses

10-10-2014, 11:04 AM
Craig Bellamy

10-10-2014, 11:05 AM
Is Brian Royal past his used-by date...?

10-10-2014, 11:07 AM
The cupboard is bare. We are behind Adelaide & GC in the chase for a new one.

Scott West is a rumour, would placate the masses

Scott West cant string a sentence together

10-10-2014, 11:08 AM
I am not indulging this sort of discussion until something official is decided.

If word comes through that Macca is indeed gone I will gladly reopen the thread.

Edit: Right-o, go nuts. Couldn't care less right now.

10-10-2014, 11:37 AM
What makes anyone think we'll have a choice?

We've declared to the world that a coach at the Bulldogs is reportable to the core group of senior players, and if he doesn't tow the line they'll have him removed. No qualified coach will go into that environment unless they don't have any other choice.

It'll either be;

a) An untried coach just happy to get a chance

b) A previously sacked coach with no other prospects

c) and God help us if it happens... A former Bulldog "great" who understands the culture and what it means to be a Bulldog.

None of them are good options, and if it ends up being option C then we may as well stop pretending we're trying to achieve anything more than keep the doors open.

10-10-2014, 11:49 AM
Thread reopened. Fire away.

10-10-2014, 11:52 AM
Cooney; Minson; Griffen and Boyd as a collective. They can do a quarter of the year each and share it round. That will bring stability amongst the playing group.

10-10-2014, 11:53 AM
What are the serious options?

10-10-2014, 11:55 AM
Bomber. ? Montgomery ? Sanderson ?

10-10-2014, 12:05 PM
Judging by PG's gushings maybe Ryan Griffen captain/coach is the logical answer.

10-10-2014, 12:08 PM
Judging by PG's gushings maybe Ryan Griffen captain/coach is the logical answer.

Haha, make him CEO too

10-10-2014, 12:09 PM
How about Rocket?

10-10-2014, 12:10 PM
Will Griffen stay if we make him coach? Or maybe his manager? Or we could have one of the leadership group be a playing coach?

We're a forward looking and progressive club apparently, why not have the leadership group coach themselves? That way they'll never get any feedback they don't like.

10-10-2014, 12:11 PM
How about Rocket?

He's pretty busy running Collingwood into the ground, I don't think we should interrupt such important work!

10-10-2014, 12:25 PM
How about Rocket?

Left the cupboard pretty bare of young talent after his (and Clayton) last effort.

The Bulldogs Bite
10-10-2014, 12:30 PM
I heard the water boy communicates well when hydrating the players on the field. Good option?

10-10-2014, 12:33 PM
I vote for Chris Maple.

Rocket Science
10-10-2014, 12:35 PM
As an aside, assuming we'll also be looking for a slew of new assistants.

One wonders how many of the ex-Geelong crew will be retained, or are even inclined to be retained.

10-10-2014, 12:36 PM
As an aside, assuming we'll also be looking for a slew of new assistants.

One wonders how many of the ex-Geelong crew will be retained, or are even inclined to be retained.

Yep, anyone brought in by Macca will walk and the club will be worse off for it.

Rocket Science
10-10-2014, 12:42 PM
Indeed, so much for adhering to the 'Geelong model'.

10-10-2014, 12:47 PM

Yep, anyone brought in by Macca will walk and the club will be worse off for it.

What about Crameri? Wasn't McCartney one of the reasons we nabbed him?

10-10-2014, 12:48 PM
Judging by PG's gushings maybe Ryan Griffen captain/coach is the logical answer.
PG's gushings simply reinforced his stance yesterday. He was applauded for that approach yesterday in his press release but is condemned now?? The reason for these gushings is to make sure we get significant compensation from GWS for Griffen - people reading too much into what he said in the presser about Griffen's contract. Do we really want to hear him say that Griffen is not welcome back at the club and thus weaken our trading position on him?

Eze Dog
10-10-2014, 12:54 PM
I vote for Brendon Bolton.

10-10-2014, 12:55 PM
PG's gushings simply reinforced his stance yesterday. He was applauded for that approach yesterday in his press release but is condemned now?? The reason for these gushings is to make sure we get significant compensation from GWS for Griffen - people reading too much into what he said in the presser about Griffen's contract. Do we really want to hear him say that Griffen is not welcome back at the club and thus weaken our trading position on him?

That stance yesterday had more credibility before we sacked the coach in an attempt to placate him. Yesterday looked like strong leadership, today looked desperate and weak.

10-10-2014, 12:56 PM
Left the cupboard pretty bare of young talent after his (and Clayton) last effort.

Just taking the piss. An analogy for we are back where we started from.

10-10-2014, 12:58 PM
That stance yesterday had more credibility before we sacked the coach in an attempt to placate him. Yesterday looked like strong leadership, today looked desperate and weak.
Oh absolutely, our credibility has been fundamentally eroded in the last 24 hours. But the stance is effectively the same - our captain is under contract and is absolutely a required player, so GWS give us your best offer or fail once again to lure anyone of significance to your club.

10-10-2014, 01:02 PM
My preference would be someone like Worsfold (though he's probably close to my most hated ever player ... the things you ignore to get someone you think can win you a premiership).

However unfortunately has said he won't be in the market for a position for another 12 months.

10-10-2014, 01:21 PM
PG's gushings simply reinforced his stance yesterday. He was applauded for that approach yesterday in his press release but is condemned now?? The reason for these gushings is to make sure we get significant compensation from GWS for Griffen - people reading too much into what he said in the presser about Griffen's contract. Do we really want to hear him say that Griffen is not welcome back at the club and thus weaken our trading position on him?
I don't share your confidence ATM.

Yesterday and today are at polar opposites and it wouldn't surprise me if this is all about convincing some players to stay.

10-10-2014, 01:22 PM
Who in their right mind would take this job on at this stage of the game. Is it possible to take an interim coach into 2015? We've got to get cracking on choosing someone and get them in and settled before draft day. I can't see any one else other than someone who is already here that can do that.

Remi Moses
10-10-2014, 01:22 PM
I'd like Leigh Tudor to get a look
Please don't pick a favourite son , but at this stage I'm sure they'll have a viewer poll

10-10-2014, 01:43 PM
Brett Ratten?

10-10-2014, 01:45 PM
Left the cupboard pretty bare of young talent after his (and Clayton) last effort.

Took us to four finals campaigns, but we should not go back.

10-10-2014, 01:47 PM
I have just read this thread and only Remi and Scorlibo has offered a possible candidate.

The bullshit about players running the club is really tiresome. Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level. Maybe a good assistant but not a people manager.

10-10-2014, 01:50 PM
I have just read this thread and only Remi and Scorlibo has offered a possible candidate.

The bullshit about players running the club is really tiresome. Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level. Maybe a good assistant but not a people manager.

Come off it BAD. People are pissed off and just trying to express some anger. Don't tell me you haven't made a silly off the cuff remark before. We are getting precious.

10-10-2014, 01:53 PM
Come off it BAD. People are pissed off and just trying to express some anger. Don't tell me you haven't made a silly off the cuff remark before. We are getting precious.

There are plenty of threads for that. I was hoping to have a discussion on possible coaches. Oh well, maybe when things calm down.

10-10-2014, 02:01 PM
Vossy anyone?

His first season was a mess with trades but will walk into a club with alot of highend young talent to mould, especially with this looking to be a superdraft for us to add to the exciting young talent.

10-10-2014, 02:06 PM
Bomber T or Sando

10-10-2014, 02:09 PM
The way I see it going and wrongly IMO, the club will lean towards someone that has been or is still at the club.
To soon for Gia but i can see him taking on some sort of a major though , Maple could be a chance, West ?, Royal IMO to late, would be great if we coiuld poach Leon - but why would he leave to come to rabble.
So really not sure where that leave us, one thing is for sure he will be a players coach and a peace broker.
One credential I think is a must is to have a coach who has played at this level, a working game plan that is credible from day one.

10-10-2014, 02:09 PM
I would like to see Bomber take the role on but can't see it happening.

I assume Montgomery will be the interim coach until we find a replacement. Would Monty have the capabilities of stepping up to the mark to take the role on?

10-10-2014, 02:10 PM
bomber t or sando

10-10-2014, 02:10 PM
The way I see it going and wrongly IMO, the club will lean towards someone that has been or is still at the club.
To soon for Gia but i can see him taking on some sort of a major though , Maple could be a chance, West ?, Royal IMO to late, would be great if we coiuld poach Leon - but why would he leave to come to rabble.
So really not sure where that leave us, one thing is for sure he will be a players coach and a peace broker.
One credential I think is a must is to have a coach who has played at this level, a working game plan that is credible from day one.

and after poaching Griffen. I think not. Don't think he would garner much support.

Happy Days
10-10-2014, 02:12 PM
I vote for Brendon Bolton.

Brendan "Just Happy To Be Here" Bolton? Pass.

I vote we let the inmates run the asylum. I mean, they already do, plus have any of you seen Con Air? AWESOME movie.

10-10-2014, 02:15 PM
Vossy for me, he learnt the err of his ways at Brisbane, would be a fantastic candidate.

10-10-2014, 02:16 PM
Brendan "Just Happy To Be Here" Bolton? Pass.

I vote we let the inmates run the asylum. I mean, they already do, plus have any of you seen Con Air? AWESOME movie.

Everytime I hear "Sweet Home Alabama" I think of this movie.

10-10-2014, 02:16 PM
and after poaching Griffen. I think not. Don't think he would garner much support.

How do we know Griff didn't approach him.

10-10-2014, 02:18 PM
Mark Williams?

However much I love Westy (and I'm not adverse to him as an assistant coach) I think it's time for an experienced coach from outside the Dogs.

10-10-2014, 02:20 PM
Mark Williams?

However much I love Westy (and I'm not adverse to him as an assistant coach) I think it's time for an experienced coach from outside the Dogs.

We've already tried that. It all ended in tears today.

10-10-2014, 02:25 PM
Luke Beveridge. Ticks a lot of boxes. Sounds like the opposite of BMAC as a people person. Been in a successful program and looking for an opportunity. On his way to StKilda as director of coaching but may like this opportunity.

10-10-2014, 02:26 PM
Vossy anyone?

His first season was a mess with trades but will walk into a club with alot of highend young talent to mould, especially with this looking to be a superdraft for us to add to the exciting young talent.

With the way he'd come in barking orders and demanding things of players the leaders would run him out of the club before round 1.

10-10-2014, 02:31 PM
How do we know Griff didn't approach him.

True. His approach to Griffen has been the catalyst to this whole sorry saga - just don't think he would find much support.

Jam Donuts
10-10-2014, 02:32 PM
Vossy, or David King we need someone that the kids can respect and has been there done that, what about Hirdy the kids would grow pretty fast.

10-10-2014, 02:34 PM
Vossy, or David King we need someone that the kids can respect and has been there done that, what about Hirdy the kids would grow pretty fast.

Please. Not even as a joke.

10-10-2014, 02:36 PM
No to:


10-10-2014, 02:39 PM
No to:


I'm curious, why not Bolton.

Agree with the other 3.

10-10-2014, 02:39 PM
Agreed, and yes to

The Bulldogs Bite
10-10-2014, 02:40 PM
With the way he'd come in barking orders and demanding things of players the leaders would run him out of the club before round 1.

Had to laugh at this one.

I'm not advocating going after him, but it would be interesting to see a Voss/King duo in AFL ranks for the sole purpose of my curiosity. I've listened to them a lot this year on Fox and on radio - both are very, very astute. I know it'll never happen anywhere, I'd just find it intriguing.

FWIW yes I know there are communication concerns re: Voss.

10-10-2014, 02:40 PM
No to:


Who then?

Bolton seems a bit "too nice" for my liking, Bomber Thompson won't jump straight in Macca's grave, great mates.

10-10-2014, 02:44 PM
Maybe put in Vossy and make sure everything is communicated via Gia, as Player Liaison Officer.

He could be like Sigourney Weaver's character in Galaxy Quest, whose job is to repeat everything the computer says.

Remi Moses
10-10-2014, 02:45 PM
I'd like fergie to get the gig .
Just wonder how our senior children would react to the hair drier treatment ?

10-10-2014, 02:47 PM
No to:


You want people to suggest a serious coach and then you come out and just say no. Surely you can give an explanation.

10-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Thanks Muphy's Lore - you actually made me giggle when I read your post. A little bit of laughter therapy never goes astray.

10-10-2014, 02:52 PM
You want people to suggest a serious coach and then you come out and just say no. Surely you can give an explanation.

Later when things get serious :D

10-10-2014, 02:55 PM
I'd like fergie to get the gig .
Just wonder how our senior children would react to the hair drier treatment ?

Or someone like a Mou, our senior players would be eaten alive

10-10-2014, 03:06 PM
Who cares? Andrew Bolt can co-coach with Gore Vidal

Pedro Sanchez
10-10-2014, 03:12 PM
We cant take vossy, the Recruit would suffer too much


10-10-2014, 03:17 PM
Stuart Dew?

David King is extremely astute. Highly unlikely though as he currently isn't in club land so perhaps he isn't interested in coaching.

10-10-2014, 03:18 PM
Ben Dixon. We'd go hard for Michael Voss, but end up with Ben's Dixon's tantrum throwing and pubescent voice cracking.

Yah team!

10-10-2014, 03:21 PM
Stuart Dew?

David King is extremely astute. Highly unlikely though as he currently isn't in club land so perhaps he isn't interested in coaching.

I actually heard a whisper re: Dew this morning. No at King. I have NFI what he's talking about sometimes. When i can understand him he's either on the mark or on Mars. The kids would end up in the foetal position in the corner with tinfoil hats.

10-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Took us to four finals campaigns, but we should not go back.

Sure did but we had some very poor drafting in his time for which we are paying for.

Ghost Dog
10-10-2014, 03:25 PM
Kevin Sheedy

10-10-2014, 03:33 PM
I might be in the Maple camp.

I just think the transition post Macca maybe easier with Maple because he was implementing Macca grand plan at the development level and may keep the same path with some of his own tweaks but I would think he may be on better terms with the players.

I think he loves the club and he has finals (be it at a lower level) experience.

10-10-2014, 03:39 PM
I think Rocket and me returning as a package is the way to go.;)

10-10-2014, 03:41 PM
I'm pretty shattered about McCartney being sacked. I think it is the wrong decision, I also didn't want Rocket to be sacked, but happily supported the new coach.

What I don't plan on doing is completely dropping my bundle because a coach I liked has been sacked - and going on to deride the new coach at every opportunity available.

Whoever it is (aside from James Hird!) gets my support. I just hope it is a strong character who wants to build the club for sustained success - which is the path we've put 3 years into already - rather than trying to reach for a short term 10 wins because of impatient supporters demanding linear W/L improvement.

10-10-2014, 03:45 PM
I might be in the Maple camp.

I just think the transition post Macca maybe easier with Maple because he was implementing Macca grand plan at the development level and may keep the same path with some of his own tweaks but I would think he may be on better terms with the players.

I think he loves the club and he has finals (be it at a lower level) experience.
Unless its a huge signing me too, from the Footscray flag we know he gets the best out of players, they will play for him, listen and respect him and above all he seems to have a game plan.
Not sure about his experiance though

10-10-2014, 03:46 PM
I'm a Redlegs fan. I believe we should do all we can to get Nathan Bassett to the Dogs.

10-10-2014, 03:47 PM
I have just read this thread and only Remi and Scorlibo has offered a possible candidate.

The bullshit about players running the club is really tiresome. Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level. Maybe a good assistant but not a people manager.

That's your opinion. Your relentless opinion - that you've posted 500 times in the past three years.

Other people can have a different opinion on the matter.

Pedro Sanchez
10-10-2014, 03:50 PM
I think we need someone with proven playing experience at the highest level, otherwise it’s likely to be a repeat of this issue. That being that when things get tough and the coach takes a hard line, he won’t have the respect of the players.
Whether its right or wrong, players will always question the coach who ruffles their feathers by thinking along the lines of… ‘Well that’s fine but what would you know, you’ve never played at this level…’
When it comes to the crunch we need an ex-player to put the fear of god into the squad when it’s needed. It needs to be a decent name that commands respect off the cuff, and not a good bloke with the right values etc…

10-10-2014, 03:51 PM
I think Rocket and me returning as a package is the way to go.;)

Hey Jim, good to hear from you.

10-10-2014, 04:02 PM
Given the events this week, they'll select Brad Hardie with Dougie Hawkins as his assistant.

10-10-2014, 04:08 PM
That's your opinion. Your relentless opinion - that you've posted 500 times in the past three years.

Other people can have a different opinion on the matter.

I have never posted that opinion in the last three years until this week. I think you have me mixed up with some one else.

I have maintained from the start I was prepared to let Macca coach out his contract and then see where he is at. I said in numerous threads that next year was a year we had to be pushing for the eight and if half way during the season we were 3 wins then questions had to be asked.

I think you better re think your post and same to those that pressed like.

Jam Donuts
10-10-2014, 04:09 PM
Given the events this week, they'll select Brad Hardie with Dougie Hawkins as his assistant.

And that would be worse than what we had?

10-10-2014, 04:17 PM
Given the events this week, they'll select Brad Hardie with Dougie Hawkins as his assistant.

Gave me laugh.

10-10-2014, 04:17 PM
Would like to hear from Scott Burns.

Now with 6 years coaching under his belt as (midfield) assistant under Worsfold and now Buckley / Rocket in 2014,
nine years playing under Malthouse and a handful under Matthews and Shaw, Collingwood Captain and a distinguished playing career he's built a solid portfolio for an interview.

10-10-2014, 04:20 PM
Would like to hear from Scott Burns.

Now with 6 years coaching under his belt as (midfield) assistant under Worsfold and now Buckley / Rocket in 2014,
nine years playing under Malthouse and a handful under Matthews and Shaw, Collingwood Captain and a distinguished playing career he's built a solid portfolio for an interview.

Good option.

10-10-2014, 04:24 PM
I have never posted that opinion in the last three years until this week. I think you have me mixed up with some one else.

I have maintained from the start I was prepared to let Macca coach out his contract and then see where he is at. I said in numerous threads that next year was a year we had to be pushing for the eight and if half way during the season we were 3 wins then questions had to be asked.

I think you better re think your post and same to those that pressed like.

Lets be fair dinkum. I don't want this to be a thing; but over the years you have very regularly suggested Macca was a good development coach but not a senior coach, that he needed a senior assistant, that he had no game day tactical nous etc. A good assistant and not a senior coach - a regular theme.

I take exception to you saying "Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level." like it is a FACTUAL STATEMENT and that everyone else is so clueless as to not 'get it'.

10-10-2014, 04:26 PM
Would like to hear from Scott Burns.

Now with 6 years coaching under his belt as (midfield) assistant under Worsfold and now Buckley / Rocket in 2014,
nine years playing under Malthouse and a handful under Matthews and Shaw, Collingwood Captain and a distinguished playing career he's built a solid portfolio for an interview.

I'll have to reserve judgement on Scott Burns.

He addressed my team before a match during ' AFL community week' a few years ago. Pretty underwhelming!
Of course that has no bearing on how he would be as a coach whatsoever - its just the immediate thing that comes to mind when I hear his name!

Solid credentials on paper by the looks though.

10-10-2014, 04:27 PM
Lets be fair dinkum. I don't want this to be a thing; but over the years you have very regularly suggested Macca was a good development coach but not a senior coach, that he needed a senior assistant, that he had no game day tactical nous etc. A good assistant and not a senior coach - a regular theme.

I take exception to you saying "Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level." like it is a FACTUAL STATEMENT and that everyone else is so clueless as to not 'get it'.

never said that, just expressed my opinion - sorry you misunderstand.

10-10-2014, 04:30 PM
I would like to see Johnno involved in some capacity. He makes a lot of sense on Fox Footy and he has been coaching at the Academy too. Would bring members back too.

10-10-2014, 04:58 PM
I would like to see Johnno involved in some capacity. He makes a lot of sense on Fox Footy and he has been coaching at the Academy too. Would bring members back too.

Please no. I don't think I could handle another favourite son home coming.

Whenever there's change the call always goes out to bring back club champions, but they have all been long term members of an unsuccessful club with an individual culture.

10-10-2014, 05:06 PM
Mark Harvey? Might put some mongrel back into the club.

Jam Donuts
10-10-2014, 05:09 PM
I wonder if someone from our club has been quietly sounding out any senior coaches over the last month or so, to be honest an outsider would be fairly impressed with the kids on our list, and now with more quality to come in, perhaps we may be more attractive to say a Bomber Thompson (just to pull a name up) than we collectively think. If it is OK for players including a Captain to speak to other organisations well maybe our club has as well with the unemployed coaches? It could be part of a grand plan, or it could be just a crap administration?

10-10-2014, 05:10 PM
He's pretty busy running Collingwood into the ground, I don't think we should interrupt such important work!

Thanks Greystache i needed a laugh.

10-10-2014, 05:12 PM
What we need is a coach who has the respect of the players and is a good tactician and communicator. I don't want us to make a hasty decision on this.

10-10-2014, 05:14 PM
Mark Harvey? Might put some mongrel back into the club.

He seems like a bit of a weak willed door mat to me, he should be popular with our senior players.

10-10-2014, 05:18 PM
Please no. I don't think I could handle another favourite son home coming.

Whenever there's change the call always goes out to bring back club champions, but they have all been long term members of an unsuccessful club with an individual culture.

Which previous ones are you talking about Stache?

10-10-2014, 05:20 PM
Which previous ones are you talking about Stache?

Grant and Smith have both come back in recent years. The senior assistant is a former player, so is the CEO.

10-10-2014, 05:22 PM
Grant and Smith have both come back in recent years. The senior assistant is a former player, so is the CEO.

Fair enough.

10-10-2014, 06:57 PM
According to Channel 7 Montgomery is in box seat. Others mentioned was Bassett and one other which I can't remember. I also heard Ratten could be interested.

10-10-2014, 06:59 PM
According to Channel 7 Montgomery is in box seat. Others mentioned was Bassett and one other which I can't remember. I also heard Ratten could be interested.


Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
10-10-2014, 07:14 PM
Monty may be a good proposition to consider. He has an awareness of what Bmac was trying to instill in the players. Given our young squad I think that's an important consideration for their continued linear development. A completely new regime with a totally different philosophy may see our kids take a step backward whilst they come to grips with the new game plan.

He seems tactically astute too. He has also experienced success at Port as a player and has also had coaching experience outside of the Bulldogs.

I know there have been question marks about his handling of Lake's injury during his last year with us but I would hope he has learned from that experience.
His award for assistant coach of the year in what has been a difficult season, indicates he has some regard within the industry.
We could, and still may, do worse.

10-10-2014, 07:17 PM
Stuart Dew, Nathan Bassett, Micheal Voss, John Worsfold, Peter Sumich, Scott Burns, Brett Montgomery, Gary Ayres, Rodney Eade, Guy McKenna.
The list goes on. I was behind Macca, but the next coach could be a good thing.

I know one thing I can no longer support Griff! Pee off to GWS!

Dry Rot
10-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Stuart Dew, Nathan Bassett, Micheal Voss, John Worsfold, Peter Sumich, Scott Burns, Brett Montgomery, Gary Ayres, Rodney Eade, Guy McKenna.
The list goes on. I was behind Macca, but the next coach could be a good thing.

I know one thing I can no longer support Griff! Pee off to GWS!

Choco Williams?

The Underdog
10-10-2014, 09:09 PM
To be honest. I don't care. It doesn't matter anyway.

10-10-2014, 09:43 PM
To be honest. I don't care. It doesn't matter anyway.

I feel the same. Really flat. What I would suggest to the club is that they DO NOT go for someone who is going to want to start again with a different philosophy. Otherwise we have another wasted generation of pups. Macca's overall philosophy was right and the club needs to back that.

10-10-2014, 09:51 PM
Monty is very popular with the players they love him from what I hear.

10-10-2014, 10:42 PM
What I would suggest to the club is that they DO NOT go for someone who is going to want to start again with a different philosophy. Otherwise we have another wasted generation of pups. Macca's overall philosophy was right and the club needs to back that.

Tend to agree. I would look at Chris Maple

10-10-2014, 10:49 PM
I have just read this thread and only Remi and Scorlibo has offered a possible candidate.

The bullshit about players running the club is really tiresome. Can't people understand Macca can't coach at the top level. Maybe a good assistant but not a people manager.

I grew tired of your love for Eade....

10-10-2014, 10:51 PM
I grew tired of your love for Eade....

What has got that got to do with the price of fish.

Glad you got that off your chest.

Remi Moses
10-10-2014, 11:01 PM
I like Leigh Tudor or Stewie Dew to be honest.
We need a blank canvas starting now .

10-10-2014, 11:02 PM
Doesn't matter who coaches when the players make the decisions.

10-10-2014, 11:03 PM
I like Leigh Tudor or Stewie Dew to be honest.
We need a blank canvas starting now .

What if their view of footy is different to playing list? We would need to rebuild, the rebuild of the refresh.

10-10-2014, 11:08 PM
We need someone not previously affiliated with the club to come in, so no Monty, West etc.

10-10-2014, 11:13 PM
We need someone not previously affiliated with the club to come in, so no Monty, West etc.

yes I agree, someone who has tasted success as a player and assistant coach.

10-10-2014, 11:17 PM
Also they need to have done a proper apprenticeship. Not a work experience placement like Buckley, Hird, Voss etc.

11-10-2014, 02:42 AM
To be honest. I don't care. It doesn't matter anyway.

Sadly this.

Just let the senior playing group choose, they're running the show anyway.

11-10-2014, 03:31 AM
To be honest. I don't care. It doesn't matter anyway.

Sadly this.

Just let the senior playing group choose, they're running the show anyway.

Doesn't matter who coaches when the players make the decisions.
And apparently the players are the sulks. :)


I reckon when it comes to the "players running the show" argument, there's a tipping point between it being a player problem and a coach problem.

When almost a quarter of the playing group (including 2 captains) is ready to walk from a club that many of them have loved and in many instances taken less money to stay with (there's probably even more players than those listed above who have serious concerns but shut their mouths), IMO it is just as appropriate to question the coach's approach/methods as well as the players.

We're not dealing with animals, children, lazy assholes or players who've been known to push against authority here. It's not against the realms of possibility that some of those players listed above might even be ... dare I say it ... "good people"!

Would coaches who are among the best in the comp, say a Clarkson, or a Hinkley, would they have encountered the same seismic turn against themselves had they been in charge of the list in the last 3 years? It's all conjecture, but player management is fundamental to coaching, keeping guys on side while getting the absolute best out of them critical to success. If you've lost a quarter of your list, to the point where they not only do they not like you very much, but actually want to **** off from a club they love, do you have to take at least some of the blame for how things have worked out?

There is a likelihood that there's people that are simply better than him at this job out there. And given that we are now looking for that new coach, that bloke who can get the maximum out of these blokes, that bloke whose approach and methods can have everyone working their arses off to achieve the most they possibly can, without turning them against the coach ... is it a possibility that he could be sitting on the club's shortlist? I'm one of the most negative, cynical campaigners on this forum, and I'm confident that he possibly is.

11-10-2014, 03:42 AM
Preference was Worsfold, but have changed my thinking somewhat. Posted this almost verbatim elsewhere, but thought I may as well post it here:

Taking a few minutes to jigsaw bits and pieces of his resume together, Tudor has sky-rocketed to my #1.

Under 19's - played under Denis Pagan
Geelong - played under Malcolm Blight
Geelong assistant to Mark Thompson
St Kilda assistant to Ross Lyon
Sydney assistant to John Longmire
North assistant to Brad Scott

Plus - plus - unlike many other assistants, has coached his own team (to a VFL premiership in '07, no less).

Experience with 4 premiership coaches and another coach who was two kicks away from having two flags himself. I don't rate Brad Scott that highly, but it's experience to a new/different approach that certainly wouldn't hurt Tudor's overall credentials (especially with them stepping up from outside the 8 to a prelim with him on their coaching panel), and at the very least he would have been exposed to some Leigh Matthews era methods and practices.

As someone else mentioned, any team he has been involved has not finished outside of the prelims since ... 2005.

Go get him doggies.

Dannnnnnnnn had also posted some thought on Tudor a few minutes earlier in that thread, completely stealing my thunder. Worth a read. (http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/the-western-bulldogs-next-coach.1079672/page-14#post-35640088)

11-10-2014, 03:46 AM
Guido, the issue is that this has only been an issue for the playing group for a period of less than four months - if you believe what club management has to say about the matter.

The coach evaluated the situation alongside the management of the club, and promised to change while at the same time so did the captain of the football club.

And above, you have a list of players that were apparently over things at this point. Each with serious flaws in their games, bar one or two of them, and many of them having been on the banana lounge for a fair while.

With all due respect, who gives a *!*!*!*! about Jones, Tahlia, Tutt, Higgins, Cooney and Boyd? Don't you think there's a bloody good reason for these players to have been marginalised in recent times?

11-10-2014, 03:57 AM
With all due respect, who gives a *!*!*!*! about Jones, Tahlia, Tutt, Higgins, Cooney and Boyd? Don't you think there's a bloody good reason for these players to have been marginalised in recent times?
If it was 1, 2 or 3 blokes, maybe you could simply put it down to poor attitudes or being pissed off at how things were going to pan out for them on a personal level, but the sheer weight of numbers to me says there was an issue with his man-management. Every year there's blokes going to get cut, blokes coming to the end of their careers or players who haven't got as much game time as they would have liked - haven't 100% done the numbers on this- but I'm guessing more blokes want/wanted to leave to other clubs this off-season than in the last 10 seasons combined.

Flaws in their game notwithstanding, if the key to coaching is getting the maximum possible out of the players at your disposal via your direct communication skills, man-management and fostering 1-1 relationships, and a quarter of those guys would rather leave, then IMO you probably aren't very good at those aspects.

11-10-2014, 04:06 AM
Have you considered that all of them had a terrible attitude, and that all of them may have had plenty of opportunities to adapt?

If you want to take sheer weight of numbers into account, then the sheer weight of numbers suggests these players that you have mentioned are on the outside. There's still 75% of players at the club that have seemingly fallen into line.

I don't for one second think McCartney was perfect. Having said that, I don't for one second think our club has not had very selfish and unprofessional footballers running around on the park each weekend for the last three years. Footballers that have gone belly-up quarters at a time when things have gone against them when leadership was crucial for a game to be won or at least contested.

11-10-2014, 04:35 AM
Have you considered that all of them had a terrible attitude
I think 8-9 players, 4 of them All-Australians, for EVERY SINGLE ONE to have a shit attitude not conducive to team footy, and EVERY SINGLE ONE to have a poor work ethic ... it's a bit much to believe.

I think I'm just playing the percentages in thinking that maybe the coach just wasn't very good in keeping them on-side while also getting the best out of them.

We'll never know, but IMO there is a chance that given the same situation, other coaches, after 3 years, might not had a quarter of the playing list wanting out.

11-10-2014, 04:53 AM
I think 8-9 players, 4 of them All-Australians, for EVERY SINGLE ONE to have a shit attitude not conducive to team footy, and EVERY SINGLE ONE to have a poor work ethic ... it's a bit much to believe.

I think I'm just playing the percentages in thinking that maybe the coach just wasn't very good in keeping them on-side while also getting the best out of them.

We'll never know, but IMO there is a chance that given the same situation, other coaches, after 3 years, might not had a quarter of the playing list wanting out.

I don't disagree. Other coaches might have been cooked after two years, without getting a contract extension to make it five instead of a flat three year deal. History will show that was a poor management decision.

But, there's some part of me that has a real issue with the timing, and I think as a reasonable man Guido, you might too.

Too many players on your list have been hallmarked for being managed out, and as it happens, all of this coincides with our captain feeling like there's too much pressure on him, to the point where he wants to play at a backwater club. One could call it a coaching issue, though one could just as easily call it a classic case of peer pressure.

We'll never know.

The Underdog
11-10-2014, 05:54 AM
And apparently the players are the sulks. :)


I reckon when it comes to the "players running the show" argument, there's a tipping point between it being a player problem and a coach problem.

When almost a quarter of the playing group (including 2 captains) is ready to walk from a club that many of them have loved and in many instances taken less money to stay with (there's probably even more players than those listed above who have serious concerns but shut their mouths), IMO it is just as appropriate to question the coach's approach/methods as well as the players.

We're not dealing with animals, children, lazy assholes or players who've been known to push against authority here. It's not against the realms of possibility that some of those players listed above might even be ... dare I say it ... "good people"!

Would coaches who are among the best in the comp, say a Clarkson, or a Hinkley, would they have encountered the same seismic turn against themselves had they been in charge of the list in the last 3 years? It's all conjecture, but player management is fundamental to coaching, keeping guys on side while getting the absolute best out of them critical to success. If you've lost a quarter of your list, to the point where they not only do they not like you very much, but actually want to **** off from a club they love, do you have to take at least some of the blame for how things have worked out?

There is a likelihood that there's people that are simply better than him at this job out there. And given that we are now looking for that new coach, that bloke who can get the maximum out of these blokes, that bloke whose approach and methods can have everyone working their arses off to achieve the most they possibly can, without turning them against the coach ... is it a possibility that he could be sitting on the club's shortlist? I'm one of the most negative, cynical campaigners on this forum, and I'm confident that he possibly is.

I don't doubt that some of the players listed there are "good people" but at least a couple of them certainly played football for themselves over the team and it seems that most of them when challenged went and hid. I keep hearing about needing to keep older guys for leadership but I'm not sure there are any outside of Griffen, Morris and Murphy who've displayed any and one of them had so much trouble doing it that he's decided to go and hide in the AFL equivalent of off-off broadway. People criticise the chasing of Lonergan but maybe we need 3 or 4 older heads from outside the club to provide actual leadership. At this point of the over 28's, Morris and Murphy are the only ones I really care about being there next year.
I'm also sceptical about the Dahlhaus aspect of that group, given the only mention of it has come from Barrett.
I don't doubt that there is a better coach out there. I have no faith that we'll find him or that he'll want to come here. What disappoints me (and I disagreed with the early Macca extension) is that like the players once our convictions were challenged we caved. I'm not sure a club wide lack of backbone will be fixed by a better coach. I've even lost some faith with the PG and he was the one aspect about this club I had complete faith in to carry through a task.

11-10-2014, 08:57 AM

Well piss them off if we aren't in for the long haul and bring in guys who are.

11-10-2014, 09:09 AM
I'd be giving this guy (http://heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/ex-defender-adam-kingsley-a-forward-thinker/story-e6frf9jf-1226046575294) a call

11-10-2014, 10:06 AM
I'd be giving this guy (http://heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/ex-defender-adam-kingsley-a-forward-thinker/story-e6frf9jf-1226046575294) a call

Is he senior coach material? Have you heard much about him?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
11-10-2014, 10:20 AM
Why is there not much consideration being given here to Monty? Yes he has strong Bulldog history which could be seen as a negative, but he also has experienced a premiership as a player at Port & has had assistant coaching experience outside of the club at Carlton.
For me it is also a plus he has worked under Macca and is best placed to continue the development of our young list given his knowledge of the group.
Surely he has to be a strong candidate?

11-10-2014, 10:37 AM
Is he senior coach material? Have you heard much about him?

I have mentioned him a few times. I have heard him speak a few times and think he has a good tactical mind. Coached under Lyon and Williams which is a decent pedigree. Is he ready? I don't know but it couldn't hurt to have a chat with him.
He is young enough for our players. We basically can't go over the age of 50 now for our next coach

11-10-2014, 10:39 AM
Why is there not much consideration being given here to Monty? Yes he has strong Bulldog history which could be seen as a negative, but he also has experienced a premiership as a player at Port & has had assistant coaching experience outside of the club at Carlton.
For me it is also a plus he has worked under Macca and is best placed to continue the development of our young list given his knowledge of the group.
Surely he has to be a strong candidate?

Normally I would but he was there during all of this and was unable to stop it from happening.

11-10-2014, 10:40 AM
I have mentioned him a few times. I have heard him speak a few times and think he has a good tactical mind. Coached under Lyon and Williams which is a decent pedigree. Is he ready? I don't know but it couldn't hurt to have a chat with him.
He is young enough for our players. We basically can't go over the age of 50 now for our next coach

Whats he actually doing now?

11-10-2014, 10:58 AM
which guy?

11-10-2014, 10:59 AM
I'd be giving this guy (http://heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/ex-defender-adam-kingsley-a-forward-thinker/story-e6frf9jf-1226046575294) a call

which guy?

Hold your curser over 'guy' in G's post and click.

11-10-2014, 11:10 AM
Back page of the West Australian today - Sumich want s the job. This week just keeps getting better.

11-10-2014, 11:13 AM
Whats wrong with Sumich?

11-10-2014, 11:16 AM
which guy?

Like Chops, he who can't be named ?

With all that's gone down, I've used my HS limit so the link is no good to me.

I'm assuming from recent posts it's Sumich from Freo.

Btw credit to EasternWest

11-10-2014, 11:20 AM
Like Chops, he who can't be named ?

With all that's gone down, I've used my HS limit so the link is no good to me.

I'm assuming from recent posts it's Sumich from Freo.

Btw credit to EasternWest

It is Adam Kingsley.

11-10-2014, 12:08 PM
Scott West has put his hand as well. As much as I loved Westy as a player his coaching credentials are asst. to Dean Bailey and the tanking fiasco and a prelim VFL final.

11-10-2014, 12:10 PM
If you think about the young players we have on our list a prospective coach should be licking his lips.

11-10-2014, 12:11 PM
Back page of the West Australian today - Sumich want s the job. This week just keeps getting better.

You are not impressed? I don't know anything about him.

11-10-2014, 12:13 PM
There's really only one person who can bring us to the promised land.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you MATT SPANGHER :D

11-10-2014, 12:15 PM
Re Sumich, all I read was positive around the time he was going for the WCE job. Not opposed to him at all.

11-10-2014, 12:39 PM
Like Chops, he who can't be named ?

With all that's gone down, I've used my HS limit so the link is no good to me.

I'm assuming from recent posts it's Sumich from Freo.

Btw credit to EasternWest

Switch your browser to incognito mode, your link count will reset each time you open your browser.

11-10-2014, 12:47 PM
Whats wrong with Sumich?

Well, in 1990 I saw a sign at the football that read "Sexy Suma".

I was only 10 or 11 at the time, and Jesus I was confused. How could anybody find Peter Sumich sexy? I mean, Samantha Fox was supposed to be sexy, but Peter Sumich?

Apart from that, I've got no issues with him.

11-10-2014, 01:11 PM
Why is there not much consideration being given here to Monty?

He's the clear favourite with the bookies, but the knock on Macca was his game day coaching and Monty is head of opposition strategy.

11-10-2014, 01:28 PM
Whats wrong with Sumich?

"Against Footscray in Round 12(1989) he kicked eight goals, setting a record for the most goals kicked in a match by a West Coast player."

I lived in Perth at the time and was there at the WACA in all of my Footscray regalia. I will never forget the crap I got from the crowd after the match. Never. Thanks Peter Sumich. Thanks a bloody lot!:mad:

11-10-2014, 01:34 PM
Whats wrong with Sumich?

Probably my personal hatred of WCE is clouding my judgement but he does seem the perennial candidate over here and gets constantly overlooked (including the recent eagles job). Doesn't impresse me when I've heard him in the media either).

..and can we have as a coach someone Danny Southern once put in a sleeper hold?

11-10-2014, 02:30 PM
Leigh Tudor has success follow him around. Definitely worth a look.

I'd definitely consider Brett Ratten too. He got the most out of a ordinary bunch with a lot of injuries.

Stew Dew has had a decent apprenticeship as well.

11-10-2014, 02:35 PM
Who would want to coach the Bulldogs?

THE NEXT Western Bulldogs coach must be able to challenge the club's players.

He will be able to do so because to think all players at the club are incapable of coping with strong feedback is wrong.

Those who ask loudly 'Why would you want to go to the Bulldogs now?' are misreading the situation.

It will be as challenging as most environments new coaches walk into. A little more than most, perhaps, but still inviting enough.

Brett Ratten, Brett Montgomery, Stuart Dew, Brendon Bolton or Nathan Bassett might all be capable of taking the club forward from this position.

Let's be honest - there will be diverging views among the players on what transpired in the second half of the season at the club, and on the change of heart from skipper Ryan Griffen.

Lessons will be learned and certain players will be gone. Some very good leaders will remain.

Analysis: Why the Dogs must still trade Ryan Griffen

The list is certainly talented and Brendan McCartney did 90 per cent of the job very well. You can take that as read.

He was preparing to address his deficiencies in 2015 after frank exchanges with the skipper and the board over the off-season.

In fact, the coaching group had invested in AFL-backed programs to provide the right support to all its coaches throughout 2014, in a bid to improve the quality of the week-to-week stuff delivered to the players.

The club had decided to back rather than sack the coach. It should be praised for that initial attempt to push through the bad patch.

The Bulldogs' most senior player had reassured everyone he was on board. Things were on the up, but that path altered dramatically when Griffen changed his tune while on holidays and decided he was out.

Such a decision from a key employee would never have such an impact in a normal workplace but AFL clubs are far from a normal workplace.

What has changed now is not that players run the club; it's that players know they can run from the club and the power of their brand can take people with them. Internal conversations also flow outside the four walls of the club more easily.

That shift of power can unsettle club boards that don't know how to manage such situations.

The past two days have been a tough time for all parties involved because the reality is issues never should fester for long enough that they are addressed only when the season is over.

Reviewing should be a constant process at football clubs. Cabinet solidarity should exist.

That is the environment the next coach needs to create.

Some healing will initially need to take place but a good coach will be able to do that because most coaches start with a receptive audience who are eager to please.

The next coach's first step will be building professional, sustainable relationships.

It's all Paul Roos did when he arrived at Melbourne. He joined players in the gym, on treadmills and in cafes.

The Lions' Justin Leppitsch moved his office to be closer to where the players congregated so he had chances to meet incidentally.

Port Adelaide's Ken Hinkley speaks to each player on the list for 15 minutes a week.

Do you reckon those three coaches haven't given their players a burst here and there over the course of the season?

They find what intrinsically motivates each individual. They manage the team and build shared understanding within the football department.

How the Bulldogs' next coach does that will come down to personality and style but it will not be about currying favour or being a good bloke – whatever that is –it will be about creating clarity.

That is what good leaders do.

Those involved at successful football clubs know clarity comes in a range of ways. Sometimes it's through consultation. At other times it is through trust. At all times it's about respecting opinion and then making good decisions.

It was interesting to hear Hawthorn recruiter Graham Wright say during the week that he only discovered Jarryd Roughead's opinion on recruit James Frawley after the former Demon had joined the club.

Roughead told Wright at the best and fairest that Frawley was hard to play on.

You can bet, however, if Roughead thought otherwise he would have got the message to the recruiter and then trusted the recruiter to make a decision based on all the information.

The reigning premier has built relationships and defined roles within the club over many years.

Hawthorn has the pillars of success in place – president, CEO, football director/football manager, coach and talent.

The Bulldogs aspire to become such a club.

The events of the week were a step back from that aspiration but the next coach can continue the improvement McCartney started.


11-10-2014, 03:01 PM
It's a strange one this time around.

clearly a group of 20 quality players on the list but limited depth in all but on ball or midfield positions.

all applicants have more flaws than ever due to the fact there are simply more teams and coaching positions taken up.

taking an assistant we run the risk of it not working out like Sanderson or Neeld, or it being like Clarkson.

take an experienced coach and all of the focus in the forums will be on what was wrong with them last time around and not what they did well nor the extenuating circumstances of the issues they may have faced.

none of the nominations are inspiring to me, yet none I would say a definite no to.

as a general rule I would prefer it to to be a favourite son and would also prefer the coach had either as a player or coach been there and succeeded in the last day of the season.

interesting times ahead, but for those outright saying no to suggestions put forward, I would hope it is because of a coaching flaw you have actually have experienced and not because of what you have read in the media. The one example I put in this category is Voss. He has recognised he should have got experience before his first gig, he has that now, and he had a dysfunctional board influencing decisions. He would now understand how to control these situations better.

These I merely my thoughts of a coach at various levels in local football and certainly appreciative though not fully understanding of the requirements of an AFL coach at the highest level

11-10-2014, 03:07 PM
It's a strange one this time around.

clearly a group of 20 quality players on the list but limited depth in all but on ball or midfield positions.

all applicants have more flaws than ever due to the fact there are simply more teams and coaching positions taken up.

taking an assistant we run the risk of it not working out like Sanderson or Neeld, or it being like Clarkson.

take an experienced coach and all of the focus in the forums will be on what was wrong with them last time around and not what they did well nor the extenuating circumstances of the issues they may have faced.

none of the nominations are inspiring to me, yet none I would say a definite no to.

as a general rule I would prefer it to to be a favourite son and would also prefer the coach had either as a player or coach been there and succeeded in the last day of the season.

interesting times ahead, but for those outright saying no to suggestions put forward, I would hope it is because of a coaching flaw you have actually have experienced and not because of what you have read in the media. The one example I put in this category is Voss. He has recognised he should have got experience before his first gig, he has that now, and he had a dysfunctional board influencing decisions. He would now understand how to control these situations better.

These I merely my thoughts of a coach at various levels in local football and certainly appreciative though not fully understanding of the requirements of an AFL coach at the highest level

Nothing like the cut and thrust of a Foxtel drama!

Dysfunctional board didn't tell him to recruit all those rejects

11-10-2014, 03:18 PM
Leigh Tudor has success follow him around. Definitely worth a look.

I'd definitely consider Brett Ratten too. He got the most out of a ordinary bunch with a lot of injuries.

Stew Dew has had a decent apprenticeship as well.

From my little understanding I would like one of these three options.

11-10-2014, 04:53 PM
Nothing like the cut and thrust of a Foxtel drama!

Dysfunctional board didn't tell him to recruit all those rejects
true but after taking the team to the finals in the second year they expected top 4 next year forcing him to look at experienced players and not continue the build through youth.

even in his last year he was expected to have 14 wins

11-10-2014, 05:31 PM
Scott West signals intent to pursue Western Bulldogs coaching job

WESTERN Bulldogs legend Scott West wants the club’s senior coaching position after Brendan McCartney resigned yesterday with two years to run on his contract.

But McCartney’s departure won’t ease the tension between the Bulldogs and star captain Ryan Griffen, who is still seeking a trade to Greater Western Sydney by Thursday’s deadline.

“They need to get someone who can sell the club back to the people,” a source close to five-time All-Australian West said last night. “If they were smart they’d get a favourite son like West.”

West, 39, who retired in 2008 after 324 games and seven best-and-fairest awards, has a strong relationship with the senior players and it is believed he has been in touch with Griffen since his shock decision.

West confirmed last night he wanted the top job but declined to comment publicly. He spent the past season building on his knowledge of the game from the ABC commentary box after coaching stints at Melbourne and Werribee.

Several Demons — including Nathan Jones — praised West’s teaching ability during his three-year tenure as midfield coach and he led the VFL Tigers to consecutive preliminary finals.

“His experience and the knowledge he passes onto a young group is priceless, I couldn’t speak more highly of him,” Jones said in 2011.

West was pivotal to the development of North Melbourne young guns Luke McDonald and Ben Brown at Werribee last year.

Club great Doug Hawkins last night enodrsed West’s credentials, declaring it might be time the Dogs turn to a favourite son after overlooking Brian Royal and Leon Cameron.

Dogs senior assistant Brett Montgomery is also a chance to take the reins at Whitten Oval and Hawthorn senior assistant coach Brett Ratten is expected to be interviewed, along with North Melbourne’s Leigh Tudor.

It is unclear if Brendon Bolton and Stuart Dew will apply after they were overlooked for the Adelaide job on Tuesday.

The Hawks have won back-to-back premierships since Ratten joined, following his sacking from the senior post at Carlton.

Football director and club icon Chris Grant again has been charged with leading the panel to select the next coach, along with chief executive Simon Garlick.

read more h (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/scott-west-signals-intent-to-pursue-western-bulldogs-coaching-job-after-brendan-mccartney-resigns/story-fni5fazt-1227086918153)ere

Remi Moses
11-10-2014, 06:43 PM
I love Doug, but he was talking up Brian Royal for Christ sake.
He wants Choco, and Westy and probably Libba and himself as skills coach .
Then there's our version of Neil Harvey ( brad Hardie) always chimes in like he is some club legend .
Every time there's a shit fight or drama dial Brad Hardie

11-10-2014, 06:48 PM
I love Doug, but he was talking up Brian Royal for Christ sake.
He wants Choco, and Westy and probably Libba and himself as skills coach .
Then there's our version of Neil Harvey ( brad Hardie) always chimes in like he is some club legend .
Every time there's a shit fight or drama dial Brad Hardie

You are so spot on with this.

11-10-2014, 07:14 PM
Who would want to take it on right now? You only get one shot to really make it as a new coach, I'd be waiting for the next opportunity if my career was at stake.

11-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Who would want to take it on right now? You only get one shot to really make it as a new coach, I'd be waiting for the next opportunity if my career was at stake.
Reckon we are a very attractive destination from a young talent perspective. Prospective coaches would love to get their hands on such a core of elite U22's

Remi Moses
11-10-2014, 08:04 PM
Who would want to take it on right now? You only get one shot to really make it as a new coach, I'd be waiting for the next opportunity if my career was at stake.

I disagree, the turmoil will settle.
We are a very viable destination an in particular if we get our right whack on the Griffen trade.

11-10-2014, 08:20 PM
Reckon we are a very attractive destination from a young talent perspective. Prospective coaches would love to get their hands on such a core of elite U22's

Earily similar when Neeld took over. 3rd coach in 5 years, unstable club, players wanting out, commercial problems. Good kids and draft picks though. If you take the emotion of our club and MFC out of it, things look very, very similar.

11-10-2014, 08:20 PM
What are peoples thoughts on Peter Sumich?

11-10-2014, 08:21 PM
What are peoples thoughts on Peter Sumich?

Danny Southern.

11-10-2014, 08:32 PM
Earily similar when Neeld took over. 3rd coach in 5 years, unstable club, players wanting out, commercial problems. Good kids and draft picks though. If you take the emotion of our club and MFC out of it, things look very, very similar.

Not at all. Our youngsters are already influencing games and look like leaders. We aren't anything like Melbourne.

11-10-2014, 08:37 PM
Not at all. Our youngsters are already influencing games and look like leaders. We aren't anything like Melbourne.

I take no enjoyment out of saying it, trust me. If our club was North Melbourne id be saying the same, we can't afford the next selection to be either Mark Neeld, like Neeld or not have the support of the entire club like Neeld didn't have. Otherwise we are asking for $5m to get Bomber and get priority picks. No pressure on the next guy though!

11-10-2014, 08:42 PM
If we nail this draft like we have been I have no doubt we are going to be a very good side for a number of years. Im extremely positive about the future, its just the present thats pissing me off.

Happy Days
11-10-2014, 08:46 PM
I hope we are like Melbourne because all it takes is for a good coach to come in and then everything is fixed and people start playing football The Right Way apparently.

11-10-2014, 08:48 PM
We would be an attractive club for potential coaches for a number of reasons.

1) Our younger players have a lot of potential
2) We should have some more good players coming in given our early picks
3) A lot of the development work with the youngsters has started
4) Some of our veteran players would be a great assistance to a transition coach
5) The training facilities are competitive
6) Our own VFL side is a bonus

I could go on.

What sort of coach do we need?
- Unless he has won a premiership he needs to be young with modern philosophies.
- Ideally under the age of 42 so he can communicate better with the players but this isn't set in stone
- Has an understanding of what coaching structure he needs to get things set up right early on
- A game plan that has us playing exciting football
- The ability to schmooze the media, the sponsors and the fans

What should the club do?
- Get Leigh Matthews to help us identify a great coach
- Try and fund the footy department even better so that the coach has the time to have regular one on ones with the players

11-10-2014, 09:00 PM
GVGjr, do we also need someone younger on the panel as well to help the whole generational shift?

11-10-2014, 09:02 PM
GVGjr, do we also need someone younger on the panel as well to help the whole generational shift?

Sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe Gia or Johnson.

11-10-2014, 09:04 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe Gia or Johnson.

So just on Gia, does he still have a coaching role at the club?

11-10-2014, 09:08 PM
We would be an attractive club for potential coaches for a number of reasons.

1) Our younger players have a lot of potential
2) We should have some more good players coming in given our early picks
3) A lot of the development work with the youngsters has started
4) Some of our veteran players would be a great assistance to a transition coach
5) The training facilities are competitive
6) Our own VFL side is a bonus

I could go on.

What sort of coach do we need?
- Unless he has won a premiership he needs to be young with modern philosophies.
- Ideally under the age of 42 so he can communicate better with the players but this isn't set in stone
- Has an understanding of what coaching structure he needs to get things set up right early on
- A game plan that has us playing exciting football
- The ability to schmooze the media, the sponsors and the fans

What should the club do?
- Get Leigh Matthews to help us identify a great coach
- Try and fund the footy department even better so that the coach has the time to have regular one on ones with the players

You may have just read Maple's resume. Plus he has won a premiership.

11-10-2014, 09:10 PM
We would be an attractive club for potential coaches for a number of reasons.

1) Our younger players have a lot of potential
2) We should have some more good players coming in given our early picks
3) A lot of the development work with the youngsters has started
4) Some of our veteran players would be a great assistance to a transition coach
5) The training facilities are competitive
6) Our own VFL side is a bonus

I could go on.

What sort of coach do we need?
- Unless he has won a premiership he needs to be young with modern philosophies.
- Ideally under the age of 42 so he can communicate better with the players but this isn't set in stone
- Has an understanding of what coaching structure he needs to get things set up right early on
- A game plan that has us playing exciting football
- The ability to schmooze the media, the sponsors and the fans

What should the club do?
- Get Leigh Matthews to help us identify a great coach
- Try and fund the footy department even better so that the coach has the time to have regular one on ones with the players

With complete respect G. Last week we needed to all support a 53yo much lauded development coach with his various limitations. This week, the complete opposite almost. Is it Griff quitting that's made you reconsider who our coach needs to be, or attributes they possess?

11-10-2014, 09:20 PM
With complete respect G. Last week we needed to all support a 53yo much lauded development coach with his various limitations. This week, the complete opposite almost. Is it Griff quitting that's made you reconsider who our coach needs to be, or attributes they possess?

There is a recent trend for players to revolt on coaches, McKenna and Sanderson too soft, McCartney too blunt.
I'd suggest that getting someone a bit more relevant to their age might be the right step for where we are now.
Brendan McCartney has emphasized communication as one of the key areas so I'm trying to address that.
I'm hoping the club makes the right call on some of the guys that triggered this issue which will leave us a with a very young playing list. Brendan McCartney came across to me as a father figure and a teacher and this never quite worked for the whole playing list. It seems to have done well for the youngsters but alienated the more experienced guys.
I would be looking at someone who comes across as modern and relevant more than a patient teacher.

Do you have someone in mind that doesn't fit the profile I have outlined?

11-10-2014, 09:23 PM
So just on Gia, does he still have a coaching role at the club?

It would be all up in the air but I think he will be safe.

11-10-2014, 09:29 PM
There is a recent trend for players to revolt on coaches, McKenna and Sanderson too soft, McCartney too blunt.
I'd suggest that getting someone a bit more relevant to their age might be the right step for where we are now.
Brendan McCartney has emphasized communication as one of the key areas so I'm trying to address that.
I'm hoping the club makes the right call on some of the guys that triggered this issue which will leave us a with a very young playing list. Brendan McCartney came across to me as a father figure and a teacher and this never quite worked for the whole playing list. It seems to have done well for the youngsters but alienated the more experienced guys.
I would be looking at someone who comes across as modern and relevant more than a patient teacher.

Do you have someone in mind that doesn't fit the profile I have outlined?

I'm stuck in an infinite loop at the moment. If the players that caused this are still on the list it might change the coach. If a certain coach is identified it might change the players staying or not. Depending on the game style the next coach wants, it may change the players they want to keep. It's a matter of competing priorities, I don't get paid to make the decisions (thank god) so I'm not sure whether the main priority is to offload the players first in the next week, or recruit the coach. It to me is like a rubics cube, move one square and the other is moved out, but it might be the immediate move to solve it, or it's wrong. IN terms of the 3rd coach in 5 years in a crisis, I hope it's more like Hinkley than Neeld.

11-10-2014, 09:35 PM
IN terms of the 3rd coach in 5 years in a crisis, I hope it's more like Hinkley than Neeld.

But not Mick Malthouse either even allowing for the fact that he has won premierships.

Remi Moses
11-10-2014, 09:41 PM
Great post G, and I reckon you nailed it.
The new coach, (whomever it is) will want those players out .
You can bank on a lack of interest if the antagonists are still there, and the way news swirls, the leading candidates will know who they are.

11-10-2014, 09:45 PM
But not Mick Malthouse either even allowing for the fact that he has won premierships.

Certainly not an old school coach.

Thinking about it more I would prefer a younger coach as well - not sure how old Maple is but he certainly seems to be more than capable. He appears to have the respect of the playing list (certainly those that played at Footscray) and already has an established relationship with the players. It will probably ending being between Maple and Monty for the gig.

11-10-2014, 09:47 PM
But not Mick Malthouse either even allowing for the fact that he has won premierships.

Mick was only failed because they only overestimated their list by 1,000,000,000,000% - within the margin of error....

This is such a big call for the club. In my time, after Wheels & Joyce we got Plough right. Then when he crossed the club & Rhode we got Rocket right. Both time, prelims within 4 years. Must nail the coach, no mistakes, no excuses. Macca kept talking up Sanderson a few weeks back...

11-10-2014, 10:10 PM
I think Gia may stay as Shannon Grant has been removed according to something I read in a paper today.

12-10-2014, 01:26 AM
What sort of coach do we need?
- Unless he has won a premiership he needs to be young with modern philosophies.
- Ideally under the age of 42 so he can communicate better with the players but this isn't set in stone
- Has an understanding of what coaching structure he needs to get things set up right early on
- A game plan that has us playing exciting football
- The ability to schmooze the media, the sponsors and the fans

Great as that might be this needs to be secondary to a winning gameplan that can deliver a premiership. If we can have both that excellent but I know which I'd take if given the choice. Winning will give us more exposure and improve membership more than scoring 100+ every game

12-10-2014, 08:45 AM
Leigh Tudor is 44 and success just seems to follow him wherever he goes, have heard some good things about him.

12-10-2014, 08:51 AM
Maple should be miles off being in contention.

Leigh Tudor would be an extremely strong candidate.

12-10-2014, 11:14 AM
I dunno about the coach but i'd like Jason Dunstall on the panel to choose. He nailed the Clarkson choice, has been at Hawthorn for all those years.....

12-10-2014, 11:41 AM
I dunno about the coach but i'd like Jason Dunstall on the panel to choose. He nailed the Clarkson choice, has been at Hawthorn for all those years.....
Agreed, he would be a great one to have on a panel. Might still be to close to the Hawks though.

12-10-2014, 11:47 AM
Nothing about Maple suggests he is ready to step into a senior AFL role.

Seems to lack a commanding presence that demands respect.

12-10-2014, 03:14 PM
I'm hearing Gary Ayres is at the club today

12-10-2014, 03:16 PM
I'm hearing Gary Ayres is at the club today

Sorry to ask, one of your sources, or BF style source?

12-10-2014, 03:32 PM
Sorry to ask, one of your sources, or BF style source?

A Freind who spends a lot of time there.
Not BF never been on it I have no idea about that site except for comments on here.

12-10-2014, 03:34 PM
By the way I'm not claiming he will be coach but one who is probably going for an interview, to be honest not one of us have thought about him

12-10-2014, 03:39 PM
A Freind who spends a lot of time there.
Not BF never been on it I have no idea about that site except for comments on here.

Good enough for me Ledge. Maybe he is a part of the search party?

12-10-2014, 03:51 PM
Maybe.. Would he be good for either job ?

12-10-2014, 03:51 PM
I'm hearing Gary Ayres is at the club today

From memory he was pretty arrogant and very tough on the players.

12-10-2014, 03:54 PM
I reckon Ayres could have the senior players mutiny against him before the NAB cup starts. He was brutal on his players, and not even always for their best interests.

12-10-2014, 04:05 PM
Is that strategy position still available? It might be that or his drop in for a coffee at the café.

12-10-2014, 05:01 PM
We should have more respect for one of the greatest football mullets of all time.

12-10-2014, 05:06 PM
I reckon Ayres could have the senior players mutiny against him before the NAB cup starts. He was brutal on his players, and not even always for their best interests.
Has been the exact opposite at Port Melbourne. Respect right through the playing group and has worked hard to build a great culture where players want to go

12-10-2014, 05:08 PM
We should have more respect for one of the greatest football mullets of all time.
We should also remember people can learn and develop as they mature. This age requirement for coaches is a nonsense. Good communication and connection can come from any age, and any age can be at the cutting edge of football strategy

12-10-2014, 05:37 PM
I would prefer a younger coach who is in tune with the modern game of football. I think football has changed dramatically over the last 5 years and we shouldn't be trying to implement outdated game plans.

We need someone who has tactical nous and can motivate a team on game day. Maple is the development coach and he is great at getting young players up and ready for the rigours of AFL. There are also the assistants working the forwards, mids and backs, so the senior coach doesnot need to good at development. Macca himself said in his interview on ABC radio that a coach no longer coaches that much, so the new guy needs to also be able to manage a large group of kids, because that is what they are (players).

12-10-2014, 05:43 PM
I would prefer a younger coach who is in tune with the modern game of football. I think football has changed dramatically over the last 5 years and we shouldn't be trying to implement outdated game plans.

We need someone who has tactical nous and can motivate a team on game day. Maple is the development coach and he is great at getting young players up and ready for the rigours of AFL. There are also the assistants working the forwards, mids and backs, so the senior coach doesnot need to good at development. Macca himself said in his interview on ABC radio that a coach no longer coaches that much, so the new guy needs to also be able to manage a large group of kids, because that is what they are (players).
Sorry BAD it is a nonsense to suggest that only a younger coach is in tune with modern football.

yes football has changed and evolved over the last 5 years. Good coaches lead this, their age is entirely irrelevant.

we have this nonsensical view in AFL that at age 50 all knowledge on the MODERN game ceases. The only professional sport in the world where too many miss that experience and knowledge will always be stronger than knowledge alone

12-10-2014, 05:48 PM
Sorry BAD it is a nonsense to suggest that only a younger coach is in tune with modern football.

yes football has changed and evolved over the last 5 years. Good coaches lead this, their age is entirely irrelevant.

we have this nonsensical view in AFL that at age 50 all knowledge on the MODERN game ceases. The only professional sport in the world where too many miss that experience and knowledge will always be stronger than knowledge alone

I don't disagree with what you said except the first sentence as I said I would prefer a young coach, I never said only a young coach is in tune with modern football.

12-10-2014, 05:52 PM
I don't disagree with what you said except the first sentence as I said I would prefer a young coach, I never said only a young coach is in tune with modern football.
Fair enough and what you prefer is your opinion and clearly you are entitled to it.

just find it frustrating that age seems to be some barrier for either communication with gen y's, or to be in touch with the modern game. Both are illogical and non sensical.

I don't have a favourite, however I also have not excluded anyone as yet as all options are tainted to certain levels, some unfairly, and some way out of date

Remi Moses
12-10-2014, 05:54 PM
I love Gary Ayres, but I think the doors shut as an AFL coach .
Probably shut in 04 when he didn't get the Hawk job.
Guys like Tudor and Dew for me

12-10-2014, 06:00 PM
Remi, agree on your choices. I wonder if Ratten would be a worthwhile candidate?

Remi Moses
12-10-2014, 06:03 PM
Remi, agree on your choices. I wonder if Ratten would be a worthwhile candidate?

Unfortunately and probably unfair, once you get spurned its hard to get another look.
There's just a perception ( rightly or wrongly) you're damaged goods.
Interesting times, and let's clear the decks

12-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Fair enough and what you prefer is your opinion and clearly you are entitled to it.

just find it frustrating that age seems to be some barrier for either communication with gen y's, or to be in touch with the modern game. Both are illogical and non sensical.

I don't have a favourite, however I also have not excluded anyone as yet as all options are tainted to certain levels, some unfairly, and some way out of date

Funny thing Rocket was told he was too old for the role - yet he is only a few years older than Macca.

12-10-2014, 07:00 PM
Funny thing Rocket was told he was too old for the role - yet he is only a few years older than Macca.

I think he was too old in that had lost his ability to adapt to the changing game.
When he first arrived he exploited the new kick in rules and we scored a number of coast to coast goals before other clubs worked it out. By the end he couldn't adapt to the press or even the sub selections.

Most good coaches have a few tricks but even innovative coaches like Wallace struggle to keep re-inventing ideas and adapting to the changing game

12-10-2014, 07:20 PM
I know his name was mentioned earlier, but Nathan Bassett is a guy I'd like us to consider.

12-10-2014, 07:25 PM
I know his name was mentioned earlier, but Nathan Bassett is a guy I'd like us to consider.

I think he would be worth having a chat to

12-10-2014, 07:34 PM
I think he would be worth having a chat to

I hope we do.

Young in coaching terms, completed a good apprenticeship at Norwood where he implemented a great game plan, developed a lot of players who subsequently drafted into the AFL and built a strong culture which saw Norwood win a third flag in a row this year (ie. what he built has remained).

Since being a head coach at SANFL level he has now served an apprenticeship at Essendon, where he has worked with Bomber and the highly rated Simon Goodwin.

Based on what I know, he is a great communicator and thinker about the game.

12-10-2014, 07:37 PM
How long ago did he coach Norwood?

12-10-2014, 07:40 PM
How long ago did he coach Norwood?

2010 - 2013, including 2 premierships and 3 GF appearances.

12-10-2014, 07:44 PM
2010 - 2013, including 2 premierships and 3 GF appearances.

Cheers G. Impressive record.

One positive he can take from the whole Essendon debacle is how to deal with averisity etc.

I agreee we should talk to him.

12-10-2014, 08:21 PM
I think he was too old in that had lost his ability to adapt to the changing game.
When he first arrived he exploited the new kick in rules and we scored a number of coast to coast goals before other clubs worked it out. By the end he couldn't adapt to the press or even the sub selections.

Most good coaches have a few tricks but even innovative coaches like Wallace struggle to keep re-inventing ideas and adapting to the changing game

This is probably what seperates Clarkson from most of the coaches who have come and gone during his time.

The Bulldogs Bite
12-10-2014, 09:47 PM
Did anyone see Dew's interview prior to the Grand Final this year?

He was really nervous and admitted as much. I know he comes with big wraps and it might be unfair to judge him on a particular instance, but I instantly thought it was very odd for a coach to portray the character traits he did at that particular moment. Consequently, Sydney were hammered. Obviously not the reason why - but I do think it's pivotal coaches exude calm confidence, because it's what the players feed off.

12-10-2014, 10:28 PM
I love Gary Ayres, but I think the doors shut as an AFL coach .
Probably shut in 04 when he didn't get the Hawk job.
Guys like Tudor and Dew for me
As a matter of interest why would you ever shut the door on a coach? If by have worked on their weaknesses and improved dramatically over a 10 year period why shut the door?

12-10-2014, 10:29 PM
Funny thing Rocket was told he was too old for the role - yet he is only a few years older than Macca.
It's a strange AFL thing age seems to mean more than experience, knowledge or communication

12-10-2014, 10:33 PM
I think he was too old in that had lost his ability to adapt to the changing game.
When he first arrived he exploited the new kick in rules and we scored a number of coast to coast goals before other clubs worked it out. By the end he couldn't adapt to the press or even the sub selections.

Most good coaches have a few tricks but even innovative coaches like Wallace struggle to keep re-inventing ideas and adapting to the changing game
What has his age got to do with it. You know his role a Collingwood involves insuring they are at he cutting edge of strategies.

His lack of support from recruiting and the football department had much more to do with his demise than age

12-10-2014, 10:42 PM
What has his age got to do with it. You know his role a Collingwood involves insuring they are at he cutting edge of strategies.

His lack of support from recruiting and the football department had much more to do with his demise than age

I thought I made it clear it wasn't his actual age it was at the end of his tenure his slow old way at adapting to a changing game.
I don't discount the lack of coaching resources issue you have raised.

12-10-2014, 11:20 PM
What has his age got to do with it. You know his role a Collingwood involves insuring they are at he cutting edge of strategies.

His lack of support from recruiting and the football department had much more to do with his demise than age

I wouldn't be highlighting what he's done at Collingwood as an example of anything but a terrible preformance. They were premiers, back to back grand finalists, and had one of the youngest lists in the league. They're now a rabble with players walking out and a long road ahead to be a good team again.

They took apart an excellent game strategy and replaced it with a mangled mess of neither attack or defence.

12-10-2014, 11:50 PM
I wonder whether Shaun Hart's name will enter the discussion for any coaching conversations. He's at Port Adelaide - and when hearing him speak about football one night during the year I was certainly caught off guard by how impressive he came across.

I don't think he will be in this round of conversations - but would be surprised in say 3-4 yrs time.

13-10-2014, 12:09 AM
Call me insane but is there any sense in talking to Al Clarkson? Having just lead Hawthorn to consecutive premierships and playing a huge part into turning it into a megalith maybe he is ready for the biggest challenge of his life? Nobody in the playing group would dare question Clarkson.

13-10-2014, 08:06 AM
Anyone care to speculate how quickly we can make an appointment?

My understanding is the players are due back early November, so perhaps we have a couple of weeks in an ideal world, however would not want us to rush the decision.

13-10-2014, 08:24 AM
Anyone care to speculate how quickly we can make an appointment?

My understanding is the players are due back early November, so perhaps we have a couple of weeks in an ideal world, however would not want us to rush the decision.

Is this so the players can be asked who they want ?

13-10-2014, 08:34 AM
Is this so the players can be asked who they want ?

I think it means the senior list would be kept in the communication process. Perhaps the leadership group would be a bit closer to it.

13-10-2014, 08:36 AM
Anyone care to speculate how quickly we can make an appointment?

My understanding is the players are due back early November, so perhaps we have a couple of weeks in an ideal world, however would not want us to rush the decision.

Should take 3 weeks.

13-10-2014, 08:45 AM
how long did it take Adelaide? feels like 2-3 weeks could be about right

13-10-2014, 09:20 AM
When they find out for sure bomber won't be back at essendon :-)

13-10-2014, 09:26 AM
Is this so the players can be asked who they want ?
Players will have an input - my fear is that they will have too much of an input

13-10-2014, 09:48 AM
Does anyone think a huge offer to Thompson will be made?

The problem with that is Thompson is great mates with McCartney and might not want to replace him

13-10-2014, 10:02 AM
Does anyone think a huge offer to Thompson will be made?

The problem with that is Thompson is great mates with McCartney and might not want to replace him

I really hope not. I don't rate Bomber as a coach at all. He's probably a good senior coach for an already driven and well-lead playing group, but that's not us.

13-10-2014, 10:10 AM
I really hope not. I don't rate Bomber as a coach at all. He's probably a good senior coach for an already driven and well-lead playing group, but that's not us.

It's a shame but this is where we should currently be after 3 years under a 'development' coach. Bomber did take Geelong from a very low point to a very high point...

Aside from his coaching acumen I'm not sold on Bomber the person and it just keeps getting in the way of the appointment for me. I find him weird rather than funny and a bit nervy. He kinda reminds me of a clown from a Stephen King novel.

Out of all of them I guess I trust Ratten the most. He's had experience in a lethal environment at Carlton, is current stoppage coach at the best team going around and may be able to build on our midfield talent and hopefully get the best out of our core mid group. Plus he's got the runs on the board as a former player. He's not ideal as I think he has limitations but I'm not sold on the list of available coaches to be honest.

13-10-2014, 10:24 AM
I like Brett Ratten too. Thought he was hard done by when given the flick from the Blues. Seemed to coach with a real passion and also seemed very tight with the players.

13-10-2014, 10:44 AM
I really hope not. I don't rate Bomber as a coach at all. He's probably a good senior coach for an already driven and well-lead playing group, but that's not us.

He was shithouse at Geelong.

13-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Does anyone think a huge offer to Thompson will be made?

The problem with that is Thompson is great mates with McCartney and might not want to replace him

I think we might try, but I doubt he'd give it any consideration.

Putting the McCartney friendship aside. He made mention at the Essendon B&F of the selfish environment within some clubs (and was clearly talking about us), and how it was holding them back. Why would he go to a club to introduce his team based values when that group of seniors players just mutinied against their previous coach who was trying to do the exact same thing?

13-10-2014, 10:54 AM
The more I think about it Brett Ratten seems a good fit to me. He had a better than 50% win rate at Carlton, was close to his players and now with 2 years in the Hawthorn mix I think it would be a sensible get. I don't think we can afford to go with an untried coach at this stage in our development. So it is Ratten for me.

13-10-2014, 10:57 AM
I think we might try, but I doubt he'd give it any consideration.

Putting the McCartney friendship aside. He made mention at the Essendon B&F of the selfish environment within some clubs (and was clearly talking about us), and how it was holding them back. Why would he go to a club to introduce his team based values when that group of seniors players just mutinied against their previous coach who was trying to do the exact same thing?

He comes under the proviso he Minson, Cooney and Griffen are not there next season (and anyone else who's surplus to our needs going forward). Macca absolutely told Bomber who the poison is inside the club.

Good challenge for Bomber although I'm not sold on him.

13-10-2014, 12:34 PM
Gordon says his personal view is we want someone experienced.

13-10-2014, 12:52 PM
Interesting take on TradeRadio, T.Boyd's manager is Liam Pickering, who also manages coaches Williams, Ratten and Tudor.. could have possibly been a part of the conversation.

13-10-2014, 12:57 PM
Not much has been mentioned on Tudor but he has credential and a couple VFL flags to his credit.

13-10-2014, 06:18 PM
Gordon says his personal view is we want someone experienced.
Is that a public statement?

It makes sense but may limit the selection process if we are looking predominately to someone with senior AFL coaching experience

13-10-2014, 06:21 PM
Would we want Eade back, would Eade want to come back?

13-10-2014, 08:14 PM
Would we want Eade back, would Eade want to come back?

Need someone who has won a flag, Williams might be a better option

13-10-2014, 09:16 PM
Gary Dempsey has nominated Brett Ratten.
Check the Hun website.

The Bulldogs Bite
13-10-2014, 09:40 PM
I would love Williams if he was eager to coach again. Seems he is settled in his current role though.

Also don't mind the idea of Ratten. He did a good job at Carlton with an average list, he took the fall for Malthouse who has taken them backwards, and on top of that Ratten has been able to gain great experience at Hawthorn. He would be a pretty sensible appointment IMO.

The Doctor
13-10-2014, 09:56 PM
Just been doing some digging;

Here are a few candidates we might have an interest in

Brett Ratten - Haw
Brendon Bolton - Haw
Stewart Dew - Swans
John Blakey - Swans
Blake Caracella - Cats
Matthew Knights - Cats VFL
Peter Sumich - Freo
Leigh Tudor - NM
Mark Thompson - Ess
Mark Williams - Rich
Scott Burns - Coll
Rodney Eade - Coll
Monty - Dogs

Brenton Sanderson
John Worsfold
Gary Ayres
Scott West

The Doctor
13-10-2014, 09:58 PM
I would love Williams if he was eager to coach again. Seems he is settled in his current role though.

Also don't mind the idea of Ratten. He did a good job at Carlton with an average list, he took the fall for Malthouse who has taken them backwards, and on top of that Ratten has been able to gain great experience at Hawthorn. He would be a pretty sensible appointment IMO.

Agree on Ratten and Choco. PG has indicated a preference for an experienced coach as a personal point of view. So that would have to put these 2 in the mix. I could imagine Choco shaking up a few ego's.

13-10-2014, 11:25 PM
Ratten had an altercation with Justin Cordy when they were at Carlton. Cordy is highly rated by our playing group so hopefully if it was Ratten then the two of them could work together.

Bulldog Joe
14-10-2014, 09:35 AM
I like Tudor as the best option. Success everywhere when he is there.

Would be comfortable with Monty as he knows the playing group.

Nathan Bassett also has some appeal.

Not keen on Choco Williams who oversaw Port descend to an absolute rabble.

Mixed feelings on Ratten, as he appeared more cheerleader than coach at Carlton. His current experience with Hawthorn should have improved him.