View Full Version : Ryan Griffen - Has he played his last game for us?

12-10-2014, 09:56 AM
Griffen has been a great player for us and we have all enjoyed his lionhearted efforts over the years. He's one of our best players and the captain of the club.

- He has informed the club that he wants to be traded to GWS
- He has a playing contract for the 2015 season
- Our Presidents public position is that we will hold him to that contract
- We seem to want to try and talk him around into wanting to stay

To complicate things even further, he could even stand out of football next season if we don't facilitate the trade.

For whatever reasons Griffen feels compelled to leave us we have a dilemma that we need to make a decision on so I've listed a few options for you all to vote on.

Lets not focus on the compensation component of this discussion. It's simply about if we try and keep, hold him to his contract or accept that he doesn't want to be with us and make a trade.

I'll be keen to see how the votes land

I know there is a lot of emotions running at the moment but lets try and maintain some respect for Ryan with our comments.

12-10-2014, 10:00 AM
Dont want him.

12-10-2014, 10:06 AM
I know there's a Griffen hate train going at the moment (not without reason, I'm angry too) but I refuse to get on board.

Despite what he has done, I won't forget that he's been our best and most courageous player for some time. Lionheart is a good description.

That being said, he shouldn't play for us again. We should have stuck fat with McCartney, even if only for another year, rather than cave like we have done.

I don't hate Griffen. I can't.

But it's unconscionable that he plays for us again.

12-10-2014, 10:10 AM
Great post EasternWest. There are obviously other reasons to why he wants to leave and while I'm very disappointed in his actions I can't bring myself to put the boots in.

Like you though, I can't see a reason why we should keep him unless GWS don't come to the party with a market value trade offer. If that was to happen then I would hold him to his contract.

12-10-2014, 10:28 AM
I don't mind admitting I'm a hater, but thats not for this thread in respect to G.

I'm happy just to trade him for whatever their best offer is and for the club to be rid of him. He cannot ever play for my club again.

Hell, wouldn't bother me too much to see him sit out the year if a deal can't be done.

12-10-2014, 10:31 AM
At first I thought Peter was just caught up in the emotion with his initial stance of maintaining Griffen. But days on he is still very consistent with his stance. This makes me adamant Peter's comments regarding Griffen are no more than ensuring we maximize any leverage we have.

We simply must take the best deal possible and hope GWS come to the party with a fair deal. Griffen cannot play at the Western Bulldogs next year. Playing at Footscray doesn't benefit anyone either, all it does is give the media ammunition week after week to negatively implicate our club.

We need to move on from this straight away.

12-10-2014, 11:14 AM
I'm looking for the poll option: 'If we don't get a good offer, have him honour his contract'.

12-10-2014, 12:29 PM
We can now spell Ryans' last name as Griffin, as just like the mythical creature, he's a horses' arse.

12-10-2014, 12:33 PM
I not angry, just very disappointed, I think he has burnt to many bridges to come back from.

Nuggety Back Pocket
12-10-2014, 12:59 PM
Great post EasternWest. There are obviously other reasons to why he wants to leave and while I'm very disappointed in his actions I can't bring myself to put the boots in.

Like you though, I can't see a reason why we should keep him unless GWS don't come to the party with a market value trade offer. If that was to happen then I would hold him to his contract.

Two things I would like to say about Griffen. The first being is that he was rapt to be appointed Captain and then bowed out of the responsibility. The second is that he is under contract and that needs to be honored. GWS in knowing he is a contracted player deserve some form of penalty from the AFL for breaking the rules.Similarly the Board was duty bound to honor BMcC's contract for the next two years having previously agreeing to do so.

12-10-2014, 01:01 PM
I voted trade him and take the best offer.

I think we will be able to negotiate a reasonable deal and move on. If GWS try to take us to the cleaners on the deal (without seeing how they can, in the circumstances) I would go with option 4.

12-10-2014, 01:02 PM
110 views and only 27 posts, is there any reason why some/most people are reluctant to vote?

12-10-2014, 01:08 PM
110 views and only 27 posts, is there any reason why some/most people are reluctant to vote?

I think if this poll was yesterday it would have been more hits. Now people are calming down and are most likely in two minds.

I looked at the questions and had to have a good think about were I sat in the whole mess.

12-10-2014, 01:14 PM
I think if this poll was yesterday it would have been more hits. Now people are calming down and are most likely in two minds.

I looked at the questions and had to have a good think about were I sat in the whole mess.

I am one in two minds. I think more things will come out next week, ie from Griffen's point of view.

12-10-2014, 02:40 PM
I've already advocated the 'He can play for Footscray if GWS don't play ball' approach and I'm sticking to that.

12-10-2014, 02:55 PM
i've already advocated the 'he can play for footscray if gws don't play ball' approach and i'm sticking to that.

back to back, baby!

12-10-2014, 03:41 PM
I voted let him play at Footscray if GWS won't offer a valuable trade. It would be a big statement not only to our players but the rest of the league. Don't tell us the terms of how you'll play, you'll do as you're contracted to do.

Obviously I wouldn't cut our nose off to spite our face. If the deal is there take, but if it's only going to be what we get as compensation from free agency, then letting a player swing in the breeze after he went behind our back while under contract would be a strong statement.

12-10-2014, 03:49 PM
Trade him, we need him gone to start recovering from the chaos.

12-10-2014, 04:30 PM
He has for MY club!

12-10-2014, 04:53 PM
He will never play for WBFC if that's the question. Odds would be $1.05.

12-10-2014, 05:26 PM
I know there is a lot of emotions running at the moment but lets try and maintain some respect for Ryan with our comments.

He hasn't shown respect for the club though, this isn't a Ward deal where he has left for more money, this is telling the club he is happy continuing on under Macca then changing his mind half way through the trade period and letting the club find out about it via the GWS twitter account

12-10-2014, 05:32 PM
He hasn't shown respect for the club though, this isn't a Ward deal where he has left for more money, this is telling the club he is happy continuing on under Macca then changing his mind half way through the trade period and letting the club find out about it via the GWS twitter account

I am really horrified at some of the comments directed at Griffen. Its like being on the Richmond board.

The bulldog tragician
12-10-2014, 05:34 PM
I don't hate him. I just can't.

But he must not play for us again, he would even taint the joy many of us have felt seeing a Footscray team. It would be wrong on every level, the season would be poisoned by Griffen speculation and farce.

12-10-2014, 05:34 PM
He hasn't shown respect for the club though, this isn't a Ward deal where he has left for more money, this is telling the club he is happy continuing on under Macca then changing his mind half way through the trade period and letting the club find out about it via the GWS twitter account

No he hasn't but there must be more to this than just the coach. My view is that he is still a Bulldog until he is traded

12-10-2014, 05:41 PM
I don't hate him. I just can't.

But he must not play for us again, he would even taint the joy many of us have felt seeing a Footscray team. It would be wrong on every level, the season would be poisoned by Griffen speculation and farce.

I am not trying to justify his actions as I don't know the whole story, but has anyone looked at this from his point of view? Ryan loves the club and the players he plays with, so to get this point, it must have been something pretty bad to make him want to leave.

12-10-2014, 05:47 PM
I love Ryan as a player, but he is holding the club to ransom. He must be traded, no doubt. He has played his last game. Not only must he be traded, but the club has an obligation to its members and supporters to gain the absolute best deal available, whether that be GWS or not. In a spiteful way I would say trade him with others to StKilda. Get that pick we need. But whomever gives us the best deal, that is where Ryan should end up.

The bulldog tragician
12-10-2014, 05:51 PM
I am not trying to justify his actions as I don't know the whole story, but has anyone looked at this from his point of view? Ryan loves the club and the players he plays with, so to get this point, it must have been something pretty bad to make him want to leave.
Him wanting to leave is one thing; that happens, unfortunately, but his dealings weren't honest and straightforward. As captain he surely needed to do better than go behind our back. His timing made it certain he would plunge us into crisis. However, as I said, I don't hate him, I'm more sickened that this is footy 2014 style.

And rather than go to a game to boo him if/when he plays for GWS, I'll be a non-attendee for one of the few times in my life.

12-10-2014, 05:52 PM
110 views and only 27 posts, is there any reason why some/most people are reluctant to vote?

I voted for the Footscray option, but would expect him to play AFL, not VFL.

12-10-2014, 05:58 PM
Trade him for everything we can get. If Ryan has his side of the story why hasn't he come out and told it. At least Macca was man enough to give us supporters a little bit of what's going on.

I am not going to bag Ryan but he is definitely not the person I thought he was!

12-10-2014, 06:11 PM
I am really horrified at some of the comments directed at Griffen. Its like being on the Richmond board.

Really? Like what?

I thought this place has been pretty measured and to compare it to the Richmond board is a bit disrespectful to our posters.

Got to remember that to some of us this is the most let down we have felt by a player ever. Not all of us can easily just turn a blind eye.

12-10-2014, 06:21 PM
He left for more money and less responsibility. Hardly actions that garner respect from supporters.

12-10-2014, 06:32 PM
Really? Like what?

I thought this place has been pretty measured and to compare it to the Richmond board is a bit disrespectful to our posters.

Got to remember that to some of us this is the most let down we have felt by a player ever. Not all of us can easily just turn a blind eye.

some of the ridiculous name calling is deplorable. I know people are emotional as am I, but really do we have to lower our selves.

12-10-2014, 06:35 PM
some of the ridiculous name calling is deplorable. I know people are emotional as am I, but really do we have to lower our selves.

The names being called are pretty tame.

He has really shafted us.

12-10-2014, 06:41 PM
The names being called are pretty tame.

He has really shafted us.

Lets keep our dignity like Macca has. This isn't Big Footy.

12-10-2014, 06:41 PM
We all need to vent(and it isn't anywhere near BF levels).

You must understand we aren't all as forgiving as you.

12-10-2014, 06:46 PM
We all need to vent(and it isn't anywhere near BF levels).

You must understand we aren't all as forgiving as you.

No problems I understand people are pissed.

I am forgiving, I am pissed off and I want to know the real story of this whole bloody thing. Chef I am frustrated.

12-10-2014, 06:47 PM
No problems I understand people are pissed.

I am forgiving, I am pissed off and I want to know the real story of this whole bloody thing. Chef I am frustrated.

Don't we all.

Ryan does owe us all an honest explanation.

12-10-2014, 06:48 PM
He left for more money and less responsibility. Hardly actions that garner respect from supporters.

Has he? I've heard he's going to be on less coin.

12-10-2014, 06:52 PM
Has he? I've heard he's going to be on less coin.

No one will ever know, but having looked at the GWS list (and that they missed out on Buddy) you would think they have plenty of cap room.

12-10-2014, 07:01 PM
So GWS ring Griff and say "we want to recruit you but will only pay you less money than you are now on". Both he and his manager say "that sounds great, where do I sign?" As if!

A good poster on BF suggests $1mil a year for 4 years and my experience in humans tells me that rings true.

12-10-2014, 09:44 PM
Has he? I've heard he's going to be on less coin.
The official word from GWS was that Ryan would be on less money in 2015.

That screams back-ended contract to me.

12-10-2014, 09:46 PM
The official word from GWS was that Ryan would be on less money in 2015.

That screams back-ended contract to me.

Everything about this week screams back-ended.

always right
12-10-2014, 09:57 PM
He's our best player....our highest profile player and he's the captain of our club. He had to know the damage his decision would cause our club.....a club he professed to love. I don't want him back and I have lost all respect for him.

12-10-2014, 10:42 PM
I voted to trade him but would only do so if the compensation was enough. If GWS provide an unsatisfactory offer, I think we should make him fulfill his contract.

The most disappointing thing about the whole situation is that he went public and pretty much forced our hand. The cynic in me thinks this may have been pushed by GWS so that we're at the point where he pretty much cannot stay at the dogs and we have no other choice but to deal with GWS. It compromises any bargaining power we might have had.

The other disappointing thing is that as a leader, it sounds like he only brought up the issue/s after the best and fairest when it seems like there were problems from mid-way through the year. Who knows - if he had raised his concerns earlier we might not be in this horrible situation.

12-10-2014, 10:45 PM
I voted to trade him but would only do so if the compensation was enough. If GWS provide an unsatisfactory offer, I think we should make him fulfill his contract.

The most disappointing thing about the whole situation is that he went public and pretty much forced our hand. The cynic in me thinks this may have been pushed by GWS so that we're at the point where he pretty much cannot stay at the dogs and we have no other choice but to deal with GWS. It compromises any bargaining power we might have had.

The other disappointing thing is that as a leader, it sounds like he only brought up the issue/s after the best and fairest when it seems like there were problems from mid-way through the year. Who knows - if he had raised his concerns earlier we might not be in this horrible situation.

How do you know he didn't raise his concerns during the year?

13-10-2014, 12:12 AM
Well true, I don't. I guess I would like to think that whatever Griff said to PG the day after the best and fairest which instigated the meeting between Griff, McCartney and Chris Grant was the first time he had said it. If this wasn't the case and his concerns had fallen on deaf ears or were not acknowledged and acted upon by the appropriate people... then that only makes me more disappointed than I already am.

always right
13-10-2014, 08:21 AM
How do you know he didn't raise his concerns during the year?

Listening to PG's press conference it certainly sounded like the problems had only been escalated recently.

13-10-2014, 08:33 AM
Listening to PG's press conference it certainly sounded like the problems had only been escalated recently.

His MMM interview this morning indicated he knew of some issues earlier but I gather it wasn't until Griffen approached him he put something in place to rectify it. It's easy to say we could have been more pro-active but these issues come up all the time at other clubs as well.

13-10-2014, 04:37 PM
Just watched this today and certainly not the speech or body language you would have expect from a captain.
Looking at it IMO he had no intention of playing for the Dog's ever again. can see the irony in that he won the Gary Dempsey award this season.
