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29-06-2020, 12:22 PM
You don’t need an app. Press pause. 5 or 7 seconds later press play. You are now in synch with the radio broadcast.

Are you sure? Radio is live and well ahead of TV

29-06-2020, 01:39 PM
Are you sure? Radio is live and well ahead of TV

I think most are listening to the radio broadcast via the AFL app anyway (rather than an actual radio) - which is delayed by the time it gets through.

29-06-2020, 02:23 PM
I think most are listening to the radio broadcast via the AFL app anyway (rather than an actual radio) - which is delayed by the time it gets through.

ok, i didnt know it was delayed on the app

Remi Moses
29-06-2020, 05:05 PM
Stupid commentary
Kane cornes says hold my beer
Reckons Merrett tried to tackle Silvagni
Seriously ? Everyone tackles with a clinched fist :confused:

29-06-2020, 08:52 PM
Stupid commentary
Kane cornes says hold my beer
Reckons Merrett tried to tackle Silvagni
Seriously ? Everyone tackles with a clinched fist :confused:

Maybe It's because that's how everyone tried to tackle Kane that he thinks that's normal?

30-06-2020, 10:37 PM
Stupid commentary
Kane cornes says hold my beer
Reckons Merrett tried to tackle Silvagni
Seriously ? Everyone tackles with a clinched fist :confused:

I understand that he is in the media and sometimes has to make controversial comments to remain relevant and get his opinion heard. He should also understand that he needs to balance with not being a complete dickhead sometimes.

Imbeciles have a limited life span in the media. Reasonable people get sick of them.

01-07-2020, 09:36 PM
If I hear another commentator congratulate a colleague on air for the crap job they are doing - “great call there BT” - I’ll spew up.

01-07-2020, 09:52 PM
If I hear another commentator congratulate a colleague on air for the crap job they are doing - “great call there BT” - I’ll spew up.

It's shitful isn't it? Especially because it's rarely a great call. They aren't Peter Booth and Graeme Dawson.

Insufficient Intent
02-07-2020, 09:26 PM
You don’t need an app. Press pause. 5 or 7 seconds later press play. You are now in synch with the radio broadcast.

I'd never thought of working it the other way. Thanks mjp.
Edit: Woops, I don't think I've thought this through correctly. Thanks for the effort anyway!

02-07-2020, 09:49 PM
Brian was particularly obnoxious at the start of the game tonight. He seems to have toned it down a little though. Could he have gotten some feedback (maybe "cut back on the bullshit quotient BT") at quarter time?

Bruce is just flat out creepy. He isn't as up on the game as he used to be either. There was one goal St Kilda kicked from a fair way out in the second quarter that Bruce didn't call as a goal until it bounced through. 5 years ago he would have been onto it from when the player kicked it.

02-07-2020, 10:29 PM
Wonder how much Bruce calling it remotely from SA off screens has to do with his lack of broader vision.

on another point, and some may have already seen this, but given I just found it I share for others like me: https://theconversation.com/why-afl-commentary-works-the-same-way-as-iron-age-epic-poetry-103604

02-07-2020, 10:41 PM
Wonder how much Bruce calling it remotely from SA off screens has to do with his lack of broader vision.

on another point, and some may have already seen this, but given I just found it I share for others like me: https://theconversation.com/why-afl-commentary-works-the-same-way-as-iron-age-epic-poetry-103604

Bruce calling remotely is a good point actually.

He's still creepy though.

02-07-2020, 10:48 PM
No argument there

02-07-2020, 10:55 PM
Thanks BT I really needed to know that Ratten has been digging into the flavored milk in the fridge behind him.
I'll sleep better tonight.

On another note how often do we see players mark the ball inside the field of play take a couple of steps back off the mark which then puts them over the line and when called to play on can take 5 strides to the right outside the field of play and get away with it.

02-07-2020, 11:10 PM
No argument there

8 posts in three years! It's great to hear from you.

02-07-2020, 11:15 PM
Slow and steady

02-07-2020, 11:15 PM
BT: "the crowd roars"
Fark I hate Ch 7.

03-07-2020, 08:44 PM

Gotta love Alan Partridge's commentary. A lot better than BT anyway.

03-07-2020, 10:22 PM
BT and the umpire being hit by the ball in line with the goal post, what a wanker. I just don't see the features of the product. Nothing positive, literally.

How can it be that even for someone admittedly cynical, that not a single part of the product appeals? It's maddening.

03-07-2020, 10:24 PM
And then Daisy asks a tactical question about Grundy not doing much around the ground, Cox not doing anything either, with EFC doing better at stoppages and stupidly thinks that asking whether Grundy could play forward or back gets silence from the white men in the box.

Valid question, completely ignored. What a sexist shitshow. If Lingy asked it things would at least revert to Bruce giving Duck a virtual blow job.

03-07-2020, 10:29 PM
And then Darcy asks a tactical question about Grundy not doing much around the ground, Cox not doing anything either, with EFC doing better at stoppages and stupidly thinks that asking whether Grundy could play forward or back gets silence from the white men in the box.

Valid question, completely ignored. What a sexist shitshow. If Lingy asked it things would at least revert to Bruce giving Duck a virtual blow job.

What's the point of having someone on the boundary asking valid questions if they are just ignoring her?

03-07-2020, 10:46 PM
I gotta say, as crap as the canned audience is, the guy controlling the up and down volume button has a better feel for the game than the callers.

Remi Moses
03-07-2020, 11:25 PM
Quite simple
It’s never been worse
Taylor yells , Bruce is getting creepier , Brayshaw is useless
Darcy sits on the fence .
Where’s Basil ? ;)

03-07-2020, 11:31 PM
Quite simple
It’s never been worse
Taylor yells , Bruce is getting creepier , Brayshaw is useless
Darcy sits on the fence .
Where’s Basil ? ;)

That's just cruel and unusual punishment

04-07-2020, 12:16 AM
If I was Bruce’s wife I would be worried about him working with Carey, all we need is Rioli in the box and Bruce’s voice would reach operatic heights.

And tonight he mentions Jane Bunn texting him the weather, he is creepy.

04-07-2020, 04:43 AM
Quite simple
It’s never been worse
Taylor yells , Bruce is getting creepier , Brayshaw is useless
Darcy sits on the fence .
Where’s Basil ? ;)

I have family members telling me that Bruce is super creepy, finally. This is after fifteen years of saying exactly that into their faces.

He's completely disgusting.

04-07-2020, 08:15 AM
Quite simple
It’s never been worse
Taylor yells , Bruce is getting creepier , Brayshaw is useless
Darcy sits on the fence .
Where’s Basil ? ;)

Yes, I think Basil Faulty would be a lot more entertainment and expert knowledge on the game than the current crowd.

04-07-2020, 10:40 AM
If I was Bruce’s wife I would be worried about him working with Carey, all we need is Rioli in the box and Bruce’s voice would reach operatic heights.

And tonight he mentions Jane Bunn texting him the weather, he is creepy.

How weird was the Jane Bunn comment? My son said "why would Jane Bunn, who is on holidays, text somebody who is in Adelaide about the weather in Melbourne?"

"I dunno, it's Bruce"

Insufficient Intent
04-07-2020, 05:57 PM
My loathing of Bruce started the day he commented, after a difficult goal was missed by Chris Grant, "Carey would have got that".

Now that they work as joint commentators, Bruce definitely plays a suppositorial role.

Happy Days
04-07-2020, 06:51 PM
Now that they work as joint commentators, Bruce definitely plays a suppositorial role.

I thought that was only a rumour.

04-07-2020, 08:17 PM
I thought that was only a rumour.

And here I was thinking you were, as the greatest modern PM of all time would say, the suppository of all information!

04-07-2020, 11:21 PM
Bruce is so fawning, so childish in his hero worship it is embarrassing. He has no self-awareness. Just horrible to listen to.

16-07-2020, 08:20 PM
Interesting article


16-07-2020, 08:59 PM
Yeah I think Soup posted that in another thread from last week, definitely belongs here.

The broadcast needs a massive shake up from the jingoistic and simplistic rubbish we get now, and I really hope the AFL aside from dollars actually looks for real innovation, not mega wall bullshit innovation, to shift the dial on the TV product to make it more sophisticated.

When the virus hit and assistant coaches and club folks were stood down for this year and in many cases likely for next and beyond, I figured it would be a great opportunity to bring some of these people into the broadcast space. They'd probably do work for free to maintain a profile in some cases, and the product would be much better for it.

But no, we get shots of fans at home, another segment on Danger lusting after a premiership and in jokes amongst ex players fawned at by sycophantic perverts like Bruce and Hame.

Having been away and not exposed to AFL commentary to any large extent last year, and only catching a Dogs game each week, sometimes without sound, I can assure what we experience on FTA with Taylor and Bruce is definitely *!*!*!*!ing weird. A year away is all it takes to realise it. Think about it in terms of how ridiculous some of the overzealous soccer commentary sounded from some South American nations in the nineties. It's that bad or worse.

Danger danger danger danger danger danger, Butler, danger danger danger danger danger, Butler Butler. Seriously, I mean that isn't valuable on an informative or entertainment level. It's just shouting, it happens every week, and it's pathetic.

16-07-2020, 09:55 PM
Now they're talking about decathlons. Anything they possibly can to avoid talking about the game.

Name me a sport as quick as Australian Rules where the commentators talk about that shit.

16-07-2020, 10:09 PM
Now they're talking about decathlons. Anything they possibly can to avoid talking about the game.

Name me a sport as quick as Australian Rules where the commentators talk about that shit.

Bruce managed to say Collingwood like to go backwards, sidewards and then thrust.... like now...

16-07-2020, 10:15 PM
Bruce managed to say Collingwood like to go backwards, sidewards and then thrust.... like now...

That's normal and we're bonkers mate.

Happy Days
16-07-2020, 10:59 PM
Cool to hear Jobe “Feminist” Watson gush over De Goey’s return from his “hiccup” (so described by Bruce). Great to see Seven stick to their brand of being as offensive and vanilla as possible at the same time.

16-07-2020, 11:04 PM
Cool to hear Jobe “Feminist” Watson gush over De Goey’s return from his “hiccup” (so described by Bruce). Great to see Seven stick to their brand of being as offensive and vanilla as possible at the same time.

What do we expect from a commentary crew that spends half it's nights gushing over Carey.

16-07-2020, 11:27 PM
Now they're talking about decathlons. Anything they possibly can to avoid talking about the game.

Name me a sport as quick as Australian Rules where the commentators talk about that shit.

It's infuriating.

16-07-2020, 11:33 PM
Yeah I think Soup posted that in another thread from last week, definitely belongs here.

The broadcast needs a massive shake up from the jingoistic and simplistic rubbish we get now, and I really hope the AFL aside from dollars actually looks for real innovation, not mega wall bullshit innovation, to shift the dial on the TV product to make it more sophisticated.

When the virus hit and assistant coaches and club folks were stood down for this year and in many cases likely for next and beyond, I figured it would be a great opportunity to bring some of these people into the broadcast space. They'd probably do work for free to maintain a profile in some cases, and the product would be much better for it.

But no, we get shots of fans at home, another segment on Danger lusting after a premiership and in jokes amongst ex players fawned at by sycophantic perverts like Bruce and Hame.

Having been away and not exposed to AFL commentary to any large extent last year, and only catching a Dogs game each week, sometimes without sound, I can assure what we experience on FTA with Taylor and Bruce is definitely *!*!*!*!ing weird. A year away is all it takes to realise it. Think about it in terms of how ridiculous some of the overzealous soccer commentary sounded from some South American nations in the nineties. It's that bad or worse.

Danger danger danger danger danger danger, Butler, danger danger danger danger danger, Butler Butler. Seriously, I mean that isn't valuable on an informative or entertainment level. It's just shouting, it happens every week, and it's pathetic.

I'm glad you mentioned soccer. What's wrong with the model they use. Call the player's who is controlling the ball name out, no histrionics, no hyperbole and the special comments guy actually only speaks when there is something worth mentioning. Treat the viewing public with a bit of respect. Let the game be the star.

I didn't watch the game tonight because I didn't want to hear the crap from the commentary box.

16-07-2020, 11:52 PM
Cool to hear Jobe “Feminist” Watson gush over De Goey’s return from his “hiccup” (so described by Bruce). Great to see Seven stick to their brand of being as offensive and vanilla as possible at the same time.

I was outside for a moment when he was interviewed, but knew it was completely off. Why would they even bother with it....I know, because being an alleged sex offender is par for the course in the AFL.

16-07-2020, 11:54 PM
I'm glad you mentioned soccer. What's wrong with the model they use. Call the player's who is controlling the ball name out, no histrionics, no hyperbole and the special comments guy actually only speaks when there is something worth mentioning. Treat the viewing public with a bit of respect. Let the game be the star.

I didn't watch the game tonight because I didn't want to hear the crap from the commentary box.

Soccer commentary is excellent. I can understand the deviation away from what's happening directly on screen in golf and cricket for instance, because it takes a long time for things to happen in those sports. But Aussie rules shouldn't need that, as soon as there is a break in the play bang, hit us up with something meaningful and get back to it.

16-07-2020, 11:55 PM
It's infuriating.

It's just so bloody strange. There's too much happening on the field to ignore but they do it over and over again.

17-07-2020, 12:05 AM
Cool to hear Jobe “Feminist” Watson gush over De Goey’s return from his “hiccup” (so described by Bruce). Great to see Seven stick to their brand of being as offensive and vanilla as possible at the same time.

Some women on twitter are appalled by these comments - I don't blame them

17-07-2020, 07:24 AM
Cool to hear Jobe “Feminist” Watson gush over De Goey’s return from his “hiccup” (so described by Bruce). Great to see Seven stick to their brand of being as offensive and vanilla as possible at the same time.

Bruce has apologized and acknowledged his error. I don't think he meant to minimise the seriousness of the charge in front of De Goey

17-07-2020, 08:13 AM
The infuriating part is that due to no competition the ratings are always good, so they can just point to the numbers and say 'see, the audience likes what we're doing'.

In reality, you could pipe in monkey sounds from the orangutan enclosure at the Melbourne Zoo and it'd be just as enjoyable and no less insightful than the **** they serve up on CH7.

17-07-2020, 09:13 AM
Is there a way or marrying a radio broadcast to the telly without the delay?

I watched last night's game on mute but can't do that tonight.

17-07-2020, 09:23 AM
Is there a way or marrying a radio broadcast to the telly without the delay?

I watched last night's game on mute but can't do that tonight.

I wish that could be easily done

17-07-2020, 10:10 AM
I wish that could be easily done

I do it GVGjr, usually when I'm casting the game or watching on Foxtel I pause the video until the radio feed catches up. You can get them all through the AFL app. I think it's listen live. But as you say can be a bit tricky if you haven't the tech skills and can stand the mucking about! Anything to avoid BT for me.

17-07-2020, 10:15 AM
I do it GVGjr, usually when I'm casting the game or watching on Foxtel I pause the video until the radio feed catches up. You can get them all through the AFL app. I think it's listen live. But as you say can be a bit tricky if you haven't the tech skills and can stand the mucking about! Anything to avoid BT for me.

I still don't get how you do this? The TV broadcast is behind the radio. The radio is live, as it happens. Unless you are saying the AFL app is behind.

17-07-2020, 10:30 AM
I still don't get how you do this? The TV broadcast is behind the radio. The radio is live, as it happens. Unless you are saying the AFL app is behind.

Yes sorry the AFL app presents a choice for multiple radio feeds (abc, 3aw, mmm etc) in a digital format / stream so there is some encoding time required plus also any latency from your network. So its behind "live" depending on a few factors.
So basically I have the TV with the game either streamed from FOXTEL GO/Kayo (phone or tablet) and also the AFL app with the audio through listen live and you manually synch the two. Generally they aren't far off each other, however video and audio together takes longer to encode/decode so most cases will be behind. So I have the vision on the TV and the audio through the iPAD (afl app). Its not perfect but it beats 7.
Is that clear as mud ? I could try and make a little tech guide if that helps during tonight's game.

17-07-2020, 10:43 AM
Yes sorry the AFL app presents a choice for multiple radio feeds (abc, 3aw, mmm etc) in a digital format / stream so there is some encoding time required plus also any latency from your network. So its behind "live" depending on a few factors.
So basically I have the TV with the game either streamed from FOXTEL GO/Kayo (phone or tablet) and also the AFL app with the audio through listen live and you manually synch the two. Generally they aren't far off each other, however video and audio together takes longer to encode/decode so most cases will be behind. So I have the vision on the TV and the audio through the iPAD (afl app). Its not perfect but it beats 7.
Is that clear as mud ? I could try and make a little tech guide if that helps during tonight's game.

Thanks for explaining. I thought it would be something like that with the AFL App behind live play.

Isn't it appalling that we have to do this because the commentary is so woeful.

Happy Days
17-07-2020, 11:10 AM
Bruce has apologized and acknowledged his error. I don't think he meant to minimise the seriousness of the charge in front of De Goey

The 'hiccup' comment was not an isolated incident. The whole commentary team spent the night talking about how great it was to see him back and never once mentioned exactly why he was gone in the first place. It was totally crook and that piss weak "apology" (which you can actually hear in his stupid voice) is not enough to address it.

17-07-2020, 11:43 AM
Bruce and his big club and big player bias is sickening. I'm not looking forward to tonight. I'm considering mute.

17-07-2020, 11:54 AM
The 'hiccup' comment was not an isolated incident. The whole commentary team spent the night talking about how great it was to see him back and never once mentioned exactly why he was gone in the first place. It was totally crook and that piss weak "apology" (which you can actually hear in his stupid voice) is not enough to address it.

Can you imagine the conversation at ch7?

"Hey guys, what do you reckon, should we focus on the alleged sex offender?"


Happy Days
17-07-2020, 11:59 AM
Can you imagine the conversation at ch7?

"Hey guys, what do you reckon, should we focus on the alleged sex offender?"


"Not in the way you mean of course"

17-07-2020, 12:01 PM
Can you imagine the conversation at ch7?

"Hey guys, what do you reckon, should we focus on the alleged sex offender?"


"You mean Duck?"

"Don't be silly, he's just a domestic abuser"

17-07-2020, 12:24 PM
I do it GVGjr, usually when I'm casting the game or watching on Foxtel I pause the video until the radio feed catches up. You can get them all through the AFL app. I think it's listen live. But as you say can be a bit tricky if you haven't the tech skills and can stand the mucking about! Anything to avoid BT for me.

I'll have to update my Foxtel box, still got the original

17-07-2020, 12:38 PM
"You mean Duck?"

"Don't be silly, he's just a domestic abuser"

"Yeah well, there was that one time he grabbed a woman's breast and apparently asked her why she didn't get bigger tits".

"But that was 1997, he's come a long way since".

I think we get the point right? Ch7 has a problem, it needs to be fixed. The AFL has a problem, it needs to be fixed.

17-07-2020, 12:41 PM
Now they're talking about decathlons. Anything they possibly can to avoid talking about the game.

Name me a sport as quick as Australian Rules where the commentators talk about that shit.

Jks. Bruce has gone on one season too long. When you gush over the players as much as he does, it starts to become about how much he loves certain players rather than the players themselves.

Fan surveys tend to put Anthony Hudson at the top of the bunch, and it's not hard to see why. He makes football commentary all about the football which is by and large what fans want. He'll even cut off other commentators to steer commentary back to the play.

17-07-2020, 12:41 PM
"You mean Duck?"

"Don't be silly, he's just a domestic abuser"
C;mon, who hasn't glassed a woman then assaulted police on a night out?

17-07-2020, 12:54 PM

That actually made me belly laugh.

It's true on every level.

17-07-2020, 01:13 PM
"Yeah well, there was that one time he grabbed a woman's breast and apparently asked her why she didn't get bigger tits".

"But that was 1997, he's come a long way since".

I think we get the point right? Ch7 has a problem, it needs to be fixed. The AFL has a problem, it needs to be fixed.

It's a footy thing.

Billy Brownless was at the Geelong Hotel one night in the early 90s and said to my girlfriend at the time 'you look hot pity you've got a big arse'.

17-07-2020, 02:18 PM
Thanks for reposting that article, TD, I was looking for it this week but couldn't find it.

This makes me feel much better for still struggling to follow the game even after ten years, mostly watching from home. I learn so much more from WOOF than I have ever learned from the commentators (nothing) and I didn't understand the game at all until I started attending matches -- it's literally impossible to work out what's going on from the TV if you don't already have an understanding of the game. The frustrating thing is that it would be relatively easy to fix, or at least to improve.

The fawning, sycophancy and downright creepiness of the commentary is another whole issue.

17-07-2020, 02:58 PM
As crazy as it sounds we're probably missing Dennis Cometti. He wasn't an insightful commentator but he did at least call the game. I know that's a really low bar to set but that's where it's at atm.

17-07-2020, 03:01 PM
On a side note, anyone know why our game next week on Thurs night against Gold Coast is not on free to air? Every thursday night game this year has been

17-07-2020, 03:06 PM
As crazy as it sounds we're probably missing Dennis Cometti. He wasn't an insightful commentator but he did at least call the game. I know that's a really low bar to set but that's where it's at atm.

But that's all you really need the caller to do. Call the game and leave the analysis to the special comments and boundary guys.

17-07-2020, 03:08 PM
But that's all you really need the caller to do. Call the game and leave the analysis to the special comments and boundary guys.

Yes, that is how it should be, plus the special comments and boundary should be giving us more insight into the game.

17-07-2020, 03:54 PM
But that's all you really need the caller to do. Call the game and leave the analysis to the special comments and boundary guys.

That's true. But then he still annoyed me. I've only realised since he's been gone how less annoying he was.

17-07-2020, 06:07 PM
Can you imagine the conversation at ch7?

"Hey guys, what do you reckon, should we focus on the alleged sex offender?"


Come on guys, whatever happened to the "presumption of innocence"? It is the golden thread which runs through our justice system.

17-07-2020, 06:33 PM
Thanks for reposting that article, TD, I was looking for it this week but couldn't find it.

This makes me feel much better for still struggling to follow the game even after ten years, mostly watching from home. I learn so much more from WOOF than I have ever learned from the commentators (nothing) and I didn't understand the game at all until I started attending matches -- it's literally impossible to work out what's going on from the TV if you don't already have an understanding of the game. The frustrating thing is that it would be relatively easy to fix, or at least to improve.

The fawning, sycophancy and downright creepiness of the commentary is another whole issue.

It's in a completely shocking state if it's own category of issue! :D

17-07-2020, 06:45 PM
Come on guys, whatever happened to the "presumption of innocence"? It is the golden thread which runs through our justice system.

Hence the word alleged.

The comment is aimed at the tone deaf nature of ch7's coverage and the fact that focusing on someone heavily after returning from absence having been alleged to have committed the serious offence of indecent assault was always going to cause trouble and be highly likely to cause offence to the audience. The fact those on the coverage are known to fawn over Wayne Carey, a person who has committed acts of domestic violence and has also pleaded guilty to indecent assault himself, and are most likely encouraged to do so, says everything you need to know about the values of ch7.

That's what I was trying to articulate with my post. I definitely hold the presumption of innocence up as a key tenet of what makes our society something resembling fair (for most).

17-07-2020, 08:34 PM
Soccer commentary is excellent. I can understand the deviation away from what's happening directly on screen in golf and cricket for instance, because it takes a long time for things to happen in those sports. But Aussie rules shouldn't need that, as soon as there is a break in the play bang, hit us up with something meaningful and get back to it.

Exactly. In soccer the commentator often goes ages without saying anything because, frankly, there is nothing to say. If there isn't anything happening on the field we don't need to be yelled at with platitudes like "oh boy" or try to work out WTF the private joke is?

Bruce has apologized and acknowledged his error. I don't think he meant to minimise the seriousness of the charge in front of De Goey

I didn't watch but from what I heard on the radio this morning I reckon Bruce got a text telling him to apologize. Imagine for a moment that you are a victim of assault and you hear something like that? "A hiccup"

Thanks for reposting that article, TD, I was looking for it this week but couldn't find it.

This makes me feel much better for still struggling to follow the game even after ten years, mostly watching from home. I learn so much more from WOOF than I have ever learned from the commentators (nothing) and I didn't understand the game at all until I started attending matches -- it's literally impossible to work out what's going on from the TV if you don't already have an understanding of the game. The frustrating thing is that it would be relatively easy to fix, or at least to improve.

The fawning, sycophancy and downright creepiness of the commentary is another whole issue.

No problem.

18-07-2020, 01:03 AM
Well looks like Bruce has now fallen creepily in love with one of our own in Cody.

18-07-2020, 01:13 AM
Not football commentator I know but I’m watching the test cricket eng v West Indies and the lady commentator fits right in, extremely good.

18-07-2020, 01:20 AM
Not football commentator I know but I’m watching the test cricket eng v West Indies and the lady commentator fits right in, extremely good.

Apparently they also make good world leaders...…..but who'd have guessed it huh?

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 08:56 AM
The commentary for the game against Essendon was typically poor.

We depend on them telling us something insightful and they are incapable.

When JJ was lining up his set shot BT claims he has been moved onto Saad, who was the closest player to him and stood the mark.

JJ had been the player who pressured Saad into a kicking error earlier in the quarter and that was the only other time I had seen then in the same vicinity.

JJ slots the goal and clearly goes back to half back with not a peep from Brian that he may be wrong.

Near the end of the game BT trots out an alleged stat that he must of misread, that the Centre Clearances were 12-3 to Essendon. Anybody watching the game knew that just couldn't be right, but BT just spouted it.

Add to the fact how often they just call the wrong player and it is worse than irritating.

The TV coverage also lets us down in the vision shown. A couple of times with off the ball frees, there was no vision shown, but they are supposed to have enough cameras to cover everything. Why can't they just gives us the vision that tells us why the umpire paid the free.

18-07-2020, 09:08 AM
Apparently they also make good world leaders...…..but who'd have guessed it huh?

I listened to the abc audio synched with the game and Kelli Underwood was calling. No BS she just called the game and even cut off Malthouse (incidentally whose son is a dogs fan) and Ling (theres no escape) at times. She's a pro.

18-07-2020, 10:51 AM
Showing my age here but the commentators of today come across as fawning, often inaccurate, uninteresting and not entertaining other than Cometti's good calling and wit. They are not a patch on the likes of Doug Heywood, Don Hyde or Smokey Dawson imo. Google 'the winners' and/or you tube and check them out. The best sporting commentator I have ever heard was English commentator Phil Liggett who covered the Tour De France.

18-07-2020, 10:58 AM
The commentary for the game against Essendon was typically poor.

We depend on them telling us something insightful and they are incapable.

When JJ was lining up his set shot BT claims he has been moved onto Saad, who was the closest player to him and stood the mark.

JJ had been the player who pressured Saad into a kicking error earlier in the quarter and that was the only other time I had seen then in the same vicinity.

JJ slots the goal and clearly goes back to half back with not a peep from Brian that he may be wrong.

Near the end of the game BT trots out an alleged stat that he must of misread, that the Centre Clearances were 12-3 to Essendon. Anybody watching the game knew that just couldn't be right, but BT just spouted it.

Add to the fact how often they just call the wrong player and it is worse than irritating.

The TV coverage also lets us down in the vision shown. A couple of times with off the ball frees, there was no vision shown, but they are supposed to have enough cameras to cover everything. Why can't they just gives us the vision that tells us why the umpire paid the free.

I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

18-07-2020, 11:18 AM
I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

Boy of Boy wowee

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 12:44 PM
I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

BT is special level of hypocrite.

He fails to let his lack of knowledge stop him from spouting.

After the Bailey Dale goal, he thought it was a good idea to ramble about all the Bailey's at the Bulldogs and said there were 4.
He must have heard that from someone, but he clearly didn't know the 4th was in the Women's team.

18-07-2020, 12:45 PM
I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

I think its Tom Browne he has his scripted "on air spats" with.

18-07-2020, 12:46 PM
Not football commentator I know but I’m watching the test cricket eng v West Indies and the lady commentator fits right in, extremely good.

And her name was?

18-07-2020, 12:56 PM
The best sporting commentator I have ever heard was English commentator Phil Liggett who covered the Tour De France.

Speaking of fantastic British commentators, Andrew Cotter who is a Scot and known for golf and athletics for the BBC has recently during lockdown started commentating his dogs. I have two labs, so to me it’s hilarious so thought I’d share might give others a laugh.


This is the link to his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/admcotter


18-07-2020, 12:58 PM
Speaking of fantastic British commentators, Andrew Cotter who is a Scot and known for golf and athletics for the BBC has recently during lockdown started commentating his dogs. I have two labs, so to me it’s hilarious so thought I’d share might give others a laugh.


This is the link to his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/admcotter


I got onto him the other day when a mate texted. Brilliant stuff.

18-07-2020, 01:04 PM
I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

Did I read right and BT left the commentary box during a game last week and started to pester the boundary rider with the same question over and over again (I think it was the Richmond/Swans game and BT wanted to know why Richmond couldn't get past the Swans zone) until the boundary rider basically cracked the shits? It was ether Lenny Hayes or Nick del Santo-I always mix those two up.

18-07-2020, 01:39 PM
Is there a way or marrying a radio broadcast to the telly without the delay?

I watched last night's game on mute but can't do that tonight.

You can watch the game 1eyedog, with sound off, and commentate yourself. Problem solved.

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 01:52 PM
You can watch the game 1eyedog, with sound off, and commentate yourself. Problem solved.

The issue of course is that you can't see enough on the screen. The commentary team and special comments should help with what you can't see.

18-07-2020, 02:07 PM
The issue of course is that you can't see enough on the screen. The commentary team and special comments should help with what you can't see.

I wasn't serious BJ. But aren't the commentators only looking at a small screen since covid?

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 02:10 PM
I wasn't serious BJ. But aren't the commentators only looking at a small screen since covid?

They have other cameras that there should have special comments people looking at and they have at least one as boundary rider each game.

It shouldn't be as difficult as they seem to make to get some quality information to the fans at home.

18-07-2020, 02:14 PM
They have other cameras that there should have special comments people looking at and they have at least one as boundary rider each game.

It shouldn't be as difficult as they seem to make to get some quality information to the fans at home.

Yeah, the commentators with the limited home view can't stop fawning over themselves and each other so those who can see don't get a chance to speak unless spoken to.

18-07-2020, 02:15 PM
They have other cameras that there should have special comments people looking at and they have at least one as boundary rider each game.

It shouldn't be as difficult as they seem to make to get some quality information to the fans at home.

True. To be frank it doesn't bother me as much as it does other Woofers. But I can understand their frustration.

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 02:17 PM
Yeah, the commentators with the limited home view can't stop fawning over themselves and each other so those who can see don't get a chance to speak unless spoken to.

That is where you really need a good director and not let the on air people control it.

18-07-2020, 02:32 PM
Did I read right and BT left the commentary box during a game last week and started to pester the boundary rider with the same question over and over again (I think it was the Richmond/Swans game and BT wanted to know why Richmond couldn't get past the Swans zone) until the boundary rider basically cracked the shits? It was ether Lenny Hayes or Nick del Santo-I always mix those two up.

No you didn't read that correctly.

BT wouldn't have been is Sydney all the commentators are calling from the TV broadcast and only the boundary rider is at the game. I think you will find that neither Nick Dal Santo or Lenny Hayes don't work for channel 7.

With the TV commentators having to call off the TV - i.e the same footage we see week in week out I wonder if they will have the self awareness to adjust how the call the game once they are back at the grounds?

I somehow doubt it.

18-07-2020, 02:37 PM
I couldn't help but laugh at BT's crack at Tom Morris last week.

I'm no fan of Tom Morris, but BT's implication that journos should just report the news and not make stuff up was hypocrisy at its finest.

Its not like BT has never been known to go on minute long rants about umpiring, rule changes, or any other bugbear he might have.

Thought this was a quite harsh statement about bulldogtragic at first and didn't understand why everyone was piling onto of our number one recruiter, both real and hypothetical.

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 04:16 PM
More insightful commentary in the GWS Brisbane game

Charlie Cameron has gone back to the goal square opposed to Heath Shaw and Derwayne suggests he should move out to the flank to change his opponent.

Within the next few minutes Cameron burns Shaw on the lead and marks and goals.

Happy Days
18-07-2020, 05:07 PM
More insightful commentary in the GWS Brisbane game

Charlie Cameron has gone back to the goal square opposed to Heath Shaw and Derwayne suggests he should move out to the flank to change his opponent.

Within the next few minutes Cameron burns Shaw on the lead and marks and goals.

I like David King but that was ridiculous. Cameron deep on Shaw is absolutely a matchup Brisbane would want.

18-07-2020, 05:15 PM
I like David King but that was ridiculous. Cameron deep on Shaw is absolutely a matchup Brisbane would want.

Last night I started watching Foxtel's pre-game and normally I like David King. But, he went on and on about how great Essendon is, and just didn't let up. Basically no analysis of us. I mean at least talk about the strengths and weaknesses, and why you believe Essendon will win.

18-07-2020, 05:17 PM
Last night I started watching Foxtel's pre-game and normally I like David King. But, he went on and on about how great Essendon is, and just didn't let up.

He’s been on their bandwagon for a couple of years so he needs to keep flogging that dead horse till he finally rides it home.

18-07-2020, 05:29 PM
He’s been on their bandwagon for a couple of years so he needs to keep flogging that dead horse till he finally rides it home.

Two years ago on Twitter he said they would win the premiership and I replied they would be lucky to make the 8. I reminded him at the end of season when they missed.

18-07-2020, 05:52 PM
Two years ago on Twitter he said they would win the premiership and I replied they would be lucky to make the 8. I reminded him at the end of season when they missed.

He's seems steely determined to keep flying that flag though

Remi Moses
18-07-2020, 06:03 PM
King is the proverbial kiss of death
Like Jordan Lewis , good addition
Jimmy Bartel is pretty good .
Just self indulgence central to be honest . Can’t stand Derwayne and Dermie ( he just talks to much )
Lot of people hate Whateley, but I think he’s decent .Taylor is terrible and Bruce is creepy

Remi Moses
18-07-2020, 06:04 PM
Two years ago on Twitter he said they would win the premiership and I replied they would be lucky to make the 8. I reminded him at the end of season when they missed.

The pre-game was awful
King had the house on Essendon
You would think we were playing a powerhouse

Bulldog Joe
18-07-2020, 07:39 PM
He’s been on their bandwagon for a couple of years so he needs to keep flogging that dead horse till he finally rides it home.

Only you can't ride the dead horse home. You can only get to the knackery. Perhaps David needs some glue.

18-07-2020, 09:22 PM
Two years ago on Twitter he said they would win the premiership and I replied they would be lucky to make the 8. I reminded him at the end of season when they missed.

I got stuck into Dwayne Russell on Twitter one day because he kept calling Caleb Daniel "Caleb Daniels".

He replied almost immediately telling me he wasn't even at the game and it was Gerard Healy doing it. He was actually pretty gracious about it and so he's scored some credits from me.

Naturally I deleted my Twitter account.

18-07-2020, 09:50 PM
I got stuck into Dwayne Russell on Twitter one day because he kept calling Caleb Daniel "Caleb Daniels".

He replied almost immediately telling me he wasn't even at the game and it was Gerard Healy doing it. He was actually pretty gracious about it and so he's scored some credits from me.

Naturally I deleted my Twitter account.

Twitter is awesome for that sort of thing. I sucked Jeff Kennett into a spiteful argument a couple of weeks ago. I could almost pinpoint the exact time it occurred to him that arguing with randoms like me on social media was doing him no good at all.

I enjoyed it thoroughly though.

Happy Days
18-07-2020, 09:51 PM
I don’t think I’ll be able to stand Bruce dog whistling about wanting to root Rankine next week.

18-07-2020, 09:55 PM
Twitter is awesome for that sort of thing. I sucked Jeff Kennett into a spiteful argument a couple of weeks ago. I could almost pinpoint the exact time it occurred to him that arguing with randoms like me on social media was doing him no good at all.

I enjoyed it thoroughly though.

This is a digression off topic I need to hear...….

18-07-2020, 10:00 PM
This is a digression off topic I need to hear...….

As my dear old dad would have said. He started it, I finished it.

18-07-2020, 10:07 PM
Go on then...….

19-07-2020, 11:31 AM
I don’t think I’ll be able to stand Bruce dog whistling about wanting to root Rankine next week.

Depending who is winning it’s either Rankine or Weightman , if the game is close he will sit on the fence praising both until the end then he will be in awe of the player who played in the winning team.

19-07-2020, 11:34 AM
I don’t think I’ll be able to stand Bruce dog whistling about wanting to root Rankine next week.

You are in luck, this is a foxtel game.

Happy Days
19-07-2020, 11:50 AM
You are in luck, this is a foxtel game.

Great. Dwayne then, dog whistling about rooting Rankine *and* trying to neg the Dogs out of existence.

19-07-2020, 11:55 AM
Great. Dwayne then, dog whistling about rooting Rankine *and* trying to neg the Dogs out of existence.

As long as your glass is still half full, that is all that matters.

22-07-2020, 09:16 AM
Mark Robinson dropped the CBomb on TV last night and apologised for it.

Genuine question does the standards board get involved or?

Having said that, if the standards board don't get involved for Channel 7's footy commentary, not sure they will take action on this occasion.

22-07-2020, 09:21 AM
Mark Robinson dropped the CBomb on TV last night and apologised for it.

Genuine question does the standards board get involved or?

Having said that, if the standards board don't get involved for Channel 7's footy commentary, not sure they will take action on this occasion.

Was he sober for a change ?

22-07-2020, 10:51 AM
Was he sober for a change ?

Of course not.

Gerard Healy breathes a sigh of relief.

Axe Man
01-09-2020, 04:03 PM
I don't really get as wound up about commentators as other seem to but this article is amusing, love the graphs.

Comment: Bruce McAvaney asked 55 rhetorical questions in one AFL game — it’s almost time to go (https://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/comment-bruce-mcavaney-asked-55-rhetorical-questions-in-one-afl-game-its-almost-time-to-go/news-story/de72e745724575a7699f0a271ca49aa3)

Editor’s note: The following piece was written by Reddit user u/GoldBricked and republished with his permission.

Before I begin, can I preface this by saying that I adore Bruce McAvaney’s passion for the game. And I’m not trying to ether him out of existence here.

But after being relatively spoiled with five consecutive matches of Foxtel commentary for Collingwood games I was disappointed to see that we had the traditional Seven Sunday arvo fixture for our big clash with Carlton. And the more I tuned in throughout the match, the more I picked up on Bruce’s incessant rhetorical questions.

I know he’s been doing it for years. He has a cacophony of catchphrases (some of which I’ve included below) which grate the ears. His biggest issue now is that it’s become second nature for these questions in particular to be asked of his fellow commentators ad nauseam.

He craves reassurance from everyone else on the commentary team. This is illustrated with the quite frankly crazy amount of times he refers to his fellow callers by name. He doesn’t need to lead Jimmy Bartel or Luke Hodge into their statements every time they want to make one.

Yes, I know they’re calling off the TV this year. But it was the same before all that.

I love it when he sticks his neck out and actually makes a non-fence-sitting call because it happens about twice a year. It’s otherwise all just backslapping and “How good was Player X” and nothing of substance.

I would hate to be critical without happily acknowledging that commentary is not an easy thing to do. I myself have commentated probably in the vicinity of 50 local football matches, including senior grand finals.

I got nervous, I stumbled at times. I used to say “can’t do much about it” all the time when there was a pack and no clear possession was being taken.

But I was also 17 years old and calling my first grand final. I wasn’t an experienced broadcaster with decades of on-screen performances behind me. And I can’t recall ever patting my co-commentator on the back and saying “great call” or anything along those lines.

The issue for Bruce right now is a constant need to fill space. He is not alone in this regard; in fact, nearly all TV commentators (bar Adam Papalia and Mark Howard) can’t let two seconds of silence go by without interrupting it.

Silence is not dead air. It is letting the vision speak for itself. When a player pulls off a nice linking field pass, it’s “good stuff”. A short handball out of traffic is always a “little give”. If the ball dribbles inside 50 without any real purpose, it’s either “bubbling around there”, or “bubbling bubbling bubbling”.

It is no surprise that fans prefer, more than anything, the analysis of the special comments callers and/or boundary riders.

If an ex-player must be involved in the media – ahead of well-trained, skilled performers who never played league football – then their experience at the highest level is their point of difference.

Tell us why a team sets up with two behind the stoppage, or why they always look for short 45s coming out of halfback, or that their deep forward entries are a directive from the coach. Don’t just say “here’s the slow play” and expect that to cover it off. We aren’t fools. We deserve better.

To demonstrate just how wacky Bruce has got with his rhetorical questions, here’s a breakdown of everything from the Carlton v Collingwood match on Sunday.

And yes, I had to watch the match for a second time.

https://i.postimg.cc/52rTL4Rn/image.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Now I’m no data scientist either so I probably haven’t displayed this all in the best format possible, but hey, it’s a bit of fun. And in hindsight I could’ve broken up each mention of “Hame”, “Jimmy”, “Hodgey” and “Luke” by the individual reference. But I’m not watching this game for a third time.

All in all, Bruce asked a total of 55 rhetorical questions over the course of approximately 102 minutes of game time. Let’s say that 80 per cent of the time in commentary is from the play-by-play callers and 20 per cent by the colour.

And let’s be generous and say that it was an even 50/50 split of airtime between Bruce and Hamish, even though the latter probably had slightly more.

That means Bruce had around 41 minutes of airtime on Sunday’s call. In that period, he referred to his co-commentators by name 55 times at a rate of around 1.38 per minute. He also asked 1.38 rhetorical questions per minute. This is astounding.

https://i.postimg.cc/BZCzNcz8/bruce.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/rmkhNKCC/bruce2.png (https://postimages.org/)

When I was a kid, all I wanted to be was Bruce McAvaney. At five years old, watching the Sydney Olympics, and everyone in primary school wanted to be an astronaut, or a pilot, or a fireman … I wanted to be a commentator.

And Bruce was the pick of the bunch up until Seven lost the footy rights at the end of 2001.

Since then, he’s had his “special” moments, but his slow decline has been like watching your ageing grandparent fade away slowly as they lose everything about themselves that made them unique.

He’s a legend of the game, I love him, but I think Seven have a decision on their hands pretty soon.

02-09-2020, 08:29 PM
Don’t think Bruce or any of the commentators are having their best year .... but it must be more difficult to commentate when you are not at the ground and in m at cases separated physically from your fellow commentators.

02-09-2020, 08:51 PM
Don’t think Bruce or any of the commentators are having their best year .... but it must be more difficult to commentate when you are not at the ground and in m at cases separated physically from your fellow commentators.

This isn't something most of us are just realising though...….Bruce has been cooked for a very long time and I think people don't have enough distractions to ignore it anymore.

02-09-2020, 09:54 PM
Yeah and his issues aren't to do with not being able to follow the play.

All the main players biggest problems is their pigheaded boys club mentality and obsession with talking about absolute crap and offering nothing insightful at all (and often shutting down or ignoring the special comments people who are meant to be providing that ie. Daisy Pearce, Bartel etc.).

The only guys that understand that talking for talkings sake is a bad idea and that sometimes just calling games as they present themselves are the part timers like Mark Howard, Adam Papalgia, Brenton Speed and thankfully more often seen Anthony Hudson. Funnily enough none of them were superstar footballers and none of them spend the whole broadcast making it about themselves.

02-09-2020, 10:36 PM
Yeah and his issues aren't to do with not being able to follow the play.

All the main players biggest problems is their pigheaded boys club mentality and obsession with talking about absolute crap and offering nothing insightful at all (and often shutting down or ignoring the special comments people who are meant to be providing that ie. Daisy Pearce, Bartel etc.).

The only guys that understand that talking for talkings sake is a bad idea and that sometimes just calling games as they present themselves are the part timers like Mark Howard, Adam Papalgia, Brenton Speed and thankfully more often seen Anthony Hudson. Funnily enough none of them were superstar footballers and none of them spend the whole broadcast making it about themselves.

Yes some of the best commentators over the years like Drew Morphet were just professional commentators and never played sport.

03-09-2020, 05:47 PM
I've been thinking the same thing this year that it's been getting worse but i didn't realize via these stats actually how bad it is.

1.38 rhetorical questions per minute with 41 minutes of airtime. That's basically every time he talks he is asking a question or two.

The other thing that is creeping into the commentating game and 7 are the worst of it is the random unrelated conversation that occur.
As there are too many commentators there as it is, they feel the need to break into some inane conversation when they lose interest in the game. Bruce and Brian are the main culprits.

03-09-2020, 06:10 PM
Kelli Underwood was very good last night - no bullshit, just call the footy

Dancin' Douggy
03-09-2020, 06:43 PM
Bruce is like fingernails scraping on a blackboard to me. It's excruciating listening. I squirm in my seat. He almost makes footy unwatchable. And his creepy salivating way of just saying the names of players he loves is vomit inducing. Daaaanger. Cyyyyyril. Duuuuuusty. etc.

03-09-2020, 08:15 PM
I've been thinking the same thing this year that it's been getting worse but i didn't realize via these stats actually how bad it is.

1.38 rhetorical questions per minute with 41 minutes of airtime. That's basically every time he talks he is asking a question or two.

The other thing that is creeping into the commentating game and 7 are the worst of it is the random unrelated conversation that occur.
As there are too many commentators there as it is, they feel the need to break into some inane conversation when they lose interest in the game. Bruce and Brian are the main culprits.

Bruce and Taylor would rather talk about anything other than what's happening on the ground, and the reason why is that they don't understand the game. It's moved beyond them, and they can't add any value.

03-09-2020, 08:49 PM
Kelli Underwood was very good last night - no bullshit, just call the footy

She does call it well, but I couldn’t listen to anymore than 5 mins. Her voice....argh !!!!!

04-09-2020, 11:12 AM
She does call it well, but I couldn’t listen to anymore than 5 mins. Her voice....argh !!!!!

Imo she is not the best commentator and her on air voice is awful.

04-09-2020, 12:00 PM
1.38 rhetorical questions per minute with 41 minutes of airtime. That's basically every time he talks he is asking a question or two.

You'd think by now he would have learnt to stop asking, wouldn't you?

You just feel like the time is up for him to retire, I reckon.

Axe Man
04-09-2020, 12:41 PM
You'd think by now he would have learnt to stop asking, wouldn't you?

You just feel like the time is up for him to retire, I reckon.

I see what you did there.:D

I reckon he'e not bad on the horse racing coverage, knows his stuff for someone not actually in the industry.

04-09-2020, 12:46 PM
You'd think by now he would have learnt to stop asking, wouldn't you?

You just feel like the time is up for him to retire, I reckon.

Reckon fans are getting a bit tired of it, eh?

05-09-2020, 04:24 PM
Kelli Underwood was very good last night - no bullshit, just call the footy

Ridiculous she lost the job in the first place. Should be calling every week she is excellent.

05-09-2020, 04:51 PM
Ridiculous she lost the job in the first place. Should be calling every week she is excellent.

Couldn't agree more she's an absolute pro. Imagine her paired with BT....he wouldn't know what to do.
Best thing Bwian ever did was dropping the F bomb calling Boyd's GF goal. I laugh/cry every time.

For the unitiated :


PS : Did that really happen? Feels like a dream seeing the GF badge on our shirts, the big dogs logo painted on the 50.

10-09-2020, 09:10 PM
Thete is no footy commentary here. This is a radio show.

Happy Days
10-09-2020, 09:17 PM
Thete is no footy commentary here. This is a radio show.

Richie Benaud is universally respected as the best Australian sports commentator off the back of a career of largely knowing when to shut up.

10-09-2020, 09:51 PM
Thete is no footy commentary here. This is a radio show.

This is possibly the worst I’ve heard this year. They worry more about goal reviews and slippery conditions than anything else.

How the seven head honchos think this is what the average punter wants is beyond me.

10-09-2020, 09:59 PM
This is possibly the worst I’ve heard this year. They worry more about goal reviews and slippery conditions than anything else.

How the seven head honchos think this is what the average punter wants is beyond me.
BT doesn't know half the West Coast backline - he wouldn't know Rotham from Brander from Ainsworth. As a footy commentator, the absolute base level of expectation surely is knowing who the players are.

10-09-2020, 10:06 PM
Is it wet? I've had the sound off and certainly couldn't tell from the vision...……..

10-09-2020, 10:07 PM
It was raining quite heavy towards end of 3rd

10-09-2020, 10:07 PM
Is it wet? I've had the sound off and certainly couldn't tell from the vision...……..

I hold you personally responsible for the weather radar coming out...

10-09-2020, 10:14 PM
It was raining quite heavy towards end of 3rd

I know mate, the commentators kept going on about it and it was bloody obvious just from the vision.

I hold you personally responsible for the weather radar coming out...

BT just admitted he didn't understand the difference between north and south because he was from Victoria.

10-09-2020, 10:19 PM
I know mate, the commentators kept going on about it and it was bloody obvious just from the vision.

BT just admitted he didn't understand the difference between north and south because he was from Victoria.

But Darcy is adamant BT lives on a farm therefore should know. Just more inside jokes that no one cares about except the moron commentary team.

10-09-2020, 10:28 PM
Imagine if Naughton got the Oscar Allen beneficial treatment. *!*!*!*! me.

12-09-2020, 12:37 PM
BT just admitted he didn't understand the difference between north and south because he was from Victoria.

Which he isn't. He lives in Victoria now (and probably has for 30 years) but he grew up in WA.

Imagine if Naughton got the Oscar Allen beneficial treatment. *!*!*!*! me.

He'd kick 100+ points a year!

12-09-2020, 01:06 PM
Few areas of the ‘game’, even goal kicking, have deteriorated more over the years than the quality of the call via the TV medium.

If it’s not bad enough having to endure these damn awful calls live, it’s a travesty that the capture of great moments in the game will be forever tainted by embedded sycophantic, inane and outdated commentary.

If I was in charge of the AFL, I would be demanding a far greater standard from their media partners.

12-09-2020, 02:18 PM
Some of camerawork - especially Channel 7 appalling. Also gripes me how many times they show player being injured ad nauseam. And the way they linger on coaches faces for longer than is polite and also injured players on sidelines instead of the play is downright dumb.

Often play games on mute - especially if Macavaney commentating. Seems like a nice enough bloke but too sycophantic for me.

12-09-2020, 02:52 PM
Here is a blog that you may find interesting on the Channel 7 commentary team. It's more picking on the commentators and how blokey they are

Link (https://beccahayblog.wordpress.com/)

Channels 7s gameday commentary is a source of constant ridicule and criticism, particularly the performance of one Brian Taylor…..

During the game between West Coast and Carlton, it was observed by many on Twitter that Daisy Pearce in particular was being ignored by Taylor, and that the commentary was worse than ever

With that in mind, we decided to keep a diary for the commentary on certain games, as a test tracker to see if the criticism was valid

The game today is the match between the Western Bulldogs and Geelong

Commentary team – Brian Taylor, Bruce Mcavaney, Wayne Carey, Daisy Pearce and Luke Hodge (at the ground)

Commentary taken from Foxtel replay, so excludes h/t and pre game – clock times are on “countdown” times from the broadcast.

1st Quarter

16:00 Brian Taylor opens the commentary, noting the contest between Stanley and English as the ball is bounced

Taylor also calls a kick from Bontempelli “a beautiful stroke”

15:43 Someone in the crowd yells “THEY CAN HEAR EVERYTHING WE SAY!” and Taylor mentions it

15:31 Taylor begins a sequence on Guthrie and ropes in “Duck” to discuss Menegola, Guthrie and Hawkins playing every game and they’ve all had good years

Careys first contribution to the broadcast is a quiet non committal “yep, all in good form”

15:26 Bruce joins the broadcast, referencing some of Daisys pre game comments about the Bulldogs

14:58 Dunkley lines up for a set shot

Carey chips in a couple of vagaries about Caleb Daniel being a “good user of the footy” and the Dogs want the ball in his hands


Goal to Dunkley

Bruce says someone nailing a set shot early “sets up the scenario for the evening”

Taylor ignores him to talk about other matters

Carey notes the Dogs went backwards to go forwards to get space, and trails off on a thought about inherited flaws from his Dad with his kicking action to say “I’m prepared to say he’s a better kick than his Dad”

14:45 After a recalled bounce, Daisy chips in with a thought about Geelong being aware of Caleb Daniel and planning for him pre game

Taylor completely ignores her to mutter about “Dangerfield, with his socks pulled up really high”

14:02 Bruce notes Geelong have started cold

Taylor says “yep, funny old start” and the conversation ends there

13:58 Taylor says the game has “a strange start, a lot of quietness about it” without context


Goal to Crozier

Carey notes it’s a similar build up to the first goal, and Daisy chips in the Dogs went backwards to go forwards and wonders if its a plan by the Dogs

Daisy repeats her thoughts for the network audience (expanding on it as a tactic) and Carey joins in to note both goals were set up by Dogs half flankers pushing up the ground

12:14 Mark to Bontempelli

Carey tracks back to critique a lazy handball by Bruce and then mentions to Daisy about how Bontempelli was looking to give it off after his mark

Carey is more than happy to engage with Daisy and her thoughts, and sounds more energised than the last commentary


Goal to Bontempelli

Bruce mentions Geelong have to play catch up footy, no one replies

Taylor throws to an extended package on Luke Beveridges birthday party with the players

Bruce mentions it was lucky that Beveridge wasn’t about to tear strips off the players and then straightens up and gets back to calling the game

11:11 Mark inside 50 to Naughton

Luke Hodge chips in for the first time to mention the Dogs are kicking at 100% efficiency to Geelongs 29%

No one replies

10:42 Carey chips in to observe Naughton is moving up and down the ground to run the older Harry Taylor around

Brian Taylor ignores this and moves on

10:12 Taylor chips in out of nowhere the Dogs are 4-2 at Metricon this season

Bruce moves on with the commentary

9:15 Mark inside 50 to Liberatore

Carey mentions the match up of Henderson on Naughton and wonders if the match up has changed, and points out how Wallis blocks out Taylor from getting to the contest


Goal to Liberatore

Daisy mentions Geelongs poor kicking means they can’t control the game, and have made several costly turnovers

Hodge points out Taylor can’t go over the top because of the block from Wallis, and mentions Daisy was “right” about the poor Geelong kicking

Bruce finalises with a thought of Geelongs defence giving up goals

8:49 Bruce throws to “Hodgey” to discuss Geelong being cold

Hodge praises the intensity of the Bulldogs instead

8:12 Bruce mentions to “BT” if the Dogs kick one more goal he’s hitching his wagon to the Dogs

Taylor more or less ignores him to give inside 50 stats then calls Tom Stewart “Enright” and says Enright is using the ball well

I feel like this is some kind of marker for the commentary this year…..

7:48 Miers and Tuohy have some confusion inside 50

Taylor starts to wonder if Miers should have gone for it, Carey mentions he looked confused

Daisy chips in to point out confusion in communication between Miers and Tuohy then engages Carey to discuss what happens as a forward when someone is in your space

Carey engages in return and discusses the play

7:37 After a behind Carey says to Taylor “no excuses you can’t hear the voice with the small crowd BT”

Taylor simply responds “yep”

7:28 Hodge chips in to note Dangerfield has had one possession and the Cats are missing Selwoods hard edge around the stoppages

Bruce concludes “good call Hodgey”

6:57 Hodge chips in to mention Vandermeer has left the ground injured and after a beat that he’s gone down into the rooms

Taylor concludes with “thanks Hodgey”

6:27 Taylor concludes a thought about Hayes and Dickson playing their first game for the year by saying “the Western Bulldogs have only had the one debutant this year”

They’ve had 5

As an added bonus they then cut to one of those 5, Vandermeer, in the rooms

Everyone just moves on

5:42 Carey re-iterates some of Daisys early themes on the Dogs going backwards and trying to isolate the Geelong defenders one on one

Taylor ignores this

5:30 Daisy expands on these thoughts by mentioning it also stems from Geelongs turnovers, which don’t let the Cats defence get set

Taylor also ignores this

4:32 Dangerfield hits Hawkins lace out with a pass

Hodge praises the kick and how hard it is to defend

Taylor also ignores this, meaning he’s ignored his 3 special commentators inside a minute

4:10 After Hawkins misses, Carey doubles back to praise the kick of Dangerfield, with Daisy chipping in about how Dangerfield made the kick at full speed

Bruce moves on with the commentary

3:40 After a Menegola spoil, Daisy points out the wingmans role in pushing back to help the defence, and mentions how the Geelong defence was caught too high up the ground by a Bulldogs handball

Bruce joins in to mention that you don’t see such transitions against the Cats all that often


Goal to Richards

Bruce mentions Daisy “pressed that record of yours, handball back, handball back”

Daisy says she’s not sure if the Dogs have done it as a plan or if its because the pressure from the Cats hasn’t been there and that’s given the Dogs opportunity to do it

Carey repeats more or less what Daisy has just said, noting the lack of Cats pressure

They cut to the Toyota Fanzone and Taylor says “Is that Scott West bottom Left! I think it is!”

Carey nudges him that Scott West was actually middle right and has a good laugh as Taylor moves on muttering “he was there somewhere”

1:04 Mark inside 50 to McLean

Hodge joins to mention the Bulldogs have taken 6 marks inside 50 when the Cats only give up 5 per game

0:30 Goal to McLean

Bruce laughs with Carey and Daisy if anyone wants to change their tip

Bruce says “2016 anyone?” and “Mmmm…..right now…mmmm” in an insightful moment

Taylor mentions the vagary “the Dogs best football is good enough”

Daisy mentions the stat that the Cats have already conceded 25 points from turnovers when they concede 28 per game on average

Taylor completely ignores her to say “6 goals behind is a longgggggggggg way back”

0:00 Quarter concludes with Taylor saying the Dogs are “slick, and fast, and ready to play!”

The broadcast tonight seems to be more about the other 4 trying to discuss the game and Taylor being left behind

Daisy is tonights main special comments person

Taylor still hasn’t spoken to Daisy, making it 9 straight quarters

READ THE REST IN THE LINK - but you can see how it highlights how bad they are

Happy Days
12-09-2020, 03:00 PM
Appreciate the effort BAD but hearing it once was bad enough.

Daisy tries but is as much of a company person as Ling, Watson or any of the other white noise they bring in for “special comments”.

12-09-2020, 03:09 PM
Appreciate the effort BAD but hearing it once was bad enough.

Daisy tries but is as much of a company person as Ling, Watson or any of the other white noise they bring in for “special comments”.

Just illustrates how pathetic they all are

12-09-2020, 06:29 PM
Interesting reading it back. I wonder if the powers that be ever read the comments/commentary like that? The mentions of us only having 1 debutant when we've actually had 5 and one of them is onscreen, well I don't know about anyone else, but if I was as bad at my job as these guys are at theirs then I'd be a danger to people and I'd almost definitely be shown the door.

Having said that I am currently watching C7 and they've just advertised the Full Monty for the 15th time in the last half hour and finished the news off with a hot mic moment where the newsreader said "gahhhh" as the bulletin finished. So amateurish efforts are a network wide phenomenon.

Dancin' Douggy
12-09-2020, 10:22 PM
Thankyou BAD. Jeez it's painful.

Here is a blog that you may find interesting on the Channel 7 commentary team. It's more picking on the commentators and how blokey they are

Link (https://beccahayblog.wordpress.com/)

Channels 7s gameday commentary is a source of constant ridicule and criticism, particularly the performance of one Brian Taylor…..

During the game between West Coast and Carlton, it was observed by many on Twitter that Daisy Pearce in particular was being ignored by Taylor, and that the commentary was worse than ever

With that in mind, we decided to keep a diary for the commentary on certain games, as a test tracker to see if the criticism was valid

The game today is the match between the Western Bulldogs and Geelong

Commentary team – Brian Taylor, Bruce Mcavaney, Wayne Carey, Daisy Pearce and Luke Hodge (at the ground)

Commentary taken from Foxtel replay, so excludes h/t and pre game – clock times are on “countdown” times from the broadcast.

1st Quarter

16:00 Brian Taylor opens the commentary, noting the contest between Stanley and English as the ball is bounced

Taylor also calls a kick from Bontempelli “a beautiful stroke”

15:43 Someone in the crowd yells “THEY CAN HEAR EVERYTHING WE SAY!” and Taylor mentions it

15:31 Taylor begins a sequence on Guthrie and ropes in “Duck” to discuss Menegola, Guthrie and Hawkins playing every game and they’ve all had good years

Careys first contribution to the broadcast is a quiet non committal “yep, all in good form”

15:26 Bruce joins the broadcast, referencing some of Daisys pre game comments about the Bulldogs

14:58 Dunkley lines up for a set shot

Carey chips in a couple of vagaries about Caleb Daniel being a “good user of the footy” and the Dogs want the ball in his hands


Goal to Dunkley

Bruce says someone nailing a set shot early “sets up the scenario for the evening”

Taylor ignores him to talk about other matters

Carey notes the Dogs went backwards to go forwards to get space, and trails off on a thought about inherited flaws from his Dad with his kicking action to say “I’m prepared to say he’s a better kick than his Dad”

14:45 After a recalled bounce, Daisy chips in with a thought about Geelong being aware of Caleb Daniel and planning for him pre game

Taylor completely ignores her to mutter about “Dangerfield, with his socks pulled up really high”

14:02 Bruce notes Geelong have started cold

Taylor says “yep, funny old start” and the conversation ends there

13:58 Taylor says the game has “a strange start, a lot of quietness about it” without context


Goal to Crozier

Carey notes it’s a similar build up to the first goal, and Daisy chips in the Dogs went backwards to go forwards and wonders if its a plan by the Dogs

Daisy repeats her thoughts for the network audience (expanding on it as a tactic) and Carey joins in to note both goals were set up by Dogs half flankers pushing up the ground

12:14 Mark to Bontempelli

Carey tracks back to critique a lazy handball by Bruce and then mentions to Daisy about how Bontempelli was looking to give it off after his mark

Carey is more than happy to engage with Daisy and her thoughts, and sounds more energised than the last commentary


Goal to Bontempelli

Bruce mentions Geelong have to play catch up footy, no one replies

Taylor throws to an extended package on Luke Beveridges birthday party with the players

Bruce mentions it was lucky that Beveridge wasn’t about to tear strips off the players and then straightens up and gets back to calling the game

11:11 Mark inside 50 to Naughton

Luke Hodge chips in for the first time to mention the Dogs are kicking at 100% efficiency to Geelongs 29%

No one replies

10:42 Carey chips in to observe Naughton is moving up and down the ground to run the older Harry Taylor around

Brian Taylor ignores this and moves on

10:12 Taylor chips in out of nowhere the Dogs are 4-2 at Metricon this season

Bruce moves on with the commentary

9:15 Mark inside 50 to Liberatore

Carey mentions the match up of Henderson on Naughton and wonders if the match up has changed, and points out how Wallis blocks out Taylor from getting to the contest


Goal to Liberatore

Daisy mentions Geelongs poor kicking means they can’t control the game, and have made several costly turnovers

Hodge points out Taylor can’t go over the top because of the block from Wallis, and mentions Daisy was “right” about the poor Geelong kicking

Bruce finalises with a thought of Geelongs defence giving up goals

8:49 Bruce throws to “Hodgey” to discuss Geelong being cold

Hodge praises the intensity of the Bulldogs instead

8:12 Bruce mentions to “BT” if the Dogs kick one more goal he’s hitching his wagon to the Dogs

Taylor more or less ignores him to give inside 50 stats then calls Tom Stewart “Enright” and says Enright is using the ball well

I feel like this is some kind of marker for the commentary this year…..

7:48 Miers and Tuohy have some confusion inside 50

Taylor starts to wonder if Miers should have gone for it, Carey mentions he looked confused

Daisy chips in to point out confusion in communication between Miers and Tuohy then engages Carey to discuss what happens as a forward when someone is in your space

Carey engages in return and discusses the play

7:37 After a behind Carey says to Taylor “no excuses you can’t hear the voice with the small crowd BT”

Taylor simply responds “yep”

7:28 Hodge chips in to note Dangerfield has had one possession and the Cats are missing Selwoods hard edge around the stoppages

Bruce concludes “good call Hodgey”

6:57 Hodge chips in to mention Vandermeer has left the ground injured and after a beat that he’s gone down into the rooms

Taylor concludes with “thanks Hodgey”

6:27 Taylor concludes a thought about Hayes and Dickson playing their first game for the year by saying “the Western Bulldogs have only had the one debutant this year”

They’ve had 5

As an added bonus they then cut to one of those 5, Vandermeer, in the rooms

Everyone just moves on

5:42 Carey re-iterates some of Daisys early themes on the Dogs going backwards and trying to isolate the Geelong defenders one on one

Taylor ignores this

5:30 Daisy expands on these thoughts by mentioning it also stems from Geelongs turnovers, which don’t let the Cats defence get set

Taylor also ignores this

4:32 Dangerfield hits Hawkins lace out with a pass

Hodge praises the kick and how hard it is to defend

Taylor also ignores this, meaning he’s ignored his 3 special commentators inside a minute

4:10 After Hawkins misses, Carey doubles back to praise the kick of Dangerfield, with Daisy chipping in about how Dangerfield made the kick at full speed

Bruce moves on with the commentary

3:40 After a Menegola spoil, Daisy points out the wingmans role in pushing back to help the defence, and mentions how the Geelong defence was caught too high up the ground by a Bulldogs handball

Bruce joins in to mention that you don’t see such transitions against the Cats all that often


Goal to Richards

Bruce mentions Daisy “pressed that record of yours, handball back, handball back”

Daisy says she’s not sure if the Dogs have done it as a plan or if its because the pressure from the Cats hasn’t been there and that’s given the Dogs opportunity to do it

Carey repeats more or less what Daisy has just said, noting the lack of Cats pressure

They cut to the Toyota Fanzone and Taylor says “Is that Scott West bottom Left! I think it is!”

Carey nudges him that Scott West was actually middle right and has a good laugh as Taylor moves on muttering “he was there somewhere”

1:04 Mark inside 50 to McLean

Hodge joins to mention the Bulldogs have taken 6 marks inside 50 when the Cats only give up 5 per game

0:30 Goal to McLean

Bruce laughs with Carey and Daisy if anyone wants to change their tip

Bruce says “2016 anyone?” and “Mmmm…..right now…mmmm” in an insightful moment

Taylor mentions the vagary “the Dogs best football is good enough”

Daisy mentions the stat that the Cats have already conceded 25 points from turnovers when they concede 28 per game on average

Taylor completely ignores her to say “6 goals behind is a longgggggggggg way back”

0:00 Quarter concludes with Taylor saying the Dogs are “slick, and fast, and ready to play!”

The broadcast tonight seems to be more about the other 4 trying to discuss the game and Taylor being left behind

Daisy is tonights main special comments person

Taylor still hasn’t spoken to Daisy, making it 9 straight quarters

READ THE REST IN THE LINK - but you can see how it highlights how bad they are

12-09-2020, 10:31 PM
Ch 7 are desperately trying to get out of their Cricket Australia contract, which has another 5 years to run. They are bleeding money and their share price is currently a pitiful $0.06 a share. What a dream result it would be if they are forced to honour their cricket contract and they subsequently run out of money to compete for the AFL TV rights when they are next up. Those pricks simply do not deserve the honour of broadcasting the footy.

12-09-2020, 10:35 PM
Really enjoying James Brayshaw treating a debutant’s first game as an opportunity to roast his father at every opportunity. We get it, you’re his mate, who gives a sh*t.

12-09-2020, 10:35 PM
Ch 7 are desperately trying to get out of their Cricket Australia contract, which has another 5 years to run. They are bleeding money and their share price is currently a pitiful $0.06 a share. What a dream result it would be if they are forced to honour their cricket contract and they subsequently run out of money to compete for the AFL TV rights when they are next up. Those pricks simply do not deserve the honour of broadcasting the footy.

The Full Monty will save them.

They've even got Georgie Parker on the case!

12-09-2020, 10:36 PM
Really enjoying James Brayshaw treating a debutant’s first game as an opportunity to roast his father at every opportunity. We get it, you’re his mate, who gives a sh*t.

You're just jealous you're not in on it too mate. You know, one of the lads...….

13-09-2020, 06:26 AM
Has "Full Monty" been described as ""a bit of fun" or "a romp" yet? Whenever I hear those terms used all I can hear is a siren alert and the word "Tacky". I am with all the comments posted re the awfulness of the commentary. Bruce has become a cartoon character for me. I'm waiting for him to come out with something like this: "That's the 3rd time this season Danger's used his left foot seven times in the last quarter. There's a bit of a trend happening there."
Believe me, it will happen.
Ling's, sorry "Lingy's", whining voice is hard to take and I totally switch off when he talks. It's a defensive mechanism I employ to protect my TV screen from hurled objects.
I could go on but I won't. I'm going to have to go the "sound off, radio on" route. Any thoughts on best radio broadcast team?

13-09-2020, 11:34 AM
Ch 7 are desperately trying to get out of their Cricket Australia contract, which has another 5 years to run. They are bleeding money and their share price is currently a pitiful $0.06 a share. What a dream result it would be if they are forced to honour their cricket contract and they subsequently run out of money to compete for the AFL TV rights when they are next up. Those pricks simply do not deserve the honour of broadcasting the footy.

They are now trying to get out of broadcasting the Big Bash - they are a disgrace. You don't bid for the rights to a sport then try and get out of it.

13-09-2020, 12:43 PM
Has "Full Monty" been described as ""a bit of fun" or "a romp" yet? Whenever I hear those terms used all I can hear is a siren alert and the word "Tacky". I am with all the comments posted re the awfulness of the commentary. Bruce has become a cartoon character for me. I'm waiting for him to come out with something like this: "That's the 3rd time this season Danger's used his left foot seven times in the last quarter. There's a bit of a trend happening there."
Believe me, it will happen.
Ling's, sorry "Lingy's", whining voice is hard to take and I totally switch off when he talks. It's a defensive mechanism I employ to protect my TV screen from hurled objects.
I could go on but I won't. I'm going to have to go the "sound off, radio on" route. Any thoughts on best radio broadcast team?

I'm an abc kind of bloke so i go with them.

Bring Doug Bigelow, Tim Lane and Drew Morphett back..yes i know some of them have left us. Even their silence would be better.

13-09-2020, 12:49 PM
Watched some 70's & 80's footy on youtube the other day. What i enjoyed was you would get quite a bit of crowd noise coming through which just added so much to the atmosphere.

Much prefer channel 7's talking footy and their sunday footy show in comparison's to channel 9's offerings. The channel 9 talking heads are just abysmal.

13-09-2020, 02:55 PM
Much prefer channel 7's talking footy and their sunday footy show in comparison's to channel 9's offerings. The channel 9 talking heads are just abysmal.
I don't think Ch 7 have any footy related programs on their roster this year - they got rid of both Talking Footy and that Sunday morning Game Day garbage that Hamish McLaughlan hosted because they have run out of money and are desperately cost-cutting to stay afloat.

The chief footy broadcast network cares so little about the game that they don't bother with any content outside of the obligatory 3-4 matches a week.

I'm no fan at all of Footy Classified - it is sensationalist and contrived - but it is interesting that a non-footy broadcast partner has no less than 4 footy-specific programs a week compared to zero.

13-09-2020, 02:58 PM
I don't think Ch 7 have any footy related programs on their roster this year - they got rid of both Talking Footy and that Sunday morning Game Day garbage that Hamish McLaughlan hosted because they have run out of money and are desperately cost-cutting to stay afloat.

The chief footy broadcast network cares so little about the game that they don't bother with any content outside of the obligatory 3-4 matches a week.

And to further illustrate the point channel 9 have put Footy Classified on multiple times during the week.

13-09-2020, 08:37 PM
Bruce was ridiculously painful again today, just waffles on and on and at one stage enlightened us that Jong was not far away even though the club has already publicised that he is done for the year and is leaving the Queensland hub.

13-09-2020, 09:05 PM
I’m surprised the commentators didn’t mention Finn Maginess on the coverage today.
He’s a 3rd generation hawk and his dad played in the best game, of all time, in any sport.

Bulldog Joe
13-09-2020, 09:15 PM
Bruce was ridiculously painful again today, just waffles on and on and at one stage enlightened us that Jong was not far away even though the club has already publicised that he is done for the year and is leaving the Queensland hub.

But Bruce is so well informed and in touch with everything that is sport.

If Bruce said Jong is not far away, I expect him to replace Toby next week.
How dare the club mislead us, when Bruce knows:confused:

13-09-2020, 09:38 PM
I’m surprised the commentators didn’t mention Finn Maginess on the coverage today.
He’s a 3rd generation hawk and his dad played in the best game, of all time, in any sport.

Really? You'd think that they would have mentioned it half a dozen times.

13-09-2020, 09:39 PM
Bruce was ridiculously painful again today, just waffles on and on and at one stage enlightened us that Jong was not far away even though the club has already publicised that he is done for the year and is leaving the Queensland hub.

Fantastic news for Jongy.

13-09-2020, 10:01 PM
I’m surprised the commentators didn’t mention Finn Maginess on the coverage today.
He’s a 3rd generation hawk and his dad played in the best game, of all time, in any sport.

It's actually disappointing that they never honour the legacy of families in the AFL through the medium of game day commentary. Clear area for improvement at zero cost......a six sigma black belt's dream!

13-09-2020, 11:03 PM
Dermie was particularly poor in his assessment of Toby's injury. Blamed him for ducking.

13-09-2020, 11:05 PM
Dermie was particularly poor in his assessment of Toby's injury. Blamed him for ducking.

Yeah I thought that was bad.

13-09-2020, 11:30 PM
Dermie was particularly poor in his assessment of Toby's injury. Blamed him for ducking.

The epitome of what is wrong with football commentary.

Dancin' Douggy
14-09-2020, 10:02 AM
I must admit Bruce was nowhere near at his worst for the Hawks /Dogs game. Someone must have got to him re the endless rhetorical questions.

14-09-2020, 10:12 AM
I must admit Bruce was nowhere near at his worst for the Hawks /Dogs game. Someone must have got to him re the endless rhetorical questions.
Now if he could remove that guttural excited commentary at the end of the passage of play he'd be getting back to his good years.

The best commentators make their commentary all about the players. BT/Brayshaw make it a blokey "what we think" show, Bruce makes it about how much he loves particular players.

Contrast that with Donegan or Hudson who make their commentary all about the play. They're generally considered two of the best.

The Adelaide Connection
02-10-2020, 10:01 AM
I know he is a credentialed champion and reportedly great guy to boot, but holy smokes Wanganeen is an awkward commentator.

He reminds me of those t-shirts people that don’t follow sports wear that say stuff like: “what they need to do is sports better than the other team can sports to win the game”.

02-10-2020, 10:04 AM
I know he is a credentialed champion and reportedly great guy to boot, but holy smokes Wanganeen is an awkward commentator.

He reminds me of those t-shirts people that don’t follow sports wear that say stuff like: “what they need to do is sports better than the other team can sports to win the game”.

I don't know why they try to shoe horn former players into these ill suited broadcasting roles when there are clearly way more competent professionals out there twiddling their thumbs.

Adrian McAdam was the absolute worst in recent memory and mercifully, he only lasted a few weeks.

02-10-2020, 11:25 AM
I know he is a credentialed champion and reportedly great guy to boot, but holy smokes Wanganeen is an awkward commentator.

He reminds me of those t-shirts people that don’t follow sports wear that say stuff like: “what they need to do is sports better than the other team can sports to win the game”.

Yeah he feels very much like they pulled someone from the crowd.

Jobe Watson is also not very good, and showed it last night. Also did a weird big explanation at halftime about why the umpire should be bouncing the ball in the middle of the ruck circle and not off to the side which was worth commenting on I guess but I doubt the audience required the lecture on how the idea was for it to be fair for both rucks (I mean it's pretty self explantory).

02-10-2020, 11:31 AM
Yeah he feels very much like they pulled someone from the crowd.

Jobe Watson is also not very good, and showed it last night. Also did a weird big explanation at halftime about why the umpire should be bouncing the ball in the middle of the ruck circle and not off to the side which was worth commenting on I guess but I doubt the audience required the lecture on how the idea was for it to be fair for both rucks (I mean it's pretty self explanatory).

I am not one for changing rules ( :D ), but we may as well get rid of the centre bounce.

02-10-2020, 11:45 AM
Jobe Watson-Essendon Privilege. When will Channel Sevens love affair with the drug cheats ever end. He struggles to speak coherently and is simply there because of his old man.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
02-10-2020, 11:53 AM
I don't know why they try to shoe horn former players into these ill suited broadcasting roles when there are clearly way more competent professionals out there twiddling their thumbs.

Adrian McAdam was the absolute worst in recent memory and mercifully, he only lasted a few weeks.

You mean Gilbert McAdam... he was so bad you forgot his name!

02-10-2020, 11:58 AM
You mean Gilbert McAdam... he was so bad you forgot his name!
He'd still be a boundary rider if he wasn't charged with assaulting a woman.


02-10-2020, 12:28 PM
Jobe Watson-Essendon Privilege. When will Channel Sevens love affair with the drug cheats ever end. He struggles to speak coherently and is simply there because of his old man.

That may be completely true and accurate but he deserved to be on last night for his lockdown hair alone.

02-10-2020, 01:06 PM
Who was the other boundary rider last night aside from Wanganeen?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
02-10-2020, 01:07 PM
Who was the other boundary rider last night aside from Wanganeen?

Mark Soderstram?? Never heard of him... was he a former local SANFL player or something??

02-10-2020, 01:25 PM
Mark Soderstram?? Never heard of him... was he a former local SANFL player or something??

Yep, a SANFL player in the 90s, but a radio and tv presenter for a long time now I think.

02-10-2020, 01:42 PM
You mean Gilbert McAdam... he was so bad you forgot his name!

That's him. Didn't realise he was charged with assault, I thought he got the knife from C7 because he was so bad at his job.

02-10-2020, 01:42 PM
Thanks. Amazing they could find someone to out bogan Mark Ricciuto.

The Adelaide Connection
02-10-2020, 01:56 PM
Mark Soderstram?? Never heard of him... was he a former local SANFL player or something??

Yeah he played 100+ in the SANFL for Sturt and North Adelaide I think. Has been involved in local news and sport for a long time (including SANFL broadcasts). He’s measured, knowledgeable, and unbiased. They could do a hell of a lot worse than pick him up for the AFL full time.

02-10-2020, 01:58 PM
Mark Soderstram?? Never heard of him... was he a former local SANFL player or something??

And I half reckon that is why Wanganeen was on the coverage last night as Victorians would know his face.

Channel 7 probably thought it was actually a good idea to have more than just one person at the actual ground - normally it would add to the viewer experience, but as per normal it did not.

Last nights converge was probably the worst it has been all year. Taylor and McAvaney going tit for tat all night on how many shots at goal Tom Hawkins had.

I seriously didn't see Dangerfield in the second quarter, yet Bruce thought he was huge...

"Sodas" was probably the best performed of them all.

02-10-2020, 02:31 PM
Last nights converge was probably the worst it has been all year. Taylor and McAvaney going tit for tat all night on how many shots at goal Tom Hawkins had.

I seriously didn't see Dangerfield in the second quarter, yet Bruce thought he was huge...

It really was absolutely terrible.

Danger did 1 thing in the 2nd quarter - tried to break through a player and got pinged for holding the ball. Bruce and BT celebrated how good it was by Danger.....

02-10-2020, 06:15 PM
They kept saying soders and i was thinking who is Soders ?
Didn’t big Rex get turfed partly due to nicknames ?
Bruce drives me insane with his “Duck “ and “BT” all the time, how do the AFL expand to other countries using nicknames no one would understand ?

02-10-2020, 07:46 PM
That's him. Didn't realise he was charged with assault, I thought he got the knife from C7 because he was so bad at his job.

It probably was him being bad at his job because he would be the first bloke taken off air by C7 for assaulting a woman.

Didn’t big Rex get turfed partly due to nicknames ?

I thought it was because he made up that BS story about being attacked by a "bunch of youths" in Byron Bay when it turned out that Rex and his sons started the trouble themselves. Or his career might have been on the ropes (because in reality he wasn't very good. He didn't actually call the game, just shouted a lot and used indecipherable nicknames) and the Byron thing was the KO blow.

03-10-2020, 12:40 PM
At 3/4 time they showed some vision of Vlastian zoning off his direct opponent to make a 2 on 1 contest with a Richmond player and Rayner (?). Only problem was that Cameron who Vlastian had zoned off ended up with the ball and waltzed into an open goal. There's a glorious moment where Carey after waxing lyrical about how defensive units have to work as a team adds something like "of course the danger is you can leave your direct opponent to do that"

03-10-2020, 02:23 PM
At 3/4 time they showed some vision of Vlastian zoning off his direct opponent to make a 2 on 1 contest with a Richmond player and Rayner (?). Only problem was that Cameron who Vlastian had zoned off ended up with the ball and waltzed into an open goal. There's a glorious moment where Carey after waxing lyrical about how defensive units have to work as a team adds something like "of course the danger is you can leave your direct opponent to do that"

It was Grimes they were showing. Left Cameron all alone and Wooshka!

03-10-2020, 02:34 PM
It probably was him being bad at his job because he would be the first bloke taken off air by C7 for assaulting a woman.

I thought it was because he made up that BS story about being attacked by a "bunch of youths" in Byron Bay when it turned out that Rex and his sons started the trouble themselves. Or his career might have been on the ropes (because in reality he wasn't very good. He didn't actually call the game, just shouted a lot and used indecipherable nicknames) and the Byron thing was the KO blow.

I implore everyone to take in this piece of Australiana.


03-10-2020, 03:00 PM
Were the bits that were cut out referring to Bali? Stay classy Rex.

03-10-2020, 06:55 PM
Yeah he feels very much like they pulled someone from the crowd.

Jobe Watson is also not very good, and showed it last night. Also did a weird big explanation at halftime about why the umpire should be bouncing the ball in the middle of the ruck circle and not off to the side which was worth commenting on I guess but I doubt the audience required the lecture on how the idea was for it to be fair for both rucks (I mean it's pretty self explantory).

Jobe Watson sucks. He's the suckiest suck that ever did suck.

His evidence manifest of the channel 7 nepotist boys club.

14-10-2020, 08:37 AM

The great man Dennis Cometti as a bulldog!

14-10-2020, 08:41 AM

The great man Dennis Cometti as a bulldog!

I remember as a kid (under 12) that I couldn't stand him, and I asked my Nan who he played for and she mentioned for the bulldogs but not very long - this did not make me happy at all.

Funnily in my late teens and early 20's I started to appreciate Dennis Committi commentary and wore it as a badge of honor he played for the dogs!

14-10-2020, 08:46 AM
I remember as a kid (under 12) that I couldn't stand him, and I asked my Nan who he played for and she mentioned for the bulldogs but not very long - this did not make me happy at all.

Funnily in my late teens and early 20's I started to appreciate Dennis Committi commentary and wore it as a badge of honor he played for the dogs!

Great commentator and treated the game as it should have been, enjoyed with quirky little statements that made you smile at least.
Those days are gone now with commentators too busy complimenting each other, putting up their past achievements every time they come on as a claim to being an expert which doesn’t actually mean you can commentate !

14-10-2020, 08:50 AM

Not a commentator but our very own Stevo who had borrowed a pair of my freinds glasses to walk around the crowd at Whitten Oval , not sure if it was leading up to the preliminary final or grand final.

14-10-2020, 12:29 PM

Not a commentator but our very own Stevo who had borrowed a pair of my freinds glasses to walk around the crowd at Whitten Oval , not sure if it was leading up to the preliminary final or grand final.

So many questions.

Why did he borrow your friends glasses? Why didn't he have his own glasses? Why did he need glasses? Was it because they were bulldog glasses? Did he give them back?

14-10-2020, 02:46 PM
So many questions.

Why did he borrow your friends glasses? Why didn't he have his own glasses? Why did he need glasses? Was it because they were bulldog glasses? Did he give them back?

Yeah pretty much because they were bulldog glasses, he was offered, he loved them. A little fun in a happy environment.
Gave them back later.
Just a jovial moment.
I told him to pose with them on so he did and I took a couple of pics.
He wandered around with them for awhile getting a few laughs.

18-10-2020, 10:13 PM
Was going to start a new thread (in the AFL forum maybe) but figured maybe this one is the best place for it


Apparently Basil Zempilas not only ran for but won the election to be Lord Mayor of Perth.

Not sure this is the right place for this but it is kind of AFL related

Happy Days
18-10-2020, 10:51 PM
Was going to start a new thread (in the AFL forum maybe) but figured maybe this one is the best place for it


Apparently Basil Zempilas not only ran for but won the election to be Lord Mayor of Perth.

Not sure this is the right place for this but it is kind of AFL related

Yeah, on a platform of sending homeless people to the gulag apparently. What a dick.

18-10-2020, 11:00 PM
Yeah, on a platform of sending homeless people to the gulag apparently. What a dick.

That's what I heard originally too but someone come out today and said Zempilas actually did some research/had someone talk to him about it and he has had his eyes opened and has changed his view on the matter for the better, so kudos to him I guess for not being a complete dick.

18-10-2020, 11:15 PM
That's what I heard originally too but someone come out today and said Zempilas actually did some research/had someone talk to him about it and he has had his eyes opened and has changed his view on the matter for the better, so kudos to him I guess for not being a complete dick.

That's a relief if true and reflected in his actions. The homeless stuff was the only thing I'd heard about his candidacy before I saw he won.

19-10-2020, 07:55 PM
One thing I’m not looking forward to is Macavaney, BT and Duck calling the game.

20-10-2020, 06:14 PM
One thing I’m not looking forward to is Macavaney, BT and Duck calling the game.

Same. God help us if dusty and danger are both involved in a play that Bruce calls....get the tissues.

20-10-2020, 06:17 PM
Same. God help us if dusty and danger are both involved in a play that Bruce calls....get the tissues.

He might be forced to pick a favourite and it will be whoever’s team is leading at the time.

20-10-2020, 06:29 PM
Same. God help us if dusty and danger are both involved in a play that Bruce calls....get the tissues.

You mean Paddy

20-10-2020, 06:34 PM
You mean Paddy

Yeah, they're great mates now.

07-05-2022, 10:55 AM
So I don’t pay much attention to the channel 7 commentary team, but I do like hearing Pearce and Richardson’s insights.

But twice last night both Richardson and Pearce made astute observations which BT somewhat ignored but then later in the call rehashed them as his own.

Whilst I’m at it, they actively have demoted the best footy mind in the business in Jimmy Bartel because of his marriage indiscretions but happy promote Wayne Carey and previously Leigh Matthews.
Just another example of what is wrong with channel 7 coverage.

07-05-2022, 10:59 AM
So I don’t pay much attention to the channel 7 commentary team, but I do like hearing Pearce and Richardson’s insights.

But twice last night both Richardson and Pearce made astute observations which BT somewhat ignored but then later in the call rehashed them as his own.

Whilst I’m at it, they actively have demoted the best footy mind in the business in Jimmy Bartel because of his marriage indiscretions but happy promote Wayne Carey and previously Leigh Matthews.
Just another example of what is wrong with channel 7 coverage.

I can't believe you've said all this and yet failed to mention the biggest blight on the commentary planet, Brayshaw.

Also, while I acknowledge that Hodge is a pretty good footbal mind, he needs some diction lessons. They might as well say "now we're crossing to a drunk guy in the crowd so we can hear how he orders a kebab on the way home after a big night out". Just total mumbled ramblings.

07-05-2022, 11:02 AM
I can't believe you've said all this and yet failed to mention the biggest blight on the commentary planet, Brayshaw.

Also, while I acknowledge that Hodge is a pretty good footbal mind, he needs some diction lessons. They might as well say "now we're crossing to a drunk guy in the crowd so we can hear how he orders a kebab on the way home after a big night out". Just total mumbled ramblings.


Pferb eh snork re blep ba smicken defender do thing good.

07-05-2022, 12:43 PM
So I don’t pay much attention to the channel 7 commentary team, but I do like hearing Pearce and Richardson’s insights.

But twice last night both Richardson and Pearce made astute observations which BT somewhat ignored but then later in the call rehashed them as his own.

Whilst I’m at it, they actively have demoted the best footy mind in the business in Jimmy Bartel because of his marriage indiscretions but happy promote Wayne Carey and previously Leigh Matthews.
Just another example of what is wrong with channel 7 coverage.
The fact that they even exist is what's wrong with them.