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06-11-2007, 02:07 PM
I usually enjoy watching the tv footy shows and listening to the radio commentators when the footy season is on but there are a few commentators who seems to always sink the boots into the Dogs and very rarely say anything positive.

Here are a couple I absolutely can't stand -

Garry Lyon - This bloke makes me absolutely sick, he never has anything good to say about the Dogs. He tends to enjoy having a sook when things aren't going his way - I hate people like that, always whinging and thinking that their words are far superior than others.

Sam Newman - At times annoys me but generally it is all an act with him although he tends to stick the boots in the Dogs at times also.


The Coon Dog
06-11-2007, 02:33 PM
TV - I really like Dennis Cometti, tho this season, he seemed to labour at times. I think his performance was indicicatative of Channel 7, just lacked spark.

I reckon Clinton Grybas is as good as anyone going around.

Matty Campbell used to annoy me when he only did the Brisbane games, but he's much better now.

Dermott Brereton has the ability to say in 100 words what can be said in 10. Having said that, he has no equal as far as special comments go. Just seems to read the game trends an instant before everyone else.

Radio - This season I enjoyed SEN most times, tho I'm a tradionalist & like to know what's happening, so much prefer the ABC.

I cannot stand listening to Rex Hunt. I think he believes his own publicity. Grant Thomas always seems to put the boots into the Bulldogs when I listen to him.

06-11-2007, 03:47 PM
I can't stand Kevin Bartlett and that bloke on Fox Footy who keeps calling young kids rookies when they've not been on the rookie list...Casey or something? I can't remember, but he's useless with names as well.

Sockeye Salmon
06-11-2007, 05:06 PM
Jason Dunstall lays the boots into us as well

06-11-2007, 05:10 PM
Favourites are Clinton Grybas, Brian Taylor (My Basketball Coach) and Gerard Healy

Cant stand Rex Hunt, Dennis Commetti, Bruce McAvaney (hate hearing CLEVER!!!!! every 3 minutes)

The Bulldogs Bite
06-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Anthony Hudson & Brian Taylor are my favourite commentators.

I can't stand Quartermain, I don't really like Lane.

Brayshaw's decent to listen to on radio and I don't mind Walls - though a lot can't stand him.

Bruce is OK though a little past it. Rex Hunt is a maniac, I can't stand him.

For mine, Hudson is the best commentator going around. He pulls out fantastic phrases in the moment; "Who would of thought the sequel would be just as good as the original?" and "They have the power to win!" .. But, my favourite "I see it, but I don't believe it!" when Sydney pipped Geelong with a few seconds to go.

06-11-2007, 07:19 PM
Bruce Mcavaney is a suck. Dislike him on sight.

I like Denis Cometti.

06-11-2007, 07:23 PM
For mine, Hudson is the best commentator going around. He pulls out fantastic phrases in the moment; "Who would of thought the sequel would be just as good as the original?" and "They have the power to win!" .. But, my favourite "I see it, but I don't believe it!" when Sydney pipped Geelong with a few seconds to go.

Huddo is my favourite as well, he's fantastic. I preferred Dennis when he was at channel 9, then again I didn't mind Brereton and Lyon while I can't stand Watson and Schwarz.

06-11-2007, 07:34 PM
I enjoy Anthony Hudson. Clinton Grybas and Dennis Cometti.

Special Comments - bias has me saying Luke Darcy with Dermott Brereton close behind.

Won't go out of my way to listen to Steve Quartermain - never has a good word to say about the dogs or Sam Newman - arrogant and another who never has a good word to say about us.

Except when we were on a membership drive and Sam big noted himself by going on and on about buying a Doggies membership.

06-11-2007, 09:21 PM
Like -

Dennis Commetti - like the way he add's the little extra to his commentary.

Eddie McGuire - I seriously don't mind his commentary even when he commentated the Collingwood games on C 9. He adds a bit of excitement.

Clinton Grybas - Very clear and precise, enjoy listening to him.

Rex Hunt - He makes me laugh and always tune into 3AW.

Robert Walls - I don't mind him, straight to the point.

Dislike -

Jason Dunstall - Very bland and his commentary nearly puts me to sleep.

Malcom Blight - Seriously, what planet did he fall off from? Absolutely woeful and makes no sense.

07-11-2007, 12:01 PM
but there are a few commentators who seems to always sink the boots into the Dogs and very rarely say anything positive.


Grant Thomas - I've never ever heard him say 1 positive thing about the Bulldogs.

I listen to the ABC on Friday nights, and SEN for the rest of the weekend.

07-11-2007, 12:38 PM
Grant Thomas - I've never ever heard him say 1 positive thing about the Bulldogs.

I listen to the ABC on Friday nights, and SEN for the rest of the weekend.

Aren't we all just a little to precious.

From what I have heard of Thomas I quite like. He doesn't mix his words and isn't afraid to stand on people toes which is refreshing.

Just because he talks poorly of the Bulldogs doesn't give me a reason not to listen to him. From what I have heard of him he has questioned our on-field leadership and the mental toughness of some of our players. So I have and many others so I don't see a problem.

07-11-2007, 12:55 PM
Aren't we all just a little to precious.

From what I have heard of Thomas I quite like. He doesn't mix his words and isn't afraid to stand on people toes which is refreshing.

Just because he talks poorly of the Bulldogs doesn't give me a reason not to listen to him. From what I have heard of him he has questioned our on-field leadership and the mental toughness of some of our players. So I have and many others so I don't see a problem.

The orginal post asked for commentators that sink the boots in to bulldogs and don't say anything positive about the Dogs.

Well Grant Thomas fits that description. Simple as that

07-11-2007, 01:59 PM
Grant Thomas - I've never ever heard him say 1 positive thing about the Bulldogs.

He does annoy me a little with some of his comments but I just tune off. Another one I have thought of is Andrew Maher he usually doesnt say many good words about the Bulldogs.

07-11-2007, 02:12 PM
What about Dan Lonegan on the ABC?

I know he doesnt stick the boots in as such, but he is always negative about the Dogs.

Funny thing is, it's own team !!!

I think he doesnt want to be seen to be bias like Eddie, so he goes down the opposite path
which is never getting excited about his own teams good play.

Im not saying he should be bias, just that he seems to talk us down.

Grant Thomas does get stuck in, but I think he could see some of our glaring deficencies and commented on them. lets face it, we are all pretty well aware of the issues we have on the field.

SEN commentated on those terrible Friday night games against Geelong & West Coast where we were flogged, and due to the lack of commitment of some players he got stuck in, quite rightly as well. I think a majority of us were dissapointed with the attitiude of some of the players during some of the floggings at the end of the year.

07-11-2007, 02:59 PM
Just on SEN - it's good to hear that we finally have a bulldog voice on air.

Kevin Hillier is now hosting the Sunday afternoon segment.

Rocket Science
07-11-2007, 03:02 PM
Tim Lane knows his stuff...BT's mildly entertaining...and Commetti has his moments, but Gerard Waitley on ABC Grandstand deserves much more kudos than he receives.

Professional, articulate, extremely well informed, with a penchant for the dramatic when it's required. Shites all over the boofheaded cliche machines who can't construct a sentence but nonetheless dominate TV and radio.

Brayshaw, Lyon, Maher, Brereton, Schwarz, Blight, the list is endless...you watch/listen to games in spite of those tedious, self-serving dolts.

While I'm at it, Christie Malthouse and Sam Lane do good work too.

07-11-2007, 03:44 PM
Just on SEN - it's good to hear that we finally have a bulldog voice on air.

Kevin Hillier is now hosting the Sunday afternoon segment.

He actually worked shifts on both Saturday and Sunday and he was pretty good.

The Underdog
07-11-2007, 03:57 PM
Tim Lane knows his stuff...BT's mildly entertaining...and Commetti has his moments, but Gerard Waitley on ABC Grandstand deserves much more kudos than he receives.

Professional, articulate, extremely well informed, with a penchant for the dramatic when it's required. Shites all over the boofheaded cliche machines who can't construct a sentence but nonetheless dominate TV and radio.

Brayshaw, Lyon, Maher, Brereton, Schwarz, Blight, the list is endless...you watch/listen to games in spite of those tedious, self-serving dolts.

While I'm at it, Christie Malthouse and Sam Lane do good work too.

Queue for the Gerard Whately fanclub starts behind me. He's the best going around at the moment by a fair way.

Love Cometti but his year wasn't his finest. Seemed to be trying too hard and was sometimes inaccurate, which I don't remember him being before. Don't mind BT either but the MMM boys club thing can get a bit much real quick. Got a soft spot for Anthony Hudson too, he's the best on 10.

Can't stand Michael Christian or David Schwarz. Ricky Olarenshaw had a bad first year too, looking like the world's most out of place boundary rider.

07-11-2007, 04:19 PM
He actually worked shifts on both Saturday and Sunday and he was pretty good.

Yes, he worked both Saturday and Sunday this week, but I think going forward, he is only working Sunday.

07-11-2007, 10:32 PM
Just on SEN - it's good to hear that we finally have a bulldog voice on air.

Kevin Hillier is now hosting the Sunday afternoon segment.

Great bloke, very down to earth and entertaining. Absolutely kills it at the Selectors Table functions.

07-11-2007, 11:08 PM
I can't stand Liam Pickering and his snickering:p
The SEN boys can lay the boots in on occasions , the OX and Francis.
and I agree on Grant Thomas, he is so against other teams except the Saints so shouldn't even be asked to comment.
I don't actually mind Gary Lyon that much and love Denis Cometti although he wasn't as sharp this year.

08-11-2007, 02:51 AM
Yes, I am biased. I enjoy listening to Gerard Whately. He's very professional in his calls and has just the right amount of enthusiasm to even make the dullest match sound interesting. Besides that, he's a really nice guy.

08-11-2007, 07:41 PM
Hey Chicago1, Will you still be doing your little stints on the radio next season?

09-11-2007, 10:17 AM
Hey Chicago1, Will you still be doing your little stints on the radio next season?

Probably not. I'm the only one who appeared on every show the past two years and got absolutely no compensation, NONE. I didn't even get a thank you e-mail.

I guess I can tell the story now. I'm friends with an Aussie in Texas who does segments on various radio shows in Australia about living in the states. She used to do a weekly segment on Ernie's program. She now freelances and in fact is sponsored every week on a Perth radio program. I asked her in the beginning of the year if I was unreasonable to ask for some compensation. I usually spend a few hours every week on reading footy stuff online and I print off about 15 sheets of stuff for the show each week, besides writing notes for my comments. Being away from all of the action I need to keep in touch that way if my tips would have any believability.

The friend in Texas told me she gets $100 for every segment she does on air. Wow, I had no idea. She said she thought I should be given some compensation for my segment. Coupled with the fact that I stay up every Friday morning until after 3am(sometimes it was very inconvenient), I thought maybe Lindy could swing something for me. I was hoping the ABC would pay for a trip or at least part of my fare to Melbourne for the Finals. Nope. The ABC didn't have any money for that. She mentioned that maybe the AFL might be able to sponsor a trip and she'd look into it, but she never got back to me. As much as doing the show was mostly fun, I really feel like I was taken advantage of. Even getting $20 for each segment would have been appreciated. $20 X 27 shows would have paid for half my trip from LAX. I even had a free rewards trip I was ready to use from Chicago to LAX. Last year at the end of the season I sent the other members of the team Chicago Cubs baseball caps which cost me about $100 overall to buy and send. I never even received a thank you for that.

I guess some may think I'm ungrateful for getting the chance to do something like that for two years and expect something more in return. However, it really became a grind this past year. At least some of my Aussie mates from a website here in the states used to listen in once in a while and I had some of my former students e-mail me which was really great.

The best part about doing the show this year was tipping Richmond to lose EVERY BLOODY WEEK! Maybe that's a reasonable compensation! :p

09-11-2007, 01:38 PM
I'm a tradionalist & like to know what's happening, so much prefer the ABC.

The only one I really listen to.

09-11-2007, 09:14 PM
I guess some may think I'm ungrateful for getting the chance to do something like that for two years and expect something more in return. However, it really became a grind this past year. At least some of my Aussie mates from a website here in the states used to listen in once in a while and I had some of my former students e-mail me which was really great.

Not at all, they should have given you something - especially after you put so much time into it. They could have at least showed some appreciation for the work you did. How dare they treat this esteemed teacher who once taught at my old High School so many moons ago.

11-11-2007, 09:59 PM
Probably not. I'm the only one who appeared on every show the past two years and got absolutely no compensation, NONE. I didn't even get a thank you e-mail.

I guess I can tell the story now. I'm friends with an Aussie in Texas who does segments on various radio shows in Australia about living in the states. She used to do a weekly segment on Ernie's program. She now freelances and in fact is sponsored every week on a Perth radio program. I asked her in the beginning of the year if I was unreasonable to ask for some compensation. I usually spend a few hours every week on reading footy stuff online and I print off about 15 sheets of stuff for the show each week, besides writing notes for my comments. Being away from all of the action I need to keep in touch that way if my tips would have any believability.

The friend in Texas told me she gets $100 for every segment she does on air. Wow, I had no idea. She said she thought I should be given some compensation for my segment. Coupled with the fact that I stay up every Friday morning until after 3am(sometimes it was very inconvenient), I thought maybe Lindy could swing something for me. I was hoping the ABC would pay for a trip or at least part of my fare to Melbourne for the Finals. Nope. The ABC didn't have any money for that. She mentioned that maybe the AFL might be able to sponsor a trip and she'd look into it, but she never got back to me. As much as doing the show was mostly fun, I really feel like I was taken advantage of. Even getting $20 for each segment would have been appreciated. $20 X 27 shows would have paid for half my trip from LAX. I even had a free rewards trip I was ready to use from Chicago to LAX. Last year at the end of the season I sent the other members of the team Chicago Cubs baseball caps which cost me about $100 overall to buy and send. I never even received a thank you for that.

I guess some may think I'm ungrateful for getting the chance to do something like that for two years and expect something more in return. However, it really became a grind this past year. At least some of my Aussie mates from a website here in the states used to listen in once in a while and I had some of my former students e-mail me which was really great.

The best part about doing the show this year was tipping Richmond to lose EVERY BLOODY WEEK! Maybe that's a reasonable compensation! :p

Mind if I ask which show you were doing this work for Chicargo?

13-11-2007, 05:35 AM
Mind if I ask which show you were doing this work for Chicargo?

774ABC Melbourne's Lindy Burns' Drive show. The footy segment was on at about 5.45pm every Friday afternoon with Lindy, Gerard Whately, Alan Attwood and myself.

22-03-2013, 04:06 PM
Heard Bruce MaCaveny say he is almost 60 years old, boy didn't realise that. I know plenty of people don't like him, but I don't mind his voice, although he does say some ridiculous things sometimes.

22-03-2013, 04:16 PM
Heard Bruce MaCaveny say he is almost 60 years old, boy didn't realise that. I know plenty of people don't like him, but I don't mind his voice, although he does say some ridiculous things sometimes.

I'm so sick of him it's not funny.

Apart from the fact he doesn't give the viewer sufficient credit to understand what's happening without the benefit of his hyper-definitions, he sexualises indigenous footballers and says perverted things such as "you'd love to be tackled by Chris Judd wouldn't you" after said player's committed an act of sheer bastardry.

His mania really freaks me out, to be honest.

22-03-2013, 04:20 PM
I'm so sick of him it's not funny. He sexualises indigenous footballers, says perverted things such as "you'd love to be tackled by Chris Judd wouldn't you" after said player's committed an act of sheer bastardry, and doesn't give the viewer sufficient credit to understand what's happening without the benefit of his hyper-definitions.

I think he should be forced to wear pants when he's commentating.

That's funny:D

Personally I prefer listening to the ABC commentary, I don't like any of the TV commentators per se

22-03-2013, 04:21 PM
That's funny:D

Personally I prefer listening to the ABC commentary, I don't like any of the TV commentators per se

Mate, I edited as I thought it a touch inappropriate!

Agree the ABC is where it's at. The commercial radio networks sound like you're listening to a continuous advertising jingle.

22-03-2013, 04:28 PM
I'm so sick of him it's not funny.

Apart from the fact he doesn't give the viewer sufficient credit to understand what's happening without the benefit of his hyper-definitions, he sexualises indigenous footballers and says perverted things such as "you'd love to be tackled by Chris Judd wouldn't you" after said player's committed an act of sheer bastardry.

His mania really freaks me out, to be honest.

Describes how I feel about him perfectly. I actually feel physically ill listening to his commentary. I'd prefer to listen to Dwayne Russell and he's a complete *!*!*!*!wit!

Dancin' Douggy
22-03-2013, 04:31 PM
Bruce Macaveiny makes me absolutely nauseous.

22-03-2013, 04:31 PM
I'd prefer to listen to Dwayne Russell and he's a complete *!*!*!*!wit!

He really spoils Fox Footy.

The Underdog
22-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Wow, way to reanimate a thread that's been dead for over 5 years.
Btw I still love Gerard Whateley. If he didn't love horse racing so much, he'd be perfect...

22-03-2013, 04:50 PM
He really spoils Fox Footy.

He does. Fox has some of the worst on air talent imaginable- Russell, Glen "da I'm from Perf" Jackovic, Paul "can I just interrupt to talk about Sydney" Roos, Mark "can I make everything about me" Robinson, Alistair Lynch, Tony Shaw... The list goes on.

22-03-2013, 05:03 PM
He does. Fox has some of the worst on air talent imaginable- Russell, Glen "da I'm from Perf" Jackovic, Paul "can I just interrupt to talk about Sydney" Roos, Mark "can I make everything about me" Robinson, Alistair Lynch, Tony Shaw... The list goes on.

I love how you use the word talent.

22-03-2013, 05:11 PM
Anthony Hudson a shining light though, always professional and concise

The Underdog
22-03-2013, 05:15 PM
He does. Fox has some of the worst on air talent imaginable- Russell, Glen "da I'm from Perf" Jackovic, Paul "can I just interrupt to talk about Sydney" Roos, Mark "can I make everything about me" Robinson, Alistair Lynch, Tony Shaw... The list goes on.

I don't have Fox but I assume Gerard Healy warrants inclusion on that list. I also assume he's still there.

22-03-2013, 05:26 PM
I don't have Fox but I assume Gerard Healy warrants inclusion on that list. I also assume he's still there.

He is and he's shit too. Really only Huddo, Gerard Whately, and David King (who I hated as a player btw) come to mind as being good. Brereton and Dunstall can be entertaining on the non-game day shows, Mark Stevens is good but is gone now, and the rest are atrocious.


Fox Footy's coverage is excellent but they have assembled the worst line up of commentators on tv, worse even the channel 9's cricket.

22-03-2013, 07:56 PM
This is an old thread. Grybas was one of the best IMO. Miss him.

Don't care for many of them on the TV. Don't know who's there this year, don't care because I know what I'm getting. McAvaney I've never been able to take, Cometti just tries to hard to be funny and fails. Then Saturday night with Taylor and Richo all you get to hear about is ink and wanker hair do's.

ABC does me fine when it comes to radio. I actually want to hear what's happening at the game rather than listening to uneducated twits screaming over each other.

I don't mind the VFL commentary team. Donergan, Ryhs-Jones, Cleary and the other young guy who's name escapes me get the job done and do it well.

Remi Moses
22-03-2013, 08:23 PM
Bruce is to gushing for mine.
Russell is an over opinionated wind bag
Huddo's very line and length ( that's good)
Eddie's pretty good for mine
Basil Zemphlis don't get me started
Brian Taylor Is he commentating on a game of footy?
Gerard Whately outstanding commentator voice of common sense in the whole Bomber Peptides scandal

22-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Bruce is to gushing for mine.
Russell is an over opinionated wind bag
Huddo's very line and length ( that's good)
Eddie's pretty good for mine
Basil Zemphlis don't get me started
Brian Taylor Is he commentating on a game of footy?
Gerard Whately outstanding commentator voice of common sense in the whole Bomber Peptides scandal

Actually McGuire is a good call. He's the opposite to Dunstall and Brereton for me, I don't mind him calling games but can't stand him on the footy related shows.

Remi Moses
22-03-2013, 08:29 PM
This is an old thread. Grybas was one of the best IMO. Miss him.

Don't care for many of them on the TV. Don't know who's there this year, don't care because I know what I'm getting. McAvaney I've never been able to take, Cometti just tries to hard to be funny and fails. Then Saturday night with Taylor and Richo all you get to hear about is ink and wanker hair do's.

ABC does me fine when it comes to radio. I actually want to hear what's happening at the game rather than listening to uneducated twits screaming over each other.

I don't mind the VFL commentary team. Donergan, Ryhs-Jones, Cleary and the other young guy who's name escapes me get the job done and do it well.

Agree , Peter Donergan is very underrated, Dan Lonergan is also excellent( yes I know he's the ultimate doggie pessimist) I found Chris Connolly excellent last season and I hope the ABC keep him. I enjoy the ABC voverage

22-03-2013, 08:53 PM
Cannot stand McAvaney. The dumb questions that he asks ( and no one answers), the incessant fawning over players... Eeeewww.

Dwayne Russell/ Michael Christian/Glen Jackovich are all as bad as each other.

Robbo I actually don't mind, seems like a straight up sort of character.

22-03-2013, 09:42 PM
Cannot stand McAvaney. The dumb questions that he asks ( and no one answers), the incessant fawning over players... Eeeewww.

Dwayne Russell/ Michael Christian/Glen Jackovich are all as bad as each other.

Robbo I actually don't mind, seems like a straight up sort of character.

It's not a gay thing either, with Bruce. That would be completely cool.

It's a niche psychosexual disorder that for some reason he has premission to display on prime time national television.

always right
22-03-2013, 09:52 PM
....agree with most on here......and hate to say it but Luke Darcy is unbearable.

22-03-2013, 09:58 PM
I haven't heard a lot of Darcy, though just because you admired him as a player it doesn't mean you have to like him as a commentator. Bulldog or not!

Some people have touched on the yammering that goes on with the TV guys, and the sensible descriptions of the ABC radio guys.

The TV guys need to quieten down and just let the game speak for itself. We can see it FFS.

Ghost Dog
22-03-2013, 10:00 PM
Hate to say it. I like Lloyd as a commentator.

22-03-2013, 10:02 PM
Hate to say it. I like Lloyd as a commentator.

Hated him as a footballer. You know, I don't actually hate many things or players, but Lloyd was definitely in that column.

As a special comments person, I think he's pretty good, or about as good as it's going to get.

22-03-2013, 10:17 PM
I haven't heard a lot of Darcy, though just because you admired him as a player it doesn't mean you have to like him as a commentator. Bulldog or not!

Some people have touched on the yammering that goes on with the TV guys, and the sensible descriptions of the ABC radio guys.

The TV guys need to quieten down and just let the game speak for itself. We can see it FFS.

I made a comment lat year when watching a game that it must be boring, as they were talking about one of their daughters birthday - during the game.

22-03-2013, 10:19 PM
There was only one football commentator ever of any note or worthiness of being on air:


A 24 cd set of his calling of games should be mandatory listening for students of English Literature who have ambitions to go on to study another great bard: Shakespeare.

Ghost Dog
22-03-2013, 10:23 PM
There was only one football commentator ever of any note or worthiness of being on air:


A 24 cd set of his calling of games should be mandatory listening for students of English Literature who have ambitions to go on to study another great bard: Shakespeare.

Have you burnt a circuit board Footscray Robot? :D
Hunt is the Kerry O'Keeffe of Aussie rules. All about him.

22-03-2013, 11:08 PM
Classic Bruce just now, about Adelaide coming back (sans pants):

"They are starting to tighten the screw though, you feel like this game is really on"

Remi Moses
22-03-2013, 11:23 PM
There was only one football commentator ever of any note or worthiness of being on air:


A 24 cd set of his calling of games should be mandatory listening for students of English Literature who have ambitions to go on to study another great bard: Shakespeare.

Surely you CANNOT BE SERIOUS:rolleyes:
For a start you never know who has the ball where the ball is or what the hell is happening.
Thank God he 's no longer on.

22-03-2013, 11:30 PM
Don't take the bait Remi! You'll be out of the water and lacking for oxygen before you know it :)

Remi Moses
22-03-2013, 11:43 PM
Don't take the bait Remi! You'll be out of the water and lacking for oxygen before you know it :)

Phew! That's a relief

23-03-2013, 10:46 AM
There was only one football commentator ever of any note or worthiness of being on air:


A 24 cd set of his calling of games should be mandatory listening for students of English Literature who have ambitions to go on to study another great bard: Shakespeare.

Nup. Not Shakesspeare, not Chaucer, not Mark Twain. Not even Dickens-maybe Dickhead.

Rex Hunt made commentry all about him and destroyed any game the listener tried to listen to. He failed in the three basic rules of calling football; Where is the ball? Who has the ball? What is the score? It was all inside jokes, nick names (who nobody except regular listeners knew the identity of) and all about Rex. If 3AW had the call of a Footscray game that I couldnt get to then I would listen to score updates, on other stations rather then Rex, at least you'd know what was going on rather than all the singing, whistling, name calling, and arguing that Rex came up with.

Easily the worst commentator of all time and that is why he is no longer on the air whilst the 'Tobin Brothers' (ABC radio with Whately, Lane, Russell, Lonergan et al) he used to take great delight in bagging have mostly all gone onto to better things.

The man knows his fishing though. I used to love his fishing show.

23-03-2013, 11:39 AM
I simply despise Dwayne Russell. Ill informed, biased, brown nosing, unprofessional, lazy, humourless, cliched sycophant.

Bruce is ok when he is not being whimsical.

23-03-2013, 11:56 AM
Cannot stand McAvaney. The dumb questions that he asks ( and no one answers),

You really feel if Bruce could be a better commentator, he would really be a better commentator......Doesn't he?

I love those ones from him.


"If (insert team name) could just kick the next 4 goals they'd be right back in this."

23-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Have you burnt a circuit board Footscray Robot? :D
Hunt is the Kerry O'Keeffe of Aussie rules. All about him.

That is too cruel. How can you say that? K'OK (Head) just talks about himself and when he played up while you miss all the action. And then there's the laugh. Y-uk! Rex never did that. I prefer to listen to CLEVER call the cricket than KO'K

23-03-2013, 10:11 PM
You really feel if Bruce could be a better commentator, he would really be a better commentator......Doesn't he?

I love those ones from him.


"If (insert team name) could just kick the next 4 goals they'd be right back in this."

Yep that's him... pathetic...

*Team is down by six goals, late in the 3rd quarter - "Boy wouldn't they love a goal right now"...

25-03-2013, 12:22 AM
Hate to say it. I like Lloyd as a commentator.

'Bad Call!'

always right
25-03-2013, 08:57 AM
FWIW.....my dream team of commentators;
Main callers
- Commetti
- Hudson
Special Comments
- Loyd
- Harley
- Richo

My nightmare team would be;
Main callers
- Dwayne
- Hunt
Special Comments
- Darcy
- Blight
- Jakovich

25-03-2013, 10:22 AM
FWIW.....my dream team of commentators;
Main callers
- Commetti
- Hudson
Special Comments
- Loyd
- Harley
- Richo

My nightmare team would be;
Main callers
- Dwayne
- Hunt
Special Comments
- Darcy
- Blight
- Jakovich
Agree with your dream team.
I like Blighty because he's not obvious, you can tune out to him, watch the game and choose which comments you let in.
Overall, footy commentators should take a leaf out of soccer commentators book and let the play speak for itself FCS, no need for constant commentary. What do they think, we haven't got brains?

always right
25-03-2013, 10:29 AM
Agree with your dream team.
I like Blighty because he's not obvious, you can tune out to him, watch the game and choose which comments you let in.
Overall, footy commentators should take a leaf out of soccer commentators book and let the play speak for itself FCS, no need for constant commentary. What do they think, we haven't got brains?

I know what you're saying but to me Blight makes the call all about him.....deliberately obtuse just for the sake of it. Massive ego....but no comparison with Dwayne's ego.

25-03-2013, 11:38 AM
I was on the same flight as Dwayne Russell recently and he was wearing some of those bright white beats headphones. Nuff said! :p

25-03-2013, 01:09 PM
I was on the same flight as Dwayne Russell recently and he was wearing some of those bright white beats headphones. Nuff said! :p

Do you mean Nuff Nuff said?

25-03-2013, 03:11 PM
I know what you're saying but to me Blight makes the call all about him.....deliberately obtuse just for the sake of it. Massive ego....but no comparison with Dwayne's ego.

Yeah with that being the case, you can feel like you're being imposed upon. But for me it doesn't get to that point maybe because I grant him special status because of the way he played for SA against the mighty Vics before he played VFL, how he played in the VFL and how he coached. Also those piercing blue eyes coupled with the above, to me give him freak status so I don't get the aforementioned problem when he commentates.
I might get turned off him now however, out of exploring your feelings about him, but I don't think so.

Ghost Dog
25-03-2013, 07:05 PM
Agree with your dream team.
I like Blighty because he's not obvious, you can tune out to him, watch the game and choose which comments you let in.
Overall, footy commentators should take a leaf out of soccer commentators book and let the play speak for itself FCS, no need for constant commentary. What do they think, we haven't got brains?

I've never really paid attention to Luke Darcy. What's everyone's problem with him?

always right
25-03-2013, 08:04 PM
I've never really paid attention to Luke Darcy. What's everyone's problem with him?

Personally I just don't think he adds anything to the call.....no insights, just the same sort of comments week after week. He also has a smug way of talking....I want to like him but he's very annoying.

Rocket Science
25-03-2013, 09:58 PM
I've never really paid attention to Luke Darcy. What's everyone's problem with him?


Might be the way he goes about it.

always right
25-03-2013, 10:16 PM

Might be the way he goes about it.

Love it....and so true.

Ghost Dog
25-03-2013, 10:35 PM
Funny stuff

26-03-2013, 10:11 AM
My husband put the footy on Friday night and within 2 seconds I said "I'm over Bruce already".

26-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Whatever happened to Kelli Underwood?

26-03-2013, 01:48 PM
Whatever happened to Kelli Underwood?

She was doing the netball last time I saw.

26-03-2013, 03:04 PM
Whatever happened to Kelli Underwood?

ABC Radio

30-03-2013, 09:39 PM
Just watching the Suns versus Saints game, and the Suns were awarded a 100m penalty. BT would not shut the hell up and let the umpire audio tell the story of why the 50m penalty was so long, rather, he carried on about how the umpire must have lost his bearings and awarded such a distance penalty by mistake.

The in-jokes and the lack of actual analysis on Saturday night's is over the top.

31-03-2013, 12:04 AM
Just watching the Suns versus Saints game, and the Suns were awarded a 100m penalty. BT would not shut the hell up and let the umpire audio tell the story of why the 50m penalty was so long, rather, he carried on about how the umpire must have lost his bearings and awarded such a distance penalty by mistake.

The in-jokes and the lack of actual analysis on Saturday night's is over the top.

BT and other commentators alike, IMO seem to think their commentary and opinion is more important to us than the actual game.

31-03-2013, 04:05 AM
Hey Chicago1, Will you still be doing your little stints on the radio next season?

That was posted six years ago!:eek:

This is the third season that I haven't been on 774. I kind of miss the fun I had, but I certainly don't miss the late hours every Thursday night for 26 weeks of the year! It's a good thing I'm not doing the tipping this year on air. I'm 1-5 so far this round, probably the worst I have done in many years.

I listened to the 774 broadcast last night. Enjoyed Kelli Underwood.

31-03-2013, 08:08 AM
I thought Eddie was good commentating our game again, closet dogs supporter, certainly man love for Young.

31-03-2013, 08:18 AM
I cant stand BT and Darce they would have to be the worst in the Game.
They nearly made me turn it off last night!

Ghost Dog
01-04-2013, 11:14 AM
How useless are sports commentators generally. After our win, I heard such gaffs as 'Ryan Higgins',( ABC news ) ' Daniel Dickson ' and one other I can't remember.
The so called 'experts' all failed to pick us. The only three in the HUN were perpetual one eyed optimists Julia Gillard, Brad Johnson and the Kiss of death.
Lloyd comes out and says our forward line looks different this season, but it's almost the same as last year, just more developed. Experts pah.

01-04-2013, 11:18 AM
How useless are sports commentators generally. After our win, I heard such gaffs as 'Ryan Higgins',( ABC news ) ' Daniel Dickson ' and one other I can't remember.
The so called 'experts' all failed to pick us. The only three in the HUN were perpetual one eyed optimists Julia Gillard, Brad Johnson and the Kiss of death.
Lloyd comes out and says our forward line looks different this season, but it's almost the same as last year, just more developed. Experts pah.

We were the under dog, so don't blame them not picking us. The errors you mentioned are unforgivable.

01-04-2013, 11:33 AM
How useless are sports commentators generally. After our win, I heard such gaffs as 'Ryan Higgins',( ABC news ) ' Daniel Dickson ' and one other I can't remember.
The so called 'experts' all failed to pick us. The only three in the HUN were perpetual one eyed optimists Julia Gillard, Brad Johnson and the Kiss of death.
Lloyd comes out and says our forward line looks different this season, but it's almost the same as last year, just more developed. Experts pah.

Who apart from diehards would have picked us?

01-04-2013, 11:46 AM
I thought Eddie was good commentating our game again, closet dogs supporter, certainly man love for Young.
Eddie is quite a good 'excitable' type commentator for neutral games, always has been. He was very good on Saturday.

BT, Darce and Richo are the most inane, deliberately dumbed-down, self-indulgent commentary team going around today. Truly awful, catering to the lowest common denominator.

Ghost Dog
01-04-2013, 01:39 PM
Who apart from diehards would have picked us?

15% of punters did. I just get surprised at how commentators play follow the sheep. Teams that win the NAB usually struggle a bit in the first game. Add the interstate travel, the fact that we were allowed to train at Etihad before the game, the addition of Morris and Cooney. The fact that Boyd was an out ( our kids were always going to tear a new one in this situation - Libba had a blinder ).

A lot of these guys often get our names wrong - confirms the belief they actually don't follow things that closely and just echo each other's opinions.

Remi Moses
01-04-2013, 01:55 PM
I particularly like the amnesia of some "Experts"
Who pumped up Melbournes Money ball recruiting and are now bagging it.

Remi Moses
01-04-2013, 02:00 PM
Who apart from diehards would have picked us?

I didn't think we'd win but Didn't think we 'd get flogged.
You couldn't pick us after last years awful second half of the year.
I think MJP summed it up perfectly it was nice to see some nice ball movement and a game plan. Got a feeling this week there will be more pressure and more a tight tough game.

02-04-2013, 11:29 AM
I hadn't heard Eddie comment a whole game for years - but when watching the replay on Saturday night (re-living the great day) I was reminded of how good Eddie is.

There is probably no better commentator.

02-04-2013, 11:50 AM
I particularly like the amnesia of some "Experts"
Who pumped up Melbournes Money ball recruiting and are now bagging it.

On Footy Classified we were labelled directionless and in serious trouble after the Fremantle game, though this week they for some reason weren't nearly as damning, albeit stopping short of giving us credit for our performance or going into it with any depth.

It seems that all they talk about on that program is Melbourne and Richmond.

02-04-2013, 12:47 PM
On Footy Classified we were labelled directionless and in serious trouble after the Fremantle game, though this week they for some reason weren't nearly as damning, albeit stopping short of giving us credit for our performance or going into it with any depth.

It seems that all they talk about on that program is Melbourne and Richmond.

Yeah they are idiots, i mean we fielded our weakest possible side against freo in week 3 of the nab, which is usually where sides switch off and try and few things. Add to that Freo were playing their last game with a full strength side.

These commentators only look at a scoreboard without seeing the forest for the trees.

I thought our NAB cup campaign was pretty good. Steady improvement, all the sides we played were pretty much top 8 sides. We beat Hawthorn and were all over Richmond until the rain came down. Our new additions sured up glaring holes from last year and allowed others to move to new roles like Picken, Roughead and Murphy.

Granted we were lucky in that we didn't miss many goals and the lions put almost no pressure on us so we hit all the targets.

Won't be the same next week, expect us to get frustrated again at Cordy and Jones for their inability to take marks and constant running under the flight of the ball. :)

02-04-2013, 01:50 PM
How useless are sports commentators generally. After our win, I heard such gaffs as 'Ryan Higgins',( ABC news ) ' Daniel Dickson ' and one other I can't remember.

KB said on SEN this morning "I wouldnt have thought the Bulldogs were any chance to win without their captain Brad Boyd playing"

I mean c'mon! Matthew Boyd is the captain of an AFL team. He at least deserves not to be confused with a bloke who retired more than a decade ago. If it was the first time that KB called him Brad it wouldnt worry me but KB calls him Brad more often than Matthew.

02-04-2013, 01:54 PM
KB said on SEN this morning "I wouldnt have thought the Bulldogs were any chance to win without their captain Brad Boyd playing"

I mean c'mon! Matthew Boyd is the captain of an AFL team. He at least deserves not to be confused with a bloke who retired more than a decade ago. If it was the first time that KB called him Brad it wouldnt worry me but KB calls him Brad more often than Matthew.

What an absolute dick head of the highest order.

02-04-2013, 01:56 PM
Eddie is quite a good 'excitable' type commentator for neutral games, always has been. He was very good on Saturday.

Eddie had Markovic playing for us on Saturday. Not sure whom he was referring to when he said that. To his credit he did correct himself a few minutes later.

I don't mind listening to Eddie but can't frigging handle Dwayne.

02-04-2013, 02:13 PM
What an absolute dick head of the highest order.

He was on air with Martin Blake at the time. You could almost hear Blake's embarrassment seep through the speakers.

02-04-2013, 04:09 PM
Eddie had Markovic playing for us on Saturday. Not sure whom he was referring to when he said that. To his credit he did correct himself a few minutes later.

I don't mind listening to Eddie but can't frigging handle Dwayne.

That was when Lower had the ball and got a clearance into the forward 50.
Nice work from Eddie to correct his mistake too!

02-04-2013, 04:16 PM
Was Brad Boyd that good in his 70 - 80 games?

Surprised anyone remembers him to be honest. :confused:

Has Nick been called Ed Lower yet? I had to correct a Bulldog fan on Saturday for this.

always right
02-04-2013, 04:16 PM
On Footy Classified we were labelled directionless and in serious trouble after the Fremantle game, though this week they for some reason weren't nearly as damning, albeit stopping short of giving us credit for our performance or going into it with any depth.

It seems that all they talk about on that program is Melbourne and Richmond.

Haven't watched FC for ages but after the weekend win I was watching anyhting and everyhing where the dogs were likely to get some coverage:D

They said two things about our game.....how flat Brisbane were and how Goodes will never enjoy that much freedom again. They might be right but geez...give us some credit.

I won't be watching again. Lyon looked like he only had weeks to live, Hutchy was being a typical arsehole, Caro was her usual santimonious self and Lloyd was trying to sound intelligent with limited success. The most interesting part of the show was checking out Lloyd's hairstyle (Something about Mary style) and Caro looked like she had a Darth Vader helmet on. Actually she looked more like Cousin IT. The only thing you could see amongst her hair was her nose. Bizarre.

02-04-2013, 04:35 PM
Was Brad Boyd that good in his 70 - 80 games?

Surprised anyone remembers him to be honest. :confused:

Has Nick been called Ed Lower yet? I had to correct a Bulldog fan on Saturday for this.

On ABC Radio one of the commentators asked Bob Murphy about Ed Lower - and Bob corrected him.

"Its Nick Lower actually - but a nice shout out there to Ed!"

02-04-2013, 05:13 PM
Haven't watched FC for ages but after the weekend win I was watching anyhting and everyhing where the dogs were likely to get some coverage:D

They said two things about our game.....how flat Brisbane were and how Goodes will never enjoy that much freedom again. They might be right but geez...give us some credit.

I won't be watching again. Lyon looked like he only had weeks to live, Hutchy was being a typical arsehole, Caro was her usual santimonious self and Lloyd was trying to sound intelligent with limited success. The most interesting part of the show was checking out Lloyd's hairstyle (Something about Mary style) and Caro looked like she had a Darth Vader helmet on. Actually she looked more like Cousin IT. The only thing you could see amongst her hair was her nose. Bizarre.

I hate that show as well as all the Channel 9 commentators.

02-04-2013, 06:01 PM
Haven't watched FC for ages but after the weekend win I was watching anyhting and everyhing where the dogs were likely to get some coverage:D

They said two things about our game.....how flat Brisbane were and how Goodes will never enjoy that much freedom again. They might be right but geez...give us some credit.

I won't be watching again. Lyon looked like he only had weeks to live, Hutchy was being a typical arsehole, Caro was her usual santimonious self and Lloyd was trying to sound intelligent with limited success. The most interesting part of the show was checking out Lloyd's hairstyle (Something about Mary style) and Caro looked like she had a Darth Vader helmet on. Actually she looked more like Cousin IT. The only thing you could see amongst her hair was her nose. Bizarre.

Hahahaha, the word Bizarre is apt! The show's actually become more of a sinister pantomime than a football analysis show.

Ghost Dog
02-04-2013, 06:07 PM
Haven't watched FC for ages but after the weekend win I was watching anyhting and everyhing where the dogs were likely to get some coverage:D

They said two things about our game.....how flat Brisbane were and how Goodes will never enjoy that much freedom again. They might be right but geez...give us some credit.

I won't be watching again. Lyon looked like he only had weeks to live, Hutchy was being a typical arsehole, Caro was her usual santimonious self and Lloyd was trying to sound intelligent with limited success. The most interesting part of the show was checking out Lloyd's hairstyle (Something about Mary style) and Caro looked like she had a Darth Vader helmet on. Actually she looked more like Cousin IT. The only thing you could see amongst her hair was her nose. Bizarre.

Very funny post.

02-04-2013, 09:20 PM
Was anybody watching AFL Insider just before?

Al Lynch was praising the Bulldogs disposal again the Lions, he then went on to say the Bulldogs have been one of the worst in terms of disposal effiencey for the past 6-7 years.

Rocket gave him the dirtiest look and said 'I actally think they were one of the best dring 08-10.

Quite funny.

The Underdog
02-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Was Brad Boyd that good in his 70 - 80 games?

Surprised anyone remembers him to be honest. :confused:

Has Nick been called Ed Lower yet? I had to correct a Bulldog fan on Saturday for this.

He was fantastic for a short period but career was ruined by back injuries. Was given the Fitzroy captaincy and ended up being their final captain. Would have easily been part of Brusbane's premiership teams on talent & leadership but his body let him down.

Remi Moses
02-04-2013, 11:55 PM
Who apart from diehards would have picked us?

Haven't watched FC for ages but after the weekend win I was watching anyhting and everyhing where the dogs were likely to get some coverage:D

They said two things about our game.....how flat Brisbane were and how Goodes will never enjoy that much freedom again. They might be right but geez...give us some credit.

I won't be watching again. Lyon looked like he only had weeks to live, Hutchy was being a typical arsehole, Caro was her usual santimonious self and Lloyd was trying to sound intelligent with limited success. The most interesting part of the show was checking out Lloyd's hairstyle (Something about Mary style) and Caro looked like she had a Darth Vader helmet on. Actually she looked more like Cousin IT. The only thing you could see amongst her hair was her nose. Bizarre.
Can someone tell Craig Hutchison he is going bald.
Just shave it off !

Remi Moses
02-04-2013, 11:57 PM
Hahahaha, the word Bizarre is apt! The show's actually become more of a sinister pantomime than a football analysis show.

Haven't watched it since we last won, but they just needle each other in a phoney rehearsed manner.

Bulldog Joe
03-04-2013, 06:41 AM
Actually watched FC for the first time ever.

Thought Caro had a good face for radio and a voice suited for print.

Don't think I'll bother again.

Ghost Dog
06-04-2013, 07:42 AM

Please send urgent donations of combs, ironed shirts, shaving cream and razors to TheAge sports journalism department.

06-04-2013, 05:11 PM

Please send urgent donations of combs, ironed shirts, shaving cream and razors to TheAge sports journalism department.

I don't understand this question and I won't respond to it.

Seriously though I don't have a clue what any of that meant

Ghost Dog
08-04-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't understand this question and I won't respond to it.

Seriously though I don't have a clue what any of that meant

The pic link broke. See below. The players sprout beards so the journo's have a crack.
Looks like he just stepped off a deserted island.


always right
08-04-2013, 08:28 PM
The pic link broke. See below. The players sprout beards so the journo's have a crack.
Looks like he just stepped off a deserted island.


How long has Macca been working at The Age?

Ghost Dog
08-04-2013, 08:42 PM
How long has Macca been working at The Age?

Cropped out the spare tire. unmistakably not Brendan...


08-04-2013, 09:40 PM
I don't understand this question and I won't respond to it.


09-04-2013, 09:59 AM
We have to suppose the commentators make mistakes about other teams' players' names..... don't we? :( We only notice our own.

Mark Ricciuto (see, I can even spell HIS name) kept calling our coach McCarthy. Do they live in an air bubble? They're supposed to be knowledgeable about the teams they're commentating about. A few minutes' refresher from the Record before the game could help.

Dwayne Russell seems to hold the Dogs in contempt, never has anything positive to say about us. And he needs to stop calling JJ, "Yohanissen".

09-04-2013, 10:37 AM
Dwayne Russell seems to hold the Dogs in contempt, never has anything positive to say about us. And he needs to stop calling JJ, "Yohanissen".

In round one I'm pretty sure they kept calling him "Yo-Hansen". Might have been the radio doing it but somebody was.

09-04-2013, 11:14 AM
We have to suppose the commentators make mistakes about other teams' players' names..... don't we? :( We only notice our own.

Mark Ricciuto (see, I can even spell HIS name) kept calling our coach McCarthy. Do they live in an air bubble? They're supposed to be knowledgeable about the teams they're commentating about. A few minutes' refresher from the Record before the game could help.

Dwayne Russell seems to hold the Dogs in contempt, never has anything positive to say about us. And he needs to stop calling JJ, "Yohanissen".

"Yohanissen' is the correct pronunciation.

09-04-2013, 11:19 AM
We'll have to ask him :). South Africans usually pronounce J (as in Johannesburg, Scarlett Johansen), Europeans Y.

09-04-2013, 11:23 AM
Speaking of mistakes - I'm sure Eddie referred to Liam Picken as Liam Pickering at one point during the game.

09-04-2013, 01:10 PM
Dwayne Russell seems to hold the Dogs in contempt, never has anything positive to say about us. And he needs to stop calling JJ, "Yohanissen".

No he doesn't, that's the correct way to say it.

09-04-2013, 04:38 PM
Speaking of mistakes - I'm sure Eddie referred to Liam Picken as Liam Pickering at one point during the game.

Yes he did. No one pulled him up on it either because you can't correct Eddie.

09-04-2013, 04:40 PM
We'll have to ask him :). South Africans usually pronounce J (as in Johannesburg, Scarlett Johansen), Europeans Y.

That settles it. I shall call him "Yason" or "YY" ;)

09-04-2013, 09:36 PM


18-05-2013, 02:47 PM
Watching the bombers game now. I can not understand how this Basil Knobjockey from ch. 7 is on air. I can't stand him. Worst in the business by far.

18-05-2013, 02:56 PM
Watching the bombers game now. I can not understand how this Basil Knobjockey from ch. 7 is on air. I can't stand him. Worst in the business by far.

Thought I must've inadvertantly selected 'Press Red for Timmy' for this week's bias call.

10-06-2014, 02:45 PM
I must admit I have only heard Wayne Carey a couple of times on channel seven and have heard him interveiw BMAC over the weekend.

Is anyone else suprised at how good he is?

I really think seven has missed the boat in not having him or Cameron Ling as the main special comments men on the Friday night games.

10-06-2014, 02:52 PM
I really think seven has missed the boat in not having him or Cameron Ling as the main special comments men on the Friday night games.
Agree with you on Carey but not on Ling. He is pure vanilla as a special comments man - it must be a Geelong captaincy directive because Tom Harley is just as dull and uninspiring with his 'insights'.

Channel 7 should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute. It shouldn't be rocket science to telecast the footy in HD and with commentators that actually do the job they are supposed to do for the viewers. It shouldn't be a mate's club where in-jokes and sprouted about while the match is being played. And special commentators should actually give proper insights into specific match-day tactics and scenarios, not just offer glib captain obvious responses that my anyone with half a brain can see. If there was a way I could de-tune the station from my TV I'd do it in a heartbeat.

10-06-2014, 02:56 PM
I think what I like about Ling is he isn't afraid to disagree with Brain dead Taylor and the like.

10-06-2014, 03:28 PM
I must admit I have only heard Wayne Carey a couple of times on channel seven and have heard him interveiw BMAC over the weekend.

Is anyone else suprised at how good he is?

I really think seven has missed the boat in not having him or Cameron Ling as the main special comments men on the Friday night games.

Short answer is no, I'm not surprised. For all his other faults Carey is articulate and has a fantastic of the game. When Footy Classified started he was the 4th panellist and I really enjoyed watching it. Then he git into more strife in his private life and was let go by 9.

10-06-2014, 03:38 PM
Short answer is no, I'm not surprised. For all his other faults Carey is articulate and has a fantastic of the game. When Footy Classified started he was the 4th panellist and I really enjoyed watching it. Then he git into more strife in his private life and was let go by 9.

I never saw him of footy classified. Hopefully he can hold his stuff together and continue to be heard more often and more regularly.

10-06-2014, 03:49 PM
Not sure if others suffered through the commentary of Melbourne/Collingwood yesterday.

An absolute Roos love fest. The whole coverage was dedicated to how much Melbourne have improved under Roos.
Fair enough they were in the in the first half - but at some point they had to acknowledge that the Dees had 35 inside 50s, only 48 tackles (which I'm pretty sure is the same as what Libba had on Saturday), and three goals in dry conditions.

If that wasn't enough - on talking footy - Luke Darcy and Tim Watson declared Roos as the 'coach of the season' to half way. At least Carey looked at them like they're idiots.

The seven commentators just pick a theme and stick to it - regardless of what is actually happening on the ground.

Dare I say........wowee...

always right
10-06-2014, 04:10 PM
Not sure if others suffered through the commentary of Melbourne/Collingwood yesterday.

An absolute Roos love fest. The whole coverage was dedicated to how much Melbourne have improved under Roos.
Fair enough they were in the in the first half - but at some point they had to acknowledge that the Dees had 35 inside 50s, only 48 tackles (which I'm pretty sure is the same as what Libba had on Saturday), and three goals in dry conditions.

If that wasn't enough - on talking footy - Luke Darcy and Tim Watson declared Roos as the 'coach of the season' to half way. At least Carey looked at them like they're idiots.

The seven commentators just pick a theme and stick to it - regardless of what is actually happening on the ground.

Dare I say........wowee...

Taylor was in fine form yesterday. Declared that Crossy was not known for his overhead marking and at one stage mentioned that we were only in the early stages of the quarter when there was just seven minutes remaining.

My daughter describes Taylor's calling style perfectly......."he commentates as if small children are his audience".

10-06-2014, 04:38 PM
Taylor was in fine form yesterday. Declared that Crossy was not known for his overhead marking and at one stage mentioned that we were only in the early stages of the quarter when there was just seven minutes remaining.

My daughter describes Taylor's calling style perfectly......."he commentates as if small children are his audience".

Couldn't believe I heard that.

And to claim "there's a lot to like about Melbourne" after they virtually kicked 2 goals in 100 minutes of footy, as their 1st was 20 seconds into the game.

The addition of two extra teams has not just stretched the playing resources throughout the country, but the commentating skills also.

10-06-2014, 04:53 PM
What took the cake for me was when BT called Jimmy Toumpas during a passage of play when he wasn't even playing and didn't correct himself at all.

Then 15 minutes later one of the umpires used the incorrect name (can't remember which player) and BT potted him for it.

And yep, the love fest with Melbourne was just ridiculous.

10-06-2014, 08:13 PM
If that wasn't enough - on talking footy - Luke Darcy and Tim Watson declared Roos as the 'coach of the season' to half way. At least Carey looked at them like they're idiots.

I had the sound down but was watching and saw his reaction. Darce and Tim were simpering over pictures and clips of Roos when they obviously agreed on something because they started nodding at everyone and Carey nearly fell out of his chair.

10-06-2014, 09:15 PM
I've had the TV on in the background. Has been a Fitzroy game as The Western Oval. The commentating had the 'fourth umpire' commentary... There is a very good reason it didn't take off. God it's awful.

Gee, Kingsley H, Wills, Bandy and Dent. I still love Dent.

14-07-2014, 12:01 PM
I'm sure someone here will be able to answer this utterly trivial question, but does anyone know why Mark McClure on ABC774 gets called Sellers? (Cellars? Seles??) I've only just noticed it, has this always been his nickname and I'm just really unobservant, or is this a new thing? Does anyone know where it comes from?

(I really need to get out more)

14-07-2014, 12:04 PM
Alistair Lynch is really doing some strong work in terms of competing with Dwayne Russell for being the most un-listenable commentator out there. Lynch, Russell and the Saturday Night team on 7 - are really putting some trash out there.

14-07-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm sure someone here will be able to answer this utterly trivial question, but does anyone know why Mark McClure on ABC774 gets called Sellers? (Cellars? Seles??) I've only just noticed it, has this always been his nickname and I'm just really unobservant, or is this a new thing? Does anyone know where it comes from?

(I really need to get out more)

He was engaged to Monica Seles for 6 months after he finished his career and before hers really took off. They met at The Australian Open and he was jibed for being 'Mr Monica Seles' which stuck even after the romance finished, and over time had been shortened down to just 'Seles'.

14-07-2014, 12:11 PM
He was engaged to Monica Seles for 6 months after he finished his career and before hers really took off. They met at The Australian Open and he was jibed for being 'Mr Monica Seles' which stuck even after the romance finished, and over time had been shortened down to just 'Seles'.

I almost believe you :)

always right
14-07-2014, 12:29 PM
Found this on the google machine.

Carlton folklore has it that Premiership ruckman ‘Percy’ Jones dubbed Maclure "Sellers" because Mark used to bumble his way around Princes Park like Peter Sellers' famous character, Inspector Clouseau, in the popular Pink Panther movie series. However, in a 2012 radio interview, Maclure revealed that it was in fact Carlton trainer Leo Brooks who came up with the name.

14-07-2014, 12:31 PM
Ah, thank you.

Should have just googled it myself, shouldn't I! But thanks for doing the work for me...

14-07-2014, 12:39 PM
I almost believe you :)

Would you believe that the building is completely surrounded by Control agents? :)

14-07-2014, 12:47 PM
Would you believe that the building is completely surrounded by Control agents? :)


14-07-2014, 01:12 PM
Found this on the google machine.

Carlton folklore has it that Premiership ruckman ‘Percy’ Jones dubbed Maclure "Sellers" because Mark used to bumble his way around Princes Park like Peter Sellers' famous character, Inspector Clouseau, in the popular Pink Panther movie series. However, in a 2012 radio interview, Maclure revealed that it was in fact Carlton trainer Leo Brooks who came up with the name.

Grandfather of Jason and Mark Moran.

14-07-2014, 02:05 PM
Would you believe that the building is completely surrounded by Control agents? :)


Come on Twodogs, at least play along!

14-07-2014, 02:43 PM
Grandfather of Jason and Mark Moran.
Ha, they really are a bunch of criminals at Carlton, thick as thieves. Good thing you mix in these circles and let us know about them.

14-07-2014, 02:43 PM
Grandfather of Jason and Mark Moran.

Judy Moran's father?

14-07-2014, 02:44 PM
Come on Twodogs, at least play along!

Are you saying that I'm paranoid?

14-07-2014, 03:23 PM
Come on Twodogs, at least play along!

Ok. Would you believe 4 boy scouts and a German Shepherd?

The Pie Man
14-07-2014, 03:47 PM
Alistair Lynch is really doing some strong work in terms of competing with Dwayne Russell for being the most un-listenable commentator out there. Lynch, Russell and the Saturday Night team on 7 - are really putting some trash out there.

At one point on Saturday he said this of Redpath....'his hands are handy'

His hands are handy....

Really begrudge paying for Foxtel sometimes

Daughter of the West
14-07-2014, 04:51 PM
At one point on Saturday he said this of Redpath....'his hands are handy'

His hands are handy....

Really begrudge paying for Foxtel sometimes

If his hands aren't handy, he's got far bigger problems than football...

14-07-2014, 05:09 PM
Ok. Would you believe 4 boy scouts and a German Shepherd?

I find that hard to believe.

14-07-2014, 05:13 PM
Macavaney and Taylor should be retired.

14-07-2014, 06:40 PM
Ha, they really are a bunch of criminals at Carlton, thick as thieves. Good thing you mix in these circles and let us know about them.

You've blown my cover.:)

14-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Judy Moran's father?


I'm Not Bitter Anymore!
14-07-2014, 06:59 PM
None of the commentators know who Fletcher Roberts is when he gets the ball you can hear crickets chirping

14-07-2014, 07:00 PM
At one point on Saturday he said this of Redpath....'his hands are handy'

His hands are handy....

Really begrudge paying for Foxtel sometimes

Is his foot footy?

29-09-2014, 04:55 PM
Brian Taylor told his services at 3AW are no longer required after five years as station's chief football caller

29-09-2014, 04:56 PM
Oh boy wowee!

Remi Moses
29-09-2014, 05:01 PM
Off to the centreline unemployment factory

29-09-2014, 07:03 PM
I say it's good, but there's no one else in current stocks I like to listen to, to fill the void. Channel 7 should take the option to dump him too, he's just not enjoyable to listen to.

29-09-2014, 09:12 PM
I say it's good, but there's no one else in current stocks I like to listen to, to fill the void. Channel 7 should take the option to dump him too, he's just not enjoyable to listen to.

I'll do it.

29-09-2014, 09:38 PM
I'll do it.

Done, it's only paying $500,000 a year. So I'm not sure if you're still keen. :)

29-09-2014, 10:33 PM
Sorry. I meant tell him.

"Brian, old son, your schtick, well, it's just not buttering the parsnips any more. They've sent me from upstairs to say yada yada yada."

29-09-2014, 10:42 PM
Sorry. I meant tell him.

"Brian, old son, your schtick, well, it's just not buttering the parsnips any more. They've sent me from upstairs to say yada yada yada."

Ah. That's a free job. It's not a job if you love what you do though.

29-09-2014, 10:56 PM
How about if you'd pay to do it?

Then it's a hobby I suppose.

29-09-2014, 11:15 PM
How about if you'd pay to do it?

Then it's a hobby I suppose.


But You've opened up a wound from 20 years ago. My year 9 teacher and I never saw eye to eye, she detested me for some reason. Feeling was mutual. Anyhoo, I had to do a report about my hobby. I did it on footy umpiring, as I'd do 5 games a weekend, I loved it, it was my hobby, I literally had no real hobby because it dominated everything in that period of my youth. She said, you get money so it's a job. I said no, I do it as it's my hobby, money is incidental. I got threatened with a fail because I refused to change what my hobby was. Surely money for something you do doesn't define what a hobby is or is not. My mum didn't always back me up on my battles, but this one she did. I think my argument was 'to avoid failing you would rather me lie about what my hobby is then tell the truth because it doesn't align with your philosophical view on what constitutes the term 'hobby' ?'

Wouldn't lie. Got failed.

30-09-2014, 12:49 AM

But You've opened up a wound from 20 years ago. My year 9 teacher and I never saw eye to eye, she detested me for some reason. Feeling was mutual. Anyhoo, I had to do a report about my hobby. I did it on footy umpiring, as I'd do 5 games a weekend, I loved it, it was my hobby, I literally had no real hobby because it dominated everything in that period of my youth. She said, you get money so it's a job. I said no, I do it as it's my hobby, money is incidental. I got threatened with a fail because I refused to change what my hobby was. Surely money for something you do doesn't define what a hobby is or is not. My mum didn't always back me up on my battles, but this one she did. I think my argument was 'to avoid failing you would rather me lie about what my hobby is then tell the truth because it doesn't align with your philosophical view on what constitutes the term 'hobby' ?'

Wouldn't lie. Got failed.

You should track down that teacher and sue them for everything that's gone wrong in your life when you've tried to tell a lie ever since.

30-09-2014, 09:29 PM
I think the callers at Fresh FM in Bendigo are fantastic. They call the Bendigo Footy League games and can be heard via the TuneIn app. Pretty sure this is where Anthony Hudson started.

30-09-2014, 11:06 PM
Cheers GHOGH Tunein is my favourite app. I'm listening to cricket on it now.

19-08-2019, 11:16 AM
According to Basil Zempilas, Aaron Naughton is having a stand-out Debut year this year. He mentioned it once in the pre-game against the Giants and once during actual game commentary.

BT has somehow recruited "Brock" McLean to our list.

Seriously, how do these guys keep their jobs?

Axe Man
19-08-2019, 11:18 AM
According to Basil Zempilas, Aaron Naughton is having a stand-out Debut year this year. He mentioned it once in the pre-game against the Giants and once during actual game commentary.

BT has somehow recruited "Brock" McLean to our list.

Seriously, how do these guys keep their jobs?

McLean was everywhere yesterday according to BT since he kept calling Duryea Mclean.

19-08-2019, 11:22 AM
When Dickson kicked our first did Basil say the Giants are off to a great start?

19-08-2019, 11:24 AM
Why are these continual fark-ups even remotely acceptable? Basil Zempilas once interviewed Leon Cameron pre-game thinking he was Bulldogs coach. BT calls Allir Allir Majak Daw in a game despite North not even playing. Leigh Matthews is a senile old bastard who says nothing of note (hence why he fits in seamlessly on Ch 7).

That level of stupendous incompetence would be grounds for dismissal for most of us, but these pricks and that piece of shit network are never held to account for levels of incompetence that should never see the light of day.

I hate it when we are the Ch 7 game.

19-08-2019, 11:25 AM
When Dickson kicked our first did Basil say the Giants are off to a great start?

Yes. Yes he did.

Almost as though it was wishful thinking.

19-08-2019, 11:25 AM
According to Basil Zempilas, Aaron Naughton is having a stand-out Debut year this year. He mentioned it once in the pre-game against the Giants and once during actual game commentary.

BT has somehow recruited "Brock" McLean to our list.

Seriously, how do these guys keep their jobs?

Somehow Wallis will be back next week. Maybe we have sown on a new ankle and he is ready to go.

19-08-2019, 11:26 AM
Yes, he did. I could swear I heard Biggsie name called in the commentary at one stage too.

Rocket Science
19-08-2019, 11:51 AM
At one point one of our blokes was slow getting to his feet after a contest and Zempilas brainlessly coos "Ooooh is that Dickson in a bit of trouble?"

It was Naughton.

Separated at birth.

19-08-2019, 11:52 AM
Why are these continual fark-ups even remotely acceptable? Basil Zempilas once interviewed Leon Cameron pre-game thinking he was Bulldogs coach. BT calls Allir Allir Majak Daw in a game despite North not even playing. Leigh Matthews is a senile old bastard who says nothing of note (hence why he fits in seamlessly on Ch 7).

That level of stupendous incompetence would be grounds for dismissal for most of us, but these pricks and that piece of shit network are never held to account for levels of incompetence that should never see the light of day.

I hate it when we are the Ch 7 game.

The old Jack Dyer Along comes Mario Barta, Bortotelli, ummm, Borasomething, errr, you will have to say his name Ian but I can't" Actually Jack Mario Bortolotto isn't playing today shtick had a time and a place back in the 1970s but this is a big brave world. A big brave world where the audience can see every mistake the commentators make because it's displayed across an 84 cm screen. Call the wrong player, or display your ignorance or call the game in a completely biased manner and everyone watching knows immediately.

Sometimes it's great to have an ex-player's perspective on what happened but that player needs to be intelligent and articulate, it doesn't bring anything to the broadcast if he (or she, hello Lauren Wood) just waffles on. And that player has to have played the game recently. The game moves so fast that any extra perspective an ex player possesses becomes obsolete within a couple of years. Look at Leigh Matthews for example. What great insight does he bring to a game he hasn't been involved in at a professional level for over a decade?

19-08-2019, 12:12 PM
I tweeted ch7 about this very issue. Not only did they screw up the first goal call, but Bont was referred to as Captain, and 5 mins before qtr time it was "game on" - presumably because their favourite had drawn closer. If it's bias, it is a disgrace. If it's incompetence, it's a disgrace that they be allowed to continue.

Axe Man
19-08-2019, 12:16 PM
84 cm screen

Who has an 84cm screen? It's not the 1990s anymore! :D

19-08-2019, 12:34 PM
When Dickson kicked our first did Basil say the Giants are off to a great start?

Sure did!! He is a horrible commentator. I tend to turn the commentary off and play music. Have a look at afl website for game highlights and you can hear this. Can we start a petition to have people who know their stuff eg Our own woofer BT commentate instead of the ch 7 nongs?

19-08-2019, 12:45 PM
When Dickson kicked our first did Basil say the Giants are off to a great start?

Yep I mentioned that in the game day thread. He did say that. Get it right Basil!

19-08-2019, 12:46 PM
Yes, he did. I could swear I heard Biggsie name called in the commentary at one stage too.

He must think it’s a few years ago. They are clearly not updated.

19-08-2019, 05:05 PM
Yes, he did. I could swear I heard Biggsie name called in the commentary at one stage too.

Yep that came through for me as well.

The bulldog tragician
19-08-2019, 05:34 PM
I tweeted yesterday that Leigh Matthews has never seen a Bulldogs free kick he agrees with.

He was probably the only person barring Swans supporters who would have wished us ill on grand final day.

The mispronunciations of our players names is lazy and incompetent. It was a very low standard call with errors common and an overall lack of insight and analysis.

19-08-2019, 05:35 PM
What is classic GWS play? Taylor has been using it for years.

19-08-2019, 06:13 PM
What is classic GWS play? Taylor has been using it for years.

Haha that actually made me laugh when I heard it, I think it means losing to us in big games.

19-08-2019, 06:21 PM
I tweeted yesterday that Leigh Matthews has never seen a Bulldogs free kick he agrees with.

He was probably the only person barring Swans supporters who would have wished us ill on grand final day.

The mispronunciations of our players names is lazy and incompetent. It was a very low standard call with errors common and an overall lack of insight and analysis.

If the players made that many mistakes in a game they wouldn't be playing the next week.

19-08-2019, 07:10 PM
It's their JOB, for God's sake. I could throw a dart at any random Woof post and hit someone I'd rather hear commentate our games, people who follow football for a hobby and yet are far better informed and more accurate than these supposed experts (myself excepted, obviously).

It's so frustrating and we are powerless to protest, these buffoons are totally unaccountable.

19-08-2019, 08:10 PM
It's probably not such a good idea to be throwing darts at the computer screen.

20-08-2019, 12:16 AM
My two bob's worth is : Basil-everywhere is a motor mouth, Cometti was far more insightful. Dwayne is the pits. Brad Hardy is very good with special comments. McAvaney just gushes all game long. I thought Doug Heywood, (anyone remember "The Winners" ? which was for me compulsory viewing) and Don Hyde were masterly commentators in their day. Smoky Dawson was also entertaining to listen to. The doyen of commentators in any sport imo is Phil Liggett who covered the Tour de France.

20-08-2019, 08:11 AM
My two bob's worth is : Basil-everywhere is a motor mouth, Cometti was far more insightful. Dwayne is the pits. Brad Hardy is very good with special comments. McAvaney just gushes all game long. I thought Doug Heywood, (anyone remember "The Winners" ? which was for me compulsory viewing) and Don Hyde were masterly commentators in their day. Smoky Dawson was also entertaining to listen to. The doyen of commentators in any sport imo is Phil Liggett who covered the Tour de France.

Doug Heywood was great. He would only use 6 words when 6 words was enough to describe what was happening.

Showing my age here but I used to like Jack Edwards too.

20-08-2019, 08:34 AM
The second they moved away from pure commentators and toward ex-footy players commentary went down the loo

20-08-2019, 08:37 AM
Doug Heywood was great. He would only use 6 words when 6 words was enough to describe what was happening.

Showing my age here but I used to like Jack Edwards too.

That is the way you commentate on TV, or should commentate. The special comments should be insightful and tell us what is happening off camera, like an injury report, or a tactical move.

20-08-2019, 08:49 AM
Doug Heywood was excellent. Great voice, great insight. Great tennis commentator too. And that's difficult to do on radio.
Anyone remember Craig Kelly on Channel 10doing the VFA? I once heard him say: "Both teams have been playing for 10 minutes in the last quarter." Which, I thought was eminently fair. I used to like Peter McKenna (TV) and Phil Gibbs from 3DB??? Jack Dyer was unique and loveable. If Tommy Layoff hadn't have been born, someone would have had to invent him as he added so much richness to life.
Cannot abide Bwuce in any way shape or form.
In defence of BT, I thought his call of the 2016 Prelim was sensational. I think he must have wagered 10K on us.

20-08-2019, 08:59 AM
I liked "Bones" Edwards too. And Chicken Smallhorn was all class. Used words sparingly and his analysis of the game was spot on.
Jim Cleary (VFA) on World of Sport was once accused by Lou Richards of "never having seen a bad game of football."
Harry Sullivan had a dry wit. When Polly Farmer's crook knee had been all the news for a couple of weeks Harry began his post match summary of a Geelong game with: "Polly Farmer sneezed this morning at 8.37.....

20-08-2019, 07:54 PM
Add me to the Doug Heywood. Usually just called the players names, you had to do something really special or be Robert Flower, to get Doug's attention.

20-08-2019, 07:59 PM
You have a great memory TD. I'd forgotten about how Doug used to rhapsodize about Robbie Flower.

20-08-2019, 08:19 PM
EJ and Micheal Williamson were my favourites.
Landy was enjoyable,Richards and Dyer were hilarious even Rex Hunt was good until he lost the plot, of recent ones I liked Cometti, not sure I like any now it’s gone downhill so bad.

20-08-2019, 08:36 PM
You have a great memory TD. I'd forgotten about how Doug used to rhapsodize about Robbie Flower.

Actually I was only watching a Melbourne game yesterday that Doug commentated. It was against us in R4 1985 and Flower and Doug were at their artistic best.

EJ and Micheal Williamson were my favourites.
Landy was enjoyable,Richards and Dyer were hilarious even Rex Hunt was good until he lost the plot, of recent ones I liked Cometti, not sure I like any now it’s gone downhill so bad.

Don't forget Butch Gale. "Oh, I'm going to have a heart attack in a minute, Mike!"

20-08-2019, 08:59 PM
If not for Clinton Grybas' untimely passing he would surely be the foremost caller in the game right now.

Remi Moses
20-08-2019, 09:01 PM
Loved Doug Hayward
Jack Dyer was great
I think the only time Dougy was called Douglas was Doug Hayward

20-08-2019, 09:12 PM
Loved Doug Hayward
Jack Dyer was great
I think the only time Dougy was called Douglas was Doug Hayward

I don't even think that Dougie's mum called him Douglas.

I was coming back from Moorabbin on the train back in the day when a St Kilda supporter happened to say something about the Hawk. The thing he didn't know was the old lady sitting across from him was Doug's mum! She let fly with a continuous string of invective that must have lasted 4 stations before she stopped to take a breath. I could see people on the platform walk up to the carriage doors about to get on the train when they heard as the doors opened "You *!*!*!*!ing *!*!*!*!, you aren't fit to *!*!*!*!ing tie my *!*!*!*!ing son's *!*!*!*!ing boots. You're nothing but *!*!*!*!ing scum, you're *!*!*!*!ing lucky his *!*!*!*!ing dad isn't here ya useless *!*!*!*! or you'd really..." and the door would shut again as they turned around and decided to wait for the next train. Then we'd pull up at the next stop only for the same thing to happen with the next lot of people who were thinking of getting on the train.

20-08-2019, 09:34 PM
I don't even think that Dougie's mum called him Douglas.

I was coming back from Moorabbin on the train back in the day when a St Kilda supporter happened to say something about the Hawk. The thing he didn't know was the old lady sitting across from him was Doug's mum! She let fly with a continuous string of invective that must have lasted 4 stations before she stopped to take a breath. I could see people on the platform walk up to the carriage doors about to get on the train when they heard as the doors opened "You *!*!*!*!ing *!*!*!*!, you aren't fit to *!*!*!*!ing tie my *!*!*!*!ing son's *!*!*!*!ing boots. You're nothing but *!*!*!*!ing scum, you're *!*!*!*!ing lucky his *!*!*!*!ing dad isn't here ya useless *!*!*!*! or you'd really..." and the door would shut again as they turned around and decided to wait for the next train. Then we'd pull up at the next stop only for the same thing to happen with the next lot of people who were thinking of getting on the train.

There’s your proof he was a true braybrook boy :-)

20-08-2019, 09:47 PM
There’s your proof he was a true braybrook boy :-)

Those people walking up to the door and then deciding to turn around and wait for the next train is close to the funniest thing I have ever seen.

21-08-2019, 08:14 AM
Doug Heywood was excellent. Great voice, great insight. Great tennis commentator too. And that's difficult to do on radio.
Anyone remember Craig Kelly on Channel 10doing the VFA? I once heard him say: "Both teams have been playing for 10 minutes in the last quarter." Which, I thought was eminently fair. I used to like Peter McKenna (TV) and Phil Gibbs from 3DB??? Jack Dyer was unique and loveable. If Tommy Layoff hadn't have been born, someone would have had to invent him as he added so much richness to life.
Cannot abide Bwuce in any way shape or form.
In defence of BT, I thought his call of the 2016 Prelim was sensational. I think he must have wagered 10K on us.

He was renowned for calling out from the player's rooms "Can you hear me Harry"? ....referring to Harry Beitzel. A doyen.

Dancin' Douggy
21-08-2019, 10:35 AM
I must say I'm enjoying the renaissance of Peter Donegan.
His calling on SEN is top shelf old school. Fully in command of the game, sees it well, calls it well, a little humour here and there, but not at the expense of the actual narrative of the game. Knows his players, knows his footy history, and is good at working with the rest of the team.

I agree with a lot of comments. Anthony Hudson is good. Gerard Whateley is good.

My most hated are Dwayne Russell. And Bruce Mcavaney. I'm just waiting waiting waiting for Bruce to retire. Aren't I?

Happy Days
21-08-2019, 10:42 AM
I remember hearing (I think) Smoky Dawson talking about why Richie Benaud was the best commentator he ever heard, using the Gatting ball as an example; Richie just said "he's done it" and let the pictures do the talking. Commentary for television is really about knowing when to shut up and calling what's in front of you without more. It's no coincidence that AFL commentators typically take the opposite approach.

As always, Dwayne is a creep and the worst going.

21-08-2019, 12:42 PM
I remember hearing (I think) Smoky Dawson talking about why Richie Benaud was the best commentator he ever heard, using the Gatting ball as an example; Richie just said "he's done it" and let the pictures do the talking. Commentary for television is really about knowing when to shut up and calling what's in front of you without more. It's no coincidence that AFL commentators typically take the opposite approach.

As always, Dwayne is a creep and the worst going.

The early '80s and Greg Chappel (until Steve Smith the best batsman I have seen wear the baggy green) was really struggling mounting up duck after duck against the Windies pace attack and Richard Hadlee was getting him out for fun. Greg walks to the wicket against the Windies at the MCG (I think) test match and manages to nick the first ball he faces straight to Viv Richards at first slip.

All Richie said was "First ball..." but you could hear all three of the ellipsis points as he said it. It was the most devastating two ball summary of all time.

21-08-2019, 03:52 PM
Loved Doug Hayward
Jack Dyer was great
I think the only time Dougy was called Douglas was Doug Hayward
Doug Heywood always used the full name of the player - Nicholas Winmar, Douglas Barwick, Terence Daniher, etc..

I remember watching Fitzroy v Footscray on The Winners in the early 80's one night and Doug Heywood gave this little nugget of commentary gold..."Mark Komp, kicks it like he normally does, very poorly"

He was a brilliant and understated commentator. Basically the bipolar opposite of most of the heathens today.

21-08-2019, 07:04 PM
He was renowned for calling out from the player's rooms "Can you hear me Harry"? ....referring to Harry Beitzel. A doyen.

Does anyone know where Tommy Lahiff got his nickname of "Tommy the Turk"? He was a much loved man.
"The Professor", Kevin "Skeeter" Coghlan was a erudite and perceptive panelist on W of S.
Bruce Andrew may have been the last man in Australia to persist with a middle parting. A real gentleman.
I also loved Roy Simmonds. He had a great laugh.

21-08-2019, 08:53 PM
There was a jazz musician called Tommy Turk. I always thought that the nickname was something to do with him. Tommy and Harry had some good years calling Footscray matches on 3WRB in n the 1990s with Steve McPherson doing special comments.

Dancin' Douggy
24-08-2019, 09:23 PM
I must add. I can totally not stomach Luke Darcy as a commentator at all...........he is unbearable.

Loved him as a player and I believe he's a good person.................but just totally polluted by FM blokiness........just awful

25-08-2019, 10:07 AM
I must add. I can totally not stomach Luke Darcy as a commentator at all...........he is unbearable.

Loved him as a player and I believe he's a good person.................but just totally polluted by FM blokiness........just awful

They all are IMO. The day Dennis retired, modern day afl commentary died with it. So glad we were the last game he ever called!

25-08-2019, 08:03 PM
Roos drove me mad today calling JJ "Johanson." He's a Norm Smith medallist ffs, how hard is it to get his name right.

Bet Roos would have been pissed off if commentators had referred to him as "Roof."

21-06-2020, 06:43 PM
I hardly watch football on TV and if I do it’s on mainly on mute.

Friday was an exception and re-confirmed my huge dislike of Cameron Lings commentary but 100% reinforced how good Dasiy Pearce is. Channel 7 should have her in the commentary box not as a boundary rider.

21-06-2020, 06:50 PM
I hardly watch football on TV and if I do it’s on mainly on mute.

Friday was an exception and re-confirmed my huge dislike of Cameron Lings commentary but 100% reinforced how good Dasiy Pearce is. Channel 7 should have her in the commentary box not as a boundary rider.

She is really good.

Remi Moses
21-06-2020, 06:51 PM
Couldn’t agree more az
Ling is a pain in the arse
Captain obvious

21-06-2020, 07:16 PM
I hardly watch football on TV and if I do it’s on mainly on mute.

Friday was an exception and re-confirmed my huge dislike of Cameron Lings commentary but 100% reinforced how good Dasiy Pearce is. Channel 7 should have her in the commentary box not as a boundary rider.

Ling is terrible. Daisy is ALSO terrible. If she is going to break into the game to state the bleeding obvious, well, she would be better off saying nothing at all.

We already have one boundary rider who is determined to EXPLAIN the game to us (David King). We KNOW. We are not morons. We are watching. Stop telling us what we can see with our own eyes. Apologies to those riding the Daisy train, but addition by subtraction would be the best approach for her to follow.

21-06-2020, 07:18 PM
Ling is terrible. Daisy is ALSO terrible. If she is going to break into the game to state the bleeding obvious, well, she would be better off saying nothing at all.

We already have one boundary rider who is determined to EXPLAIN the game to us (David King). We KNOW. We are not morons. We are watching. Stop telling us what we can see with our own eyes. Apologies to those riding the Daisy train, but addition by subtraction would be the best approach for her to follow.

I agree about Daisy.

21-06-2020, 07:26 PM
Ling is terrible. Daisy is ALSO terrible. If she is going to break into the game to state the bleeding obvious, well, she would be better off saying nothing at all.

We already have one boundary rider who is determined to EXPLAIN the game to us (David King). We KNOW. We are not morons. We are watching. Stop telling us what we can see with our own eyes. Apologies to those riding the Daisy train, but addition by subtraction would be the best approach for her to follow.

Disagree. I think Daisy DOES MORE than tells us what we can see with our own eyes and brings a fresh perspective.

In your view who are the good commentators?

21-06-2020, 07:54 PM
BT referred to the Plastics as the “reigning grand finalists”. That sounds a lot like the current trend of giving awards to everyone. In that game, they were embarrassed. Flogged. Disgraced.

But oh, they’re the “reigning grand finalists”. Pffttt.

21-06-2020, 08:35 PM
I have not heard much of Daisy - I think I recall her special comments in women’s matches which I did think much of but to be fair she was probably still finding her way. I thought some of her insights on our game on Friday were worthwhile. She is definitely no worse than some of the other dross. Daisy seems like an intelligent person and I think will improve and have a feeling she will be AOK.

21-06-2020, 09:11 PM
I was turned off Daisy from the early days of her being a media darling so I have no time for her. All of the Channel 7 and fox commentators make you want turn the sound off.
Peter Donegan should have got more air time.


21-06-2020, 10:48 PM
I want Special Comments to tell me what is happening away from the ball, like player moves, injury details, who is going on and off, things I can't see on TV - not the bleeding obvious.

Bulldog Joe
21-06-2020, 10:53 PM
Problem is the commentators (and TV Execs) think the majority of the audience are morons and they feel the need to talk at moron level.

The Execs make it easy by employing people who readily identify with a lot of their perceived audience.

22-06-2020, 06:51 AM
Problem is the commentators (and TV Execs) think the majority of the audience are morons and they feel the need to talk at moron level.

The Execs make it easy by employing people who readily identify with a lot of their perceived audience.

That is the media across all the board.

22-06-2020, 09:23 AM
Bruce is cooked, gushes over the big names like Dusty and Danger and has an unhealthy crush on his "mate" Duck. If you are ever in the mood for a drinking game just listen to Bruce continually bombard Carey with questions like, "gee that was a good kick wasn't it Duck" or "do you think they can come back from this far down Duck" or "that young bloke reminds me of you Duck", it's bordering on sickening. As far as Daisy goes she takes a bit too long to generally state the obvious. When they throw down for a quick comment she often overstays her welcome. Not a lot of quality around unfortunately.

22-06-2020, 09:52 AM
Problem is the commentators (and TV Execs) think the majority of the audience are morons and they feel the need to talk at moron level.
"Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the public"

22-06-2020, 10:31 AM
I've always like Jason Bennett. He's considered, concise and knowledgeable especially around lower leagues.
None of this rubbish boys club banter. Everyone I speak to is over ch7 I actually turn the sound down.
My preferred setup is a decent commentator with a game expert alongside. Similar to Premier league.

22-06-2020, 02:26 PM
Have to admit that Nick Riewoldt is quickly going past the other 'special comments' crew.

22-06-2020, 02:31 PM
I want Special Comments to tell me what is happening away from the ball, like player moves, injury details, who is going on and off, things I can't see on TV - not the bleeding obvious.

The great Richie Benaud was a true believer in giving the audience some credit for understanding what they were seeing.

Happy Days
22-06-2020, 03:06 PM
Have to admit that Nick Riewoldt is quickly going past the other 'special comments' crew.

He was actually pretty impressive covering our game against the Saints. Kept a measured approach to how they looked while the other morons lost their mind over Max King dropping marks.

22-06-2020, 06:27 PM
I’m sick of hearing where the player came from and what he did for a job, where he went to school etc etc . Bruce started that rubbish. We are interested in the game not a players private life .
Make a show about players lives if you want to tell us that stuff but not during a game!

22-06-2020, 06:41 PM
I don’t mind Daisy TBH but 7Sport will no doubt mould her into being mind numbing like the rest of her crew.

On that front, I am still waiting to hear if Hamish McLaughlin is capable of providing anything remotely insightful other than having mastered the art of being completely inane.

I always feel that much dumber having put myself through the torture of listening to their Friday Night Footy coverage.

Insufficient Intent
23-06-2020, 02:40 PM
I'd love someone to come up with software or preferably an app whereby you could select a radio station on your phone and have an adjustable delay to available live radio commentary.

The TV action is always seconds later than what you hear on radio, but the delay varies.

That way, you could mute your Foxtel/Ch.7 broadcast irritants and listen to the broadcast crew of your choice, near enough to synced. ABC Radio is usually competent, plus you have the added benefit of maybe additional comments or info about the game when the others are doing ads.

23-06-2020, 09:10 PM
I don’t mind Daisy TBH but 7Sport will no doubt mould her into being mind numbing like the rest of her crew.

On that front, I am still waiting to hear if Hamish McLaughlin is capable of providing anything remotely insightful other than having mastered the art of being completely inane.

I always feel that much dumber having put myself through the torture of listening to their Friday Night Footy coverage.

Given the limited numbers allowed into the grounds at the moment, Hamish is a complete waste of one of those spots. What's the point of him? I'd much rather they allowed an actual supporter like Irene Chatfield or that bloke with the chef's hat (sorry that I can't remember his name) who's been to every game since 1970 or whenever into the ground to watch the game in person instead.

23-06-2020, 09:25 PM
I'd love someone to come up with software or preferably an app whereby you could select a radio station on your phone and have an adjustable delay to available live radio commentary.

The TV action is always seconds later than what you hear on radio, but the delay varies.

That way, you could mute your Foxtel/Ch.7 broadcast irritants and listen to the broadcast crew of your choice, near enough to synced. ABC Radio is usually competent, plus you have the added benefit of maybe additional comments or info about the game when the others are doing ads.

Not ch 7s watch

28-06-2020, 03:29 PM
Bruce McAvaney is so awful now. He's become a carton character footy groupie. Yappy, shrill, full of irrelevant information, plays favourites. He's hubris and hyperbole on steroids. Every half decent snap is a"miracle goal", decent tackles are always "crunching", hands are never less than "slick".
I used to like Peter McKenna, Mike Williamson, Ian Robertson, Doug Heywood and Denis Cometti. VFA - I liked Ted Henry and Phil Gibbs Panel shows: Kevin Coghlan, Harry Sullivan, Tony Ongarello, Chicken Smallhorn and Ray Walker
I really liked the team on Marngrook esp Gilbert McAdam and Ronnie Burns

28-06-2020, 03:35 PM
I really liked the team on Marngrook esp Gilbert McAdam and Ronnie Burns

Gilbert McAdam got a crack on Ch7 recently as a boundary rider and was absolutely woeful, unfortunately.

Remi Moses
28-06-2020, 10:11 PM
Just watching the Carlton Essendon game
The blokey b/s, my god
The narrative of the “love tap” on Silvagni and defending a punch to the ribs is just appalling .
Complete cheap shot that should never be defended

28-06-2020, 11:09 PM
Just watching the Carlton Essendon game
The blokey b/s, my god
The narrative of the “love tap” on Silvagni and defending a punch to the ribs is just appalling .
Complete cheap shot that should never be defended

It's unbelievable.

I think the Gaff smashing of a jaw was the pinnacle for mine. He did it, he meant it, everyone was climbing over themselves to suggest otherwise but if asked honestly anyone would agree you literally couldn't do what happened with the level of force that it occurred with without it being something Gaff meant to do.

Out of character at the time, sure. But not anymore for Gaff because it was done and it was done on purpose, just like Merret's hit on Silvagni.

29-06-2020, 06:11 AM
Merrett is a little sniper so it was only a matter of time he got caught out.

A few years ago he was being mentioned in the same breath as Bont & Cripps, which looking back was ludicrous, so maybe the frustration of not hitting those heights has started to bubble over.

Playing for that ****stains would also do a person's head in.

29-06-2020, 08:08 AM
Merrett is a little sniper so it was only a matter of time he got caught out.

A few years ago he was being mentioned in the same breath as Bont & Cripps, which looking back was ludicrous, so maybe the frustration of not hitting those heights has started to bubble over.

Playing for that ****stains would also do a person's head in.

The other one that was being pushed into those discussions by his clubs supporters was Matt Crouch. He was dropped last week. Clearly not the same impactful type of player as the above mentioned three but the issues the other talents from that draft have had really highlight just how impressive the short careers of Bont and Cripps have been.

29-06-2020, 10:44 AM
I'd love someone to come up with software or preferably an app whereby you could select a radio station on your phone and have an adjustable delay to available live radio commentary.

The TV action is always seconds later than what you hear on radio, but the delay varies.

That way, you could mute your Foxtel/Ch.7 broadcast irritants and listen to the broadcast crew of your choice, near enough to synced. ABC Radio is usually competent, plus you have the added benefit of maybe additional comments or info about the game when the others are doing ads.

You don’t need an app. Press pause. 5 or 7 seconds later press play. You are now in synch with the radio broadcast.