View Full Version : Next Captain

06-11-2007, 05:16 PM
Who will be our next captain after Johnno?

Trying to draw a comparison across sports, when Mark Viduka received the captaincy for the Socceroos, it did wonders for his confidence and he stood up as a player. It made him a better player.

Could this be the case when Johnno relinquishes the captaincy? Maybe it would go to a Williams or a Cooney, giving them more confidence?

Interested to hear your thoughts on who it might be.... I believe 1 key aspect is being Inspirational ON the field.

Dry Rot
06-11-2007, 05:28 PM
Do you think Johnno will retire as captain, or relinquish it before then?

06-11-2007, 06:05 PM
Cross is the most likely option from what I have seen.

06-11-2007, 06:27 PM
Johnno is a tremendous captain in my eyes. I dont see him giving up the captaincy voluntarily. So i think if the club decides they would like to appoint a younger player captain, possibly for the reasons i mentioned in the original post ie: boost confidence, then i believe Johnno would give it up. If they dont ask him to, I believe he will keep it until he retires.

There is obviously a calculated risk in giving it to a younger player aswell. I personally would love to see Cooney develop more consistent games of football, much like every doggies supporter. Maybe the captaincy would do that for him. But maybe it would add more pressure and have the opposite affect.

06-11-2007, 06:30 PM
Cross is the most likely option from what I have seen.

I think Cross would be a suitable appointee. The only doubt comes is that for some reason i believe that in and under players such as west cross and boyd would find it hard to add a leadership component to their game. Not that they cant or dont already lead, but more that if it is appointed to someone in the forward/backline, they have a much better view of the game and are able to direct players much more easily.

I think maybe Murphy would be good for this kind of thing.

The Coon Dog
06-11-2007, 06:55 PM
You look at Geelong & they went for someone not universally thought by the footy public to b the right man, but respected by his team mates & club officials.

Sometimes there are natural leaders, who lead by deeds, not words. Sometimes I wonder if we should do what we did in the under 11's, let the players decide.

For me, the 2 that seem the most obvious are Murphy & Cross.

06-11-2007, 06:56 PM
I don't know exactly why but Murphy strikes me as an accident waiting to happen in terms of responsibility. He tends to skirt around being one of the boys or one of the leaders.
I really don't think there is an outstanding captain amongst our group at the moment. There is a lot of guys that can do a good job but we are short of a great leader. Griffen might emerge as one in a couple of seasons

06-11-2007, 07:20 PM
I think Johnno will have it for a while yet, and I also wouldn't be so keen on Murphy as captain for some reason, but I wouldn't be opposed to having Gia as captain. I know Cross is the obvious choice, but Gia strikes me as a good communicator who appears to have the respect of his team mates. Like TCD said he doesn't have to be the 'best' player or most highly sought after, as long as he can communicate well with the players and have a good knowledge of what's happening around him, and I think Gia could do that quite well...he's certainly a good team player, was something like 3rd or 5th in the AFL for goal assists, which is nice in a captain.

06-11-2007, 07:28 PM
I like Griff for the role, obviously it would need to be another 2 years down the track at least for it to happen.

06-11-2007, 07:58 PM
You look at Geelong & they went for someone not universally thought by the footy public to b the right man, but respected by his team mates & club officials.

Sometimes there are natural leaders, who lead by deeds, not words. Sometimes I wonder if we should do what we did in the under 11's, let the players decide.

For me, the 2 that seem the most obvious are Murphy & Cross.

Agree TCD. For me, it would also be Murph and Crossy. but it is not up to us.

Let the players decide who they think can believe in them and then lead in the right direction.

But in my opinion a changing of the guard won't be happening for a season or two - Johnno is the right man at the minute.

06-11-2007, 08:05 PM
Johnno to continue as captain till he retires - he is like a fine wine gets better with age.

Likely replacements after Johnno's tenure IMO would be one of the following -


06-11-2007, 09:40 PM
BulldogBelle has just made a pretty good point. We dont have many standout leaders. And the players that you did name, only one of them has really proven himself to be a leader.

I dont know how we can turn it around but its not looking too good when Johnno and Westy have gone. We really need for the mid to young teir group to really stand up and say, 'I want to lead this football club'. We just cant accept people that are along for the ride.

Take Geelong for example. Their captain isnt to most flashiest of players but he continually gets the job done and players look up to him with his courage and work ethic. Even we dont have many of those types of players, Cross and Boyd are the only that come to mind and im not sure that even they have a great influence of the playing group. But its not only Tom Harley that leads by example. Its guys like Scarlett, King, Bartel, Corey, Milburn etc. IMO we only have a handful of these types.

Dry Rot
06-11-2007, 09:48 PM
Don't disagree with any of the above but i always like to see a captain who can turn a game himself eg Hird, Voss, Kelly, Buckley, Cousins (onfield) etc and inspire his team mates.

Dogs 24/7
06-11-2007, 09:56 PM
Don't disagree with any of the above but i always like to see a captain who can turn a game himself eg Hird, Voss, Kelly, Buckley, Cousins (onfield) etc and inspire his team mates.

I dont agree that a captain needs to do that but honestly we havent got one like that on our list at present. Cooney and Giffen might have type of talent but havent displayed it yet.

06-11-2007, 10:38 PM
BulldogBelle has just made a pretty good point. We dont have many standout leaders. And the players that you did name, only one of them has really proven himself to be a leader.

I dont know how we can turn it around but its not looking too good when Johnno and Westy have gone. We really need for the mid to young teir group to really stand up and say, 'I want to lead this football club'. We just cant accept people that are along for the ride.

Take Geelong for example. Their captain isnt to most flashiest of players but he continually gets the job done and players look up to him with his courage and work ethic. Even we dont have many of those types of players, Cross and Boyd are the only that come to mind and im not sure that even they have a great influence of the playing group. But its not only Tom Harley that leads by example. Its guys like Scarlett, King, Bartel, Corey, Milburn etc. IMO we only have a handful of these types.

You mention these 2. I am of the opinion that a captain, whilst needing to inspire, also has to play an organisational position on the field. Going off that, Cross and Boyd are always in the thick of the action so i believe it would be more suited to someone down back. Someone who seems to have there head screwed on, constantly plays well and does what is asked of him week in and week out and plays well above his height is Morris. I dont think anyone can question his courage or work ethic. However, im not sure about his suitability as a captain in terms of personality, he appears a very quiet sort of a character.

07-11-2007, 07:46 AM
Griffen is the most impressive leader at underage level I have ever seen. In two seasons, he will be the stand-out choice to take over from Johnson.

07-11-2007, 09:43 AM
Griffin for me. He was touted when Clayton picked him as being a natural leader. We haven't by a long shot seen the best of Griffin. He will undoubtedly be a gun player capable of turning games.

07-11-2007, 10:23 AM
Griffen is the most impressive leader at underage level I have ever seen. In two seasons, he will be the stand-out choice to take over from Johnson.

In what way? In his ability to inspire his players through actions or words?

07-11-2007, 11:33 AM
Brian Haris I believe, has what it takes to be an excellent captain of this footy club. He is tough and courageous, he is rated by his teamates and coaching staff judging by him winning our B n F this year. Also he just does a few little things, like making the effort to get across to teamates and pat them on the backside, he is always talking out on the field, and isn't afraid to fly the flag.

07-11-2007, 12:49 PM
In what way? In his ability to inspire his players through actions or words?

From what I know, a combination. He was leader of the SA state side, and every junior coach he had all raved about his leadership qualities. IMO, he oozes the class and package that others like Voss, Buckley, Rucciuto, have.

A good leader needs to be able to lead with both actions and words, I feel Griff will be able to do both very well.

Dancin' Douggy
07-11-2007, 01:51 PM
Griffin in 2 years. He will be as good as Voss and Buckley. Power grace speed skill, a genuine goalkicker, good overhead, tall for a midfielder, strong build, a knack for the unexpected and breathtaking evasive skills. Doesn't panic with the ball and kicks well even after a long run. VOTE 1 GRIFFEN.
(Cooney still panics a little and kicks the ball too quickly. He would kick another 10 to 15 goals a year with two or three more steps when shooting for goal on the run.)
I also think Murphy could still mature into the role.

always right
07-11-2007, 01:55 PM
Set up Johnno as the captain with three vice-captains underneath him. Cross, Boyd and Griffen. Let them fight out who Johnno's successor will be.

Griffen is the obvious on-field inspirational type leader, Cross sets the example with preparation off-field, courage and getting the best out of yourself, whilst Boyd typifies the example of reward following effort.

Both Cross and Boyd set an example on the training track that others should follow. Boydy's just back from his honeymoon in the USA where he trained every day. Would be the only bloke riding a bike up and down the hills of San Francisco to keep fit.

Dancin' Douggy
07-11-2007, 02:09 PM
One thing I'm certain of is I hate the multiple captains idea.
3 vice captains is fine but one captain should stand alone IMO.

07-11-2007, 02:11 PM
There has been alot of similar players names thrown up here ie: Cross and Griffen.

Not doubting there ability, but what about Giansiricusa? I know that he is in the leadsership group and have seen several articles hailing him as a good leader. I dont really see it on the field, but there must be something he is doing off the field to be considered a good leader.

Thoughts on Gia?

07-11-2007, 03:03 PM
For some reason, Cooney suffers in comparison to Griffen when it comes to discussing leadership potential. I think Cooney has the potential to be every bit the future leader of our club, and I think it will sit comfortably with him as well.

Bulldog Revolution
07-11-2007, 03:57 PM
This issue of who will captain and where the leadership is going to come from with this playing group is a really important one IMO

I figure the captain and leadership group should probably primarily come from the mix of 100 or almost 100 game players in Murphy, Hahn, Gilbee, Gia, Hargrave, Boyd, Cross, Harris, Cooney. Plus Griffen, Ray and Higgins.

I think we need to start a pretty comprehensive process developing these guys to lead the club now, if we haven't already.

At this stage I favour Boyd as my preferred candidate but I can see merit in Cross

And I see merit in both Griffen and Cooney as they have a confidence and swagger that definitely makes them leaders around the club - but I think they need to achieve a higher consistent level of individual performance before I would consider them.

wimberga - I know Gia is well respected internally but for my money he doesn't have enough of a consistent impact on games - he is capable of impacting a game physically by delivering hits (e.g Kosi) or tackling but too often doesn't impact the game in that way. Thats where he has to improve for me

always right
07-11-2007, 04:02 PM
There has been alot of similar players names thrown up here ie: Cross and Griffen.

Not doubting there ability, but what about Giansiricusa? I know that he is in the leadsership group and have seen several articles hailing him as a good leader. I dont really see it on the field, but there must be something he is doing off the field to be considered a good leader.

Thoughts on Gia?

Not that it is the most important issue, but it would help if your captain also had the respect of supporters, particularly in these days where marketing your club to members is so important. Gia needs to have a consistent year on the field before he comes into the reckoning. Not sure the most inspirational player on your team is going to be a light bodied half forward flanker who struggles to impose himself on games.

07-11-2007, 04:21 PM
One thing I'm certain of is I hate the multiple captains idea.
3 vice captains is fine but one captain should stand alone IMO.


Because that is how it has always been? If so, that is a crap reason.

Dry Rot
07-11-2007, 06:09 PM
One thing I'm certain of is I hate the multiple captains idea.
3 vice captains is fine but one captain should stand alone IMO.

Didn't seem to hurt the Swans.

07-11-2007, 09:54 PM
There has been alot of similar players names thrown up here ie: Cross and Griffen.

Not doubting there ability, but what about Giansiricusa? I know that he is in the leadsership group and have seen several articles hailing him as a good leader. I dont really see it on the field, but there must be something he is doing off the field to be considered a good leader.

Thoughts on Gia?

I've said it before - Gia should NEVER be captain.

I'd say Cross or Griff.

Whatever the result, it should be based on leadership and guts rather than football ability.
For that reason I wouldn't be surprised or upset to see someone like Hahn or Harris step up.

The Coon Dog
07-11-2007, 10:01 PM
I've said it before - Gia should NEVER be captain.

I'd say Cross or Griff.

Whatever the result, it should be based on leadership and guts rather than football ability.
For that reason I wouldn't be surprised or upset to see someone like Hahn or Harris step up.

There seems to be a perception that Gia is soft (apart from Kozi). This season we played the Kangaroos & Gia went back with the flight of the ball & got crunched by Archer. All the commentators were glowing in their praise of Archer & how courageous he was. That annoyed me as the person more courageous than Archer was Gia, who ran back with the flight of the ball, knew he was going to get crunched & didn't deviate.

When you listen to many of the players talk at functions it's amazing how many praise Gia's leadership around the place. I'm sure they're better placed to know than most of us.

07-11-2007, 10:37 PM
I've said it before - Gia should NEVER be captain.

And that is fair enough, we are all entitled to an opinion. Friends of mine don't rate his as captain material either.

Myself, I don't mind Gia if he was to assume the captaincy at some stage - but I would probably opt for someone else first after Johnno gives in his crown.

Bulldog Revolution
08-11-2007, 07:45 AM
There seems to be a perception that Gia is soft (apart from Kozi). This season we played the Kangaroos & Gia went back with the flight of the ball & got crunched by Archer. All the commentators were glowing in their praise of Archer & how courageous he was. That annoyed me as the person more courageous than Archer was Gia, who ran back with the flight of the ball, knew he was going to get crunched & didn't deviate.

When you listen to many of the players talk at functions it's amazing how many praise Gia's leadership around the place. I'm sure they're better placed to know than most of us.

Gia played like a man possessed in that game against North, tackled, shepherded and threw his body into everything - And its precisely for this reason that I dont think he should be captain, because he just does not either do this regularly enough, or realise this is what he should be doing every week. He too often just floats about.

He is an average or below average athlete in the AFL - thats not a criticism, its just the reality of the situation, he just isn't explosively fast, so IMO he needs to play with a much harder edge - and we've seen he can do it on occassions

08-11-2007, 08:35 AM
In my opinion this is an overrated issue. A captain will jump forward when we need it. I like the fact that we have done a fair bit with the development of a good senior group.