View Full Version : Leon Cameron tells how GWS landed former disgruntled Bulldogs skipper Ryan Griffen

01-12-2014, 12:11 AM
Link h (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/leon-cameron-tells-how-gws-landed-former-disgruntled-bulldogs-skipper-ryan-griffen/story-fnp04d70-1227140139592)ere

IT started with a throwaway line.

The biggest defection since Geelong captain Leigh Colbert stormed out of Kardinia Park began with a simple question.

As close friend and confidant Leon Cameron counselled Ryan Griffen late in the year, he found it impossible not to at least inquire.

Why don’t you come and play here?

That question was at first quickly shut down by the Western Bulldogs captain, but the seed for the trade that rocked football was planted.

Within days the Dogs had pulled off the most startling trade of this footy century, turning Griffen into a Giant and Tom Boyd into the richest kid in the land.

Yet according Cameron, as he charts the backstory to that remarkable trade for the first time, it was also a deal that would save Griffen’s football career.

“Ryan was struggling a bit with life,’’ Cameron said.

“He had a tough time watching his dad go through hell and eventually passing away and I reckon that played on his mind and he is really close to his mum and family and it felt like it was all building up and there was no way out.

“I was lucky enough to coach him for five years at the Dogs and you do keep in contact.

“With Ryan I sensed there were some real issues. I spoke to him about six weeks before the season finished and I just said, ‘How are you doing’.

“You could see the energy wasn’t there in his voice, and it wasn’t about the Dogs, I sensed it was more about footy than the Dogs.

“You (ask about him moving) in a joking way and Griff would stamp it out straight away. You would joke about it and Griff would say, ‘No, I have got a duty. I am captain of the club, I love the club and I am going to fight through this’.

“After that conversation I thought, ‘No, he’s going to stick that out, he’s going to be there for good’.”

GWS Giants recruit Ryan Griffen is settling into life in Sydney, with new coach Leon Came
GWS Giants recruit Ryan Griffen is settling into life in Sydney, with new coach Leon Cameron and captain and good mate Callan Ward. Picture: Phil Hillyard
Yet as Cameron was gently nudging his fellow Bulldogs life member, things were imploding down south at the Western Bulldogs.
A disastrous end to the season precipitated a round of exit interviews that saw Griffen confronting Peter Gordon about his coach Brendan McCartney’s conduct.

Still, Griffen left for a trip to Europe with both the Dogs and Leon Cameron assuming he was staying put.

“He went away for a couple of weeks and came back and said, “If I don’t make a change maybe I won’t play footy again’,’’ Cameron said.

“Yes, people will build it up as the coach but I reckon that was a small part of it. I think he desperately needed a change.

“When I actually heard what he had done, I nearly drove off the road. I was in Sydney driving back from the airport and they rang and said Griff had nominated our footy club. I thought, ‘geez that has come from left field’.

“But he clearly thought this is big enough for me that I have to make a decision in my life if I want to punch out four or five years, or I will retire.”

A day later the Dogs would sack Brendan McCartney.
Then as GWS waited for the Bulldogs to start real negotiations, another bombshell came.

First-round pick Boyd wanted out in exchange for Griffen, just months after fellow young key forward Jon Patton’s 2015 was ruined by an ACL injury.

“We sat down and thought, that’s fine he wants to come to us. How the hell do we get it done. Then there was Tom’s left-field decision and the fun started,’’ Cameron said.

“As a club we stated that we didn’t want to move Tom, but as the week panned out and you start to negotiate you take everything into consideration.

“Young Tom clearly wants to go home. Can he fight through (homesickness)? What does our playing group feel? What is the deal in front in front of us?”

And the clincher for GWS — had he already agreed mid-season to go home the following year?

“I don’t know the full history of what happened throughout the year. Only the people close to Tom know that,’’ Cameron said.

“But when you look at pick 6 coming back your way and Ryan Griffen as an A-Grader who wants to your footy club it was, ‘Yep, let’s make this decision for our footy club’.

“I was proud of the club. It looked like there was a clear no but we were open to say we changed our minds because of what happened.
“People are going to say does it mean you are going to keep changing your mind? No, it doesn’t.

“If something presents that good you have to look at it.”

Griffen is already out on the training track, bursting with energy after the trials of the off-season.

He is staying with his great mate Callan Ward, being coached by a mate he respects and ready to play without the burden of formal leadership designation.

“Yesterday we had a really tough session and you can tell when a player is energised or just grinding though,’’ Cameron said.

“There is lots of energy. There is a weight off his shoulders.

01-12-2014, 12:23 AM
I guess Griffen wanted to play for Leon & not Macca. Interesting to ponder how the sliding doors would've been different if we chose Leon and GWS took Macca? Or not. As you will.

01-12-2014, 02:00 AM
What a load of horse manure (not your comments BT - the article's premise).

Cameron was in his ear the whole time, and Griffen - who shouldn't have been given the captaincy (Bmac's fault) - couldn't handle the pressure of standing up to his mates or leading the club to turn the rubbish playing culture around.

This story isn't about a coach who couldn't communicate for less than 15% of the time he was at the helm, it is about a bunch of players who finally got their bullshit called on them after dining out on some preliminary final appearances that ultimately failed.

Griffen left because the order at the club was changing, and his friends didn't like it and wanted him to stop it when he couldn't.

01-12-2014, 04:49 AM
"Nearly drove off the road". Is Cameron really expecting us to believe he had no idea former #16 was nominating GWS? This article is littered with tripe, like former #16 saying "no I've got a duty, I'm captain of the club".

No hard feelings to Leon but this is propaganda 101, making up a series of conversations and events to cast former #16 and himself as paragon's of virtue.

01-12-2014, 08:06 AM
I've already moved on from trade week. I won't forget what a sensational player Griff was for us but the future is one without him as a Bulldog. Instead we have the most exciting power forward in the country under 20yo.

01-12-2014, 08:16 AM
No, I've got a duty as a husband, I can't sleep with you. No, please get dressed. No, don't do that....

Thanks for posting, given me a great Monday morning laugh.

01-12-2014, 09:05 AM
What a load of frog shit, how dumb does he think we are.

01-12-2014, 09:46 AM
Western Bulldogs vs. GWS GIANTS (ES) (T)

(If his back is fine)

01-12-2014, 10:17 AM
What a crock of shit.

People are supposed to believe the first thing GWS knew about Griffin (yes, deliberately spelt incorrectly) deciding to come to them was him publicly announcing it? Yet they had no problem accommodating the $1.5 million salary they are paying him, which makes him now close to the highest paid player in the AFL.

01-12-2014, 10:18 AM
I don't buy it....and stopped reading immediately at "I nearly drove off the road".

Happy Days
01-12-2014, 12:29 PM
What a crock of shit.

People are supposed to believe the first thing GWS knew about Griffin (yes, deliberately spelt incorrectly) deciding to come to them was him publicly announcing it? Yet they had no problem accommodating the $1.5 million salary they are paying him, which makes him now close to the highest paid player in the AFL.


Really like the deliberate misspelling of Griffin too. That should become ubiquitous around here.

Remi Moses
01-12-2014, 02:35 PM
Just can't get over the incredible coincidence of Griffin nominating Them.
Just wow! Next Leon explains the earth is actually round.

doggies ftw
01-12-2014, 05:58 PM
Yep been spelling it Griffin for weeks now, doesn't deserve any more.

Griffin has gotten out of this situation so *!*!*!*!ing easily it amazes me, any other club captain and they would have copped huge heat from the media for abandoning their club.

She might have gotten off lightly from the media but please doggies fans, do not let her off easy when she comes to play us in Melbournes, lets give her absolute hell. Please.

01-12-2014, 09:02 PM
I was expecting to read line like "Oh poor Griff" after I read this and felt more infuriated. Thank you fellow Woofers for writing down exactly how I feel.

Good riddance Griffin!

01-12-2014, 11:48 PM
Nobody says they leave for the money, but at least Boyd has the decency not to make up a tonne of bullshit about it instead.

02-12-2014, 12:23 AM
Nobody says they leave for the money, but at least Boyd has the decency not to make up a tonne of bullshit about it instead.

He wanted to come home to Melbourne

Ghost Dog
02-12-2014, 01:07 AM
When one of your parents passes, it's one of the biggest things in your life. I respect Griff, and don't hold him any grudges for what he did, but disagree with the way he did it. Still, he was still grieving by the sounds of it, and prolly not thinking straight.
Let's not forget the ugly games where he was about the only one dragging our pride out of the mud.
Good luck mate, and welcome Tom Boyd!

I don't see the point in demonizing Leon Cameron. Just doing his job for his footy club.

02-12-2014, 01:15 AM
When one of your parents passes, it's one of the biggest things in your life. I respect Griff, and don't hold him any grudges for what he did, but disagree with the way he did it. Still, he was still grieving by the sounds of it, and prolly not thinking straight.
Let's not forget the ugly games where he was about the only one dragging our pride out of the mud.
Good luck mate, and welcome Tom Boyd!

I don't see the point in demonizing Leon Cameron. Just doing his job for his footy club.

His Dad died at the end of the 2008 season. The references to his Dad are just more bullshit in an article overloaded with bullshit.

Remi Moses
02-12-2014, 01:17 AM
When one of your parents passes, it's one of the biggest things in your life. I respect Griff, and don't hold him any grudges for what he did, but disagree with the way he did it. Still, he was still grieving by the sounds of it, and prolly not thinking straight.
Let's not forget the ugly games where he was about the only one dragging our pride out of the mud.
Good luck mate, and welcome Tom Boyd!

I don't see the point in demonizing Leon Cameron. Just doing his job for his footy club.

The issue is the crap about the " quiet word" then shock horror Griffin announces he's going to GWS!
Honestly do they think we're all so gullible ?

Ghost Dog
02-12-2014, 01:28 AM
His Dad died at the end of the 2008 season. The references to his Dad are just more bullshit in an article overloaded with bullshit.
Calling an orange and grey spade a spade there. :) You have more of an inside view of the club. What are the other pieces of bullshit in there?

02-12-2014, 08:53 AM
I don't see the point in demonizing Leon Cameron. Just doing his job for his footy club.

I agree, he is just doing his job.

But he doesn't have to make up shit in the media about though. Either tell the truth or say no comment, how stupid does he think we are. I find it a bit insulting towards our supporter base, which is sad coming from a player a really liked.

02-12-2014, 01:56 PM
I agree, he is just doing his job.

But he doesn't have to make up shit in the media about though. Either tell the truth or say no comment, how stupid does he think we are. I find it a bit insulting towards our supporter base, which is sad coming from a player a really liked.

That's what gets me. Come on Leon, it's us you're talking to. You know we aren't that dumb.

Bulldog Revolution
02-12-2014, 03:13 PM
Yes, the article has some garbage in it

But we, as a club stuffed this up, McCartney stuffed this up

02-12-2014, 03:45 PM
Yes, the article has some garbage in it

But we, as a club stuffed this up, McCartney stuffed this up

And don't forget Griffin stuff up accepting something he wasn't cut out for, he could have always said no.

02-12-2014, 03:48 PM
Yes, the article has some garbage in it

But we, as a club stuffed this up, McCartney stuffed this up

That whole three or four months of poor communication must have been some of the worst communication in the history of communication!

02-12-2014, 04:00 PM
That whole three or four months of poor communication must have been some of the worst communication in the history of communication!

yep and got the sack.

02-12-2014, 04:11 PM
yep and got the sack.

Sorry BAD, I just don't buy it.

We've done it to death though, probably no need to go around the mulberry bush on this one again! :)

02-12-2014, 04:18 PM
Sorry BAD, I just don't buy it.

We've done it to death though, probably no need to go around the mulberry bush on this one again! :)

Sorry, comment was tongue in cheek.

I don't have the hate of others as I still can't believe we sacked the coach and got rid of ten players. In the past I was pissed off with good players leaving us, but after this year, nothing surprises me any more.

Last night at the social club function, looking on stage at the 9 new recruits plus two rookie upgrades, I just thought wow, this is really a major change to the team.

I really don't know what the effect is of losing over 800 games of experience and what that will do to our performance in the short term. Long term , will we be awesome:)

02-12-2014, 04:28 PM
My head's still spinning after the post season shenanigans as much as anyone else's. Can't wait for it to be put to rest when the season starts.

02-12-2014, 04:50 PM
And don't forget Griffin stuff up accepting something he wasn't cut out for, he could have always said no.

Exactly. Boydy asked Griffin if he was ready to be captain. He said yes. Could easily have said no. He wasn't pushed into it.

Remi Moses
02-12-2014, 05:27 PM
Exactly. Boydy asked Griffin if he was ready to be captain. He said yes. Could easily have said no. He wasn't pushed into it.

That's my recount of it as well.
Boyd asked him and he said he was already, and he clearly stated he was .
The Griffin article was just an out of season fluff piece

Ghost Dog
02-12-2014, 05:41 PM
Maybe he found himself wanting and overreached. I hesitate to bag Griff because he was such a hard working player for us. Hard to say what happened unless you are close to him. I don't think he intentionally tried to hurt the club. He was just about in tears at the GWS presser.

But this is fierce competitive sport. I am glad he wasn't retained.

The Pie Man
02-12-2014, 10:14 PM

Ghost Dog
03-12-2014, 09:40 PM

Well, that's one problem we won't have any longer. Happy about that!

04-12-2014, 09:02 AM


04-12-2014, 09:19 AM
I think the sorting hat got him wrong. He should have been Slytherin.

Dry Rot
07-12-2014, 11:25 PM

Really like the deliberate misspelling of Griffin too. That should become ubiquitous around here.

Why doesn't the article about Griffin mention the pig shooting?

08-12-2014, 06:53 PM
Why doesn't the article about Griffin mention the pig shooting?
Because it didn't happen? He's already said he went fishing.

08-12-2014, 07:05 PM
Fishing for pigs doesn't sound like a very likely excuse to me.

Rocco Jones
08-12-2014, 08:18 PM

Avoid the rush
09-12-2014, 10:03 AM
B. C. Evans Lake Dempsey

HB. Harbrow Quinlan N Cordy

c. Hawkins Featherby Mclean

HF. Cooney Templeton Griffin

F. Stoneham Edmonds B. Wilson

R. Round Ward Bisset

Took 10 minutes to compose this side. I'm sure I've left out plenty, can anyone improve???

09-12-2014, 10:07 AM
B. C. Evans Lake Dempsey

HB. Harbrow Quinlan N Cordy

c. Hawkins Featherby Mclean

HF. Cooney Templeton Griffin

F. Stoneham Edmonds B. Wilson

R. Round Ward Bisset

Took 10 minutes to compose this side. I'm sure I've left out plenty, can anyone improve???

Res: Hardie, Thorpe, Dunstan, Higgins?

Avoid the rush
09-12-2014, 12:37 PM
Res: Hardie, Thorpe, Dunstan, Higgins?


09-12-2014, 06:47 PM

We have lost some great players over the years, and that is why I get angry when a club champion leaves us.

09-12-2014, 09:58 PM
B. C. Evans Lake Dempsey

HB. Harbrow Quinlan N Cordy

c. Hawkins Featherby Mclean

HF. Cooney Templeton Griffin

F. Stoneham Edmonds B. Wilson

R. Round Ward Bisset

Took 10 minutes to compose this side. I'm sure I've left out plenty, can anyone improve???

Beasley at full forward. David Thorpe in the centre. Brian Royal in the forward pocket. Scotty Wynd into the ruck.

09-12-2014, 10:02 PM
No T-Mac?

09-12-2014, 10:03 PM
Nathan Brown must be smiling now. In a short period he went from only being known as Judas, to forgotten about in a list of recent poached players.

09-12-2014, 10:15 PM
Res: Hardie, Thorpe, Dunstan, Higgins?

Dunstan? Fred Cook? Bones McGhie? Brian Wilson?

Actually, I'd almost suggest a further exercise. That of the sacked Dogs 18:
ie. Bones McGhie, Fred Cook, Magic McLean, Barry Round, Brian Wilson, Doug Hawkins, Neil Cordy, Matty Hogg (?)

09-12-2014, 10:25 PM
Brad Hardie Rick Kennedy Michael Egan
Lindsay Gilbee Peter Foster Brian Cordy
Doug Hawkins Scott West Michael Maclean
Chris Grant St Kelvin Adam Cooney
Brad Johnson Simon Beasley Jim Edmond
Scott Wynd Steve Wallis Brian Royal
I/C Gary Dempsey Luke Darcy Brian Lake Ian Dunstan Rohan Smith

I've forgotten a few

09-12-2014, 10:35 PM
There's five captains that went to other clubs in mine. Plus Ian Dunstan who was virtually the captain in 81/82 when Templeton missed with injury. And I can think of another three-Thorpe, Sandilands and Griffin.

09-12-2014, 11:42 PM
Brad Hardie Rick Kennedy Michael Egan
Lindsay Gilbee Peter Foster Brian Cordy
Doug Hawkins Scott West Michael Maclean
Chris Grant St Kelvin Adam Cooney
Brad Johnson Simon Beasley Jim Edmond
Scott Wynd Steve Wallis Brian Royal
I/C Gary Dempsey Luke Darcy Brian Lake Ian Dunstan Rohan Smith

I've forgotten a few

The team was meant to be champions that left us

10-12-2014, 12:12 AM
The team was meant to be champions that left us

I've done one of those already.

12-12-2014, 11:51 AM
Brad Hardie Rick Kennedy Michael Egan
Lindsay Gilbee Peter Foster Brian Cordy
Doug Hawkins Scott West Michael Maclean
Chris Grant St Kelvin Adam Cooney
Brad Johnson Simon Beasley Jim Edmond
Scott Wynd Steve Wallis Brian Royal
I/C Gary Dempsey Luke Darcy Brian Lake Ian Dunstan Rohan Smith

I've forgotten a few

I should've rephrased as "Dogs players who were sacked and went to other clubs"

I reckon 70 plus percent of AFL players are 'sacked' if we apply the Rick Kennedy, Lindsay Gilbee definition!

ie. Sacked (not traded) and ended up elsewhere.

12-12-2014, 10:01 PM
Forget me boys. I was posting in the wrong thread!

13-12-2014, 12:24 AM
Forget me boys. I was posting in the wrong thread!

You're now on the list.