View Full Version : Etihad Stadium - New Initiatives

19-03-2015, 03:43 PM
In summary, the AFL will trial the following at the weekend’s NAB Challenge matches at Etihad Stadium.

15 second shot clock – For when a player is having a shot at goal following a mark or free kick, a 15 second countdown clock will appear on the scoreboard and count from 15 down to zero at the point where the umpire tells the player he has 15 seconds remaining. The player must begin his approach before the clock reaches zero (or the umpire calls play on).

Explanation of free kicks during scoreboard replays – Currently, the television audience receives some explanation via the umpire communications system, but this is not heard by patrons at the ground. The scoreboard operator will be connected to the umpire communication system and will activate explanation of the reason for the free kick during replays.

Broadcasting umpire explanation of score reviews - The TV broadcast currently takes this audio and the AFL will now seek to play this audio on the ground PA, pending the audio quality.

Countdown of quarter and half time breaks - A countdown clock will be shown on the scoreboard to inform patrons of the time remaining before play is scheduled to recommence.

Roof positioning – The western roof panel will be adjusted into a different position to try and reduce potential sunglare issues on the ground during play.

Link (http://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/news/2015-03-18/afl-to-trial-setshot-clock)

Personally, I don't like the idea of the set-shot clock but think the broadcasting of score reviews and free kick explanations has potential to add positively to the match-day experience. I'm not a big NFL fan, but it strikes me as stealing from that a little?

19-03-2015, 04:04 PM
Oh dear - what will we have to complain about when we know everything that is going on? Sounds like a PR mechanism for umpires to me, added to which these changes seem to be getting closer and closer to recreating an NBA / NBL atmosphere.

19-03-2015, 04:28 PM
Coming soon, players to wear helmets and cheerleaders.

19-03-2015, 04:43 PM
Coming soon, players to wear helmets and cheerleaders.

How will they wear the cheerleaders !!!???

19-03-2015, 05:14 PM
How will they wear the cheerleaders !!!???

I just hope unlike most NFL players they get consent first!

19-03-2015, 05:44 PM
I just hope unlike most NFL players they get consent first!

They were just cuddling. Didn't you hear their lawyers?

11-05-2015, 01:35 PM
I really have had enough of the awful lit up advertising signs around the ground. It's pretty bad for supporters let alone the players. With the roof shut and the lighting, added with the sparkling advertising, it is so distracting.

MEMO to Etihad management - get rid of it.

11-05-2015, 01:57 PM
I think it's sick that advertising signs take your attention away from the field of play to the ad. Surely we get enough advertising stuffed down our throats across the rest of our lives. Those leds disadvantage and disrespect the punter and are a step too far. The advertisements are clearly as important than the game. I don't shell out $500 a bucks a year to watch advertising at the ground, at least on telly I can turn it off or make a cup of tea. Terrible.

11-05-2015, 02:04 PM
I really have had enough of the awful lit up advertising signs around the ground. It's pretty bad for supporters let alone the players. With the roof shut and the lighting, added with the sparkling advertising, it is so distracting.

MEMO to Etihad management - get rid of it.

Imagine what it's like for epileptics.

11-05-2015, 02:56 PM
I posted in the game day thread that I was sick of the ACDC adverts blocking scores on the level one TV screens.

You also still pay $6.50 for a 750ml water at Etihad...............I'm glad petrol doesn't cost as much.

11-05-2015, 03:23 PM
$9.40 now for a tiny glass of champy!

(And yes, that's what I drink at the footy -- well, at least I used to -- will be bringing a thermos from home from now on.)

I call discrimination against girly football spectators.

Remi Moses
11-05-2015, 04:16 PM
I'd just like to be able to not need a pair of binoculars to read the scores.
The three screens with the fox feed of another game is totally annoying .

11-05-2015, 04:46 PM
I posted in the game day thread that I was sick of the ACDC adverts blocking scores on the level one TV screens.

You also still pay $6.50 for a 750ml water at Etihad...............I'm glad petrol doesn't cost as much.

Is that all? At the Foo Fighters it was $13 and they took the lid off. Mercinary behaviour.

11-05-2015, 08:07 PM
I posted in the game day thread that I was sick of the ACDC adverts blocking scores on the level one TV screens.

You also still pay $6.50 for a 750ml water at Etihad...............I'm glad petrol doesn't cost as much.

Yeah. That ACDC thing was blocking out the time clock too. From where I was I couldn't see any scoreboard. I was pretty suprised when somebody said we were 10 goals at halftime. I guessed maybe 6 but probably 7.

11-05-2015, 08:08 PM
I'm sure Etihad management are scrambling to get rid of the advertising LED screens and the revenue that comes from it, because it annoys fans.

Remi Moses
11-05-2015, 08:14 PM
It was about 8 bucks a beer at the Fooies concert.:mad:

11-05-2015, 09:05 PM
I for one, like the match day initiatives. The LED advertising doesn't really bother me, I'm too busy focusing on the game for it to be an issue. If anything I think it adds something. The drinks pricing, well that's another matter....

I agree they need to do something about the scores... I noticed they displayed the interchange players on the LED above the benches last week. They could run the scores there, sort of like they have at the G. Even periodically would be good.

11-05-2015, 09:31 PM
The bright yellow Beacon lighting sign is atrocious!

11-05-2015, 09:41 PM
I've mentioned this before and I hate to bang on about it again, but, can the catering company run a workshop with their staff, especially those that work in the Victory Room, to explain the difference between the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the Slow Service of Alcohol. Seriously, trying to get a drink in the social club within an hour of the first bounce takes as long as Matthew Lloyd took for a shot at goal.

11-05-2015, 10:04 PM
I've mentioned this before and I hate to bang on about it again, but, can the catering company run a workshop with their staff, especially those that work in the Victory Room, to explain the difference between the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the Slow Service of Alcohol. Seriously, trying to get a drink in the social club within an hour of the first bounce takes as long as Matthew Lloyd took for a shot at goal.

True enough. I didn't even bother last week.

12-05-2015, 09:32 AM
I've mentioned this before and I hate to bang on about it again, but, can the catering company run a workshop with their staff, especially those that work in the Victory Room, to explain the difference between the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the Slow Service of Alcohol. Seriously, trying to get a drink in the social club within an hour of the first bounce takes as long as Matthew Lloyd took for a shot at goal.

Very true. I didn't bother lining up. Just watched Campbell & Redpath talk (watched, not really 'listened' as most in the room talked to each other throughout and it was impossible to hear the boys) and then went upstairs to Level 2 for a pre-game beer.

I doubt I'll bother going to the social club, pre-game anymore.

12-05-2015, 10:06 AM
Going to the footy has become a real chore for me in the last few seasons, and this article perfectly encapsulates why:

12-05-2015, 11:46 AM
Going to the footy has become a real chore for me in the last few seasons, and this article perfectly encapsulates why:

The author of this column is friend of mine. He has written variations on this piece for the last few years but this is the first time it seems to have provoked a real response (lots of letters in The Age today). Doubt it will change anything though.

12-05-2015, 12:59 PM
A beer costs I think around $7.40. Not sure but is Etihad going to lower the prices. Yep agree there is far too much advertising not that it should cease all together but just wind it down a bit.

Rocket Science
12-05-2015, 01:04 PM
If those kinetic ads unduly distract the viewer's eye - which is entirely the point of them - what's to suggest they don't have a comparable effect on the players at certain points?

The entire playing surface is rimmed by this visual garbage directly at player's eye level.

12-05-2015, 01:44 PM
Much as I detest those ads, I have to admit, from level 3 I didn't find them too distracting. It must be a lot worse at the lower levels when they are right in your eyeline, let alone on the ground itself.

12-05-2015, 01:47 PM
Was lucky enough the guy next to me shouted me a beer twice as will talking about the Dogs. We have the best fans.

12-05-2015, 10:11 PM
$9.40 now for a tiny glass of champy!

(And yes, that's what I drink at the footy -- well, at least I used to -- will be bringing a thermos from home from now on.)

I call discrimination against girly football spectators.

Thermos full of champers? Go Patsy & Edwina !!

12-05-2015, 10:13 PM
Going to the footy has become a real chore for me in the last few seasons, and this article perfectly encapsulates why:

I was looking for this yesterday. It's chillingly accurate.

13-05-2015, 09:29 AM
Thermos full of champers? Go Patsy & Edwina !!

Edina, sweetie! ;-)

13-05-2015, 09:34 AM
Very true. I didn't bother lining up. Just watched Campbell & Redpath talk (watched, not really 'listened' as most in the room talked to each other throughout and it was impossible to hear the boys) and then went upstairs to Level 2 for a pre-game beer.

I doubt I'll bother going to the social club, pre-game anymore.

Yeah they've got to do something about the sound in there. Most times I've been there you can't hear a thing.

14-05-2015, 03:19 PM
Yeah they've got to do something about the sound in there. Most times I've been there you can't hear a thing.

A few WOOFers may be able to enlighten me - but is there any real gameday benefit to being a social club member? As far as the pre-match goes, it seems to only give me the opportunity to access a room where it is hard to get a drink and they have a player or two come in for an underwhelming interview.

Am I missing something?

I'd probably prefer to just go upstairs to a quieter bar in Access One and watch whatever game is in progress.

14-05-2015, 04:22 PM
A few WOOFers may be able to enlighten me - but is there any real gameday benefit to being a social club member? As far as the pre-match goes, it seems to only give me the opportunity to access a room where it is hard to get a drink and they have a player or two come in for an underwhelming interview.

Am I missing something?

I'd probably prefer to just go upstairs to a quieter bar in Access One and watch whatever game is in progress.

Isn't the Social Club part of the Premiership Gold Package that gives you access to grand Final tickets, should we make it, plus the reserve seating on level two?

14-05-2015, 06:01 PM
Isn't the Social Club part of the Premiership Gold Package that gives you access to grand Final tickets, should we make it, plus the reserve seating on level two?

I'm not sure if you can get SC separate but that's what I have — the Premiership Gold package — and I get it for the seats, not the Victory Room.

One of the problems, of course, with the social club is that we share the stadium, you can only access it at home games and it's not suitable for what the club wants to do in there (i.e. interview players, etc.).

I've been hoping that they tie the SC into Footscray as well to try and build a bit of camaraderie at both games.

14-05-2015, 07:03 PM
You can be apart of the social club and get silver reserved seats which is ground level.

14-05-2015, 08:48 PM
I've had SC since about 2008, but only upgraded to Premiership Gold this year. I like the social club, a decent feed in comfortable surrounds with like-minded footy fans. They've improved the sound for the interviews, was much worse a few years back. If you're seated somewhere near the stage I find it is plenty loud enough. As for the bar queue, IMO it's much worse this year. The first couple of games were no problem, the last couple it has been terrible.

14-05-2015, 10:02 PM
I've mentioned this before and I hate to bang on about it again, but, can the catering company run a workshop with their staff, especially those that work in the Victory Room, to explain the difference between the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the Slow Service of Alcohol. Seriously, trying to get a drink in the social club within an hour of the first bounce takes as long as Matthew Lloyd took for a shot at goal.

It's basically a strategy to fleece the same profit from the customer without risking said customer getting as pissed as they used to in the good ol' days.

15-05-2015, 08:59 AM
Isn't the Social Club part of the Premiership Gold Package that gives you access to grand Final tickets, should we make it, plus the reserve seating on level two?

Yes I know that part of it. Was just asking with regard to the 'gameday benefit'.

15-05-2015, 09:00 AM
Yes I know that part of it. Was just asking with regard to the 'gameday benefit'.

Other than access to the room, can't think of anything else.

15-05-2015, 12:55 PM
$9.40 now for a tiny glass of champy!

(And yes, that's what I drink at the footy -- well, at least I used to -- will be bringing a thermos from home from now on.)

I call discrimination against girly football spectators.

Of Champers?

15-05-2015, 02:59 PM
Of Champers?

Yep. With plastic cups. We are all class. :)

27-01-2016, 01:06 PM
News just in........the AFL is happy with improvements to the match day experience!

Victorian home clubs benefited from access to one kilometre of LED signage at the MCG and Etihad Stadium plus the big screens at key periods on match day.
Among the developments, Carlton's hovercraft was a feature at its home games, the Bombers had a pre-match laser show, the Magpies used fireworks and pyrotechnic displays at night games, the Crows introduced a kids' zone at the south-eastern end of Adelaide Oval while the Brisbane Lions even trialled an inflatable Lion for players to run through.


All absolute winners.

The AFLFA president hits the nail on the head. All people want is a decent game at an affordable price, and if we can avoid being screamed at all the time by betting agencies, and blinded by LED advertising we'll be all the more impressed.

27-01-2016, 01:35 PM
News just in........the AFL is happy with improvements to the match day experience!

Victorian home clubs benefited from access to one kilometre of LED signage at the MCG and Etihad Stadium plus the big screens at key periods on match day.
Among the developments, Carlton's hovercraft was a feature at its home games, the Bombers had a pre-match laser show, the Magpies used fireworks and pyrotechnic displays at night games, the Crows introduced a kids' zone at the south-eastern end of Adelaide Oval while the Brisbane Lions even trialled an inflatable Lion for players to run through.


All absolute winners.

The AFLFA president hits the nail on the head. All people want is a decent game at an affordable price, and if we can avoid being screamed at all the time by betting agencies, and blinded by LED advertising we'll be all the more impressed.

Will they listen to fans and get rid of some of those annoying things like LED and gambling ads.

27-01-2016, 02:10 PM
Will they listen to fans and get rid of some of those annoying things like LED and gambling ads.

Says in the article it costs $12000 a year for the LED signage production costs!,

Are you serious, the only use of the LED signage the club has is the bulldogs running, the name of each player and the GOAL! text.
The rest of the time it's telling us to bet with various agencies or annoying us with moving ads so we can't focus or see the game.
Surely they generate more money than what it costs to enter some values into a program.
Oh wait I forgot this is Etihad. Let me guess, they get all the revenue from advertising. What a brilliant fan friendly initiative that is.

A good summary at the end of the article is this:

"So give them affordable access to games, decent-priced food and ensure that the best seats actually have people sitting in them."

Nothing annoys me more than when seats on level 3 are reserved depending on who you are playing.

Our Collingwood home game last year was an utter disgrace.

Dancin' Douggy
27-01-2016, 02:17 PM
The more they 'ADD' to the experience, the more likely I am to stay at home and watch the TV.

When the advertising becomes more important than the game. When it's bigger and brighter and moves more than the game itself.
It's not 'ADDING' anything. It's detracting.

27-01-2016, 02:54 PM
The best way to add value is to have a reserves match or women's match before the main game. If we wanted to go to a circus we would have, we don't want a circus coming to us.

28-01-2016, 01:25 AM
All their crap about adding to the experience. I stand down on level one and I can't see the stupid LED lighting. I'm near the dunny and the food so on the odd occasion I feel like either I don't miss most of the game waiting. Best spot in the house.

I have a mate with epilepsy. He can't go to the footy any more because of the LED lighting. Can't risk it. How exactly is it fan friendly for him?

09-03-2016, 01:00 PM
Maquire tables a new stadium near MCG and demolish Etihad.

Kennet and PG have their views:

Gordon and Kennett say keep Etihad (http://www.sen.com.au/news/afl/03-16/keep-etihad-stadium-gordon-and-kennett#uLzJ4LiuiiWBXh7Y.97)

Western Bulldogs President Peter Gordon says selling Etihad Stadium would be a loss for footy fans in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

Key stakeholders are looking into a plan by Eddie McGuire to bulldoze Etihad Stadium and build a new $1 billion stadium in the Olympic Park precinct.

"For myself, I still prefer the Docklands as a venue. I think it services the people of the west and the north western suburbs of Melbourne which my club is one," Gordon told SEN Breakfast with Frank and Ox.

The proposed new stadium would sit on the site that currently occupied by Hisense Arena, which would be relocated to above the nearby railway lines, however there is an agreement between Tennis Australia and the Melbourne Olympic Park Trust until 2036 which may put a spanner in the works.

"That being the case, the suggestion of Eddie's in real terms at that location is dead and buried. There is no argument at all to put the Australian Tennis Open at risk of moving from Melbourne," former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett told SEN Breakfast with Frank and Ox.

McGuire's plan is based on the AFL selling the land which Etihad Stadium sits and investing the money in the new stadium at Olympic Park but Gordon says the massive population growth in the west should be enough to convince the AFL to keep its Docklands venue.

"You need to remember the western region of Melbourne is the fastest growing population base in Australia and will be for the next 30 years. The demographic centre of Melbourne is moving westward," he said.

"You need to look at it in a long term way. In the last 20 years there's been remarkable development there (Docklands) and in the next 100 years it's going to be even greater. I'm not one for giving away the current location."

09-03-2016, 01:13 PM
Victoria Stadium!

Eddie couldn't be more see through if he tried.

There needs to be a stadium to service the western to northern sides of the city. The Olympic Park precinct doesn't need it and as Kennett said, there'd be too much disruption within the region meaning the Australian Open would have at least one year of not having a second major court.

09-03-2016, 01:25 PM
Victoria Stadium!

Eddie couldn't be more see through if he tried.

There needs to be a stadium to service the western to northern sides of the city. The Olympic Park precinct doesn't need it and as Kennett said, there'd be too much disruption within the region meaning the Australian Open would have at least one year of not having a second major court.

I can't see anything wrong with Etihad (even though built the wrong way). It is great for viewing footy, just needs to be renovated in the next few years. You get off the train and walk in, how good is that. Save the money and spend it on clubs and training facilities.

PS: The original name of Etihad was going to be Victoria Stadium.

09-03-2016, 01:26 PM
Please god no. I love Etihad and hope its our home for a long long time.

Just so easy to get to and in and out of, the footy played there is awesome and it has a roof.

09-03-2016, 02:11 PM
Please god no. I love Etihad and hope its our home for a long long time.

Just so easy to get to and in and out of, the footy played there is awesome and it has a roof.

Also easier for people coming in from the country by train.

09-03-2016, 02:33 PM
Also easier for people coming in from the country by train.
Certainly is.

09-03-2016, 02:48 PM
Victoria Stadium!

Eddie couldn't be more see through if he tried.

There needs to be a stadium to service the western to northern sides of the city. The Olympic Park precinct doesn't need it and as Kennett said, there'd be too much disruption within the region meaning the Australian Open would have at least one year of not having a second major court.

I like both the Etihad and the MCG and since being a Doggies member for a few years I'm very used to Etihad now and know the ground fairly well. I think as we don't have the biggest supporter base in the comp that it suits us well and that the fact it is just west of the city in what I like to call our inner city heartland (Docklands, West Melbourne etc).

I live in the east and think it's ridiculous when people say they can't get to Etihad. I say it's very easy nearest train to Flinders and another to Southern Cross and your there. It's well served by public transport and is in a central location.

09-03-2016, 07:25 PM
Monopoly Money McGuire..!

The conundrum for the AFL when it gets hold of Etihad is that they'll be left with a $100M odd bill to bring it up to speed. At least as much as you can with a stadium with surface issues and which faces the wrong way..

OR they could simply sell the place for the land for several hundred million, keep the $100M odd and spend that money elsewhere...

If they can con the state government into donating some crown land, then suddenly the blank canvas looks good! Only issue is, what's the point in building a stadium next door to the MCG?!

The far more viable option would be to build a new stadium further up Footscray Road. Just near the Bolte Bridge. There's rail there, it provides a platform for another development and there's even a tram that terminates a few hundred metres from there already.

That proposition crushes Eddie's without even trying..

09-03-2016, 07:30 PM
Monopoly Money McGuire..!

The conundrum for the AFL when it gets hold of Etihad is that they'll be left with a $100M odd bill to bring it up to speed. At least as much as you can with a stadium with surface issues and which faces the wrong way..

OR they could simply sell the place for the land for several hundred million, keep the $100M odd and spend that money elsewhere...

If they can con the state government into donating some crown land, then suddenly the blank canvas looks good! Only issue is, what's the point in building a stadium next door to the MCG?!

The far more viable option would be to build a new stadium further up Footscray Road. Just near the Bolte Bridge. There's rail there, it provides a platform for another development and there's even a tram that terminates a few hundred metres from there already.

That proposition crushes Eddie's without even trying..

The contract states Melbourne Stadium Limited have to hand the stadium over in state of the art condition. No money would need to be invested without prompting a breach of contract.

09-03-2016, 07:34 PM
Why the hell would you bulldoze Etihad,move Hisense arena and build another stadium closer to the 'G that will also have a roof that might hold 60,000 fans.

09-03-2016, 07:34 PM
Yes your right about the tram Webby. I believe Tram 86 goes there from Bundoora to Waterfront City Docklands.

09-03-2016, 09:22 PM
Monopoly Money McGuire..!

The conundrum for the AFL when it gets hold of Etihad is that they'll be left with a $100M odd bill to bring it up to speed. At least as much as you can with a stadium with surface issues and which faces the wrong way..

OR they could simply sell the place for the land for several hundred million, keep the $100M odd and spend that money elsewhere...

If they can con the state government into donating some crown land, then suddenly the blank canvas looks good! Only issue is, what's the point in building a stadium next door to the MCG?!

The far more viable option would be to build a new stadium further up Footscray Road. Just near the Bolte Bridge. There's rail there, it provides a platform for another development and there's even a tram that terminates a few hundred metres from there already.

That proposition crushes Eddie's without even trying..

The contract states Melbourne Stadium Limited have to hand the stadium over in state of the art condition. No money would need to be invested without prompting a breach of contract.

'stache, is it likely this would be void or negotiated out of the terms if an early purchase price was settled upon?

This is how it's going to play out. The AFL and another party will engage the state and federal governments to put together a greenfield private public partnership venture, a new stadium will be built and Docklands will be sold off for real estate value.

We will get shafted on the stadium deal at the new venue, after being forced to move there at gun point.

The proceeds from the Docklands sale will not give the FFC a single lick, even though our shitty deal has seen our supporters subsidise the deals other clubs receive with their hard earned cash.

09-03-2016, 09:23 PM
I haven't looked back through this thread to check, but I reckon I'm sounding like a broken record..............

09-03-2016, 10:20 PM
Flinders Street station I believe is nearest to where the proposed new stadium is going to be - just need to walk a bit but yeah personally it may be good for myself but you need to as I mentioned before think of the bigger picture and build it in a location close to the city where all parts of the city would benefit. Etihad while it still has its critics ticks these boxes pretty well and I've become used to Etihad.

09-03-2016, 10:30 PM
I haven't looked back through this thread to check, but I reckon I'm sounding like a broken record..............

You sound about spot on with your assessment. I was wondering myself what benefit we will get for paying off the stadium. Probably the same benefits renters usually get when they have paid the property off for the owner, chucked out.

09-03-2016, 10:33 PM
'stache, is it likely this would be void or negotiated out of the terms if an early purchase price was settled upon?

Yep, very much so. It's a leverage point in the negotiations for an early buy out that effectively devalues the stadium.

Etihad management make out they're reluctant to sell, which is just rubbish. They'd love to get a big chunk of cash and not have to stump up the costs to upgrade the stadium. The AFL make out they're desperate to buy early to help the clubs getting killed by stadium deals, but that's rubbish too. They don't want to put in big money when they can get it for nothing in 10 years in state of the art condition

When it comes to short term financial self interest it's about the only instance where I believe the AFL will get the best result from a negotiation.

This is how it's going to play out. The AFL and another party will engage the state and federal governments to put together a greenfield private public partnership venture, a new stadium will be built and Docklands will be sold off for real estate value.

We will get shafted on the stadium deal at the new venue, after being forced to move there at gun point.

Sadly I totally agree.

09-03-2016, 10:44 PM
Yep, very much so. It's a leverage point in the negotiations for an early buy out that effectively devalues the stadium.

Etihad management make out they're reluctant to sell, which is just rubbish. They'd love to get a big chunk of cash and not have to stump up the costs to upgrade the stadium. The AFL make out they're desperate to buy early to help the clubs getting killed by stadium deals, but that's rubbish too. They don't want to put in big money when they can get it for nothing in 10 years in state of the art condition

When it comes to short term financial self interest it's about the only instance where I believe the AFL will get the best result from a negotiation.

Sadly I totally agree.

It makes PG's point about renovating the current site, essentially moot.

Any value in the AFL taking over the site early will be foregone by upgrading or renovating it, any value Stadium Management see in the property will be foregone if they hang onto it and have to upgrade it.

This is why it will be knocked down and sold for real estate between now and 2025, saving each the embarrassment of a stalemate. Each party will be involved in the forthcoming PPP with the state and federal governments, and will get the chance to cream it again.

09-03-2016, 10:59 PM
727 728

I will let Eric Cartman explain this for simpletons like me:

09-03-2016, 11:28 PM
727 728

I will let Eric Cartman explain this for simpletons like me:

Haha, I want Underpants Gnomes in there.

Which part are you referring to in particular?

10-03-2016, 12:02 AM
Does no. 4 say big dowa?

10-03-2016, 12:04 AM
The AFL's General attitude when it comes to anything to do with things, clubs or players not breaking codes, laws, rules or finding comfortable satisfaction to impossible thresholds they happened to write or agree to and pretend it's natural God law or something, or how we get screwed from stadium to stadium since 1997 but it's just the way things are (things they make happen and that knobs like Newbold will make worse).

Then of course their four point plan that involves a constant get rich quick scheme for the AFL and big proud clubs like Carlton & Essendon, where we always some how get screwed though and of course finishing with a bro down, or rather get your bro a plum media gig.

I really wanted to post several quotes from the humancentipad episode, such as give me a cuddle, buy me dinner first, get condoms or at least give a courtesy lick before you f*** me again. But alas, despite its accuracy probably fails the no swearing rules of the board.

10-03-2016, 08:17 AM
Does anyone know why Highsense has to be moved in Eddies plan? It seems like an expensive addition to an already expensive plan that wouldn't solve anything as you would still take up just as much space by relocating it.

Also his plan would cost an absolute fortune. Burying Richmond station alone would cost a ridiculous amount, let alone building a huge stadium as well. And imagine the disruption to the PT network while the works happened.

10-03-2016, 08:25 AM
If only there was a stadium less than 10km from the city that had it's own trainline already that had previously hosted AFL games...

10-03-2016, 09:42 AM
It makes PG's point about renovating the current site, essentially moot.

Any value in the AFL taking over the site early will be foregone by upgrading or renovating it, any value Stadium Management see in the property will be foregone if they hang onto it and have to upgrade it.

This is why it will be knocked down and sold for real estate between now and 2025, saving each the embarrassment of a stalemate. Each party will be involved in the forthcoming PPP with the state and federal governments, and will get the chance to cream it again.

I'm not so sure about this part. The unusual variable in the negotiations is the AFL will inherit the stadium for $30 in 10 years, which from their point of view creates a diminishing return on purchasing the stadium at all the more time rolls on. The longer the negotiations take, the more appealing it becomes to just let the 25 year lease expire. I'm not convinced we'll see a sale, unless it's virtually a handover for the balance left over between the real estate value and the upgrade works that are required, which In my estimate would put the exchange in the 2021 range.

I expect the AFL will accuse Etihad management of wanting an unreasonable price, while offering an amount Etihad can easily walk away from, and Etihad will continue to argue the AFL aren't making a reasonable offer. The AFL will shrug their shoulders and tell the impacted clubs "sorry, but we're doing everything we can", all the while waiting it out to inherit millions for nothing. WB, Norf, and St Kilda can scrap to survive, Essendon will still get a good deal, and they'll throw Carlton a handful of premium fixtures each year at the MCG to prop up their stadium returns.

10-03-2016, 10:46 AM
If only there was a stadium less than 10km from the city that had it's own trainline already that had previously hosted AFL games...

Yes that would very ideal situation Mofra. We certainly need to have 2 stadiums near the city.

Remi Moses
10-03-2016, 01:04 PM
Like Etihad personally.
Easy to get to, and the only gridlock is under festival Hall.
Parking is easier, and is very good for transport .
I think that area of the proposed venue is to busy to be honest .

10-03-2016, 04:13 PM
If they want a boutique stadium in the MCG precinct then developing Punt road is the obvious thing to do.

10-03-2016, 04:20 PM
Imagine having an 80,000+ crowd and a 40,000+ crowd all descending to the same train station and car parking area of a Saturday night. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for mine.

10-03-2016, 04:33 PM
Imagine having an 80,000+ crowd and a 40,000+ crowd all descending to the same train station and car parking area of a Saturday night. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for mine.

Agree PP. Why create a situation for having even more people in the precinct than there already is. While for some Doggies supporters it may be more closer than Etihad is it really the better option. Southern Cross station is a much bigger station than the one near the G and is designed to carry a lot more people.

10-03-2016, 05:13 PM
Agree PP. Why create a situation for having even more people in the precinct than there already is. While for some Doggies supporters it may be more closer than Etihad is it really the better option. Southern Cross station is a much bigger station than the one near the G and is designed to carry a lot more people.

Most bulldogs supporters are in the western side of the city so Docklands is far more convenient. It's on the end of Footscray road. From my place in west Footscray it's no more than half an hour by public transport from my door to my seat.

10-03-2016, 05:22 PM
Most bulldogs supporters are in the western side of the city so Docklands is far more convenient. It's on the end of Footscray road. From my place in west Footscray it's no more than half an hour by public transport from my door to my seat.

Yes true and Etihad is more easier for most of our fans to get to. Still with the train from where I am in the east it doesn't seem to take long at all to get to Etihad - very easy. Had no trouble getting to Whitten Oval for the NAB 1 match last year either you can either take the Sunbury or Watergardens line from either Flinders or Southern Cross.

10-03-2016, 05:33 PM
Imagine having an 80,000+ crowd and a 40,000+ crowd all descending to the same train station and car parking area of a Saturday night. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for mine.

Plus storm playing at the rectangle

10-03-2016, 05:35 PM
Plus storm playing at the rectangle

Yes Eddie and co need to take these things in account.

10-03-2016, 05:35 PM
Plus storm playing at the rectangle

True. And a sell out concert at the Tennis Centre. These things would all need to be taken into account - logistical nightmare.

10-03-2016, 09:34 PM
Imagine having an 80,000+ crowd and a 40,000+ crowd all descending to the same train station and car parking area of a Saturday night. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for mine.

And AAMI park in the same area, with Rod Laver potentially also holding an event the same night.

10-03-2016, 10:16 PM
You idiot, Eddie.

11-03-2016, 05:56 AM
Yes true and Etihad is more easier for most of our fans to get to. Still with the train from where I am in the east it doesn't seem to take long at all to get to Etihad - very easy. Had no trouble getting to Whitten Oval for the NAB 1 match last year either you can either take the Sunbury line from either Flinders or Southern Cross.

Or the Watergardens line.

11-03-2016, 08:20 AM
Ballarat to Etihad is as easy as can be, too.

It's also a fortress for us.

Keep it and give us a more equitable deal.

11-03-2016, 11:08 AM
I found the discussion re: Sports Precinct this week to be very annoying.

One bloke with vested interests and no real contribution to to Etihad as a stadium trying to dictate where our home ground should be and further homogenise the game so his club gets its own home stadium etc. #$%^ off.

11-03-2016, 11:34 AM
Or the Watergardens line.

Yep that's right so really no excuse not to be able to get to Etihad. It is also well served by trams as well. Tram 30 goes from St Vincents Plaza to Docklands and only runs on the weekdays but really should be running on the weekends as well which it doesn't currently but still there are a variety of other trams that get you there.

11-03-2016, 12:30 PM
Ballarat to Etihad is as easy as can be, too.

It's also a fortress for us.

Keep it and give us a more equitable deal.
That is the crux of the issue for me. Etihad blows because we are getting completely screwed with our stadium deal. Having said that, I doubt very much that this new proposal will be giving us a more equitable stadium deal - it is bigger for a start, so match day running costs will be even more expensive than they currently are at Etihad.

I personally hate Etihad stadium but from a geographical standpoint it is the natural home for us. But we will always be playing with one hand tied behind our backs for the next 9 years because of the dreadful stadium deal we have in place.

Remi Moses
11-03-2016, 01:55 PM
I was hearing recently the afl have poured over 40 mil in the last two years into Western Sydney wastelands !

11-03-2016, 01:59 PM
I was hearing recently the afl have poured over 40 mil in the last two years into Western Sydney wastelands !

That's a huge amount of money. It's like the NRL doing that in SA and WA which are clearly AFL fanatics like us in Victoria. The NRL aren't really pushing it in those states that don't follow rugby and yet our game AFL is being pushed into areas who don't have an interest in our game.

11-03-2016, 02:17 PM
Another thing I haven't heard picked up on is the irony-cum-arrogance of Collingwood, of late.

A couple of weeks ago, we all recall Collingwood's howls when the Swans moved a single game 25 minutes up the road. Does anyone find it slightly galling that, two weeks later, the Collingwood president is basically demolishing five clubs' home ground and a tennis stadium so as to build a spare play-thing over the road to their own headquarters?

The double standards are staggering..

11-03-2016, 07:21 PM
Etihad needs to stay. What a huge mess it would be if they started taking it down.

Ghost Dog
11-03-2016, 08:03 PM
Melbourne is so P.C. these days, if we had cheerleaders in the AFL, we would have to have 'man-leaders' in the women's game.
FFS which other sport has an explanation of the rules on its scoreboard? AFL is so endearingly insecure.

11-03-2016, 11:38 PM
Melbourne is so P.C. these days, if we had cheerleaders in the AFL, we would have to have 'man-leaders' in the women's game.
FFS which other sport has an explanation of the rules on its scoreboard? AFL is so endearingly insecure.

No idea what the relevance of this is.

12-03-2016, 10:11 PM
Etihad needs to stay. What a huge mess it would be if they started taking it down.
The market will dictate whether or not Etihad stays - agree that it makes no sense to pull it down but if the AFL can sell it for a massive price in 2025 and then get some suckers in the state and federal govts to fund a new stadium they wouldn't blink at the opportunity.

13-03-2016, 08:46 AM
Egate is the logical spot IF a new stadium were ever to be built. Etihad has some fundamental design issues, so if the land values at Etihad more than covered the cost of constructing a new one, Egate is the logical spot.

Think about it. All of Melbourne's Eastern and Southeastern rail traffic funnels through Richmond station - just south of the MCG.
All of Melbourne's Western and Northwestern rail traffic funnels through North Melbourne station.

North Melbourne station is directly north of the Egate area. The Egate area is ripe for development. A causeway footbridge from
north Melbourne station over the rail tracks would service an Egate stadium perfectly. Meanwhile, on the other side of the stadium, a tram already terminates on Footscray Road. Just as us north/westerners need to change at Flinders and get a train one stop to Richmond or Jolimont, south/easterners could change at Southern Cross and get a train one stop to North Melbourne. It's same/same.

It's the perfect place IF the sums eventually suggest Etihad should be demolished and cashed in for the land value.

The pros are that the new stadium can be the impetus for pushing the new development area - just as it was with the Docklands. It also means that the north/western clubs have a ground share location which makes sense, whilst the same applies to the south/eastern clubs at the 'G'.

By north/western clubs, I mean WB, NM, Carl, Ess and Geel (overflow). That's 5 of the 10 Vic clubs.

It also keeps at least a hint of geographical tribalism in place. Something that's completely lost with one big 'precinct'.

13-03-2016, 10:31 AM
While I am not in favour of the knock Etihad down argument if they do the E gate site makes much more sense from a number of perspectives.

1. It doesn't force the ridiculous redevelopment of a major station, and is already serviced by a sufficiently sized station. Even the new Arden station would be close enough to walk to.

2. It no longer "blocks off Docklands" (something I'm not sure is a thing anyway) but is still in close proximity and flows on nicely from where the wheel is located. If they could redevelop E gate and not turn it into some concrete monstrosity it might actually help Docklands.

3. Unlike the MCG precinct there is actually space to put a stadium without having to perform some amazing feat of engineering. There is nowhere in the MCG precinct where you could build the stadium without compromising some other huge facility. Moving Highsense or any other venue makes no sense practically or financially.

4. It would be infinitely cheaper than the ridiculous proposal Eddie is making

5. It does serve the North and West better than another stadium next to the MCG would

6. It places less strain on already busy roads, and would feed nicely into the Western Distributor project as well.

13-03-2016, 11:12 AM
What would be nice for the rail lines moving through Richmond to Flinders street is some greenery. It's the perfect space for an innovative open multi purpose public area or elevated parkland. The value might not seem apparent now, but as the sprawl continues and inner urban areas become more dense the existing green space isn't going to be sufficient for the population.

Long term I think there's better value to the public with a stadium servicing the north and western sides of town that is train accessible and either Docklands or EGate.

16-03-2016, 11:50 AM
I've mentioned this before and I hate to bang on about it again, but, can the catering company run a workshop with their staff, especially those that work in the Victory Room, to explain the difference between the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the Slow Service of Alcohol. Seriously, trying to get a drink in the social club within an hour of the first bounce takes as long as Matthew Lloyd took for a shot at goal.

Yeah, but Mathew Lloyd threw the grass up into air, those guys are probably smoking it.

16-03-2016, 10:57 PM
I bought a regular, small to any reasonable user of English, container of chips and it was tiny. The chips in it were disgusting and we didn't finish them between three of us but that's not the point. Even Donald Trump would look he had huge hands holding one of the regular chip containers at Etihad.

17-03-2016, 08:49 AM
I bought a regular, small to any reasonable user of English, container of chips and it was tiny. The chips in it were disgusting and we didn't finish them between three of us but that's not the point. Even Donald Trump would look he had huge hands holding one of the regular chip containers at Etihad.

Most of the food at Etihad is disgusting. The only thing I like is the steak sandwiches that are sold in the little carts on ground level in one or two spots, however, they are not cheap and sometimes you do feel like a bucket of chips. How hard can it be to make Chips FFS, :mad:

17-03-2016, 10:48 AM
Those congealed, borderline inedible chips are sold at a massive mark-up by Spotless Catering, whose former director was the late Ron Evans, former AFL commissioner. Homebush Stadium, the world's most soulless, unloved and substandard footy ground, is owned by a consortium that includes Mike Fitzpatrick.

Filthy lucre - this is the God that the AFL kneels down and prays to. It is the only thing they care about. If they can make a buck out of selling Etihad in 2025, the wrecking ball will be unleashed with Usain Bolt-style speed.

17-03-2016, 11:29 AM
Those congealed, borderline inedible chips are sold at a massive mark-up by Spotless Catering, whose former director was the late Ron Evans, former AFL commissioner. Homebush Stadium, the world's most soulless, unloved and substandard footy ground, is owned by a consortium that includes Mike Fitzpatrick.

Filthy lucre - this is the God that the AFL kneels down and prays to. It is the only thing they care about. If they can make a buck out of selling Etihad in 2025, the wrecking ball will be unleashed with Usain Bolt-style speed.

Its all greed. I kind of feel sorry for people who don't understand when enough is enough, greed rules their world view and they will never be satisfied, no matter how much of something they have.

A bit like cats eating and eating and eating until all their food is gone because they don't understand or have a concept that the food in their bowl will still be there later.

17-03-2016, 02:20 PM
Most of the food at Etihad is disgusting. The only thing I like is the steak sandwiches that are sold in the little carts on ground level in one or two spots, however, they are not cheap and sometimes you do feel like a bucket of chips. How hard can it be to make Chips FFS, :mad:

The old man convinced me to have a pie, usually I don't eat junk food and certainly not pies for 5 bucks and that's cheap? How is a five dollar pie cheap? But it wasn't bad. Probably hadn't been reheated half a dozen times.

17-03-2016, 03:36 PM
The old man convinced me to have a pie, usually I don't eat junk food and certainly not pies for 5 bucks and that's cheap? How is a five dollar pie cheap? But it wasn't bad. Probably hadn't been reheated half a dozen times.

We just take our own tucker. So much easier too as well as cheaper.

17-03-2016, 03:49 PM
We just take our own tucker. So much easier too as well as cheaper.

Yep. Much healthier too. The amount of sugary and fatty crap we eat (and drink) when we are out is phenomenal. I often wonder if you showed people the actual pile of sugar they are about to ingest in a soft drink if they would go with water everytime

17-03-2016, 03:57 PM
The old man convinced me to have a pie, usually I don't eat junk food and certainly not pies for 5 bucks and that's cheap? How is a five dollar pie cheap? But it wasn't bad. Probably hadn't been reheated half a dozen times.

Pies are only cheap on Sundays TD. They're $3 which is pretty reasonable.

Drinks on the other hand, I bought a bottle of coke on Saturday and handed the guy a $5 note, I was chatting and not paying attention and hadn't noticed he had his hand out for more money. $5.60 is the price this year!

17-03-2016, 04:12 PM
Pies are only cheap on Sundays TD. They're $3 which is pretty reasonable.

Drinks on the other hand, I bought a bottle of coke on Saturday and handed the guy a $5 note, I was chatting and not paying attention and hadn't noticed he had his hand out for more money. $5.60 is the price this year!

So glad I don't drink soft drink. That's extortion.

That's good for a pie.

17-03-2016, 04:17 PM
So glad I don't drink soft drink. That's extortion.

That's good for a pie.

Any meat in those pies. :D

17-03-2016, 04:22 PM
Pies are only cheap on Sundays TD. They're $3 which is pretty reasonable.

Drinks on the other hand, I bought a bottle of coke on Saturday and handed the guy a $5 note, I was chatting and not paying attention and hadn't noticed he had his hand out for more money. $5.60 is the price this year!

$5.60 for 600mls of Soft Drink?

Are they brewing it in-house now?

That's comical.

17-03-2016, 04:26 PM
It's literally half that price in the vending machines at work

17-03-2016, 04:27 PM
I think I stated earlier, $6.50 for a 750ml water. Five times the price of unleaded petrol........

17-03-2016, 06:42 PM
I think I stated earlier, $6.50 for a 750ml water. Five times the price of unleaded petrol........

Yep. I remember you saying.

17-03-2016, 07:15 PM
And it's probably just tap water.

17-03-2016, 08:09 PM
There's a damn good reason why my friend and I pop into DFO before we head to the football.

17-03-2016, 09:45 PM
Those congealed, borderline inedible chips are sold at a massive mark-up by Spotless Catering, whose former director was the late Ron Evans, former AFL commissioner. Homebush Stadium, the world's most soulless, unloved and substandard footy ground, is owned by a consortium that includes Mike Fitzpatrick.

Filthy lucre - this is the God that the AFL kneels down and prays to. It is the only thing they care about. If they can make a buck out of selling Etihad in 2025, the wrecking ball will be unleashed with Usain Bolt-style speed.

Well there definitely needs to be a 2nd stadium to the MCG if that is the case. Im hoping they won't do that and they'll just spend some money on some refurbishments that need doing.

17-03-2016, 09:47 PM
God I'm loving this thread.
Have got a gut ache from laughing so hard. ;)
Usually duck into subway on the concourse ( I think near gate 6 but I could be wrong,it has been nearly 7 months since I last was there :( ) and fill up on a footlong and a cookie before the game. ;)

17-03-2016, 09:49 PM
God I'm loving this thread.
Have got a gut ache from laughing so hard. ;)
Usually duck into subway on the concourse ( I think near gate 6 but I could be wrong,it has been nearly 7 months since I last was there :( ) and fill up on a footlong and a cookie before the game. ;)

I get on and off at Platform 10 at Southern Cross. Are you the same redders70? Yeah I usually get to Etihad hang around outside near gate 5 and then after getting closer to the game go in and get a beer or other times get a bite to eat. Would I be better of getting food outside near Etihad price wise?

17-03-2016, 10:01 PM
I get on and off at Platform 10 at Southern Cross. Are you the same redders70? Yeah I usually get to Etihad hang around outside near gate 5 and then after getting closer to the game go in and get a beer or other times get a bite to eat. Would I be better of getting food outside near Etihad price wise?

Depends Easty.
Dandy line Platform 11 if I've got a bit of time up my sleeve,or yeah 10 on the Glen Waverley line if I'm running late.

17-03-2016, 10:04 PM
I get on and off at Platform 10 at Southern Cross. Are you the same redders70? Yeah I usually get to Etihad hang around outside near gate 5 and then after getting closer to the game go in and get a beer or other times get a bite to eat. Would I be better of getting food outside near Etihad price wise?

Depends Easty.
Dandy line Platform 11 if I've got a bit of time up my sleeve,or yeah 10 on the Glen Waverley line if I'm running late.

You need to upgrade to Social Club and get to the Victory room for a beer. They also serve a meal there, but I have never eaten there. You may run into a few woofers as well. ;)

17-03-2016, 10:08 PM
You need to upgrade to Social Club and get to the Victory room for a beer. They also serve a meal there, but I have never eaten there. You may run into a few woofers as well. ;)

Will definitely do tomorrow B.
Is there a cap on how many members can upgrade to the social club?

17-03-2016, 10:08 PM
Yep first year social club member this year BAD. Definitely will be going in the Victory Room for a beer this season and even something to eat. Should be great. Primarily got it for the guaranteed GF ticket if we participate in the GF.

17-03-2016, 10:09 PM
Will definitely do tomorrow B.
Is there a cap on how many members can upgrade to the social club?

There usually is a cap, so make sure you get in.

17-03-2016, 10:23 PM
Sons of the West put on a pretty good spread at a couple of games last year. Sandwiches, wraps, fruit, water that sort of thing

17-03-2016, 10:34 PM
Yep. I remember you saying.

The only good thing about the over priced pies was seeing your old man turn it from a one hand item to a genuine two hand concern. I don't think I've seen anyone spread a pie so well in my life! :)

17-03-2016, 10:35 PM
Will definitely do tomorrow B.
Is there a cap on how many members can upgrade to the social club?

10,000 but many of the premium type memberships have a social club membership included e.g. premiership gold, Top Dogs etc

17-03-2016, 11:10 PM
You need to upgrade to Social Club and get to the Victory room for a beer. They also serve a meal there, but I have never eaten there. You may run into a few woofers as well. ;)

I'm in the SC most home games. Meals are OK, some weeks better than others. Comfy setting, proper cutlery...like minded Bulldog folk.... It's good.

18-03-2016, 05:35 AM
The only good thing about the over priced pies was seeing your old man turn it from a one hand item to a genuine two hand concern. I don't think I've seen anyone spread a pie so well in my life! :)

Yep. He certainly made a meal of it!;)

18-03-2016, 07:54 AM
10,000 but many of the premium type memberships have a social club membership included e.g. premiership gold, Top Dogs etc

So with premiership gold, Top Dogs etc social is automatically included where as with the other levels of membership Sliver, Bronze reserved seats, Footscray End, GA you need to add it on.

18-03-2016, 08:08 AM
Depends Easty.
Dandy line Platform 11 if I've got a bit of time up my sleeve,or yeah 10 on the Glen Waverley line if I'm running late.

Yeah I'm on the Belgrave/Lilydale line so P10 it is. Always a good number coming in on my train and when I take the train home after games plenty of red white and blue.

18-03-2016, 09:57 AM
Richmond reveals grand plan for 40,000-seat stadium at Punt Rd
March 17, 2016 7:05pm


RICHMOND has proposed a glittering third stadium for Melbourne as an alternative to Eddie McGuire’s proposed 60,000-seat extravaganza across the railway tracks.
The Tigers’ Punt Rd Oval master plan centres on a new stadium with up to 40,000 seats and a fans’ zone area between the ground and the neighbouring MCG.

Importantly, Richmond railway station is part of the redevelopment plan.
“Is a third stadium worth exploring? I don’t know, that will be up to the AFL, but we want to be in the discussion,’’ Tigers chief executive Brendon Gale told the Herald Sun.
An architect’s impression of how Punt Rd Oval would look as a 40,000-seat AFL venue, with a rejuvenated Richmond station as part of the master plan. (http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/503f4a816852bc8bcf1e850bc2780ff9?width=650)
Former AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou was a key supporter of the plans when they were mooted in 2013 and the cost of an 18,000-seat stadium was put at $180 million.

A capacity increased to 40,000 would mean a blowout to an estimated $380 million.
It is understood senior AFL officials have seen architects’ drawings, revealed by the Herald Sun.
Funding would be expected to come from the AFL and the State Government and would not require the sale of Etihad Stadium, like the McGuire plan.
Gale said Punt Rd was an obvious choice for a third venue.
“We are in the process of developing a master plan for this precinct,” Gale said.
“Back in 2013, Demetriou was the driver of this and the attraction for them was having a lower capacity, lower cost stadium for smaller fixtures.

“And also stadium economics and finances are the biggest driver of disparity of wealth (among clubs) and we could try to address that by having a third venue.
“So, Andrew said ‘would you be interested in having a look at it for Punt Rd?’
“Punt Rd should be in the frame. It’s an existing venue, it wouldn’t require the selling of Etihad, and the Richmond railway station has been the agenda for a number of years and maybe this gives the government the opportunity to redevelop that.”

The debate ignited when Collingwood president McGuire suggested a new stadium on the Hisense Arena site prompted the Richmond senior management to put the Punt Rd plans back on the agenda at a meeting two weeks ago. The MCC was also briefed.
There is no State Government engagement as yet, but Gale believes Premier Daniel Andrews, who is also a supporter in principle of McGuire’s stadium plan, should be a substantial funds contributor.

“The economic impact of this game is huge, $3 billion, half a million members, how many fans are there in Victoria?’’ Gale said.
“This game is a huge driver of this economy. And I think we’re entitled to question the extent our government invests in football relative to other states.”

It is understood the AFL favours a refurbishment of Etihad Stadium rather than selling it and building at Hisense Arena, and Gale agrees.

“Our personal view is we keep Etihad Stadium,” he said.
“It’s going to be worth $1 billion and we’ve got an 18th share in that in 2026. It’s a huge asset for the competition.
“So, what’s attractive about this is the capacity of maybe 40,000, which would support the business models of some clubs.”
McGuire’s plan, which would cost an estimated $1 billion, has the support of several clubs and major events king Ron Walker.
But not everyone believes it would be the right move. Former Premier Jeff Kennett has said the idea was already “dead and buried”.

The Tigers have a lease at Punt Rd and would use it as club HQ and training ground.
They believe a redevelopment of the railway station, with a new stadium on the way to the MCG, would enhance one of the world’s best sporting precincts.

18-03-2016, 11:23 AM
Given he believes Richmond have a "one eighteenth" share in the spoils of Docklands being AFL owned in 2026 I'm sure he'll be happy to split the financial windfalls of his Punt Road development with the rest of the competition.

This is the thing that pisses me off most about the Docklands stadium changing hands. Basically every club in the league believes it deserves a piece of the pie, but only a few clubs and their supporters have done the heavy lifting to pay for the bloody thing. All the while other clubs have benefited from better stadium deals and fixtures. It's crap.

18-03-2016, 11:53 AM
The Punt Rd Oval thing was just a leverage vehicle for the AFL to bully Etihad Stadium management into selling early. Typical Demetriou. It's an impractical location to fit a sufficiently sized stadium.

The best play is to keep Etihad after handover, run it down a bit for a few years and then sell it for the land value prior to building something in the inner northwest. The AFL could even do it via a developer in return for the stadium being turned over to them as a turnkey on the day they hand over Etihad.

Now that Collingwood and Richmond have had a half arsed crack at lobbying, I look forward to he Dogs, North and perhaps Carlton making a joint pitch for Egate. If they're smart.

18-03-2016, 12:19 PM
Yawn, the AFL-sanctioned 24-hour news cycle at work.

18-03-2016, 12:48 PM
The Punt Rd Oval thing was just a leverage vehicle for the AFL to bully Etihad Stadium management into selling early. Typical Demetriou. It's an impractical location to fit a sufficiently sized stadium.

The best play is to keep Etihad after handover, run it down a bit for a few years and then sell it for the land value prior to building something in the inner northwest. The AFL could even do it via a developer in return for the stadium being turned over to them as a turnkey on the day they hand over Etihad.

Now that Collingwood and Richmond have had a half arsed crack at lobbying, I look forward to he Dogs, North and perhaps Carlton making a joint pitch for Egate. If they're smart.

The E-gate pitch as you say Webby would be a smart move.

18-03-2016, 03:16 PM
Yawn, the AFL-sanctioned 24-hour news cycle at work.

True words there Sedat.

18-03-2016, 03:27 PM
Egate is the logical spot IF a new stadium were ever to be built. Etihad has some fundamental design issues, so if the land values at Etihad more than covered the cost of constructing a new one, Egate is the logical spot.

Think about it. All of Melbourne's Eastern and Southeastern rail traffic funnels through Richmond station - just south of the MCG.
All of Melbourne's Western and Northwestern rail traffic funnels through North Melbourne station.

North Melbourne station is directly north of the Egate area. The Egate area is ripe for development. A causeway footbridge from
north Melbourne station over the rail tracks would service an Egate stadium perfectly. Meanwhile, on the other side of the stadium, a tram already terminates on Footscray Road. Just as us north/westerners need to change at Flinders and get a train one stop to Richmond or Jolimont, south/easterners could change at Southern Cross and get a train one stop to North Melbourne. It's same/same.

It's the perfect place IF the sums eventually suggest Etihad should be demolished and cashed in for the land value.

The pros are that the new stadium can be the impetus for pushing the new development area - just as it was with the Docklands. It also means that the north/western clubs have a ground share location which makes sense, whilst the same applies to the south/eastern clubs at the 'G'.

By north/western clubs, I mean WB, NM, Carl, Ess and Geel (overflow). That's 5 of the 10 Vic clubs.

It also keeps at least a hint of geographical tribalism in place. Something that's completely lost with one big 'precinct'.

Still very easy for Dogs supporters from the other end of town to get to. As you say Webby train to Southern Cross then change over to the Watergardens etc line and get off at the next stop pretty much.

18-03-2016, 03:47 PM
Whats/ where E-gate?

18-03-2016, 03:53 PM
Whats/ where E-gate?

This might help azabob.


E-Gate is a world class 20 hectare development opportunity on the edge of Melbourne’s CBD. An Expression of Interest to develop this unique site was released on Monday 27 October 2014.

The opportunity

E-Gate is a world class 20 hectare development opportunity on the edge of Melbourne’s CBD.

E-Gate will be a mixed use, inner city precinct combining residential, retail, commercial, and community uses.

Development of E-Gate will capitalise on the site’s close proximity to North Melbourne Railway Station, CityLink, tram and bus lines and the Capital City Trail. A new bridge connecting E-Gate with North Melbourne Station and West Melbourne will provide primary access to the Metropolitan rail network.

This is your opportunity to deliver a fantastic 21st century extension to Melbourne’s central city and capitalise on the strong demand for inner-city living.

Read More



Directly between the suburbs of Docklands and West Melbourne is a rail freight yard that is used by both Metro and Bluescope Steel. The yard is bounded by Footscray Road, CityLink, the Metro train line into North Melbourne Station and Dudley Street. Access to the railyard is through "E" gate on Footscray Rd.

In recent times the State Government and Major Projects Victoria have been working on the business case for the sale of this 22-hectare site. Current proposals on the Major Projects Victoria website suggest "E-Gate" could eventually be home to 10,000 residents and 50,000-square-metres of commercial and retail space.

Western Connection welcomes the development of this land... most residents in West Melbourne and Docklands will not miss the noise of trains shunting and cranes beeping late into the night.

How E-Gate is developed is the important question. Will E-Gate simply become another insular collection of high-rise apartment and office spaces, built for maximum investor return with minimal consideration for the longterm welfare of the resulting community? If so, then chances are E-Gate will simply become another Docklands... a lonely, soulless canyon on the city's fringe.

The problem we see with the current plans is a lack of integration between E-Gate and the surrounding communities. Like Docklands, E-Gate could become another island, bordered by trains to the north and Footscray Road to the south.

Early plans for E-Gate also suggest that parkland is planned for the west (CityLink) end of the site. This parkland is to be built on the edge of the Moonee Ponds creek so that it can be part of a local flood plain. Again, this does little to address the need for parkland that is central and easy to access for most residents living along the West of Melbourne's CBD.

18-03-2016, 03:56 PM
Nothing wrong with Etihad at all. Just upgrade it in a few years time and give the tenants a better deal and run the stadium properly.

18-03-2016, 04:20 PM
Any meat in those pies. :D

Meat, technically yes, beef, no. :)

18-03-2016, 04:21 PM
Nothing wrong with Etihad at all. Just upgrade it in a few years time and give the tenants a better deal and run the stadium properly.

And let people get access to decent seats and stop selling off reserved seats to opposition clubs.

18-03-2016, 09:43 PM
Whats/ where E-gate?

"Egate" is a piss poor name given to the "nothing" space directly south of NM station. It's ripe for development, would add to Melbourne's repertoire as the best city in the world (if done properly) and would benefit the western side of the city... Albeit at the inconvenience of the odd entitled Toorak dill. (Eddie, you used to be cool.... About 35 years ago when you were a true Broadmeadows boy, catching the train to work through NM station.)

Life's about progress, not about lining the pockets of the Melbourne boys' club.

IF Etihad is demolished and cashed in for the land value, a new stadium HAS to be on the north/west side of town. You know it makes sense!

18-03-2016, 09:47 PM
"Egate" is a piss poor name given to the "nothing" space directly south of NM station. It's ripe for development, would add to Melbourne's repertoire as the best city in the world (if done properly) and would benefit the western side of the city... Albeit at the inconvenience of the odd entitled Toorak dill. (Eddie, you used to be cool.... About 35 years ago when you were a true Broadmeadows boy, catching the train to work through NM station.)

Life's about progress, not about lining the pockets of the Melbourne boys' club.

IF Etihad is demolished and cashed in for the land value, a new stadium HAS to be on the north/west side of town. You know it makes sense!

Eddie has become more Toorakised and the Broadmedowiness isn't in him that much :D:D

18-03-2016, 10:59 PM
Meat, technically yes, beef, no. :)


18-03-2016, 11:00 PM
Meat, technically yes, beef, no. :)


18-03-2016, 11:02 PM

There's even less meat in a Etihad stadium pie.

18-03-2016, 11:08 PM
"Egate" is a piss poor name given to the "nothing" space directly south of NM station. It's ripe for development, would add to Melbourne's repertoire as the best city in the world (if done properly) and would benefit the western side of the city... Albeit at the inconvenience of the odd entitled Toorak dill. (Eddie, you used to be cool.... About 35 years ago when you were a true Broadmeadows boy, catching the train to work through NM station.)

Life's about progress, not about lining the pockets of the Melbourne boys' club.

IF Etihad is demolished and cashed in for the land value, a new stadium HAS to be on the north/west side of town. You know it makes sense!

Egate doesn't exist on google maps so it might not be the official name.* What was there before?
What would be a better name?

*found it. Egate reactive. Whatever a reactive is.

18-03-2016, 11:14 PM
Egate doesn't exist on google maps so it might not be the official name. What was there before?

What would be a better name?

1. Just google map north Melbourne station and look directly SW of it.

2. A better name for "Egate" is East Footscray, imo.... Or perhaps "Western Melbourne.."

19-03-2016, 12:04 AM
1. Just google map north Melbourne station and look directly SW of it.

2. A better name for "Egate" is East Footscray, imo.... Or perhaps "Western Melbourne.."

That would be a cool name for the area.

19-03-2016, 02:22 PM
We would then have Docklands, West Melbourne and East Footscray as the new suburb which was formally part of West Melbourne.

19-03-2016, 02:45 PM
1. Just google map north Melbourne station and look directly SW of it.

2. A better name for "Egate" is East Footscray, imo.... Or perhaps "Western Melbourne.."

There are west and North Footscray. Why shouldn't there be a East Footscray? While we are at it we could change North Mebourne train station to South East Footscray station.

We need a South Footscray now. I'm thinking Williamstown. Footscray needs a beach.

Axe Man
23-03-2016, 09:51 AM
Good news if true.

Eddie McGuire plan for boutique stadium next to the MCG hits grand hurdle (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/more-news/eddie-mcguire-plan-for-boutique-stadium-next-to-the-mcg-hits-grand-hurdle/news-story/1e9a7a555038b69581659fc7fde507cf#load-story-comments)

EDDIE McGuire's grand plan has hit a grand hurdle.

The AFL plans to spend $100-plus million on Etihad Stadium and not knock it down.

In fact, popular opinion has it the AFL will purchase Etihad by the end of the 2017 season — eight years ahead of schedule — and that the asking price and the selling price at the moment is as little as $20m apart.

It means plenty on the back of a $2.5 billion media rights injection.

It means the AFL can get hold of Etihad, spend the required money to improve the facility with help, they hope, from the Sate Government and, most important of all, fix the tenancy deals of Carlton, the Western Bulldogs, North Melbourne, St Kilda and to a lesser extent Essendon, which signed the first and most advantageous deal.

It means that while McGuire's stadium extravaganza would be sensational for Melbourne, it would appear to be pie in the sky — at the moment.

Eddie's stadium hinges on the sale of Etihad Stadium.

The AFL has told clubs they're not in favour of selling Etihad.

The McGuire blueprint is not entirely dead, but it would require the State Government contributing significantly to the project.

But does Dan Andrews spend $500m, for example, on a new stadium or fix up the roads, or schools, or hospitals, child care or public transport?

The AFL put the stadiums on the agenda at a meeting of presidents and chief executives last week and several of the top brass were bewildered by what one called the ''fixation'' from McGuire on a new stadium.

Another wondered why would you would knock down one stadium and simply build another.

The fact is it's not about which stadium, it's about which stadium will give the best deals for the clubs.

And it's about who pays for the stadium. Hello again, Mr Andrews.

Carlton, St Kilda, the Bulldogs etc would play on Mars if they could get a Geelong deal.

The Cats, when stages four and five are complete at Simonds Stadium, will make $1m-plus per game profit on the back of signage and catering and gate and whatever else makes them money because they run the stadium holus-bolus.

The Blues have to pay Etihad if they want to put a sponsor on the scoreboard.

It's a sick joke for the tenant clubs and an embarrassment for the league and whomever else allowed theses deals to be done in the first place. All the time, equalisation in the form of handouts, taxes, levies, distributions continue to muddy the AFL environment.

The AFL wants equalisation, yet how can it be that Carlton lost $2.7m last year, is $6m in debt, and will have to pay $350,000 to the equalisation fund this year.

The Cats lost $3.2m and will have to pay $400,000 in tax.

Equalisation is the buzz word of the past 18 months, but while Carlton, the Bulldogs, the Saints etc, have to scrounge for every dollar while playing home games at Etihad Stadium, the equalisation compass will wave out of control.

The AFL's current position also harms Richmond's hopes for a spanking new stadium at Punt Rd. It could be a goer if the AFL wanted a third ground, but the AFL can't justify a third ground.

What hopes Carlton had of reopening Princes Park will also stagger.

The Blues believe a new railway station at the hospitals on Royal Pde is in the next state budget and that could help build their case as a third venue. It probably won't.

All this talk comes at a critical juncture for the AFL and the clubs. Everyone wants a dollar, and not least the Players Association, but how bout we fix equalisation first, which means fixing stadium deals, which means Etihad Stadium is too crucial to tear down.

Happy Days
23-03-2016, 10:18 AM
Yawn, the AFL-sanctioned 24-hour news cycle at work.

I know right? When are they going to get back to the real issues; who *is* going to be the best of the young gun forwards anyway?

30-04-2016, 07:07 PM
Update :

30-04-2016, 09:00 PM
I don't think the state government should be contributing to the buy out and upgrade of the Docklands Stadium. Surely, a state government should have much higher priorities for the use of scarce resources than this.

Melbourne only needs the two stadiums, the G and the Docklands. 6 games a weekend can be played, that should be plenty to cover any fixture for a round.

Profitability of Docklands should be a major goal. Perhaps the AFL shouldn't go overboard with the upgrade, just do enough to keep the Stadium well maintained.

30-04-2016, 09:49 PM
I don't think the state government should be contributing to the buy out and upgrade of the Docklands Stadium. Surely, a state government should have much higher priorities for the use of scarce resources than this.

Melbourne only needs the two stadiums, the G and the Docklands. 6 games a weekend can be played, that should be plenty to cover any fixture for a round.

Profitability of Docklands should be a major goal. Perhaps the AFL shouldn't go overboard with the upgrade, just do enough to keep the Stadium well maintained.

If the public retrieves a benefit outside of what the AFL derives as profit from the stadium then the public purse should be expected to pay for the additional benefit.

Think of this like you'd think of a freeway built by a private consortium, but in this case the private sector is engaging the public sector to get it off the ground.

30-04-2016, 10:31 PM
If the public retrieves a benefit outside of what the AFL derives as profit from the stadium then the public purse should be expected to pay for the additional benefit.

Think of this like you'd think of a freeway built by a private consortium, but in this case the private sector is engaging the public sector to get it off the ground.

I'm just not sure what the public benefit is that requires government money being ploughed into a revamp of this stadium. I can get community sporting and recreation facilities as a pubic benefit but need to be shown how this would apply to Docklands Stadium and how such significant sums of money could be prioritised towards this ahead of all the other things state government has to deliver.

30-04-2016, 11:08 PM
I'm just not sure what the public benefit is that requires government money being ploughed into a revamp of this stadium. I can get community sporting and recreation facilities as a pubic benefit but need to be shown how this would apply to Docklands Stadium and how such significant sums of money could be prioritised towards this ahead of all the other things state government has to deliver.

It's probably best we don't get bogged down in a conversation about macro economics, especially when there's no proposal tabled.

I'd love the government to spend money on things other than sporting stadiums and surrounding areas too, but I'm a pragmatist.

30-04-2016, 11:57 PM
I don't think the state government should be contributing to the buy out and upgrade of the Docklands Stadium. Surely, a state government should have much higher priorities for the use of scarce resources than this.

Melbourne only needs the two stadiums, the G and the Docklands. 6 games a weekend can be played, that should be plenty to cover any fixture for a round.

Profitability of Docklands should be a major goal. Perhaps the AFL shouldn't go overboard with the upgrade, just do enough to keep the Stadium well maintained.

You don't think the Government has contributed money towards building stadiums at the MCG, or what about the $20 million (Fed and State) towards VU Whitten Oval.

01-05-2016, 12:00 AM
You don't think the Government has contributed money towards building stadiums at the MCG, or what about the $20 million (Fed and State) towards VU Whitten Oval.

I see more public good coming from the WO than Ettihad though

01-05-2016, 12:24 AM
I see more public good coming from the WO than Ettihad though

What - if any - will the stamp duty be for the changing hands or sale of Docklands?

You could imagine the government getting pretty keen about chipping in if there was.........

01-05-2016, 10:58 AM
You don't think the Government has contributed money towards building stadiums at the MCG, or what about the $20 million (Fed and State) towards VU Whitten Oval.

I can see genuine public benefit in the Western Oval transformation, the facility was in a very, very poor state prior, close to being condemned. The redev included a child care centre, restoration and creation of public parkland, locker room facilities for community sporting groups who use the ground, paved parking and sealed roads. There is also a basketball/netball facility - was that part of the redevelopment? And it is out in the suburbs.

Docklands stadium is a different kettle of fish. As I wrote, I would have to see the detail to understand if there was genuine public benefit or whether it is just our government ploughing public funds into corporate box land.

01-05-2016, 11:04 AM
Yep the community sporting centre was built as part of the redevelopment. It's a good facility too. Apart from anything else the competition prompted the local YMCA to upgrade and offer more services.

01-05-2016, 11:56 AM
I can see genuine public benefit in the Western Oval transformation, the facility was in a very, very poor state prior, close to being condemned. The redev included a child care centre, restoration and creation of public parkland, locker room facilities for community sporting groups who use the ground, paved parking and sealed roads. There is also a basketball/netball facility - was that part of the redevelopment? And it is out in the suburbs.

Docklands stadium is a different kettle of fish. As I wrote, I would have to see the detail to understand if there was genuine public benefit or whether it is just our government ploughing public funds into corporate box land.

The government will have more say and more concerts and events will be held their without paying huge cost to the owner, thus more profit and a huge resource.

01-05-2016, 12:09 PM
I see more public good coming from the WO than Ettihad though

Would love to play a home game a Whitten Oval every season as my avatar says but don't think it will happen now.

18-06-2016, 12:39 PM
Etihad Stadium $300m revamp plans unveiled (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/etihad-stadium-300m-revamp-plans-unveiled/news-story/58b7f7cd8edc60515bed660222014280)

THE AFL’s plans for a $300 million revamp of Etihad Stadium include a new waterside stadium gateway, open-air bars, restaurants, parks and a running track.
A secret AFL proposal handed to the Andrews Government, which has been obtained by the Herald Sun, outlines the massive revamp of the run-down stadium.
AFL chiefs have presented a glossy 32-page document, titled “Docklands Reimagined”, to Premier Daniel Andrews and Sport Minister John Eren.
The league hopes the Etihad overhaul will kill off a rival plan from Collingwood president Eddie McGuire to build a $1 billion new stadium near the MCG.

Under the AFL’s proposal:
$300m would be pumped into rejuvenating Etihad Stadium and the precinct;
THE arena would open out to Harbour Esplanade and a sprawling waterfront entertainment zone;
A RUNNING track would wind its way around the ground, a giant rock climbing wall built, with grassed parkland; and
COMMUNITY yoga classes on the Etihad playing surface are also in the document.


.http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/398e5ffeac449c66d72e3d9845e1399c?width=650 pitch .

The revamp will not see any increase to the 54,000-seat capacity but the facade and stands will be upgraded once the AFL wrests control of the venue from its private owners.
“Etihad Stadium is tired and run down,” the pitch document concedes.
“It is 16 years old and provides fans an experience for the year 2000 — not 2016 and beyond.
“It’s not fully integrated into the Docklands precinct, Melbourne’s CBD and the waterfront.
“It does not provide a 365-day destination for the Victorian community. The stadium has never truly reached its potential.”
The AFL hints that a revamped Etihad Stadium would be a major vote winner for the government.
“Involvement in this project would ensure the Andrews Government’s legacy as a dynamic, visionary government,” the document says.
“Importantly, this would be achieved for a fraction of the cost of stadium projects in other states.”


They show the planned $300 million revamp of Etihad Stadium.McGuire’s rival plan involves the bulldozing and sale of Etihad and construction of a 60,000-seat venue in Melbourne Park.
The AFL will buy Etihad Stadium for just $30 in March 2025 under the
terms of the deal struck by the Kennett government in the 1990s.
Negotiations between the AFL and Etihad’s ownership consortium about an early buyout of the Docklands ground are ongoing.
McGuire is pushing ahead with his rival pitch.
“I’ve had enough encouragement from senior people to continue to roll on with discussions,” McGuire admitted to the Herald Sun on Friday night.


18-06-2016, 03:29 PM
THE AFL’s plans for a $300 million revamp of Etihad Stadium include a new waterside stadium gateway,
Obviously a typo but made me think this was an Onion style joke article

19-06-2016, 04:43 PM
Hopefully will secure a better deal soon at Etihad Stadium.

With the plan itself it looks like they want to update the Docklands-Inner Western part of the city and revitalise the entire precinct.

07-10-2016, 09:48 AM
Reports are that the AFL have brought the stadium and will have control by Christmas. Announcement today

07-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Reports are that the AFL have brought the stadium and will have control by Christmas. Announcement today

Do your thing, Gordo.

07-10-2016, 10:02 AM
Do your thing, Gordo.

Reports are that the AFL have brought the stadium and will have control by Christmas. Announcement today

Good news. We need to start making money on the good crowd numbers we are now seeing. Perfect timing for us to argue for a much better deal.

07-10-2016, 10:17 AM
Good news. We need to start making money on the good crowd numbers we are now seeing. Perfect timing for us to argue for a much better deal.

Surely this puts a line through selling games to Cairns now?

Time to focus on our heartland and the Ballarat expansion.

07-10-2016, 10:19 AM
Just wondering were we already making some profit though from Etihad having crowds in excess of 25K maybe not but anyway this is good news as finally we have some bargaining power for a better deal at Etihad.

07-10-2016, 10:28 AM
We have also been successful with TV ratings


07-10-2016, 10:33 AM
Are we turning into a powerhouse?

07-10-2016, 10:38 AM
Are we turning into a powerhouse?

Need to take advantage of this.

07-10-2016, 10:40 AM
Surely this puts a line through selling games to Cairns now?

Time to focus on our heartland and the Ballarat expansion.

I hope so, I really hope so.

07-10-2016, 10:41 AM
We have also been successful with TV ratings


Time to hand that to Ch7, AFL and every large company with advertising dollars. That's monumental!

07-10-2016, 10:41 AM
Are we turning into a powerhouse?

If get a couple more large sponsors and get to 50,000 members. We will be the newest big club.

07-10-2016, 10:47 AM

07-10-2016, 11:06 AM
Perfect time for a major renegotiation IMO

07-10-2016, 11:22 AM
Hopefully this is a real bonus for tenant clubs, but I'm not totally convinced it will turn out that way.

The AFL are investing a significant sum of money into the stadium and it's just as likely they'll use the profits from its operations to recoup their investment. They may greatly improve the returns to the clubs, but that will come from the revenue they receive themselves, or they may choose to marginally increase club returns as a token publicity gesture and keep the rest for themselves. We're relying on the generosity of the AFL to do the right thing, and if there's one thing you can be confident of when it comes to the AFL, they'll look after themselves first, second, and third before they worry about Victorian clubs.

07-10-2016, 12:17 PM
Hopefully this is a real bonus for tenant clubs, but I'm not totally convinced it will turn out that way.

The AFL are investing a significant sum of money into the stadium and it's just as likely they'll use the profits from its operations to recoup their investment. They may greatly improve the returns to the clubs, but that will come from the revenue they receive themselves, or they may choose to marginally increase club returns as a token publicity gesture and keep the rest for themselves. We're relying on the generosity of the AFL to do the right thing, and if there's one thing you can be confident of when it comes to the AFL, they'll look after themselves first, second, and third before they worry about Victorian clubs.

Couldn't agree more. Fans will rejoice about this today, but I'm majorly sceptical and will believe the increase in revenue when I see it.

07-10-2016, 12:28 PM
Couldn't agree more. Fans will rejoice about this today, but I'm majorly sceptical and will believe the increase in revenue when I see it.

I've had a few people say to me that we might regret moving into Ballarat given the Etihad news today.

Grey's sentiment is exactly why we need to continue exploring new revenue opportunities.

07-10-2016, 12:33 PM
My thoughts on this are well enough known, and I tend to agree with Grey on the likely outcome from the sale.

It's really disappointing that our club, along with the Saints and Norf, won't get the recognition deserved for subsidising the viability of the stadium over time, and essentially driving the AFL's position to purchase it for the price it has negotiated. Without our clubs being ripped off, the AFL wouldn't have been able to do so for another half decade.

07-10-2016, 01:51 PM
Hopefully this is a real bonus for tenant clubs, but I'm not totally convinced it will turn out that way.

The AFL are investing a significant sum of money into the stadium and it's just as likely they'll use the profits from its operations to recoup their investment. They may greatly improve the returns to the clubs, but that will come from the revenue they receive themselves, or they may choose to marginally increase club returns as a token publicity gesture and keep the rest for themselves. We're relying on the generosity of the AFL to do the right thing, and if there's one thing you can be confident of when it comes to the AFL, they'll look after themselves first, second, and third before they worry about Victorian clubs.

The AFL negotiated a fantastic deal for us when we first went to the Stadium. :D:D