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01-03-2018, 08:58 AM
I always thought that GWS had made a fundamental error in putting together their first squad and that is they added no grunt. The list was full of first round talent but not one of those kids had ever fought for anything in their footy lifes. Never struggled to stay on a list, or fought to stay in the team.

And when the game was on the line it was always Morris or Picken or Boyd that saved us. The Rookie List boys.

02-03-2018, 12:32 AM
I always thought that GWS had made a fundamental error in putting together their first squad and that is they added no grunt. The list was full of first round talent but not one of those kids had ever fought for anything in their footy lifes. Never struggled to stay on a list, or fought to stay in the team.

And when the game was on the line it was always Morris or Picken or Boyd that saved us. The Rookie List boys.

And blokes that made a career on being fringe players like Wood, Dickson and Smith.

It was Liam Picken's smother that set up Macrae's winner.

02-03-2018, 12:43 AM
And blokes that made a career on being fringe players like Wood, Dickson and Smith.

It was Liam Picken's smother that set up Macrae's winner.

And it was Matty Boyd's kick out of mid air that hit up JJ to stream down the field. Both Rookie Listers who weren't going to leave anything on the ground. None of those blokes were going to die wondering.

02-03-2018, 12:47 AM
And it was Matty Boyd's kick out of mid air that hit up JJ to stream down the field. Both Rookie Listers who weren't going to leave anything on the ground. None of those blokes were going to die wondering.

And set it up in the first place by intercepting Gryphon's handball inside 50.

Fellow Rookie Tadgh Kennelly went nuts over that passage of play in the ABC commentary box.

02-03-2018, 12:06 PM
Hey Danny, thanks for doing well above and beyond your bit for our club, it is hugely appreciated by all of us.

Preimierships are decided by micro percentages, every little bit helps and your work was one of the things which got the entire football world behind us.

02-03-2018, 12:18 PM
Glad we've decided to move on, this type of thing only has a finite life span and Danny has done well to get as much out of it as he has.

Well done Danny, good luck on your next move.

02-03-2018, 12:21 PM
I'm not fussed at all. Didn't find his banners that funny or clever. One exception - the PF one, that was an absolute pearler.
I liked his Collingwood one - the reference to swooping season.

The Swans one (pubs close at 8) was very good too. It was certainly a step up from our previous banners.

06-03-2018, 01:08 AM
Why do we have banners at all?

I liked what he did, and maybe it's time to move on, but if we're contemplating the shift back to mundane "we'll bring the bite, you bring the bark" kind of rubbish banners, I'd say save the money and don't bother doing one anymore.

06-03-2018, 10:37 AM
Why do we have banners at all?

I liked what he did, and maybe it's time to move on, but if we're contemplating the shift back to mundane "we'll bring the bite, you bring the bark" kind of rubbish banners, I'd say save the money and don't bother doing one anymore.

A unique part of our game.

07-03-2018, 11:41 AM
And set it up in the first place by intercepting Gryphon's handball inside 50.

Fellow Rookie Tadgh Kennelly went nuts over that passage of play in the ABC commentary box.

It's almost my favorite passage of commentary from the whole finals series. It would have been better if I'd understood any of the words he said but golly he's excited and he doesn't hold back. Kennelly calls football like a horse race in that's it's more about what's going to happen than telling us what's just happened like tradional commentry.

The Adelaide Connection
08-04-2018, 02:38 PM
I can’t wait for our banner today :rolleyes: I am guessing it will be “rah, rah we will beat them” kind of stuff.

I think we should have gone with:

Beating the Bombers is still enjoyable
But it does make you think
That they haven’t actually been relevant
Since the charts held N*Sync

The Bombers fans have been quick to criticise
When Barrett has thrown them some Bulldog bones
But people in glass off site injection facilities
Shouldn’t throw stones

14-04-2018, 09:37 AM

Danny McGinlay Bombed A Gig At Peter Gordon’s House A Week Before He Lost The Banner Job

Former Bulldogs banner writer Danny McGinlay has revealed that he gave a private show at club president Peter Gordon’s house a week before he and the Dogs parted ways.

Speaking to the Hot Breakfast this morning, McGinlay said he did a spot at a club function at Gordon’s house that he said “died in the arse”

“I was asked to come down and tell some jokes to my heroes,” McGinlay said.

“What was the question Darce, how did it go? Yeah, it died in the arse.”

McGinlay said he was guilty of misreading the room.

“What happened is, I was under the impression that the players were gonna let their hair down, have a few beers… so I prepared a set that was probably more suited to the Comic’s Lounge on a Saturday night,” he said.

“[So I] come out, fire a few jokes, [and it’s] beyond crickets. Even the crickets were going ‘this is a bit awkward’.

“I’m mates with Lachie Hunter, I sometimes sit with his dad at games, and he was sitting at the front.

“And then I’m 45 seconds into this bad gig and he just moved to the back of the room.”

Luke Darcy had some sympathy for McGinlay's plight.

"That would be the toughest room," Darce said.

"You've got a group of footballers not allowed to have a beer, at the house of the president, surrounded by officials, that is as tough a gig as you could possibly imagine."

Wil Anderson agreed.

"Danny, if you were a more experienced comedian, you'd have maybe got that call and decided that was a terrible gig you didn't want to do!"

McGinlay also revealed that he had a banner written for round one before the club’s decision to change its tactics.

“We’re playing GWS in Canberra in round one, and I wanted the banner to say ‘Today we begin our epic quest to break our one year premiership drought’.

14-04-2018, 12:59 PM
Seriously, can we start a campaign to bring Danny back?

14-04-2018, 01:11 PM
Seriously, can we start a campaign to bring Danny back?

I agree, surely he wasn't sacked based on that gig at PGs house?

14-04-2018, 01:29 PM
If that was the reason, or even if there is a perception that was the reason we need to go down on bended knee and plead with Danny to please write the banners again and if Danny wants the person who gave him the sarsaparilla to be booted then that's what we do.

I would suggest tgat next time the club asks for ideas for the banner we inundate them with pleas for Danny to come back dressed up as ideas for the banner, something like:

Danny writes our banners
But then he got the sack
If we ask with our best manners
Could we please have Danny back?

14-04-2018, 04:32 PM
He was doing the pregame interviews in the social club last week, replacing Kevin Hillier,so he's not shut out of the club completely. He was interviewing Brad Lynch and Callum Porter, and at one point asked Lynch how he is settling in to the club (or words to that effect) and Lynch deadpanned him and said "We'll, it's my third year, but you could ask Cal"... The burn.....

Perhaps he was canned for not knowing the players? :p

15-04-2018, 12:26 AM
Today banner was a return to the bland soulless drivel that we used to have pre Danny.

Bring him back, please!

15-04-2018, 10:19 AM
#bringbackdanny #bringbackthebannerman campaign starts now for me on my social media accounts.

15-04-2018, 10:25 AM
Today banner was a return to the bland soulless drivel that we used to have pre Danny.

Bring him back, please!When Collingwood are ripping out better banners than us these days is a really bad sign. They took the piss out of their spelling mistake last week by misspelling every word.

15-04-2018, 10:31 AM
Not surprised he bombed his gig at Peter Gordons house. From all his stuff I've seen his banners are by far his best work.

However to his credit his banner are mostly in the humourous to genuinely funny category which as expected is much better than what we have produced so far this season.

15-04-2018, 09:21 PM
Not surprised he bombed his gig at Peter Gordons house. From all his stuff I've seen his banners are by far his best work.

However to his credit his banner are mostly in the humourous to genuinely funny category which as expected is much better than what we have produced so far this season.

Danny is very funny. I've been going to stand up since the Last Laugh and Le Joke were up and running and Danny stands the Pepsi test with most of the old timers like Con Maresco and Ric Carter.

28-04-2018, 02:53 PM
Today banner was a return to the bland soulless drivel that we used to have pre Danny.

Bring him back, please!

The Banner last night was absolutely pathetic. The Club has lost the plot now with this.

What they forget is the banner created positive PR for the club and had people talking about us and the banner.

The bulldog tragician
28-04-2018, 04:59 PM
Totally agree, removing Danny was mystifying.

29-04-2018, 02:53 PM
I'm watching Friday night's game. Can I ask when the last time a player was mauled going through all that toilet and crepe paper that makes up the banner? Why else is the bottom all perforated/segmented so the players doing tear it as they run through it?

Or is it so the cheer squad can reuse bits of it or do they keep all the runthroughs somewhere? That makes nore sense to me than worrying about a player hurting/maiming themselves running through it. Although Kevin Bartlett had to be rescued from his 400 game banner-it was so big that KB ran through it and more or less disappeared inside it and his teammates running behind had to sort of find him in there and then rescue him. KB had some bizarre things happen to him.

29-04-2018, 03:57 PM
Did anyone see Essendon's banner today? A reference that Petracca might be at the snow.

29-04-2018, 04:32 PM
Did anyone see Essendon's banner today? A reference that Petracca might be at the snow.

That was a very good banner

29-04-2018, 04:34 PM
I'm watching Friday night's game. Can I ask when the last time a player was mauled going through all that toilet and crepe paper that makes up the banner? Why else is the bottom all perforated/segmented so the players doing tear it as they run through it?

Or is it so the cheer squad can reuse bits of it or do they keep all the runthroughs somewhere? That makes nore sense to me than worrying about a player hurting/maiming themselves running through it. Although Kevin Bartlett had to be rescued from his 400 game banner-it was so big that KB ran through it and more or less disappeared inside it and his teammates running behind had to sort of find him in there and then rescue him. KB had some bizarre things happen to him.

They're not like the banners of old, way more tape holding everything together, so they're not going to tear as they once would.

29-04-2018, 04:41 PM
They're not like the banners of old, way more tape holding everything together, so they're not going to tear as they once would.

Thanks Andrew. They certainly look a lot bigger and more substantial than they used to be. And they are buttressed with those huge poles and plastic sections. It's not the same though. Teams don't burst through them anymore the way they used to, they sort of faff their way through the dangly bits hanging at the bottom,

30-04-2018, 12:50 PM
Thanks Andrew. They certainly look a lot bigger and more substantial than they used to be. And they are buttressed with those huge poles and plastic sections. It's not the same though. Teams don't burst through them anymore the way they used to, they sort of faff their way through the dangly bits hanging at the bottom,

They're not the same thing as they used to be. The banner itself is a solid plastic sheet that's reusable each week. The club just sticks new letters and pictures on it to replace the ones from the week before. That's why it has slits in the bottom for the players to walk through, they wouldn't be able to break through it if they tried.

30-04-2018, 02:05 PM
Maybe if we gave them machetes. That could be fun to watch.

30-04-2018, 03:07 PM
Maybe if we gave them machetes. That could be fun to watch.

Knowing our blokes, they'd miss!!

30-04-2018, 06:42 PM
They're not the same thing as they used to be. The banner itself is a solid plastic sheet that's reusable each week. The club just sticks new letters and pictures on it to replace the ones from the week before. That's why it has slits in the bottom for the players to walk through, they wouldn't be able to break through it if they tried.

It looks different nowadays. Everybody gathers together in a group and they sort of walk through triumphantly together. No more smashing through all that crepe paper waving a footy like Don Scott used to. That would be promoting like false idols or something.

Maybe if we gave them machetes. That could be fun to watch.

Oh God!

Knowing our blokes, they'd miss!!

Oh God! Oh God! The carnage, some of them never stood a chance,

28-05-2018, 10:04 AM
Danny McGinlay’s own words (replying to a post on Facebook) :-
Here’s the facts folks: In March the new CEO called a meeting where he informed me there’s been a “marketing change” and my services as banner writer were no longer required.
They’d still keep me as matchday MC for the coterie groups but the banners and the like would stop. It wasn’t mutual, I would have liked to keep going but that’s what was decided.
I still love MCing on matchday and support the club and the players 100%.

And while I have you these are my other opinions on the team:
McLean will win a Brownlow someday, Boydy is worth every penny and I really hope Fergus Greene gets a senior call up soon. Go Scraggers.

28-05-2018, 10:10 AM
Danny McGinlay’s own words (replying to a post on Facebook) :-
Here’s the facts folks: In March the new CEO called a meeting where he informed me there’s been a “marketing change” and my services as banner writer were no longer required.
They’d still keep me as matchday MC for the coterie groups but the banners and the like would stop. It wasn’t mutual, I would have liked to keep going but that’s what was decided.
I still love MCing on matchday and support the club and the players 100%.

And while I have you these are my other opinions on the team:
McLean will win a Brownlow someday, Boydy is worth every penny and I really hope Fergus Greene gets a senior call up soon. Go Scraggers.

I love how you finish the post, positively signing off in the third person. :D

Go Bulldogtragic!

28-05-2018, 10:13 AM
I love how you finish the post, positively signing off in the third person. :D

Go Bulldogtragic!

Good to see Scraggers encouraging himself.

29-05-2018, 10:25 AM
I love how you finish the post, positively signing off in the third person. :D

Go Bulldogtragic!

Good to see Scraggers encouraging himself.

Where do you think he is wanting me to go ???

The bulldog tragician
29-05-2018, 02:05 PM
There has not been one memorable banner this year I’m afraid.

29-05-2018, 02:23 PM
There has not been one memorable banner this year I’m afraid.

Worse still is opposition teams are having a dig at us on their banners and our response is some vanilla slogan or meaningless platitude. We seem determined to be as forgettable off the field as we have become on the field. I'm at a loss to understand how we've gone backwards so far so fast in so many areas. Even more baffling is we seem to have made it our number one objective as a club.

29-05-2018, 02:30 PM
Worse still is opposition teams are having a dig at us on their banners and our response is some vanilla slogan or meaningless platitude. We seem determined to be as forgettable off the field as we have become on the field. I'm at a loss to understand how we've gone backwards so far so fast in so many areas. Even more baffling is we seem to have made it our number one objective as a club.

Hammer.Nail.Head. Perplexing to say the least.

29-05-2018, 02:39 PM
Where do you think he is wanting me to go ???

You just have to ask.

29-05-2018, 04:06 PM
I just cant understand at all the direction taken with the banners

29-05-2018, 04:34 PM
I just cant understand at all the direction taken with the banners

Simple. We didn't like our supporters having fun with it, we didn't like the banter with other clubs, their banner musings and their supporters, we didn't like the attention of footy shows showing our banners and therefore promoting our club, we didn't like Danny getting out there beating the drum for the club, we didn't like being associated as a club and membership with a sense of humour, we didn't being pioneers to first think of something, we didn't generally like knowing the footy world liked us for being something other than their 'second team'.

So now we've tackled the really serious issues at the club (Danny's banners), we can move onto less pressing ones like our putrid skills, inability to kick straight at goal, or to even kick goals, why our tactics are embarrassingly bad, why we've signed players we don't select, why list is in the shape it is, why our coaching unit is stale and how in 32 games with gone from premiers to literally being unable to score for halves of footy. Good we have our priorities straight.

29-05-2018, 05:13 PM
Yep, cop that Danny. I bet he will never offer to help the club again!

29-05-2018, 05:15 PM
Simple. We didn't like our supporters having fun with it, we didn't like the banter with other clubs, their banner musings and their supporters, we didn't like the attention of footy shows showing our banners and therefore promoting our club, we didn't like Danny getting out there beating the drum for the club, we didn't like being associated as a club and membership with a sense of humour, we didn't being pioneers to first think of something, we didn't generally like knowing the footy world liked us for being something other than their 'second team'.

So now we've tackled the really serious issues at the club (Danny's banners), we can move onto less pressing ones like our putrid skills, inability to kick straight at goal, or to even kick goals, why our tactics are embarrassingly bad, why we've signed players we don't select, why list is in the shape it is, why our coaching unit is stale and how in 32 games with gone from premiers to literally being unable to score for halves of footy. Good we have our priorities straight.

But beside that you are happy with the club. :D

We need to stay positive - listen to Marcus here (http://embeds.audioboom.com/publishing/playlist/v4?bg_fill_col=%23ffffff&boo_content_type=channel&data_for_content_type=2392468&image_option=small&link_color=%230659a3&player_theme=light&src=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.audioboom.com%2Fchannels%2F2392468%2Fa udio_clips%3Finclude_child_channels%3D1#Marcus%20Bontempelli %20on%20RSN%20Breakfast%20Club%20(Tuesday,%2029%20May%202018 ))

30-05-2018, 10:34 AM
I simply cannot understand the decision to stop Danny doing the banners. I would really love to hear the explanation from someone inside.

30-05-2018, 11:15 AM
I simply cannot understand the decision to stop Danny doing the banners. I would really love to hear the explanation from someone inside.

That's part of the problem I think. There are people in the club who are responsible for communications thinking that they have explained it sufficiently.

A lot of our problem is our communications/media people are just rubbish at what they do. They seem incapable of getting a message across. God knows what they do in their office all day.

30-05-2018, 11:21 AM
But there must be a reason behind the official reason -- did they think the club was being mocked? Did they think Danny was getting too big for his boots or something? Did he take the piss out of the wrong person? I just don't get it.

30-05-2018, 12:30 PM
But there must be a reason behind the official reason -- did they think the club was being mocked? Did they think Danny was getting too big for his boots or something? Did he take the piss out of the wrong person? I just don't get it.

All those questions illustrate my point perfectly. Greystache is right, it's like the club is going out of its way to be more mediocre by the week. I can only think that a Stalinist faction has taken control of the board and declared a pogrom on the club. As a result nobody is willing to stand out

30-05-2018, 04:30 PM
Reckon someone new came in and wanted to put their thumb print on things so made change for the sake of it.

30-05-2018, 04:38 PM
It wouldn't be a surprise to me if it was a head office thing, to be honest.

Anything that isn't entirely vanilla makes them uncomfortable. Everything about the AFL experience that is already vanilla is in the firing line for being watered down further.

Rocket Science
30-05-2018, 06:22 PM
Perhaps the club stopped being comfortable with being cheeky once we went from being premiers to being shit again.

The bulldog tragician
30-05-2018, 10:50 PM
We led the field in our communications which were refreshing, quirky and emotional and now we are bland and forgettable. A big mistake for a small club like ours to lose one of our points of difference.

30-05-2018, 11:05 PM
Worse still is opposition teams are having a dig at us on their banners and our response is some vanilla slogan or meaningless platitude. We seem determined to be as forgettable off the field as we have become on the field. I'm at a loss to understand how we've gone backwards so far so fast in so many areas. Even more baffling is we seem to have made it our number one objective as a club.

Don't forget boring as well, I've never been to a season like this where I actually have to persuade myself to attend games because I have not enjoyed anything that we have put out there. At least when Danny was doing the banner it felt like he was the fans connection with the club, removing that link just drives another wedge of doubt as to what they are doing.

30-05-2018, 11:08 PM
That's part of the problem I think. There are people in the club who are responsible for communications thinking that they have explained it sufficiently.

A lot of our problem is our communications/media people are just rubbish at what they do. They seem incapable of getting a message across. God knows what they do in their office all day.

No one wants to communicate why they got rid of someone,

If it can be swept under the carpet then their decision is then justified, but if a backlash occurs then it lets then know they made two bad decisions.

30-05-2018, 11:12 PM
Start winning games and all the negativity will be trivial.

30-05-2018, 11:37 PM
I’m more than happy for them to get the on field stuff right in lieu of humorous banners.

30-05-2018, 11:53 PM
I’m more than happy for them to get the on field stuff right in lieu of humorous banners.

Admin has never been better with strong leadership, no debts and able to support 4 teams.

31-05-2018, 09:34 AM
Admin has never been better with strong leadership, no debts and able to support 4 teams.

Exactly if you look at the big picture we would have to be the most successful club off the field and on it the last few years , innovation and forward thinking have been huge . We also have more redevelopment of the whitten oval coming.
This club is building for a long term future and strength , the flags will come but let's get the club on a concrete footing first.
The old saying build it and they will come.

31-05-2018, 12:18 PM
It wouldn't be a surprise to me if it was a head office thing, to be honest.

Anything that isn't entirely vanilla makes them uncomfortable. Everything about the AFL experience that is already vanilla is in the firing line for being watered down further.

Very happy to blame it on AFL House, along with everything else! That would actually make some kind of twisted sense.

31-05-2018, 02:48 PM
I’m more than happy for them to get the on field stuff right in lieu of humorous banners.

Pretty sure Danny making humorous banners didn't impact the players.

31-05-2018, 03:07 PM
I’m more than happy for them to get the on field stuff right in lieu of humorous banners.

Are the two mutually exclusive? I'm pretty sure there's different people involved in the process of training and develop players, and the people making the banners.

To say we can't do one while doing the other is like saying I can't clean my house because my car's overdue for a service.

31-05-2018, 03:20 PM
Are the two mutually exclusive? I'm pretty sure there's different people involved in the process of training and develop players, and the people making the banners.

To say we can't do one while doing the other is like saying I can't clean my house because my car's overdue for a service.

I can't think and breathe at the same time. You can always tell when I'm deep in thought because I am laying in the ground and going blue in the face.

31-05-2018, 03:38 PM
Pretty sure Danny making humorous banners didn't impact the players.

Are the two mutually exclusive? I'm pretty sure there's different people involved in the process of training and develop players, and the people making the banners.

To say we can't do one while doing the other is like saying I can't clean my house because my car's overdue for a service.

I will let Andrew explain what he means.

31-05-2018, 08:14 PM
Are the two mutually exclusive? I'm pretty sure there's different people involved in the process of training and develop players, and the people making the banners.

To say we can't do one while doing the other is like saying I can't clean my house because my car's overdue for a service.

Pretty sure Danny making humorous banners didn't impact the players.

What I meant was I don’t think the banner issue is our biggest problem, and couldn’t care less what is on them. No they’re not mutually exclusive, but IMO the banner is a non issue while we are rubbish on field.

31-05-2018, 09:39 PM
What I meant was I don’t think the banner issue is our biggest problem, and couldn’t care less what is on them. No they’re not mutually exclusive, but IMO the banner is a non issue while we are rubbish on field.

I knew what you meant.;)

The Underdog
29-06-2018, 08:48 PM
It’s Friday night and we’re fighting fit
But since we fired Danny
Our banner’s are Shit

01-07-2018, 06:00 PM
And they don't even show the fans on the Doug Hawkins wing what they say!!!!

01-01-2019, 05:33 PM
It’s Friday night and we’re fighting fit
But since we fired Danny
Our banner’s are Shit

'Twas just thinking about best all time banners, and you can't go passed the GWS Prelim; Our club was born of blood and boots, not in afl focus groups.

I think it set a tone/trend for the night. I know I and others laughed, but then got fired up about this self indulgent bullshit plastic club, handed everything by the AFEL, arrogant to think winning was deserved as per the newspapers on our seats. So we all booed the shit out of GWS as they came out. Then at the cheer squad end we gave Davis & Shaw a 10 minute spray, who heard us and clearly didn't like it (gosh darn it). So we did it to them both quarters they played back. Did the banner effect the result, who knows, maybe. Did it amp us all up to 11 and make it tribal as hell and 'us against them' to the point we were louder for our boys for 4 quarters? Yep, no doubt.

A part from laughing for all of Danny's banners week in and week out, and tv shows showing them each week and free promotion for the club, I think reflecting on the GWS banner and imagine if there was some vanilla 'hot dogs' reference, whether we'd be deprived of a great banner (which we are now) and the opportunity to really rile up the fans for the greater good. It really is a shame that this club will exist forever now, but that the best game day banners we will ever have are firmly in our past already. I can't recall one from 2018 that stuck in my memory.

But it what it is, and we move on. I was just reflecting on the GWS game and great banners.

P.S. I love the work the cheer squad put in and they do a great job with what they can. But if Mick Jagger quit the Rolling Stones and was replaced by a bag of fortune cookies as lyrics and song writing, The Stones would just never be the same again.

02-01-2019, 12:18 AM
I thought the GWS banner was a marked change of direction for Danny.

While most of his previous work had been light-hearted banter, I saw this as a real shot across the bough.

The phrase I had in my head when I read it was 'shots fired'. He was having a red hot dig, and such was the venom that had developed between the two clubs.

Its a right shame that Danny no longer writes the Banners. I thought it generated some great PR and social media traffic, and you should never underestimate the value of positive social media.

02-01-2019, 11:43 AM
McGinlay's banners were clever, refreshing, humorous and at times inspiring. The new CEO in this instance had a choice - dare to be different or dare to be boring, bland and pedestrian.

The Adelaide Connection
02-01-2019, 12:12 PM
I know we are in the business of winning games, but attracting media and clicks (in a Victorian market saturated by the “big” clubs) is vital to growing our brand and bringing more people on board.

We had really got the jump on opposition clubs by using the banner as a way to get even opposition clubs talking about our club in a positive light and getting us noticed.

It really bugged me to see us take a backward step and to see the likes of Collingwood putting out great banners last year (while we went with “rah, rah let’s beat them” nails on the blackboard sort of stuff).

I don’t know why they stopped using Danny (maybe he asked for stupid amounts of money?) but we would be crazy not to try to get back to the Dannyesque banners.

02-01-2019, 06:45 PM
I thought the GWS banner was a marked change of direction for Danny.

While most of his previous work had been light-hearted banter, I saw this as a real shot across the bough.

The phrase I had in my head when I read it was 'shots fired'. He was having a red hot dig, and such was the venom that had developed between the two clubs.

Its a right shame that Danny no longer writes the Banners. I thought it generated some great PR and social media traffic, and you should never underestimate the value of positive social media.

'Shots fired' in deed 251. That was the brilliance of it. I'm clearly biased, but I can't recall a banner being that cutting (& witty) in the truth to such a degree. It was truly a breaking ground move by him and the club to let him. Some of the players interviewed post the game said they saw it and clearly agreed with the sentiment. I'm not sure that any club will dare do anything similar again if AFEL house didn't like it (although their social media surprisingly put it out there).

But then on GF Day, Danny turned a full 180 to not go funny or edgy, but a poignant message and phrase that has stayed forever in time. I think both his banners were great last messages to everyone at the grounds with RW&B players and fans. It's a great talent he has. It's a shame to see it wasted, but clearly someone with a lot of power doesn't want those banners or banners referring to 'negative gearing' to Dee's supporters anymore. So, 'Bulldogs are going to fight, and win tonight. Woof.

P.S. I'm going to guess and say Danny's win-loss record is the best of anyone's at the club in any role (ex. Maybe Duryea).

03-01-2019, 08:58 AM
'Twas just thinking about best all time banners, and you can't go passed the GWS Prelim; Our club was born of blood and boots, not in afl focus groups.

I think it set a tone/trend for the night. I know I and others laughed, but then got fired up about this self indulgent bullshit plastic club, handed everything by the AFEL, arrogant to think winning was deserved as per the newspapers on our seats. So we all booed the shit out of GWS as they came out. Then at the cheer squad end we gave Davis & Shaw a 10 minute spray, who heard us and clearly didn't like it (gosh darn it). So we did it to them both quarters they played back. Did the banner effect the result, who knows, maybe. Did it amp us all up to 11 and make it tribal as hell and 'us against them' to the point we were louder for our boys for 4 quarters? Yep, no doubt.

A part from laughing for all of Danny's banners week in and week out, and tv shows showing them each week and free promotion for the club, I think reflecting on the GWS banner and imagine if there was some vanilla 'hot dogs' reference, whether we'd be deprived of a great banner (which we are now) and the opportunity to really rile up the fans for the greater good. It really is a shame that this club will exist forever now, but that the best game day banners we will ever have are firmly in our past already. I can't recall one from 2018 that stuck in my memory.

But it what it is, and we move on. I was just reflecting on the GWS game and great banners.

P.S. I love the work the cheer squad put in and they do a great job with what they can. But if Mick Jagger quit the Rolling Stones and was replaced by a bag of fortune cookies as lyrics and song writing, The Stones would just never be the same again.

Never really thought about the banner as a tool for the crowd but that is a really good point. It did set the scene for the night. That and the fact it was played in the wrong stadium, gws fans were given free tickets and busses to the ground and they needed to put the umpires call up in the big screen so they knew what was happening... probably the best game of football I’ve been to.

03-01-2019, 09:57 AM
Never really thought about the banner as a tool for the crowd but that is a really good point. It did set the scene for the night. That and the fact it was played in the wrong stadium, gws fans were given free tickets and busses to the ground and they needed to put the umpires call up in the big screen so they knew what was happening... probably the best game of football I’ve been to.

I loved when GWS ran on the ground at the start of the game and were given the biggest booing ever for a home team.

03-01-2019, 05:31 PM
I loved when GWS ran on the ground at the start of the game and were given the biggest booing ever for a home team.

That was so good.

I remember hearing they made a formal complaint to the AFL. Says it all!

03-01-2019, 05:44 PM
I loved when GWS ran on the ground at the start of the game and were given the biggest booing ever for a home team.

The plastic players were shocked, you could see it in their eyes and their bodies. After all the AFeL provided momentum they were given through the week (home ground venue, bussed in freeloading fans etc) they were on the back foot from that moment. They thought it was going to be a walkover and all they had to do was turn up but the time they ran out up to the bounce of the ball sat them firmly on their arses.

Leon Cameron petulantly throwing his pen across the coaches box and shaking his head after Stringer passed it to Dickson was a thing of beauty. Not as good as the high fives and hugs on the boundary in the last two minutes of the GF though. That was insanely beautiful.

03-01-2019, 06:06 PM
Just looked at this thread and it got me thinking that maybe Danny had come back!

03-01-2019, 06:11 PM
The plastic players were shocked, you could see it in their eyes and their bodies. After all the AFeL provided momentum they were given through the week (home ground venue, bussed in freeloading fans etc) they were on the back foot from that moment. They thought it was going to be a walkover and all they had to do was turn up but the time they ran out up to the bounce of the ball sat them firmly on their arses.

Leon Cameron petulantly throwing his pen across the coaches box and shaking his head after Stringer passed it to Dickson was a thing of beauty. Not as good as the high fives and hugs on the boundary in the last two minutes of the GF though. That was insanely beautiful.

They would now the PF and GF would have to be all woofers greatest games ever. I plan to put the DVD on closer to the season to get me pumped up again.

Insufficient Intent
04-01-2019, 10:56 AM
They would now the PF and GF would have to be all woofers greatest games ever. I plan to put the DVD on closer to the season to get me pumped up again.
Just reading this thread has got me started early.
I love re-watching the '16 Granny; because a Granny resulting in a convincing win is what it is, worthy of a lifetime of bragging rights.
But on the sweetness scale, beating those arrogant Plastic Pr**ks (maybe they could be renamed The Dildoes?) on their home turf in front of their bussed-in ignorant "supporters" was right up there for me.

04-01-2019, 02:17 PM
Just reading this thread has got me started early.
I love re-watching the '16 Granny; because a Granny resulting in a convincing win is what it is, worthy of a lifetime of bragging rights.
But on the sweetness scale, beating those arrogant Plastic Pr**ks (maybe they could be renamed The Dildoes?) on their home turf in front of their bussed-in ignorant "supporters" was right up there for me.

Beating them in a close Prelim was so satisfying!

04-01-2019, 03:08 PM
Let’s hope we have a ripping banner when we play them in 2019. Hope they are on the slide with a fair few of their players being poached and likely more to follow. I planned to purchase some plastic oranges and take them to the game however realised it is round 22 in Sydney on a Sunday 3:20pm. Hmmmm-will I or won’t I go?

Too long for a banner but here’s my Danny inspired not so haiku poem.....
“Our authentic, beloved, gutsy and determined doggies
Will give all they’ve got and more to beat you lot
Of orange plastic, saccharine coated, self-entitled not so hot shots”

04-01-2019, 08:40 PM
I know we are in the business of winning games, but attracting media and clicks (in a Victorian market saturated by the “big” clubs) is vital to growing our brand and bringing more people on board.

We had really got the jump on opposition clubs by using the banner as a way to get even opposition clubs talking about our club in a positive light and getting us noticed.

It really bugged me to see us take a backward step and to see the likes of Collingwood putting out great banners last year (while we went with “rah, rah let’s beat them” nails on the blackboard sort of stuff).

I don’t know why they stopped using Danny (maybe he asked for stupid amounts of money?) but we would be crazy not to try to get back to the Dannyesque banners.

I couldn't agree more with this. We actually need Danny back, the banners throughout 16' were great at generating buzz, even my one-toothed Collingwood supporting girl friend agreed that the Dog's banners were the best throughout the year.

Club really needs that vibe back.

04-01-2019, 10:45 PM
As members, do we have 0 say in this? I mean, we’re kind of shareholders? Surely we can petition?

05-01-2019, 01:12 AM
As members, do we have 0 say in this? I mean, we’re kind of shareholders? Surely we can petition?

It would have to be mentioned in the constitution or the Articles of Association or whatever governs the club's rules for the members to have a say wouldn't it? I'm betting none of those documents mention the run through or even the Cheer Squad.

A petition is complicated but might work in that it could generate some publicity in the media that members and supporters aren't happy about this. But the way a petition works is we gather a certain amount of signatures (depending how many members we have) and then demand that the club has an Extraordinary General Meeting where we push for a spill of the board and then run a ticket in order to get our own members of the board in. Then if we are successful in that we sack whoever made the decision and replace them with our own muppet who has orders to ask Danny back to write the banners.

But I'm thinking that might be a bit of an over-reaction... ;)

05-01-2019, 08:16 AM
It would have to be mentioned in the constitution or the Articles of Association or whatever governs the club's rules for the members to have a say wouldn't it? I'm betting none of those documents mention the run through or even the Cheer Squad.

A petition is complicated but might work in that it could generate some publicity in the media that members and supporters aren't happy about this. But the way a petition works is we gather a certain amount of signatures (depending how many members we have) and then demand that the club has an Extraordinary General Meeting where we push for a spill of the board and then run a ticket in order to get our own members of the board in. Then if we are successful in that we sack whoever made the decision and replace them with our own muppet who has orders to ask Danny back to write the banners.

But I'm thinking that might be a bit of an over-reaction... ;)

You make things too complicated.
Just find the members with military experience, hand out a few guns and stage a coo.

The bulldog tragician
05-01-2019, 06:48 PM
Just reading this thread has got me started early.
I love re-watching the '16 Granny; because a Granny resulting in a convincing win is what it is, worthy of a lifetime of bragging rights.
But on the sweetness scale, beating those arrogant Plastic Pr**ks (maybe they could be renamed The Dildoes?) on their home turf in front of their bussed-in ignorant "supporters" was right up there for me.
The Dildoes. That is perfection.

Danny’s PF banner was a genuine work of art. He captured why the stadium was a sea of red, white and blue, why families jumped in cars and drove 10 hours to cheer our team despite, or because of, decades of heartbreak. That banner, and the goosebumps when it went up, will live forever. It’s a real shame that we have returned to Bland 101 Banner Styles.

05-01-2019, 07:16 PM
I am biased, well because I am, but I'm trying to think of - apart from Adelaide 97 - a convoy of backs to the wall supporters hunting a win interstate like we did in '16.

We as a club and a supporter group were ravenous and uncompromising, from the banner message through to the players, and every last Bulldogs supporter who made it to the ground or watched it on TV. It was a savage moment in football history.

It will be interesting to see how history views it in the context of AFL away finals wins.

05-01-2019, 08:19 PM
I am biased, well because I am, but I'm trying to think of - apart from Adelaide 97 - a convoy of backs to the wall supporters hunting a win interstate like we did in '16.

We as a club and a supporter group were ravenous and uncompromising, from the banner message through to the players, and every last Bulldogs supporter who made it to the ground or watched it on TV. It was a savage moment in football history.

It will be interesting to see how history views it in the context of AFL away finals wins.

It IMO is our Club's greatest moment. An entire community across generations mobilised, put one hand on the Premiership and with Bulldog tenacity, never let go. We filled their stadium, drank their beer, rattled them with abuse and raucous applause for our own. It was a coherent and organised F YOU to that club, to history, to the AFL, to everyone that wasn't us. There was mass catharsis at the final siren, but in the lead up we were the embodiment of what we believe our Club to be. Unyielding, resilient, passionate.

I will never forget that day.

The Adelaide Connection
20-03-2019, 12:59 AM
I was thinking about the banners (and secretly dreading another season of cringey “rah rah we will win” stuff) and I thought of First Dog as someone that would likely come up with super amazing (and very unique) ideas.

Where is First Dog these days? I don’t recall seeing him in these parts (or doing dogs related content) for a long time.

20-03-2019, 10:15 AM
I was thinking about the banners (and secretly dreading another season of cringey “rah rah we will win” stuff) and I thought of First Dog as someone that would likely come up with super amazing (and very unique) ideas.

Where is First Dog these days? I don’t recall seeing him in these parts (or doing dogs related content) for a long time.

He doesn't post at all these days. He is living in Tassie and very busy with the Guardian Cartoons. Still a Doggies supporter of course.

20-03-2019, 10:26 AM
I was thinking about the banners (and secretly dreading another season of cringey “rah rah we will win” stuff) and I thought of First Dog as someone that would likely come up with super amazing (and very unique) ideas.

Where is First Dog these days? I don’t recall seeing him in these parts (or doing dogs related content) for a long time.

He's an international figure jet setting across the world fighting (political comment sensored) everywhere he sees it now.

The Adelaide Connection
19-04-2019, 11:52 AM
It pains me to admit that Collingwood’s banners have become the best in the league. They are putting out stuff that definitely takes a leaf out of our Danny banners and, from a marketing perspective, having people taking notice and sharing them on social media can’t be bad for business.

I bet it becomes another bargaining chip with potential sponsors and, if nothing else, this has got to be something we potentially had at the peak of our banner powers that we have now lost.

Last nights banner:
Sellout at the Gabba
To see the Pies take flight
We’ll win away, a win away
The Lion sleeps tonight

Round 1 (calling back to their disastrous Grand final one that fell apart):
We’ve studied the footage
We’ve found our mistake
Redemption starts now
With twice as much tape

Last year v GWS (after the second kicking out incident)
It’s Pies vs Giants
They’re in our nest
We’ll send them home
With a kick to the chest

Last year (the week after they were called on a spelling mistake)
The Hmuan Biran
Is a wnfoerudl tinhg
But eevn btteer
Is a ciollgnowod win

Axe Man
19-03-2021, 05:41 PM
Danny McGinlay's (non-official) banner for tonight:

https://i.postimg.cc/t4DhYgPD/banner.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

19-03-2021, 06:15 PM
I am biased, well because I am, but I'm trying to think of - apart from Adelaide 97 - a convoy of backs to the wall supporters hunting a win interstate like we did in '16.

We as a club and a supporter group were ravenous and uncompromising, from the banner message through to the players, and every last Bulldogs supporter who made it to the ground or watched it on TV. It was a savage moment in football history.

It will be interesting to see how history views it in the context of AFL away finals wins.

This is so on point. I was at the game and never thought of the role we the crowd played. It was ruthless - from the booing when they walked out the noise after the final siren.

If letting them know about it every opportunity counts in anyway toward the greater good, I’m confident I played my part.

19-03-2021, 09:39 PM
How the f@#$ is that not throwing the ball?

19-03-2021, 09:59 PM
How the f@#$ is that not throwing the ball?

Interesting banner idea

19-03-2021, 10:02 PM
Interesting banner idea

Swapped threads without realising when I thumped my iPad.:D:D

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
19-03-2021, 11:55 PM
Danny McGinlay's (non-official) banner for tonight:

https://i.postimg.cc/t4DhYgPD/banner.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

We should NEVER have let Danny leave. He singlehandedly turned a turgid and poorly ageing medium into a funny and interesting format.

20-03-2021, 12:28 AM
Danny McGinlay's (non-official) banner for tonight:

https://i.postimg.cc/t4DhYgPD/banner.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Who's Craig Eagle?

15-09-2021, 10:39 AM
According to Danny, there will be no banners at the Grand final. He said he will do a fake banner for the granny.

Can he beat this one for 2016 GF


15-09-2021, 11:30 AM
According to Danny, there will be no banners at the Grand final. He said he will do a fake banner for the granny.

Can he beat this one for 2016 GF


No chance.

15-09-2021, 11:43 AM
We've made it here the hard way
And all corners we've had to roam
But we dedicate one last effort
To our woof pack back home.

Happy Days
15-09-2021, 12:14 PM
"DEEZ NUTS" on the front;"LMAO GOT EM" on the back. Light work.

15-09-2021, 12:51 PM
hearing rumours that there may be a real banner for the GF

15-09-2021, 02:30 PM
With Quarantine and injuries
We can't take a trick.
While our usually skiing opponents
Have been kissed on the d@#k.

Sorry got on a roll.

Have a go yourself, still ten sleeps to go not that anyone is counting.

15-09-2021, 02:38 PM
Losing a flag,
The pain can be freeing,
Remember the Dogs,
The next time you're skiing.

15-09-2021, 02:52 PM
The Dogs winning this flag
will give us more glee
However the last dees win
will still be before colour TV

15-09-2021, 07:13 PM
The travel was chook lotto
The AFL tried to cull us
They forgot about our motto
Forever, we Cede Nullis

The bulldog tragician
15-09-2021, 07:56 PM
The travel was chook lotto
The AFL tried to cull us
They forgot about our motto
Forever, we Cede Nullis
Pure poetry. You’re wasting your time as a firefighter.

15-09-2021, 08:01 PM
Pure poetry. You’re wasting your time as a firefighter.

That's a massive wrap coming from you TBT.

Edit: also, it's not the first time I've been told that - but for less complimentary reasons.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
15-09-2021, 08:03 PM
Pure poetry. You’re wasting your time as a firefighter.

Yep, forget saving lives from fire, when EW could clearly be saving lives from the ravages of shitty prose.

15-09-2021, 08:13 PM
Yep, forget saving lives from fire, when EW could clearly be saving lives from the ravages of shitty prose.

You're my boy, Purp.

15-09-2021, 08:42 PM
Imagine being told as a fire fighter, you'd make a good poet.....when on the actual job.

15-09-2021, 08:52 PM
Imagine being told as a fire fighter, you'd make a good poet.....when on the actual job.

Some of us don't have to imagine.

16-09-2021, 12:19 AM
We've clawed our way here,
The game is there to be won.
These Dogs don't give up,
They will Yield to None.

16-09-2021, 05:53 AM
Dees fans like to travel
From the city to to slopes
But this year finds them all in Perth
With hearts filled full with hope

But Bulldogs often travel too
They're a team that we admire
So here's a word of warning Dees

16-09-2021, 06:26 AM
Demons dream of victory, of glory and much more
Misty-eyed, reflective they re-call '64

But remember Dees, there's another year, that also ends in 4
The one I will remind you of is - 1954!

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
16-09-2021, 07:44 AM
Imagine being told as a fire fighter, you'd make a good poet.....when on the actual job.

Well, when you phrase it like that.......Why you gotta take something beautiful and pure and destroy it Jee?

16-09-2021, 07:47 AM
Your clubs song lyrics need to be amended
Because it is a grand old flag but not for you
In the case of this grand final
It's a flag for the RED WHITE and BLUE

25-09-2021, 04:42 PM
Danny - Fake Banner


31-08-2024, 02:01 AM
Danny and KWW announced on his podcast that he's back. Doing the banners for finals.

Great move IMO

31-08-2024, 07:32 AM
This is great news!!!

The Adelaide Connection
31-08-2024, 11:56 AM
This is AMAZING news.

Nothing more deflating than reading "Rah, rah we will get them" stuff. Our 2015/16 banners were edgy, funny and got people talking.

GWS social media guy absolutely kills it week in, week out- the amount of traffic he creates for a team that would ordinarily have next to none is incredible. Eventually this will translate to members/income. It is one tool you have against the "big" clubs and seeing the GWS socials get more engagement than these clubs is a thing of beauty.

31-08-2024, 12:30 PM
Danny is great - I love his pod and all...but he will never, ever beat this banner:


It was the absolute best ever.

And yes, "Our club was made from blood and boots - not in AFL focus groups" was an all-timer but that was an all-timer with MEANING...when he was just having FUN they were the BEST and must-watch viewing.

I'm not sure he can do that stuff anymore - he's going to be trying to align them with 'footy' and I don't think that will be as much fun....thoughts??

Happy Days
31-08-2024, 12:40 PM
My favourite was “Western Bulldogs - Undefeated at Adelaide Oval” before our first game there.

31-08-2024, 12:55 PM
My favourite was “Western Bulldogs - Undefeated at Adelaide Oval” before our first game there.

I'm not sure the updated W-L would be very inspiring...

31-08-2024, 01:13 PM

Still my favourite banner, it had everything. Bulldog history, fact and statement of intent.

The 2014 VFL premiership was the precursor to our 2016 success.

01-09-2024, 12:23 AM
Dogs of war
give em the hok tuah

01-09-2024, 01:37 AM
I hope we didn't pay him a month's retainer for KWW's sake, she'll get slaughtered around here if we lose this week and we did.

02-09-2024, 04:48 PM
I hope we didn't pay him a month's retainer for KWW's sake, she'll get slaughtered around here if we lose this week and we did.

Was he ever being paid? If so, I'd doubt it's much. Helps him as much as us.

02-09-2024, 04:53 PM
Was he ever being paid? If so, I'd doubt it's much. Helps him as much as us.

I'm not saying there was a point to my post, but if there was and I'm not saying there was, I don't think that was it.

06-09-2024, 08:35 PM
Can anyone post what the banner was? Wasn’t shown in the coverage in WA

06-09-2024, 10:01 PM
The footy gods are mysterious
As Liam Jones must know
199 games without finals
Now let’s give him 4 in a row!