View Full Version : Did. We. Win.

26-04-2015, 07:19 PM
HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha HahahahahhahahaHahahahahhahaha

26-04-2015, 07:21 PM
We shitteedddd it innnn!!!!!!!!

26-04-2015, 07:22 PM
If the answer you're looking for is

WE. ***T. IT. IN.


WE. ***T. IT. IN.

26-04-2015, 07:23 PM
Yes. Yes we did.

26-04-2015, 07:31 PM
One word Stringeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr

Daughter of the West
26-04-2015, 07:48 PM
The smile will not be wiped off my face this week! Bandwagoners, now's the time to jump aboard!

26-04-2015, 07:49 PM
Can't wait to watch all the footy shows this week. Didn't watch them last week ha ha

26-04-2015, 07:58 PM
Can't wait to watch all the footy shows this week. Didn't watch them last week ha ha

Doggie heaven this week ;)

Remi Moses
26-04-2015, 08:03 PM
Those who wait to see " how we go" before buying a membership
Can bugger off

Ghost Dog
26-04-2015, 08:04 PM
11 individual scorers. That's the pleasing part.

26-04-2015, 08:07 PM
Those who wait to see " how we go" before buying a membership
Can bugger off

Nup. Can't agree. The more the merrier. Bandwagon jumpers, the fickle, the poor, the weary. We need them all, like them or not. The more the merrier!

26-04-2015, 08:15 PM
Can't wait to watch all the footy shows this week. Didn't watch them last week ha ha

Garry Lyon will have something negative to say no doubt but everyone else we be on board.

26-04-2015, 08:16 PM
Woof, Growl, Grrr, Rowf, Woof!!!
Woof, Growl, Grrr, Rowf, Woof!!!
Woof, Growl, Grrr, Rowf, Woof!!!
Woof, Growl, Grrr, Rowf, Woof!!!
Woof, Growl, Grrr, Rowf, Woof!!!

Dog interpretation = Sign on, one & all, excitement galore, Luv ya Bevo, Sign on!!!

26-04-2015, 08:31 PM
Can't wait to watch all the footy shows this week. Didn't watch them last week ha ha

Hell yeah, I will even listen to Adelaide radio this week. I love beating this mob most of all. Heaven.

26-04-2015, 08:38 PM
l will keep it simple


26-04-2015, 09:14 PM
This week was going to be a pretty crappy week for me. Not anymore!

26-04-2015, 09:15 PM
Woof woof woof

26-04-2015, 09:15 PM
Bloody awesome is all I can say. If we play like that each week will make the top 4 easy :)

26-04-2015, 09:18 PM
I'm going early: we are the Port Adelaide of 2015.

26-04-2015, 09:20 PM
I'm going early: we are the Port Adelaide of 2015.

Daughter of the West
26-04-2015, 09:39 PM
This line just made my smile even bigger:

Luke Beveridge’s Dogs didn’t just outlast unbeaten Adelaide, they annihilated them then backed over them again just for fun.

That. Was. Written. About. Us!

From http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/afl-2015-season-western-bulldogs-defeat-adelaide-by-57-points-at-etihad-stadium-in-round-4/story-fnelctok-1227321113652

26-04-2015, 09:44 PM
What a great performance, from go to almost whoah! Just wanted it to keep raining goals in the 4th but rightfully things slowed down as we put the cue in the rack. Great physical game and running matched with good skills. We had winners all over the park and it was a joy to watch.

26-04-2015, 09:48 PM
Well done guys.......made the South Aussies eat crow :cool:

26-04-2015, 09:57 PM
It's a great week to live in rAdelaide. I'm off to the Showdown Sunday, expecting to see 2 Crows smashing in a row

26-04-2015, 09:58 PM
Well done guys.......made the South Aussies eat crow :cool:

The Crows Supporting South Aussies

26-04-2015, 10:04 PM
God I wish I knew some Crows supporters.

26-04-2015, 10:05 PM
God I wish I knew some Crows supporters.

I've got you covered, I have a couple of them to line up tomorrow.

26-04-2015, 10:07 PM
Bevo reviews the game after the Hawks belting , injuries changed the structure and made it too difficult to recover . Puts all the chess pieces back on the board and starts again , drops Minson replaces him with Smith moves Cordy to the Ruck and keeps Grant , accepts we will get wacked in the Ruck and clearances, sets up the zones and structure to maximize the pressure . The media jumps on the Team changes and declares Adelaide the favourites by 30 points , also adds the tired line that the Club is rebuilding and that Bevo needs more time for the Team to gel and adjust to his new game plans . More than a few supporters thought Bevo was trying to cook a Peking Duck in a microwave with the named Team Changes . Roll forward to end of the 1st quarter and a 34 point lead , and the stark reality is that the rebuild finished at the final siren in Round 1 . Roll forward to the final siren , 57 point punch in the face for the media , 7 players over 25 possessions , 6 players with 5 or more tackles , and we all know that there is more improvement to come . Its a great feeling to know the Club deserves to be in the Top 8 and stay there - big High Five to Bevo and entire Football Dept

26-04-2015, 10:13 PM
I've got you covered, I have a couple of them to line up tomorrow.

Ripper. Give 'em absolute hell!

26-04-2015, 10:24 PM
There were two Croweaters at the Whitten Oval today. I commended them on their guts.

26-04-2015, 10:41 PM
I've got you covered, I have a couple of them to line up tomorrow.

me too. bring it on

26-04-2015, 10:50 PM
What a great win. Thought to myself at the start of the game that I DID NOT wish to hear their team song at the end of the game and Guess What?? I didn't!!

27-04-2015, 06:02 AM
Awesome win and it could have been a shite load more. 35 shots to 18. What a shellacking.

27-04-2015, 06:41 AM
Garry Lyon will have something negative to say no doubt but everyone else we be on board.

Adelaide was Lyon's certainty :D It will be super negative.....

27-04-2015, 07:19 AM
Adelaide was Lyon's certainty :D It will be super negative.....

As in, a certain tip?

27-04-2015, 07:46 AM
God I wish I knew some Crows supporters.

I sat with four Crows supporting mates, it was as good as you can imagine.

27-04-2015, 08:31 AM
I have to be in Adelaide for work tomorrow...would it be too cheeky to take the bulldogs scarf with me for the day?

27-04-2015, 08:33 AM
I have to be in Adelaide for work tomorrow...would it be too cheeky to take the bulldogs scarf with me for the day?

I'm rocking my Bulldogs Tie today, I think its the least you can do Ozza!

27-04-2015, 09:38 AM
Its a Monday Morning and im at Work......


27-04-2015, 09:42 AM
As in, a certain tip?


27-04-2015, 09:51 AM
I have to be in Adelaide for work tomorrow...would it be too cheeky to take the bulldogs scarf with me for the day?

You gotta rock the colours mate. Stick it up em! In fact, you need a lift? ;-)

27-04-2015, 10:33 AM
I have to be in Adelaide for work tomorrow...would it be too cheeky to take the bulldogs scarf with me for the day?

I'm rocking my Bulldogs Tie today, I think its the least you can do Ozza!

You gotta rock the colours mate. Stick it up em! In fact, you need a lift? ;-)

I am wearing three bulldog jumpers at work today. Sleeveless tricolour, training jumper and my Josh Hill warm up jumper. Apart from anything else it's bloody cold in Melbourne today.

27-04-2015, 10:36 AM
I'm in an open plan, had the iPhone at full volume playing the boys singing the song after the game a couple of times, no Crows supporters though.

27-04-2015, 12:19 PM

27-04-2015, 12:58 PM
God I wish I knew some Crows supporters.

The comment that seems to be getting the best bites is asking them to explain the principles behind the Crows implementing their 'witches hat' defense against us.

27-04-2015, 02:36 PM
Ask them if they think Josh Jenkins will come to a Melbourne club next year.

27-04-2015, 02:39 PM
And then lots of questions about him, does he train hard and what's he like on his non-preferred

27-04-2015, 04:50 PM
God I wish I knew some Crows supporters.

I actually went with 2 Crows supporters who invited me & hubby to the Crown box. It was a bit awkward, gotta say. They were NOT happy to say the least. I was trying to restrain my cheering but it was extremely difficult!

27-04-2015, 04:52 PM
I actually went with 2 Crows supporters who invited me & hubby to the Crown box. It was a bit awkward, gotta say. They were NOT happy to say the least. I was trying to restrain my cheering but it was extremely difficult!

I hate going to corporate boxes when the dogs are playing, can be very awkward.

27-04-2015, 04:56 PM
I hate going to corporate boxes when the dogs are playing, can be very awkward.

It was rather. Friends of ours so you can't say too much. Sore losers though. Thought bringing up '97 and '98 was a little extreme :mad:

27-04-2015, 04:57 PM
It was rather. Friends of ours so you can't say too much. Sore losers though. Thought bringing up '97 and '98 was a little extreme :mad:

Gee don't you hate it when supporters need to fall back on past history to sledge you.

27-04-2015, 04:58 PM
Gee don't you hate it when supporters need to fall back on past history to sledge you.

Definite PET HATE! Not to mention that '97 & '98 actually still hurts and always will! Won't let them know that though ...

27-04-2015, 05:40 PM
Ask them if they think Josh Jenkins will come to a Melbourne club next year.

Funny you should say that, I did pass the view that a club like our might be able to turn him into a footballer. For some reason that didn't seem to sit well with them.

27-04-2015, 05:48 PM
It was rather. Friends of ours so you can't say too much. Sore losers though. Thought bringing up '97 and '98 was a little extreme :mad:

Heck, they were giving you all the justification you needed to tattoo EJ pumping his fist with the words "STICK IT UP 'EM!" on their foreheads.

27-04-2015, 06:53 PM
Heck, they were giving you all the justification you needed to tattoo EJ pumping his fist with the words "STICK IT UP 'EM!" on their foreheads.

Haha! Indeed :) Might not get an invite back to the box though ;)

27-04-2015, 08:21 PM
Haha! Indeed :) Might not get an invite back to the box though ;)

Meh. I'd rather watch it from the back row of Level 3 than with Croweaters.

27-04-2015, 08:27 PM
My boss is a Hawks supporter and when he came in I just laughed and he said he didn't want to talk about football.

I then pointed out that we are above Hawthorn on the ladder.:)