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08-08-2015, 04:24 PM
Not working. How a goal umpire a metre away who paid a goal can be overruled on no clear evidence is a joke.

Dear AFL, do it properly or not at all.

08-08-2015, 04:25 PM
I've been a defender of the GRS but that one was just a howler.

08-08-2015, 08:54 PM
I was fuming about this one. Fortunately we got an iffy free kick in front of goal not long after and put it through so it evened out. How? How can this be over ruled?

We're now trialing 4 umpires. They'll pat themselves on the back if they did a good job in QLD today but a classic example of to many cooks happened when that glorified cheat Wingard threw his head back like he took a punch from Rhonda Rousey, umpire closest called ball up, umpire 30m away in an ordinary position over ruled it?

09-08-2015, 01:27 AM
Not working. How a goal umpire a metre away who paid a goal can be overruled on no clear evidence is a joke.

Dear AFL, do it properly or not at all.

Much easier to tell whether a player got a fingertip to it on slow motion replay than live

Usually ones like Stringer's come back as umpire's call when nothing obvious shows up. Assuming it wasn't touched, I'd call it a mistake from the video umpire not a flaw in the system

Happy Days
09-08-2015, 01:32 AM
Shocking review, but to be fair had it stood it was probably the worst goal ever kicked in the history of the AFL.

Current undisputed champion is Brad Johnson in Canberra against the Roos in '04, in case you were wondering.

09-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Shocking review, but to be fair had it stood it was probably the worst goal ever kicked in the history of the AFL.

Current undisputed champion is Brad Johnson in Canberra against the Roos in '04, in case you were wondering.

I thought the EPL was in the UK. Stringer was offside anyway, and the goalie did well.:D

09-08-2015, 01:47 PM
Absolutely hate it. People have a dim view of umpires in the first place, this just says "Your job is to adjudicate on goals and we've got this system if you can't do it". It engenders zero confidence in then being able to do their job. I understand it could be useful if a clear error is made, but yesterday they did a review on whether a point or a mark was to be paid. It needs overhauling or get rid of it altogether.

09-08-2015, 02:04 PM
Meant to stop the howler, not make them.

09-08-2015, 02:23 PM
In all seriousness the AFL should apologise to both umpires involved either privately or publicly. They (or their agent, whoever was doing the review) called their judgement and ability to do their job properly into question in front of more than 20 000 people and a national TV audience.

It's like saying "yeah I know you were right there and said he didn't touch it, but I don't believe you" and then making an erroneous judgement to make it right.

09-08-2015, 03:11 PM
It's simply a case of over-use of the system. The default decision nowadays is to send it upstairs as soon as there is even the tiniest shadow of a doubt. It should only ever be used in cases where the umpires are genuinely concerned that they missed something.

I've also noticed a vast increase in incidences of defenders screaming for a review by slapping the backs of their hands and claiming a touch. This should be ignored, players are merely milking the review system knowing that if there is a shadow on the ball or their fingers look like they've "bent back" from a camera 100 metres away, they'll get the goal overturned.

Perhaps a better system would be one where the opposition captain makes the call to review in those circumstances, and they have 3 challenges a game (think tennis).