View Full Version : Hird Gone!

Axe Man
18-08-2015, 01:38 PM
The Essendon crisis: Club and senior coach James Hird part ways (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/the-essendon-crisis-club-and-senior-coach-james-hird-part-ways-20150818-gj1noe.html)

Essendon are expected to announce they have parted company with senior coach James Hird, effective immediately.

The resignation of Hird follows discussions by the Essendon board after the club's massive 112-point loss to Adelaide. But the move has been in the wind for some time, with the board increasingly of the view that Hird should move on.
The Essendon players were told of Hird's fate at about lunchtime on Tuesday.
Hird, who had a year to run on his contract, will be replaced by an interim coach, who will be one of the current assistants, such as Matthew Egan or Hayden Skipworth. Club great and ex-Fremantle coach Mark Harvey will not be the replacement.

Hird's exit involves a negotiated settlement on the remainder of his contract - speculation is that he was due to be paid close to $750,000 for 2016.

Fairfax Media believes the Essendon board held discussions on Monday evening.

Hird's exit has been seen as inevitable following a succession of heavy defeats by the Bombers, who have won only five matches this season, with the only question the extent to which the players' slump has been caused by the draining impact of the WADA appeal - which will be heard be the Court of Arbritration for Sport in November.

The coach appeared resigned to his fate in the aftermath of Saturday's heavy defeat.

Hird's exit means the Bombers will be one of three coaches in the market for a new coach, along with Carlton and Adelaide, and his departure makes it easier for the club to compete for candidates.

His exit also marks one of the most turbulent episodes in AFL history,in which ASADA launched an investigation into Essendon's 2012 supplements program that eventually saw the players acquitted by an AFL tribunal of taking banned substances, only to see the World Anti-Doping Agency appeal the verdict. Hird was suspended by the AFL for 12 months for bringing the game into disrepute late in 2013 when he also negotiated a three year contract extension, including the 12 months of his suspension for his role in the supplements program, which also saw the Dons removed from the finals, some draft picks removed and heavily fined.

Hird coached Essendon in to the finals in his first season, 2011, missed the eight in 2012 following a soft-tissue injury plague and coached the Dons to seventh in 2013 before he was replaced by Mark Thompson for the 2014 season.

Dancin' Douggy
18-08-2015, 01:47 PM
DAMN!!!! I was enjoying that!

18-08-2015, 01:49 PM
From Slobbo

Mark Robinson ‏@Robbo_heraldsun 15s15 seconds ago Sydney, New South Wales

Hird agreed an hour and half ago to the board's decision last night to sack him. Will be a pay out.

18-08-2015, 01:49 PM
Disappointing as a neutral, this could be the first step forward for Essendon.

18-08-2015, 01:49 PM
From Slobbo

Mark Robinson ‏@Robbo_heraldsun 15s15 seconds ago Sydney, New South Wales

Hird agreed an hour and half ago to the board's decision last night to sack him. Will be a pay out.
Love Slobbo. Hird 'agreed' to be sacked, like he had a choice :D

Ghost Dog
18-08-2015, 01:50 PM
I for one am absolutely sick of hearing about this guy.
After the Caroline Wilson false start on his sacking last year, journos will be double checking their facts.

18-08-2015, 01:50 PM
Did you see Slobbo tried to again run interference by writing an article that Carlton tanked on Saturday.

18-08-2015, 01:52 PM
Disappointing as a neutral, this could be the first step forward for Essendon.
Thank Christ they didn't do it at last year's AGM like they were about to do, otherwise Bomber Thompson would still be their coach. History will show that Bomber did a magnificent job getting that list to the finals last year.

18-08-2015, 01:55 PM
Love Slobbo. Hird 'agreed' to be sacked, like he had a choice :D

Agreed to be sacked for Hird means agreed not to sue immediately :D

Slobbo will be drooling and rambling incoherently tonight on 360, so yeah, just the usual Tuesdsay!

18-08-2015, 01:58 PM
Bugger was really looking forward to seeing the WADA hammer fall while he was still in the limelight. Shite effort by Hird to drag the club into this and then get sacked while leaving the players behind to cop the sentence.

18-08-2015, 02:02 PM

18-08-2015, 02:23 PM
Thank Christ they didn't do it at last year's AGM like they were about to do, otherwise Bomber Thompson would still be their coach. History will show that Bomber did a magnificent job getting that list to the finals last year.

Watching Bomber T on AFL360 and hearing him on the radio with special comments, I am flabbergasted he could coach. He babbles along, is incoherent and general a nut. No communication skills at all.

Ghost Dog
18-08-2015, 02:38 PM
The irony is, Matthew Knights was probably the better of the two coaches.

So nice of James to agree to be sacked. But of course, it won't be his fault. No, it's the AFL, WADA, the media and everyone else's fault. But the prince of Toorak will agree to be dethroned for the greater good. Huzzaah, what a saint.

Meanwhile, The Age sports Journalists will not know what to do with themselves. Caroline Wilson is practically out of a job now.

18-08-2015, 03:05 PM
Sheedy back???

Sheedy & Dedoro running their trade week...

18-08-2015, 03:06 PM
sheedy back???

Sheedy & dedoro running their trade week...

yes!!! :d:d

18-08-2015, 03:39 PM
As much as I detest the guy and the club ... he was all class at the Press Conference.

18-08-2015, 03:49 PM
As much as I detest the guy and the club ... he was all class at the Press Conference.

It's a pity you can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth, or his behaviour.

18-08-2015, 03:57 PM
True that !!

18-08-2015, 04:00 PM
As much as I detest the guy and the club ... he was all class at the Press Conference.
Wow, could not disagree more. I found the 'martyr' narrative he went with in the press conference quite distasteful (although entirely predictable). Right to the last he placed himself above the club.

18-08-2015, 04:04 PM
Sheedy back???

Sheedy & Dedoro running their trade week...

Perhaps. I think it would have to be an Essendon person to come in and pick up the pieces. Who in their right mind would agree to coach this rabble outside of Essendon?

18-08-2015, 04:06 PM
About bloody time.

Nuggety Back Pocket
18-08-2015, 04:09 PM
As much as I detest the guy and the club ... he was all class at the Press Conference.

I agree. He showed a lot of grace. Disappointed in the number of adverse comments on this thread. Until he is proven guilty give the guy a break. If you are going to blame anyone then it is the Essendon Board that should take responsibilty for what has occurred.

18-08-2015, 04:19 PM
I agree. He showed a lot of grace. Disappointed in the number of adverse comments on this thread. Until he is proven guilty give the guy a break. If you are going to blame anyone then it is the Essendon Board that should take responsibilty for what has occurred.


Dancin' Douggy
18-08-2015, 04:24 PM
I wonder if Hird is ready to unleash some venom now that he's not beholden to the club........... It would be very hard for a guy like Hird to suddenly be out of the public spotlight.

always right
18-08-2015, 04:37 PM
Watching Bomber T on AFL360 and hearing him on the radio with special comments, I am flabbergasted he could coach. He babbles along, is incoherent and general a nut. No communication skills at all.

One of the worst special comments men of all time. Embarrassingly bad.

always right
18-08-2015, 04:38 PM
I wonder if Hird is ready to unleash some venom now that he's not beholden to the club........... It would be very hard for a guy like Hird to suddenly be out of the public spotlight.

Rumour is Essendon is thinking of drafting him to play again. They could do worse.

18-08-2015, 04:40 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11896238_508659572641609_9032424255384106342_n.jpg?oh=026638 22c7e8e801b89b70f9962e316d&oe=56419A13&__gda__=1450229505_fd7f45c50b658715a3e21c753cdc8085

18-08-2015, 04:42 PM
I agree. He showed a lot of grace. Disappointed in the number of adverse comments on this thread. Until he is proven guilty give the guy a break. If you are going to blame anyone then it is the Essendon Board that should take responsibilty for what has occurred.

Oh dear he's even converting our own with his deceit and lies! Hird is an actor, great player but his post-playing career makes me think he would have been more at home on the Bold and the Beautiful than in the coaches box.

Ghost Dog
18-08-2015, 05:04 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11896238_508659572641609_9032424255384106342_n.jpg?oh=026638 22c7e8e801b89b70f9962e316d&oe=56419A13&__gda__=1450229505_fd7f45c50b658715a3e21c753cdc8085

The recycling bins will be full this week!
Is Rohan Conolly an Essendon supporter? Went in pretty hard today in The Age.

18-08-2015, 05:05 PM
Rumour is Essendon is thinking of drafting him to play again. They could do worse.

With the focus on PED's and their supply chain would James dare come back to playing AFL? Would he still be able work closely with his "nutritional advisor" Shane Charters? The same guy he immediately involved all his players with for "supplements" when he became coach.

The Bulldogs Bite
18-08-2015, 05:14 PM
Sad day in football..

..For the neutrals. First 'right' decision Essendank have made in years. Damnit.

18-08-2015, 05:23 PM
The recycling bins will be full this week!
Is Rohan Conolly an Essendon supporter? Went in pretty hard today in The Age.

He is but he doesn't let it affect his commentary on the game too much

Ghost Dog
18-08-2015, 05:26 PM
He is but he doesn't let it affect his commentary on the game too much

That's why I was surprised.

18-08-2015, 05:27 PM
That's why I was surprised.

He'd been sucking down the coolaid for 2 years until they started getting belted by 100 points every second week.

18-08-2015, 05:38 PM
The timing specifically has all the hallmarks of a player led knifing to me.

I have no doubt it was always on the cards, though the EFC would probably have preferred to do this in the post season after the "review" had taken its place, and the focus on teams playing in September.

18-08-2015, 05:49 PM
Hey, it's August, we're in the top 4 with a sh!thot young list and Carlton and Essendon are coachless, aimless rabbles with crap lists and years of painful rebuilding (of the list and the soul) ahead.


Sometimes it's worth just taking a moment to stop and smell the karmic roses

18-08-2015, 05:53 PM
Hey, it's August, we're in the top 4 with a sh!thot young list and Carlton and Essendon are coachless, aimless rabbles with crap lists and years of painful rebuilding (of the list and the soul) ahead.


Sometimes it's worth just taking a moment to stop and smell the karmic roses

Yep. I wonder how John Elliot feels about football right now? I lot worse than we do I expect.

What was it he called us again?

18-08-2015, 05:57 PM
So Hird loyalists, and of course the man himself, will paint this as him falling on his sword.

18-08-2015, 05:57 PM
I agree. He showed a lot of grace. Disappointed in the number of adverse comments on this thread. Until he is proven guilty give the guy a break. If you are going to blame anyone then it is the Essendon Board that should take responsibilty for what has occurred.

They reappointed him when they should have bit the bullet and copped the flack. Then it would have been over instead of it dragging out all this time.

Rocket Science
18-08-2015, 06:03 PM
Still deflecting, his club left in tatters, recalcitrant to the gruesome end.

A finer display of martyrdom ye shall not witness.

He'd make a fine politician.

18-08-2015, 06:14 PM
Still deflecting, his club left in tatters, recalcitrant to the gruesome end.

A finer display of martyrdom ye shall not witness.

He'd make a fine politician.

It all feels a bit Richard "I am not a quitter" Nixonish in his years of grimly, self righteously hanging to power as everything fell apart around him.

Even Nixon had his apologists, but in time the facts just speak for themselves.

18-08-2015, 06:15 PM
In two years he Has an MBA, many millions in the bank and getting about a million dollars to have another gap year. I guess he goes back to his successful businesses and real estate developing and claim all legal costs as a tax deduction so taxpayers foot the bill in effect. Will soon do a book with big royalties, sell exclusive stories and interviews, maybe a doco and make even more money whilst rewriting the history pages.

18-08-2015, 06:18 PM
In two years he Has an MBA, many millions in the bank and getting about a million dollars to have another gap year. I guess he goes back to his successful businesses and real estate developing and claim all legal costs as a tax deduction so taxpayers foot the bill in effect. Will soon do a book with big royalties, sell exclusive stories and interviews, maybe a doco and make even more money whilst rewriting the history pages.

But will be a pariah in the football community to all but the most deluded, which will hurt him and his ego more than anything else.

18-08-2015, 06:24 PM
No matter how this went down Hird was always going to look bad in the eyes of the vast majority of AFL supporters today.
I know there isn't a lot of coaching jobs so there will be a bit of interest but I wonder if a fresh broom can sweep clean at Essendon?

The can pay a good wage and have good facilities so even with the WADA deal still to play out there will be significant interest.

18-08-2015, 06:30 PM
But will be a pariah in the football community to all but the most deluded, which will hurt him and his ego more than anything else.

I have what Carey did as bad in terms of repugnance. It took him 10 years to get into the media despite high profile drugs/violence issues (forgetting his preparedness to give character evidence for Jason Moran over the death of Alphonse Gamgitano). But he's back. I have no doubt Hird will be welcomed back into the media boys club soon enough. That's not my desire for the record.

18-08-2015, 07:01 PM
Danks for the memories Jimmy.

18-08-2015, 07:12 PM
The timing specifically has all the hallmarks of a player led knifing to me.

I have no doubt it was always on the cards, though the EFC would probably have preferred to do this in the post season after the "review" had taken its place, and the focus on teams playing in September.

Apparently all 44 players met at Jobe Watson house sunday night.

18-08-2015, 07:18 PM
I have what Carey did as bad in terms of repugnance. It took him 10 years to get into the media despite high profile drugs/violence issues (forgetting his preparedness to give character evidence for Jason Moran over the death of Alphonse Gamgitano). But he's back. I have no doubt Hird will be welcomed back into the media boys club soon enough. That's not my desire for the record.

The difference for Hird is Carey's sins (bar Stevens Mrs) happened after he retired and largely out of sight from your average footy fan. His reputation took a hit but not his footy legacy as such. Hird's sins have been front and centre in the footy landscape and played out, and directly hurt, the game itself. I think he'll be remembered far more harshly due to that.

18-08-2015, 07:27 PM
The difference for Hird is Carey's sins (bar Stevens Mrs) happened after he retired and largely out of sight from your average footy fan. His reputation took a hit but not his footy legacy as such. Hird's sins have been front and centre in the footy landscape and played out, and directly hurt, the game itself. I think he'll be remembered far more harshly due to that.

Hopefully. But his cheer leaders are in some reasonable influential positions within media teams. I hope you're right, but I have little faith in the boys clubs not bringing him back into the fold at some point.

18-08-2015, 07:44 PM
Good riddance. The damage his narcissistic character has done to the game far outweighs the grace he brought to it as a player (I will concede he was a great player). I don't wish him well. I hope, but doubt, that this has been a humbling experience. The true strength of a person is their willingness not only to bask in the glories, but take ownership and responsibility for the f*ck ups. Hird sadly was completely one sided.

18-08-2015, 08:05 PM
Shame I was really enjoying their drop into insignificance, they might now get their act into gear and start to climb back up the ladder.

18-08-2015, 08:08 PM
Shame I was really enjoying their drop into insignificance, they might now get their act into gear and start to climb back up the ladder.

Not before Declan Hamilton (pick 37) came to us for a one kneed, one way jogging Cooney. No backsies. :D

18-08-2015, 08:22 PM
If Hird truly loved his club, he wouldn't have accepted the $1M payout.

Surely he'd have said that the several million he received for actually working just 3 of the 5 years he was contracted (along with the very expensive degree) was overs, and that loyal supporters' money could be better used helping to repair the damage that he and his colleagues caused it...

.... But at some point (gasp!) it became more about himself than the club...

18-08-2015, 08:31 PM
Not before Declan Hamilton (pick 37) came to us for a one kneed, one way jogging Cooney. No backsies. :D
Don't forget the steak knives, aka Shane Biggs ;)

18-08-2015, 09:26 PM
Not before Declan Hamilton (pick 37) came to us for a one kneed, one way jogging Cooney. No backsies. :D

Don't forget the steak knives, aka Shane Biggs ;)

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaha haphahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahaha hahahahahahahaphahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaphahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

18-08-2015, 10:32 PM
I was hoping they'd #standbyhird even longer once the realisation of him not only being a shifty operator pulling them apart sunk in, but also that he can't coach. Eat shit and die Essendon, if you have to continue to exist, long may that existence be tainted with the foul stench of this sorry affair.

18-08-2015, 10:49 PM
It all feels a bit Richard "I am not a quitter" Nixonish in his years of grimly, self righteously hanging to power as everything fell apart around him.

Even Nixon had his apologists, but in time the facts just speak for themselves.

They won't have Jimmy Hird to kick around anymore, I'm suprised it didn't get trotted out this afternoon,

18-08-2015, 11:12 PM
The recycling bins will be full this week!
Is Rohan Conolly an Essendon supporter? Went in pretty hard today in The Age.

Apparently his artice gave an Essendon fan at work the idea that WADA will back off now because they were only after Jimmy Hird.

Like WADA care an iota about Hird.

18-08-2015, 11:13 PM
I have what Carey did as bad in terms of repugnance. It took him 10 years to get into the media despite high profile drugs/violence issues (forgetting his preparedness to give character evidence for Jason Moran over the death of Alphonse Gamgitano). But he's back. I have no doubt Hird will be welcomed back into the media boys club soon enough. That's not my desire for the record.

Sorry to have to agree with you re Hird re-surfacing in the future. Look at Alan Jones for example. Plagiarist, cash for comment mogul yet still very much a player in the biggest game of all. Hird's already sowing the seeds: "Now is not the time, but when the opportunity comes to say what I think really happened ... blah, blah, blah
I know one of the units he took during his sabbatical - Victimmartyrology And I know his result - he got a High Distinction.

18-08-2015, 11:42 PM
I have what Carey did as bad in terms of repugnance. It took him 10 years to get into the media despite high profile drugs/violence issues (forgetting his preparedness to give character evidence for Jason Moran over the death of Alphonse Gamgitano). But he's back. I have no doubt Hird will be welcomed back into the media boys club soon enough. That's not my desire for the record.
Hird will ultimately be judged by the outcome of the WADA appeal against the players. If they get years and subsequently sue the club, particularly if evidence comes to light that implicates Hird as the ringleader of the drug regime, he will be finished in the AFL industry and will be as infamous as Lance Armstrong.

Remi Moses
19-08-2015, 12:26 AM
Of course don't forget he is suing his clubs insurer!
The guy took responsibility from the beginning , then ran a million miles an hour

19-08-2015, 06:35 AM
Sad day in football..

..For the neutrals. First 'right' decision Essendank have made in years. Damnit.
They made the right call but totally ballsed it up. Again. Paying him out, not disclosing that payout to their fans and Little not joining him on the dole queue. “I want to give the next guy clean air.” What a grub. If he was our president I reckon I'd sock him one.

It would only take an Essendon supporting business person with an IQ of at least 40 to run a successful challenge at the next AGM. Reckon the board is safe.

19-08-2015, 07:44 AM
Given the seemingly vexatious nature of the man being shown the door, the best play Essendon had was offering a significant amount of money leading to an agreement that a resignation be tendered.

It had to happen after the football they played on the weekend (and over the course of the season, largely) and the comments certain Crows players made about the on-field harmony wouldn't have hurt the #sackhird cause.

It will now be interesting to see how the search for coaches goes in the off-season, with 3 clubs in the mix - 2 big Melbourne clubs who are both some way off success and the Crows, who are a bit closer but have their own issues and off-season concerns (Dangerfield).

19-08-2015, 07:46 AM
Given the seemingly vexatious nature of the man being shown the door, the best play Essendon had was offering a significant amount of money leading to an agreement that a resignation be tendered.

It had to happen after the football they played on the weekend (and over the course of the season, largely) and the comments certain Crows players made about the on-field harmony wouldn't have hurt the #sackhird cause.

It will now be interesting to see how the search for coaches goes in the off-season, with 3 clubs in the mix - 2 big Melbourne clubs who are both some way off success and the Crows, who are a bit closer but have their own issues and off-season concerns (Dangerfield).

Are you writing Hird off getting the Carlton or Adelaide jobs? :D

19-08-2015, 09:13 AM
There's still some support for Jimmy out there.


Dancin' Douggy
19-08-2015, 09:43 AM
Some MORON Essendon supporter in the age today said Hird would go down in history as a 'Mandela' like figure. Wow. That is breathtakingly stupid.

19-08-2015, 10:16 AM
Some MORON Essendon supporter in the age today said Hird would go down in history as a 'Mandela' like figure. Wow. That is breathtakingly stupid.

I took that as tongue in cheek. At least I hope it wasn't serious.

Dancin' Douggy
19-08-2015, 10:20 AM
I took that as tongue in cheek. At least I hope it wasn't serious.

You might be right.............but then again............ this is Essendon we're talking about

Bulldog Joe
19-08-2015, 10:46 AM
I am sure he has acted like some famous African leaders

perhaps Robert Mugabe is closer then Mandela.

19-08-2015, 11:25 AM
I took that as tongue in cheek. At least I hope it wasn't serious.
Nope, the kool-aiders are as stupid a bunch of supporters as there is in the competition. The fact that so many still want to #standbyhird, even after he has almost single-handedly destroyed their club, shows the extent of their unhealthy hero-worship.

As an analogy, let's change Essendon to Collingwood and Hird to Buckley, who is as revered at Collingwood as Hird is at Essendon. If Buckley was the senior coach overseeing such a dangerous and potentially illegal performance-enhancing drug regime, Collingwood would have booted his arse out the door in about 10 seconds flat. Essendon by contrast are a truly weak club who have shown themselves to be sycophantic hero-worshippers and cultists.

The AFL just signed on a $2.5bn TV rights deal - does anyone in their right mind think that they would try and destroy one of the biggest and most supported clubs and jeopardise this massively lucrative deal? The opposite happened, they tipped the Bombers off and then did everything in their power to protect Essendon and bury the story with a bunch of secret deals. And yet we are to believe Hird, Robbo and all the cultists out there that the big bad AFL was out to get them. Stupid people will believe anything.

19-08-2015, 03:54 PM
Some MORON Essendon supporter in the age today said Hird would go down in history as a 'Mandela' like figure. Wow. That is breathtakingly stupid.

Winnie Mandela, maybe.

25-08-2015, 11:03 AM

This article probably deserves its own thread on the AFL talk board, as it encapsulates so much that is wrong with the AFL today - the boys club mentality, the absolving of responsibility, the fanboi culture of the media at the expense of objectivity and fact-based reporting, the poor and mixed message sent to the community by head office.

Well done to the author - terrific read.

The bulldog tragician
25-08-2015, 11:12 AM
This really is a terrific though sobering read, thanks Sedat.

25-08-2015, 11:37 AM
Articles like those are utterly ridiculous, just more attention grabbing by slandering what's cool to slander at the time. The Goodes situation was another, you don't need to know anything about the subject, just be the most extreme in your condemnation and you'll garner support. The St Kilda "school" girl before that was the same. Credibility is irrelevant as long as you're telling people what they hope to hear. There's no more insight into the subject than what has been gathered from other news articles previously written.

The constant suggestion parents are pushing their kids into soccer because it's somehow the "clean" option just goes to show how little these people know about the subject they're commenting on. Soccer has made an art form of covering up scandals, the AFL could only hope to aspire to get to their level some day.

25-08-2015, 12:02 PM
Articles like those are utterly ridiculous, just more attention grabbing by slandering what's cool to slander at the time. The Goodes situation was another, you don't need to know anything about the subject, just be the most extreme in your condemnation and you'll garner support. The St Kilda "school" girl before that was the same. Credibility is irrelevant as long as you're telling people what they hope to hear. There's no more insight into the subject than what has been gathered from other news articles previously written.

The constant suggestion parents are pushing their kids into soccer because it's somehow the "clean" option just goes to show how little these people know about the subject they're commenting on. Soccer has made an art form of covering up scandals, the AFL could only hope to aspire to get to their level some day.
Oh I agree with your assertion that FIFA/soccer are not beacons of virtue to aspire to, and I also agree with the bolded part about hysteria and extreme views being used as the default modus operandi by shrill commentators to garner extreme responses. But I don't think the author is being hysterical or shrill at all, nor do I think she is slandering the direction of the game because it is de rigueur to do so. I share her views that the AFL hierarchy (and the AFL industry in general) has completely lost its way for a number of years now, and that the Hird/EFC situation perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the game right now - it is a boys club, there is no responsibility taken by people in positions of power and influence, there has been a propensity to protect the brand/image of the sport at the expense of its very credibility (PED's, illicit drugs code, tanking, salary cap cheating), there is a fanboi narrative and culture that has insidiously pervaded the media (primarily because far too many hack ex. footballers now clog up the airwaves and column inches), and there have been inconsistent and mixed message sent to the community by the custodians of the game when decisive leadership was required.

Taking the throwaway "I want my kids to play soccer instead" line out of the equation, I think the article hits the mark in a measured and articulate way.

25-08-2015, 12:20 PM
KB and his donghead mate Smith (the bloke who thinks its OK to punch people on the cricket pitch if you cant get them out) were waffling on the other day on SEN about head high contact and soccer mums were ringing in to say that little Johnny wouldnt be playing AFL due to the risk of head injuries/dementia further down thew track, they would play soccer instead to avoid head injuries.

That's soccer-the game where you deliberately head butt a ball that might be flying through the air at 100 MPH. The game that has far more ex players with head/neck/dementia problems than even NFL. I can understand uninformed soccer mums ringing in with uninformed opinions, but KB and Patrick Smith ought to be much more clued in than that. They want to set themselves up as experts then they ought to get a clue.

25-08-2015, 12:40 PM
Oh I agree with your assertion that FIFA/soccer are not beacons of virtue to aspire to, and I also agree with the bolded part about hysteria and extreme views being used as the default modus operandi by shrill commentators to garner extreme responses. But I don't think the author is being hysterical or shrill at all, nor do I think she is slandering the direction of the game because it is de rigueur to do so. I share her views that the AFL hierarchy (and the AFL industry in general) has completely lost its way for a number of years now, and that the Hird/EFC situation perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the game right now - it is a boys club, there is no responsibility taken by people in positions of power and influence, there has been a propensity to protect the brand/image of the sport at the expense of its very credibility (PED's, illicit drugs code, tanking, salary cap cheating), there is a fanboi narrative and culture that has insidiously pervaded the media (primarily because far too many hack ex. footballers now clog up the airwaves and column inches), and there have been inconsistent and mixed message sent to the community by the custodians of the game when decisive leadership was required.

Taking the throwaway "I want my kids to play soccer instead" line out of the equation, I think the article hits the mark in a measured and articulate way.

Every sport looks after their own, the AFL is no different. Cycling and soccer are far worse, MLB is no better. The NFL seems to be one of the few sports that tries to take responsibility seriously and they're not even very good at it. The problem is the AFL seems to think all of their supporters are ignorant fools, which means they cater everything around that demographic.

If I could change one thing about the AFL it would be to get rid of the sycophantic and largely irrelevant ex-player network both in the coverage and in the media. Almost none of them have anything insightful to say (people like David King is an exception) most of them just tow the popular view at the time, and all of them are clearly in it for the easy cash with no expectation to add any value. How people like Garry Lyon, Tim Watson, or Matthew Lloyd can continue to be a considered a source of credibility for analysing the game is just laughable.

The sport could flourish by actually having some insightful analysis and commentary available to the general public rather than the clowns we get shoved down our throat every year. Being a well known player doesn't make them suitable for the media, Jonathon Brown trying to analyse a game is exhibit A. The only saving grace is the AFL looks like the bastion of professionalism compared to their compatriots in the NRL.

25-08-2015, 02:22 PM
Every sport looks after their own, the AFL is no different. Cycling and soccer are far worse, MLB is no better. The NFL seems to be one of the few sports that tries to take responsibility seriously and they're not even very good at it. The problem is the AFL seems to think all of their supporters are ignorant fools, which means they cater everything around that demographic.

If I could change one thing about the AFL it would be to get rid of the sycophantic and largely irrelevant ex-player network both in the coverage and in the media. Almost none of them have anything insightful to say (people like David King is an exception) most of them just tow the popular view at the time, and all of them are clearly in it for the easy cash with no expectation to add any value. How people like Garry Lyon, Tim Watson, or Matthew Lloyd can continue to be a considered a source of credibility for analysing the game is just laughable.

The sport could flourish by actually having some insightful analysis and commentary available to the general public rather than the clowns we get shoved down our throat every year. Being a well known player doesn't make them suitable for the media, Jonathon Brown trying to analyse a game is exhibit A. The only saving grace is the AFL looks like the bastion of professionalism compared to their compatriots in the NRL.

Agree that not many of the current commentators add a great deal of insight into what is happening out there. There is a whole other level of strategy, and even terminology, happening at clubs that the general public don't see, hear or understand. Its disappointing when players come out of the modern game, like Cameron Ling, and just state the obvious and add nothing to the coverage - or don't seem to challenge the old attitudes of what is happening in the game.

I am looking forward to Leigh Montagna retiring and joining the broadcast teams. If anyone has ever heard him on radio, or occasionally on a Friday night game - I think he is already very very good at explaining to the audience some of the more complex aspects of the game.

Ghost Dog
25-08-2015, 03:36 PM
Agree that not many of the current commentators add a great deal of insight into what is happening out there. There is a whole other level of strategy, and even terminology, happening at clubs that the general public don't see, hear or understand. Its disappointing when players come out of the modern game, like Cameron Ling, and just state the obvious and add nothing to the coverage - or don't seem to challenge the old attitudes of what is happening in the game.

I am looking forward to Leigh Montagna retiring and joining the broadcast teams. If anyone has ever heard him on radio, or occasionally on a Friday night game - I think he is already very very good at explaining to the audience some of the more complex aspects of the game.

Maybe there's been a directive from senior broadcast executives to 'talk it up' as much as possible, or it seems that way. It's 'narrative' over analysis and what annoys me is when I'm listening to it on the radio and just want the bloody score.
It's silly to just narrate what viewers can see for themselves in a hyperbolic way when there is so much going on around the field. Stats about who has won the last 6 times at Etihad are pretty irrelevant after you mention them once, and who cares what Lin Jong's heritage is for the fourth or fifth time?

25-08-2015, 05:19 PM
As the say, 'Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story', unfortunately since this whole Essendon saga started a vast majority of the stories written have missed the mark whether pro or against.

25-08-2015, 06:26 PM
Having Lin Jong's ancestry explained every time he gets the ball is getting tiresome.

25-08-2015, 07:19 PM
Especially when they get it wrong...

25-08-2015, 07:36 PM
Having Lin Jong's ancestry explained every time he gets the ball is getting tiresome.
Not sure if you were aware but did you know that Mike Pyke is Canadian and used to play rugby? Apparently he even scored a try in the Rugby World Cup!

25-08-2015, 08:23 PM
Not sure if you were aware but did you know that Mike Pyke is Canadian and used to play rugby? Apparently he even scored a try in the Rugby World Cup!

Or that Jake Melksham had a couple of amateur junior boxing fights? Apparently he went ok too!

Never mind that he's a shithouse footballer which is his ACTUAL occupation and the reason we're watching him.

25-08-2015, 09:34 PM
Add to that I think we're all brutually aware that Pendlebury was an ok junior baskatballer and had to make an important decision whether it was going to be football or Basketball. I can just hear Bruce saying 'I think he made the right call don't you Duck'?

25-08-2015, 09:47 PM
Not sure if you were aware but did you know that Mike Pyke is Canadian and used to play rugby? Apparently he even scored a try in the Rugby World Cup!

I learnt on 774 last week that Holmes guy from St Kilda is only the third American born AFL footballer after Sanford Wheeler and Mike Pyke. I reckon that has started life as a practical joke and somehow went to air.

25-08-2015, 10:07 PM
Every sport looks after their own, the AFL is no different. Cycling and soccer are far worse, MLB is no better. The NFL seems to be one of the few sports that tries to take responsibility seriously and they're not even very good at it. The problem is the AFL seems to think all of their supporters are ignorant fools, which means they cater everything around that demographic.

If I could change one thing about the AFL it would be to get rid of the sycophantic and largely irrelevant ex-player network both in the coverage and in the media. Almost none of them have anything insightful to say (people like David King is an exception) most of them just tow the popular view at the time, and all of them are clearly in it for the easy cash with no expectation to add any value. How people like Garry Lyon, Tim Watson, or Matthew Lloyd can continue to be a considered a source of credibility for analysing the game is just laughable.

The sport could flourish by actually having some insightful analysis and commentary available to the general public rather than the clowns we get shoved down our throat every year. Being a well known player doesn't make them suitable for the media, Jonathon Brown trying to analyse a game is exhibit A. The only saving grace is the AFL looks like the bastion of professionalism compared to their compatriots in the NRL.

Great post, agree 100%. Exacerbates the loss of a guy like Clinton Gyrbas, the media needs more actual journalists and analysts, less ex-players.

25-08-2015, 10:25 PM
Not sure if you were aware but did you know that Mike Pyke is Canadian and used to play rugby? Apparently he even scored a try in the Rugby World Cup!

Only recently I found out that Johns last name wasn't Plattenwithcourage

25-08-2015, 11:13 PM
Great post, agree 100%. Exacerbates the loss of a guy like Clinton Gyrbas, the media needs more actual journalists and analysts, less ex-players.

Amen. And less sycophants like Robbo.

Remi Moses
26-08-2015, 02:19 AM
Every sport looks after their own, the AFL is no different. Cycling and soccer are far worse, MLB is no better. The NFL seems to be one of the few sports that tries to take responsibility seriously and they're not even very good at it. The problem is the AFL seems to think all of their supporters are ignorant fools, which means they cater everything around that demographic.

If I could change one thing about the AFL it would be to get rid of the sycophantic and largely irrelevant ex-player network both in the coverage and in the media. Almost none of them have anything insightful to say (people like David King is an exception) most of them just tow the popular view at the time, and all of them are clearly in it for the easy cash with no expectation to add any value. How people like Garry Lyon, Tim Watson, or Matthew Lloyd can continue to be a considered a source of credibility for analysing the game is just laughable.

The sport could flourish by actually having some insightful analysis and commentary available to the general public rather than the clowns we get shoved down our throat every year. Being a well known player doesn't make them suitable for the media, Jonathon Brown trying to analyse a game is exhibit A. The only saving grace is the AFL looks like the bastion of professionalism compared to their compatriots in the NRL.

Very good post.I always think of what Ed Wyatt said a while ago ( ex pat American sportscaster) couldn't get over the fact we have pictures of our media plastered all over walls at Etihad, making them out to be bigger than the actual game.
The Footy and the cricket are worse than other sports in this country for their sycophantic, blokey, gushing style .
Just look at the blokey love for top bloke "Hodgey" and Mark Robinson's unabashed love in with James Hird .

The Doctor
27-08-2015, 07:55 AM
The Footy and the cricket are worse than other sports in this country for their sycophantic, blokey, gushing style .
Just look at the blokey love for top bloke "Hodgey" and Mark Robinson's unabashed love in with James Hird .

and Jobe!

27-08-2015, 09:29 AM
and Jobe!

It's hero worshipping, contemporary mythology. Robbo couldn't be an AFL footballer so he took up sport journalism so he could crawl around on all fours and sniff their behinds as a career. Problem is if you're going to hero worship and be a sports journalist at the same time you need to rid yourself of the urge to sniff behinds otherwise you're just going to come across as a biased bum sniffer with little to no credability.