View Full Version : Western Bulldogs bring in AFL to investigate 'leak' to Adelaide Crows

22-09-2015, 08:20 PM

Western Bulldogs bring in AFL to investigate 'leak' to Adelaide Crows
September 22, 2015 - 6:53PM

Jake Niall, Emma Quayle


The Western Bulldogs have asked the AFL to investigate the alleged leaking of sensitive game-day information to Adelaide in the elimination final.

The Bulldogs confirmed late on Tuesday that they had been made aware of the possibility that sensitive game-day information had found its way to the Crows.

Fairfax Media understands that the club had been concerned that information - specific to the elimination final - had been passed on via a Bulldogs' player.


Western Bulldogs chief executive David Stevenson said the club had been "made aware" on Monday last week that "some game sensitive information" had allegedly found its way to the Crows.

Stevenson said the Bulldogs had spoken to the Crows and had asked the AFL to investigate the matter. He confirmed that the issue was in the hands of the AFL's integrity unit.

The AFL is expected to look into not only whether and how any information made its way out of the Bulldogs, but what - if anything - was done with it at Adelaide's end.

Stevenson would not elaborate further on the specifics, such as how the club thought the information had allegedly passed from the Bulldogs to the Crows, who won the thrilling elimination final narrowly, ending the Dogs' season.

"The Club conducted such interviews and enquiries as we considered appropriate last week and as a result of those enquiries, the club has today referred the matter to the AFL for consideration by its integrity unit," he said in a statement.

"While we do not believe this matter had a material bearing on the game or the result, we believe it is appropriate to report these matters relating to integrity to the AFL for investigation.

"The club does not consider it appropriate to make any further comment at this time."

22-09-2015, 08:25 PM
Rumour I've heard, is that MT told team selection to his parents, and parents passed this on to DT

NB ****rumour only++++

22-09-2015, 08:25 PM
Speculating here ... Michael Talia to Daniel Talia??

22-09-2015, 08:28 PM
Speculating here ... Michael Talia to Daniel Talia??


22-09-2015, 08:34 PM
If that's the case the parents should be ashamed of themselves

22-09-2015, 08:38 PM
We must be very unhappy. What can the AFL do? What are we hoping to achieve?

22-09-2015, 08:44 PM
Talk now is that Swans have withdrawn their offer for Talia so this may have a real impact in a negative way. Interesting to see what the AFL does.

22-09-2015, 08:46 PM
We must be very unhappy. What can the AFL do? What are we hoping to achieve?

If proven probably a suspension from his new club.

Michael has quite a few people who aren't very bright advising him. This is just an example of it. He needs to surround himself with some more intelligent people, not that I think it will help him make the grade as a player.

22-09-2015, 08:49 PM
If proven probably a suspension from his new club.

Michael has quite a few people who aren't very bright advising him. This is just an example of it. He needs to surround himself with some more intelligent people, not that I think it will help him make the grade as a player.

Bob Murphy being asked about it now. He's as unhappy as Bob gets, wouldn't say that it's not treason and breach of family. Indicated Bevo is unhappy.

22-09-2015, 08:51 PM
BT, did they confirm the nature and who?

22-09-2015, 08:54 PM
BT, did they confirm the nature and who?

Robbo said it would be really detailed wouldn't it? It wouldn't be something like Bob will run off the back flank. Bob agreed.
Gerard said it wouldn't have impacted the result would it? Bob said well it was a close game, so who knows...
Wouldn't name the player who gave it to Adelaide.

The bulldog tragician
22-09-2015, 09:00 PM
Wow. It's got to be more than selections & 'Bont sometimes goes 3rd man up.' An act of spite. Really sad.

22-09-2015, 09:02 PM
Well I guess we know Talia is not with us next year now. That's the 4th main list vacancy made.

22-09-2015, 09:02 PM
Robbo said it would be really detailed wouldn't it? It wouldn't be something like Bob will run off the back flank. Bob agreed.
Gerard said it wouldn't have impacted the result would it? Bob said well it was a close game, so who knows...
Wouldn't name the player who gave it to Adelaide.

Thanks. Herald Sun has come out and named Talia.

22-09-2015, 09:03 PM
Thanks. Herald Sun has come out and named Talia.

I don't usually agree with Robbo, but I do here "footy treason".

22-09-2015, 09:07 PM
If true, Michael Talia won't be on anyone's list next year. Dog act. Cant be trusted. All about him. Go away. Tarnished his whole families name.

22-09-2015, 09:07 PM
Pack Your Bags McTalia thread is on my mind...

22-09-2015, 09:11 PM
Oh Michael. What were you thinking?

22-09-2015, 09:11 PM
Wowee. This is about as low as it gets, you would not want to be the rat in the ranks! Name will be mud, career over.

22-09-2015, 09:17 PM
Wowee. This is about as low as it gets, you would not want to be the rat in the ranks! Name will be mud, career over.

Interesting to see if his trade value has gone off a cliff now. There's a primal and wrong part of me that thinks Bevo should've called a training session today with a boxing session ala Robert Walls style with Will and Jake.

I just don't get why he'd be such a dog to a club he grew up supporting and granddad played in 1954. I think it's beyond treason, I'm just not sure on the word.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
22-09-2015, 09:30 PM
Without mentioning names, because its yet to be confirmed, whoever it is clearly will have lost the trust of the group. The person, if the accusation is true will need to be moved on and unfortunately it may devalue what we get in return.

22-09-2015, 09:31 PM
Without mentioning names, because its yet to be confirmed, whoever it is clearly will have lost the trust of the group. The person, if the accusation is true will need to be moved on and unfortunately it may devalue what we get in return.

I say pick 14 for him and pick 50 or he goes to Carlton in the PSD. We can't reward both parties with a cheap trade, we just can't.

22-09-2015, 09:33 PM
Without mentioning names, because its yet to be confirmed, whoever it is clearly will have lost the trust of the group. The person, if the accusation is true will need to be moved on and unfortunately it may devalue what we get in return.

Media has named Talia.

22-09-2015, 09:39 PM
I say pick 14 for him and pick 50 or he goes to Carlton in the PSD. We can't reward both parties with a cheap trade, we just can't.

Dreaming. Third rounder at best. But I wouldnt be fussed if we got nothing and nobody wanted him.

22-09-2015, 09:41 PM
Dreaming. Third rounder at best. But I wouldnt be fussed if we got nothing and nobody wanted him.

That's what I mean. Overs or nothing.

22-09-2015, 09:44 PM
I say pick 14 for him and pick 50 or he goes to Carlton in the PSD. We can't reward both parties with a cheap trade, we just can't.

We got pick 27 for Higgins. You're dreaming, pick 14. No way it'll happen. If Adelaide give us pick 14 for Talia, I'll drive over to their ground and buy a membership.

22-09-2015, 09:46 PM
We got pick 27 for Higgins. You're dreaming, pick 14. No way it'll happen. If Adelaide give us pick 14 for Talia, I'll drive over to their ground and buy a membership.

They get a second or third rounder back. But my point is they pay overs or no trade. Pick 50 for him is unacceptable.

22-09-2015, 09:52 PM
I have a few questions
1 was it just innocent chat to mum, some footballers love footy and talk it all the time.
2 if Talia wasn't in the team why would he be in the team plan meeting surely only the players playing would be told I imagine.
3 did it make a difference , seriously we lost that game ourselves.
4 is this just reporting something because when you hear something like this you have to report it to the integrity board
5 is this the media blowing it up bigger than it is ?
6 haven't we offered him a two year contract and he hasn't got back to us yet ?
7 if the media has named him do we have other people who leak stuff to the press? Something we pride ourselves of not doing ?

22-09-2015, 09:58 PM
Maybe Adelaide planned this with him and that way they get him cheap ?

22-09-2015, 10:01 PM
Maybe Adelaide planned this with him and that way they get him cheap ?

Couldn't rule that out at the moment...

22-09-2015, 10:25 PM
Maybe Adelaide planned this with him and that way they get him cheap ?

Stephen Trigg isn't there anymore

Dancin' Douggy
22-09-2015, 10:30 PM
It's hard to know what the club will get out of this.

22-09-2015, 10:53 PM
I have a few questions
1 was it just innocent chat to mum, some footballers love footy and talk it all the time.
2 if Talia wasn't in the team why would he be in the team plan meeting surely only the players playing would be told I imagine.
3 did it make a difference , seriously we lost that game ourselves.
4 is this just reporting something because when you hear something like this you have to report it to the integrity board
5 is this the media blowing it up bigger than it is ?
6 haven't we offered him a two year contract and he hasn't got back to us yet ?
7 if the media has named him do we have other people who leak stuff to the press? Something we pride ourselves of not doing ?

They'd have been preparing from Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning once recovery was done and it would have involved the whole team - or at least those with a reasonable chance of being selected.

By Thursday night we'd have been pretty set in what we were going to be doing on the night, meaning the team named would have only one or two meetings left before the game started.

I'd suggest the two year deal won't be accepted by Talia now. Irrespective of whether the team would forgive him, I don't think he'd be OK with facing them.

He seems to be quite naive. Whether it be his pissing and moaning about not playing enough senior footy, or the silly things he does on the field to this. He needs to grow up.

22-09-2015, 10:54 PM
If that's the case the parents should be ashamed of themselves

What have the parents got to do with it? Ahh they may have leaked it got it!

22-09-2015, 10:58 PM
It's hard to know what the club will get out of this.

If it turns out that Adelaide were knowingly in receipt of inside information, used the information without declaring it, and that Talia has become effectively untradeable, I think we could mount a reasonable case that Adelaide should be penalised their first round draft pick (at least) and we should receive that pick.

22-09-2015, 11:00 PM
Good luck proving that.

22-09-2015, 11:05 PM
If it turns out that Adelaide were knowingly in receipt of inside information, used the information without declaring it, and that Talia has become effectively untradeable, I think we could mount a reasonable case that Adelaide should be penalised their first round draft pick (at least) and we should receive that pick.

What rule has been breached by either party though? Is it bringing the game into disrepute? They would argue we made it public. It's not like there's insider trading laws on team tactics.

I like your reasoning but that's a big precedent for the AFL to set. Their style is more 'mediate' on the trade to Adelaide that see Talia get there and we get pick 14 for a swap of maybe the second or third rounder. (14 to 29). Or they threaten to block the trade like they did with Tippett and screw him and the club that willingly took the info. We would need to hold off the full investigation until at or after trade weeks. I could live with that. Equally seeing him at Carlton OR northern Blues fighting it out with Liam is fine too.

22-09-2015, 11:11 PM
Hard to know how we should judge this at the moment. The information currently is highly speculative but of course potentially damning.

I'm going to wait until more information is shared before forming an opinion.

22-09-2015, 11:18 PM
Hard to know how we should judge this at the moment. The information currently is highly speculative but of course potentially damning.

I'm going to wait until more information is shared before forming an opinion.

Let's hear the truth before we hang and quarter someone.

22-09-2015, 11:21 PM
What rule has been breached by either party though? Is it bringing the game into disrepute? They would argue we made it public. It's not like there's insider trading laws on team tactics.

I like your reasoning but that's a big precedent for the AFL to set. Their style is more 'mediate' on the trade to Adelaide that see Talia get there and we get pick 14 for a swap of maybe the second or third rounder. (14 to 29). Or they threaten to block the trade like they did with Tippett and screw him and the club that willingly took the info. We would need to hold off the full investigation until at or after trade weeks. I could live with that. Equally seeing him at Carlton OR northern Blues fighting it out with Liam is fine too.

A scenario that springs to mind which isn't exactly the same but has the same vibe to it is the 2007 Spygate controversy which the Patriots got in strife over. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_New_England_Patriots_videotaping_controversy

Its the whole bringing the game into disrepute angle. The alleged behaviour puts at risk the possibility of a fair and honest competition (which we don;t have anyway because of the way the AFL runs the League, but lets take competition as the single game.)

22-09-2015, 11:26 PM
Let's hear the truth before we hang and quarter someone.

With the ramifications for media, trade, image, the player, our players etc. do you think the club would refer something trivial to the AFL Integrity Office and then have the CEO release an official statement? We'd have to be very confident they will side with us to take this course.

Bob seemed annoyed by his laconic terms and said Bevo was upset. Indicated the leak may have impacted the result.

We are not going to get specifics any time soon. On the balance of the above, common sense to me at least says our club is hurting and we are very upset and that if we were not confident of the outcome we wouldn't gamble a lot on such a big move. That's enough for me.

22-09-2015, 11:31 PM
With the ramifications for media, trade, image, the player, our players etc. do you think the club would refer something trivial to the AFL Integrity Office and then have the CEO release an official statement? We'd have to be very confident they will side with us to take this course.

Bob seemed annoyed by his laconic terms and said Bevo was upset. Indicated the leak may have impacted the result.

We are not going to get specifics any time soon. On the balance of the above, common sense to me at least says our club is hurting and we are very upset and that if we were not confident of the outcome we wouldn't gamble a lot on such a big move. That's enough for me.

I agree with you, I just want to know what information was passed on and it isn't something blown out of proportion. As I said in the other thread, Daniel should also cop it as should Adelaide.

22-09-2015, 11:33 PM
I agree with you, I just want to know what information was passed on and it isn't something blown out of proportion. As I said in the other thread, Daniel should also cop it as should Adelaide.

Even on the rumour, the AFL should be referring this to Victoria and SA Police gambling squads. If anyone even linked to the Talias had money on Adelaide then this could be big and bad.

22-09-2015, 11:43 PM
Hard to know how we should judge this at the moment. The information currently is highly speculative but of course potentially damning.

I'm going to wait until more information is shared before forming an opinion.

I'm with you on this one. I hope it has been blown out of proportion

22-09-2015, 11:46 PM
I'm with you on this one. I hope it has been blown out of proportion

The club has blown it up by referring it to the AFL Integrity Office and our CEO making a public statement? Or someone else?

22-09-2015, 11:53 PM
The club has blown it up by referring it to the AFL Integrity Office and our CEO making a public statement? Or someone else?

I'm sure there is very good reasons to do so but the way I see it we have to show some patience.

The way our supporters react to certain things has intrigued me for years but currently Bennell has been given a big tick by many despite what we know about his actions and now Talia is copping heaps based on information that isn't 100% clear.

22-09-2015, 11:56 PM
From CEO

Western Bulldogs Chief Executive Officer David Stevenson has made the following statement regarding a matter that has emerged from the Elimination Final against Adelaide."The Western Bulldogs became aware on Monday 14 September of allegations of the inappropriate transmission of game-sensitive information from the Western Bulldogs to the Adelaide Crows prior to the final on 12 September.

"The Club conducted such interviews and enquiries as we considered appropriate last week and as a result of those enquiries, the Club has today referred the matter to the AFL for consideration by its integrity unit.

"While we do not believe this matter had a material bearing on the game or the result, we believe it is appropriate to report these matters relating to integrity to the AFL for investigation.

"The Club does not consider it appropriate to make any further comment at this time."

23-09-2015, 12:02 AM
From CEO

Exactly the right thing to do.

23-09-2015, 12:05 AM
Exactly the right thing to do.

He says they have conducted interviews, so looks like some players or officials in the club found out about what happened.

23-09-2015, 12:05 AM
I'm sure there is very good reasons to do so but the way I see it we have to show some patience.

The way our supporters react to certain things has intrigued me for years but currently Bennell has been given a big tick by many despite what we know about his actions and now Talia is copping heaps based on information that isn't 100% clear.

The club reported its own player in Talia to the AFL Integrity Office over a most serious charge. A charge that was not an obligatory report. The precise details are inconsequential. The club appears to have first hand witness information that demonstrates to our satisfaction a report of alleged corrupt behaviour. The club has investigated it for several days at the highest level, then weighed it up against the fall out risks and still decided to do it. We could have fined him $5,000 under the aflpa code if we wanted to, but have sent it to the AFL who can suspend, ban etc him and Adelaide. Surely all of this is enough.

As for Bennell, hes a kid who can't handle grog or peer group pressure from a Qld footy God putting white powder in front of him. Talia could have committed the most serious of footy breaches of trust, an act of bastardry and treason against every person at the club and every member. If the Talia family or friends bet on Adelaide there's a Prima Facie case of betting corruption. The ramifications of this could be endless and severe. I don't see any comparison.

23-09-2015, 12:17 AM
Good luck proving that.

Given that it happened 1 week ago, and the player involved has already been publicly identified, the player in receipt has been identified, news reports have mentioned an Adelaide player discussing it with Hawthorn player (Cheney with Stratton) and it has been specified that 2 pieces of information have been provided, I'd say the chances of proving some information changed hands are not insignificant.

Especially if he passed on information in writing, or via text, as has been speculated.

We would not need to prove that Adelaide benefitted from the information necessarily, just that they received it pre-match and declined to disclose this. This is a clear case of breaching integrity involving a knockout final.

This all has to be proven, but when so much is made public so quickly and the club is so quick to seek redress, it will be surprising if all matters are entirely baseless.

What penalties will apply is anyones guess.

Remi Moses
23-09-2015, 01:24 AM
Very niave of Talia, and it sounds a bit like sour grapes on not getting game time .

23-09-2015, 01:31 AM
Without mentioning names, because its yet to be confirmed, whoever it is clearly will have lost the trust of the group. The person, if the accusation is true will need to be moved on and unfortunately it may devalue what we get in return.

Agree - would want to hear his side of the story - not the first time something has been blown out of proportion.....Lachie Hunter ring a bell.

Ghost Dog
23-09-2015, 01:39 AM
The club reported its own player in Talia to the AFL Integrity Office over a most serious charge. A charge that was not an obligatory report. The precise details are inconsequential. The club appears to have first hand witness information that demonstrates to our satisfaction a report of alleged corrupt behaviour. The club has investigated it for several days at the highest level, then weighed it up against the fall out risks and still decided to do it. We could have fined him $5,000 under the aflpa code if we wanted to, but have sent it to the AFL who can suspend, ban etc him and Adelaide. Surely all of this is enough.

As for Bennell, hes a kid who can't handle grog or peer group pressure from a Qld footy God putting white powder in front of him. Talia could have committed the most serious of footy breaches of trust, an act of bastardry and treason against every person at the club and every member. If the Talia family or friends bet on Adelaide there's a Prima Facie case of betting corruption. The ramifications of this could be endless and severe. I don't see any comparison.

Do we know it's actually Talia? if so, how.

Remi Moses
23-09-2015, 03:25 AM
Do we know it's actually Talia? if so, how.

It's been reported in both papers, so it's pretty safe to assume it was Talia.
Otherwise defamation might come into play .
Regardless of what context took place , it's pretty crap behaviour.

23-09-2015, 09:12 AM
Agree - would want to hear his side of the story - not the first time something has been blown out of proportion.....Lachie Hunter ring a bell.

Did you really believe the Hunter story? My mate used my account? C'mon.

23-09-2015, 09:40 AM
Is Tim Watson a moron.

Essendon legend Tim Watson has slammed the Western Bulldogs for going to the AFL after the club's defender Michael Talia leaked game plan information to brother Daniel ahead of the elimination final against Adelaide.Daniel Talia has been accused of sharing two pieces of vital information with his older brother in the week leading up to the game, which has been reported to the AFL's integrity unit.
"This whole thing is just heavy handed. You just go to Michael Talia and you say to him, mate this is really poor form, you abused the trust of this organisation. You don't hand it over to the AFL integrity unit," Watson told SEN radio.
The 22-year-old defender is expected to be traded by the Bulldogs after 30 games in four season at the club.
"You sort it out yourself, it's your club problem, it's a trust problem, it's an internal problem," Watson said.

23-09-2015, 09:46 AM
See this is what we knew was going to happen. You don't voluntary steal any of the limelight for our AAs last night and have this press unless our powder is very dry and that we are prepared to cop this for a big decision.

And Watson is a dead set knob. If it was Essendon you just know his opinion would be completely opposite...

23-09-2015, 09:53 AM
It's been reported in both papers, so it's pretty safe to assume it was Talia.
Otherwise defamation might come into play .
Regardless of what context took place , it's pretty crap behaviour.

Also, the Crows CEO has mentioned that their understanding is that it was nothing more than some banter between two brothers.

23-09-2015, 09:55 AM
If that's the case, and it went no further, how did Kyle Cheney know about it? How was the CEO 'aware of the incident' before this all blew up?

23-09-2015, 10:05 AM
Is Tim Watson a moron.

Forever and always

23-09-2015, 10:11 AM
He culture of our club stands on loyalty. If anyone has leaked sensitive game day information, particularly in regard to a final, they cannot be trusted. If it is proven that Talia leaked that information he will not and should not play for us again. If we get nothing for him that is appropriate, that is his worth. If no other club takes him that too is appropriate.

23-09-2015, 10:26 AM
And Watson is a dead set knob. If it was Essendon you just know his opinion would be completely opposite...

He really is, he makes a fool of himself every time he weighs into an issue. Watching him discuss issues relating to Essendon you'd swear it was a spoof of some old footy club relic played by a comedic satirist.

23-09-2015, 11:20 AM
Is Tim Watson a moron.

"This whole thing is just heavy handed. You just go to Michael Talia and you say to him, mate this is really poor form, you abused the trust of this organisation. You don't hand it over to the AFL integrity unit," Watson told SEN radio.
The 22-year-old defender is expected to be traded by the Bulldogs after 30 games in four season at the club.
"You sort it out yourself, it's your club problem, it's a trust problem, it's an internal problem," Watson said.

He really is, he makes a fool of himself every time he weighs into an issue. Watching him discuss issues relating to Essendon you'd swear it was a spoof of some old footy club relic played by a comedic satirist.

And in Watson's next breath he'd expect us all to believe that most at Essendon were completely unaware of what their scientist was up to with their players.

Ghost Dog
23-09-2015, 12:13 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Watson's commentary. Until he has more detail I'm not sure it's fair of him to say we should have kept it internal. Well, maybe that's what they would have done at Essendon. But we are not sure of the facts, and to pass it to the AFL would depend on how much, and in what way information was passed on.

When Talia steps into the men's locker room, it's going to be a tad tense I imagine.

23-09-2015, 12:41 PM
Statement from Players Association:


23-09-2015, 12:48 PM
So is that the end of that, then?

Edit: no, that's just the Players' Association, not the Integrity Unit. As you were.

23-09-2015, 12:52 PM
So is that the end of that, then?

Edit: no, that's just the Players' Association, not the Integrity Unit. As you were.

If they have both lied to the Players association, then what.

23-09-2015, 01:06 PM
If they have both lied to the Players association, then what.

They have to swap clubs, we get the good Talia.

23-09-2015, 03:48 PM
Is Tim Watson a moron.
Tim Watson is against handing over information for investigation?
Shock freaking horror.

Remi Moses
23-09-2015, 04:30 PM
Tim Watson would defend Charles Manson if he'd played for Essendon .

23-09-2015, 06:25 PM
Hearing around social media the depth of the leak and it is astounding. Planned rotations, set plays and running patterns based on mismatches created inside 50 etc. The alleged level of detail is striking. Similar to an NFL team having their playbook stolen.

23-09-2015, 06:58 PM
This is making me feel sick... Please remind me that we lost this game because we didn't kick straight...

23-09-2015, 07:03 PM
Hearing around social media the depth of the leak and it is astounding. Planned rotations, set plays and running patterns based on mismatches created inside 50 etc. The alleged level of detail is striking. Similar to an NFL team having their playbook stolen.

And I still believe we lost that game ourselves.
If what's being said is true we should have won by 100 points without them knowing or they should have knowing the plan.
They mustn't be too good as coaches if they only beat us in the dying minutes with that information.

23-09-2015, 07:14 PM
And I still believe we lost that game ourselves.
If what's being said is true we should have won by 100 points without them knowing or they should have knowing the plan.
They mustn't be too good as coaches if they only beat us in the dying minutes with that information.

As do I, for all that we still had more than enough opportunity to win the game off our own boot.

I think we need to separate the issue of the win/loss from the act itself which is inexcusable behaviour in a professional environment.

23-09-2015, 08:39 PM
I don't understand what's wrong with reporting something to the AFL integrity commission

If there's nothing in it, they say there's nothing in it. No-one dies

23-09-2015, 09:32 PM
Hearing around social media the depth of the leak and it is astounding. Planned rotations, set plays and running patterns based on mismatches created inside 50 etc. The alleged level of detail is striking. Similar to an NFL team having their playbook stolen.

That level of detail is staggering.

If what has been suggested is true then the Talias were telling the association porkies, which is absolutely what you do NOT do to anyone advocating on your behalf.

23-09-2015, 10:04 PM
That level of detail is staggering.

If what has been suggested is true then the Talias were telling the association porkies, which is absolutely what you do NOT do to anyone advocating on your behalf.

Then it sounds like that would be their preferred course of action.

23-09-2015, 10:17 PM
That level of detail is staggering.

If what has been suggested is true then the Talias were telling the association porkies, which is absolutely what you do NOT do to anyone advocating on your behalf.

Presuming Talia was the source of the information...

23-09-2015, 10:27 PM
Presuming Talia was the source of the information...

The AFLPA, I'm pretty sure, said the two people talking were family/brothers. How many brothers are there between our two sides?

23-09-2015, 10:41 PM
Hearing around social media the depth of the leak and it is astounding. Planned rotations, set plays and running patterns based on mismatches created inside 50 etc. The alleged level of detail is striking. Similar to an NFL team having their playbook stolen.

Sorry SoS you lost me at social media.

23-09-2015, 10:44 PM
I still don't believe it, how could he ever look his Grandad in the eye. Sorry just can't have it.

We still kicked 20 points.

23-09-2015, 10:51 PM
The AFLPA, I'm pretty sure, said the two people talking were family/brothers. How many brothers are there between our two sides?

Doesn't mean they are necessarily the sole source of information. As I hear it, Talia is not the only party being investigated.

23-09-2015, 10:56 PM
Sorry SoS you lost me at social media.

Isn't woof a form of social media?

23-09-2015, 10:57 PM
Isn't woof a form of social media?

You're funny. :D

23-09-2015, 11:07 PM
Doesn't mean they are necessarily the sole source of information. As I hear it, Talia is not the only party being investigated.

Another player or person from the club ?

24-09-2015, 12:24 AM
Another player or person from the club ?


From what I have heard, the club believe that on game day Adelaide pulled moves that led them to suspect that Crows had prior knowledge (some of which Talia didn't have access to). They have investigated this and taken it to the AFL integrity unit.

The whole Talia/Cheney/Stratton/Lake/Bevo scenario blew up after the club had instigated initial investigations.

Weird thing is Talia is in Bali at present with a bunch of teammates. that's got to be awkward.

Whole story is way strange and will get stranger.

24-09-2015, 08:04 AM
From the Hun this morning:

TACTICAL details about Jake Stringer’s role in the Western Bulldogs’ finals loss to Adelaide are at the centre of the AFL integrity unit investigation into the Talia brothers.

The Bulldogs have asked the league to investigate claims Dogs defender Michael Talia passed on positional and tactical information about All-Australian Stringer and at least one other player to his brother, Adelaide Crows player Daniel Talia, in the lead-up to the seven-point elimination final loss this month.

The Talia brothers spoke in the week prior to the game — as they regularly do — and had a discussion the AFL Players Association said on Wednesday did not include any sensitive disclosures.

24-09-2015, 09:27 AM
Pretty soon going to run out of travelling mates in Bali it seems. Maybe he'll end up on one of those worlds dangerous holidays shows. This is getting worse and worse, passing on this level of detail is akin to giving Monty Rommel's GPS co-ords at Kasserine Pass.

24-09-2015, 09:40 AM
So if reports are correct that the Talia brothers are angels, and / or D Talia didn't tell anyone anything that M Talia may or may not have told him, how the hell did K Cheney also know something then? The "we know nothing" story has more holes than Swiss cheese.

24-09-2015, 09:44 AM
So if reports are correct that the Talia brothers are angels, and / or D Talia didn't tell anyone anything that M Talia may or may not have told him, how the hell did K Cheney also know something then? The "we know nothing" story has more holes than Swiss cheese.

I think I have missed something in all of this. What has Cheney done or what did he know about? Is this something reported?

24-09-2015, 09:56 AM
Apparently Kyle Cheney said something to Ben Stratton, who said something to Bevo.

24-09-2015, 09:57 AM
The shite thing is that Talia played on Stringer too.

24-09-2015, 10:01 AM
The shite thing is that Talia played on Stringer too.

Too bad Stringer was hampered by his hammy, he would have torn him apart.

If all this is true about the Talia brothers, I am really angry at this treachery. It really is the lowest of low to do that to your club let alone your team mates.

24-09-2015, 10:38 AM
I am disappointed for his Grandfather most of all if this is true.

24-09-2015, 10:41 AM
I don't care if it WAS 'casual brotherly banter' or whatever they're claiming (IF that's true). You still don't discuss the team, the game plan, or ANYTHING to do with that week's game if your respective teams are playing each other, and especially if it's a final. End of story.

I don't get why Tim Watson seems to think this is no big deal! (Except that he's an idiot.)

24-09-2015, 11:24 AM
Apparently Kyle Cheney said something to Ben Stratton, who said something to Bevo.

Which, if true, means that M Talia and the rest of the Crows no longer trust Cheney, and Cheney no longer trusts Ben Stratton, and Ben Stratton would be mighty pi55ed that his name has been included. And possibly the other Hawks no longer trust Stratton.

24-09-2015, 11:35 AM
Which, if true, means that M Talia and the rest of the Crows no longer trust Cheney, and Cheney no longer trusts Ben Stratton, and Ben Stratton would be mighty pi55ed that his name has been included. And possibly the other Hawks no longer trust Stratton.

If I was Stratton I would feel a moral repsonsibility to inform Bevo, and I think most of the other Hawthorn players would feel the same. That type of info just isn't cool. You can't have players running around telling other players about match day tactics, especially to a player who is going to playing on a player who the information is about. I reckon 99% of players would think that's just not on, which makes the Talias information and leak that much more incredible.

Rocco Jones
24-09-2015, 11:50 AM
Cheney and Stratton would have worked under Beveridge when he was the backline coach for the Hawks.

24-09-2015, 11:51 AM

From what I have heard, the club believe that on game day Adelaide pulled moves that led them to suspect that Crows had prior knowledge (some of which Talia didn't have access to). They have investigated this and taken it to the AFL integrity unit.

The whole Talia/Cheney/Stratton/Lake/Bevo scenario blew up after the club had instigated initial investigations.

Weird thing is Talia is in Bali at present with a bunch of teammates. that's got to be awkward.

Whole story is way strange and will get stranger.

How is Lake involved? This is the first time I have heard his name mentioned.

24-09-2015, 01:29 PM
How is Lake involved? This is the first time I have heard his name mentioned.

Apparently contacted us as well.

24-09-2015, 03:14 PM
Were Talia and Lake on our list at the same time?

24-09-2015, 04:00 PM
Were Talia and Lake on our list at the same time?

Yes they overlapped a year.

24-09-2015, 04:06 PM
How do people know all this about Stratton, Lake etc contacting Bevo? Where is this coming from - I must have missed the article?

24-09-2015, 04:27 PM
How do people know all this about Stratton, Lake etc contacting Bevo? Where is this coming from - I must have missed the article?

The Stratton/Bevo story has been widely reported (but not confirmed). I haven't seen anything re Lake

24-09-2015, 06:25 PM
Seems like this story is fizzling out and being spun against us now a la Watson's remarks. Which suggests to me there is in fact more to it.

24-09-2015, 06:26 PM
Seems like this story is fizzling out and being spun against us now a la Watson's remarks. Which suggests to me there is in fact more to it.

I think we need to wait for the findings of the Integrity Dept? There seems to be no more to add to it at this stage?

24-09-2015, 07:16 PM
I think we need to wait for the findings of the Integrity Dept? There seems to be no more to add to it at this stage?

I have the utmost confidence that the AFL Integrity Department/Unit/Committee/Gathering Of Fellas will no doubt ensure justice is done, with honesty and integrity upheld.

24-09-2015, 07:24 PM
I have the utmost confidence that the AFL Integrity Department/Unit/Committee/Gathering Of Fellas will no doubt ensure justice is done, with honesty and integrity upheld.

People, wasting away in paradise. Going backward, once in a while. Moving ahead, falling behind. What do you believe, what do you believe, What do you believe is true? Nothing they say makes a difference this way. Nothing they say will do. You take all the trouble that you can afford. At least you won't have time to be bored.

24-09-2015, 07:29 PM
People, wasting away in paradise. Going backward, once in a while. Moving ahead, falling behind. What do you believe, what do you believe, What do you believe is true? Nothing they say makes a difference this way. Nothing they say will do. You take all the trouble that you can afford. At least you won't have time to be bored.

We need The pack to dance like Peter Garrett, the Other PG.

24-09-2015, 07:33 PM
Too bad Stringer was hampered by his hammy, he would have torn him apart.

If all this is true about the Talia brothers, I am really angry at this treachery. It really is the lowest of low to do that to your club let alone your team mates.

Would he have played on him if Stringer could have pushed up the ground?

24-09-2015, 08:24 PM
Would he have played on him if Stringer could have pushed up the ground?

Good point. I don't think so.

25-09-2015, 12:39 PM
Would he have played on him if Stringer could have pushed up the ground?

Stringer's condition was obviously critical info in the espionage. :mad:

dog town
25-09-2015, 01:14 PM
First time I have commented on this because I was waiting to hear what really happened. Have to say I'm surprised people think Adelaide have done much wrong. If you're a coach and you get info that can help your boys you use it. They probably employ spies just to find that sort of stuff out anyway. What do you do if you're Camporeale just try to forget what you were told? If a match up goes bad do you leave it because you had prior knowledge? It's bloody horrible if it's remotely true but unless Adelaide put some pre conceived devious plan in place I find it hard to attribute blame to them.

I suspect that if it is even a tiny bit true Talia will be punished enough. Players don't forget that sort of stuff. Will be tarnished forever which is why we need to wait for more to come out.

25-09-2015, 02:18 PM
First time I have commented on this because I was waiting to hear what really happened. Have to say I'm surprised people think Adelaide have done much wrong. If you're a coach and you get info that can help your boys you use it. They probably employ spies just to find that sort of stuff out anyway. What do you do if you're Camporeale just try to forget what you were told? If a match up goes bad do you leave it because you had prior knowledge? It's bloody horrible if it's remotely true but unless Adelaide put some pre conceived devious plan in place I find it hard to attribute blame to them.

I suspect that if it is even a tiny bit true Talia will be punished enough. Players don't forget that sort of stuff. Will be tarnished forever which is why we need to wait for more to come out.

Report it and don't cheat so that the AFL can at least maintain some facade of a fair competition. Not hard.

Obviously you won't forget the information but at least this way we know and can adjust our strategies.

25-09-2015, 02:48 PM
First time I have commented on this because I was waiting to hear what really happened. Have to say I'm surprised people think Adelaide have done much wrong. If you're a coach and you get info that can help your boys you use it. They probably employ spies just to find that sort of stuff out anyway. What do you do if you're Camporeale just try to forget what you were told? If a match up goes bad do you leave it because you had prior knowledge? It's bloody horrible if it's remotely true but unless Adelaide put some pre conceived devious plan in place I find it hard to attribute blame to them.

I suspect that if it is even a tiny bit true Talia will be punished enough. Players don't forget that sort of stuff. Will be tarnished forever which is why we need to wait for more to come out.

When I say 'espionage' I don't mean that Adelaide had a campaign of spying. It seems the Talia brothers are the sole source of the information sabotage.
Michael may have foolishly not meant for it to go further than Daniel. Daniel may not have been milking Michael. The aftermath is still sabotage, that is a betrayal of critical club info that affected this year's Bulldogs finals campaign in which we made an early exit, in a very winnable final and in a year in which the granny was very open and we had great success against other finalists. We were an unknown entity. Who knows what would have happened?

Axe Man
25-09-2015, 03:47 PM
Anybody see Barrett's comment on the AFL website:

If: you're referring one of your players to the AFL integrity department over a conversation he might've had with his brother

Then: you're surely going to also, retrospectively, refer everyone who played a role in sending Clay Smith back on to an AFL venue back in May after he had been diagnosed as suffering a third ruptured ACL. Can't pick and choose when it comes to integrity.

What a worm (with apologies to worms).

dog town
25-09-2015, 04:04 PM
Report it and don't cheat so that the AFL can at least maintain some facade of a fair competition. Not hard.

Obviously you won't forget the information but at least this way we know and can adjust our strategies. Maybe if you are given a word for word copy of our exact tactics. If it's just some info that was passed on I don't see it. Like I said they have paid employees out there trying to find this stuff out. No chance they are going to knock back a bit of inside info.

25-09-2015, 04:07 PM
Anybody see Barrett's comment on the AFL website:

What a worm (with apologies to worms).

And that's why he is a joke.

25-09-2015, 05:47 PM
First time I have commented on this because I was waiting to hear what really happened. Have to say I'm surprised people think Adelaide have done much wrong. If you're a coach and you get info that can help your boys you use it. They probably employ spies just to find that sort of stuff out anyway. What do you do if you're Camporeale just try to forget what you were told? If a match up goes bad do you leave it because you had prior knowledge? It's bloody horrible if it's remotely true but unless Adelaide put some pre conceived devious plan in place I find it hard to attribute blame to them.

Correct. I probably hate the Crows more than anyone on this board, but I don't think they have done anything that any other club would have done.

25-09-2015, 05:54 PM
Correct. I probably hate the Crows more than anyone on this board, but I don't think they have done anything that any other club would have done.

But we don't know what they've done. It would be highly presumptuous to think that all of the detail is in the public domain.

25-09-2015, 05:58 PM
Maybe if you are given a word for word copy of our exact tactics. If it's just some info that was passed on I don't see it. Like I said they have paid employees out there trying to find this stuff out. No chance they are going to knock back a bit of inside info.

Oh so that's a fact now is it, because you seemed to not be sure a moment ago.

What you are describing is cheating and it shouldn't be condoned. Whether they obtain the information somewhat innocently and neglect to share that with anyone or whether they have spies or whatever trying to get that information.

My stance would be the same if the Bulldogs did it as well.

dog town
25-09-2015, 06:04 PM
Oh so that's a fact now is it, because you seemed to not be sure a moment ago.

What you are describing is cheating and it shouldn't be condoned. Whether they obtain the information somewhat innocently and neglect to share that with anyone or whether they have spies or whatever trying to get that information.

My stance would be the same if the Bulldogs did it as well. Not part of the crows but I reckon it's fair to say clubs put a lot of work into knowing what the opposition are doing.

25-09-2015, 07:54 PM
But we don't know what they've done. It would be highly presumptuous to think that all of the detail is in the public domain.


Ghost Dog
25-09-2015, 09:18 PM
Anybody see Barrett's comment on the AFL website:

What a worm (with apologies to worms).

What a dickwit. You can't do any more damage to it by playing. The medicos at our club are top notch and we had an investigation. What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Bomb Barrett with emails, tweets, and those he works for.

Remi Moses
25-09-2015, 10:44 PM
Just gave Ol pox face a serve

01-10-2015, 02:18 AM
Coach was on radio a bit today and was prompted to comment on the issue. He laid the smack down on Tim Watson and Dwayne Russell. It was fantastic, direct and understated but unbelievably firm and cool in his delivery.

01-10-2015, 09:05 AM
Don't suppose you've got a link SoS? What station?

01-10-2015, 09:35 AM
Don't suppose you've got a link SoS? What station?

Check the Bulldog soundclouds... thread (first thread in Bulldogs Unleashed). Bornadog has it in there.

Remi Moses
02-10-2015, 04:20 AM
There was an altercation of the verbal variety with Barrett.
I think most would like to throttle that bloke to be honest .
Blimey if the coach put Barrett in a sleeper hold he'd never wake up again

Ghost Dog
02-10-2015, 11:36 AM
Seriously, surely there is a comedian out there with the gusto to do a bunch of sketches of these blokes.
BT, McAvaney, Ling, Dwayne, Barrett. Absolutely begging on their knees to be lampooned. Where is the 12th man when you need him?

02-10-2015, 12:07 PM
Seriously, surely there is a comedian out there with the gusto to do a bunch of sketches of these blokes.
BT, McAvaney, Ling, Dwayne, Barrett. Absolutely begging on their knees to be lampooned. Where is the 12th man when you need him?

Ouch. Am I that bad? :)

02-10-2015, 04:17 PM
Ouch. Am I that bad? :)

Top of the list I'm afraid mr Tragic.

22-10-2015, 03:31 PM
Looks like the AFL have successfully swept this under the carpet.

22-10-2015, 04:00 PM
Looks like the AFL have successfully swept this under the carpet.


22-10-2015, 04:15 PM
What are the odds the findings are released tomorrow?

Axe Man
22-10-2015, 06:46 PM
For what it's worth (very little I would suggest) Liam Pickering told SEN on Thursday afternoon he believed the investigation would be over in the very near future and his client would escape sanction.

22-10-2015, 07:00 PM
What are the odds the findings are released tomorrow?

It would be better stage managed than that, they've got plenty of practice at this stuff. At least next week.

22-10-2015, 07:00 PM
Maybe part of our intention was in part to make sure Adelaide didn't get him free of charge after they took the info.

25-10-2015, 10:38 PM
AFL to release findings of probe on Talia brothers over 'information sharing' (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-to-release-findings-of-probe-on-talia-brothers-over-information-sharing-20151025-gki4pa.html)
The AFL is expected to soon release an outcome from the investigation into the "information sharing" accusations surrounding brothers Michael and Daniel Talia.

A verdict is close to being delivered after a long investigation was held up because key figures had been overseas at stages during the 35-day probe, delaying their interviews.

The investigation has centred on whether former Western Bulldog Michael Talia provided "game sensitive" information to his older brother - Adelaide defender Daniel Talia - in the lead up to the Crows-Dogs elimination final, which the Crows won by seven points.

Part of the allegations are whether Talia passed on tactical information to his brother about explosive Bulldogs forward Jake Stringer.

The AFL confirmed on Sunday that the investigation and been ongoing since the Dogs asked the AFL's integrity unit to investigate the claims and that a result would be "wrapped up soon".

Talia, who did not play in the elimination final against Adelaide, was traded by the Dogs to Sydney on the final day of the trade and free agency period last week.

The Dogs called for the AFL to act after first conducting their own investigation into information they had received about a conversation between the two brothers in the week before the final.

Through a statement from the AFL Players Association in late September, the Talia brothers "categorically denied any wrongdoing"."From the perspective of the players, this is nothing more than two brothers having a general conversation about football as they do every other week," the statement said.

Michael Talia's manager, Liam Pickering, has said he believed the outcome of the investigation would be "positive for the boys" and that the controversy had been "extremely unfair" on his client and his family.

The Bulldogs have conceded that they do not believe the alleged matter had "any material bearing on the result" but still believed the AFL needed to investigate the claims.

25-10-2015, 10:57 PM
Now the first lesson for you kids is this, if you complain to the authorities they will do less than nothing. So the absolute moral here is, never raise complaints to the authorities can sprout how great they are.

26-10-2015, 02:10 AM
I asked a journo mate of mine about thus a few weeks ago. "There's nothing in it"

26-10-2015, 07:09 AM
So a massive over reaction by us that's cost us KPD depth that we lack.

Rocket Science
26-10-2015, 09:00 AM
Reasonable chance lack of depth in that area would've persisted with Talia in our colours or not.

Just as interested in the club's response to the findings as the findings themselves.

26-10-2015, 09:23 AM
So a massive over reaction by us that's cost us KPD depth that we lack.

Happy to see him in Sydney colours. He doesn't deserve the honour and the privilege of wearing the red, white and blue. He can *!*!*!*! right off to play for his plastic club and live with the knowledge of why he doesn't get to play for the club his family grew up barracking for.

He can take his KPD talents and shove them up his clacker. He is dead to us. I can't even bring myself to say his name.

26-10-2015, 10:06 AM
So a massive over reaction by us that's cost us KPD depth that we lack.

Based on a journos view? I'm sorry if I don't take the word of a journo any more seriously than a bloke on the train. I don't hear Mark Robinson speak and think to myself, "this guy really knows his stuff, I'm convinced now".

The AFL will find nothing because the AFL wants to find nothing, that's the way it operates, everything is orchestrated around its desired outcome. It doesn't mean us making a stand was wrong. As for Talia and his KPD abilities, I'd rather make Bailey Dale play tall.

26-10-2015, 11:43 AM
Based on a journos view? I'm sorry if I don't take the word of a journo any more seriously than a bloke on the train. I don't hear Mark Robinson speak and think to myself, "this guy really knows his stuff, I'm convinced now".

The AFL will find nothing because the AFL wants to find nothing, that's the way it operates, everything is orchestrated around its desired outcome. It doesn't mean us making a stand was wrong. As for Talia and his KPD abilities, I'd rather make Bailey Dale play tall.

Doing the right thing often comes at a cost. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.

26-10-2015, 01:36 PM
Based on a journos view? I'm sorry if I don't take the word of a journo any more seriously than a bloke on the train. I don't hear Mark Robinson speak and think to myself, "this guy really knows his stuff, I'm convinced now".

The AFL will find nothing because the AFL wants to find nothing, that's the way it operates, everything is orchestrated around its desired outcome. It doesn't mean us making a stand was wrong. As for Talia and his KPD abilities, I'd rather make Bailey Dale play tall.
Who said anything about Robbo?

I was just responding to Throughandthrough.

Still waiting to find out what exactly Talia did or said, do we know yet?

26-10-2015, 01:45 PM
Who said anything about Robbo?

I was just responding to Throughandthrough.

Still waiting to find out what exactly Talia did or said, do we know yet?

Robbo- Is a journo. In fact a very senior journo, he's also a complete cretin. So is John Ralph, So is Mick Warner etc etc. I would give a journo's view on anything about as much weighting as something I'd read on social media.

The club is the only people that know what was said with any certainty, and I doubt they'll be releasing it publicly. You can be sure the AFL will find nothing, regardless of what they find out.

Ghost Dog
26-10-2015, 01:47 PM
Based on a journos view? I'm sorry if I don't take the word of a journo any more seriously than a bloke on the train. I don't hear Mark Robinson speak and think to myself, "this guy really knows his stuff, I'm convinced now".

The AFL will find nothing because the AFL wants to find nothing, that's the way it operates, everything is orchestrated around its desired outcome. It doesn't mean us making a stand was wrong. As for Talia and his KPD abilities, I'd rather make Bailey Dale play tall.

I live in China. The AFL operates in a very similar way to government here. Behind closed doors, secretly with their own agendas.

26-10-2015, 01:57 PM
I live in China. The AFL operates in a very similar way to government here. Behind closed doors, secretly with their own agendas.

The party would be more transparent than the AFL surely? ��

Remi Moses
26-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Agree with others, and we can't keep someone who has had a major hissy fit because he wasn't getting a game.
If we bring in one of the VFL young key backs they wouldn't be worse than Talia
My bet is they'd interview the hawthorn players, and they'd give nothing
The afl is so image conscious they'll do anything for this to go away, and added the Carlisle fiasco you can see this going away.

26-10-2015, 04:00 PM
Robbo- Is a journo. In fact a very senior journo, he's also a complete cretin. So is John Ralph, So is Mick Warner etc etc. I would give a journo's view on anything about as much weighting as something I'd read on social media.
Coincidentally this is precisely where the afore-mentioned journos trawl through to get all their stories from.

The AFL will find nothing because that is what they want to find. Anyway, job done and we got rid of the dead weight of a disgruntled player from our list who had major limitations in his game. A key defender that a) can't defend one-on-one and b) can't play in a zone defensive structure is about as useful as tits on a bull.

The Bulldogs Bite
26-10-2015, 10:59 PM
Coincidentally this is precisely where the afore-mentioned journos trawl through to get all their stories from.

The AFL will find nothing because that is what they want to find. Anyway, job done and we got rid of the dead weight of a disgruntled player from our list who had major limitations in his game. A key defender that a) can't defend one-on-one and b) can't play in a zone defensive structure is about as useful as tits on a bull.


I would have traded him before the leaked info, anyway. He's tall but that's it; we can find better options both in the draft and various state leagues.

31-10-2015, 05:39 PM
And we are still waiting. This stinks of procrastination to try and spin things a particular way so that they avoid having to face the music.

31-10-2015, 05:41 PM
And we are still waiting. This stinks of procrastination to try and spin things a particular way so that they avoid having to face the music.

Yep. Or it's so serious the commission is being convened to allocate us a compensation second round pick...

Ghost Dog
01-11-2015, 12:22 PM
Yep. Or it's so serious the commission is being convened to allocate us a compensation second round pick...

There is a frog in central Australia called the water-holding frog. It covers itself with its own saliva and buries itself deep in the sand for months even years at a time, waiting in hibernation for it to rain. Thus is the optimism of Bulldogs supporters!

01-11-2015, 04:36 PM
There is a frog in central Australia called the water-holding frog. It covers itself with its own saliva and buries itself deep in the sand for months even years at a time, waiting in hibernation for it to rain. Thus is the optimism of Bulldogs supporters!

I'd prefer covering other people with saliva and then bury them in sand.

Rocco Jones
01-11-2015, 05:32 PM
Gareth Keenan Investigates!

01-11-2015, 06:15 PM
Gareth Keenan Investigates!

You spelt Investigates wrong. So I guess it wasn't Talia, but Finchy all along. :D

02-11-2015, 10:24 AM
Last Monday a decision was apparently imminent, with Stevo and others reporting they would be cleared. Now nothing! Just wonder if we have kicked up a bit of a stink.

02-11-2015, 10:38 AM
Last Monday a decision was apparently imminent, with Stevo and others reporting they would be cleared. Now nothing! Just wonder if we have kicked up a bit of a stink.

So I guess those Hawthorn players are all lying...

02-11-2015, 10:49 AM
Or are they waiting till Cup Day to announce their findings, to smother the story?

02-11-2015, 01:17 PM
I was thinking we should have run a book on the exact number of days the AFL thinks is ideal to stage manage a fake investigation. I'll say 45.

02-11-2015, 01:19 PM
So I guess those Hawthorn players are all lying...

Yep and we're just making a mountain out of a mole hill. Remember it was just brothers having a chat like they do every other week. Nothing in it. :rolleyes:

02-11-2015, 02:35 PM
So I guess those Hawthorn players are all lying...

My reference to kicking up a stink was in relation to the club finding out the decision being move along nothing in it.

I'm pretty sure everyone else with the exception of Bulldog fans have forgotten about this. So job done by the AFL. Might see a little article hidden away in the 6th page with the findings.

02-11-2015, 02:41 PM
My reference to kicking up a stink was in relation to the club finding out the decision being move along nothing in it.

I'm pretty sure everyone else with the exception of Bulldog fans have forgotten about this. So job done by the AFL. Might see a little article hidden away in the 6th page with the findings.

I was completely agreeing with you. If the Talias are cleared, one assessment is the Hawthorn players cannot be trusted as to their evidence or they've lied. The afl would be stoked to send this message out that whistleblowers won't be believed so don't be a whistleblower. And if normal politics in this country is maintained, it will be released tonight or tomorrow morning.

02-11-2015, 07:19 PM
Or are they waiting till Cup Day to announce their findings, to smother the story?

The cynic in me says there could be something to that.

11-11-2015, 10:46 AM
No sanctions expected against Talia brothers for allegedly leaking Bulldogs' game plan (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/no-sanctions-expected-against-talia-brothers-for-allegedly-leaking-bulldogs-game-plane-20151110-gkvov7.html)

The investigation into the alleged leaking of the Western Bulldogs' game plan is drawing to a close with no sanctions expected to be laid against the Talia brothers or the Adelaide Football Club.
After an official complaint from the Bulldogs, the AFL's integrity department has questioned both former Bulldog Michael Talia, his brother Daniel and Adelaide staff including football boss David Noble.

The league investigators also examined the Crows' match-day notes for the elimination final, which saw Adelaide narrowly defeat the Bulldogs.
It is understood that while no charges or penalties are expected, the competition's governing body will reinforce the importance of integrity and the need for privacy regarding any match day or tactical information.

11-11-2015, 11:04 AM
In other words, they're guilty but we're not going to admit it publicly because it might damage the brand. A stage managed outcome, welcome to the AFL, as predictable as night follows day.

11-11-2015, 11:51 AM
We all expected this and can now move on. Good riddance to Talia!

11-11-2015, 12:23 PM
I'm not surprised but still disappointed.

11-11-2015, 12:35 PM
I'm just confused at this point. Last night on 7 news, Mark Stevens said investigation has been very thorough, with participants still to be interviewed/reinterviewed.

11-11-2015, 01:18 PM
I'm just confused at this point. Last night on 7 news, Mark Stevens said investigation has been very thorough, with participants still to be interviewed/reinterviewed.

Caro is saying no sanctions expected. She is probably right, but final decision not out yet.

11-11-2015, 01:25 PM
Caro is saying no sanctions expected. She is probably right, but final decision not out yet.
Caro is the unofficial mouthpiece of the AFL, so take it to the bank that there will be no sanctions

11-11-2015, 01:47 PM
Caro is saying no sanctions expected. She is probably right, but final decision not out yet.

I know, but when one well connected journo is saying there are reinterviews to happen and plenty yet to come, and another is saying the whole thing is about to be wrapped up with no significant findings expected, it is hard to know what the truth is.

11-11-2015, 02:15 PM
I know, but when one well connected journo is saying there are reinterviews to happen and plenty yet to come, and another is saying the whole thing is about to be wrapped up with no significant findings expected, it is hard to know what the truth is.

I think we will never know the real truth.

11-11-2015, 03:40 PM
Being honest, did we expect anything more from the AFL? Don't get me wrong, it's BS of the highest order but they've met my low expectation of them so i'm not too perturbed. When you have no to low expectations of the AFL, it's a fair bit easier to process. Either way, the club strongly believed he did it and sent him packing to another club which wasn't his intended destination. We cut out the cancer and made a point of the importance of loyalty between the other boys. That's a win for setting standards internally.

11-11-2015, 03:49 PM
Which club did he end up at anyway?

11-11-2015, 04:16 PM
Which club did he end up at anyway?

Who are we talking about?

Ghost Dog
11-11-2015, 04:41 PM
Caro is the unofficial mouthpiece of the AFL, so take it to the bank that there will be no sanctions

Yeah - her "Gillo Mac has left his legacy on the AFL"so soon in his tenure raised my eyebrows. I don't mind her having a bash at Essendon, but she drags up old and irrelevant points all the time, just sounds shrill. Tokyo Rose of the AFL.

11-11-2015, 04:57 PM
Who are we talking about?

Is his name Daniel or something?

Axe Man
11-11-2015, 05:08 PM
Is his name Daniel or something?

I thought it was Jenny?

11-11-2015, 05:36 PM
I thought it was Jenny?

nah - Benedict Arnold

11-11-2015, 06:56 PM
Part of me is just thankful that we didn't end up being sanctioned for "allowing" the information to be leaked in the 1st place.

I was dreading a statement from the AFL along the lines of....

"The Adelaide Football Club, and players Michael and Daniel Talia have been found to have done nothing wrong. The Western Bulldogs football club have been found guilty of a lack of governance in allowing the disclosure of vital match day information that was used to influence the outcome of an AFL game. As a consequence the Bulldogs will be stripped of 40 premiership points in each of the seasons 2016 to 2020 inclusive".

11-11-2015, 09:51 PM
There will always be that uncertainty between the Talia brothers and their Grandfather and it will slam them right in the eyes everytime they look at him. Unfortunate for Harvey but immortal punishment for Michael and Daniel.

11-11-2015, 10:04 PM
Being honest, did we expect anything more from the AFL? Don't get me wrong, it's BS of the highest order but they've met my low expectation of them so i'm not too perturbed. When you have no to low expectations of the AFL, it's a fair bit easier to process. Either way, the club strongly believed he did it and sent him packing to another club which wasn't his intended destination. We cut out the cancer and made a point of the importance of loyalty between the other boys. That's a win for setting standards internally.

In light of what is happening internationally in sport and what has happened in regards the AFL over recent years, sweeping this under the carpet is pretty short sighted. Sport generally is corrupt - cheating is endemic (ie diving in football; drugs in cycling/athletics etc; bribes by host cities etc; cricketers taking bribes from gamblers to throw games). Given how close the game was, I think the AFL needs to do better. Both Talia's should serve a suspension of some kind - maybe the pre-season competition - and The Crowes should be fined.