View Full Version : Gary Lyon and Big Billy falling out

13-02-2016, 12:14 AM
Article here

I have no idea why they would throw in the last bit, to insinuate something without actually saying it ?

13-02-2016, 09:16 AM
It's long been clear that Garry Lyon is far from the most honourable person in the world. This latest episode is unsurprising to many. I'll leave it at that.

13-02-2016, 11:56 AM
Oh no, the footy show might not make it if these two don't kiss and make up.

13-02-2016, 12:16 PM
Always very sad to hear about a marriage breakdown. Hopefully, a bit of time apart and a reconciliation is possible.

13-02-2016, 12:49 PM
i still won't watch the show

13-02-2016, 01:00 PM
I haven't watched it for over ten years but I do love Billy he is a very likeable lad and his Billy's bake is awesome on radio.
Seems a real country boy and would trust anyone.
Won't do Gary any favours career wise, I would think if true.

Remi Moses
13-02-2016, 01:15 PM
Say it ain't so !!

13-02-2016, 02:03 PM
It's long been clear that Garry Lyon is far from the most honourable person in the world. This latest episode is unsurprising to many. I'll leave it at that.
Bit of a notorious pants man is the Loinchop. Nothing would surprise, not even what you're insinuating.

As an aside, good to see Slobbo breaking the big footy stories - he's now a step away from being a gossip columnist for Woman's Day

13-02-2016, 02:23 PM
Bit of a notorious pants man is the Loinchop. Nothing would surprise, not even what you're insinuating.

As an aside, good to see Slobbo breaking the big footy stories - he's now a step away from being a gossip columnist for Woman's Day

Most insecure men are.

13-02-2016, 02:32 PM
Garry standing down over "mental health issues." I find this annoying and potentially stigmatising.

13-02-2016, 02:40 PM
Stepped down from all media.

13-02-2016, 02:40 PM
Garry standing down over "mental health issues." I find this annoying and potentially stigmatising.


13-02-2016, 03:14 PM
Garry standing down over "mental health issues." I find this annoying and potentially stigmatising.

Yeah it's become the fallback thing to say when someone behaves disgracefully or lets themselves down. I suppose it says a lot about someone that they'd go down that path.

13-02-2016, 03:17 PM
Garry standing down over "mental health issues." I find this annoying and potentially stigmatising.

It's the modern day get out of jail free card. Throw it out and vocal social justice warriors ensure you can't be called into question. More often than not they don't know the first thing about what they're defending.

13-02-2016, 07:56 PM
It's the modern day get out of jail free card. Throw it out and vocal social justice warriors ensure you can't be called into question. More often than not they don't know the first thing about what they're defending.
And yet people with REAL mental health issues have to put up with the stigma that there's nothing really wrong with them and that it's all just an easy excuse to not contribute to society by not having a job and bludging off the government.
Oh but if your in the media every one falls over theselves to give you all the support and help you need even if you have acted like a complete dickhead,prick, or asshole! :mad:

Rocket Science
13-02-2016, 10:27 PM

Such a charming pair, and the mob that employs them a first class organisation.

13-02-2016, 10:41 PM
It's the modern day get out of jail free card. Throw it out and vocal social justice warriors ensure you can't be called into question. More often than not they don't know the first thing about what they're defending.

There seems an element of that. Can't really make the comment in relation to this scenario, but like Cam McCarthy, it stinks of a PR spin rather than a genuine acknowledgment of a diagnosed mental health issue. I'm aware its a fine line to tread, but seeing the day to day impact of psychosis and high prevalence issues for people who aren't necessarily going around hurting others and are in fact more likely to be victims of shit behaviour and contrasting it with a reaction to being caught out doing something wrong annoys me.

I am on the war path on this at the moment, after these comments by Peter Dutton : http://www.news.com.au/national/dutton-says-neomasculinity-leader-has-mental-health-issues/news-story/8ac2aa7f4bdf2fcad91299fc38ef3ab0 which to me are very abrasive, despite agreeing with the general sentiment, no need to use stigmatising language / tropes.

13-02-2016, 11:16 PM
If what I think happened is true then Lyon can sit with Carey as far as I'm concerned. Hate that stuff. No excuses.

13-02-2016, 11:26 PM
PTSD stands for Pisshead, Tool, Sex (with your mates wife) Disorder right? If so he has a severe case of it. If it's not a clinical condition per se, then he's just a Pisshead tool who has sex with his mates wife and no actual mental or thought disorder.

13-02-2016, 11:45 PM
PTSD stands for Pisshead, Tool, Sex (with your mates wife) Disorder right? If so he has a severe case of it. If it's not a clinical condition per se, then he's just a Pisshead tool who has sex with his mates wife and no actual mental or thought disorder.

Should have called the Beyondblue...balls hotline.

14-02-2016, 12:39 AM
Article from Robbo that confirms the affair and suggests Lyon is battling depression. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/revealed-billy-brownless-gutted-after-learning-of-garry-lyons-relationship-with-exwife/news-story/4e35ad2d30964495b6eff916df51bf88

Edit: It seems to now be behind a paywall, I'll try to see if there's a full link working for free.

14-02-2016, 08:02 AM
What a dog act. And why is it even in the press?

Robbo is pretty much the lowest gutter journalist in the land, and that is saying something!
How he got the gig as chief football writer has me baffled - no scratch that, it is the herald sun........

We got delivered the HS the other day instead of the Age and I genuinely felt dumber reading it over breakfast.

14-02-2016, 09:15 AM
Isn't it a strange age when the breaking up of a friendship is a bigger headline than the break up of a marriage.
Gutter press invading on privacy, what happened to when the papers printed the real news not people's private lives ?

14-02-2016, 09:35 AM
Gotta wonder about the timing of the fling. Billy separated from his wife about a year ago iirc

14-02-2016, 10:24 AM
Gotta wonder about the timing of the fling. Billy separated from his wife about a year ago iirc

....my thoughts exactly. Leaked by Channel 9 execs to try and get some more ratings from the moribund Footy Show.

Having Said that, Billy B is the scheduled lunch speaker at my Footy Club in a few weeks in Adelaide, ticket sales will go up now.

14-02-2016, 10:28 AM
Isn't it a strange age when the breaking up of a friendship is a bigger headline than the break up of a marriage.
Gutter press invading on privacy, what happened to when the papers printed the real news not people's private lives ?

Yep, does that also mean Mrs Brownless has mental illness too. Because the inference is an affair is grounds to claim mental illness. If the timing was such that it ruined Brownless' marriage, then the one with the most baggage would be Billy.

14-02-2016, 10:35 AM
Is it the reason they split and Billy only just found out the truth ?
I feel sorry for Billy and no doubt the public will be in full support of him, as for Garry maybe his mental illness is due to Billy might kill him or his media life is now tainted and won't be excepted by viewers?
Definitely Billy is the one who has the mental issues to get over now not Garry.

14-02-2016, 11:05 AM
You can have mental illness and be an adulterer or general arsehole at the same time.

It's possible this is what's happening with Lyon.

14-02-2016, 11:19 AM
You can have mental illness and be an adulterer or general arsehole at the same time.

It's possible this is what's happening with Lyon.

Absolutely. The inference from my perspective is that they are aligning the behaviour in the context of illness, he did what he did because of his diagnosis. Which in some cases can be true, untreated you might succumb to command auditory hallucinations for instance. But more likely though is that a PR team have advised that framing things this way keeps everyone at a distance and promotes an obligation to be be more understanding. Smart move. Except it reinforces the idea that people with mental health issues are prone to bad behaviour.

14-02-2016, 11:32 AM
Absolutely. The inference from my perspective is that they are aligning the behaviour in the context of illness, he did what he did because of his diagnosis. Which in some cases can be true, untreated you might succumb to command auditory hallucinations for instance. But more likely though is that a PR team have advised that framing things this way keeps everyone at a distance and promotes an obligation to be be more understanding. Smart move. Except it reinforces the idea that people with mental health issues are prone to bad behaviour.

Exactly. It's like the media reporting after Luke Batty's murder. The media reported that nearly half of the sieges or murders are done with people with mental illness. But the reverse of this is, that more than half of sieges and murderers do NOT have mental illness.

The reporting of the mental illness in this case was ONLY after the story broke of Lyon having an affair with his best mates wife. No stories of him taking a break from media commitments starting in a month, if they were changing the footy show line up we'd know about it by now. I completely agree with SonOfScray above.

14-02-2016, 11:44 AM
I don't disagree with SoS, in this case reporting of mental illness as a link to adulterating is tasteless, stigmatising and doesn't help anyone.

It might be that his pants activity and subsequent feud with Brownless is an angle the HUN has gone with, and be one of a number of issues he is dealing with. I don't see why any mental health issues would be disclosed publicly beforehand, I mean, it's already been acknowledged in this thread mentally ill people deal with an unfair social stigma - why would anyone want to expose themselves to that.

14-02-2016, 12:28 PM
I don't disagree with SoS, in this case reporting of mental illness as a link to adulterating is tasteless, stigmatising and doesn't help anyone.

It might be that his pants activity and subsequent feud with Brownless is an angle the HUN has gone with, and be one of a number of issues he is dealing with. I don't see why any mental health issues would be disclosed publicly beforehand, I mean, it's already been acknowledged in this thread mentally ill people deal with an unfair social stigma - why would anyone want to expose themselves to that.

Wade Noonan, Police Minister? Andrew Robb. Jonathan Hay. Freddie Flintoff. Steven Bowditch. Mitch Clarke. Shane Tait. Jessica Rowe. Nathan Thompson. Gary McDonald. Off the top of my head. But these people didn't use it as a veiled excuse to cover up committing a sexual affair with their best mate. They used their circumstance to help others, to reduce stigma, to help educate the masses that mental illness isn't a made up nonsense to justify shithouse behaviour.

Dunstall & Frawley had a falling out a while back and rumours were Danny just needed some time to find balance again. It was clearly explained and stand in hosts were across the various shows well in advance. I'm hypothesising that the timing about Lyon not doing media is perhaps related to boning his best mates wife, not mental illness. As if he was likely to need time away from hosting the biggest rated footy show in Australia and other shows, radio and media commitments Channel 9 would've in advance long before now put something out there about line up changes or built up a big story about how brave Garry Lyon is and they're behind them 100% and turn him into a mental illness hero such is their scumbag narrative ways. But they didn't. Frankly it smacks of Mel Gibson running with being drunk to explain anti-semetic remarks, and then every celeb using the same excuse of having 'the disease' for a decade because no one would dare criticise someone for trying to deal with such a hard personal experience.

Dry Rot
14-02-2016, 12:48 PM
Garry standing down over "mental health issues." I find this annoying and potentially stigmatising.

On the other hand, it could be genuine. Years of supporting the Demons would send anyone around the twist.

14-02-2016, 04:47 PM
Is it the reason they split and Billy only just found out the truth ?
I feel sorry for Billy and no doubt the public will be in full support of him, as for Garry maybe his mental illness is due to Billy might kill him or his media life is now tainted and won't be excepted by viewers?
Definitely Billy is the one who has the mental issues to get over now not Garry.

Massive assumption to make. Even if the affair rumour is true, who are we to say Lyon hasn't been dealing with it for years?

14-02-2016, 04:55 PM

Wade Noonan, Police Minister? Andrew Robb. Jonathan Hay. Freddie Flintoff. Steven Bowditch. Mitch Clarke. Shane Tait. Jessica Rowe. Nathan Thompson. Gary McDonald. Off the top of my head. But these people didn't use it as a veiled excuse to cover up committing a sexual affair with their best mate. They used their circumstance to help others, to reduce stigma, to help educate the masses that mental illness isn't a made up nonsense to justify shithouse behaviour.

In Hay and Thompsons' cases, they both played for a long time before publicly saying they were battling mental illness - and in Hay's case, he said he was forced to do it by North Melbourne, saying "I didn't want to come out about my mental illness at all, who wants to come out and tell people this is what you are going through, your deepest, darkest secrets,". So they hardly were great spokesmen for the cause.

14-02-2016, 04:59 PM
In Hay and Thompsons' cases, they both played for a long time before publicly saying they were battling mental illness - and in Hay's case, he said he was forced to do it by North Melbourne, saying "I didn't want to come out about my mental illness at all, who wants to come out and tell people this is what you are going through, your deepest, darkest secrets,". So they hardly were great spokesmen for the cause.

Then take Hay off the list of eleven names mentioned, Thompson talked about it openly, and the exact argument applies.

14-02-2016, 04:59 PM
I certainly don't want to condone having an affair, but I am loathe to dismiss out of hand, the likelihood that Lyon is suffering depression. Mental illness is a very serious situation, so until I know diffferent, I'll give Lyon the benefit of the doubt.

14-02-2016, 05:04 PM
As if he was likely to need time away from hosting the biggest rated footy show in Australia and other shows, radio and media commitments Channel 9 would've in advance long before now put something out there about line up changes or built up a big story about how brave Garry Lyon is and they're behind them 100% and turn him into a mental illness hero such is their scumbag narrative ways.

Buddy Franklin took himself out of the 2015 finals to deal with his issues. The effects of mental illness don't always work to a schedule.

14-02-2016, 05:07 PM
I certainly don't want to condone having an affair, but I am loathe to dismiss out of hand, the likelihood that Lyon is suffering depression. Mental illness is a very serious situation, so until I know diffferent, I'll give Lyon the benefit of the doubt.

That is certainly what Lyon's PR team want. Depression has nothing to do with the substantive matters of being involved in an affair with his best mates wife. It's a decoy, plain and simple. How many people have clinically diagnosed depression and do NOT root their best friends partner? I'm going to say around 99%. Should he have depression, that's a completely seperate issue if he does, that has nothing whatsoever to do with porking Mrs. Brownless. Who brought the two issues together? It seems forces aligned to Lyon.

If Lyon wants to come out and lead a campaign for beyond blue, then great. But linking depression to his behaviour is irresponsible and sets back the agenda for advancing society's acceptance on mental illness and sufferers.

14-02-2016, 05:10 PM
Buddy Franklin took himself out of the 2015 finals to deal with his issues. The effects of mental illness don't always work to a schedule.

The first mention of mental illness and Gary Lyon is after he's caught out rooting Mrs Brownless. That's an interesting schedule. Mental illness and rooting a friends wife or husband has nothing to do with depression. Why are they being linked by the people around Lyon?

14-02-2016, 05:42 PM
The first mention of mental illness and Gary Lyon is after he's caught out rooting Mrs Brownless.That's an interesting schedule. Mental illness and rooting a friends wife or husband has nothing to do with depression. Why are they being linked by the people around Lyon?

The first to our limited knowledge. Who's to say Channel 9 bosses haven't known for years and being private, he told them not to say anything? We just don't know, and we shouldn't use the Herald-Sun to leap to conclusions.

14-02-2016, 05:45 PM
I guess if he's going to root his best mates missus some may think he's just using it as an excuse or a woe as me. Which i think is fair enough.

He's my home towns hero but i wont be feeling sorry for him. It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

14-02-2016, 05:45 PM
It's Brownless's ex-wife by the way....Lyon is still married.

14-02-2016, 05:46 PM
It's Brownless's ex-wife by the way....Lyon is still married.

Is Billy divorced?

14-02-2016, 05:48 PM

Ghost Dog
14-02-2016, 05:51 PM
Can't wait for the generational changing of the guard in our media.
They have gone backwards. Give me Bob Skilton and Lou Richards any day.
Bunch of c*&*ks

Ghost Dog
14-02-2016, 05:53 PM
Anyone who has seen the Footy show at its worst would concur. They all have mental health issues, if they think half the degrading, anti-social, low-brow, yobbo-flavoured meat pie and tomato sauce humour is at all funny.

14-02-2016, 05:58 PM
Is Billy divorced?

I thought from an interview last year they were on a separation, but perhaps the door was open in the right circumstances. I don't think these are the right circumstances.

14-02-2016, 06:20 PM
I thought from an interview last year they were on a separation, but perhaps the door was open in the right circumstances. I don't think these are the right circumstances.

Yeah, divorced or not i dont think it makes a difference. As the saying goes 'Bros before.....'

Billys the one who should be getting all the sympathy.

14-02-2016, 06:24 PM
Yeah, divorced or not i dont think it makes a difference. As the saying goes 'Bros before.....'

Billys the one who should be getting all the sympathy.

Weird isn't it? Perhaps Carey should've said something about a mental illness and he'd have stayed at North and Anthony Stevens would still be confused how he'd done nothing wrong but was set on a course for a divorce.

The Underdog
14-02-2016, 06:41 PM
I know that my contributions to this forum have been infrequent and patchy, but man this is the worst thread in a while on any level.

14-02-2016, 06:50 PM
Yeah, divorced or not i dont think it makes a difference. As the saying goes 'Bros before.....'

Billys the one who should be getting all the sympathy.

Lyon's current wife might deserve some of that....

14-02-2016, 06:51 PM
Lyon's current wife might deserve some of that....


14-02-2016, 07:13 PM
I thought Gary was divorced

14-02-2016, 07:22 PM
Time to close the thread, it's going nowhere.