View Full Version : 'Aussie Rules' Football Coming to Texas? Asks Houston Chronicle.

12-05-2016, 08:26 PM
Houston Chronicle Exclusive:

It's been one heck of a exciting, but yet confusing ride watching Texas' very own Mason Cox dominating the 'Aussie Rules' game as the main goal striker for his team. 'Aussie Rules' is not rugby as we are learning fast. The high flying, electric paced athletes that make up this game makes it exciting and thrilling as many Texans have been learning fast. These guys are tough as they are exciting as they wear no protective equipment! Crazy or courageous, we don't know yet.

Earlier this year in January, Houston hosted the Houston American-Australian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with G’day USA, tickets for next year at www.gdayusa.org/event/aacc-black-tie-gala. American and Australian power brokers networked and indulged in fine Australian food and wine which has foodie's tongues wagging. What does this to have with sport you say? The Houston Chronicle understands that trade between Texas and Australia will benefit significantly, and that recent discussions about the January 2017 AACC Black Tie Gala may include a culture trade of 'Aussie Rules' as a must attend event.

Insiders from 'down under' report that an exhibition game could take place in Houston in late January as the timing fits in with 'Aussie Rules' pre-season fixture dates. Sponsors are apparently being sought to make the trip to Texas profitable for two clubs to compete. The two clubs also happen to be the two most exciting 'Aussie Rules' teams, being the Greatest Western Sydney Giants and (Liam Hemworth's team) the Western Melbourne Bulldogs, who could be set for a 'Wild West Derby' at the Houston Sports Park complex, followed by the 2017 Black Tie Gala. Our insiders also tell us that these two teams have a fierce hatred and rivalry that apparently equals Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock in the unforgettable Survivor Series. We will update you very shortly on this exclusive emerging story.

Arty Vandelay, Senior Sports Reporter for The Houston Chronicle.

Happy Days
12-05-2016, 08:29 PM
If this one gets snaked by the footy media I'll be really impressed.

12-05-2016, 08:34 PM
If this one gets snaked by the footy media I'll be really impressed.

It's a huge story, it can't stay quiet for long. It's just hit the web.

12-05-2016, 08:54 PM
Pass on my regards to Arthur, will ya?

12-05-2016, 08:57 PM
Pass on my regards to Arthur, will ya?

I will in person if this pans out. I'd happily travel to Houston for holiday, maybe a few days in Dallas but especially watch our boys smash GWS. The club would make a killing you'd think. Big wins all round. Our CEO was an executive in neighbouring Oregon before being recruited by us #justsaying

12-05-2016, 09:03 PM
Art Vandelay, Senior Sports Reporter for The Houston Chronicle.

George says hello.

12-05-2016, 09:08 PM
Stone Cold and The Rock's rivalry at their respective peaks was amazing. Coming from a Texan that's massive praise.

12-05-2016, 09:10 PM
Stone Cold and The Rock's rivalry at their respective peaks was amazing. Coming from a Texan that's massive praise.

Isn't it! I still bet Damien Barrett will find some problem with us being involved or Bevo not ringing to tell him about this.

12-05-2016, 09:18 PM
Is that article real? I just woke up from a nap so maybe I'm being dense but it seems like a joke. Main goal striker? Using 'as we're learning fast' 2 sentences in a row. Smells fishy

12-05-2016, 09:23 PM
Is that article real? I just woke up from a nap so maybe I'm being dense but it seems like a joke. Main goal striker? Using 'as we're learning fast' 2 sentences in a row. Smells fishy

That was my first thought as well. Reads like a satire piece.

12-05-2016, 09:34 PM
That was my first thought as well. Reads like a satire piece.

Seems pretty detailed to me. I guess when it's reported in our media we will know it's legit. Sounds exciting.

12-05-2016, 09:44 PM
Would be a good source of publicity if we could get it for next year

12-05-2016, 09:49 PM
Without going into the specifics or releasing confidental information, a former strategy colleague has been engaged to look at the economics of this proposal and his initial hypothesis is this game is a lock to go ahead. Expect an announcement around the mid-season bye round.

Cox is generating quite a bit of excitement down south and there's an opportunity to stimulate that even further.

12-05-2016, 09:55 PM
Without going into the specifics or releasing confidental information, a former strategy colleague has been engaged to look at the economics of this proposal and his initial hypothesis is this game is a lock to go ahead. Expect an announcement around the mid-season bye round.

Cox is generating quite a bit of excitement down south and there's an opportunity to stimulate that even further.

Holy sh*tballs! If we can score a good level of sponsorship and a slice of the US pay-per-view action, the club can say goodbye to debt forever!! I don't know who to thank, our CEO or Jake Stringer and his highlight package. You can see yanks loving Jake.

12-05-2016, 09:59 PM
I should add that with the excitement this upcoming match is generating and the potential financial returns to the clubs involved, the AFL is keen to support it but are potentially going to change the teams involved to Carlton and Richmond as they believe those two clubs are more likely to attract a bigger crowd.

12-05-2016, 10:05 PM
I should add that with the excitement this upcoming match is generating and the potential financial returns to the clubs involved, the AFL is keen to support it but are potentially going to change the teams involved to Carlton and Richmond as they believe those two clubs are more likely to attract a bigger crowd.

No way they push that trade event back to March and start the AFL season in the USA, because that's what they'd be doing. Starting the AFL season in US!! (for two clubs that have enough exposure and money) At least GWS and us have exciting players to grow the market quickly. If that happens its times to get out the pitchforks and march down to AFL house.

13-05-2016, 08:40 AM
I, for one, welcome our new American overlords.

13-05-2016, 09:12 AM
Crazy, just saw this pop up on my FB newsfeed...


Houston Chronicle Reports: Aussie Rules Coming To The USA

As the home of all things Aussie Rules here in the USA, we couldn't be more excited with the news coming out of the Houston Chronicle this week.

After the amazing debut performance from America's AFL golden boy, Mason Cox, interest in the Australian football code has sky rocketed, opening up the possibility of officially sanctioned Aussie Rules football games being played in our very own country.

From the Houston Chronicle:

It's been one heck of a exciting, but yet confusing ride watching Texas' very own Mason Cox dominating the 'Aussie Rules' game as the main goal striker for his team. 'Aussie Rules' is not rugby as we are learning fast. The high flying, electric paced athletes that make up this game makes it exciting and thrilling as many Texans have been learning fast. These guys are tough as they are exciting as they wear no protective equipment! Crazy or courageous, we don't know yet.

Earlier this year in January, Houston hosted the Houston American-Australian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with G’day USA, tickets for next year at www.gdayusa.org/event/aacc-black-tie-gala. American and Australian power brokers networked and indulged in fine Australian food and wine which has foodie's tongues wagging. What does this to have with sport you say? The Houston Chronicle understands that trade between Texas and Australia will benefit significantly, and that recent discussions about the January 2017 AACC Black Tie Gala may include a culture trade of 'Aussie Rules' as a must attend event.

Insiders from 'down under' report that an exhibition game could take place in Houston in late January as the timing fits in with 'Aussie Rules' pre-season fixture dates. Sponsors are apparently being sought to make the trip to Texas profitable for two clubs to compete. The two clubs also happen to be the two most exciting 'Aussie Rules' teams, being the Greatest Western Sydney Giants and (Liam Hemworth's team) the Western Melbourne Bulldogs, who could be set for a 'Wild West Derby' at the Houston Sports Park complex, followed by the 2017 Black Tie Gala. Our insiders also tell us that these two teams have a fierce hatred and rivalry that apparently equals Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock in the unforgettable Survivor Series. We will update you very shortly on this exclusive emerging story.

All here at American Australian Rules Insider will be watching this one very closely...

Could this really be happening?

13-05-2016, 09:33 AM
Crazy, just saw this pop up on my FB newsfeed...


Could this really be happening?

Yes. This is going to be huge for us if the AFL backs us in.

13-05-2016, 10:22 AM
Arthur Vandelay, Senior Sports Reporter for The Houston Chronicle.
Was just in Texas (well, latish May, love Austin) - this sounds legit.

Check out @WildWestDerby on Twitter

13-05-2016, 12:35 PM
Was just in Texas (well, latish May, love Austin) - this sounds legit.

Check out @WildWestDerby on Twitter

Is that the right hashtag Mof? i cant find it on twitter.

13-05-2016, 01:23 PM
Is that the right hashtag Mof? i cant find it on twitter.

Didn't come up for me either, however, I tweeted the above article and got a like from @USAFL1997

13-05-2016, 03:21 PM
Didn't come up for me either, however, I tweeted the above article and got a like from @USAFL1997

I saw it in my search, but not initially. The search said 'go to @WildWestDerby' and I saw it. I think the privacy settings are pretty high on it, naturally.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
13-05-2016, 03:31 PM
George says hello.

Of Vanderlay Industries fame. He' a big deal in Gortex sales I hear.

13-05-2016, 05:03 PM
Apparently the US AFL media guy has commented on this via Twitter. Any one got a link?

13-05-2016, 05:06 PM
Apparently the US AFL media guy has commented on this via Twitter. Any one got a link?

Did you see my post above

13-05-2016, 05:49 PM
Did you see my post above

You said the official account liked the article. I'm referring to comments by the individual.

13-05-2016, 06:00 PM
You said the official account liked the article. I'm referring to comments by the individual.

Yep, here are the direct comments from Twitter America: @barrishUSAFL

"So an article surfaced quoting the Houston Chronicle saying that an AFL preseason game may be played in Houston in January."

How has this story not broken in Australia? The Americans are all over the story.

13-05-2016, 06:44 PM
Yep, here are the direct comments from Twitter America: @barrishUSAFL

"So an article surfaced quoting the Houston Chronicle saying that an AFL preseason game may be played in Houston in January."

How has this story not broken in Australia? The Americans are all over the story.

Australian football media is useless.

13-05-2016, 07:09 PM
Australian football media is useless.

Could be BS


13-05-2016, 07:12 PM
Why find something different and interesting to write about when you get paid the same to write another story about how Patrick Dangerfield is coming back to Adelaide.

Could be BS


I'd like to congratulate the AFL media on doing a fine job of checking their facts and not jumping the gun. I was never in any way critical of their work

13-05-2016, 07:24 PM
We'll have to wait and see if it pops up anywhere else.

13-05-2016, 07:29 PM
We'll have to wait and see if it pops up anywhere else.

From that Twitter exchange it seems from this story that the (US) AFL media was ringing the Houston Chronicle asking for Art Vandelay to confirm a story. Did they not confirm it or take them seriously maybe?

13-05-2016, 07:36 PM
From that Twitter exchange it seems from this story that the (US) AFL media was ringing the Houston Chronicle asking for Art Vandelay to confirm a story. Did they not confirm it or take them seriously maybe?

Seems like the Houston Chronicle were being coy about the whole thing. Perhaps they went early with the information and the AFL bosses have told them to reign it in.

I'm worried that they're considering other teams now.

13-05-2016, 07:42 PM
Seems like the Houston Chronicle were being coy about the whole thing. Perhaps they went early with the information and the AFL bosses have told them to reign it in.

I'm worried that they're considering other teams now.

Greystaches info is never, ever wrong, so I'm concerned his mail about Carlton & Richmond opening the AFL season in The States will steal our opportunity from underneath us. Surely they can play for premiership points can they?

13-05-2016, 07:55 PM
Of Vanderlay Industries fame. He' a big deal in Gortex sales I hear.

Latex not Gortex. Gortex was that oversized jacket he was wearing,

14-05-2016, 01:32 AM
Greystaches info is never, ever wrong, so I'm concerned his mail about Carlton & Richmond opening the AFL season in The States will steal our opportunity from underneath us. Surely they can play for premiership points can they?

My understanding is this game will go ahead but not for premiership points, it will be a nab cup match. Simon Lethlean is the AFL official in charge of the logistics and he is really confused that the American public aren't familiar with either Carlton or Richmond.

Apparently he's determined to press ahead with those two teams claiming it will be the biggest event in US history.

Meanwhile the Texans who are lobbying for the event are adamant they want to see the Western Bulldogs (the symbol of Texas) vs their fiercest rival in GWS. They did suggest the Bulldogs should play Adelaide but sadly the local population find umpire bashing disgusting. Much water to go under the bridge before confirming exactly who will be involved in this blockbuster match. The one thing that's certain is the AFL supporting American crowd is demanding to see the Bulldogs.

14-05-2016, 01:43 AM
The initial hypothesis from the global consultants involded in the scoping process suggests Lethlean would prefer to see the match cancelled than it to go ahead without Carlton involved. Please keep this to yourselves as this isn't public information just yet.

14-05-2016, 02:49 AM
The initial hypothesis from the global consultants involded in the scoping process suggests Lethlean would prefer to see the match cancelled than it to go ahead without Carlton involved. Please keep this to yourselves as this isn't public information just yet.

It's a public board

14-05-2016, 02:54 AM
It's a public board

But I trust the members not to spread it around given it hasn't been made public.

14-05-2016, 06:14 AM
But I trust the members not to spread it around given it hasn't been made public.

Shall do.

This Lethlean sounds a bit of a goose.

14-05-2016, 07:18 AM
I'm glad I opened this thread. Thanks, all.

15-05-2016, 06:38 PM
Not shocked to hear that they want to give it to the larger clubs.

15-05-2016, 08:50 PM
I have long said that one of our biggest assets are our colours. Red, White and Blue baby. If any match goes ahead in America then one of the teams playing has to be wearing red white and blue.

I would have thought from a marketing POV that would be a no brainer.

15-05-2016, 08:54 PM
Anyway what does it matter to Americans whether a AFL club is a Big Club or not? It says more about the inherent bias of the AFL and it's thought process.

15-05-2016, 09:35 PM
Anyway what does it matter to Americans whether a AFL club is a Big Club or not? It says more about the inherent bias of the AFL and it's thought process.

Pretty sure Greystache was joking about that.

16-05-2016, 03:05 AM
Pretty sure Greystache was joking about that.

TBH I'm not entirely sure that this whole topic isn't a pisstake.

16-05-2016, 09:27 AM
TBH I'm not entirely sure that this whole topic isn't a pisstake.

It's a perfectly cromulent topic

16-05-2016, 08:28 PM
Perfect huh? I'm convinced.

16-05-2016, 08:35 PM
Coincidence of the story getting out late last week with the 'Wild West Derby' playing this week?

I don't believe in coincidences. It could be a dress rehearsal to see if both clubs deserve the opportunity.

Jam Donuts
19-05-2016, 11:39 AM
Of Vanderlay Industries fame. He' a big deal in Gortex sales I hear.

Importer and exporter I believe, or has he stopped exporting and is focusing on importing!!

Jam Donuts
19-05-2016, 11:44 AM
I must admit that I have learnt a lot about the board members with this thread, lets go to Houston!!! We could have dinner with Art Vanderlay, and Jerry and George and Kramer and Elaine and Georges Dad, he is a crack up, but lets keep it quiet please. LOL

25-05-2016, 01:37 PM
This photo is on Snoop Dogs real and actual Twitter feed from two days ago to his 25,000,000 followers. Rumours are he and some of his friends are going to invest in the Wild West Derby directly to the Western Bulldogs side (get stuffed GWS!!! :D ). I notice the WWD Twitter handle vanished after we found it. Some may have not have taken this seriously, but having the worlds best rap artist join his brand to ours could be most momentous financial game changer we have ever had. Yet, the AFL media leave it unreported?? They really don't like running positive stories about us do they...


25-05-2016, 04:30 PM
This photo is on Snoop Dogs real and actual Twitter feed from two days ago to his 25,000,000 followers. Rumours are he and some of his friends are going to invest in the Wild West Derby directly to the Western Bulldogs side (get stuffed GWS!!! :D ). I notice the WWD Twitter handle vanished after we found it. Some may have not have taken this seriously, but having the worlds best rap artist join his brand to ours could be most momentous financial game changer we have ever had. Yet, the AFL media leave it unreported?? They really don't like running positive stories about us do they...


Seriously? That's *!*!*!*!ing huge. Why am I just reading it now?

25-05-2016, 04:50 PM
Seriously? That's *!*!*!*!ing huge. Why am I just reading it now?

Because you didn't read it earlier?

25-05-2016, 05:14 PM
Because you didn't read it earlier?

That'd be it.

Seriously we've gotta get him to one of our games or reach our hand out.

25-05-2016, 05:20 PM
This photo is on Snoop Dogs real and actual Twitter feed from two days ago to his 25,000,000 followers. Rumours are he and some of his friends are going to invest in the Wild West Derby directly to the Western Bulldogs side (get stuffed GWS!!! :D ). I notice the WWD Twitter handle vanished after we found it. Some may have not have taken this seriously, but having the worlds best rap artist join his brand to ours could be most momentous financial game changer we have ever had. Yet, the AFL media leave it unreported?? They really don't like running positive stories about us do they...


25-05-2016, 05:40 PM

So the US & UK media are reporting this story but not Australian media. Since he's got a football coaching qualification, maybe Snoop could be an assistant coach with Bevo for the game. Bevo for the intensity and Snoop for his relaxing smoking ways to balance the box out! :D

What Snoop song is our anthem? Drop it likes it hot?

25-05-2016, 06:13 PM

He must love Robo Dog

25-05-2016, 11:05 PM
So the US & UK media are reporting this story but not Australian media. Since he's got a football coaching qualification, maybe Snoop could be an assistant coach with Bevo for the game. Bevo for the intensity and Snoop for his relaxing smoking ways to balance the box out! :D

What Snoop song is our anthem? Drop it likes it hot?

They wouldn't be able to see out of the coaching box by quarter time because of the fug.

Like Cheech and Chongs' car at the Mexican border crossing in Nice Dreams.

26-05-2016, 01:55 PM
This photo is on Snoop Dogs real and actual Twitter feed from two days ago to his 25,000,000 followers. Rumours are he and some of his friends are going to invest in the Wild West Derby directly to the Western Bulldogs side (get stuffed GWS!!! :D ). I notice the WWD Twitter handle vanished after we found it. Some may have not have taken this seriously, but having the worlds best rap artist join his brand to ours could be most momentous financial game changer we have ever had. Yet, the AFL media leave it unreported?? They really don't like running positive stories about us do they...


Hey BT. Cani just check on who you think is the bigger star in that photo? Snoop Dogg or Jarryd Grant? I think that's Jarryd in between the first two Snoops

26-05-2016, 01:58 PM
Hey BT. Cani just check on who you think is the bigger star in that photo? Snoop Dogg or Jarryd Grant? I think that's Jarryd in between the first two Snoops

Tough call. Snoop loves getting stoned, Jarrad played football like he was always stoned. :D

26-05-2016, 02:40 PM
Tough call. Snoop loves getting stoned, Jarrad played football like he was always stoned. :D

Funny. Snoop loves getting stoned but I was an addict...

That's the difference right there. Along with the money, the women, the fame, the fact I have to get up at 7am and go to work.

26-05-2016, 04:00 PM
Funny. Snoop loves getting stoned but I was an addict...

That's the difference right there. Along with the money, the women, the fame, the fact I have to get up at 7am and go to work.

Have you tried striking it rich in the Footscray underground rap scene?

26-05-2016, 04:34 PM
Have you tried striking it rich in the Footscray underground rap scene?


They said they didn't need any 52 yos right now but as soon as they did I was down mother.

Then there was another bunch of stuff that I didn't understand either. I think as soon as they need a lift anywhere they will call.

29-05-2016, 04:24 AM
Sorry, but I'd prefer never to step foot in Texas ever again. Not even to see the Bulldogs play. I'd suggest an indoor stadium like Miller Park in Milwaukee as acceptable, even though there'd be a number of stupid cheeseheads going to the match.:D