View Full Version : Match Scoring - Could a pre-season trial be worth it?

23-06-2016, 11:04 PM
In light of the AFEL throwing up changes that would be radical in our code, but not all that foreign in other codes (mid season draft, mid season trade or exchanges, etc) I thought I'd throw this up along the same lines in a slow week for the forum.

In our code, you get a single point for missing a shot at goal and failing to execute the skill properly. In virtually every other sport, if you miss the crucial skill execution kicking, throwing, ball movement etc. you get no score or benefit. I wonder if a pre-season trial of removing behinds (keeping the same goal line width or extending it slightly) would be at least interesting from either:

- a goal kicking skills perspective (would players work harder knowing its 6 points or NO points? Would we see more goals?)
- a forward 50 entry skills perspective (would it make enhance to need to hit forwards in better positions?)
- make the quick running rebounding game more important with more kicks ins from out on the full kicks
- a match momentum, pressure & scoreline perspective
- a tactics perspective
- an overall improvement for fans? - Be it seeing better skills or more fan emotion if your team is dominating but behind badly (because points can take off 12-18 points a game potentially, or if your team is behind in general play but much further ahead because of better goal kicking skills.

I'm certainly not suggesting changing the game and normal H&A season, but whether a potential preseason trial has any merit. As you might guess, I'm watching the Crows/Roos game and Adelaide are ahead only on behinds in the last quarter (9.20 to 9.6). Would a change make this sort of game better, worse or no difference?

Edit: Final Score: Crows 12.28 vs North 10.7