View Full Version : Bullying is Un-Australian

01-07-2016, 12:11 AM
So, I hate the term Un-Australian. I so rarely use it. But I hate bullying. I despise it when someone who should know better bullies others because they can, and worse when they seem to get a sick sense of pleasure. I hate seeing the effect of bullying on kids, I hate seeing what happens inside the minds of kids who get bullied. I love how through social awareness we are teaching a new generation of Australian kids values not only about bullying, but also a culture where we don't stand idly by and we call out bullshit bullying for what it is and whenever we see it. No one likes a bully.

Many might argue Damian Barrett is such a bully. Another argument is that a 50 year old man who has spent several years of his life targeting a kid ought to be ashamed of himself. A grown man or men who should know better has repeatedly lined up an 18yo kid back in 2014 to the 20yo kid he know is now. Tom is still on his P Plates, but has to put with reading this garbage, and know his friends and family are reading this garbage. As far as I'm aware Tom has done nothing to any journalist nor committed heinous offences for which he should be repeatedly 'trialled by media'.

I don't know if Tom is a kid with a thick skin, I don't know how he feels about being derided in every news article, mainly positive news articles about players recontracting. I don't know what he thinks about if his parents watch TFS or picked up a newspaper and he chats to them the next day. What I do know is that DB and others have made their points clear and emphatically. But the time of critical opinions about contract offerings are now passed, and Tom does not need me to say this....

But anyone, up to and including any 50yo grown man repeatedly bullying a 20yo kid over a 2 year period is Un-Australian. In a time when we are reflecting on the values that make us Australian, on the values we want endeared into our society and the values that we want to leave as a legacy for the next generation I can no longer just make a snide remark every single time this kid is bullied. The lack of decency and bullying reflects the worst of Australian contemporary society. It's the evil that lurks and justified under freedom of speech like Andrew Bolt's monologues and columns. Is the kid being profiled out of personal envy or worse yet, tall poppy syndrome? Is this just a tactless class warfare line of bullying? Does it really matter anymore?

Journalists by their insertion into televised games and tv shows have now become role models whether they like it or not. Radio commentators also, up to including those who have bullied others in the past in the AFL industry with racist or sexist bullying are role models. These role models display what is acceptable conduct the masses and the message is that if you really, really want to believe in something you can almost weekly target a young kid because 'I'm right and they're wrong' (incidentally the mentality behinds every conflict of mankind). Irrespective of the tired and predictable trite nature of the bullying, it's permitted without personal guilt or morality because I really believe that a kids finances make him 'fair game'. That flies in the face of all the education given in schools these days about standing up to those who bully others. I understand the counter argument of free presses and speech and ability to be ruthlessly critical, but we all know that point has passed a long time ago. Donald Trump uses the same mentality and argument to peddle hate that these people use.

The joy of once serving my community was being able to stand up for the needy, to be the strength for those who are in a circumstance of weakness and to stop all those who seek to hurt others in any sense. Whilst I may no longer be able to do the standing, stopping or be strong, I can still call out the cowards who bully kids. Especially those really tough bullies who bully kids from behind a desk, microphone or laptop (seemingly for perverse pleasure). So, here goes; I find you morally repugnant. I find your values completely unAustralian. I find your long term pattern of behaviour outright bullying. I find you to be poor role models. The Australia I voted for, the future I hope this country has doesn't align with any of your conduct. I really hope those you love are never hounded or bullied by anyone, let alone those who know better and still chose the low road. I hope that others don't see you bully others and take it up themselves to inflict damage to others. I hope you're never ironically confronted with a loved one suffering from the treatment you so freely impose on other kids. While you may be strong with the microphones, pens and/or lap tops at your whim, you are at your core morally bankrupt, pathetic and weak. Something you might actually want to reflect upon when you no longer have the microphone and pen, and after the career doors have slid shut, and you are only left with who and what you really are at your core.

Remi Moses
01-07-2016, 12:35 AM
Good post Trag . He's got an agenda more with Beveridge .
Boyd's deal is the only negative he can pin on the club at the moment and he's flogging it to death .
There are so many trying to get the story and get ahead of the game it's getting tedious and silly.
I just don't think we should give him any oxygen, and don't bother reading his B/S. I found Boyd getting bagged while injured as pathetic, and unwarranted .
The message was how do we sign our young stars with Boyd's contract? Yet we signed them all and got in a F/A!
We still haven't heard any noise on how some got that wrong !

01-07-2016, 07:46 AM
The dogged pursuit of their narrative has been been really ordinary. In specific cases I think there is an argument to be made that bullying is taking place, however your Average Joe would not get around it. Mostly because they wouldn't see the repeated commentary on his alleged contract size as unreasonable.

Even accepting that, some of the specific examples are deplorable. Leigh Matthews openly stating he hopes Boyd is a failure year one into his time with us was as poor a call I've heard, it went largely unchecked by his colleagues. The refusal to acknowledge the fact he has been out for a relatively large portion of this season with an injury and continued the "trade bust" narrative during his recovery feels particularly nasty.

There is room for discussion about the merits of how we've gone about his contract and perceived risks. But it all feels a bit too personal and focused on Tom rather than any real facts. Generally people are happy to say he invited it on himself by accepting a big contract. It's a variation of tall poppy syndrome. Hit into overdrive by the narrow minded envy of an AFL media full of ex players who never managed to land the sort of money he has so early in his career.

01-07-2016, 10:56 AM
I wonder if Brodie's Law comes into play here and whether these journos who continually bully Tom can be charged.

01-07-2016, 11:00 AM
I wonder if Brodie's Law comes into play here and whether these journos who continually bully Tom can be charged.


Just look at the Herald Scum the last few weeks. They decry that certain public figures are guilty of bullying, all the while laying it on thick at that same person and the people he deals with.

The press council does nothing. No censuring. The people lap it up and disgraceful "reporting" becomes fact.

Rocco Jones
01-07-2016, 12:15 PM
I struggle too much with the Un-Australian tag to read on! What culture thinks bullying is great? Just an utterly inane term.

01-07-2016, 01:08 PM
I struggle too much with the Un-Australian tag to read on! What culture thinks bullying is great? Just an utterly inane term.

That's your issue arising from the content of the thread? But then posting without actually reading the OP. Substitute the inane term for whatever pleasing term works for you then. As for what culture thinks bullying is great, many parts of the AFL industry and culture there in think bullying is acceptable.

Rocco Jones
01-07-2016, 01:16 PM
That's your issue arising from the content of the thread? But then posting without actually reading the OP. Substitute the inane term for whatever pleasing term works for you then. As for what culture thinks bullying is great, many parts of the AFL industry and culture there in think bullying is acceptable.

Aren't they Australian? What race is pro bullying?

I don't like Barrett but maybe instead of sulking about him, we should have a look at Tom.

Decks a mate for teasing him. He has bought this attention upon himself. He has set himself up for every opponent he plays on. Forget sulking about journos, his only way out is playing well. He has made his bed.

01-07-2016, 02:43 PM
Pretty harsh Rocco. We should rally around Tom as we did our other Tom. Young man makes mistake, then learns from it.

We should tear DB a new one, happy to sign a group letter to his management to the effect of the OP. We would have many sign and make it public. Also, we could ask FDOTM for a casual reference in a cartoon and even a clever banner. Highly unlikely but DB needs to be called out for the massive male-chicken-head he is. Go hard at him.

01-07-2016, 02:46 PM
Aren't they Australian? What race is pro bullying?

I don't like Barrett but maybe instead of sulking about him, we should have a look at Tom.

Decks a mate for teasing him. He has bought this attention upon himself. He has set himself up for every opponent he plays on. Forget sulking about journos, his only way out is playing well. He has made his bed.

Still not read the OP? I'm referencing two years of consistent bullying. The op references the two years of virtually every club story, somehow being tied to Boyd's contract. Two years of crying wolf about an inability to keep the list together, which time after time is seen to be false cries. I'm talking about the total picture, I'm not talking about this incident in isolation. If calling this out makes me a sook, then I guess I will have to wear your label.

As for the incident between Tom & Zaine, I don't know exactly what happened so I can't comment about what was or was not said or done. But violence is not the answer I agree. I agree also that the rot into the minds of journos and the footy public is such that only sustained good performances will silence them. I have strong faith that can do this and a hope for all that it's sooner rather than later.

Rocco Jones
01-07-2016, 02:48 PM
Why should we rally around him? I don't think we should burn him at the stake but at the moment, WOOF sounds like a bunch of permissive parents blaming everyone but their kid when he has done something wrong.

I believe Tom Boyd will be a good player for us and believe we should support him as a club to grow, that does not involve backing him up when he does something wrong. That's not supporting, that's enabling.

01-07-2016, 03:32 PM
Why should we rally around him? I don't think we should burn him at the stake but at the moment, WOOF sounds like a bunch of permissive parents blaming everyone but their kid when he has done something wrong.

I believe Tom Boyd will be a good player for us and believe we should support him as a club to grow, that does not involve backing him up when he does something wrong. That's not supporting, that's enabling.

I haven't read one post that says what he did was ok? We are all disappointed with what happened, but we also understand it is not the biggest issue in the world. It happened two or three weeks ago, he apologised and as Sue Alberti said this morning, both boys are remorseful for what happened.

What I have read by some posters, starting to question whether we did the right thing in recruiting him - as if this incidence suddenly triggered the haters.

As for Barrett, well he is a cowardly little bully hiding behind a screen and pen, because week after week he has to carry on about his contract size and we have all had a gut full of this (well I have.). Are we going to hear this BS for the next 6 more years.

So what he has a large contract - end of story. Last I knew JMac is the list manager not the journos.

We should now focus on his football and his progress. 27 games, 20 years old, lets see how he goes.

01-07-2016, 03:43 PM
I haven't read one post that says what he did was ok? We are all disappointed with what happened, but we also understand it is not the biggest issue in the world. It happened two or three weeks ago, he apologised and as Sue Alberti said this morning, both boys are remorseful for what happened.

What I have read by some posters, starting to question whether we did the right thing in recruiting him - as if this incidence suddenly triggered the haters.

As for Barrett, well he is a cowardly little bully hiding behind a screen and pen, because week after week he has to carry on about his contract size and we have all had a gut full of this (well I have.). Are we going to hear this BS for the next 6 more years.

So what he has a large contract - end of story. Last I knew JMac is the list manager not the journos.

We should now focus on his football and his progress. 27 games, 20 years old, lets see how he goes.

This. I can't remember a single post condoning his behaviour or any permissive parents blaming Tom's actions on him playing violent video games or listening to Marilyn Manson. It's a no win situation for everyone that was dealt with weeks ago. This thread was not about this one incidence for the record.

01-07-2016, 03:48 PM
This. I can't remember a single post condoning his behaviour or any permissive parents blaming Tom's actions on him playing violent video games or listening to Marilyn Manson. It's a no win situation for everyone that was dealt with weeks ago. This thread was not about this one incidence for the record.

How long has Barrett been rabbiting on about Boyd. I remember listening to trade radio and all barrett could say was no way Boyd will go to the Bulldogs, and when the deal was done he fell out of his chair, I could hear the thud :D:D, well he was stunned. Since then he has brought it up a hundred times at least.

I tweeted this to him yesterday:

Let me guess @barrettdamian (https://twitter.com/barrettdamian) has already scripted sliding doors . It's usually Tom or Bevo, but nothing to do with football.

and guess what this morning, has a go at both Tom and Bevo in sliding doors article

01-07-2016, 04:54 PM
Why should we rally around him? I don't think we should burn him at the stake but at the moment, WOOF sounds like a bunch of permissive parents blaming everyone but their kid when he has done something wrong.

I believe Tom Boyd will be a good player for us and believe we should support him as a club to grow, that does not involve backing him up when he does something wrong. That's not supporting, that's enabling.

Why wouldn't we? He's made a (one, solitary) mistake. He's one of our own. Nobody's saying he shouldn't face the consequences of his actions. The OP is about continual derision from a massive twat for no good reason at all. I guess its the time now when TB is down that he gets kicked more. He is just a young man.

Remi Moses
01-07-2016, 05:02 PM
I think we've all become jaded at the continual Boyd Contract talk, as I'd say everyone who has an affiliation with the club .
The club did the wrong thing in not owning up immediately, and yes I know in past years this would have been swept under the carpet.
The throngs have an insatiable appetite to be the first and to shock the most( I think for you youngies that's clickbait) Barrett's looking for any opening to push his grudge with Beveridge .

01-07-2016, 05:48 PM
Decks a mate for teasing him. .

If you're going to make accusations, please back them up with facts.

01-07-2016, 08:52 PM
I have real difficulty in equating Boyd's treatment by certain sections of the media with bullying. To me the continued focus on his circumstances is unnecessary, short sighted, opportunistic and largely ignorant, but for this treatment to be claimed as bullying you'd need to know it actually has an impact in some way on the target - and as far as I can tell, there's no evidence to suggest it does.

Ascertaining who the target is in Barrett's ramblings is difficult. It seems his vendetta is against the club, or Bevo rather than Boyd. And whilst I think he's pathetic, my guess is the club and its players don't even pay enough attention to him (and his ilk) to form an opinion of him that's nearly as strong as mine.

02-07-2016, 11:05 AM
Double post.

02-07-2016, 11:05 AM
I have real difficulty in equating Boyd's treatment by certain sections of the media with bullying. To me the continued focus on his circumstances is unnecessary, short sighted, opportunistic and largely ignorant, but for this treatment to be claimed as bullying you'd need to know it actually has an impact in some way on the target - and as far as I can tell, there's no evidence to suggest it does.

Ascertaining who the target is in Barrett's ramblings is difficult. It seems his vendetta is against the club, or Bevo rather than Boyd. And whilst I think he's pathetic, my guess is the club and its players don't even pay enough attention to him (and his ilk) to form an opinion of him that's nearly as strong as mine.

Interesting point you make jee.

For the most part, I tend to agree with what you say.

I never really paid a lot of mind to stuff in papers as it didn't apply to me. In recent times, my career has come under sustained and constant fire in the papers and on radio, and things being said about my job and my workmates (and me) are just atrocious. Not only that, they are factually incorrect. I always thought I was a guy that was lucky enough to be paid to do a what I still regard as a great job, and a job where I got to actually help people. I've never done it for praise - in fact, I'm vehemently against being overly praised for just doing your job - but I do (or did) take pride in the fact that it was worthwhile and it meant something.

Now guys at my work are being spat at. I have a neighbour that has told me to my face that he won't speak to me again.

Turns out, my entire career is a joke and I'm an over paid prima donna. I'm a rampant militant unionist who takes great delight in bullying, intimidation and ridicule. I'm laughing all the way to the bank. I'm a misogynistic troglodyte who doesn't want women in my job.

So to go back to your point. This has only been happening to me lately, and it's been driven by a pre-meditated (and I have to say) perfectly executed political scare campaign. What I'm saying is, it's an acute thing, not the protracted tripe that is trotted out every time Tom Boyd gets mentioned.

I'm a fairly resislient nearing middle aged bloke who has seen some shit. Not a lot gets to me.

But after what's been going on, I am hurting. Work has become a bit of a nightmare, I'm a complete and utter misery at home. I feel like I'm constantly under attack (I know I'm not, but that's what it feels like), and it never goes away. I go to a barbie and my friends all ask about it, I meet new people and get judged the second they ask the "what do you do?" question. I've taken to not engaging with people and not telling them what I do.

Now, I say all this not to start a pity party. I'm hurting, but I'm fine. I'll be fine. The world will keep turning yada yada.

But I've really gained an insight, albeit miniscule by comparison, into how it must feel to be under constanty scrutiny like that. And it would be terrible. People casting judgement on you as a person only by what they've read about you. Even worse, they've read it in the herald sun and take it as fact. I don't know that I call it bullying, but it's definitely poking repeatedly at a faultline and hoping it will crack (because what a story that makes - you see, I was right all along).

All I can say is, anecdotally speaking, the constant pressure on Tom must get to him, whether he shows it or not.

One final point: A former AFL player (once touted as the next Matthew Lloyd) recently came into my job and for a while I was his boss. We had a talk about what to expect from his colleagues (attention that is always good natured. A source of pride in my job is that you are judged by what you do and how you behave and not who you are) and he said something along the lines of: it'll be nothing compared to my past life. You learn to block it mostly out, but every now and then you blow a fuse.

Food for thought. Apologies for the length of this reply.

02-07-2016, 11:49 AM
Career firefighter?

02-07-2016, 12:18 PM
Career firefighter?

More commonly known as "UFU thug" ;).

02-07-2016, 12:34 PM
More commonly known as "UFU thug" ;).

My old man is in it too, so fingers crossed it dies down after the Liberals are finished kicking it around like a political football.

02-07-2016, 12:39 PM
My old man is in it too, so fingers crossed it dies down after the Liberals are finished kicking it around like a political football.

Cheers for that. Hope your Dad is going ok. I suspect after today we'll not hear as much about it. Anyway, I didn't want to distract from the thread - just hope I've raised some interesting points.

02-07-2016, 12:43 PM
maybe leave the overly political stuff out yeah. Liberals, ALP divide and that stuff. Everybody's got a dog in the fight and It's not worth the bother.

I liked EasterWests post a lot. Very interesting insight. If Tom cops abuse like that even to a much lesser degree then you can see why it would affect him. But losing your rag and punching people isn't the answer. Especially for someone Tom's size.

02-07-2016, 12:49 PM
Great post EW.

The marginalisation of sections of society for political gain sickens me. Chin up, in your case it will be done with soon.

02-07-2016, 01:19 PM
Cheers for that. Hope your Dad is going ok. I suspect after today we'll not hear as much about it. Anyway, I didn't want to distract from the thread - just hope I've raised some interesting points.

The mate I mentioned in the other thread taking his son to Sydney, his wife is in the MFB - with women and bullying is another whole thread and I won't go there. I enjoyed reading your post, very insightful and hope things work out.

02-07-2016, 01:25 PM
The mate I mentioned in the other thread taking his son to Sydney, his wife is in the MFB - with women and bullying is another whole thread and I won't go there. I enjoyed reading your post, very insightful and hope things work out.

Thanks BAD.

02-07-2016, 01:30 PM
maybe leave the overly political stuff out yeah. Liberals, ALP divide and that stuff. Everybody's got a dog in the fight and It's not worth the bother.

I liked EasterWests post a lot. Very interesting insight. If Tom cops abuse like that even to a much lesser degree then you can see why it would affect him. But losing your rag and punching people isn't the answer. Especially for someone Tom's size.

Point taken, although the entire issue IS political. Regardless of what side of the fence you're on, the facts of the issue are that it has been entirely driven as a political ploy (I'm not talking esoterically. I'm talking literally). It's an industrial issue that's over three years old, and suddenly, right before it"blew up" a political party saw fit to set up a disingenuous website about it.

Anyway, this isn't a political forum and I apologise profusely for bringing it in, but the issue can't be talked about without mentioning the "why" of it suddenly being at the forefront of every news article.

S Coast Simon
02-07-2016, 04:20 PM
Thought that was really well written BT and a very good point as it is a good question that I believe could easily be proved to be bullying. . This situation with Barrett is getting out of control. He has proven that he is not as good a journo as he believes, as he has let his personal and very petty grudge against Bevo, the contract and the club take over his journalism and it is all very personal and quite pathetic and childish really. I believe 95 percent of the worlds problems stem from jealousy and this is just another case. By the way does anyone actually know what happened or are we all guessing like the rest of the world. When I was a kid in Bougainville island the ABC reporters would throw lollies in the bins for the kids to get out, then on the news that night the report was we were starving and searching for food in the bins. DONT Believe anything from a reporter.

02-07-2016, 04:45 PM
When I was a kid in Bougainville island the ABC reporters would throw lollies in the bins for the kids to get out, then on the news that night the report was we were starving and searching for food in the bins. DONT Believe anything from a reporter.

That's just appalling.

02-07-2016, 04:53 PM
I can remember the accusations of that happening back in the day.

02-07-2016, 07:55 PM
I have absolutely no doubt that it would be hurting Tom. No doubt whatsoever. I remember hearing Tony Lockett speak about puking his guts out before every match and the constant scrutiny being the main reason to fly north, and it's stuck with me ever since because if you could ever imagine a man mountain, a tough bloke who had no interest whatsoever in the media or a "profile" it's Tony Lockett, and it still got to him.

Tom Boyd is not about to commit the grievous sin of wetting his pants in front of the bullies but that's no reason not to stick up for him.

03-07-2016, 09:02 AM
But Omeara can ask 750,000 a year and hasn't played a game in two years.
I would say that's a lot worse than Toms output

03-07-2016, 09:40 AM
But Omeara can ask 750,000 a year and hasn't played a game in two years.
I would say that's a lot worse than Toms output

And several serious knee injuries.

03-07-2016, 10:37 AM
In an interview with Tom Boyd yesterday he mentioned that all the media attention, particularly through this week, has been really tough on him and his family.

03-07-2016, 10:39 AM
In an interview with Tom Boyd yesterday he mentioned that all the media attention, particularly through this week, has been really tough on him and his family.

And people wonder why the club wants to keep it in house.

03-07-2016, 10:49 AM
And people wonder why the club wants to keep it in house.

Particularly the vilification and bullying over last few days in which the incident was a complete storm in a tea cup. If there was any doubt a loud mouthed 50yo bully was succeeding in bullying this 20yo kid, then this removes it. I wish someone with a microphone or lap top would call him out for the gutless bully he is. Surely there's someone in the media that has a conscience and wants to be a role model to kids in particular about standing up to bullies.

03-07-2016, 12:40 PM
Ring him next time he's on talkback. He must do talkback somewhere.

03-07-2016, 07:08 PM
Ring him next time he's on talkback. He must do talkback somewhere.

In the mirrors on the ceiling of his bedroom.