View Full Version : Has it sunk in yet?

03-10-2016, 08:18 AM
I finally got around to reading the match review article on afl.com.au this morning. At the end was a photo of our boys holding the cup after the presentation. Looking at the photo i still simply can't believe that this has happened. I am waiting for it to sink in but it just hasn't. We bloody did it. We won the flag. Someone wake me up!

Has it sunk in for anyone yet? Does it feel real yet? We are premiers. I keep telling myself that but it doesn't feel real. I think i'm still in disbelief.

I'm Not Bitter Anymore!
03-10-2016, 08:40 AM
No although I seem to be missing a chip from my shoulder

03-10-2016, 08:42 AM
Strange feeling through the week and watching the game. I am in NSW so a little removed, but everything felt hyper real. Every contest of the match seemed almost slow motion and in high definition. I was nauseous for the first 2-3 minutes of the match, but as soon as I could see we were settled and 'on', the whole thing was like a dream. Even the passages when Sydney had the ascendancy, I felt oddly calm that we would do what was needed and prevail, every goal was joyous and affirming.

I watched the game in Orange, NSW, about 200 ks from Sydney. The room of over 100 was 90% for us. Many were impartial early but were converted. This whole month has been dreamlike, it's like the Bulldogs we all knew were there just fully formed between R23 and the first final. After the WCE game, I felt an odd calm that we were where we needed to be and could meet any challenge, never had that feeling before.

Other than being at the birth of my two boys, the last few minutes of the GF and the minutes that followed were the best minutes of my life. Have been on a dreamlike high ever since.

The coming years are going to be fascinating. It's so important we build on this, win more flags and assert ourselves as a leading club who does things the right way.

03-10-2016, 08:45 AM
Its sunk in only because I have to get on a plane in about 4 hours to fly back to London. Great weekend. Amazing result. Thoroughly grateful to my very understanding wife.

03-10-2016, 09:39 AM
I think after the game I was in shock. I went bezerk for the last quarter barracking, but once the siren went - I think I was in shock.

The prelim win was a lot more of a visceral reaction for me...whereas the premiership has seemed so surreal.

The Best & Fairest night on Wednesday is going to be such a celebration - am so glad we decided to go this year.

03-10-2016, 09:40 AM
I finally got around to reading the match review article on afl.com.au this morning. At the end was a photo of our boys holding the cup after the presentation. Looking at the photo i still simply can't believe that this has happened. I am waiting for it to sink in but it just hasn't. We bloody did it. We won the flag. Someone wake me up!

Has it sunk in for anyone yet? Does it feel real yet? We are premiers. I keep telling myself that but it doesn't feel real. I think i'm still in disbelief.

Not really but I'm working into it. At the back of yesterday's Age there was an image with the words back to back with Bob. New territory for a Bulldog and certainly one I'm happy to tread.

03-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Feel as if I'm living in some weird fantasy theme park where you get to live out your dream. Spent all day yesterday basking, reading the papers we stockpiled, watching the footy shows and the replay, listening to the repeat of the radio call on 774 and of course catching up on WOOF - there's just too much to take in! And it's still going... all Bulldogs, all the time, everywhere! Strangers in the street congratulating us, the whole world behind us, an ocean of supporters at Whitten Oval...

How freaking good is this?

I hope we do go back to back with Bob, but could it ever be better than this?

03-10-2016, 10:05 AM
I think after the game I was in shock. I went bezerk for the last quarter barracking, but once the siren went - I think I was in shock.

The prelim win was a lot more of a visceral reaction for me...whereas the premiership has seemed so surreal.

The Best & Fairest night on Wednesday is going to be such a celebration - am so glad we decided to go this year.

Exactly how I felt at the time Ozza. I couldn't shed a tear Saturday, all I could do was stare like an imbecile at what was happening before me.

03-10-2016, 10:12 AM
Hit me yesterday after the family day . I stood in the centre circle soaked it all in as people were leaving . Just looked around the whole ground with memories of where I stood during games over 24 years, all waiting for this day .. Then I slowly shuffled off , got in my car put my sunglasses on and tears of emotion ran down my cheeks as I drove home to Melton.
I didn't want to share that moment it was mine and only my memories .
I drive past an old neighbours house from the 70s she is around 85 she wasn't home so I just put a team poster in her letterbox and left.

03-10-2016, 10:14 AM
I think after the game I was in shock. I went bezerk for the last quarter barracking, but once the siren went - I think I was in shock.

The prelim win was a lot more of a visceral reaction for me...whereas the premiership has seemed so surreal.

The Best & Fairest night on Wednesday is going to be such a celebration - am so glad we decided to go this year.

I was the same. Was going nuts throughout the game but afterwards was in a quiet shock. I think most of us were because the crowd was a bit quiet during the ceremony as compared to during the game. I think we were all in shock!

03-10-2016, 10:15 AM
Exactly how I felt at the time Ozza. I couldn't shed a tear Saturday, all I could do was stare like an imbecile at what was happening before me.

Yep exactly how i felt. Always imagined how i would react to a win. Always thought there would be tears but so far none. I'm just shocked.

03-10-2016, 10:17 AM
Hit me yesterday after the family day . I stood in the centre circle soaked it all in as people were leaving . Just looked around the whole ground with memories of where I stood during games over 24 years, all waiting for this day .. Then I slowly shuffled off , got in my car put my sunglasses on and tears of emotion ran down my cheeks as I drove home to Melton.
I didn't want to share that moment it was mine and only my memories .
I drive past an old neighbours house from the 70s she is around 85 she wasn't home so I just put a team poster in her letterbox and left.

Had a similar moment on the way home yesterday. Was sitting on Princes Hwy waiting for a lift after the trains stopped. And there were cars driving past with bulldogs scarf's and flags handing out and everyone would just honk as they went past. It was just awesome. Felt like being in those scenes you see in the states when a WHOLE CITY has just won a championship.

03-10-2016, 10:19 AM
Feel as if I'm living in some weird fantasy theme park where you get to live out your dream. Spent all day yesterday basking, reading the papers we stockpiled, watching the footy shows and the replay, listening to the repeat of the radio call on 774 and of course catching up on WOOF - there's just too much to take in! And it's still going... all Bulldogs, all the time, everywhere! Strangers in the street congratulating us, the whole world behind us, an ocean of supporters at Whitten Oval...

How freaking good is this?

I hope we do go back to back with Bob, but could it ever be better than this?

That's very close to how i have been trying to describe it to people. It's like a massive event rolled into town, like the first time you went to a major concert to see a band you had wanted to see for years. And you have all these memories but it happened so fast you can't believe it did actually happen.

03-10-2016, 10:20 AM
I started to cry midway through the final quarter and after the game was over I just sat down again and wept quietly in my seat. The whole buildup of emotion for the past month was overwhelming, it was too big to take in all at once.

I guess when it's taken 62 years of heartbreak to build up to a very special day, it will take an equally long time to process the joy.

03-10-2016, 10:25 AM

That is our team guys and girls!

I imagined this scene in my head for so many years it's just not computing now that it's real

03-10-2016, 10:32 AM
My overwhelming feeling is a sense of relief.

03-10-2016, 10:36 AM
This makes for some great reading :)


03-10-2016, 10:52 AM
Strange feeling through the week and watching the game. I am in NSW so a little removed, but everything felt hyper real. Every contest of the match seemed almost slow motion and in high definition. I was nauseous for the first 2-3 minutes of the match, but as soon as I could see we were settled and 'on', the whole thing was like a dream. Even the passages when Sydney had the ascendancy, I felt oddly calm that we would do what was needed and prevail, every goal was joyous and affirming.

I watched the game in Orange, NSW, about 200 ks from Sydney. The room of over 100 was 90% for us. Many were impartial early but were converted. This whole month has been dreamlike, it's like the Bulldogs we all knew were there just fully formed between R23 and the first final. After the WCE game, I felt an odd calm that we were where we needed to be and could meet any challenge, never had that feeling before.

Other than being at the birth of my two boys, the last few minutes of the GF and the minutes that followed were the best minutes of my life. Have been on a dreamlike high ever since.

The coming years are going to be fascinating. It's so important we build on this, win more flags and assert ourselves as a leading club who does things the right way.

That's my touchstone too. The birth of my kids were the two single greatest days of my life and I never thought that I would feel the depth of emotion/feeling that I did when the nurse handed the kids to me for the first time but saturday was very, very close.

Hit me yesterday after the family day . I stood in the centre circle soaked it all in as people were leaving . Just looked around the whole ground with memories of where I stood during games over 24 years, all waiting for this day .. Then I slowly shuffled off , got in my car put my sunglasses on and tears of emotion ran down my cheeks as I drove home to Melton.
I didn't want to share that moment it was mine and only my memories .
I drive past an old neighbors house from the 70s she is around 85 she wasn't home so I just put a team poster in her letterbox and left.

It hit me when I was leaving the ground after family day too. The walk home up Barkly st after the ceremony yesterday was so much fun. So many happy people and cars with flags and scarves hanging out of their windows. I reckon a few cars drove up and down Barkly st a few times.

03-10-2016, 10:54 AM
I was more emotional after last week's prelim.

The hours after the prelim was when the sense of relief came for me. After 7 losing prelims to get that monkey of the back, to be interstate and celebrating with everyone that had made the trek was very special.

I don't know what it was about Saturday but I didn't really get nervous at any stage which allowed me to enjoy the contest and take in the enormity of what just happened.

It did hit me though when I had the privilege to take my family in to the umpires rooms where the players are brought before they went out on to the ground to be presented on stage.

We got to see the raw emotions of the players, have a quick chat to the usual suspects that always talk to the kids - Dale, M Boyd and Caleb. My son was also lucky to get a photo with Jack McCrae with his medal.
Josh Dunkley gave my nephew his hat, which he hasn't taken off since.
That is when it sunk in for me.

03-10-2016, 10:55 AM
I don't know how the players do it....I feel like the last month has been incredibly taxing, emotionally.

I don't think I ever came down from that Prelim win.

I know its a very strange thing to say - and it may change over time once the premiership sinks in- but at the moment, the prelim win for me is no.1.

It was that hurdle we'd never been able to get past. And just to go up there as a supporter group, to take over west Sydney - and actually feel like, in a small stadium, in a close game - that as supporters - you were somehow a part of helping the boys get over the line. It was the best game of footy I've ever seen, the highest standard, the quickest, toughest contest with no margin for error.

Once we got through that prelim, it never crossed my mind that we would lose the grand final. I just couldn't picture a scenario where we would lose to Sydney. The prelim win was when the premiership dream first materialised.

03-10-2016, 10:57 AM
For years I have dreamt of the day the Sons of the Scray would hold the premiership cup aloft. Those dreams didn't come close to the reality of Saturday.

That last quarter was a bit of a blur. When JJ kicked the goal I thought that was it. Then the bloody AFL overturn it - I thought the footy gods might deny us once again. But then Roughy marked the kick in, Moz ran down Buddy, and Tommy Boyd kicked a career defining goal for the ages.

Still there was time so we had to keep grinding. The Swans had a chance but luckily it fell to Ben "Greg Norman" McGlynn. We worked the ball forward - come on guys, one more - the Jakey gets it, could have blazed away but for the 2nd week in a row it's team 1st, centres the ball to Mr September and the Son of Billy sends us into football immortality.

When the siren went it was ecstacy, delerium, relief but most of all I was just so proud of our football club. We had done it. The day we thought would never come had arrived - we are the best team in the AFL.

The tears were there, the voice was gone, the heart thumping with pride. And when the messiah, Luke Beveridge called Bob Murphy onto the stage to had him his medal, I was so proud and just broke down uncontrollably - that summed up our football club to a tee.

We are the Premiers. We are the AFL's best. Now I can die in peace.

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 11:12 AM
Great post FT.
I cannot, as a fan, expect more than I have experienced this season. It might fall that way once in a hundred years, if you are lucky.
My experience, on the day, watching it from abroad was sort of celebrating that we didn't lose, more than we won. Just a sense of relief.
The prelim was more of a high in some ways. Just to be given the opportunity to be in a grand final.
But now I feel relaxed enough to really enjoy the replays and memories.

We had no passengers. They are singling out Stringer as having had a poor game but he had Rampe on him ( I think ) all day. Still managed one of his booming goals.

03-10-2016, 11:14 AM
hit me on my way home yesterday. Looking out from the plane and thinking back tears streamed. Watching the replay now and I expect more tears

03-10-2016, 11:28 AM
Strange feeling through the week and watching the game. I am in NSW so a little removed, but everything felt hyper real. Every contest of the match seemed almost slow motion and in high definition. I was nauseous for the first 2-3 minutes of the match, but as soon as I could see we were settled and 'on', the whole thing was like a dream. Even the passages when Sydney had the ascendancy, I felt oddly calm that we would do what was needed and prevail, every goal was joyous and affirming.
My experience too. Feeling nauseous beforehand. Had academically considered we would lose but felt oddly calm throughout as if my system knew the outcome and Swans goals weren't so painful. That feeling that came late in the game when I realised we were going to win the grand final was like nothing else.
The two days since have been of unfolding realisation of what it means. There is no feeling of being short of what's required, of wishing we had a gun CHF etc. We are complete, perfect, historical and the leaders. We are not just owned by the members but by all of Australia. The 62 year incubation has hatched something incredible.
I watched the game in Orange, NSW, about 200 ks from Sydney. The room of over 100 was 90% for us. Many were impartial early but were converted. This whole month has been dreamlike, it's like the Bulldogs we all knew were there just fully formed between R23 and the first final. After the WCE game, I felt an odd calm that we were where we needed to be and could meet any challenge, never had that feeling before.

Other than being at the birth of my two boys, the last few minutes of the GF and the minutes that followed were the best minutes of my life. Have been on a dreamlike high ever since.

The coming years are going to be fascinating. It's so important we build on this, win more flags and assert ourselves as a leading club who does things the right way.

My experience too. Feeling nauseous beforehand. Had academically considered we would lose but felt oddly calm throughout as if my system knew the outcome and Swans goals weren't so painful. That feeling that came late in the game when I realised we were going to win the grand final was like nothing else.
The two days since have been of unfolding realisation of what it means. There is no feeling of being short of what's required, of wishing we had a gun CHF etc. We are complete, perfect, historical and the leaders. We are not just owned by the members but by all of Australia. The 62 year incubation has hatched something incredible.

03-10-2016, 11:30 AM
I was more emotional after last week's prelim.

The hours after the prelim was when the sense of relief came for me. After 7 losing prelims to get that monkey of the back, to be interstate and celebrating with everyone that had make the trek was very special.

I don't know what it was about Saturday but I didn't really get nervous at any stage which allowed me to enjoy the contest and take in the enormity of what just happened.

Me too, that Prelim win was just so emotional, but I must admit during the GF at one stage I thought my heart was going toi stop, it was pumping that fast.

I don't know how the players do it....I feel like the last month has been incredibly taxing, emotionally.

I don't think I ever came down from that Prelim win.

I was physically exhausted last week - one of the best weeks of my life from Saturday to Sunday.

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 11:54 AM
My overwhelming feeling is a sense of relief.

Me too. All the neutrals were dancing around but inside I just felt relief and a bit of shell shock.
There was one poor bloke who did have a heart attack I see.

03-10-2016, 12:06 PM
I don't know how the players do it....I feel like the last month has been incredibly taxing, emotionally.

I don't think I ever came down from that Prelim win.

I know its a very strange thing to say - and it may change over time once the premiership sinks in- but at the moment, the prelim win for me is no.1.

It was that hurdle we'd never been able to get past. And just to go up there as a supporter group, to take over west Sydney - and actually feel like, in a small stadium, in a close game - that as supporters - you were somehow a part of helping the boys get over the line. It was the best game of footy I've ever seen, the highest standard, the quickest, toughest contest with no margin for error.

Once we got through that prelim, it never crossed my mind that we would lose the grand final. I just couldn't picture a scenario where we would lose to Sydney. The prelim win was when the premiership dream first materialised.

I likened winning the prelim to finally reaching the summit of Everest. On GF day, all we needed to do was plant the ****ing flag pole.

And that we did.

always right
03-10-2016, 12:11 PM
That was simply the greatest four weeks of my life.

The prelim win brought tears of happiness and relief the moment Jake passed to Tory. It was an unbelievable experience to share with most of my family and close friends.

The grand final win brought different tears....tears of unbridled joy. My family were scattered around in different bays but I managed to join them for the start of the last quarter. I ran from my original seat to the opposite pocket and then up the steps to where the rest of my family were sitting. All the way my heart was pounding as the thoughts ran through my head....could this finally be our day? Full of anxiety (and fatigue) I slumped in the seat alongside my wife and children and rode the team home in that magnificent last quarter.

After the game my family and friends all met up outside the stadium and embraced but I needed to catch up with my elderly parents outside the members entrance. I found my father and we hugged. I was so happy for him as he was in Sydney on a three month job secondment in 1954 so he never got to enjoy that premiership properly. Several years ago he wrote to David Smorgon despairing that he had resigned himself to never seeing a bulldogs premiership. Smorgon actually rang him and implored him not to lose hope. I can't imagine the sense of contentment he must be feeling now.

When I embraced my father he uttered four simple words....."I've lost your mother". In all the excitement my mother and father had lost sight of each other. The next 15 minutes were spent with family and friends searching for her. Thankfully I spotted her leaning on her walking stick and called out to her. It was with the greatest relief when I escorted her back to our family and we could finally share that magical time together.

Experiencing that day with my family I had only ever dreamed about. I am so happy for my wife and children who were forced to barrack for a club that has put us through so much heartache. So proud that they have become as fanatical supporters as myself. The sheer joy on their faces was a sight to behold.

What a day. What a club.

03-10-2016, 12:31 PM
We got to see the raw emotions of the players, have a quick chat to the usual suspects that always talk to the kids - Dale, M Boyd and Caleb. My son was also lucky to get a photo with Jack McCrae with his medal.
Josh Dunkley gave my nephew his hat, which he hasn't taken off since.
That is when it sunk in for me.

How good is that. That will stay with the kids for life. Well done mate.

03-10-2016, 12:34 PM
It has been amazing. The DVD of our 2016 season is a must for all our fans. Just thinking to win a flag from 7th having to play all 4 weeks is just a remarkable achievement. This group of players will be very special in our history along with our President Peter Gordon and coach Luke Beveridge and all behind the scenes who finally broke our long premiership drought. As one woofer said on another thread it has the makings of a fantastic documentary.

Just unbelievable walking around Whitten Oval yesterday and sitting up in the Whitten Stand looking at the ground and the swarm of red white and blue. Heaps of memories.

always right
03-10-2016, 12:42 PM
surely the club will release a box set of all four finals.

03-10-2016, 12:56 PM
surely the club will release a box set of all four finals.

Yes they typically release (have done so the last few years) a box set with all 4 finals and all radio/tv commentary of the grand final. I will be waiting for this one instead.

It's called the Victory Pack

Last years: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/movies-tv-shows/movies-tv-shows-on-sale/tv-sports/afl-premiers-2015-hawthorn-victory-pack/839612/

03-10-2016, 01:55 PM
I imagine there will also be a 2016 version of The Ride.

03-10-2016, 01:58 PM
I imagine there will also be a 2016 version of The Ride.

That would be excellent viewing.

03-10-2016, 02:51 PM
I'm getting used to it.. But to ensure it's real I'm forcing myself to watch, read or listen to every snippet I can.. Just so I know that it isn't a dream.

What a ride!

03-10-2016, 04:06 PM
No and I doubt it will for a while.
Still can't believe that I was there on Grand Final Day,sitting inside the 'G watching my team,OUR TEAM,playing in a GRAND FINAL!
First 3 Qtr's where a bit of a blur with so many rollercoaster of emotions.
When Tommy Boyd kicked that goal in the last qtr from the centre square, euphoria washed all over me as tears started to stream down my face.
Memories of years going to Whitten Oval with my Dad and Nan-God rest her soul-came flooding back to me.
Standing in the rain and wind in front of the scoreboard,getting smashed year after year,all those lost prelim's.
Now it all seems worth it after what we have achieved on Sat.
But it dosen't seem real,how can this be--

Ghost Dog
03-10-2016, 04:20 PM
No and I doubt it will for a while.
Still can't believe that I was there on Grand Final Day,sitting inside the 'G watching my team,OUR TEAM,playing in a GRAND FINAL!
First 3 Qtr's where a bit of a blur with so many rollercoaster of emotions.
When Tommy Boyd kicked that goal in the last qtr from the centre square, euphoria washed all over me as tears started to stream down my face.
Memories of years going to Whitten Oval with my Dad and Nan-God rest her soul-came flooding back to me.
Standing in the rain and wind in front of the scoreboard,getting smashed year after year,all those lost prelim's.
Now it all seems worth it after what we have achieved on Sat.
But it dosen't seem real,how can this be--

Love your passion Redders. It is taking a long time to sink in for me, being out of Australia.
Zaine Cordy, 11 games. !! Dunkley, 16 games. Staggering.

It's certainly a victory for blue collar 'work ethic'. Liam Picken, Tory Dickson, Matty Boyd, Dale Morris, also I will put Jordan Roughead as well. These guys have had their knockers over the years externally, but they have all been improving steadily. Except for Morris who is like that all the time, every game. Blue collar, working class application over limitations.
Far out, what a finals series Tory Dickson has had. I love this bloke. Single parent bricklayer who gets the most out of himself.

04-10-2016, 04:00 AM
I imagine there will also be a 2016 version of The Ride.

This is going to be incredible. Could the club have picked a better two years to have a camera crew follow us around?

It's going to provide such a contrast to what Year of the Dogs offered.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
04-10-2016, 07:03 AM
Whilst the reality is sinking in, my ability to articulate my feelings is still lacking.

04-10-2016, 09:40 AM
I went from being on a drip in hospital to the game and back to the hospital. In between there were constant tears of joy from me. My thoughts were on all my late relatives who were all avid Footscray supporters going back 4 generations. Especially the tears were for my late dad and mum who were members till they died. They both always said they wouldn't pass till we won the premiership. They both died last year. They loved the doggies so much.

04-10-2016, 11:03 AM
I went from being on a drip in hospital to the game and back to the hospital. In between there were constant tears of joy from me. My thoughts were on all my late relatives who were all avid Footscray supporters going back 4 generations. Especially the tears were for my late dad and mum who were members till they died. They both always said they wouldn't pass till we won the premiership. They both died last year. They loved the doggies so much.

Solid effort mate. Thanks for sharing.

04-10-2016, 11:08 AM
I went from being on a drip in hospital to the game and back to the hospital. In between there were constant tears of joy from me. My thoughts were on all my late relatives who were all avid Footscray supporters going back 4 generations. Especially the tears were for my late dad and mum who were members till they died. They both always said they wouldn't pass till we won the premiership. They both died last year. They loved the doggies so much.

Did the rellies witness '54 B4L?

04-10-2016, 11:12 AM
I don't know how the players do it....I feel like the last month has been incredibly taxing, emotionally.

I don't think I ever came down from that Prelim win.

I know its a very strange thing to say - and it may change over time once the premiership sinks in- but at the moment, the prelim win for me is no.1.

It was that hurdle we'd never been able to get past. And just to go up there as a supporter group, to take over west Sydney - and actually feel like, in a small stadium, in a close game - that as supporters - you were somehow a part of helping the boys get over the line. It was the best game of footy I've ever seen, the highest standard, the quickest, toughest contest with no margin for error.

Once we got through that prelim, it never crossed my mind that we would lose the grand final. I just couldn't picture a scenario where we would lose to Sydney. The prelim win was when the premiership dream first materialised.

I think I'm the same. It was the one I could least bare to lose, it's the one we came closest to losing, it's the hurdle we couldn't overcome for all those years.

I was most nervous in the first 5-10 minutes of the GF if anything seeing how the game would play out.

04-10-2016, 11:19 AM
For those trying to articulate their feelings


04-10-2016, 01:29 PM
Yes they typically release (have done so the last few years) a box set with all 4 finals and all radio/tv commentary of the grand final. I will be waiting for this one instead.

It's called the Victory Pack

Last years: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/movies-tv-shows/movies-tv-shows-on-sale/tv-sports/afl-premiers-2015-hawthorn-victory-pack/839612/

FYI The Victory Pack is scheduled for release on 9th November. Starting price of $95


04-10-2016, 02:05 PM
FYI The Victory Pack is scheduled for release on 9th November. Starting price of $95



04-10-2016, 02:06 PM

In the past, apparently the finals games are DVD and the grand final is blu-ray

04-10-2016, 02:07 PM
In the past, apparently the finals games are DVD and the grand final is blu-ray

We are treated like fools in this Country

04-10-2016, 02:09 PM
We are treated like fools in this Country

Yeah. We were lucky to get the game in HD

04-10-2016, 02:15 PM
My wife bought me the premiership dvd as well as some other bits and pieces (stubbie holder, bumper sticker etc) yesterday.

Its starting to sink in!!

04-10-2016, 02:16 PM
Has it sunk in yet?

Even today I saw a paper at work with our players and the premiership cup. I thought to myself we're actually premiers. It still hasn't sunk in with me yet.

04-10-2016, 02:18 PM
My wife bought me the premiership dvd as well as some other bits and pieces (stubbie holder, bumper sticker etc) yesterday.

Its starting to sink in!!

Is it available yet?

04-10-2016, 02:21 PM
Did the rellies witness '54 B4L?

Yes BTT. My dad was at the '54 GF and he and I were at the "61 GF together too. Not as good as the 2016GF.:)

04-10-2016, 02:22 PM
My wife bought me the premiership dvd as well as some other bits and pieces (stubbie holder, bumper sticker etc) yesterday.

Its starting to sink in!!

I bought from the Bulldogs shop online yesterday 2 Bulldogs premiership T-shirts and our premiership DVD. I intend to get the premiership sticker from the herald sun in the paper and the 2016 WB premiership photo to replace with my 2013 WB team photo on my wall.

04-10-2016, 02:22 PM
Has it sunk in yet?

Even today I saw a paper at work with our players and the premiership cup. I thought to myself we're actually premiers. It still hasn't sunk in with me yet.

Exactly the same with me. I see those pictures and still think it's a dream as it's the sight i have imagined in my head for many years.

I'm a bit of an analysis guy and look over history on wikipedia etc. All these years you just look at results of grand finals, who won, the crowd etc. To look up 2016 and see sentence "The first game was played on Thursday, 24 March, and the 2016 AFL Grand Final was played on Saturday, 1 October with the Western Bulldogs defeating Sydney by 22 points to win its second premiership and first in 62 years, breaking the then-longest active drought in VFL/AFL history." is just something i still can't comprehend. Seeing "Premiers: Western Bulldogs" and the '(P)' next to our name on the ladder.....it just isn't sinking in for me yet! I'm still in disbelief that this has actually happened. Jeez i thought all the losses the dogs put me through would require therapy but this win has got me the most lost with my feelings!

04-10-2016, 02:23 PM
Is it available yet?

Yes, it is the match itself with options for CH7, MMM, SEN & 3AW commentary.
Bit of pre-game.
Post Game.
And a 10 minute 'road to glory package' which runs through our season and how we got to the grand final.

She got it for $30 at the AFL store.

04-10-2016, 02:24 PM
Is it available yet?

The single game (just the GF) DVD is available. The Victory Pack is released 9th November.

Danny the snakeman
04-10-2016, 02:43 PM
Will be nice to see us will the gold AFL emblem on our jumpers next year.

04-10-2016, 02:51 PM
Will be nice to see us will the gold AFL emblem on our jumpers next year.

Yeah heard about that. How the hell have i never realised this was done?

05-10-2016, 03:50 AM
For those trying to articulate their feelings


Thanks for sharing that, are the 14 goals we kicked on Saturday just the most brilliant goals we have ever seen?

That speech is our club.

The video before it about our year is a beauty as well.

05-10-2016, 06:35 AM
Herald/Sun has the bumber sticker in it today.

always right
05-10-2016, 08:42 AM
Herald/Sun has the bumber sticker in it today.
Its not actually in the paper......you collect it from your newsagent.

05-10-2016, 10:03 AM
Its not actually in the paper......you collect it from your newsagent.

Yeah, you need to buy the paper though. My newsagent was nice enough to give me 6 of them with the paper.

05-10-2016, 10:25 AM
No. I lost my shit when I saw an image of T.Boyd holding up the cup this morning on WOOF.

05-10-2016, 10:26 AM
No. I lost my shit when I saw an image of T.Boyd holding up the cup this morning on WOOF.

It was what we all hoped for but couldn't dare to dream when we took him.

There's our reward for courage and audacity.

05-10-2016, 11:09 AM
The enormity of what the club has achieved hasn't really sunk in - winning on GF day definitely has. Our last 4 weeks will go down in folklore as the single greatest finals campaign by any club in history - only the passing of time will let this truly sink in.

05-10-2016, 12:19 PM
We (wife and I and 2 kids) travelled up from Warrnambool for the Granny and stayed at Mantra Jolimont. Looking out of our 7th story room with scarves and colours on post match as the masses were walking across the foot bridge was awesome. Fully understand how Bevo felt when referring to the Beatles. Having thousands of supporters cheering back at us....we will remember for ever. Not to mention being at the Whitten oval on Sunday with the biggest hangover Ive had for a long time.....So many images and moments etched in our memories....Bevo handing over the medal to Bob, Bob and Easton holding up the cup, Pickos mark, Tommy Boyds game, JJs runs,......and to the many new friends we made in the Mantra Bar on Saturday night....truly awesome
Thanks to all

Ghost Dog
05-10-2016, 12:21 PM
Fantastic to see all these new posters!