View Full Version : How did you react when the final siren sounded?

05-10-2016, 03:57 PM
When that moment was confirmed, that we were Premiers, breaking a 62 year drought, how did you react? And was it different to how you thought you would react?

Personally i thought i would break down in tears. But i haven't shed a single tear yet. I was just shouting for joy and hugging and high-fiving the doggies fans next to me.

As each player was called out i was just screaming praise and applauding. I think i was in disbelief mostly. Couldnt quite comprehend what had just happened. It's just been sheer joy since. The emotion might set in later.

The Pie Man
05-10-2016, 04:18 PM
I'm still processing it - once Picken kicked the last goal, you pretty much knew we were home, and seeing M Boyd hug everyone on the boundary confirmed it...the next few minutes were just a massive relief. I pulled my phone out when McLean was lining up for goal and filmed that 20 seconds and hugged my brother.

I cried watching the footage of fans at Spotless during the last 2 minutes of the prelim, and definitely went more berserk at home once we'd won that. Is that odd?

The GF is a big event, and being there felt as such...like you forget that this decides the season. I did get a bit misty at 3 quarter time thinking whichever way this goes, it's going to be emotional.

I'm Not Bitter Anymore!
05-10-2016, 04:18 PM
Primal screaming

05-10-2016, 04:36 PM
I'm still processing it - once Picken kicked the last goal, you pretty much knew we were home, and seeing M Boyd hug everyone on the boundary confirmed it...the next few minutes were just a massive relief. I pulled my phone out when McLean was lining up for goal and filmed that 20 seconds and hugged my brother.

I cried watching the footage of fans at Spotless during the last 2 minutes of the prelim, and definitely went more berserk at home once we'd won that. Is that odd?

The GF is a big event, and being there felt as such...like you forget that this decides the season. I did get a bit misty at 3 quarter time thinking whichever way this goes, it's going to be emotional.

I definitely went more berserk at the Prelim.
Speaking to my old man about it on Monday - we both agreed that we thought we would react differently after all this time waiting for a premiership.

But what I've decided, is that the prelim had been the hurdle for so long - so the reaction to get through, in those circumstances - was really visceral and elation.
For the premiership, I think many of us had an element of shock. We've carried around this longing to win a premiership for so long, that it is hard to believe it is real when it actually happened (and to some extent happened before we were ready - we didn't spend 22 weeks thinking we would win it....it snuck up on us a bit!). We also have to reconcile with ourselves that the feeling of longing for a premiership is actually now gone. There's no more wonder about 'will I see a premiership in my lifetime' etc - that we have all had as a part of us for a very long time.
It is a lot to process!

I'm still having moments where I might think out of the blue (for example) "Oh my god, Marcus Bontempelli is a premiership player - at 20 - and will always be known as a premiership player!".

05-10-2016, 04:51 PM
Unashamed tears...couldn't help it and still get teary thinking about it

05-10-2016, 05:02 PM
I remember being in tears when Picken kicked that goal. I think it was a mixture of crying and cheering once the siren went.

05-10-2016, 05:06 PM
I always thought I would break down and cry uncontrollably, but I didn't. I was the happiest I have ever been, beaming with a massive smile and jumping up and down with hands in the air.

I do get a tear in the eye watching highlights here and there when we kick a goal.

05-10-2016, 05:18 PM
Definitely wet eyed, but an unashamed amount of pride at what then team has done, how they have conducted themselves and how our supporters have reacted. All of this has been so positive.

always right
05-10-2016, 05:19 PM
Our experience at Spotless was different. Tears of relief, tears of sheer disbelief that we had finally got the prelim final gorilla off our back. Have never experienced a moment like it. We were into a grand final.

The premiership win produced tears of joy and all of my family were there to hug and celebrate. The whole after-match experience; the presentation, the lap of honour, the concert, the team on stage was surreal. Having watched so many other teams enjoy the experience, here we were doing the same. I wanted to take it all in...not miss a thing. I kept looking for magic moments...Bob Murphy working the crowd, Easton Wood striding across the field and launching into a swan dive amongst the confetti, Luke Dalhaus leaping into the crowd.

Then meeting up with my elderly parents outside the stadium.....another special moment. So happy that they had been well enough to make it to the match.

Watching the highlights, the replay, the footy shows, the news bulletins and finding my tears welling up over and over again.

Now it's Wednesday.....I have my signed Mark Knight posters to get framed. My Mark Knight premiers sticker is on the back of the car. I have this amazing feeling of......contentment.

05-10-2016, 05:22 PM
I never thought I would see a premiership in my lifetime. I think Ozza nailed the sentiment - this one came out of nowhere! These boys had no idea of their limitations and didn't seem to be burdened by the decades of despair and expectation. Bless them! I thought I'd be bouncing off the walls!

But as the final siren sounded, I hugged my brother and sobbed! I wasn't expecting it. I thought about my Nan and Pop who took us to the footy in our youth, who didn't live to see this day. Nor did my cousin and a good mate. This one was for them!

05-10-2016, 05:31 PM
Cry, cry, cry and huge celebrations with strangers.I wore my old knitted jumper Nan put together in 1979 and people were buying me beers post-game for Nan.

05-10-2016, 05:35 PM
Screams of amazement. Tears of joy. Hugs of everyone within hugging distance and high fives of everyone I could reach.

05-10-2016, 05:41 PM
I went really close to fainting when Boyd kicked that long goal in the last. It was all too much!

When Picken kicked that goal and when the Siren sounded it was tears and hugs all round.

However, I was also much more emotional after the prelim win.

05-10-2016, 05:43 PM
I went really close to fainting when Boyd kicked that long goal in the last. It was all too much!.

I felt my heart pumping at that point, like I have never felt before. This was the moment I realised we are almost there.

The Pie Man
05-10-2016, 06:18 PM
Great call Ozza

I've watched the last 8 minutes of the game about 10 times (from Biggs' smother of Papley's kick) Matter of fact, I'm watching it again now

'It's over, it's all over'

05-10-2016, 06:22 PM
Great call Ozza

I've watched the last 8 minutes of the game about 10 times (from Biggs' smother of Papley's kick) Matter of fact, I'm watching it again now

'It's over, it's all over'

Yeah, i watched it again too. Every time i turn on the tv its on and i just cant not watch it.

05-10-2016, 06:48 PM
I was at the ground but Standing room so the roof was in the way of any high ball, heard the crowd roar and thought it was because Maclean had kicked the goal . Didn't hear the siren .. So my celebration was kind of wierd I'm cheering what I thought was a goal !

05-10-2016, 06:54 PM
I was at the ground but Standing room so the roof was in the way of any high ball, heard the crowd roar and thought it was because Maclean had kicked the goal . Didn't hear the siren .. So my celebration was kind of wierd I'm cheering what I thought was a goal !

Were you behind our cheer squad?

If so its same end as me, the atmosphere was amazing. I just hugged some old guy and some other guy I'd never met before and went off my tits. Screamed the song a heap of times too. No tears but my cheeks are sore from smiling so much.

05-10-2016, 07:23 PM
I was building to a crescendo of celebration after the Picken goal. The guy next to told me there was about 2 minutes left and I did the math, we couldn't lose! I'm telling my son that and he's saying how do you know. I'm like, there's not enough time, there's not enough time. Once the siren sounded I went berserk jumping and hugging my son with tears welling up. I sung the song with passion while watching the players pile on top of each other. I held it together pretty well until Bevo went and gave his medal to Bob. Well tears just forced their way out didn't they.

I still can't get over the last month of football our amazing club just produced. I'm still in shock.

05-10-2016, 07:50 PM
Cried then Yelled. Handshake for the bloke beside me and hugged the lady otherside.

Then sang and cried some more

05-10-2016, 08:47 PM
I reckon I was more over the top straight after the siren when the PF ended. Just the exhilaration of ending a run of 7 losing PFs, I sang the song about 5 times. After we'd won the GF, I of course went nuts. But there was an element of the surreal to it all. With about 2mins left I said to the guy next to me "We're going to win this"!!! It was as if I was trying to convince myself it was real. Then of course it began to hit, and I was hugging three blokes who'd ended up standing behind me. High fives to anyone within arm's distance...but definitely a sense of the surreal. I rang mum about 30 mins after, and I was no less pumped. Could hardly speak any sense to her.

Ghost Dog
05-10-2016, 09:36 PM
Still recovering..... Started celebrating once the bench started going nuts.

05-10-2016, 10:15 PM
Great call Ozza

I've watched the last 8 minutes of the game about 10 times (from Biggs' smother of Papley's kick) Matter of fact, I'm watching it again now

'It's over, it's all over'

I can't stand MacAvaney, but he got that call just right.

05-10-2016, 11:47 PM
I held it together pretty well until Bevo went and gave his medal to Bob


06-10-2016, 12:23 AM
I just completely and utterly lost it hugged my niece who had been coming to the footy with me for 30 years and we bawled our eyes out. Hugged my two boys just trying to come to grips with it so many years of pain just washed away as I watched 22 men run around after making all my dreams come true.

06-10-2016, 12:25 AM
It was pure unadulterated joy, such a massive wave of joy that just washed all the pain and heartache away in one single moment, seeing the tears and joy On my Dad and Mums faces as the Song was Sung and jumping up and down with my arms around my Boys! It is one single moment in time that we all will never forget!

As for me, it was less emotional at the GF than the Prelim, but when I watched the replay on my own the next day like the famous call when Picko kicked his last 'the dam is broken' I sobbed like a baby! And I loved it!

06-10-2016, 12:32 AM
I was building to a crescendo of celebration after the Picken goal. The guy next to told me there was about 2 minutes left and I did the math, we couldn't lose! I'm telling my son that and he's saying how do you know. I'm like, there's not enough time, there's not enough time. Once the siren sounded I went berserk jumping and hugging my son with tears welling up. I sung the song with passion while watching the players pile on top of each other. I held it together pretty well until Bevo went and gave his medal to Bob. Well tears just forced their way out didn't they.

I still can't get over the last month of football our amazing club just produced. I'm still in shock.

Being Premiers is only just started to sink in to so many, but I don't if a lot of people realize yet that we have Just,witnessed the greatest month of football in history! This story will be talked about for Generations and we were there!

The Pie Man
06-10-2016, 10:07 AM
I can't stand MacAvaney, but he got that call just right.

It's taken over from his call of Kolynuik's goal vs Collingwood in 1990 as my favourite Bruce moment - he set the bar fairly low I concede, but I do have 'It's over, it's all over' repeating in my head a bit

06-10-2016, 10:34 AM
Being overseas i was in a pub with strangers, i cried like a baby in front of them, they were all awesoem, they understood what it meant and could tell i was one of the true long suffering fans.

Ill post a few pics fromt he night, but being in Seattle in an aussie pub with the local AFL team was a surreal experience, i cant wait for next years GF when ill be at the MCG and we win it again.

06-10-2016, 11:16 AM
Jumping, shouting, high fives and hugs for about 2 minutes and then I just fell down to my seat and cried tears of absolute joy for about 5 minutes. Genuinely could not stand up

06-10-2016, 12:31 PM
I reckon I was more over the top straight after the siren when the PF ended. Just the exhilaration of ending a run of 7 losing PFs, I sang the song about 5 times. After we'd won the GF, I of course went nuts. But there was an element of the surreal to it all. With about 2mins left I said to the guy next to me "We're going to win this"!!! It was as if I was trying to convince myself it was real. Then of course it began to hit, and I was hugging three blokes who'd ended up standing behind me. High fives to anyone within arm's distance...but definitely a sense of the surreal. I rang mum about 30 mins after, and I was no less pumped. Could hardly speak any sense to her.
Me too, I noticed there was two minutes left, less than I dared to hope, and blandly said "We're going to win this." Then it was surreal. I felt conscious of the enormity of it, the seriousness of it, the fact that my two sons who have lived with their mom not me most of their lives, and that this moment would live with them after I've left the planet.
Then the joy that was special because the premiership that could have only been hoped for but not expected, had happened against all odds, all those sh_tty, cruel, persistent odds. They can go and get stuffed now.

06-10-2016, 03:03 PM
Defiantly more emotional after the prelim win. Probably because it was such a tight contest.

With the goal to Boyd and then Picken we knew we had won. Really enjoyed those last few minutes waiting for the siren.

06-10-2016, 08:52 PM
It's taken over from his call of Kolynuik's goal vs Collingwood in 1990 as my favourite Bruce moment - he set the bar fairly low I concede, but I do have 'It's over, it's all over' repeating in my head a bit

It was his inflection I think, he really caught the emotion of feeling drained and relieved and all those good things that happen when endorphins are released. In fact, I think I'm going gm to make it my new signature.

06-10-2016, 09:21 PM
The siren actually caught me off guard. I had my phone in hand ready to call my wife do that the kids could hear the siren go and sing the song.

I was just about to hit send when the siren rang.

I jumped up, yelled at the top of my lungs, kissed my mate next to me, thanked him repeatedly for getting me a ticket, and hugged strangers in between choruses.

I then turned around and saw a Sydney fan, who I'd had some fairly solid banter with through the day, starting to well up.

I did what I wished an Adelaide supporter had done for me as a 14 year old. I went up to him and told him that his team had way too much talent for this to be the end of their run, and they'd be back. We shook hands, I thanked my mate again, then I went to find my brother who was 5 bays around from me.

06-10-2016, 09:28 PM
How did you fare working that night?

06-10-2016, 09:29 PM
Jumping, shouting, high fives and hugs for about 2 minutes and then I just fell down to my seat and cried tears of absolute joy for about 5 minutes. Genuinely could not stand up

Exactly the same as me TD :)

06-10-2016, 10:03 PM
How did you fare working that night?

Made it through but only just.

06-10-2016, 10:06 PM
Made it through but only just.

And two quick changes. You must be stuffed. I suppose watching replays everyday will help with that.

06-10-2016, 10:08 PM
And two quick changes. You must be stuffed. I suppose watching replays everyday will help with that.

Nope. The two quick changes went the way of the dodo with the last EB. The Sunday is now a paid 'recovery day'.

In any case I went straight into leave on Sunday morning.

06-10-2016, 10:13 PM
Nope. The two quick changes went the way of the dodo with the last EB. The Sunday is now a paid 'recovery day'.

In any case I went straight into leave on Sunday morning.

Far more civilised, and not before time either.

The Underdog
07-10-2016, 07:58 AM
I'd had a few tears in my eyes after the Boyd and Picken goals, especially after Picko's when I realised we were home.
At the siren, it was a group hug with the 2 strangers next to me and a general sense of disbelief. Sang the song with what was left of my voice and lost it when Bevo gave up the medal to Bob.
Like others the emotion at the siren of the Prelim was probably more intense but then that game was so tight right until the end and the history of losing prelim's weighed so heavy.

07-10-2016, 09:44 AM
Nope. The two quick changes went the way of the dodo with the last EB. The Sunday is now a paid 'recovery day'.

In any case I went straight into leave on Sunday morning.

Another example of unions ruining everything. Hands Off VicPol.

07-10-2016, 09:58 AM
I can't believe anyone at the ground realised we were home at any stage. I was still worried when McLean was lining up!

07-10-2016, 10:34 AM
I can't believe anyone at the ground realised we were home at any stage. I was still worried when McLean was lining up!

Ha ha ha. A true Bulldogs pessimist! A man after my own heart.

I knew we were home after "the moment". There was no way our guys were going to let us lose after that.

07-10-2016, 11:59 AM
Someone in the crowd near me kept saying, 'Four minutes to go... four minutes...'

Plenty of time to lose it! I was in tears already but I didn't breathe until the siren actually sounded.

07-10-2016, 12:14 PM
Someone in the crowd near me kept saying, 'Four minutes to go... four minutes...'

Plenty of time to lose it! I was in tears already but I didn't breathe until the siren actually sounded.

Haha, there was a kid in front of me calling out the time.

Me "I don't want to know" so his Dad told him to stop yelling out the time

Me, about 20 seconds after "How long to go?"

I'll never forget the faces and the personalities of all the Dogs fans that were sitting around me last Saturday. We were on a big journey together and we all hugged and slapped each others backs at the end.

Then I asked "so who do we play next week?" which got a polite laugh

Then we all agreed to get the same seats next year!

07-10-2016, 12:16 PM
Hahaha don't tell me the time.....how bloody long left?!?!?!

07-10-2016, 12:40 PM
Between Boyd's long bomb and Picken's goal, I sat in silence, comprehending what was happening and holding back the tears. Picko snapped me out of it and I applauded every touch of the footy for the final two minutes. It was beautiful.

When the siren sounded, I turned to my dad and younger brothers for a group hug. It was a really beautiful moment to share with them, but certainly not the teary event I expected it to be. As others have said, it was just relief that we had finally done it - we'd got the monkey off the back in the most unexpected fashion.

Personally, there was also an element of annoyance - how dare they put together a premiership season the ONE YEAR I was out of the country? Absolutely remarkable.

Tears started when Bob got his medal, and when I tried to call my Mum who is supposedly a Bombers supporter but, through years of taking me to Dogs games, has now been converted. She was in Croatia and reported that she felt sick all night leading up to it. I wish she'd been there to enjoy it.

07-10-2016, 12:48 PM
I can't believe anyone at the ground realised we were home at any stage. I was still worried when McLean was lining up!

I was like you and it was only when the lady behind said there was only a minute and a half left that I realised what was going to transpire, in a stunned quietly disbelieving manor I turned to SS and my wife and said quietly we are about to win the Grand Final, siren went and we all roared as loud as we could, sang the song as loud as possible several times whilst hugging and high fiving all around.
Then a moment of reflection as I sat hands over face in disbelief of what had actually occurred, remembering my Dad, Grandparents and every other Doggies supporter that had passed and was unluckily enough not to be here to enjoy the experience but mainly hoping my Pups could hurry and get to me from their seats on the wing so I could cherish the moment with them.
We roared at every player excepting their medals and chanted Bevo loudly when he stood upon the podium, with no surprise my eyes started to swell up when Bevo handed Bobbie his medallion.
Clapped at the players lap and sang and danced during the players lap, more high fives and hugs.
Spent several minutes reading and not bothering to reply to the many texts, couldn't get a beer I so desperately now panged for so left and headed to Pilgrims for my first beer in several hours as I couldn't stomach one during the game.

Great train ride back out West and then a mates party for a couple more.
Had intentions of going down to the oval in the morning but looked at the crowd and was told by a mate who was there that it was a huge wait to get in, but fortunate enough find out the boys were at my old local so headed there with my Pups and cheered and clapped as they boarded the team bus.
Then I visited an old Aunt ( who would be quite well known by a few on Woof from her Yarraville Footy days and passion at the Bulldogs games )only that week had moved into a nursing home, whilst it was a shock to see her condition it was lovely to know she manged to make it to the Grand Final and had lived to see it.
Still not sure it has hit me fully and it may take a few weeks for me to stop watching all the replays which still make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

07-10-2016, 12:55 PM
Is it just me. but did anyone notice the number of very elderly Dogs Fans at the GF? Would have loved to have talked to them all about their thoughts.

07-10-2016, 01:25 PM
Is it just me. but did anyone notice the number of very elderly Dogs Fans at the GF? Would have loved to have talked to them all about their thoughts.

I did a bit of this at the WO on Thursday training but yes lots of elderly long suffering dogs fans around. I had a ~70 year old woman in front of me dancing on the seats at the end of the game. Was a fantastic site.

07-10-2016, 01:36 PM
Was getting into tears at times during the prelim final and grand final. Was so happy and super excited and jumped a bit at home after we won the prelim final as that meant finally we advanced to a Grand Final after a previous 7 attempts that were unsuccessful. My parents and brother who aren't Doggies fans were very happy for me that we made it.

The Grand Final itself was just amazing and something I wont forget. Getting the train in from the eastern suburbs with quite a few excited Doggies supporters on board and then walking into the MCG is when it probably started to hit that we are here in the big one. Seeing the swarms of people coming into the G on grand final was just great. I had a great sit up on Level 4 in Q54 closer to the front. When the final siren went I was just celebrated like usual and just could not believe what had happened in front of me. Just amazing scenes. I high fived etc a few of the Doggies people around me who were just as overjoyed as I was and the lady to the left of me looked to be in tears but very happy.

Will not forget all the speeches after the GF win and the lap around the G with our premiership cup and seeing Murph just so excited for everyone but wishing he was out there playing - so glad he is playing on in 2017.

Went to the Whitten Oval the next day which was just another amazing experiecne just seeing the amount of people there Bevo and the players lifting the cup and talking for a bit, Gordo giving a speech and myself getting a photo with our premiership cup.

I made sure I did the lot: training on Thursday, the parade, going to the GF and the celebrations the next day at WO in Footscray our spiritual home.

The Underdog
07-10-2016, 03:28 PM
I can't believe anyone at the ground realised we were home at any stage. I was still worried when McLean was lining up!

My wife had texted me 4:40 left after Boyd's goal. Considering the time off the clock and the lead I knew that Picko's goal had sealed it. Even the pessimist in me knew we couldn't lose from there (too many men on the field notwithstanding)

07-10-2016, 04:52 PM
It was surreal. I think Stringer had the ball forward of halfback and had the Bont on about 50 metres further up the ground. Sydney players ran to cover Bontempelli and Stringer kicked it sundews to Hunter who almost smiled while he kicked it backwards and you could see the Sydney players physically slump as they realised it was all over. Firstdog turned to me and said "oh my God, we are icing the clock in the Grand Final, WE ARE GOING TO BE PREMIERS!!!!!!" We hugged and did a little dance then my son texted me saying there were 26 seconds to go.

It was the greatest moment of my life.

07-10-2016, 07:30 PM
I was like you and it was only when the lady behind said there was only a minute and a half left that I realised what was going to transpire, in a stunned quietly disbelieving manor I turned to SS and my wife and said quietly we are about to win the Grand Final, siren went and we all roared as loud as we could, sang the song as loud as possible several times whilst hugging and high fiving all around.
Then a moment of reflection as I sat hands over face in disbelief of what had actually occurred, remembering my Dad, Grandparents and every other Doggies supporter that had passed and was unluckily enough not to be here to enjoy the experience but mainly hoping my Pups could hurry and get to me from their seats on the wing so I could cherish the moment with them.
We roared at every player excepting their medals and chanted Bevo loudly when he stood upon the podium, with no surprise my eyes started to swell up when Bevo handed Bobbie his medallion.
Clapped at the players lap and sang and danced during the players lap, more high fives and hugs.
Spent several minutes reading and not bothering to reply to the many texts, couldn't get a beer I so desperately now panged for so left and headed to Pilgrims for my first beer in several hours as I couldn't stomach one during the game.

Great train ride back out West and then a mates party for a couple more.
Had intentions of going down to the oval in the morning but looked at the crowd and was told by a mate who was there that it was a huge wait to get in, but fortunate enough find out the boys were at my old local so headed there with my Pups and cheered and clapped as they boarded the team bus.
Then I visited an old Aunt ( who would be quite well known by a few on Woof from her Yarraville Footy days and passion at the Bulldogs games )only that week had moved into a nursing home, whilst it was a shock to see her condition it was lovely to know she manged to make it to the Grand Final and had lived to see it.
Still not sure it has hit me fully and it may take a few weeks for me to stop watching all the replays which still make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Absolutely Magical KT!!! :)

07-10-2016, 07:36 PM
I was like you and it was only when the lady behind said there was only a minute and a half left that I realised what was going to transpire, in a stunned quietly disbelieving manor I turned to SS and my wife and said quietly we are about to win the Grand Final, siren went and we all roared as loud as we could, sang the song as loud as possible several times whilst hugging and high fiving all around.
Then a moment of reflection as I sat hands over face in disbelief of what had actually occurred, remembering my Dad, Grandparents and every other Doggies supporter that had passed and was unluckily enough not to be here to enjoy the experience but mainly hoping my Pups could hurry and get to me from their seats on the wing so I could cherish the moment with them.
We roared at every player excepting their medals and chanted Bevo loudly when he stood upon the podium, with no surprise my eyes started to swell up when Bevo handed Bobbie his medallion.
Clapped at the players lap and sang and danced during the players lap, more high fives and hugs.
Spent several minutes reading and not bothering to reply to the many texts, couldn't get a beer I so desperately now panged for so left and headed to Pilgrims for my first beer in several hours as I couldn't stomach one during the game.

Great train ride back out West and then a mates party for a couple more.
Had intentions of going down to the oval in the morning but looked at the crowd and was told by a mate who was there that it was a huge wait to get in, but fortunate enough find out the boys were at my old local so headed there with my Pups and cheered and clapped as they boarded the team bus.
Then I visited an old Aunt ( who would be quite well known by a few on Woof from her Yarraville Footy days and passion at the Bulldogs games )only that week had moved into a nursing home, whilst it was a shock to see her condition it was lovely to know she manged to make it to the Grand Final and had lived to see it.
Still not sure it has hit me fully and it may take a few weeks for me to stop watching all the replays which still make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

That is awesome. Geez it was a great day.

08-10-2016, 05:08 AM
Were you behind our cheer squad?

If so its same end as me, the atmosphere was amazing. I just hugged some old guy and some other guy I'd never met before and went off my tits. Screamed the song a heap of times too. No tears but my cheeks are sore from smiling so much.

Yes I was M2 right at the back standing room .. Lost my scarfe in the celebrations.

08-10-2016, 05:12 AM
A lady I met at the game. her dad is a life member . He passed away on the Tuesday after the GF, had alzhiemers but I hope he was coherent at the time of the game and maybe was just hanging on to see it .

08-10-2016, 09:05 AM
That is awesome. Geez it was a great day.

I can't remember which song was playing during the players lap, but it alluded to it being the best day of your life.
I turned to my wife and said, "don't take this the wrong way including our wedding day and kids and all but this really is mine."
She laughed and said, "she knows and fully understands.":)

08-10-2016, 09:38 AM
I can't remember which song was playing during the players lap, but it alluded to it being the best day of your life.
I turned to my wife and said, "don't take this the wrong way including our wedding day and kids and all but this really is mine."
She laughed and said, "she knows and fully understands.":)

I started out saying "apart from the day my kids were born..." But it's a different plain isn't it, when you have waited and hoped and wished for something like a bulldog premiership for so long. Becoming a dad was sensational, I can't describe the feeling of love that washed over me when the nurse handed me the first child especially, but I had wished for Saturday to happen everytime I blew out the candles out on my birtday cake every year since I can remember. It only took 50 odd wishes.

08-10-2016, 09:48 AM
I started out saying "apart from the day my kids were born..." But it's a different plain isn't it, when you have waited and hoped and wished for something like a bulldog premiership for so long. Becoming a dad was sensational, I can't describe the feeling of love that washed over me when the nurse handed me the first child especially, but I had wished for Saturday to happen everytime I blew out the candles out on my birtday cake every year since I can remember. It only took 50 odd wishes.

You've summed it up beautifully TD.

08-10-2016, 10:06 AM
I can't remember which song was playing during the players lap, but it alluded to it being the best day of your life.
I turned to my wife and said, "don't take this the wrong way including our wedding day and kids and all but this really is mine."
She laughed and said, "she knows and fully understands.":)


08-10-2016, 10:18 AM

Cheers T&T.

Ghost Dog
08-10-2016, 07:33 PM
Reacted by getting pretty drunk wearing Ayce Cordy's away jumper, given to me by a friend. At least that's who he said it belonged to and his signature was on it!

Daughter of the West
08-10-2016, 09:16 PM
I cried after the prelim - it was just such a cathartic release! Especially being there at the ground, interstate will all the travelling faithful just made it overwhelming.

Grand final - I was sitting behind the cheer squad and they must have spied the bench celebrating because they started singing, "Sons of the West" for what felt like an eternity before the siren actually went. The typical Bulldog pessimist in me was yelling internally, " DON'T sing the bloody song yet, the siren hasn't gone, WE COULD STILL LOSE THIS DAMMIT!!!" But then the siren went and I just stood there with my hands over my mouth, mumbling over and over, "Oh my god, oh my god" like a stunned numpty. I then got into singing the song but the feeling was just so.... surreal! And I think I'm still a bit in shock a week later.

However, I have an awesome photo of my sister and I embracing after the presentations - she was down the opposite end of the ground so I didn't see her for the whole game. The joy in my face is pretty plain to see!

08-10-2016, 10:33 PM
Reacted by getting pretty drunk wearing Ayce Cordy's away jumper, given to me by a friend. At least that's who he said it belonged to and his signature was on it!

If it has a pouch at the back right up at the neck for the GPS thingy-transponder? And the fabric is frayed and bulges a bit and has obviously been used then it's genuine. They were flogging the used match jumpers at the Bulldog shop for 40 then down to 20 bucks. They had match day balls for 40 bucks too they had dates written them which I assume we're the match dates the footys were used in. I considered buying a bunch and seeing what I'd get on eBay for them but that would take foresight and planning and all that crap.

I cried after the prelim - it was just such a cathartic release! Especially being there at the ground, interstate will all the travelling faithful just made it overwhelming.

Grand final - I was sitting behind the cheer squad and they must have spied the bench celebrating because they started singing, "Sons of the West" for what felt like an eternity before the siren actually went. The typical Bulldog pessimist in me was yelling internally, " DON'T sing the bloody song yet, the siren hasn't gone, WE COULD STILL LOSE THIS DAMMIT!!!" But then the siren went and I just stood there with my hands over my mouth, mumbling over and over, "Oh my god, oh my god" like a stunned numpty. I then got into singing the song but the feeling was just so.... surreal! And I think I'm still a bit in shock a week later.

However, I have an awesome photo of my sister and I embracing after the presentations - she was down the opposite end of the ground so I didn't see her for the whole game. The joy in my face is pretty plain to see!

I screamed. I screamed and I turned around and ran and screamed until I was out the front of my unit and then I jumped and screamed and yelled and punched the air. Then I quickly explained what was happening to my Mexican neighbour and his friends. Then I ran back inside because I'd remembered that rule about having too many players on the ground but luckily I needn't had worried, we were still the winners.

09-10-2016, 02:46 AM
I cried when the team ran out. I cried during the national anthem. With two minutes left when I knew we had won I started to cry and didn't stop for maybe 20 minutes. At least my tears this time were tears of joy.

Ghost Dog
09-10-2016, 04:10 AM
I think it's hard to put into words something that is so rare in our lifetime, and it's still taken days of reading and re-watching for it to sink in. I couldn't really post much on this forum after the game. Too busy trying to take it all in.
Certain things hit me. Seeing Chris Grant joyfully embracing everyone on field. Watching Dahl shed a tear being interviewed. Rare things you never see. And I felt a lot of disappointment, being abroad and knowing I had missed out on something I really wanted to experience. Made me very homesick and suddenly not very interested in China much. Oh well.

09-10-2016, 10:18 AM
I screamed. I screamed and I turned around and ran and screamed until I was out the front of my unit and then I jumped and screamed and yelled and punched the air. Then I quickly explained what was happening to my Mexican neighbour and his friends. Then I ran back inside because I'd remembered that rule about having too many players on the ground but luckily I needn't had worried, we were still the winners.

When Dickson marked I ran a lap of the loungeroom/hallway, then grabbed the kids who were jumping around excitedly and sat with them and told them to watch the clock countdown. Siren sounds, we yell some more, then start singing the song.

21-10-2016, 09:25 PM
Between Boyd's long bomb and Picken's goal, I sat in silence, comprehending what was happening and holding back the tears. Picko snapped me out of it and I applauded every touch of the footy for the final two minutes. It was beautiful.

I'd been loudly cheering and chanting after every goal in the last quarter.

Except Picken's last goal.

I cheered it, but then after I'd stopped that initial cheer, it hit me. We were home. I rubbed my face in disbelief, took a few deep breaths with hands on head, and sat down again.

I'd been sitting with my mate who is on a mobility scooter. There was a young girl (I'm guessing mid 20's ish) on another two seats around from me, in her Collingwood scarf. She sees me sitting down, head down taking deep breaths.

She leans over and says "Its ok to cry, you know".

I might have let a tear or two escape me right then and there.

It wasn't until about 15 minutes after the presentations that my dad and uncle finally found us.

My dad sees us, yells out "HOW *!*!*!*!ING GOOD IS IT!!!" and I hug him like I only have on my wedding day.

22-10-2016, 02:59 PM
I stood up as the kick from McLean left his boot, stretched my arms out wide like Tom Boyd did after his long goal, thrust my groin forward and started laughing maniacally.

23-10-2016, 12:31 AM
Im sure there would have been many sore hands after all our premiership celebrations :)

23-10-2016, 07:21 AM
I stood up as the kick from McLean left his boot, stretched my arms out wide like Tom Boyd did after his long goal, thrust my groin forward and started laughing maniacally.

Im sure there would have been many sore hands after all our premiership celebrations :)
Not to mention sore groins. :)

23-10-2016, 01:44 PM
did anyone else notice one punter got a bit too excited and ran on to the oval to celebrate?

23-10-2016, 03:14 PM
did anyone else notice one punter got a bit too excited and ran on to the oval to celebrate?

Was that you.:D

23-10-2016, 04:44 PM
I was jumping up and down non stop for about three minutes.

Absolutely euphoric.

I keep wanting to go back to the day to relive every single moment.

Oh yes, there were tears.

23-10-2016, 04:49 PM
I was jumping up and down non stop for about three minutes.

Absolutely euphoric.

I keep wanting to go back to the day to relive every single moment.

Oh yes, there were tears.

T&T has started a thread at possibly doing a live woof cast of the 2016 Grand Final again to relieve it on as for those that attended the game would have be less likely to have posted on the game day GF thread.

23-10-2016, 05:05 PM
some excited fans at the VUWO


23-10-2016, 05:12 PM
did anyone else notice one punter got a bit too excited and ran on to the oval to celebrate?

Was that you.:D

FDOTM expressly forbade me (something about not being thrown out before the presentation or something) or it might have been me.

23-10-2016, 07:35 PM
some excited fans at the VUWO


All the emotions came back with that footage BAD.

29-10-2016, 11:51 AM
I must confess that at the end of the H & A season, I never expected we would win the flag this year. I thought 2017 would be our year and, I suspect, I was not alone in thinking that.

Before the Cokes remarkable last three games, I was pretty confident we would go well in the finals but then it all went pear shaped and I thought: "We are f×%€¥g cursed! Of all the rotten luck! To have overcome SO many onjuries, to have found a way to win so often when playing below our best and to now have to make the toughest road trip to a cut-throat final was almost too much to bear. A defeat would leave us in exactly the same position as 2015.

I only have a couple of positive memories of games in Perth against the Cokers. One is of Scott Wynd marking everything across half-back in the last quarter to lead us to a win and the other is Danny Southern treating Peter Sumich a tad harshly. I have a catalogue of horrific memories of games over there. Kennedy kicking a goal 15 seconds after the opening bounce. Them blitzing us in the first quarter time after time, NikNat kicking the winner after the siren etc etc.

I had the feeling we would put up a brave performance and then get beat by 2-3 goals.

When we smashed them my spirits SOARED. I was confident we could beat Hawthorn and was not surprised when we did. After all it was only Murph's injury that got them the win in Round 3. (I still believe Bruest infringed and. He was looking at Murph and man handling him when the ball was still a long way away).

When we smashed them too I felt we had a good chance against the Synthetics. That was a great game and an absolutely defining moment for our club. I don't think I've ever been so pumped. JJ's explosive run and exquisite delivery to the Bont, his paddle and burst clear, his glorious kick right over the umpy's head and the supporters going balistic with joy was just immense.

I really felt upbeat for the big one. Our record against them was blue riband. I'd seen us beat them in two finals before (Come on down Andrew Hooper!) and I didn't give a toss about the way they'd demolished Geelong. We are different.

It was a great game. A truly great game. I was ecstatic after the siren hugging my daughter, high fiving everyone, going berserko and singing our song at the top of my voice. I get so much pleasure from seeing footage of the supporters at Whitten Oval and at the game.

I have been on an emotional high and I know I will never be the same person again. I waited 60 years for this. The feeling is immense. I will always be in debt to the players, the coaches, the staff and the Club for delivering such a gift. My joy is incalculable, my cup runneth over. GO DOGS!!

29-10-2016, 12:05 PM
It looked like Whitten oval was really going off. My son was there and said when Picken kicked the sealer the crowd made so much noise that the ground was shaking.

02-11-2016, 09:28 PM
It looked like Whitten oval was really going off. My son was there and said when Picken kicked the sealer the crowd made so much noise that the ground was shaking.

A dogs supporting mate of mine was working on the day. By coincidence, our unit got tasked to the Footscray area to help out their members as they were (naturally enough) expecting massive numbers in the area.

My mate was put on the detail that went to VUWO.

The bloke in charge gave everyone their tasking, and turned to my mate and said, "Mate, your job is to stand over there and watch the screen, just to make sure its steady and secure".

He later confided he shed a tear or two on the siren.

02-11-2016, 10:46 PM
A dogs supporting mate of mine was working on the day. By coincidence, our unit got tasked to the Footscray area to help out their members as they were (naturally enough) expecting massive numbers in the area.

My mate was put on the detail that went to VUWO.

The bloke in charge gave everyone their tasking, and turned to my mate and said, "Mate, your job is to stand over there and watch the screen, just to make sure its steady and secure".

He later confided he shed a tear or two on the siren.
A fellow Vic Pol member, hey?

Where are you stationed?

02-11-2016, 11:31 PM
A dogs supporting mate of mine was working on the day. By coincidence, our unit got tasked to the Footscray area to help out their members as they were (naturally enough) expecting massive numbers in the area.

My mate was put on the detail that went to VUWO.

The bloke in charge gave everyone their tasking, and turned to my mate and said, "Mate, your job is to stand over there and watch the screen, just to make sure its steady and secure".

He later confided he shed a tear or two on the siren.

Heh! If he's anything like the rest of us he would have been pretty useless that particular day anyway. And no one would be taking the screen anywhere on his watch!

03-11-2016, 01:08 AM
A dogs supporting mate of mine was working on the day. By coincidence, our unit got tasked to the Footscray area to help out their members as they were (naturally enough) expecting massive numbers in the area.

My mate was put on the detail that went to VUWO.

The bloke in charge gave everyone their tasking, and turned to my mate and said, "Mate, your job is to stand over there and watch the screen, just to make sure its steady and secure".

He later confided he shed a tear or two on the siren.

Love it! I think its safe to say 99% of Victorians were more than happy to see us win

03-11-2016, 08:08 AM
A fellow Vic Pol member, hey?

Where are you stationed?

Operations Response Unit. I thought it was just me and BT (Now out of the job)

Heh! If he's anything like the rest of us he would have been pretty useless that particular day anyway. And no one would be taking the screen anywhere on his watch!

When I originally missed out on tickets someone suggested putting in to work the Grand Final. I decided that I would have been a safety risk to whoever my offsider was, as I would have been totally engrossed in the game and wouldn't have noticed some punter kicking the crap out of him.

03-11-2016, 08:47 AM
Operations Response Unit. I thought it was just me and BT (Now out of the job)


03-11-2016, 10:33 AM
A fellow Vic Pol member, hey?

Where are you stationed?

Have you been on the 'Wall to Wall' ride CBM ?

Operations Response Unit. I thought it was just me and BT (Now out of the job)

With the numbers of you blokes supporting us now we might have to start calling you, ' The Boys in red, white and blue' instead of just the 'Boys in blue'.:)

When I originally missed out on tickets someone suggested putting in to work the Grand Final. I decided that I would have been a safety risk to whoever my offsider was, as I would have been totally engrossed in the game and wouldn't have noticed some punter kicking the crap out of him.

I imagine there could have been a armed hold up going on right in front of you and you would only had eyes on the footy.

03-11-2016, 10:53 AM
That roar after Pickens 2nd and 3rd goals were just insane. Will never hear noise like that at the footy again

Is there much more footage like this floating around? as in the celebrations of the crowd as the siren went. I guess most people were caught up in the moment!

03-11-2016, 11:47 AM
Have you been on the 'Wall to Wall' ride CBM ?

No, I haven't. Have you?

03-11-2016, 12:35 PM
That roar after Pickens 2nd and 3rd goals were just insane. Will never hear noise like that at the footy again

Is there much more footage like this floating around? as in the celebrations of the crowd as the siren went. I guess most people were caught up in the moment!

If you watch Picken's third goal, Seven actually zoom in on the wrong section of the crowd.

They tried to zoom in on Libba and his wife but missed by one bay.

03-11-2016, 01:54 PM
No, I haven't. Have you?

Not ridden but have a large group of regular riders stay each year.

03-11-2016, 04:36 PM
When I originally missed out on tickets someone suggested putting in to work the Grand Final. I decided that I would have been a safety risk to whoever my offsider was, as I would have been totally engrossed in the game and wouldn't have noticed some punter kicking the crap out of him.

Not if they got in the way of the footy.

If you watch Picken's third goal, Seven actually zoom in on the wrong section of the crowd.

They tried to zoom in on Libba and his wife but missed by one bay.

Is that what they focus on? There's a bloke with grey hair clapping and I thought he may have been John Schultz. It's hard to tell because you can't see his face.

03-11-2016, 04:41 PM
That roar after Pickens 2nd and 3rd goals were just insane. Will never hear noise like that at the footy again

Is there much more footage like this floating around? as in the celebrations of the crowd as the siren went. I guess most people were caught up in the moment!

There was some footage of the last minute or so from a camera phone in the crowd on YouTube.

03-11-2016, 05:43 PM
Not if they got in the way of the footy.

Is that what they focus on? There's a bloke with grey hair clapping and I thought he may have been John Schultz. It's hard to tell because you can't see his face.
I'd have to have another look. But in the wider shot you just see Libba jumping up and hugging his wife. It pans back to him about 10 seconds later and the shirt is fairly distinctive.

03-11-2016, 06:24 PM
I'd have to have another look. But in the wider shot you just see Libba jumping up and hugging his wife. It pans back to him about 10 seconds later and the shirt is fairly distinctive.

I'm not saying Schultz is there. I'm saying I thought Shultz was there-big difference!