View Full Version : Supporting from Afar

10-01-2008, 09:44 PM
Just booked flights home from UK for April and have worked out between spending time in Syndey and Melbourne I manage to get to the Round 5 and Round 6 games for season 2008. Having managed to see 3 live games in the last 3 seasons getting to two will be a real bonus! This unfortunately the reality of those of us who live abroad. We subsist on a colection of news websites, forum's, bit torrents and radio streaming! I have to say though its a lot better now than it was when I first left Melbourne.

My first move was to brisbane in 2002........that was a shock to the system! Subscribed to Optus Pay TV b/c they had the broadcast rights and low and behold seeing a regular AFL game was a rareity and seeing the Bulldogs even rarer....BF existed then I think, but I didn't know about it so it was reliant on The Age website......

If I thought that was hard, following the bulldogs from my first year in London was even tougher......broadband internet was a luxury that most share houses couldn't afford and dial up was just as rare......heading to internet cafe's was impractical! I had no idea BF existed so again I was reliant on The Age and Herald Sun websites and amid the drama of Grant doing his knee, Wallace resiging and the mastermind beating Collingwood and getting the senior coaching position I received mosty of this all a couple of days late.......

Then I discovered BF in 2004!!!! Whilst frantically trying to get the 2004 draft coverage I stumbled onto the BF website and all my dreams were answered!!!! Somehwre I could converse with like (and often not so like) minded foortball fans.....Melbourne didn't seem so far away, though with telstra Bigpond's apalling video streaming which would buffer for 30 seconds after every 10 seconds of footage (and this on an 8 meg Broadband line) it seemed as though I'd have to resign myself to the radio......best games....friday nights (as listening to music became more acceptable at the office it wasn't unusual for the Aussies (Melbournites in particular) to have their headphones on and be apparently hard at work and Saturday night games.....which conveniently started at around 10am on a Sat morning UK time!

Last year I discovered Bit Torrents and Woof and they have been a saviour......yes the game is beamed to you delayed, but combined with Woof and BF discussion you have the opportunity a) knowing the result b) almost reviewing games with the comments of Sockeye, DR, TCD, Acker (apologies to everyone not mentioned) in the back of your mind!

So for me 2008 promises to be a bonus year.....2 games live against Richmond and WCE.....almost as good as a Spurs v Arsenal derby. Provided the Bit Torrents arestill being uploaded I'll get to see my beloved Doggies and who knows, given that Setanta have started showing games I may just have to lash out the £9.99 a month :)

The Coon Dog
10-01-2008, 09:59 PM
Just out of curiosity FK, what do you do that has you living in the Old Dart?

When we play those games, we'll be sure to arrange for you to catch up, might have to contact my 'friend' at the club & see what he can do too.

10-01-2008, 10:22 PM
Great story there Fredi, really enjoyed reading it. We have a few from overseas so it would be great to find out how they stay in touch.

10-01-2008, 10:23 PM
Just booked flights home from UK for April and have worked out between spending time in Syndey and Melbourne I manage to get to the Round 5 and Round 6 games for season 2008. Having managed to see 3 live games in the last 3 seasons getting to two will be a real bonus! This unfortunately the reality of those of us who live abroad. We subsist on a colection of news websites, forum's, bit torrents and radio streaming! I have to say though its a lot better now than it was when I first left Melbourne.

Good post Fredi,

I bet you absolutely can't wait to come back and see those games you have booked for this season. :)

Good you can keep up with all the news from various sources - I have done quite a bit of travelling over the years and whenever I was away during the footy season - internet, endless telephone calls back home to friends and family as soon as our games finished wanting all the details. Once I couldn't get through to anyone at home...so I rang the club and they were freaking out as I was calling from Venice in Italy...that was a good day I remember we beat Carlton by a fair margin.

So hopefully we belt Richmond and Westcoast in those two weeks whilst you are here and then you can go back to the UK happy and contented.

10-01-2008, 10:26 PM
Just out of curiosity FK, what do you do that has you living in the Old Dart?

When we play those games, we'll be sure to arrange for you to catch up, might have to contact my 'friend' at the club & see what he can do too.

I work in finance, contracting in various roles, at moment preparing Group Accounts for a Bank. It goes mental from next week onwards!!! I also have an English gf another reason I'm here.....oh and then of course there is Spurs :)

Re friend that would be great!!!!

10-01-2008, 10:28 PM
Good post Fredi,

I bet you absolutely can't wait to come back and see those games you have booked for this season. :)

Good you can keep up with all the news from various sources - I have done quite a bit of travelling over the years and whenever I was away during the footy season - internet, endless telephone calls back home to friends and family as soon as our games finished wanting all the details. Once I couldn't get through to anyone at home...so I rang the club and they were freaking out as I was calling from Venice in Italy...that was a good day I remember we beat Carlton by a fair margin.

So hopefully we belt Richmond and Westcoast in those two weeks whilst you are here and then you can go back to the UK happy and contented.

Funny, the Brissy game a couple of years ago when we kicked 10 and then they came back I was in Paris with my Aunt and cousin (who also support the WB's). I had a really good mate back home txting us updates, with commentary......funny!!!! Its an addiction....but a good one!

10-01-2008, 10:51 PM
Funny, the Brissy game a couple of years ago when we kicked 10 and then they came back I was in Paris with my Aunt and cousin (who also support the WB's). I had a really good mate back home txting us updates, with commentary......funny!!!! Its an addiction....but a good one!

Yes, it definitely is an addiction - the things we do for our club. ;)

Dry Rot
10-01-2008, 11:29 PM
Just booked flights home from UK for April and have worked out between spending time in Syndey and Melbourne I manage to get to the Round 5 and Round 6 games for season 2008......

So for me 2008 promises to be a bonus year.....2 games live against Richmond and WCE.....almost as good as a Spurs v Arsenal derby. Provided the Bit Torrents arestill being uploaded I'll get to see my beloved Doggies and who knows, given that Setanta have started showing games I may just have to lash out the £9.99 a month :)

Good post Fredi but i had a chuckle - if you're without Foxtel and a Dogs fan living in Sydney it is not that different.

Few Dogs games are shown up here free to air, and in the media the AFL comp has 2 teams - the Swans and who they are playing that week.

Pedro Sanchez
11-01-2008, 04:06 AM
Hey Fredi its good to hear your story... I too am a Doggies man based in London and by the sounds of it we almost have exact footy preferences. Well obviously we both support the Doggies and given that I live in North London, we almost have the same soccer teams too. I say almost as I draw the line at Spurs... I'm on the VRP bang wagon mate - Gooners all the way! Pity you blokes couldn't get over the line last night playing a second string Arsenal...

But back to the more important matters of the Doggies - apologies for getting sidetracked. Yeah its pretty similiar for me with scanning all the websites for new info and updates on the team and players. As we're 11 hours behind Melbourne we get the new day's papers at 1pm here in the arvo... So pretty much from 1 till 2pm I'm reading all the new sports articles on The Age, Collingwood Newsletter - AKA the Herald Sun, Geelong Addy and any other national paper really.

Anyway I also love reading the training updates on woof, especially the coverage about the new draftees and young players. So please keep them coming!

As it will be my first season away, i'm not familiar with torrents. Can anyone shed light on what this is and how I can access it... I have broadband at home so I should be right with connection speeds etc.

Cool - righto gotta split. Chat soon fellow blessed Doggies fans... I say blesssed because I beleive there's a three-peat premiership era in the wings. Come on the new #3!

PS - For those not familiar with UK soccer acronyms, VRP is short for Robin Van Persie, Arsenal's the Dutch striker.

And the Gooners is for the Gunners

The Coon Dog
11-01-2008, 04:17 AM
Thanks for that PS & welcome to WOOF!!

What took you to London & where in Oz are you originally from?

Fabragas has had a blinder of a season you you guys so far & now that he's been given a chance the Craoatian Brazillian is whacking in a few goals.

Pedro Sanchez
11-01-2008, 05:55 AM
No worries TCD...

Yeah from Melbourne mate... Did all my schooling at a local high school in Geelong but lived and worked in central Melbourne for the past 8 years or so... Came over here a few months ago after a 3 month sabbitical in SE Asia on the way - nice part of the world! In London for work and to see a fair whack of Europe over the next few years. Travelling the latter on the pound is a lot more economical than the aussie peso...

Yep the Gunners are going strong and have some real young talent that can turn it on when it matters. Something I'm hoping the young pups at Dogland can start to do sooner than later. It'd be great to see the likes of Cooney, Griff, Ray, Higgins, Everitt, Williams, Ward and Grant all click around the same time. I'm really keen on Ward actually - not that i've seen him play, but just from the reports I've read he sounds like a young Scott West in the making. Will look forward to watching his develoment over the years. And what about the young aboriginals we have too... It'll be exciting if a few of these lads find there feet in 08.

I guess the season proper will shed light on it all. Anyway you boys back home can take heart from the fact you have support from the other side of the world - lets just hope that support is celebrating throughout the year and not otherwise.


11-01-2008, 09:30 AM
I travelled overseas with my wife for 11 months in 1999.

We spent the first part of the year travelling through USA and Canada, so as the footy season hadn't started, there was no real need to catch up on any footy gossip. Instead I got my sports fix by going to Yankeee Stadium to watch the baseball, a couple of NBA's game, one which included Andrew Gaze playing for San Antonio. (I got plenty of photos, but he spent the entire game on the bench). Went to an NHL game between 2 of the original 6 teams of the competition, Montreal and Boston. Sat in the back row and struggled to see the puck, but enjoyed the punch ups. I also talked my way in to a Thanksgiving Day College football game between Georgia Tech and Georgia State. I put on a bleeding hearts story to the guy on the gate that I was "an ausssie" just wanting to take some photos. He let me in, I made my way in the stand, and sat in the aisle. Got talking to the locals and the were explaining all the rules to me. Great day.

We then went to London to live and work for 4 months. I landed myself a great job installing an accounting software package for a company that managed the 50 leading comedians in the UK.

Every Friday morning at work consisted of following that Friday nights AFL match on the internet. It was basically a text service, watching the screen for someone to type the next line of play. Very frustrating, but when your 20,000km's away, and you want your footy fix, you don't have much choice.

Monday mornings were spent scanning the sports pages of The Age and Herald-Sun on the internet, and then printing them out for my wife and housemate (Hawks supporter) for them to read. They were both teaching in London and didn't have the "priviledge" of accessing the internet at work.

We had pay TV where we were living and they showed a one hours highlight package at 5.00am on a Thursday morning. I would set the tape, and couldn't get home quick enough on a Thursday night to sit done and watch it.

After spending 4 months living in London, we set off on a 3 month trip through Europe. This made it hard to follow the AFL, but after long debates, I had convinced my wife that if the Dogs made the GF, I was going home for 2 weeks and then going back to Europe. I got on the internet to find out the result of the 1st final against the Eagles, and was shattered to read that we had played so poorly and lost. Knowing we were going to Brisbane the following week, I knew that my trip home was looking less likely. Rang home during the Brisbane game to find out the score, then went to the pub to drown my sorrows.

We were in Switzerland the day of the GF. I was not interested in getting up in the middle of the night to watch the GF, but throughout the day kept wondering who had one. There was a camp gound near where we were staying, and I knew Contiki groups were staying there and would know the score. Walked in and sore very pissed people wearing Kangaroo jumpers, so joined in with their celebrations.

Sorry to waffle on so long, but it really was a great year spent following football from a far.

I think it has certainly been made easier now with Setanta Sports. I think they are showing 4 games a week.

Sockeye Salmon
11-01-2008, 10:29 AM
I lived in London in 92 and missed the entire season.

No internet at all, my only contact with football the TNT magazine. Scores, goalkickers, 3 best players and ladder. That was it.

I still don't believe that Nigel Kellett was actually decent that year.

In 97 I was in Italy and Austria for 8 weeks in the middle of the season.

There's an island just off the coast of Venice where they make Venetian lace that my wife wanted to go to (personally I'd rather go to the dentist). In the middle of the town square was a fountain with about 50 blokes waiting around it bored off their heads waiting for their wives to finish looking at bloody doilles.

I overheard two blokes next to me speaking in Australian accents.

"When did you leave Melbourne?"
"Last Tuesday"
"What's happening in the footy?"
"Footscray's on top"

Say what?!!!!
YOU BEAUTY! The first I'd heard about footy since I left after about round 2.

11-01-2008, 03:05 PM
In Cambodia at the moment and for a year or so to come.

Before I left in 2006 I pledged that I would come back if the Dogs made a prelim in 2007. That's money saved.

I am pretty lucky. I get 5 games every weekend on TV, at least 2 of them live and they are on a reasonable times -- 10.30pm and 11 am or thereabouts. See more footy here than I do at home.

The net has certainly changed the whole experience of supporting from afar, but you still miss out on the discussions and the general vibe.

I have almost worn out my 'Season Highlights 2006' DVD through repeat watchings (geez Robbo, Monty and Eagle all did a power of work for us at different times, people forget that).

Bring on NAB cup!

always right
11-01-2008, 03:45 PM
In Cambodia at the moment and for a year or so to come.

Before I left in 2006 I pledged that I would come back if the Dogs made a prelim in 2007. That's money saved.

I am pretty lucky. I get 5 games every weekend on TV, at least 2 of them live and they are on a reasonable times -- 10.30pm and 11 am or thereabouts. See more footy here than I do at home.

The net has certainly changed the whole experience of supporting from afar, but you still miss out on the discussions and the general vibe.

I have almost worn out my 'Season Highlights 2006' DVD through repeat watchings (geez Robbo, Monty and Eagle all did a power of work for us at different times, people forget that).

Bring on NAB cup!

Interested in your user name which I assume is in honour of Alan "Shorty" Daniels. If so, why did you choose it? Were you genuinely a fan of his or is it a pisstake?

I remember his first game against the blues (same day that Brad Hardie debuted). I came home raving about this bloke that had picked up a million posessions and was kicking torpedo's off one step, etc, etc. Wasn't long before I found out this bloke was one of the greatest squibs of all time. My father still reminds me how I'd declared this bloke a champion in the making.:o

The Coon Dog
11-01-2008, 03:51 PM
Interested in your user name which I assume is in honour of Alan "Shorty" Daniels. If so, why did you choose it? Were you genuinely a fan of his or is it a pisstake?

I remember his first game against the blues (same day that Brad Hardie debuted). I came home raving about this bloke that had picked up a million posessions and was kicking torpedo's off one step, etc, etc. Wasn't long before I found out this bloke was one of the greatest squibs of all time. My father still reminds me how I'd declared this bloke a champion in the making.:o

I think he only played for 2 seasons with us , 85-86 from memory & he wore different numbers in each season, 11 & 5.

always right
11-01-2008, 03:58 PM
I think he only played for 2 seasons with us , 85-86 from memory & he wore different numbers in each season, 11 & 5.

Yeah...he used to baulk shadows on the field.

11-01-2008, 07:46 PM
I lived in Taipei from 1991 to 1996 then in Singpore to 1998. In the early 90's there was no internet and I had to rely on the short wave radio. I only got to see a couple of matches each year and missed a lot of finals, including two preliminary finals (I saw the 1998 finals series). While I was in Taipei I subscribed to inside footy which kept me up with the news. In 1993, Australia TV began broadcasting live matches and I couldn't believe it, one Saturday when I was sitting there watching a live match from Whitten Oval. I had to look out the apartment window to make sure I was still in Taipei.
The 1995 Grandfinal was memorable as we got a few of the boys together and arranged some pies and watched the GF live.

By the time I got to Singapore in 1996, I had the internet and could get all the results etc, but Australia TV decided to broadcast matches with a two hour delay. Still got to see many doggies games, especially in 1997 and 1998 as they were travelling well. In 1997, I listened to the preliminary over the radio, had my airline tickets booked ready for the GF, the rest is history.

In all those years, I kept my membership up and made sure I helped the club (hint hint to those currently overseas).

11-01-2008, 09:38 PM
Membership bought and sitting at my folks house waiting for me when I get back!

12-01-2008, 12:01 PM
I moved from Brisbane to London early 07, and while the Brisbane coverage was rarely bulldogs, at least I could see footy each weekend. Over here it's not as easy, but as Fredi said, torrents, radio and forums are absolutely the life blood of the OS supporter. Training updates etc, I'm so much better informed than I was a few years ago (before I found BF surfing the net one summer at work when there was absolutely nothing happening).

Hey Fredi - what's the go with the pound?? Need it to lift against the Aussie!!

12-01-2008, 11:04 PM
I moved from Brisbane to London early 07, and while the Brisbane coverage was rarely bulldogs, at least I could see footy each weekend. Over here it's not as easy, but as Fredi said, torrents, radio and forums are absolutely the life blood of the OS supporter. Training updates etc, I'm so much better informed than I was a few years ago (before I found BF surfing the net one summer at work when there was absolutely nothing happening).

Hey Fredi - what's the go with the pound?? Need it to lift against the Aussie!!

Pray for an interest rate cut in Australia and you'll get your wish!!!!

Sockeye Salmon
12-01-2008, 11:10 PM
Pray for an interest rate cut in Australia and you'll get your wish!!!!

Don't hold your breath

13-01-2008, 09:39 AM
I can hardly believe that I have been away from Melbourne for almost eight years now. I will always be grateful to Al Gore for inventing the Internets ;) , for without it, I'm sure my interest in the Doggies and all things Australian would not be as keen as it still remains.

I began posting on the old Bulldogs site back with some of you in 2000 I believe, the year I left Melbourne. After that site ended I was told about BF and that's where I met most of you beginning in April 2001. I was able to listen to the footy over the AFL site that year for free I think and the next year it cost $19.95 or so. Fox SportsWorld here began televising some matches every week in 2003 I believe so we switched to digital cable to get that station. It only lasted two years and then went to full time soccer. A dish network did pick up the footy, but I've stuck with cable, so a lovely Aussie woman in Detroit Michigan began recording the matches for me every week and sending me the tapes every few weeks during the season. I listen to most matches over the AFL site except the time of night matches is almost impossible to listen to every week since they start at 4.30am my time.

Thanks to the incentive of the radio gig I did on 774 ABC for two years, I spent much more time researching matches, players, etc. I spent hours reading everything I could every week and printing out team lists, tipping pages from the H/S and Age and a couple of footy sites. I have over a ream of printed material just from last season alone. I also spent time preparing my caustic comments for the radio show. I'm sure some Richmond supporters who listened last year when I tipped against them every single week would love to meet me. :p

Having sites like this one, the online newspapers and watching tapes of the matches is fine, but I began feeling far more distanced from the action by not being there last year. I just mentioned in another thread that I hoped to journey to Melbourne some time this year. (April seemed to be the best time to come - yeah.. Richmond and West Coast.) However, it looks like I won't be able to afford it. I do have to re-enter Australia by April 2, 2009, so I'll be back some time before then. If only the footy was played in summer. I'd spend all of my next Northern Hemisphere winter in Melbourne. Hmmm... a Boxing Day Western Bulldogs/Richmond match at the MCG would be heaven! :D

14-01-2008, 03:09 PM
I always liked Shorty at Claremont. Unfortunately he never showed his best for Footscray but that was mainly due to injury.

15-01-2008, 07:50 AM
I always liked Shorty at Claremont. Unfortunately he never showed his best for Footscray but that was mainly due to injury.

Is being scared of the dark an injury??

15-01-2008, 05:46 PM
Thanks to the incentive of the radio gig I did on 774 ABC for two years, I spent much more time researching matches, players, etc. :D

I use to hear your tips on a Friday, I always wondered what time it was in Chicago.

16-01-2008, 06:56 AM
Pray for an interest rate cut in Australia and you'll get your wish!!!!
So you're essentially saying, hold onto the pounds for 18months and hopefully things will turn? hehe

17-01-2008, 03:38 PM
Is being scared of the dark an injury??

Oh you mean like Rick Kennedy cowering from Plugger?

Backed into a few VFL packs in the old days did you champ??

17-01-2008, 04:17 PM
I use to hear your tips on a Friday, I always wondered what time it was in Chicago.
Ah... so you were our listener. I just knew we had one! Thanks. :p

I usually got my call at about 2.40am Friday and was on air within five minutes. I'd listen online to the show until about 2.30am. I'd have all my notes and printed material on my kitchen table ready to go. I usually couldn't fall asleep until an hour after the broadcast. I'd sometimes get e-mail from friends listening in Melbourne, one living in Texas and from a former student of mine in Jakarta Indonesia right after the broadcast. Once he phoned me as he was going home from work.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing the show this year.

25-01-2008, 06:37 PM
Ah... so you were our listener. I just knew we had one! Thanks. :p

I usually got my call at about 2.40am Friday and was on air within five minutes. I'd listen online to the show until about 2.30am. I'd have all my notes and printed material on my kitchen table ready to go. I usually couldn't fall asleep until an hour after the broadcast. I'd sometimes get e-mail from friends listening in Melbourne, one living in Texas and from a former student of mine in Jakarta Indonesia right after the broadcast. Once he phoned me as he was going home from work.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing the show this year.

I don't like Lindy Burn so I usually don't listen any more, but if you are on, I will tune in on Fridays.

22-03-2008, 11:56 AM
Ah... so you were our listener. I just knew we had one! Thanks. :p

I usually got my call at about 2.40am Friday and was on air within five minutes. I'd listen online to the show until about 2.30am. I'd have all my notes and printed material on my kitchen table ready to go. I usually couldn't fall asleep until an hour after the broadcast. I'd sometimes get e-mail from friends listening in Melbourne, one living in Texas and from a former student of mine in Jakarta Indonesia right after the broadcast. Once he phoned me as he was going home from work.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing the show this year.

Glad to hear you back on the radio, continuing with the wit and charm from Chigago. What is it with Lindy Burn's memory? Hope you have a great year of support from afar.
