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19-10-2017, 01:52 PM
Don't know if anyone has read the All Blacks book Legacy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18890191-legacy

It's a great book with so many lessons. Some important values below.There is 15 in total but thought it was worth highlighting some important ones.

How well does Jake live some of these?

No Dickheads
Follow the spearhead.

——Kia urupū tātou; kaua e taukumekume.
Let us be united, not pulling against one another.

No Dickheads

Whānau is your family, your mates, your team, your organization. For the whānau to move forward, everyone within it must move in the same direction. This is the essence of team –working hard for each other, in harmony, without dissent, submerging individual ego for a greater cause. This extends to selection –No Dickheads –and the fostering of connections, trust and collaboration between all levels of the organization. In this way people work for each other, rather than for individual glory. In the All Blacks, high standards are fundamental and are enforced by the players themselves, who are trusted to do the task. Success can be traced back to the connections between members of the team and their collective character, something true of all winning organizations. Great leaders ruthlessly protect their people, encouraging connection, collaboration and collective ownership, nurturing a safe environment of trust, respect and family.

Train to Win
Practise under pressure.

——Tangata akona ki te kāinga, tūngia ki te marae, tau ana.
A person who is taught at home will stand with confidence in the community.

Train to Win

Mastery in anything –a sport, a skill, a craft, business –is achieved by practice. Practice is enhanced by intensity. Research has shown that both our body and our brains respond positively to a diet of accelerated, intense learning, which leads to dramatic improvements and competitive advantage. The All Blacks embrace the power of intensity to ‘train to win’ –working with randomized scenarios and unexpected challenges in order to recalibrate the players’ tolerance for high-pressure situations. The aim is to enable greater clarity and accuracy under stressful circumstances –and to enhance the ability to bring attention back to the present and the task at hand. Smart leaders utilize intensity to challenge themselves and their teams, and to increase competence and capability. Just as core body exercises are vital for physical conditioning, so core psychological training is essential to develop mental toughness and resilience.

Know Thyself
Keep it real.

——He tangata kī tahi.
A person who can be taken at his word.

Know Thyself

In recognizing our deepest values, we can understand what kind of leader we are and what kind of life we wish to lead. Authenticity –the mark of a true leader –begins with honesty and integrity. Honesty allows us access to our truest vision of ourselves and, when setbacks occur, gives us strong foundations. Integrity gets the job done. If our values, thoughts, words and actions are aligned, then our word is our world. With accuracy of action, less slippage occurs between thought and deed. In knowing ourselves, we live our vision. By being our word, we make it happen.

Champions Do Extra
Find something you would die for and give your life to it.

——Kaua e mate wheke, mate ururoa.
Don’t die like an octopus, die like a hammerhead shark.

Champions Do Extra

The motto ‘Champions do extra’ refers to the extra, discretionary effort and sacrifice it takes to do something extraordinary. Whatever we do in life, we’re giving our life for it, so we best be sure it is worth it. Killing time is slow suicide. Treading water is drowning. So, what are we prepared to give our life to? As leaders, what kind of life will we lead? It begins by doing extra; the extra set at the gym, the extra burst of hard work, the extra sprint, the extra effort. Think of Buckminster Fuller: ‘What is my job on the planet? What is it that needs doing, that I know something about, that probably won’t happen unless I take responsibility for it?’ What is the extra that will make us extraordinary?

Be a Good Ancestor
Plant trees you’ll never see.

——E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tōu ao.
Grow and branch forth for the days of your world.

Be a Good Ancestor

Our time is limited. Understanding the fragility of life is the first step in understanding our role and responsibility as a leader. Our greatest responsibility is to honour those who came before us and those who will come after, to ‘leave the jersey in a better place’. We are the stewards of our organizations, the caretakers of our own lineage. Our actions today will echo beyond our time. They are our legacy. Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.

Sweep the Sheds
Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

——Kāore te kūmara e whāki ana tana reka.
The kūmara (sweet potato) does not need to say how sweet he is.

Sweep the Sheds

The great sports coaches of the past such as John Wooden and Vince Lombardi put humility at the core of their teaching. The All Blacks place a similar emphasis on their fundamental and foundational values, going so far as to select on character over talent. The players are taught never to get too big to do the small things that need to be done. ‘Exceptional results demand exceptional circumstances,’ says Wayne Smith. These conditions help shape the culture and therefore the ethos –the character –of the team. Humility begins at the level of interpersonal communication, enabling an interrogative, highly facilitated learning environment in which no one has all the answers. Each individual is invited to contribute solutions to the challenges being posed. This is a key component of building sustainable competitive advantage through cultural cohesion. It leads to innovation, increased self knowledge, and greater character. It leads towards mana.

Here is the full list of values if anyone is interested: http://ylmsportscience.blogspot.com.au/2015/12/the-first-xv-15-all-black-principles.html

19-10-2017, 01:52 PM
OK so Stringer for 16
28 for 25
40 for 2018 second round which will probably be 24-30.

How is this good?

No way of polishng a turd into gold. We served up a truck load of shit today. People need to go, it's awful.

Rocket Science
19-10-2017, 01:53 PM
Seeing Dodo look so happy is making me sick.

"Is this the best trade period you've ever had Adrian?" fawns one journo.

Hand me the f*cken bucket.

19-10-2017, 01:53 PM
OK so Stringer for 16
28 for 25
40 for 2018 second round which will probably be 24-30.

How is this good?

Historically, "weak draft" = ~20 good players.
"Strong draft" = ~40 good players.

Therefore a swap of pick 40 in a weak draft for ~27 in a strong draft is considered a win.

Not advocating everything else - just clarifying the logic of thinking for this one exchange.
However, you can still cock up the pick! One guy I have faith in is Dalrymple, however!

Dry Rot
19-10-2017, 01:53 PM


What use is pick 40?

19-10-2017, 01:54 PM
Come on dogs add some light to this period without giving up Jong

19-10-2017, 01:55 PM
Historically, "weak draft" = ~20 good players.
"Strong draft" = ~40 good players.

Therefore a swap of pick 40 in a weak draft for ~27 in a strong draft is considered a win.

Not advocating everything else - just clarifying the logic of thinking for this one exchange.
However, you can still cock up the pick! One guy I have faith in is Dalrymple, however!

We got 40 and gave up ~27!!!

19-10-2017, 01:56 PM
Don't know if anyone has read the All Blacks book Legacy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18890191-legacy

It's a great book with so many lessons. Some important values below.There is 15 in total but thought it was worth highlighting some important ones.

How well does Jake live some of these?

No Dickheads
Follow the spearhead.

——Kia urupū tātou; kaua e taukumekume.
Let us be united, not pulling against one another.

No Dickheads

Whānau is your family, your mates, your team, your organization. For the whānau to move forward, everyone within it must move in the same direction. This is the essence of team –working hard for each other, in harmony, without dissent, submerging individual ego for a greater cause. This extends to selection –No Dickheads –and the fostering of connections, trust and collaboration between all levels of the organization. In this way people work for each other, rather than for individual glory. In the All Blacks, high standards are fundamental and are enforced by the players themselves, who are trusted to do the task. Success can be traced back to the connections between members of the team and their collective character, something true of all winning organizations. Great leaders ruthlessly protect their people, encouraging connection, collaboration and collective ownership, nurturing a safe environment of trust, respect and family.

Train to Win
Practise under pressure.

——Tangata akona ki te kāinga, tūngia ki te marae, tau ana.
A person who is taught at home will stand with confidence in the community.

Train to Win

Mastery in anything –a sport, a skill, a craft, business –is achieved by practice. Practice is enhanced by intensity. Research has shown that both our body and our brains respond positively to a diet of accelerated, intense learning, which leads to dramatic improvements and competitive advantage. The All Blacks embrace the power of intensity to ‘train to win’ –working with randomized scenarios and unexpected challenges in order to recalibrate the players’ tolerance for high-pressure situations. The aim is to enable greater clarity and accuracy under stressful circumstances –and to enhance the ability to bring attention back to the present and the task at hand. Smart leaders utilize intensity to challenge themselves and their teams, and to increase competence and capability. Just as core body exercises are vital for physical conditioning, so core psychological training is essential to develop mental toughness and resilience.

Know Thyself
Keep it real.

——He tangata kī tahi.
A person who can be taken at his word.

Know Thyself

In recognizing our deepest values, we can understand what kind of leader we are and what kind of life we wish to lead. Authenticity –the mark of a true leader –begins with honesty and integrity. Honesty allows us access to our truest vision of ourselves and, when setbacks occur, gives us strong foundations. Integrity gets the job done. If our values, thoughts, words and actions are aligned, then our word is our world. With accuracy of action, less slippage occurs between thought and deed. In knowing ourselves, we live our vision. By being our word, we make it happen.

Champions Do Extra
Find something you would die for and give your life to it.

——Kaua e mate wheke, mate ururoa.
Don’t die like an octopus, die like a hammerhead shark.

Champions Do Extra

The motto ‘Champions do extra’ refers to the extra, discretionary effort and sacrifice it takes to do something extraordinary. Whatever we do in life, we’re giving our life for it, so we best be sure it is worth it. Killing time is slow suicide. Treading water is drowning. So, what are we prepared to give our life to? As leaders, what kind of life will we lead? It begins by doing extra; the extra set at the gym, the extra burst of hard work, the extra sprint, the extra effort. Think of Buckminster Fuller: ‘What is my job on the planet? What is it that needs doing, that I know something about, that probably won’t happen unless I take responsibility for it?’ What is the extra that will make us extraordinary?

Be a Good Ancestor
Plant trees you’ll never see.

——E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tōu ao.
Grow and branch forth for the days of your world.

Be a Good Ancestor

Our time is limited. Understanding the fragility of life is the first step in understanding our role and responsibility as a leader. Our greatest responsibility is to honour those who came before us and those who will come after, to ‘leave the jersey in a better place’. We are the stewards of our organizations, the caretakers of our own lineage. Our actions today will echo beyond our time. They are our legacy. Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.

Sweep the Sheds
Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

——Kāore te kūmara e whāki ana tana reka.
The kūmara (sweet potato) does not need to say how sweet he is.

Sweep the Sheds

The great sports coaches of the past such as John Wooden and Vince Lombardi put humility at the core of their teaching. The All Blacks place a similar emphasis on their fundamental and foundational values, going so far as to select on character over talent. The players are taught never to get too big to do the small things that need to be done. ‘Exceptional results demand exceptional circumstances,’ says Wayne Smith. These conditions help shape the culture and therefore the ethos –the character –of the team. Humility begins at the level of interpersonal communication, enabling an interrogative, highly facilitated learning environment in which no one has all the answers. Each individual is invited to contribute solutions to the challenges being posed. This is a key component of building sustainable competitive advantage through cultural cohesion. It leads to innovation, increased self knowledge, and greater character. It leads towards mana.

I'm reading it right now ... and the whole time I'm reading I'm questioning how Stringer fits our system.

19-10-2017, 01:58 PM
I'm reading it right now ... and the whole time I'm reading I'm questioning how Stringer fits our system.

He doesn't. On a scale of 0-10. Stringer.

No Dickheads = 0
Train to win = 2
Know Thyself = 1
Champions do extra = 1
Be a good ancestor = 0
Sweep the Sheds = 0

19-10-2017, 01:59 PM
Don't know if anyone has read the All Blacks book Legacy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18890191-legacy

It's a great book with so many lessons. Some important values below.There is 15 in total but thought it was worth highlighting some important ones.

How well does Jake live some of these?

No Dickheads
Follow the spearhead.

——Kia urupū tātou; kaua e taukumekume.
Let us be united, not pulling against one another.

No Dickheads

Whānau is your family, your mates, your team, your organization. For the whānau to move forward, everyone within it must move in the same direction. This is the essence of team –working hard for each other, in harmony, without dissent, submerging individual ego for a greater cause. This extends to selection –No Dickheads –and the fostering of connections, trust and collaboration between all levels of the organization. In this way people work for each other, rather than for individual glory. In the All Blacks, high standards are fundamental and are enforced by the players themselves, who are trusted to do the task. Success can be traced back to the connections between members of the team and their collective character, something true of all winning organizations. Great leaders ruthlessly protect their people, encouraging connection, collaboration and collective ownership, nurturing a safe environment of trust, respect and family.

Train to Win
Practise under pressure.

——Tangata akona ki te kāinga, tūngia ki te marae, tau ana.
A person who is taught at home will stand with confidence in the community.

Train to Win

Mastery in anything –a sport, a skill, a craft, business –is achieved by practice. Practice is enhanced by intensity. Research has shown that both our body and our brains respond positively to a diet of accelerated, intense learning, which leads to dramatic improvements and competitive advantage. The All Blacks embrace the power of intensity to ‘train to win’ –working with randomized scenarios and unexpected challenges in order to recalibrate the players’ tolerance for high-pressure situations. The aim is to enable greater clarity and accuracy under stressful circumstances –and to enhance the ability to bring attention back to the present and the task at hand. Smart leaders utilize intensity to challenge themselves and their teams, and to increase competence and capability. Just as core body exercises are vital for physical conditioning, so core psychological training is essential to develop mental toughness and resilience.

Know Thyself
Keep it real.

——He tangata kī tahi.
A person who can be taken at his word.

Know Thyself

In recognizing our deepest values, we can understand what kind of leader we are and what kind of life we wish to lead. Authenticity –the mark of a true leader –begins with honesty and integrity. Honesty allows us access to our truest vision of ourselves and, when setbacks occur, gives us strong foundations. Integrity gets the job done. If our values, thoughts, words and actions are aligned, then our word is our world. With accuracy of action, less slippage occurs between thought and deed. In knowing ourselves, we live our vision. By being our word, we make it happen.

Champions Do Extra
Find something you would die for and give your life to it.

——Kaua e mate wheke, mate ururoa.
Don’t die like an octopus, die like a hammerhead shark.

Champions Do Extra

The motto ‘Champions do extra’ refers to the extra, discretionary effort and sacrifice it takes to do something extraordinary. Whatever we do in life, we’re giving our life for it, so we best be sure it is worth it. Killing time is slow suicide. Treading water is drowning. So, what are we prepared to give our life to? As leaders, what kind of life will we lead? It begins by doing extra; the extra set at the gym, the extra burst of hard work, the extra sprint, the extra effort. Think of Buckminster Fuller: ‘What is my job on the planet? What is it that needs doing, that I know something about, that probably won’t happen unless I take responsibility for it?’ What is the extra that will make us extraordinary?

Be a Good Ancestor
Plant trees you’ll never see.

——E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tōu ao.
Grow and branch forth for the days of your world.

Be a Good Ancestor

Our time is limited. Understanding the fragility of life is the first step in understanding our role and responsibility as a leader. Our greatest responsibility is to honour those who came before us and those who will come after, to ‘leave the jersey in a better place’. We are the stewards of our organizations, the caretakers of our own lineage. Our actions today will echo beyond our time. They are our legacy. Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere whakamua. Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.

Sweep the Sheds
Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

——Kāore te kūmara e whāki ana tana reka.
The kūmara (sweet potato) does not need to say how sweet he is.

Sweep the Sheds

The great sports coaches of the past such as John Wooden and Vince Lombardi put humility at the core of their teaching. The All Blacks place a similar emphasis on their fundamental and foundational values, going so far as to select on character over talent. The players are taught never to get too big to do the small things that need to be done. ‘Exceptional results demand exceptional circumstances,’ says Wayne Smith. These conditions help shape the culture and therefore the ethos –the character –of the team. Humility begins at the level of interpersonal communication, enabling an interrogative, highly facilitated learning environment in which no one has all the answers. Each individual is invited to contribute solutions to the challenges being posed. This is a key component of building sustainable competitive advantage through cultural cohesion. It leads to innovation, increased self knowledge, and greater character. It leads towards mana.

Here is the full list of values if anyone is interested: http://ylmsportscience.blogspot.com.au/2015/12/the-first-xv-15-all-black-principles.html

Printed Off the book the other week. Look forward to reading it when next on holidays.

PS: Just hope Bevo did not go too far on the "change it up" when on-top of your game.

The Bulldogs Bite
19-10-2017, 01:59 PM
Time's up.

No deal for Schache?

19-10-2017, 01:59 PM
He doesn't. On a scale of 0-10. Stringer.

No Dickheads = 0
Train to win = 2
Know Thyself = 1
Champions do extra = 1
Be a good ancestor = 0
Sweep the Sheds = 0

Agreed !!

19-10-2017, 02:02 PM
Stevo reporting that Schache is a Dog

19-10-2017, 02:03 PM
Stevo reporting that Schache is a Dog

I just heard it was a no deal..?!

19-10-2017, 02:03 PM
I just heard it was a no deal..?!

No. It's been reported that it's gone through but not sure what for.

19-10-2017, 02:03 PM
Trade Tracker reckons we've got Schache

19-10-2017, 02:04 PM
Noble and Grant waiting in room.

19-10-2017, 02:04 PM
Picks 25 & 40 for Schache.

19-10-2017, 02:05 PM
Picks 25 & 40 for Schache.

Happy with that. 9 and 16 in draft.

19-10-2017, 02:07 PM
Chris Grant and David Noble now signing for Schache.

19-10-2017, 02:08 PM
That's a good trade. 9&16 left for the draft. 3 good players in for not much this trade period. Although the Stringer deal was a shemozzle, the big picture looks okay for mine.

19-10-2017, 02:09 PM
I need a stiff drink. More stressful than 2016 GF!

19-10-2017, 02:17 PM
Fair dinkum, some of you need to take a Valium and calm down a bit.
In the past many have posted if they don't want to play for us then good riddance, Stringer is all about Stringer and it might not be next season but it will eventually bite Essendon in the ass having him around their playing group and kids.

I'm more pissed we lost a second rounder next season when it may be required to sign the two father- sons.

Lesson to the whole playing group," don't give a &@$? Who you are, if you aren't 100% committed to our club and willing to get the best football out of yourself - You are on notice.

19-10-2017, 02:18 PM
Another way to look at it. At the start of the trade period our 2 useable picks were 9 and 27, they have been upgraded to 9 and 16.

In terms of personnel, we have Trengove, Crozier and Schache in for Stringer (who we publcly stated we wanted out) and next year's 2nd.

I reckon we leave stronger than we started. We are not a laughing stock or an embarassment as some are making out.

19-10-2017, 02:20 PM
Another way to look at it. At the start of the trade period our 2 useable picks were 9 and 27, they have been upgraded to 9 and 16.

In terms of personnel, we have Trengove, Crozier and Schache in for Stringer (who we publcly stated we wanted out) and next year's 2nd.

I reckon we leave stronger than we started. We are not a laughing stock or an embarassment as some are making out.

Agreed. I still want to see more outrage from Greystache though ;).

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
19-10-2017, 02:26 PM
Another way to look at it. At the start of the trade period our 2 useable picks were 9 and 27, they have been upgraded to 9 and 16.

In terms of personnel, we have Trengove, Crozier and Schache in for Stringer (who we publcly stated we wanted out) and next year's 2nd.

I reckon we leave stronger than we started. We are not a laughing stock or an embarassment as some are making out.

At least now we handover duties to the one aspect of our recruitment office that has shown itself to be very astute. Pick 9 and 16 for Dalrymple to find some good players with.

19-10-2017, 02:31 PM
Stringer who?????

19-10-2017, 02:34 PM
Another way to look at it. At the start of the trade period our 2 useable picks were 9 and 27, they have been upgraded to 9 and 16.

In terms of personnel, we have Trengove, Crozier and Schache in for Stringer (who we publcly stated we wanted out) and next year's 2nd.

I reckon we leave stronger than we started. We are not a laughing stock or an embarassment as some are making out.

Trengove and Crozier were unrelated to the management of the Stringer outcome. It appears a salvageable outcome based on the 'hope' that a troubled Schache might bring otherwise we've largely lost Jake AND our 2nd round 2018 pick for pick 16.

If you rate hope in Schache then we've parred the course.

19-10-2017, 02:39 PM
Trengove and Crozier were unrelated to the management of the Stringer outcome. It appears a salvageable outcome based on the 'hope' that a troubled Schache might bring otherwise we've largely lost Jake AND our 2nd round 2018 pick for pick 16.

If you rate hope in Schache then we've parred the course.

If Shache lives up to potential then we've creamed it, given we know how bad Stringer can be when he's not committed and his life's a mess......which is how he appears to be.

19-10-2017, 02:42 PM
Stringer who?????
Bully going to a bully club.

Ghost Dog
19-10-2017, 02:48 PM
Picken to Stringer, first game we play them.

19-10-2017, 02:51 PM
Picken to Stringer, first game we play them.

I was thinking of Smith or Cordy

19-10-2017, 02:52 PM
Another way to look at it. At the start of the trade period our 2 useable picks were 9 and 27, they have been upgraded to 9 and 16.

In terms of personnel, we have Trengove, Crozier and Schache in for Stringer (who we publcly stated we wanted out) and next year's 2nd.

I reckon we leave stronger than we started. We are not a laughing stock or an embarassment as some are making out.

We also pissed away our 2nd round pick next year for no real reason other than we seem to have a fetish for throwing absurdly valuable sweeteners at deals that are already even.

19-10-2017, 03:56 PM
Stringer a bully? Rumour? Fact? Evidence? If he is a bully, then for that reason alone, I'm celebrating his departure.

19-10-2017, 03:58 PM
Stringer a bully? Rumour? Fact? Evidence? If he is a bully, then for that reason alone, I'm celebrating his departure.

Rumour that I heard mid year and involving Tom Boyd - I cannot confirm it.

The Bulldogs Bite
19-10-2017, 04:54 PM
Stringer already removed from the player profiles on the website.

No mucking around!

19-10-2017, 04:55 PM
Picken to Stringer, first game we play them.

Cordy for mine.

19-10-2017, 05:15 PM
I'm happy he no longer wears our colours and I will do my best to not think about him ever again.

19-10-2017, 05:17 PM
I'm happy he no longer wears our colours and I will do my best to not think about him ever again.

Yes he is done and dusted. May the no dickhead policy live on.

19-10-2017, 05:21 PM

Hope this exact question is put to the club.

In all seriousness, JMAC leaves and questions need to be asked about Grant. At what point might we ask questions about Bevo too, because his handling of this situation was putrid and on face value appears to have had as bad of a 2017 as any.

Agree with all that.

Overall picture appears OK, but we could’ve done significantly better if we’d positioned ourselves correctly from the outset.

Dodo just said we were terrific to deal with. Not surprised he thinks so!

I’m sure he’ll find something to “get us back for” next year.

Certainly contradicts the media narrative and commentary from Connors over the course of the week. Wonder if we will see headlines proclaiming how reasonable we were and how we did everything we could to get Jake where he wanted.

Hopefully we’ve started courting Merrett.

19-10-2017, 05:23 PM
We also pissed away our 2nd round pick next year for no real reason other than we seem to have a fetish for throwing absurdly valuable sweeteners at deals that are already even.

Could we afford to hold out? Put it down to the wire? Perhaps if we did we may not have had to give our second round pick for 2018 away, but we'd have missed out on getting the rest of what we achieved done.

Just because one party views a trade as even, it doesn't mean the other does or will honour it in a gentlemanly way. Perhaps if we actually had some leverage it may have been different, but in my view we turned around a crap sandwich into what could be an excellent trade period.

19-10-2017, 05:31 PM
One things for sure, we'll be drawn to play the creeps twice next season. The AFL and the broadcasters love this hype.

19-10-2017, 05:34 PM
If he was a cancer at the club it's a great deal.
What's to say he will improve at Essendon ?
And we have got rid of a huge problem for pretty good drafting manoeuvring.

Clearly a positive result for Essendon, given that they have had to give up nothing of significant value. How about that?

We have the opportunity to use it to our advantage, but the fact that Essendon didn't have to give up anything in the first round for him is a win for them. Dodoro is a prick but he's done an excellent job.

A bit like the Brownlow medalist we shipped their way a couple of years ago was a win for them.

Stringer a bully? Rumour? Fact? Evidence? If he is a bully, then for that reason alone, I'm celebrating his departure.

Party hard dude.

19-10-2017, 05:37 PM
Is he a Dusty who gets his act together or a Fevola who crashes and burns?

Based on his supposed laziness and the character shown so far one seems more likely.

19-10-2017, 05:38 PM
Is he a Dusty who gets his act together or a Fevola who crashes and burns?

Based on his supposed laziness and the character shown so far one seems more likely.

One thing with Dusty, he has always worked hard. His oldman had him working in the business from 14 years old, so he is not afraid of the hard work. As for Stringer, who knows.

19-10-2017, 05:40 PM
When Stringer first arrived at the Bulldogs we were all excited by his swagger and arrogance. Seems that attitude may have had a dark side.

19-10-2017, 05:45 PM
When Stringer first arrived at the Bulldogs we were all excited by his swagger and arrogance. Seems that attitude may have had a dark side.

Goddard will point him in the right direction. A better pointer than Higgins.

Rocket Science
19-10-2017, 05:47 PM
One things for sure, we'll be drawn to play the creeps twice next season. The AFL and the broadcasters love this hype.

Round one, Friday night, lock it in.

19-10-2017, 05:49 PM
I don't think we can be angry or upset with what we got at all. Fact of the matter is, he wanted out, would only go to the bombers and that is that. Its a reality that clubs in this situation cannot get the value that is fair for players like this (Nick Stevens anyone?)
The bombers and the media can spin it as a huge win etc, which it may well be (lets hope Jake turns his life around)
As for our club, we can hold our heads high in that we've done nothing wrong and be happy to get rid of a destablising influence.

Meanwhile Jake has told Essendon that he will turn his life around, yet goes away on holiday to Las Vegas (where all recovering gamblers go) (JJ and Suckling, do you think it was smart taking him there?)

Needless to say, I really do for him and his young families sake he defeats his demons and becomes a better person.

Jake is the one who caused this, Jake is the one who has to look back and see what he has done in his career and how he flushed it away with the dogs and could have become a legend at our club.

Good luck Jake, all the best, cant wait for Cordy to show you the patented "Callan Ward silencing Elbow of doom."

19-10-2017, 06:00 PM
I don't think we can be angry or upset with what we got at all. Fact of the matter is, he wanted out, would only go to the bombers and that is that. Its a reality that clubs in this situation cannot get the value that is fair for players like this (Nick Stevens anyone?)
The bombers and the media can spin it as a huge win etc, which it may well be (lets hope Jake turns his life around)
As for our club, we can hold our heads high in that we've done nothing wrong and be happy to get rid of a destablising influence.

Meanwhile Jake has told Essendon that he will turn his life around, yet goes away on holiday to Las Vegas (where all recovering gamblers go) (JJ and Suckling, do you think it was smart taking him there?)

Needless to say, I really do for him and his young families sake he defeats his demons and becomes a better person.

Jake is the one who caused this, Jake is the one who has to look back and see what he has done in his career and how he flushed it away with the dogs and could have become a legend at our club.

Good luck Jake, all the best, cant wait for Cordy to show you the patented "Callan Ward silencing Elbow of doom."

I hope for his kids sake he turns it around. But Jake and even Abbey were asking for it especially if rumours are true that Abbey leaked a timely article to help devalue Stringer in order to get him to the bombers.

A guy who broke his leg in half yet still takes everything he has for granted will need to put in some sort of turnaround. I know most of us quietly will hope he doesn't so we win the trade but we certainly need to keep what you say in mind.

For me I think he might pull some things together but will probably end up, for you NBA fans, like Dwight Howard. Underachieving no matter where he goes and the teams he plays for suffer at he same time.

Time will tell but it's certainly apparent he was a cancer at our club and we were willing to do almost anything to get rid of him

19-10-2017, 06:30 PM
The 2018 2nd rounder is puzzling to say the least. Other than that, we made the best of the situation and did much better than I thought we would at the start of the day.

Schache for 2 picks we weren't even going to use is criminal. Stringer was unders but only because of the 2018 2nd rounder - clearly we have someone in mind with pick 16. And we've gotten rid of a cancer from our club who has been flaky at best for 2 years now.

I'm ok with our net end result.

19-10-2017, 06:41 PM
The 2018 2nd rounder is puzzling to say the least. Other than that, we made the best of the situation and did much better than I thought we would at the start of the day.

Schache for 2 picks we weren't even going to use is criminal. Stringer was unders but only because of the 2018 2nd rounder - clearly we have someone in mind with pick 16. And we've gotten rid of a cancer from our club who has been flaky at best for 2 years now.

I'm ok with our net end result.

I think the second rounder was about taking our players of Brisbane's radar...

Rightfully so, they rejected pick 25 as the trade for Schache. My guess the response was 25 & Jong. We had no other picks to turn the trade, effective into a draft points trade....

So we add the 2018 second rounder to Carlton, who give us pick 40. This with 25 turns it into about pick 13 on DVI...

Now we say Jong and others are off the table, this covers your points for Ballenden take it. Which they do, and then they do another trade to assist in maximising returns before Ballenden might be nominated.

So the options look like:

A) Trade a mid range player, like Jong
B) Walk away from the trade with pick 25 not being enough
C) Trade the second rounder, knowing we've got an extra 4th off Freo, secure Schache and keep players we don't want to trade

I was pissed early this afternoon at it. But I can see the rationale behind it, it could've been as blunt as getting Schache is Jong vs 2018 2nd. That pick might be 30 or 40. Likely our draft next year is about points, so we will do points stuff next year and may not have even used it in a live pick sense. So I'm ok with it.

19-10-2017, 06:51 PM
OK, time to open up.

I'm very glad that Stringer has gone from our club, really ecstatic to be honest.
We might not see the benefits on field next year but in the training centre and the locker rooms we will be far better off by moving him on and in the long run we will be better for it both on and off the field.

I hope we have also sent a very strong message to others at the club that they all need to rally together as a team to get the best out of everyone and if not they will also be pushed out of the club.

Take the long term view people, we will be better for moving on a disruptive and negative influence.

19-10-2017, 06:53 PM
The 2018 2nd rounder is puzzling to say the least. Other than that, we made the best of the situation and did much better than I thought we would at the start of the day.

Schache for 2 picks we weren't even going to use is criminal. Stringer was unders but only because of the 2018 2nd rounder - clearly we have someone in mind with pick 16. And we've gotten rid of a cancer from our club who has been flaky at best for 2 years now.

I'm ok with our net end result.

We have a lot of work to do next year to recover what we lost but I agree we made the best of a difficult situation.

Rocket Science
19-10-2017, 07:00 PM
OK, time to open up.

I'm very glad that Stringer has gone from our club, really ecstatic to be honest.
We might not see the benefits on field next year but in the training centre and the locker rooms we will be far better off by moving him on and in the long run we will be better for it both on and off the field.

I hope we have also sent a very strong message to others at the club that they all need to rally together as a team to get the best out of everyone and if not they will also be pushed out of the club.

Take the long term view people, we will be better for moving on a disruptive and negative influence.

Weren't you advocating you'd like him to stay and redeem himself Gary?

I say that as someone who schizophrenically flip-flopped on the issue daily.

Why the great relief and apparent change of heart? If I may be so nosy.

19-10-2017, 07:01 PM
Certainly hope Jake can turn around his demons and that his life gets back on track. Have seen enough of people in his situation in society. He moves on . The club moves on. Thanks for the thrills and spills Jakey.

19-10-2017, 07:11 PM
Weren't you advocating you'd like him to stay and redeem himself Gary?

I say that as someone who schizophrenically flip-flopped on the issue daily.

Why the great relief and apparent change of heart? If I may be so nosy.

I would have given him the benefit of the doubt had he stayed but his comments in the last week really put me off him.
For the the benefit of the club he is far better gone. We lose a lot of talent but we also lose a negative and disruptive influence.

They say culture eats the best plans for breakfast and I'm convinced our culture will improve with his departure. It's over to the coaches now to make sure we jump on anyone regardless of ability that doesn't embrace the team culture. We should never again be in a position where the coach has to come out and say it's best for the club that a player departs unless we have stood them down.
We jumped on a lazy arse rookie and sent him packing yet it appears we had a lot of difficulty controlling Jake. We need to set a standard at the club that doesn't tolerate poor behavior from any player.

19-10-2017, 09:33 PM
Just don't know how I feel about this. To lose a player that, at the beginning of the year, I was thinking "He looks like he's got some of his spark back"... A player that could conceivably be one of the greatest...

I don't know. I back the club, I'm not in the inner sanctum and can't personally see the goings on. I guess I have to trust Bevo et al that this is best for the club. I said to someone today that if Bob and Lachie both said publicly that there have been problems, there must have been. I just dread the thought of Jake turning himself around, and tearing us apart in another teams' colours (especially that mob).

19-10-2017, 09:37 PM
The 2018 2nd rounder is puzzling to say the least. Other than that, we made the best of the situation and did much better than I thought we would at the start of the day.

Schache for 2 picks we weren't even going to use is criminal. Stringer was unders but only because of the 2018 2nd rounder - clearly we have someone in mind with pick 16. And we've gotten rid of a cancer from our club who has been flaky at best for 2 years now.

I'm ok with our net end result.

What would you have done Sedat with only half an hour in trade period to go, no leverage and Carlton sitting pretty with no real reason to trade for parity?

19-10-2017, 10:04 PM
I will come out now and say he hasn't shown that he has the character to turn his life around. Essendon may well have imported a poisoned chalice.

19-10-2017, 10:23 PM
Not sure where the Las Vegas stories come from. JJ, Stringer, Suckling and Koby Stevens are all together in New York.

19-10-2017, 10:43 PM
Well I'm glad that is all over. Jake has not been quite there for the past 2 seasons now and this year we have found out a lot more to what might be contributing to his form and why we have been frustrated with him. Essendon now can deal with him. I don't think his problems will go away.

I look now to 2018 and beyond to a bit of a fresh start for our club after a very disappointing 2017 premiership defence. Trengove, Crozier and Schache will hopefully add something we might have been missing before. Defensively will look a lot different next year with Bob and Matt retired and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing Tom Boyd have an injury free season and be strong up forward. Big years for Tom Campbell and Jordan Roughead and also for our mids in Libba, Wallis, Hunter, Dahl.

I want to see that JJ spark again of half back in 2018 that we saw in 2016. Only saw glimpses in 2017 but not enough and was quite surprised he finished high in the best and fairest.

The Adelaide Connection
19-10-2017, 11:00 PM
Probably like everyone else, I have gone through the seven stages of grieving but have just now come to the acceptance and hope (I think).

One key revelation I had in my own mind was that Jake really wasn't at his best when we were unbelievable over last years final series. He had some moments, a handful of great highlights, but for the most part he was quiet and well held. He was awful for most of the GF and we knocked off a red hot Sydney team who brought their A game.

There is every possibility that we are going to draft someone at 9 or 16 that is going to push the best 22 next year and in all likelihood will drift in and out of games, providing us with some highlights but being well held at other times as they adjust to senior footy. This will be exponentially less frustrating than a former AA playing the same way.

Also, did we just not become flush with KP options? Is this real life?

Kids, I think we are going to be alright.

PS I hate the nickname "The Package".

19-10-2017, 11:01 PM
What would you have done Sedat with only half an hour in trade period to go, no leverage and Carlton sitting pretty with no real reason to trade for parity?
I'm actually really cool with the decision as per BT's rationale above. That 2nd round 2018 pick helped us secure Schache virtually for nothing whilst keeping Jong. It shits me that Essendon were the beneficiaries of the complex trade and continue to own the narrarive in the media, but our net result was outstanding considering we were holding a pair of twos in a hand of high stakes poker.

Speaking of the narrarive, how shit are the AFL summaries saying we lost a heap of mid range picks that we were never using? Too much to expect some basic research.

19-10-2017, 11:04 PM
Sad about how this has played out, but not so much about the end result. I am peeved that we've made EFC a better football team and grieving the loss of what I felt would be a Charlie to Bontempelli's EJ. Obviously he has issues and some demons to sort out and we weren't prepared to, or he wasn't prepared to confront them within our network. I'll stop short of wishing him ill, he is by far the most electrifying player I have seen in RW&B, but I can't wish him all the best either.

Stringer's behaviour, his slime ball manager and the circus that ensued served us up a dirty big turd. We've had a decent crack at polishing it and despite how the saying goes, looks like we might have made a good fist of it.

Dry Rot
20-10-2017, 12:16 AM
I was pissed early this afternoon

Fair enough. Only heavy drinking or drugs can make sense of the end of trade week.

When you sober up and read the reports, you'll realise you've lost your wallet and our second round pick from 2018.

Ghost Dog
20-10-2017, 07:46 AM
Sad about how this has played out, but not so much about the end result. I am peeved that we've made EFC a better football team and grieving the loss of what I felt would be a Charlie to Bontempelli's EJ. Obviously he has issues and some demons to sort out and we weren't prepared to, or he wasn't prepared to confront them within our network. I'll stop short of wishing him ill, he is by far the most electrifying player I have seen in RW&B, but I can't wish him all the best either.

Stringer's behaviour, his slime ball manager and the circus that ensued served us up a dirty big turd. We've had a decent crack at polishing it and despite how the saying goes, looks like we might have made a good fist of it.

Jury is still out on that one. Essendon are great at bringing themselves unstuck.

20-10-2017, 09:26 AM
I'm actually really cool with the decision as per BT's rationale above. That 2nd round 2018 pick helped us secure Schache virtually for nothing whilst keeping Jong. It shits me that Essendon were the beneficiaries of the complex trade and continue to own the narrarive in the media, but our net result was outstanding considering we were holding a pair of twos in a hand of high stakes poker.

Speaking of the narrarive, how shit are the AFL summaries saying we lost a heap of mid range picks that we were never using? Too much to expect some basic research.

They're also still spinning the fact we baulked at pick 11 as a "lost out" in trade summaries. Still eliminating the pick 26 coming back to essendon.

As it turns out we got:
IN: Pick 16, Schache
Out: Pick 28, Stringer

With the 'Pick 11' trade it would have been
IN: Pick 11, ~45
OUT: Pick 26, Stringer

The latter would not have allowed us to go after Schache with us having no second rounders. It actually could have allowed essendon to snap him up if rumours of their interest in him were true. Either that or we would have massively overpaid for Schache with pick 11. I'm happy with the outcome that actually eventuated so i'm not sure how turning down 'pick 11' is a loss for us.

20-10-2017, 10:55 AM
So Essendon pick up a guy with issues we pick up a number two pick only two years ago at 25 and get pick 16 and we lost ?
Journos never look at the full picture they only look at what suits them or their team.
They do no deep investigation on things at all nowadays.

20-10-2017, 11:58 AM
So Essendon pick up a guy with issues we pick up a number two pick only two years ago at 25 and get pick 16 and we lost ?
Journos never look at the full picture they only look at what suits them or their team.
They do no deep investigation on things at all nowadays.

Most of he journalists barracking for Essendon in this instance might regret what they wished for I reckon.

20-10-2017, 12:02 PM
BTW ths is a terrific post from Fronkalicious on BF that pretty much sums things up I reckon;


Thanks to Dry Rot for the link.

20-10-2017, 12:05 PM
Yep. Dickhead.

20-10-2017, 12:40 PM
BTW ths is a terrific post from Fronkalicious on BF that pretty much sums things up I reckon;


Thanks to Dry Rot for the link.

Great article , reading that it looks like he was borrowing money and not paying it back.
If so it would turn sour and unworkable in the end.

Rocket Science
20-10-2017, 12:44 PM
BTW ths is a terrific post from Fronkalicious on BF that pretty much sums things up I reckon;


Thanks to Dry Rot for the link.

Ta. That might help explain the desperation for a new contract if nothing else.

20-10-2017, 12:52 PM
I normally don't read BF but DR sent me the link last night and I just thought "yep, nailed it"

20-10-2017, 02:19 PM
BTW ths is a terrific post from Fronkalicious on BF that pretty much sums things up I reckon;


Thanks to Dry Rot for the link.

Pretty good post.

Does this guy post on Woof under another name as he/she almost seems worthy?

20-10-2017, 02:24 PM
Not sure where the Las Vegas stories come from. JJ, Stringer, Suckling and Koby Stevens are all together in New York.

So not in Sodom but still in Gomorrah.:D

20-10-2017, 02:24 PM
Pretty good post.

Does this guy post on Woof under another name as he/she almost seems worthy?

Does seem good.

20-10-2017, 02:29 PM
Does seem good.

I can't say I'm familiar with BF at all but it alludes to the poster having some inside knowledge e.g

I'm not going to be explicit about exactly what Jake has done.

He leaves the club with MASSIVE debts owed, both literally......

Anyone on Woof aware of his/her credentials?

20-10-2017, 02:39 PM
I can't say I'm familiar with BF at all but it alludes to the poster having some inside knowledge e.g

Anyone on Woof aware of his/her credentials?

The poster is known to claim himself as an insider in footy ranks. Not at the club though. He has got things right in the past but also some things wrong. Was onto Schache before the media were. But has also claimed T Boyd was hated by Bev and that JJ was as good as gone earlier in the year. Who knows, as things do change a lot of the time, but certainly one of the better posters on BF.

20-10-2017, 03:33 PM
I can't say I'm familiar with BF at all but it alludes to the poster having some inside knowledge e.g

Anyone on Woof aware of his/her credentials?

Yeah. That's a problem for me too. I haven't posted on BF for ages-the last time I tried I got a message saying that I hadn't enough privelages to post a post which given its been so long wasn't surprising-so I don't really know a lot about the other posters.

This site sort of evolved from BF. Gary and I were modding the Bulldog board and decided that if we were going to do it we may as well have an independent site rather than just running a board on a larger site.

20-10-2017, 03:47 PM
Trengove and Crozier were unrelated to the management of the Stringer outcome. It appears a salvageable outcome based on the 'hope' that a troubled Schache might bring otherwise we've largely lost Jake AND our 2nd round 2018 pick for pick 16.

If you rate hope in Schache then we've parred the course.
Trengove is as solid a citizen as you could find, the anti-Stringer.
Crozier is a natural footballer with flair working within the Ross Lyon system. I'll be very surprised if they aren't playing round 1.

We've lost one best 22 player (Stringer) who was disrupting the rest of the group and adding two, with Schache developing and pushing for selection this year.
I'm not happy we lose the 2018 2nd rounder but for the quality we get in and adding two first rounders to our list at the draft all's well that ends well.

20-10-2017, 03:55 PM
Sad about how this has played out, but not so much about the end result. I am peeved that we've made EFC a better football team and grieving the loss of what I felt would be a Charlie to Bontempelli's EJ. Obviously he has issues and some demons to sort out and we weren't prepared to, or he wasn't prepared to confront them within our network. I'll stop short of wishing him ill, he is by far the most electrifying player I have seen in RW&B, but I can't wish him all the best either.

Stringer's behaviour, his slime ball manager and the circus that ensued served us up a dirty big turd. We've had a decent crack at polishing it and despite how the saying goes, looks like we might have made a good fist of it.
Essendon's trade period is the sort that looks great on paper.

But the three they've brought in have massive question marks on them and if one turns out to be a bust they've traded themselves out to a pick in the 40s or 50s as their first pick.

Saad - looks great streaming out of defence but can't actually defend. Might be better where he takes the 6th best forward but in some teams that's actually a good player.

Dev Smith - Good kid but very small with a ruined knee. He's young but won't get to the standard he promised early in his career, he's about Honeychurch size when they already have a midget midfield but their rationale is to get him in the midfield.

Stringer - Big risk to give him 4 years and I doubt he'll ever have the tank to play significant midfield time. Keeps saying he'll be the next Dusty, Dusty entered the system with a mid 14s beep and played midfield/forward in his first year
Additionally, Stringer is a gun small forward but is soft no doubt about it. I mentioned it before but he wont; crash a pack and bring the ball to ground and his spectacular goals all come from avoiding body contact not grunt.

The draft sucks after the first 25-30 picks according to the experts so they're stuck with at least 3 kids for two years who are against the odds to make it. I'm not buying the hype - Port had a much better trade period than they did and it's 50/50 that our three acquisitions play more games than Essendon's trades except we have 2 first round picks and they have nothing.

20-10-2017, 04:04 PM
I posted this a few weeks ago, but still relevant, younger players at the dogs were warned to socially stay away from Stringer when they first joined the kennel. Take that sentence as fact. (And a few other players as well)

20-10-2017, 04:16 PM
BTW ths is a terrific post from Fronkalicious on BF that pretty much sums things up I reckon;


Thanks to Dry Rot for the link.

I normally don't read BF but DR sent me the link last night and I just thought "yep, nailed it"
You took the words right out of my mouth.

20-10-2017, 04:26 PM
You don't effectively sack a 23 yr old with that much talent unless there's some serious issues. That is a great post.

Dancin' Douggy
20-10-2017, 04:42 PM
One thing that surprised me about the Stringer trade, was that none else wanted him. Geelong made a bit of feeble noise, but seriously.

I was thinking St. Kilda are crazy for not trying something with pick 8. Hell on sheer talent you'd give pick 8 in a heartbeat.
North and Collingwood should have at least had a sniff but.......nup.

So that's the main reason we couldn't negotiate that killer trade, we had only one customer.

The wider football community must really see him as a liability if Essendon had absolutely no competition for him.

Been a really heartbreaking one to come to terms with...... It was so exciting to think that the Dogs finally had 'the one'.

In 2015 when he was out running out leaping out muscling out everythinging everyone I had it penciled into my diary.

April through September for the next 10 years 'Gloat as Stringer tears the league apart in the red white and blue'

He was the most exhilarating talent I believe I've ever seen playing for the dogs.

Been really hard to digest and accept the dream was but a passing vision of glory. And like sand through the hourglass, he is gone.

Been sickening to imagine the future where he tears the league apart in a stinking foul Essendon jumper.
I have LITERALLY lost sleep over that thought.

So now I give thanks for 3 things.

We won the goddamn flag.

We have the Bont.

And........in the last 30 seconds of trade week, suddenly the sun came bursting through with the Schache deal.
Not often you get a number 2 pick key position player for two reasonably late picks when he's still only 20.
Been looking at him on Youtube. Beautiful set shot. Maybe just maybe we've actually upgraded in more ways than one.

20-10-2017, 04:45 PM
I posted this a few weeks ago, but still relevant, younger players at the dogs were warned to socially stay away from Stringer when they first joined the kennel. Take that sentence as fact. (And a few other players as well)

I am relieved his not there , efc problem now

Dancin' Douggy
20-10-2017, 04:47 PM
Essendon's trade period is the sort that looks great on paper.

But the three they've brought in have massive question marks on them and if one turns out to be a bust they've traded themselves out to a pick in the 40s or 50s as their first pick.

Saad - looks great streaming out of defence but can't actually defend. Might be better where he takes the 6th best forward but in some teams that's actually a good player.

Dev Smith - Good kid but very small with a ruined knee. He's young but won't get to the standard he promised early in his career, he's about Honeychurch size when they already have a midget midfield but their rationale is to get him in the midfield.

Stringer - Big risk to give him 4 years and I doubt he'll ever have the tank to play significant midfield time. Keeps saying he'll be the next Dusty, Dusty entered the system with a mid 14s beep and played midfield/forward in his first year
Additionally, Stringer is a gun small forward but is soft no doubt about it. I mentioned it before but he wont; crash a pack and bring the ball to ground and his spectacular goals all come from avoiding body contact not grunt.

The draft sucks after the first 25-30 picks according to the experts so they're stuck with at least 3 kids for two years who are against the odds to make it. I'm not buying the hype - Port had a much better trade period than they did and it's 50/50 that our three acquisitions play more games than Essendon's trades except we have 2 first round picks and they have nothing.

Man I hope you're right.

Ghost Dog
20-10-2017, 04:51 PM
Essendon's trade period is the sort that looks great on paper.

But the three they've brought in have massive question marks on them and if one turns out to be a bust they've traded themselves out to a pick in the 40s or 50s as their first pick.

Saad - looks great streaming out of defence but can't actually defend. Might be better where he takes the 6th best forward but in some teams that's actually a good player.

Dev Smith - Good kid but very small with a ruined knee. He's young but won't get to the standard he promised early in his career, he's about Honeychurch size when they already have a midget midfield but their rationale is to get him in the midfield.

Stringer - Big risk to give him 4 years and I doubt he'll ever have the tank to play significant midfield time. Keeps saying he'll be the next Dusty, Dusty entered the system with a mid 14s beep and played midfield/forward in his first year
Additionally, Stringer is a gun small forward but is soft no doubt about it. I mentioned it before but he wont; crash a pack and bring the ball to ground and his spectacular goals all come from avoiding body contact not grunt.

The draft sucks after the first 25-30 picks according to the experts so they're stuck with at least 3 kids for two years who are against the odds to make it. I'm not buying the hype - Port had a much better trade period than they did and it's 50/50 that our three acquisitions play more games than Essendon's trades except we have 2 first round picks and they have nothing.

Making me feel good today Mofra.

20-10-2017, 04:52 PM
Man I hope you're right.

He has a fairly annoying habit of being right most of the time.

20-10-2017, 05:18 PM
I posted this a few weeks ago, but still relevant, younger players at the dogs were warned to socially stay away from Stringer when they first joined the kennel. Take that sentence as fact. (And a few other players as well)

It's not hard to guess who the other players are. But given they're still on the list, are these problems likely to persist? Could we see another trade period like his one next year?

Axe Man
20-10-2017, 05:27 PM
It's not hard to guess who the other players are. But given they're still on the list, are these problems likely to persist? Could we see another trade period like his one next year?

If the whole Stringer saga hasn't been a massive reality check for them then nothing will.

20-10-2017, 06:01 PM
If the whole Stringer saga hasn't been a massive reality check for them then nothing will.

No one is safe.

A contract won't save you. Talent won't save you. Marketability won't save you. And a lack of trade value sure as hell won't save you.

If the coach wants you gone, it will happen.

And I see that as being an overwhelmingly good thing.

Rocket Science
20-10-2017, 06:27 PM

The last time you'll touch it sunshine.

JEEZUS that makes me want to go out and win another one.

Hope it has the same effect on the lads.

20-10-2017, 06:54 PM
Yeah. That's a problem for me too. I haven't posted on BF for ages-the last time I tried I got a message saying that I hadn't enough privelages to post a post which given its been so long wasn't surprising-so I don't really know a lot about the other posters.

The poster you mention is a friend of mine. He lives in Sydney and has been a player agent in the rugby league, cricket and soccer industries. He used to have his own boutique agency and managed David Warner and other cricketers and some pretty big names in the rugby league world. Sold his company to one of the multi-national sports management agencies a couple of years ago and now works for them. Most of his work now is in soccer overseas but he remains an avid Bulldogs supporter and is very well connected in the player agent and in the football administration communities. Sometimes his information doesn't seem to be accurate but that's pretty rare. He is well connected and the real deal. As you can tell from the post that Dry Rot pointed you to, Fronkalicious is a very smart and insightful operator. If you like, I can reach out to him and invite him to join this forum.

20-10-2017, 07:00 PM
The poster you mention is a friend of mine. He lives in Sydney and has been a player agent in the rugby league, cricket and soccer industries. He used to have his own boutique agency and managed David Warner and other cricketers and some pretty big names in the rugby league world. Sold his company to one of the multi-national sports management agencies a couple of years ago and now works for them. Most of his work now is in soccer overseas but he remains an avid Bulldogs supporter and is very well connected in the player agent and in the football administration communities. Sometimes his information doesn't seem to be accurate but that's pretty rare. He is well connected and the real deal. As you can tell from the post that Dry Rot pointed you to, Fronkalicious is a very smart and insightful operator. If you like, I can reach out to him and invite him to join this forum.

You definitely should. I don't really follow BF much but a friend of mine is constantly sending me screen shots when 'Fronk' posts some inside snippets.

Ghost Dog
20-10-2017, 07:50 PM
The poster you mention is a friend of mine. He lives in Sydney and has been a player agent in the rugby league, cricket and soccer industries. He used to have his own boutique agency and managed David Warner and other cricketers and some pretty big names in the rugby league world. Sold his company to one of the multi-national sports management agencies a couple of years ago and now works for them. Most of his work now is in soccer overseas but he remains an avid Bulldogs supporter and is very well connected in the player agent and in the football administration communities. Sometimes his information doesn't seem to be accurate but that's pretty rare. He is well connected and the real deal. As you can tell from the post that Dry Rot pointed you to, Fronkalicious is a very smart and insightful operator. If you like, I can reach out to him and invite him to join this forum.

That would be awesome. LW He would be treated with a lot of respect on here.

20-10-2017, 08:55 PM
The poster you mention is a friend of mine. He lives in Sydney and has been a player agent in the rugby league, cricket and soccer industries. He used to have his own boutique agency and managed David Warner and other cricketers and some pretty big names in the rugby league world. Sold his company to one of the multi-national sports management agencies a couple of years ago and now works for them. Most of his work now is in soccer overseas but he remains an avid Bulldogs supporter and is very well connected in the player agent and in the football administration communities. Sometimes his information doesn't seem to be accurate but that's pretty rare. He is well connected and the real deal. As you can tell from the post that Dry Rot pointed you to, Fronkalicious is a very smart and insightful operator. If you like, I can reach out to him and invite him to join this forum.

I knew somebody would know him.You're the man.

20-10-2017, 09:29 PM
I went back on bf after our win last year (didn't last, bad place to be and brought out the worst in me) but Fronk certainly seemed one of the more respected posters.

20-10-2017, 09:33 PM
I can't say I'm familiar with BF
Your far to rational and intelligent for BF, Doc

20-10-2017, 09:58 PM
I normally don't read BF but DR sent me the link last night and I just thought "yep, nailed it"

Just read it on Facebook. Great post.

20-10-2017, 10:02 PM
Read the paper today. Stringer thinking he can be the "next Dusty"... His manager says they're the same age (23 and 26?!?)... and that Jake has been "upfront with his issues" - even though he was supposedly "blindsided" at being put up for trade, and even though it appears he hasn't been upfront to anyone for 2 years!

20-10-2017, 10:29 PM
Read the paper today. Stringer thinking he can be the "next Dusty"... His manager says they're the same age (23 and 26?!?)... and that Jake has been "upfront with his issues" - even though he was supposedly "blindsided" at being put up for trade, and even though it appears he hasn't been upfront to anyone for 2 years!

It's all just lip service.

I heard someone from Essendon say they have the structure and support around Jake to give him the best chance to succeed. The bloke hasn't even started there yet!

20-10-2017, 10:41 PM

The last time you'll touch it sunshine.

JEEZUS that makes me want to go out and win another one.

Hope it has the same effect on the lads.

They will probably pass the cup around at the reunion so at least he will get to touch that one again.

20-10-2017, 11:31 PM
That would be awesome. LW He would be treated with a lot of respect on here.

It would help if some on here would stop bagging BigFooty all of the time. It gets pretty old and is disrespectful to those of us who frequent both forums.

20-10-2017, 11:48 PM
It would help if some on here would stop bagging BigFooty all of the time. It gets pretty old and is disrespectful to those of us who frequent both forums.

It's certainly not something that is encouraged in fact we often challenge the comments. I tend to think it's a more of a vocal minority than an epidemic.

I was going to try and pull this thread back to on topic before but it's just keeps getting back onto BF.

21-10-2017, 12:07 AM
I was thinking we should have a pool to see how long before we start to hear about Jake missing rehab appointments and being late for training.

Febuary 12 is my guess.

21-10-2017, 12:09 AM
It's certainly not something that is encouraged in fact we often challenge the comments. I tend to think it's a more of a vocal minority than an epidemic.

I was going to try and pull this thread back to on topic before but it's just keeps getting back onto BF.

It's a good post, deserving of reposting. And as I always say we can't have enough good posters. But yeah not a name we mention a lot.

21-10-2017, 12:10 AM
It's certainly not something that is encouraged in fact we often challenge the comments. I tend to think it's a more of a vocal minority than an epidemic.

I was going to try and pull this thread back to on topic before but it's just keeps getting back onto BF.
Every time I log on here there are posts deriding BigFooty. There is one about half a dozen posts above this one. I haven't posted on here for three or four years because it pisses me off to see such undeserved smugness. I've never seen a post on BigFooty deriding this forum. Not one.

Sure there is a fair amount of pretty ordinary stuff posted on BigFooty but there is also a hell of a lot of great content. I don't understand why we just can't accept that the two forums are very different; that some people will want to contribute to both; and both forums are good (and bad) in their own ways.

21-10-2017, 12:40 AM
Every time I log on here there are posts deriding BigFooty. There is one about half a dozen posts above this one. I haven't posted on here for three or four years because it pisses me off to see such undeserved smugness. I've never seen a post on BigFooty deriding this forum. Not one.

Sure there is a fair amount of pretty ordinary stuff posted on BigFooty but there is also a hell of a lot of great content. I don't understand why we just can't accept that the two forums are very different; that some people will want to contribute to both; and both forums are good (and bad) in their own ways.

That's fair enough. I was the first mod on the bulldog board on BF back in the day. A lot of the traditions, the names of the awards (naming the Ching was one of mine) so I'm not unsympathetic to the place.

21-10-2017, 05:40 AM
A fair few Mods from BF post here.

21-10-2017, 06:48 AM
I was thinking we should have a pool to see how long before we start to hear about Jake missing rehab appointments and being late for training.

Febuary 12 is my guess.

Much like his time at the Bulldogs you simply won't hear about it

21-10-2017, 06:51 AM
Every time I log on here there are posts deriding BigFooty. There is one about half a dozen posts above this one. I haven't posted on here for three or four years because it pisses me off to see such undeserved smugness. I've never seen a post on BigFooty deriding this forum. Not one.

Sure there is a fair amount of pretty ordinary stuff posted on BigFooty but there is also a hell of a lot of great content. I don't understand why we just can't accept that the two forums are very different; that some people will want to contribute to both; and both forums are good (and bad) in their own ways.

Yep it goes on far too much. Even with a good post it gets bagged out for no reason.

It's not my cup of tea as there is a bit too much of the yelling and screaming type at times but there are also many fantastic posters there and just dismissing the entire forum is not needed at all.

The 2 forums already happily coexist just let it be.

21-10-2017, 07:14 AM
Much like his time at the Bulldogs you simply won't hear about it

Once ts out there and everyone knows they are just waiting for it to happen again I reckon.

21-10-2017, 07:19 AM
You guys know that we posted on BF a long, long time and know the guys who run it pretty well right? Gary and I (and a few others) worked our dates off setting up that site so if anyone has the right to mention it then it's the site that Gary and I run. Anyway it's not like we are organising anti BF street protests. I'm sure BF isn't that stressed about what is said on WOOF about it. Let's just get some perspective here.

But yeah I see your point. No one wants to read constantly negative stuff about something. Except Dodo.

21-10-2017, 09:49 AM
It's all just lip service.

I heard someone from Essendon say they have the structure and support around Jake to give him the best chance to succeed. The bloke hasn't even started there yet!

So did we.

21-10-2017, 10:24 AM
Jake, whilst not of the belief he had any serious issues has apparently committed to working extremely hard with EFC to counter the issues he doesn’t have.

21-10-2017, 11:12 AM
Jake, whilst not of the belief he had any serious issues has apparently committed to working extremely hard with EFC to counter the issues he doesn’t have.

We can only wait and see, might be the one thing he needed to realise he is stuffing up.
If I was Essendon I would have been asking Connors what had he done to try and help Jake, his manager/agent has a few questions to answer about his part in jakes downfall as well.

21-10-2017, 11:55 AM
Read the paper today. Stringer thinking he can be the "next Dusty"... His manager says they're the same age (23 and 26?!?)... and that Jake has been "upfront with his issues" - even though he was supposedly "blindsided" at being put up for trade, and even though it appears he hasn't been upfront to anyone for 2 years!
I've mentioned it before, but Dusty entered the AFL system with a 14.5 beep test (above average) and was capable of significant midfield minutes during his debut year.
Stringer is 23 and has nowhere near the aerobic capacity of 19 year old Dusty.

21-10-2017, 11:57 AM
A fair few Mods from BF post here.
Can't think of any handsome, brave, smart, well chiselled individuals like BF mods who post on here...

21-10-2017, 12:29 PM
I've mentioned it before, but Dusty entered the AFL system with a 14.5 beep test (above average) and was capable of significant midfield minutes during his debut year.
Stringer is 23 and has nowhere near the aerobic capacity of 19 year old Dusty.

Outside of fitness I can’t actually think of any deficiencies from within Jake’s game that have been improved upon. He competes only when he wants to, he fails to convert simple opportunities and miss handles the ball regularly.

He has a long way to go to becoming a dominant AFL player.

Dry Rot
21-10-2017, 12:39 PM
One thing that surprised me about the Stringer trade, was that none else wanted him.

That says everything really.

9 other Vic clubs

Lukewarm interest by the Cats, Demons focussed on getting Lever.

Leaves 7.

Maybe Richmond does not have the cap space now, Hawks didn't really have the trade assets

Leaves 5 Vic clubs: North Carlton Saints Pies Bombers

Only I club interested.....

21-10-2017, 12:45 PM
Stringer gone is good news for the club by the posts on here, close the door on your way out Jake. The club has already moved on with some sensible and astute recruiting. I couldn't give 3/5 of a rats what he does on the field next year.

21-10-2017, 12:45 PM
It's all just lip service.

I heard someone from Essendon say they have the structure and support around Jake to give him the best chance to succeed. The bloke hasn't even started there yet!

Maybe they've finally managed to concoct the perfect peptide #whateverittakes

Dry Rot
21-10-2017, 01:04 PM
It's all just lip service.

I heard someone from Essendon say they have the structure and support around Jake to give him the best chance to succeed. The bloke hasn't even started there yet!

"Hello Jake, welcome to the Bombers. Meet our new high performance consultant Dr Dank..."

21-10-2017, 01:07 PM
Stringer gone is good news for the club by the posts on here, close the door on your way out Jake. The club has already moved on with some sensible and astute recruiting. I couldn't give 3/5 of a rats what he does on the field next year.

Completely agree. Jake Stringer plays for another club now.

I've got a new JS, Josh Schache, to concern me.

21-10-2017, 01:25 PM
Completely agree. Jake Stringer plays for another club now.

I've got a new JS, Josh Schache, to concern me.

Put Shaq in number 9 and the transition is complete.

Poor Jake doesn't even get to keep his name on the locker only playing 89 games. Oh well. In saying that he's still a bulldog premiership player though which probably trumps the name on the locker.

Rocket Science
21-10-2017, 01:49 PM
Outside of fitness I can’t actually think of any deficiencies from within Jake’s game that have been improved upon. He competes only when he wants to, he fails to convert simple opportunities and miss handles the ball regularly.

He has a long way to go to becoming a dominant AFL player.

Despite the blinkered instinct to bullock through traffic that comes asunder more often than comes off, he really is a small crumbing forward in a big mid/old fashioned KP's body. Weirdly, the way KB played the game comes to mind.

He's going to have to expand his repertoire beyond looking for cheapies to earn his coin with the new mob.

21-10-2017, 02:14 PM
Put Shaq in number 9 and the transition is complete.

Poor Jake doesn't even get to keep his name on the locker only playing 89 games. Oh well. In saying that he's still a bulldog premiership player though which probably trumps the name on the locker.

Although those missing 11 games could've opened up a goldmine of future father/son talent given his adulterous ways.

Ghost Dog
21-10-2017, 02:25 PM
If he doesn't do well, me thinks he'll find the Essendon angry mob are not nearly as genteel as Bulldogs supporters. I've not heard a Bronx cheer from our fans for a good while.

21-10-2017, 02:28 PM
If he doesn't do well, me thinks he'll find the Essendon angry mob are not nearly as genteel as Bulldogs supporters. I've not heard a Bronx cheer from our fans for a good while.

Brent Stanton will tell him all about it.

21-10-2017, 03:47 PM
"Hello Jake, welcome to the Bombers. Meet our new high performance consultant Dr Dank..."

And his assistant doctor Gonzo.

You can call him mr Acosta....

21-10-2017, 04:15 PM
Although those missing 11 games could've opened up a goldmine of future father/son talent given his adulterous ways.

We save a lot on DNA testing

Dry Rot
21-10-2017, 04:39 PM
It was reported on BF that the Bont was one of the players behind getting rid of Stringer. Dunno if it is true.

Say it is, for the argument. Therefore IMO the club has made a smart investment for 2019 in getting rid of Stringer now.

IMO this will then significantly help the Bont decide that the Dogs are the club for him long term, in the face of inevitable huge offers from elsewhere.

21-10-2017, 04:55 PM
It we had a choice on the Bont or Jake, easy decision.
I also love the fact the guys coming in are of good character, this club could jump back up quickly.

21-10-2017, 07:27 PM
It was reported on BF that the Bont was one of the players behind getting rid of Stringer. Dunno if it is true.

Say it is, for the argument. Therefore IMO the club has made a smart investment for 2019 in getting rid of Stringer now.

IMO this will then significantly help the Bont decide that the Dogs are the club for him long term, in the face of inevitable huge offers from elsewhere.

When you are a highly regarded and level headed young man like Bontempelli and stand up to be counted like that the club would have to listen. I'm hoping that other more senior players also stepped forward. It does beg the question why the club didn't stand him down during the season if he was so difficult to deal with.

21-10-2017, 08:31 PM
It was reported on BF that the Bont was one of the players behind getting rid of Stringer. Dunno if it is true.

Say it is, for the argument. Therefore IMO the club has made a smart investment for 2019 in getting rid of Stringer now.

IMO this will then significantly help the Bont decide that the Dogs are the club for him long term, in the face of inevitable huge offers from elsewhere.

Sounds selfish to me, to be perfectly frank. Bonts is looking at the captaincy of our club and thinking, I don't think I can *!*!*!*!ed spending 15 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, for 8-9 years wasting my time not getting through to a self serving, selfish, man-child, dickhead that thinks they're above the club, captain, team, coach or membership. To be fair, that's about 620-700 hours though. Time that could be invested by Bonts in a team, players, playing group and club culture he wants to lead to sustained success.

But I'm cool with NMM calling him out too. Anyone making that call is just telling the truth.

22-10-2017, 03:20 AM
When you are a highly regarded and level headed young man like Bontempelli and stand up to be counted like that the club would have to listen. I'm hoping that other more senior players also stepped forward. It does beg the question why the club didn't stand him down during the season if he was so difficult to deal with.

we should have done that and send a message.

22-10-2017, 06:29 AM
Reading between the lines, it appears we had a group of players (maybe 3 or 4) who weren't at the desired levels of professionalism this year. We've been working with all of them to lift themselves. JS and Libba appear to be the 2 worst examples and the 2 who had got to a point where their ongoing inclusion on our list became problematic.

The difference is that where others have shown a level of contrition and a willingness to work, Jake has been arrogant and probably somewhat in denial. I reckon JS threw in a few half hearted attempts to lift/change through the year which, given his extreme talent and troubled personal life, were enough for us to persist with him.

Whereas 1 or 2 others acknowledged wrongdoing at the exit interviews, showed a level of love for their teammates and the club and vowed to work harder, JS displayed ambivelence and an unwillingness to work or even ackowledge that there were serious issues. That's where the line in the sand was drawn.

I reckon there are 1 or 2 players who need to turn their good intentions into actions and behaviours pretty quickly otherwise they'll be joining Jake out the door this time next year, if not sooner.

22-10-2017, 07:27 AM
The following your ex thread is going to get big, I will be following with interest.

Jake could win a Brownlow and a Coleman, he could also get dropped to vfl, let down his teammates repeatedly, miss set shots from 30m, ping hammys, shag big Joes missus and jump in front of the Cordy train.

It’s his apparent lack of contrition or critical self assessment that will hurt his future ongoing.

22-10-2017, 07:45 AM
Jake can't win a Brownlow and he won't win a Coleman at Essendon

22-10-2017, 07:49 AM
The following your ex thread is going to get big, I will be following with interest.

Jake could win a Brownlow and a Coleman, he could also get dropped to vfl, let down his teammates repeatedly, miss set shots from 30m, ping hammys, shag big Joes missus and jump in front of the Cordy train.

It’s his apparent lack of contrition or critical self assessment that will hurt his future ongoing.

Agree Marcov. His presser said it all when he said he had no idea of why he was going to be traded.

22-10-2017, 02:43 PM
Agree Marcov. His presser said it all when he said he had no idea of why he was going to be traded.

It was a strange presser which he contradicted himself , he said he didn't understand why then pointed out he had made mistakes.
A guy in denial of his issues.
To be honest it sounds like a guy doing drugs/gambling and will say anything you want to hear to get more drugs or get back to the track.
But when it comes to doing the right things it doesn't happen.
Addiction is a horrid thing and I still think his manager has to take some of the blame.

22-10-2017, 04:23 PM
It doesn't sound very healthy. From everything I've heard Jake sounds like he needs a lot of help and support. I hope he gets it.

One thing that should work out well for him is the change of surroundings. It can be hard to change habits when you are in the same place doing the same things. You find yourself in a comfort zone and the same old demons start to rise...

Dancin' Douggy
22-10-2017, 07:50 PM
I hope jake becomes a better person AFTER the bombers kick him out. Not a second before.

Dry Rot
22-10-2017, 09:12 PM
Such is the fame of The Package and the legendary trading prowess of Dodoro, that Hollywood has rushed out a film based on it.

Eli Wallach plays Stringer and Clint Eastwood plays his manager Connors, while Lee Van Cleef plays Dodoro.

Here is an excerpt showing how Stringer and Connors transpire to lower his value, then pull off the trade at the last moment and then cut up the spoils afterwards.


22-10-2017, 11:08 PM
Such is the fame of The Package and the legendary trading prowess of Dodoro, that Hollywood has rushed out a film based on it.

Eli Wallach plays Stringer and Clint Eastwood plays his manager Connors, while Lee Van Cleef plays Dodoro.

Here is an excerpt showing how Stringer and Connors transpire to lower his value, then pull off the trade at the last moment and then cut up the spoils afterwards.


God I love that film. Zaine Cordy would take Lee van Cleef's role and make it his own. Exciept the bit when he's shot by Clint Eastwood..

23-10-2017, 09:02 AM
Poor Jake doesn't even get to keep his name on the locker only playing 89 games. Oh well. In saying that he's still a bulldog premiership player though which probably trumps the name on the locker.
His name will be on the locker in gold as a premiership player.

Dry Rot
24-10-2017, 10:48 PM
OK, for those who want more info and thanks to a good Sainter mate, I have received more key info about Stringer from an extremely authoritative source:

There are two types that everyone hates – assholes and stringers. Which is worse, I don’t know. But everyone has dealt with their share of assholes, for assholes are a fact of life. Today, we are here to talk about stringers...

Some stringers are inexperienced, and some have done it for decades and have no excuse for their crimes....I know a lot of stringers, but as a general policy, they are not my friends...Interventions are a nasty business, they can go wrong very easily. The stakes could not be higher...

Stringers, in the end, all use the same ploys to trick others and themselves...The Harsh Truth. Some stringers can take it, and even appreciate this in the long run. Tell them about their reputation…many people care about that. Many (not all) stringers are actually blissfully unaware of their low status and poor skills...

If they have been only playing ignorant the whole time, they will be humiliated that the rest of the community knows The Truth....

And when you are birding with a stringer, dont forget to…Always Shoot Them Down. If a stringer is very deep in their delusions, you have to demonstrate to them how often they are making mistakes. Do not baby them. Shoot them down in the field.


25-10-2017, 12:01 AM
I’m looking for insight from our learn-ed woof colleagues here...

Why do we think there was little interest in Jake-off from any other clubs?

One rumour from a blue mate who allegedly dealt with someone allegedly close to the blue inner sanctum said that Jake allegedly wanted 600k and the dumbers agreed and no one else would go near it. Same mate questioned why the blues didn’t go for him as they needed someone who knew which direction the goals were.

BS? 600k for a young AA premiership winning asshat sounds reasonable. I heard they gave him 400k, may have heard that here..

25-10-2017, 12:15 AM
I’m looking for insight from our learn-ed woof colleagues here...

Why do we think there was little interest in Jake-off from any other clubs?

One rumour from a blue mate who allegedly dealt with someone allegedly close to the blue inner sanctum said that Jake allegedly wanted 600k and the dumbers agreed and no one else would go near it. Same mate questioned why the blues didn’t go for him as they needed someone who knew which direction the goals were.

BS? 600k for a young AA premiership winning asshat sounds reasonable. I heard they gave him 400k, may have heard that here..

I think the whole situation got hijacked by Stringer, his management and Essendon. It went from the club "exploring our trade options" to Stringer nominating a club, refusing to go elsewhere and refusing to come back

Dry Rot
25-10-2017, 12:49 AM
I think the whole situation got hijacked by Stringer, his management and Essendon. It went from the club "exploring our trade options" to Stringer nominating a club, refusing to go elsewhere and refusing to come back

All that begs the question whether it starting happening after Stringer's exit interview and/or the Bevo interview, or whether there was a long held plan well before the season ended.

25-10-2017, 12:53 AM
I've heard so many rumours it makes your head spin.

25-10-2017, 07:29 AM
I suppose the combination of the $600k and the baggage of his off-field issues and questions on his character all added up to a pretty high risk package which even his talent couldn't counter for most clubs.

25-10-2017, 07:50 AM
Footy is very very insular. Clubs know what is happening elsewhere. Players know players from other clubs and ask them questions.

The entire footy world knows that Stringer is currently a dickhead and very high maintenance.

Essendon are the only club that were willing to give him a shot.

I believe only 3 teams even bothered to meet with him

25-10-2017, 08:37 AM
Footy is very very insular. Clubs know what is happening elsewhere. Players know players from other clubs and ask them questions.

The entire footy world knows that Stringer is currently a dickhead and very high maintenance.

Essendon are the only club that were willing to give him a shot.

I believe only 3 teams even bothered to meet with him

And he couldn't even be bothered with meeting one of them!

26-10-2017, 09:18 PM
Time will tell for Essendon and Jake.

26-10-2017, 10:12 PM
I’m looking for insight from our learn-ed woof colleagues here...

Why do we think there was little interest in Jake-off from any other clubs?

One rumour from a blue mate who allegedly dealt with someone allegedly close to the blue inner sanctum said that Jake allegedly wanted 600k and the dumbers agreed and no one else would go near it. Same mate questioned why the blues didn’t go for him as they needed someone who knew which direction the goals were.

BS? 600k for a young AA premiership winning asshat sounds reasonable. I heard they gave him 400k, may have heard that here..

I don't have any firm insight here, but I think EFC and Connors might have been doing a lot of work with Jake's next contract and found themselves with an opportunity to earn a quick result.

Sadly, Jake's health doesn't appear to be front of mind for either of the parties involved including Jake. He's a gambler who can't keep his dick in his pants, and is ignorant as to how his issues are best resolved - given he seemingly won't admit he has any.

Everyone in the football industry would know what type of risk they would have been taking with Jake, only one club was prepared to offer up any terms he'd deem suitable, and even they didn't want to pay a lot in terms of draft picks to land him. The latter factor is an indicator of who wanted to part ways, we were really keen to get rid of Jake and everyone knew it. EFC cornered us and as they or their supporters see it took advantage of us given our situation.

We'll be better for his departure.

26-10-2017, 10:37 PM
I don't have any firm insight here, but I think EFC and Connors might have been doing a lot of work with Jake's next contract and found themselves with an opportunity to earn a quick result.

Sadly, Jake's health doesn't appear to be front of mind for either of the parties involved including Jake. He's a gambler who can't keep his dick in his pants, and is ignorant as to how his issues are best resolved - given he seemingly won't admit he has any.

Everyone in the football industry would know what type of risk they would have been taking with Jake, only one club was prepared to offer up any terms he'd deem suitable, and even they didn't want to pay a lot in terms of draft picks to land him. The latter factor is an indicator of who wanted to part ways, we were really keen to get rid of Jake and everyone knew it. EFC cornered us and as they or their supporters see it took advantage of us given our situation.

We'll be better for his departure.

I wonder when the media will give some coverage to the fact Essendon outbid all clubs in the AFL for contracts on 3 players that came onto the market this trade period, including another big money signing in Stringer.

Stringer, Daniher, Hooker, Hurley, Hepell, Goddard, Zaharkis all signed in the past 2 seasons on megabuck deals that outbid all other teams, yet seem to have no concerns around resigning Merrett next season on megabucks again.

Just for fun, try fitting all those players into a fantasy team's salary cap.

26-10-2017, 10:49 PM
I wonder when the media will give some coverage to the fact Essendon outbid all clubs in the AFL for contracts on 3 players that came onto the market this trade period, including another big money signing in Stringer.

Stringer, Daniher, Hooker, Hurley, Hepell, Goddard, Zaharkis all signed in the past 2 seasons on megabuck deals that outbid all other teams, yet seem to have no concerns around resigning Merrett next season on megabucks again.

Just for fun, try fitting all those players into a fantasy team's salary cap.

There's no way they can keep all that under their hat.

26-10-2017, 11:01 PM
I wonder when the media will give some coverage to the fact Essendon outbid all clubs in the AFL for contracts on 3 players that came onto the market this trade period, including another big money signing in Stringer.

Stringer, Daniher, Hooker, Hurley, Hepell, Goddard, Zaharkis all signed in the past 2 seasons on megabuck deals that outbid all other teams, yet seem to have no concerns around resigning Merrett next season on megabucks again.

Just for fun, try fitting all those players into a fantasy team's salary cap.

Total list 45, less 7 above 38. 38 x average of $250,000 = $9.5 million. We know the 7 are on about an average of $800,000 = $5.6 million. Ok, let's make the average $600,000 = $4.2 million. Still doesn't add up. The 38 must be on pretty low contracts.

We know Hurley is on at least $800k plus, Hooker signed for $1million didn't he, same with Daniher and so it goes on.

26-10-2017, 11:09 PM
Those with twitter accounts should ask the question with some of the media and get the ball rolling.
It would be funny to see them dragged over the coals for salary cap infringements.

26-10-2017, 11:11 PM
Start getting the popcorn ready I say! This has to get interesting.

26-10-2017, 11:19 PM
Those with twitter accounts should ask the question with some of the media and get the ball rolling.
It would be funny to see them dragged over the coals for salary cap infringements.


26-10-2017, 11:40 PM
Total list 45, less 7 above 38. 38 x average of $250,000 = $9.5 million. We know the 7 are on about an average of $800,000 = $5.6 million. Ok, let's make the average $600,000 = $4.2 million. Still doesn't add up. The 38 must be on pretty low contracts.

We know Hurley is on at least $800k plus, Hooker signed for $1million didn't he, same with Daniher and so it goes on.

What's the cap?

26-10-2017, 11:52 PM
Total list 45, less 7 above 38. 38 x average of $250,000 = $9.5 million. We know the 7 are on about an average of $800,000 = $5.6 million. Ok, let's make the average $600,000 = $4.2 million. Still doesn't add up. The 38 must be on pretty low contracts.

We know Hurley is on at least $800k plus, Hooker signed for $1million didn't he, same with Daniher and so it goes on.

Hurley signed for well over $1mil a season. He declined our offer of $800k because Essendon substantially increased their offer. It's feasible that Essendon has 5 of the 10 highest paid players in the AFL, and still can offer the likes of Stringer $600k to come to them. When does it reach a point that it's so farcical that high profile people start making noise?

Dancin' Douggy
27-10-2017, 12:30 AM
Nothing would make me happier

27-10-2017, 12:37 AM
Hurley signed for well over $1mil a season. He declined our offer of $800k because Essendon substantially increased their offer. It's feasible that Essendon has 5 of the 10 highest paid players in the AFL, and still can offer the likes of Stringer $600k to come to them. When does it reach a point that it's so farcical that high profile people start making noise?

It has to come to a head. They are so obviously diddling the cap. I'd love it if the players they traded in had to sit out a year.

27-10-2017, 07:54 AM
Hooker signed for 1m??? When did that happen?

Stringer would be on 5-600k. Goddard on his last contact, would be amazed if it is above 5-600. Zaha would be about the same.

Heppell should be on decent coin and i recall everyone saying they got Daniher cheaply so lock him in for 700 a season.

Really think people are clutching at straws.

27-10-2017, 08:01 AM
Hooker signed for 1m??? When did that happen?

Stringer would be on 5-600k. Goddard on his last contact, would be amazed if it is above 5-600. Zaha would be about the same.

Heppell should be on decent coin and i recall everyone saying they got Daniher cheaply so lock him in for 700 a season.

Really think people are clutching at straws.

Fair enough. I'm strongly inclined to believe Greystache, particularly on this. Strongly.

27-10-2017, 08:19 AM
This is from the HUN, end of April 2016:

CALE Hooker has signed a five-year contract with Essendon.

The Herald Sun understands talks between Hooker’s manager Tom Petroro and Bombers officials late last night clinched the deal.

The Bombers increased their offer from a four-year deal to five years at about $750,000 a season.
Two of those clubs offered six-year deals for the 27-year-old, meaning Hooker has rejected up to $1 million to remain a Bomber for the rest of his career.

27-10-2017, 10:54 AM
Seriously ??

27-10-2017, 10:55 AM
Hooker signed for 1m??? When did that happen?

Stringer would be on 5-600k. Goddard on his last contact, would be amazed if it is above 5-600. Zaha would be about the same.

Heppell should be on decent coin and i recall everyone saying they got Daniher cheaply so lock him in for 700 a season.

Really think people are clutching at straws.

Hooker re-signed a year ago on mega bucks. We know what Heppell is on as we offered him $800k but he knoecked it back for bigger dollars to stay.

Even if the 7 players Grey mentions are on an average of $700k, that is still $4.9 million. Ok let's say they are on $600k average, that is $4.2 million leaving not much for the rest of the group. It just doesn't add up even with the new cap of $12 million.

Happy Days
27-10-2017, 10:58 AM
Seriously ??

Wow. It's like he took in a photo of Connor McGregor, and asked the artist "any way you can make me look worse than this?"

27-10-2017, 11:10 AM
Seriously ??

Get used to it. The media whores will be shoving the 3 S's down everyone's throat.

27-10-2017, 11:20 AM
He's in terrible shape for an AFL athlete. Body comp screams of a bloke who does the bare minimum in the gym and eats like rubbish.

27-10-2017, 11:22 AM
Is that the worst tattoo ever?

Interesting this tat might've been a last straw, and cost him staying.
Interesting his dropped mark in R23 2014 might've cost BMac.

I wonder whose going to get the 'last straw' being involved with JS?

27-10-2017, 11:24 AM
He's in terrible shape for an AFL athlete. Body comp screams of a bloke who does the bare minimum in the gym and eats like rubbish.

Screams country footy... Seconds grade country footy, over 35, and who smokes and drinks at half time.

27-10-2017, 11:30 AM
Reminds me of a water fountain.

27-10-2017, 12:19 PM
Seriously ??

It'll be a porno mo next.

27-10-2017, 12:23 PM
Oh lol

27-10-2017, 12:25 PM
If there was any doubt.........there shouldn't be going forward.

27-10-2017, 12:27 PM
If there was any doubt.........there shouldn't be going forward.

Doubt about him helping to grab pick 16 & Schache. Was never any.

The Pie Man
27-10-2017, 12:43 PM
Seriously ??

Hahahahahahahaha oh that is the cream on what’s been a thank Christ he’s gone cake

27-10-2017, 12:45 PM
That's going to look amazeballs when he's seventy.

27-10-2017, 01:07 PM
That's going to look amazeballs when he's seventy.

My mum used to say (I guess she still does, just not to me) "look at young sheilas with the tattoos. Don't they don't realise when they get to 70 and have had a couple of kids that Mickey Mouse will be stretched out to buggery (some awful mental scarring right there!!!!) and looking all tatty?"

Blokes didn't have to worry about it in mum's world. They got other things to worry about,

27-10-2017, 01:36 PM
My mum used to say (I guess she still does, just not to me) "look at young sheilas with the tattoos. Don't they don't realise when they get to 70 and have had a couple of kids that Mickey Mouse will be stretched out to buggery (some awful mental scarring right there!!!!) and looking all tatty?"

Blokes didn't have to worry about it in mum's world. They got other things to worry about,


Remi Moses
27-10-2017, 02:04 PM
What a bogan

27-10-2017, 02:10 PM
He is starting training early so he is ready for pre season training.
I think that says a lot

27-10-2017, 02:16 PM
He is starting training early so he is ready for pre season training.
I think that says a lot

They must all come back about now anyhow, so not that early

27-10-2017, 02:18 PM
He is starting training early so he is ready for pre season training.
I think that says a lot

He put in a big preseason with us last year too. It's the daily grind and the longevity of the season that gets Jake unstuck

Remi Moses
27-10-2017, 02:19 PM
He shouldn’t have gone to begin with

27-10-2017, 02:20 PM
Macca didn't like this on day one of training:


27-10-2017, 02:22 PM
What a complete toss bag....thank God he's gone....Geez!!!!

Rocket Science
27-10-2017, 02:26 PM
That's going to be a ripper with a stubby/cig butt hanging out of it when he's on his fund-the-punt bush footy tour in about a decade.


27-10-2017, 02:32 PM
He may have only been doing some testing or work to establish what his baseline is.

Rocket Science
27-10-2017, 02:37 PM
He may have only been doing some testing or work to establish what his baseline is.


Also perfecting his mildly troubled, staring at the ground while talking to someone routine.

27-10-2017, 04:04 PM

Also perfecting his mildly troubled, staring at the ground while talking to someone routine.

What's he say? I could probably force myself to click on Essendonfc but I ain't hanging around and watching videos.

Mum taught me never to trust people who won't meet your gaze. I see what she means.

27-10-2017, 04:10 PM
What's he say? I could probably force myself to click on Essendonfc but I ain't hanging around and watching videos.

Mum taught me never to trust people who won't meet your gaze. I see what she means.

I recommend taking a look, he doesn't seem happy or confident.

27-10-2017, 04:14 PM
Seriously ??

He must have done it for a bet.:rolleyes:

27-10-2017, 04:14 PM
He must have done it for a bet.:rolleyes:

and lost :D

27-10-2017, 05:25 PM
What professional tattoo artist would ever put their name to this? It's so bad you can only feel sorry for Jake for his lack of wisdom.

27-10-2017, 06:08 PM
What professional tattoo artist would ever put their name to this? It's so bad you can only feel sorry for Jake for his lack of wisdom.

I feel sorry for lions everywhere, there's no dignity in being a lion today. They'll recover, but it will take time.

27-10-2017, 06:16 PM
I feel sorry for lions everywhere, there's no dignity in being a lion today. They'll recover, but it will take time.

Lion? I thought it was chewbacca!

27-10-2017, 06:17 PM
I feel sorry for lions everywhere, there's no dignity in being a lion today. They'll recover, but it will take time.

It looks like the Paddle Pop lion shagged Chewbacca.

27-10-2017, 06:19 PM
I feel sorry for lions everywhere, there's no dignity in being a lion today. They'll recover, but it will take time.

If some ultra inspired artists (high on acid) do a outdoor interpretation of The Wizard of Oz, but using people's stomachs and stomach tattoos as characters the actual characters. He's got to, maybe, get a call back to the second of auditions for the scarecrow. But I'm not sure he can pull of the life lesson learned part of the role.

Work that one out millennials. It's like an onion.

27-10-2017, 07:09 PM
It looks like the Paddle Pop lion shagged Chewbacca.

That's funny Greystache ... Reminded me of this. LINK (https://www.fairfaxstatic.com.au/content/dam/images/g/j/f/v/x/8/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.gjfuf5.png/1441438381408.jpg)

27-10-2017, 07:14 PM
Is it true he got that tattoo during the season after we instructed him to wait till off season?

27-10-2017, 07:17 PM
I recommend taking a look, he doesn't seem happy or confident.

He doesn’t look well either. I kinda feel for him.

27-10-2017, 07:35 PM
He doesn’t look well either. I kinda feel for him.

Noticed the same thing.

27-10-2017, 07:42 PM
Is it true he got that tattoo during the season after we instructed him to wait till off season?

Someone on here alluded to that just before trade week

27-10-2017, 08:21 PM
Is it true he got that tattoo during the season after we instructed him to wait till off season?

I would imagine so although any other design would've been fine.

27-10-2017, 08:38 PM
What professional tattoo artist would ever put their name to this? It's so bad you can only feel sorry for Jake for his lack of wisdom.

Anyone can order a tattoo gun on eBay and hang a sign on their door. Somehow or other the tattoo industry got even dodgier than it was 20 years ago. So to answer your question whoever did it might not have been professional.

27-10-2017, 08:57 PM
Anyone can order a tattoo gun on eBay and hang a sign on their door. Somehow or other the tattoo industry got even dodgier than it was 20 years ago. So to answer your question whoever did it might not have been professional.

I think you're right TD. I'm thinking it must've formed part payment for an outstanding debt.

27-10-2017, 09:02 PM
Apparently players have nicknamed it, "Essendon Lyin' "

Fits well.

Remi Moses
27-10-2017, 09:08 PM
Get used to the media fluff Stringer stories . We’re going to get a shit load of them

27-10-2017, 09:31 PM
I think you're right TD. I'm thinking it must've formed part payment for an outstanding debt.

In years gone by debt collectors for bookies used to just break thumbs. They really have evolved to cruel and unusual punishments for people who owe money to the man.

Makes me shudder to think what will happen next if he pisses his new big money contract down the drain!

Dry Rot
27-10-2017, 09:38 PM
He doesn’t look well either. I kinda feel for him.

I reckon he seriously doesn't look well. Very pasty.

And compare his new club enthusiasm to this guy who has also had a recent rough trot


27-10-2017, 10:04 PM
I reckon he seriously doesn't look well. Very pasty.

And compare his new club enthusiasm to this guy who has also had a recent rough trot


Looks like the sickness is winning.

27-10-2017, 11:03 PM
He referred to running out the jet lag, that might be part of it.

28-10-2017, 01:15 AM
Essendon must have already read him the riot act if he has come back 10 days early from a booked holiday.
Or maybe they want him away from his bulldog mates.

28-10-2017, 02:07 AM
Essendon must have already read him the riot act if he has come back 10 days early from a booked holiday.
Or maybe they want him away from his bulldog mates.

We wanted him away from his bulldog mates. We wouldn't have cleared him otherwise.

28-10-2017, 08:42 AM
He might have blown all his cash in Vegas.

28-10-2017, 09:06 AM
We wanted him away from his bulldog mates. We wouldn't have cleared him otherwise.

Well he was on holidays with them.

28-10-2017, 10:21 AM
Well he was on holidays with them.

Yep. Right up until the moment he became an Essendon player. If I were a ex teammate of his I would have told him to *!*!*!*! off back to Melbourne too.

28-10-2017, 10:33 AM
Yep. Right up until the moment he became an Essendon player. If I were a ex teammate of his I would have told him to *!*!*!*! off back to Melbourne too.

You think that really happened ? They knew he was going anyway, just because you change clubs doesn't mean you stop being mates.

28-10-2017, 11:38 AM
You think that really happened ? They knew he was going anyway, just because you change clubs doesn't mean you stop being mates.

I don't know, some would. While they are professionals (supposed to be) but I'm sure there is an element of betrayal from some. If they went holidaying when he was thrown out I doubt they'd cease to be friends after news about him joining the scum.

28-10-2017, 12:44 PM
I don't know, some would. While they are professionals (supposed to be) but I'm sure there is an element of betrayal from some. If they went holidaying when he was thrown out I doubt they'd cease to be friends after news about him joining the scum.

I'm not sure it's betrayal, we traded him away , he didn't want to go, betrayal in work and life ethics yes , but they still went away with him knowing he was doing a lot wrong for over 18 months.

28-10-2017, 12:46 PM
You might not agree with what he has done but you still value him as a freind , I'm sure we all have friends who have stuffed up in life and not turfed them.

28-10-2017, 01:11 PM
I'm not sure it's betrayal, we traded him away , he didn't want to go, betrayal in work and life ethics yes , but they still went away with him knowing he was doing a lot wrong for over 18 months.

How do you know he didn't want to go?

28-10-2017, 01:48 PM
He doesn’t look well either. I kinda feel for him.

I was thinking the same thing looks bloody awful. Hopefully I'm wrong but looks like Jake is dealing with more than one addiction.

28-10-2017, 01:51 PM
You might not agree with what he has done but you still value him as a freind , I'm sure we all have friends who have stuffed up in life and not turfed them.

If I thought a work colleague or friend didn't put in to help achieve what we all aimed to do I think it would test my patience and therefore my friendship with him. It's not much of a friendship if someone in the team especially one with a lot of talent isn't respecting what the others are trying to achieve while still accepting a health pay cheque.

There should be a limit to what you accept even from a friend. This is not a frat house it's a highly professional environment where teams of people are there to help you achieve something special. We should expect more from them.

28-10-2017, 02:43 PM
Is that the worst tattoo ever?

Interesting this tat might've been a last straw, and cost him staying.
Interesting his dropped mark in R23 2014 might've cost BMac.

I wonder whose going to get the 'last straw' being involved with JS?

They say lion, when I first saw it I thought Chewbacca.

28-10-2017, 03:23 PM
They say lion, when I first saw it I thought Chewbacca.https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUTExIVFhUXFhgaFxgYGBgYGBgaGBsXGx4XFxgYHyggGhsl HhgYITEhJSkrLi4uGiAzODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQGi0lHyUtLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAECBwj/xABEEAABAgMFBQUECAUDBAMBAAABAhEAAyEEEjFBUQVhcYGRIjKhsfAGE8HR BxQjQlJicuEzgpKy8RVzokNTs8I0VIMW/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEAQAF/8QAJBEAAgICAgMAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAECEQMhEjEEQVETImEycUL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APUyqOSYkUiOCmL1R5hq9GXoy7HJEbow6Co8h kj2o99M9ygn3SDVsFqwJO7KLj9IW3TZrPdQWmTXSkjFKR3lcWLDjHiOJqfiz ZhGeVaRX42P8A9MkcGoDn11ygqQhJoXyxq3LGATeGA8PN4nV3QSAciGDf5zi Jo9BMOnbNBzx6Hn/gxwuUtB7T8c36UPhHNgthQ95KigYsTeAzbwLF4s4kfZpustCsBkSxonQsDTX CBtrsOk gPZ85E1CklnZ9HKdRqA8cJSE9hTs3ZZqPShzwLjhpAdssLD30hRYByBiniG8 f3iczUTEh6OHF3Ij76BkcyMwY47/pszWYKqWBB/GK1BybqGOUaQQU4uHxzF0ih5fGBp94uhw47SC9DezG5THDOA5Vrurc8FjEEG 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Ua0oRQ6uz8GilErMSsK7eT1fJ65cIugkhFnD/hTjqo3yT5cjFEsrXwMQVV37vhFy2zbyUnQswGDAB26nk0Ly kNxPtgmzdmXiZpwDS0vR1KF2mrO8c7TnBN4pzJRL1ZIIKtzswjtE4pQgVoHG 6848iYDQHmBRHZTgPxKxA4a8oTe9j60TW UJKUpzKfE1J44QpEs3JrO5ZuZoII2vMKplTiT1x5UiVctpRYspQDcAWPB/hBrQEtgws90dqjtTMtVgOOsdT7UUhsKNzJc/LlGrRLYJAy WHjEUxF6YRpXrVvGO77N66C9n2BayLqXz4DedTFikSEybxKk3jkBhoHPqkBb CmE3paVMpwTrwJ Ige2SlFaWBDVAOrl/Ewtvk6CWkRWyc6qBwn/AD5iv7wk92anUv8A1VaLGqyFt4LfqEKZ9kum9iBhuY1HlD4OkJnG2LkoZJP5 h5GOzOKrqQ2Mc2lQdtXPWsZsuzlSrqTVZuJ3D7y QeHJWIbosuwCqUj3iSUlZIQRQhKSQ4/UtzvCQIsFlRLmoWufLDJP3PsytZcAru4nvHkXxEKCKpQhqXUpAbAABO7DEwx tihLQlFGli8reo90cWY8SYqUVVCOTuxZbdjsCUrCgGvDO8onsgfeIFeRiROz FJSq8apQhTCvfNATrdcxxVSwi8xTS9i0xdVL/AJEgq/lhlZ7QwBAYzDfbRIFyUn kE77whUo7pDoStbFPuBorpGRYv9Ol/wDdlf1p cZHa hckedWLDn8ocjuniIyMhU jsfZHaO8n byMJ5mPOMjIVEdIiX8vIw9P8NP 2YyMjp9AR7GqO4P0j 6E20fu/pHmIyMhePsbMCmfxEcvMRJa 6P1GNxkP8Agh weT/FR r5Q62pgOfwjIyAydoPH0zczFP6REaMUcVeaI3GROUsBtX8T1oYKP8A0f0H/wBoyMhnpC/pxN 9wX/bA8nEfpHnGRkZ6N9jTYP/AMlfFHmIZ7Q/ip//AE/ujIyF wl0dK7w4nyMIbbh/V/dGRkOgBIr1py4HzMOfZX NK/25n9qoyMiqHZHMsdn/io4L8lwTtj NM/3pXxjcZFQgSpwV u1f Mwzm/xh mV/wCNMajIS/8AQ H RHGRkZCzT//Z

Looks like him



Happy Days
28-10-2017, 03:53 PM
You can think one of your mates is a dickhead and still be mates with them.

28-10-2017, 04:57 PM
You can think one of your mates is a dickhead and still be mates with them.


Rocco Jones
28-10-2017, 05:00 PM

Myles Barlow! One of my favourite shows of all time.

28-10-2017, 05:22 PM
I can't say I noticed any difference, apart from the awful uniform he was wearing.

The Bulldogs Bite
28-10-2017, 06:01 PM
He definitely doesn’t look like the same happy person that he was about 2 years ago.

Looks a bit like a guy with a lot on his shoulders.

28-10-2017, 06:19 PM
How do you know he didn't want to go?

He said he was shocked and loved the club and everyone , the club got rid of him.

28-10-2017, 06:23 PM
If I thought a work colleague or friend didn't put in to help achieve what we all aimed to do I think it would test my patience and therefore my friendship with him. It's not much of a friendship if someone in the team especially one with a lot of talent isn't respecting what the others are trying to achieve while still accepting a health pay cheque.

There should be a limit to what you accept even from a friend. This is not a frat house it's a highly professional environment where teams of people are there to help you achieve something special. We should expect more from them.

And as a friend if they are having problems you stick by them and try and help you don't just let them go.
He was playing golf with Mitch Wallis who told him he needed to be more committed, you still care and hope they are okay.
Changing clubs could be what he needed and maybe his mates at the club agree for Boths sake but you don't stop being friends.

28-10-2017, 08:05 PM
And as a friend if they are having problems you stick by them and try and help you don't just let them go.
He was playing golf with Mitch Wallis who told him he needed to be more committed, you still care and hope they are okay.
Changing clubs could be what he needed and maybe his mates at the club agree for Boths sake but you don't stop being friends.

I think the difference in our points of view is that you see him as a bit of victim and poor old Jakey and I see him as someone who bludged and even cheated on his mates by not putting in as much as he could. That's also not what friends do to each other.

28-10-2017, 08:14 PM
I think the difference in our points of view is that you see him as a bit of victim and poor old Jakey and I see him as someone who bludged and even cheated on his mates by not putting in as much as he could. That's also not what friends do to each other.

He let down the club, his coaches, his team, his team mates and the fans.

28-10-2017, 08:26 PM
I think the difference in our points of view is that you see him as a bit of victim and poor old Jakey and I see him as someone who bludged and even cheated on his mates by not putting in as much as he could. That's also not what friends do to each other.

Im not condoning what he did at all and don't feel sorry for him but he did go on holiday with some of our players even our captain from last year so I wouldn't say it's a total fall out. Obviously some players still have him as a friend..
I do wonder what the truth is on the whole thing and also why he came back from a booked holiday ten days early.. That's strange in itself.
Seems he has done a lot of things that aren't good but I only see what's in the media and I gather it's much worse.
I'm glad he is gone , I guess the proof will be in the pudding over next season if we improve a lot and where he stands with the bombers.
It's sad To see a guy with that much talent waste it though.

28-10-2017, 08:43 PM
I'm no doctor or psych but that tattoo he has got is really strange and his interview where he wouldn't look at the camera or the interviewer tells me something isn't right in his head, whether he had lost his way or was always a dickhead I don't know but it seems he has been caught out on a lot of things.
Liars will not look people in the eye I was always taught.

Dry Rot
28-10-2017, 09:34 PM
Myles Barlow! One of my favourite shows of all time.

Absolutely. Up there with Danger 5. Best thing that ever came out of Adelaide.


28-10-2017, 10:12 PM
For some reason, when Jake wasn't looking at the camera I'd assumed he was reading off prompts re what to say.

28-10-2017, 10:28 PM
I remember sitting there after the Grand Final and the players were all on their first victory lap, I looked over at Jake and he was in the middle of the ground playing with his kids and by himself at times and Channel 7 ended up getting an interview with him via Darcy. I was thinking then come on Jake get around your teammates this is about your teammates and was chatting to the old man about it, even at that point we both had a bad feeling about it not knowing what was going on. Watching him today I just hope he gets shit right, that wasn't an interview of a healthy person he has a long way to go.

29-10-2017, 09:01 AM
He said he was shocked and loved the club and everyone , the club got rid of him.

Personally, I wouldn't believe a word that comes out his mouth.