View Full Version : 2016 Grand Final Revisited

28-09-2017, 09:30 PM
Following on from BR thread on the 2016 prelim revisited what were our memories/stories as Western Bulldogs supporters on Grand Final day itself?

What a day it was! The best premiership ever! From 7th position to the summit!

Was sitting up Level 4 Olympic Stand near the front and the atmosphere was just amazing all game. Fellow supporters in tears at the end, high fiving, hugging each other. Just a great moment in our clubs history.

Tom Boyd was outstanding. Picko goal in the end to seal it and Zaine's goal to start us. Dale Morris = legend

Watching the players carry the cup around the ground = etched in my memory forever!

Go Dogs!!

28-09-2017, 11:19 PM
That was one intense day. The celebrations in Footscray that night were amazing.

Jam Donuts
29-09-2017, 10:48 AM
That was a hell of a day, even a hell of a week, my better half and I were lucky enough to have the week off work so we took advantage of cramming in as much Doggies stuff as we could, from going to the club for lunch and that was great watching the players walking around and seemingly very relaxed to the Friday parade and then of course the biggest day of all, 55 years I have followed this team and they are the years I can remember.

To see what those boys achieved that day was like a dream to me I still have trouble remembering the day, so to rectify that I watch the tape again and again and again. Funnily enough after the Friday parade we thought that the Swannies boys looked a bit uptight and nervous and that our boys were appearing to be relaxed and smiling and enjoying the experience, this made the grand final a special day because I wasn't really nervous, I thought we could actually win the thing, what a day, just the best, it made the 55 years of disappointments worthwhile.

29-09-2017, 11:55 AM
What a week.

Enjoyed the parade on Friday with a few friends, nervous and anxious the morning of the game. Had a coffee, met up with a mate at the ground early, did a lap and checked out everything out that was going on. Went into Haydn Bunton bar and slowly nursed my way through a beer and took my seat early.

Can't really remember much after that, lots of little moments that stand out. The JJ overturned goal and then Boyd slamming one home from distance and being out of my seat yelling "overturn that one!!!!". Plenty of hugging, and a few tears when Bob got up on stage. Never thought I'd see us play a GF - one of the greatest days of my life.

Bulldog Revolution
29-09-2017, 11:58 AM
I've rewatched the game this week as well as the into the fury 11 minute afl season launch doco

It is a day that filled me with joy

I did make the mistake of leaving the ground and not seeing the players come back into the ground later that night

I'll never make that mistake again

I'm so keen to do it all again - it's made me even hungrier - I'm certain Beveridge is stung by the season and will rectify our 2017

29-09-2017, 12:29 PM
That day was the exclamation mark on the BEST month of my life EVER!!!!!!!

Rocket Science
29-09-2017, 12:51 PM
Sigh. They were such innocent times.


29-09-2017, 02:25 PM
I did make the mistake of leaving the ground and not seeing the players come back into the ground later that night

Me too. I didn't even know they would do that.

In the past I said to my wife, if we win the premiership I probably won't come home for a few days and you will find me passed out somewhere :D, what I meant was I would go out and have a big celebration and get drunk.

After the grand final, all I wanted to do was go home and watch the replay. My wife was shocked I got home just after 6pm.

29-09-2017, 04:09 PM
I still tear up when I tell people about the day. I flew in from the UK the day before, so made it to the GF parade and caught up with some mates. GF day I caught the train in with my cousin and uncle. Great to see all the colour. We walked to the G and I just couldn't believe the amount of people. I sat in the top deck of the Olympic stand, row B. Surrounded by Bulldogs fans. The game itself was riveting, it ebbed and flowed and wasn't until we broke it apart in the last that we held any ascendency. I remember though the guy next to me had his ear tuned to a radio station And he just said 2 minutes to go. I think we were 3 goals up and I remember thinking, shit, we've won it. I duly told the guy next to me and the whisper just seemed to permeate through the crowd! I didn't hear the siren, just the collective roar and crowd leaping to their feet. Magic

29-09-2017, 05:34 PM
When did you think we had it won? Stringer had Bont on long late in the last quarter. All the Swans players were running to cover Bont when Stringer almost smiled and just dinked the ball sideways to Hunter. You could see the Swans players physically slump when they realised we were icing the clock, then Bevo appears in the interchange area. Firstdog said "*!*!*!*! me dead, we are icing the clock in a Grand Final. We've done it, we've done it!" :cool: Then the high fives and stranger hugging startwe.

29-09-2017, 08:28 PM
When did you think we had it won? Stringer had Bont on long late in the last quarter. All the Swans players were running to cover Bont when Stringer almost smiled and just dinked the ball sideways to Hunter. You could see the Swans players physically slump when they realised we were icing the clock, then Bevo appears in the interchange area. Firstdog said "*!*!*!*! me dead, we are icing the clock in a Grand Final. We've done it, we've done it!" :cool: Then the high fives and stranger hugging startwe.

When Tom Boyd kicked that goal I knew we had it.`

https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhUTExMVFhUVGBUXFRUVFRUVGBUVFxUXFxYVFRcYHSggGBol GxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGxAQGy0lICUtLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tKy0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKgBKwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAADAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQYCAwcAAf/EAEEQAAEDAwMBBQUFBQcDBQAAAAEAAhEDBCEFEjFBBiJRYXETMoGRsRRCocH RByNSYvAVcoKSouHxM3PCJDRjsuL/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQBBQAG/8QAKBEAAgMAAgICAgICAwEAAAAAAAECAxESIQQxE0EiUQVxgZEysfFC/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCesmgp1bW48Eks6ZacqgtKwIR32y9MpohF9hVKAhb26 C3V3wFO6lUPRSJvSrh0eubiSiLJ58Uip1TKa2lVVR3CO3pjZ9wvtC6A5QFQo aTK9Kvo2qXZV0a4IW190AEos3wFurvwpE8ZVNahtYak04Rjr0eKgat2WOws6 WpmeVVHGQSTTKjVK4IS6zdlBfa9wTPTacrJrEMpkGF2FOa3QLuFXGzwgL21A UsmXQswjrSyIVHZNgZK1exgoHW7zbT2DlxHya5pI Ix8UMfZ6x9Ns2anrzWiGkAfxGDAGC4jpnAHJ8us1U7Rhjg8bzPDiYnzgdPJT F7Xc47T/Fn4f0VjdXYL5HDcNHpMH vFUZpA5FrZ6452WtIniRjPX vJO9PrtpghxkwXE jiMdJJkrm1vqA9HeeQfjyE6stUDeRtnO0HcSf5RJgeZhYzVI6lSqj58CZRTn 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zSfsbGWMpxRpnlo/EfRF21CiPuD4kn8CULRZIWm7lowgVK30NdnQ71i3pOtagaxgcBuENAMtzz6S PiqKn2iou202Ut7NkCo/aykQxpMb4JnERE4C5w2pVI6wtds/bMOLTxgwV0vH8ZSTUieyXL08OkWtSwuK5ovptpER3Wt7pkBxc17MGB4xyfBR XaGox1zWFNoaxr3MY0SYaw7Bkkk4aOUHXu31BtfWds6t3uM uVpG0Ybwq6fFjVLkjHbNrJPTZSeWkEchE1L955dP Fn6IMuWsvTZ01zeySYUbZxWRk1/TN9S5d4x6AD6JdcOJMkknxOZW91ULQRKWq4Rf4pIyU5S/5PTXTq7Tnjr o8CiRWzB6iWuH3h6eIXxtIHlaa1uWDqWTII95h8R4jyQzTXoz2E1tQrbYZVO 3yMmPhlLadu6s4Mph1R7sz1gHPPHqU10LSal27a3DZ7787Wno5h8T4Lp2g9n 6Vs2GNycl55eepJXL8nyIV6orsoqqlL36F2gdmxTl7wCXEEjMRHBBJH5Kvp0 gRBWHs2jk5Q1xftaYGSuNObk9kXRSisQTv24ao7tpL3Ma0h3smlzwDlu8iHE eGB802vNWYxpdVeGgZJOAo67Y5t2a7X76dy18OGR/0yA34AAfBXfxsG7Of0hHlTyPH7ZnYuEhWOlAQCoV0tKpNK1CAF0fMsWahNVc i4oPgIe6vY6peNS7vKQ3t XO5XMWso4DK51QlZWV Sktq SmTacZWKbiw3UpRC6t3lZMdOUiurqCjrW9BHKOyexEQhkhrdNBbKma3vFNLm/AbypG61du4 qRFaNl PsU0KLvApxa0iAvi8rbxdDfszq1Um1Bx6Ly8n HFC/KkxJWcVlRpyvLypteEcEZOpJdctgry8oZsdnRqbymmltlwXl5YgS3tLaQFtf ZeK8vJieBtGH2PyU3r1oadSYw7I9eo/rxXl5Oha4doZCpSaQC2qByxbW129AQvq8ra73IG2hQGWi6VUu3mnTLAQ0u77 9ogEDHMnIwFUUf2fUw399eNa7qGM3Af4i4T8l5eXN/kPNtrnxi8G0UQktYbS/ZzaVWH2VzWL jyGFk bQAT/mSLU/2dXlEbmBtdv/xyH uw/kSvLykq865dt6Msoh9IDteyN68x7BzfN8M ufwTux7CkGbh88HYzj/E7n5Ly8vW fdNNbn9Bx8euP0U1u2lRAYxoa0dAIC03mpU25LiY4E4X1eXObbG4JbjWXPMN MAoOvqpYO6CT1M i8vKv P8eF82p/QjyLHCPQp12g41fZXG10OAG2duRMR0dBkH6cLDszRNGsbYnfSqA1KR52ubg mC4Ly8u0ox DUsz9EXfydju sPJAOaWry8uPY24neoimY/2ttGUvOrbjhfF5HT3Ej8r8ZdDnS6p5Tx1Q7V5eU032bF9E7q1YiUttNRIPK8 vIv/AJNqWz7M77UiRypurJJOV5eR0m VBLMP/9k=

29-09-2017, 08:58 PM
I spent the week simply enjoying the lead up. For the first time in my life, we were at the big dance. I read every article, watched every TV show on us, and lapped it all up. By the Thursday, nerves were kicking in. I didn't go to the parade, too nervous! Went to lunch with friends instead. Got there on the day at about 11 or so. Spent a good while just roaming around, trying to take it all in. Went in, and on the way to my seat, caught up with an old mate who is an MCC member. Chatted with him, before making my way to my seat. Got myself a drink, which meant I missed most of the pregame entertainment. Jake's (then) missus, Jack Redpath and Will Minson were all at the same bar. I had the same attitude as the week before - we're here, we will give this everything, or as Bont said "Why not us". Level 2, directly behind the Swans cheer squad. Had my headphones but in that noise, didn't hear more than half the game. An atmosphere I'll never forget. I couldn't accept we would win, just had too many heartbreakers over the years. Two minutes to go, I turned to the guy in the next seat and said "We're going to win this game!!!", almost trying to force myself to believe it. Then that siren, and the whole world changed. We had actually done it. I stayed on to see the post game show and the boys come back out. John Schultz walked by, and I had the pleasure of a brief chat with him - true gentleman is the phrase often used. I phoned mum about 30 mins later and even then could barely speak. About 10 Swans fans on their way out, shook my hand and told me to enjoy it all - classy act from them, I appreciated that. I didn't go out afterwards, simply went home to soak it all up. Had a ton of messages from friends too. God I miss that week.

29-09-2017, 11:13 PM
One funny thing I saw in the next bay which was mostly Swans fans. There were a swans couple and he was obviously a lot more invested and I kind of got the feeling she saw a swannie by association. She was wearing a swans cap and scarf and remembering to clap in all the right places. Anyway as the excitement mounted toward end of the game I could see that she was almost involuntarily punching the air at vital moments that broke our way until she took off the cap and scarf and handed them to her companion and shrugged her shoulders as if to say "sorry, go dogs" He didn't know whether to look at her or the game!

30-09-2017, 11:52 AM
I was a nervous and emotional wreck all week. I actually tried to avoid a lot of footy news, reports and shows over the 7 days. The week was long!!!! Friday I did give into the footy programs and watched with a box of tissues.

Game day. Saying goodbye to my wife and son and I burst into tears. I cried on and off through the entire drive down to the G. Once I arrived I was a bit more calm but just anxious and wanted the game to start. Now being a guy that always thinks the worst will happen, my car was going to break down, or I was going to have an accident I made sure I had time to spare if something did go wrong, nothing did and I had close to 4hrs to kill.

I was going to meet my brother as he had something on outside the ground, he was still an hour away so just wandered around. I met him at the kicking contest and watched that. It killed some time. In the end I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get in there, said my goodbyes and off I went.

I think it was about 1 when I entered the ground. Packed a lunch for the first time this season. Couldn't eat it, felt sick. My god these nerves are killing me. I think I got onto Woof via phone for a bit but mostly just waited. Surprisingly it went by so quick and all of a sudden a game was starting. I couldn't even tell you if we had someone playing music pre game.

Gametime and everything is a blur right up until the final siren and remember very little. I remember putting my arm around the guy next to me when JJ kicked that goal (which still infuriates me it was overturned) thinking we've got it. Boyd then kicks a bomb after Morris' tackle on Franklin' BAAAAAAALLLL!!!! "TAKE THAT $^&*$*# GOAL OFF US!!!" (Yes I dropped the F bomb) My voice is gone and thinking we've got this right up until Buddy gets a clearance and sets up a shot on goal, fortunately he misses. "HOW MUCH TIME LEFT" I yell, no answer. Picken kicks a goal! We've got it! Hang on "HOW MUCH TIME LEFT" I yell again, no answer. Play goes on, I'm still thinking we'll find a way to lose. Fortunately the Tissot sign eases my mind and shows how long is left and I start soaking it up. Plenty of tears and hugs for people I've never met and will probably never see again, we're all family on this day. I got so much joy in seeing other supporters faces, we all traveled this long hard road and this is our reward. What a day it was, I'll never forget it. If I make it to a very old age these moments I talk about now will be fresh in my memory. Maybe 2018 we can do it all again?

30-09-2017, 12:35 PM
How awesome it is to see us finally in highlights of a premiership before this years grand final.
We finally have an entity in premiership highlights of the past in colour and can watch us win one in full on grand final eve.

Daughter of the West
30-09-2017, 07:40 PM
I'm another one who left early and now wished I hadn't. Next time, I will definitely stay.

I walked to the train station in the morning. My dad passed away five years ago, and it dawned on me that an old mate of his was a Bloods supporter. I sent him a text saying "(Since dad isn't here to do it...) CARN THE SCRAGGERS!! Hope it's a great game, but we get the right result! Also hope you and the family are all well" and he replied, "Thanks DOTW, been thinking about your dad a lot, these past few weeks. I'm hoping that the Doggies win a close, hard-fought game." First tears of the day. Forwarded it to my sister. More tears from her.

I met a friend for breakfast on the Yarra and walked with the hordes to the ground, getting more and more swept up in it.

The game itself is a blur. I sent my husband a text at 3 quarter time telling him I couldn't take it and I was going to hide in the toilet for the final quarter. Toward the end of the fourth, it dawned on me that the cheers squad were signing Sons of the West. My well trained Bulldog pessimism screamed, "Don't start singing, the siren hasn't gone yet, we could still lose!!!" Then the siren. I was just breathless. I watched the presentation then high tailed to the opposite end of the ground to find my sister.

I have a beautiful photo of the moment my sister and I embraced that day. It still makes me tear up.

01-10-2017, 08:16 PM
Our great fan day. 1st Anniversary.

https://s25.postimg.org/bq6rmks0b/IMG_1408.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/bq6rmks0b/)

The Underdog
02-10-2017, 07:45 PM
I watched it back the other night. Honestly I think Dale Morris may have been BOG. His 1%ers were absolutely critical.

02-10-2017, 09:41 PM
I watched it back the other night. Honestly I think Dale Morris may have been BOG. His 1%ers were absolutely critical.

My immediate reaction after the game was:
3 Boyd
2 Picken
1 JJ (swayed by my Dad having money on JJ, we were stoked!)

But having re-watched multiple times, it's now:
3 Boyd
2 Morris
1 Picken

Moz was immense.

The bulldog tragician
02-10-2017, 10:53 PM
Jack Macrae's game was very underrated and he had an immense last quarter too. The fact that so many could have won it shows how many contributed - I believe that Champion Data said that on statistical influence, Bont was the most important player on the ground.

Raw Toast
09-10-2017, 03:55 PM
I watched it back the other night. Honestly I think Dale Morris may have been BOG. His 1%ers were absolutely critical.

I had him as BOG at the time, and a, ah, few replays have not changed my mind on this.