View Full Version : How Susan Alberti helped save the Western Bulldogs from extinction and turn the club into a success

Axe Man
23-10-2017, 10:57 AM
How Susan Alberti helped save the Western Bulldogs from extinction and turn the club into a success (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/teams/western-bulldogs/how-susan-alberti-helped-save-the-western-bulldogs-from-extinction-and-turn-the-club-into-a-success/news-story/2c3693c04808c8d05e46851507291a41)

https://s1.postimg.org/2978787onz/63fa87da607165f283d04a1497016cbc.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

FORMER Western Bulldogs boss Campbell Rose has spoken of the dire state of the club 15 years ago and Susan Alberti’s role in keeping it alive.

Rose revealed the Dogs’ finances and decaying Whitten Oval facility were literally on the nose in late 2002.

“Every night the gas would build up in both sets of toilets, and the vents were blocked so all of the toilets would blow out overnight,” Rose said.

“There would be no water in the S-bend, so every morning the whole place stank of s---.

“People would get sick. You’d bring files home and they’d smell, they’d make the room smell.

“The place had no asset maintenance, no investment. It wasn’t a matter of making ends meet. They were too far apart. These days were very dark, very dark indeed.”

In a book on the life of Alberti, The Footy Lady, Rose reveals how the trailblazing businesswoman agreed to stump up $1 million of her own money to kickstart an emergency club fundraiser.

“I had a concept that involved lining up all the dominoes to materialise $20 million in a short space of time,” Rose said in the book.

“She came back within a few hours and said yes, she was with me. If Sue hadn’t of done that, my plan wouldn’t have worked. If I hadn’t had a leadership gift, a leader within the Bulldogs community, putting their faith in me, the whole concept would have failed.

“By believing in me and what I was aiming for, Sue gave me the ability to look other high-net-worth individuals in the eye and ask for their commitment.

“We raised $32 million. We shifted it from hopless, hapless and helpless to an environment of pride, success and excellence. On that journey, I cannot acknowledge, recognise and thank Sue Alberti enough for what she did.”

The book reveals Alberti donated more than $4 million to the Bulldogs over a dozen years, serving as a club director and vice-president.

Her lifelong love affair with the Dogs culminated in last year’s Grand Final triumph over Sydney.

Rose also details a conversation with the late Collingwood board member Nuno D’Aquino after accepting the Bulldogs’ top job.

“We talked over coffee and he (D’Aquino) asked, ‘Why did you take that job Campbell? It is a road to nowhere ... you will leave that club, with it in a pine box. The AFL will relocate it to Queensland.”

Former Bulldogs director George Pappas said Alberti’s appointment as one of footy’s first female board members was initially met with cynicism.

“There was concern she might want to run things, get involved in the colour of the jumpers ... because she likes to go into detail,” Pappas said.

“(But) Sue was a network in her own right ... and to be quite blunt, we needed people on there who had money.”

Rose added: “I could see there was something special about Sue. I said to (president) David Smorgon that we needed diversity around the board table.

“In no way do I mean our board was anti-woman, but if you swim around in the fish bowl long enough after a while you end up drinking your own shit.

“You don’t understand the environment you’re creating. And anything that challenges that is a shock. You don’t necessarily ask if maybe there’s a different way of doing things. And I could see that Sue could bring that dimension.”

Alberti, 70, was a major driver behind the establishment of the AFLW women’s league and famously took on and beat The Footy Show in a 2009 defamation case.

She was made a life member of the Western Bulldogs two years ago.

The Footy Lady: The Trailblazing Story of Susan Alberti by Stephanie Asher (Melbourne University Publishing, out 1 November)

RRP $29.99

Preorder now at mup.com.au

Ghost Dog
23-10-2017, 02:26 PM
I'd buy that book. Susan is awesome. The fact we have a childcare centre out the front of our ground speaks volumes about us and what we stand for.

23-10-2017, 04:17 PM
I'm going to buy the book because A. Susan Alberti is awesome and B. Just to help give back to someone who has given so much.

23-10-2017, 05:47 PM
Just placed an order for the book.
Bought it for my wife, but l will read it too.:)

24-10-2017, 12:09 AM
4 million bucks...

Four. Million. Dollars.

I reckon I'd kick in 4 mil to the footy club I love if I could afford it. But that's easy for me to say because I'm never going to have 4 million dollars to give to the club. I wonder how I'd go walking the walk?

You've got to admire Susan Alberti.

24-10-2017, 03:22 AM
Susan is a fantastic women and really where would We be without her. She has put in not just the dollars but endless hours of her time.

I am in a business group that has been formed by Campbell Rose. Susan of course is a member of the group as are a lot of high powered business people. Don’t under estimate Campbell’s passion for the club, he has brought together over a 100 people into the group. He helped raise the dollars to get us out of strife as well as to redevelop VU Whitten oval.

We have some great people involved with the club and we are no longer a minnow

24-10-2017, 08:54 AM
Campbell Rose turned the club around financially, problem was he wasn't looking after the football side of things, I remember they bought in Fantasia as a go between , I think rocket ( might be wrong ) was coach at the time and he was doing everything, and didn't get on with Rose because of that.
No ones to blame I guess , Rockets job was the footy and Campbell's was the money side.
In the end were are a footy club and needed succes on the field.
By the time Campbell left we were in good shape and PG came in and was able to start putting money into the football side of things.
Smorgan, Rose and Alberti are the reason we still exist, PG was able to take us to the next step because of them. It's funny how it came full circle as the above 3 wouldn't have been able to do anything if peter hadn't done what they did in his previous term.

24-10-2017, 03:18 PM
4 million bucks...

Four. Million. Dollars.

I reckon I'd kick in 4 mil to the footy club I love if I could afford it. But that's easy for me to say because I'm never going to have 4 million dollars to give to the club. I wonder how I'd go walking the walk?

You've got to admire Susan Alberti.

I don't admire her, I love her. What a person.

And good to see Herald Sun editorial standards are still crud.

24-10-2017, 08:38 PM
Susan is a fantastic women and really where would We be without her. She has put in not just the dollars but endless hours of her time.

I am in a business group that has been formed by Campbell Rose. Susan of course is a member of the group as are a lot of high powered business people. Don’t under estimate Campbell’s passion for the club, he has brought together over a 100 people into the group. He helped raise the dollars to get us out of strife as well as to redevelop VU Whitten oval.

We have some great people involved with the club and we are no longer a minnow

Does Rose still follow the club or have any involvement? What's he up to now, professionally?

24-10-2017, 09:07 PM
Does Rose still follow the club or have any involvement? What's he up to now, professionally?

Yes Rose does follow the club, the group I mentioned was formed this year, we are called Red White and Blue, and solely set up for networking. There are a few ex players in the group as well, plus politicians like the State Treasurer, and many other captains of industry. (not sure how I was invited :D)

Rose is CEO of VICTRack, a government agency responsible for looking after the assets of the railways and trams.

24-10-2017, 09:11 PM
Yes Rose does follow the club, the group I mentioned was formed this year, we are called Red White and Blue, and solely set up for networking. There are a few ex players in the group as well, plus politicians like the State Treasurer, and many other captains of industry. (not sure how I was invited :D)

Rose is CEO of VICTRack, a government agency responsible for looking after the assets of the railways and trams.

They'll find a use for you.........eventually.

24-10-2017, 09:17 PM
Yes Rose does follow the club, the group I mentioned was formed this year, we are called Red White and Blue, and solely set up for networking. There are a few ex players in the group as well, plus politicians like the State Treasurer, and many other captains of industry. (not sure how I was invited :D)

Rose is CEO of VICTRack, a government agency responsible for looking after the assets of the railways and trams.

Sounds great!

Prince Imperial
24-10-2017, 09:18 PM
Does Rose still follow the club or have any involvement? What's he up to now, professionally?

CEO at Vic Track. On the board of the WB Forever Foundation and central to setting up the RWB business group that bornadog is talking about.

Strangely there is no link to it on our club's website but you can read about the Foundation and RWB at this address:


24-10-2017, 09:21 PM
CEO at Vic Track. On the board of the WB Forever Foundation and central to setting up the RWB business group that bornadog is talking about.

Strangely there is no link to it on our club's website but you can read about the Foundation and RWB at this address:


Are you a member?

Prince Imperial
24-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Are you a member?

No. I'm just a pleb!

24-10-2017, 10:51 PM
They'll find a use for you.........eventually.

The kitchen is probably crammed with dirty dishes and everyone is saying "wheres BAD?":D

24-10-2017, 11:25 PM
The kitchen is probably crammed with dirty dishes and everyone is saying "wheres BAD?":D

Haha, in fact just got back (tonight) from three weeks holiday in Europe - so they must be piling up. :D

25-10-2017, 01:04 AM
Campbell Rose came to the dogs from the racing game , was in charge of the trots I think.

25-10-2017, 09:12 AM
Campbell Rose came to the dogs from the racing game , was in charge of the trots I think.

He has had a number of positions, but not trots. Before being CEO at the club, he was in charge of the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

25-10-2017, 09:16 AM
Susan is a wonderful supporter of our club. Who knows where we would be without her generosity and her commitment to the cause.

Axe Man
25-10-2017, 09:35 AM
They'll find a use for you.........eventually.

Patsy? Fall-guy? Scapegoat? ;)

Remi Moses
26-10-2017, 09:39 AM
What a legend

Remi Moses
26-10-2017, 09:41 AM
Susan is a wonderful supporter of our club. Who knows where we would be without her generosity and her commitment to the cause.

I’m tipping we’d be stuffed

26-10-2017, 11:11 AM
Come the moment, come the woman.

13-12-2017, 02:38 PM
Went to a CPA lunch today with the guest speaker Susan. She spoke for around an hour, talking about how she started off in life, her first husband, her daughter, and her work for Diabetes Australia. Then she spent some time on AFLW.

I can say, she is so inspirational and a pleasure to listen to. The room was filled with a bunch of accountants, and even they were inspired :D. If you get a chance to attend a function where Susan is the guest speaker, it is highly recommended.

13-12-2017, 04:17 PM
Thanks for sharing bad. Now we all know you are an accountant too ��.

13-12-2017, 05:46 PM
Thanks for sharing bad. Now we all know you are an accountant too ��.

Haha, yeah I am a CPA but haven't done accounting work for a very long time.

15-12-2017, 08:52 AM
Haha, yeah I am a CPA but haven't done accounting work for a very long time.

Don't blame you...

Axe Man
15-12-2017, 09:34 AM
Thanks for sharing bad. Now we all know you are an accountant too ��.

Haha, yeah I am a CPA but haven't done accounting work for a very long time.

Don't blame you...

Hey! I'm a CPA and work as an accountant. Could be worse, I could be an auditor.

Bulldog Joe
15-12-2017, 09:55 AM
Hey! I'm a CPA and work as an accountant. Could be worse, I could be an auditor.

Did they invent auditor's to make it seem that everyday accountants had a personality?

Axe Man
15-12-2017, 10:42 AM
Did they invent auditor's to make it seem that everyday accountants had a personality?

Yep, and then they had to invent actuaries to make auditors seem cool.

15-12-2017, 11:17 AM
Hey! I'm a CPA and work as an accountant. Could be worse, I could be an auditor.

I think you will find that the proper term is "the *!*!*!*!ing auditor" anyway that's what they call him where I work. "Quick here comes the *!*!*!*!ing auditor" they say. Then we all have to hide for a while.

Daughter of the West
19-12-2017, 03:21 PM
Any CAs in the house? And no, I'm not an auditor either.

19-12-2017, 03:49 PM
Any CAs in the house? And no, I'm not an auditor either.

My wife's a CA... but seriously she's quite fun. :)

I'm in strategy, which is kind of what CA's would be like if they worked in the old wild west!

Axe Man
15-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Susan has today ruled herself out of the running for the Lord Mayor of Melbourne

PROMINENT Melbourne businesswoman and philanthropist Susan Alberti today ruled herself out of the lord mayor race.

The current Melburnian of the Year said many people had encouraged her to run for the top job at Town Hall but said she had many other commitments.

“I have a lot that I want to achieve in 2018 including a continued focus on women in sport and medical research, which would not have been able to receive my full attention if I ran for the position of Lord Mayor,’’ Ms Alberti said.

“The role is a very important one. It not only provides leadership for our city, but also impacts on thousands of ratepayers, staff and other stakeholders who live, work, visit or own a business in the City of Melbourne.”

Ms Alberti wished Robert Doyle well in his recovery.

A poll to elect a new lord mayor for Melbourne will be held on Saturday May 12.

Link (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/melbourne-lord-mayor-election-date-announced-after-robert-doyle-resignation/news-story/b5602e478a866f71e258482d3ca78e48)

16-02-2018, 12:19 AM
Life is too short.

24-02-2018, 08:15 PM
Anyone know what this is about?

“Dogs at war: Club patron denied entry to match” - apparently in regards to Susan. I’m not a H-Sun subscriber so can’t read it.

24-02-2018, 08:20 PM

Statement from Bulldogs President Peter Gordon

February 24, 2018 4:08 PM

I became aware this afternoon of a statement Sue Alberti made to Michael Warner of the Herald Sun today.

The Board and senior management of the club had previously been made aware of a number of issues at our first AFLW home game related to Sue and her support staff and her film crew.

Because of our relationship and her history, I had reached out to her to meet to discuss these matters privately over a coffee. The Board unanimously supported this approach.

Sue was unavailable to meet until after this weekend.

The matters of which she has now publicly complained occurred in the context of the first game. When I became aware of last night’s incidents, I reached out to her again to meet to discuss the position and she agreed this morning to meet early next week.

I regret that she has ventilated one part of the story in the media.

I stand by the policies and actions of our staff and management. No-one was excluded from the Whitten Oval last night.

It is still my hope and judgment that the matter is best resolved by a frank discussion between me and Sue, and the club will make no further comment until after that meeting has taken place.

I want to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of our paid and volunteer staff who once again catered for 9000 people at VU Whitten Oval last night, including a number of different events in our function areas, as well as media, AFL and football department operations.

I want to express the club’s gratitude to everyone from the LGBTIQ community and the Bulldogs’ own Pride Group, who generated so many community activities, all at our home ground last night.

And of course, I hope that appropriate attention will be focussed on the magnificent record-breaking achievements of our players last night.

Exclusive to westernbulldogs.com.au

24-02-2018, 08:24 PM
Thank you.

Hmm, not ideal :/

24-02-2018, 08:26 PM
Thank you.

Hmm, not ideal :/

Yeah only heard about it today.

25-02-2018, 12:04 AM
Copied from the HS (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/aflw/aflw-founder-susan-alberti-denied-entry-to-whitten-oval/news-story/a0cbc675bc8bb6b3e71256f653be56dd)

AFLW founder Susan Alberti ‘humiliated’ after being denied entry to match
Michael Warner, Sunday Herald Sun
Subscriber only

A BITTER fight has split the Western Bulldogs, with president Peter Gordon and patron Susan Alberti at war.

The female footy trailblazer said she was left “sad and *!humiliated” after being denied entry to Whitten Oval through the main entrance at Friday night’s AFLW match.

It was the second time this season she has been turned away from that entrance at the club which has benefited from $4 million of her money.

The Whitten Oval main gate is used for entry by players, club officials, league officials and the media, but not the general public.

“I’m sad, extremely disappointed, but most of all humiliated,” Ms Alberti told the Sunday Herald Sun.

“I can’t believe it’s happened at my home of 66 years — that place is a part of my life. But I will continue to love and support the Western Bulldogs.

The bizarre incident is understood to have inflamed long-running tensions between Ms Alberti and Mr Gordon, which began around the time she left the Dogs board after the drought-breaking 2016 flag win.

She is bewildered by what is behind this series of events,” a friend said. “What happened on Friday night was the final straw.”

On Saturday, Mr Gordon shot back, releasing a statement after the Sunday Herald Sun broke the story online.

He said the board and senior management were aware “of a number of issues at our first AFLW home game related to Sue and her support staff and her film crew”.

“Because of our relationship and her history, I had reached out to her to meet to discuss these matters privately over a coffee,” Mr Gordon said.

“Sue was unavailable to meet until after this weekend.

“When I became aware of last night’s incidents, I reached out to her again to meet to discuss the position. I stand by the policies and actions of our staff and management.

“No one was excluded from the Whitten Oval.

“It is still my hope and judgment that the matter is best resolved by a frank discussion between me and Sue, and the club will make no further comment until after that meeting has taken place.”

The premiership-winning duo will sit down for talks to try and resolve their issues. But it could be a long meeting, with Ms Alberti saying last night: “I’m disappointed in the comments made by Peter Gordon, they don’t address the issue that I was denied access to an entrance I’ve always used.”

Ms Alberti said security at the entrance told her she was not on the list of those permitted to enter there.

“I asked him (security) to get on the radio and check,” Ms Alberti said. “He came back and said the answer was no.”

She said she understood from her film crew they had permission to enter the ground.

Ms Alberti’s husband, Colin North, defended the actions of security staff. “The guard wasn’t at fault. He was simply doing the job he was asked to do,” he said.

Ms Alberti made it into the ground on Friday when a senior club figure stepped in to resolve the situation.

AFLW boss Nicole Livingstone and AFL staff were made aware of the incident.

Ms Alberti, 70, was a Bulldogs director for 12 years and vice-president for three years.

She was named 2017 Melburnian of the Year and has a Companion of the Order of Australia in 2016.


ASK anybody hanging over the fence at the Whitten Oval who helped bring the Bulldogs back from the brink and they’ll only issue two names.

Peter Gordon and Susan Alberti are as synonymous among fans as the club’s biggest stars. And for good reason. Growing up in West Footscray, Mr Gordon is best known for his role as a two-time president who worked furiously to stop an enforced merger with Fitzroy.

And over more than a dozen years as club director and vice president, Ms Alberti has been hailed for her enormous generosity, donating more than $4 million to help bring the club back from financial ruin. Together the pair played equally defining roles in the club’s enormous fightback that culminated in a 2016 premiership win.

Sources suggest Mr Gordon, who was recognised this year with an Order of Australia, has become increasingly frustrated with the beloved benefactor’s “access-all-areas attitude” when she no longer serves in any official capacity. In the past two years, Ms Alberti has gone on to earn credit for driving the new era of women’s footy. Yet, on Friday night, it was at a women’s game at Whitten Oval at which she was refused entry.

Really not starting our season on a high note.

25-02-2018, 06:42 AM
Sounds very petty.
If Sue didn't have time to meet this week what made her think there would be a change in policy?

25-02-2018, 08:41 AM
I don't think anyone likes reading this sort of conflict by two beloved figures at our club. I hope the meeting is held soon and an understanding is achieved.

25-02-2018, 09:31 AM
I don't want to have to turn my back on either of them but if I am forced it will be PG every time. Sorry sue but you weren't there at Fightback in 1989 and those relationships are forged in fire.

25-02-2018, 10:07 AM
I don't want to have to turn my back on either of them but if I am forced it will be PG every time. Sorry sue but you weren't there at Fightback in 1989 and those relationships are forged in fire.

I don't think it's an appropriate time to be talking about taking sides in a dispute between two highly respected people who have been with us through the good and many bad times. Commonsense will prevail here and it will be sorted out.

25-02-2018, 10:16 AM
Sounds like 2 strong personalities have collided. Hopefully their mutual love of the club mends any rift.

Happy Days
25-02-2018, 10:31 AM
She was definitely still at the game for what it's worth.

Remi Moses
25-02-2018, 10:34 AM
This will get sorted

25-02-2018, 03:32 PM
I don't think it's an appropriate time to be talking about taking sides in a dispute between two highly respected people who have been with us through the good and many bad times. Commonsense will prevail here and it will be sorted out.

I'd like to be as confident.

25-02-2018, 05:26 PM
This will get sorted

Less chance of Stringer winning the Brownlow

The Adelaide Connection
25-02-2018, 07:36 PM
There is every possibility that this is clutching at article straws from a media that have been denied any real stories from us and certailnly the controversies that plagued us last year.

HS Journo: "There was a mix up with a prominent ex-club figure denied entrance in what was probably a minor mix up"

Sue: "Yeah I was a bit disappointed they forgot to put me on the list."
PG: "Yeah there was a bit of a mix up but she was trying to get in with a film crew, meeting up with her to see if we can get it sorted."


25-02-2018, 07:37 PM
The stuff about the film crew sticks out to me as where the root cause might be. Not really that interesting of a story to be honest.

25-02-2018, 10:24 PM
The stuff about the film crew sticks out to me as where the root cause might be. Not really that interesting of a story to be honest.

Yeah I agree,

Not sure if it's a media build up or if Sue has over reacted a tad here. For whatever the reason is for not allowing her and her film crew in via the main gate, she should of kept her head and sorted it out afterwards with PG or whoever. The public forum and front page of the Hun isn't the place for a petty squabble.

25-02-2018, 10:36 PM
It almost sounds like entitled behaviour.

25-02-2018, 10:43 PM
Both Peter and Susan are huge figures of our club. Peter our current president and Susan former vice president and board member for many years and huge supporter for women's footy. Both have put lots of money into the club. Hopefully they resolve this soon and then the media can focus on something else.

26-02-2018, 12:07 PM
I don't like it when Mum and Dad are arguing.

26-02-2018, 12:28 PM
There was increased security on Friday night as the Governor of Victoria Linda Dessau was in attendance, and she is acting Governor General (Administrator of the Commonwealth).

always right
26-02-2018, 03:30 PM
It’s beneath both of them. Isn’t always a media beat up.

26-02-2018, 03:55 PM
It’s beneath both of them. Isn’t always a media beat up.

Not saying it's not an issue but is it worthy of front page of the HUN?

26-02-2018, 04:21 PM
The story is continued in the HUN again, apparently our man Coons on SEN has called the situation disgraceful.

As far as I can tell, Alberti - who has no official role at the club - is trying to repeatedly use an entrance that is reserved for club officials, players, and AFL/AFLW personnel. Is this correct?

26-02-2018, 04:23 PM
The story is continued in the HUN again, apparently our man Coons on SEN has called the situation disgraceful.

As far as I can tell, Alberti - who has no official role at the club - is trying to repeatedly use an entrance that is reserved for club officials, players, and AFL/AFLW personnel. Is this correct?

Apparently so.

HUN just trying to sensationalise something that is not even news worthy

26-02-2018, 04:40 PM
Apparently so.

HUN just trying to sensationalise something that is not even news worthy

Then wouldn't Alberti just use another gate?

26-02-2018, 04:42 PM
The story is continued in the HUN again, apparently our man Coons on SEN has called the situation disgraceful.

As far as I can tell, Alberti - who has no official role at the club - is trying to repeatedly use an entrance that is reserved for club officials, players, and AFL/AFLW personnel. Is this correct?

That's the sound of it. With the addition that she has a film crew following her around (assuming making a documentary of some sort about women's football), and the security wouldn't let them all in via the player's entrance.

26-02-2018, 04:50 PM
Cooney was one of my favourite players of all time. Can't stand the bloke now. Tries to bring the club down any chance he gets

26-02-2018, 04:58 PM
That's the sound of it. With the addition that she has a film crew following her around (assuming making a documentary of some sort about women's football), and the security wouldn't let them all in via the player's entrance.

From an article I read today, the film crew was from a community TV outfit that has ties to the western suburbs. I wonder if she sought prior approval from the club to use a special entrance rather than the general entrance.

Happy Days
26-02-2018, 05:25 PM
From an article I read today, the film crew was from a community TV outfit that has ties to the western suburbs. I wonder if she sought prior approval from the club to use a special entrance rather than the general entrance.

Aren't the entrances next to each other?

Like, within 20m of one another?

26-02-2018, 05:36 PM
Given that she had to use a different entrance in round one, I would have thought the solution was simple - until she received word from the club that she had regained access through that gate (which she clearly hadnt) then she needed to use the general access gate.

Whether she deserves to be able to access the ground via the main entry is debatable, but not a front page story. It's disappointing that after a record breaking match this is what got put on the front page.

26-02-2018, 06:49 PM
Here's an article talking about the incident. Apparently things were really bad last year, not least of all because of how our womens team performed........funny, no mention of how well it's performing this year!


26-02-2018, 07:42 PM
Apparently Susan was upset at being denied access to the player rooms straight after the round 1 game against Fremantle. This was a request from the team to keep all non-officials out of the rooms immediately after the game to allow the players some time to recover. It was a very hot day and the rooms get very hot and stuffy when full of wellwishers.

Then to make matters worse, Susan was denied access via the players and officials entry on Friday night (Easton Wood was also denied entry through this access point - he didn't have a hissy fit) as extra security was required for the attendance of Linda Dessau (Govenor of Victoria), and the security firm hired by the venue apparently went a little overboard in denying entry to anyone not "on the list".

So there we have it - our football club has plummeted into crisis yet again (apparently), this time due to GateGate.

26-02-2018, 08:43 PM
And now ve shall examine ze lisssst.

26-02-2018, 10:12 PM
Apparently Susan was upset at being denied access to the player rooms straight after the round 1 game against Fremantle. This was a request from the team to keep all non-officials out of the rooms immediately after the game to allow the players some time to recover. It was a very hot day and the rooms get very hot and stuffy when full of wellwishers.

Then to make matters worse, Susan was denied access via the players and officials entry on Friday night (Easton Wood was also denied entry through this access point - he didn't have a hissy fit) as extra security was required for the attendance of Linda Dessau (Govenor of Victoria), and the security firm hired by the venue apparently went a little overboard in denying entry to anyone not "on the list".

So there we have it - our football club has plummeted into crisis yet again (apparently), this time due to GateGate.

Thank you for that. I think it is fair enough of the security firm to follow instructions. But the issue for me is who spoke to the HUN and made this a big deal

26-02-2018, 11:31 PM
The Article below has been taken from the Herald Sun. There was a main page spread in the weekend papers.

I went to the first AFLW Bulldogs match and tried to go through the main entrance (where the reception desk is), as I had done in previous years. I showed my Bulldogs Women's membership card but was told 'not today' and asked to go in through the gate near Barkley Street.

The security guard was only letting AFL officials in through that door, and no-one else. You could exit through that door though, but if you wanted to come back in it mean the long round trip.

I think that the same happened to Susan Alberti and her entourage. It happened in match one and again for match four. I don't know if anything else happened. I do remember the crowd in the E J Whitten Stand giving Susan a standing ovation when she went to sit there last year.

So Susan got a little bit upset and embarrassed, she probably thought that she deserved a little more respect, had some clout. But apparently not.

The incidents then found their way into the newspaper. Peter Gordon made a public statement on Sunday basically saying that she has to go around and can't come in through the official's entrance. He would like to talk to her about that.

My opinion - let her go in through the main entrance - strewth. What do you guys think?

Herald-Sun Article

EVER SINCE winning the AFL premiership in 2016, the Western Bulldogs troubles have continued to pile up.

They followed up their historic Grand Final victory by missing the 2017 finals series on the back of going 11-11 throughout the season.

The failure made them only the second team since the AFL adopted an eight-team finals system to miss the finals after winning the flag. The first was Hawthorn in 2009.

Sadly the misery of the 2017 season also hit their AFLW side as the team only managed two wins from seven games and finished third last on the ladder.

While many were hoping the 2018 season would bring about a new outlook and fresh hope, it has started off on shaky ground.

Former vice president of the Bulldogs and founder of the AFLW, Susan Alberti, has voiced her displeasure with the club after an incident during Friday night’s game.

Alberti was denied entry into the AFLW game between the Bulldogs and Carlton at Whitten Oval as she tried to walk through the main entrance.

The denial of entry makes it two times already this season she has been turned away.

While the main entrance into Whitten Oval is not for the general public, Alberti’s long serving tenure and close relationship with the club shouldn’t have led to this situation.

Alberti celebrated the premiership with the team on the MCG turf.
Alberti celebrated the premiership with the team on the MCG turf.Source:News Corp Australia

“I’m sad, extremely disappointed, but most of all humiliated,” Ms Alberti told the Herald Sun.

“I can’t believe it’s happened at my home of 66 years.”

Alberti is said to have a long-running feud with the Bulldogs current president Peter Gordon and this incident has reignited the tensions.

While the duo helped saved the Bulldogs from a merger, Alberti has chipped in more than $4 million to help the club’s financials.

But after stepping down from the board following the Bulldogs premiership triumph, Gordon reportedly isn’t happy with the preferential treatment Alberti receives.

Driving the impact of the AFLW into existence Alberti’s place in football history, not just the women’s game, has earned her the right to be considered more than just a member of the general public.

Gordon responded to the incident and stated he has reached out and hopes to discuss the matter privately.

“It is still my hope and judgment that the matter is best resolved by a frank discussion between me and Sue, and the club will make no further comment until after that meeting has taken place,” Gordon said in a statement.

Sadly those discussions could be a little bit turbulent with Alberti firing back at the president’s statement and the simple fact he did not address the incident at hand.

“I’m disappointed in the comments made by Peter Gordon, they don’t address the issue that I was denied access to an entrance I’ve always used,” Alberti said to the Herald Sun.

For a team hoping to turn their fortunes around heading into the 2018 season, a fractured relationship between the club’s president and a long tenured board member isn’t an ideal starting place.

Fans of the team will be hoping the feud doesn’t turn into a complete divide among the club and potentially derail a surge back up the AFL ladder.

Peter Gordon's reply
I became aware this afternoon of a statement Sue Alberti made to Michael Warner of the Herald Sun today.

The Board and senior management of the club had previously been made aware of a number of issues at our first AFLW home game related to Sue and her support staff and her film crew.

Because of our relationship and her history, I had reached out to her to meet to discuss these matters privately over a coffee. The Board unanimously supported this approach.

Sue was unavailable to meet until after this weekend.

The matters of which she has now publicly complained occurred in the context of the first game. When I became aware of last night’s incidents, I reached out to her again to meet to discuss the position and she agreed this morning to meet early next week.

I regret that she has ventilated one part of the story in the media.

I stand by the policies and actions of our staff and management. No-one was excluded from the Whitten Oval last night.

It is still my hope and judgment that the matter is best resolved by a frank discussion between me and Sue, and the club will make no further comment until after that meeting has taken place.

I want to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of our paid and volunteer staff who once again catered for 9000 people at VU Whitten Oval last night, including a number of different events in our function areas, as well as media, AFL and football department operations.

I want to express the club’s gratitude to everyone from the LGBTIQ community and the Bulldogs’ own Pride Group, who generated so many community activities, all at our home ground last night.

And of course, I hope that appropriate attention will be focussed on the magnificent record-breaking achievements of our players last night.

26-02-2018, 11:53 PM
There’s discussion within the Alberti thread already......a little more context to take in too.

27-02-2018, 12:51 AM
Apparently Susan was upset at being denied access to the player rooms straight after the round 1 game against Fremantle. This was a request from the team to keep all non-officials out of the rooms immediately after the game to allow the players some time to recover. It was a very hot day and the rooms get very hot and stuffy when full of wellwishers.

Then to make matters worse, Susan was denied access via the players and officials entry on Friday night (Easton Wood was also denied entry through this access point - he didn't have a hissy fit) as extra security was required for the attendance of Linda Dessau (Govenor of Victoria), and the security firm hired by the venue apparently went a little overboard in denying entry to anyone not "on the list".

So there we have it - our football club has plummeted into crisis yet again (apparently), this time due to GateGate.



27-02-2018, 03:48 AM
The world works in roundabouts. So on these occasions, Sue needed to walk around the ground a bit. On GF Day, she got to go onto the ground at the MCG immediately after the siren and celebrate the premiership. Over the past 18 months, I don't see too much to write about in terms of overall club access. Sue has been a god send to this club, but giving up an 'own goal' to a media outlet with an axe to grind doesn't befit her tremendous legacy. With any luck that's the end of it.

27-02-2018, 09:53 AM
Thank you for that. I think it is fair enough of the security firm to follow instructions. But the issue for me is who spoke to the HUN and made this a big deal

If what we read is correct, Susan Alberti spoke directly to Michael Warner about it, making it a story.

27-02-2018, 10:01 AM
Just give her a special pass and let her use the bloody gate.
She's earned the right as far as I'm concerned. Problem solved.

27-02-2018, 10:38 AM
If what we read is correct, Susan Alberti spoke directly to Michael Warner about it, making it a story.

If true, then I lose a little respect. I can't believe she would do such thing, but who knows.

27-02-2018, 10:40 AM
Just give her a special pass and let her use the bloody gate.
She's earned the right as far as I'm concerned. Problem solved.

How many special passes do you give out? There are plenty of people who have helped the club over the years. Take the number one ticket holder, he puts in big dollars but doesn't expect to be treated like a king.

There has to be some rules around running a club.

27-02-2018, 11:22 AM
Just give her a special pass and let her use the bloody gate.
She's earned the right as far as I'm concerned. Problem solved.

Let me play the Devil's advocate here. What happens is

Does the pass cover her entourage? And her own security tail or ? Even though the Guv is in the house so security is already in a tizz about the Guv bringing in external parties. Then you made the enquiry about whether being glared at by the Guv when you refused one of her party entry equates to roughly the same thing as their name being on the list and was given a very firm 'No' so this woman who isn't the Guv has got no chance. I'm all for a simple answer and a quiet life but just how much do we change around? How much can we change given the governors presence.?

27-02-2018, 01:32 PM
How many special passes do you give out? There are plenty of people who have helped the club over the years. Take the number one ticket holder, he puts in big dollars but doesn't expect to be treated like a king.

There has to be some rules around running a club.

Alan Johnstone our current number 1 ticket holder.

27-02-2018, 05:22 PM
There's a little thing called 'common sense' that seems to have been mislaid somewhere along the line. I hope it's located soon and put back in use.

27-02-2018, 05:27 PM
Can this thread be merged with the discussion here (https://www.woof.net.au/forum/showthread.php?17538-How-Susan-Alberti-helped-save-the-Western-Bulldogs-from-extinction-and-turn-the-club-into-a-success/page6)

27-02-2018, 07:12 PM
There's a little thing called 'common sense' that seems to have been mislaid somewhere along the line. I hope it's located soon and put back in use.

Common sense " oh okay I will use the other gate" .
Well we know our men's captain has it, that's a plus.

27-02-2018, 07:22 PM
Just give her a special pass and let her use the bloody gate.
She's earned the right as far as I'm concerned. Problem solved.

While I agree in principle from what I hear I think problem was more around the film crew getting the same access.
I agree that Sue and her husband should have something that gives them access but if you are bringing guests you simply have to organise that in advance and that should apply to everyone.

27-02-2018, 07:32 PM
While I agree in principle from what I hear I think problem was more around the film crew getting the same access.
I agree that Sue and her husband should have something that gives them access but if you are bringing guests you simply have to organise that in advance and that should apply to everyone.

There's a measure of common sense. G is right of course if anyone has earned special privelidges it is Susan Alberi and I would be happy to defend her right to those privelidges with anyone.

But I'm not going to argue the entire entourage's right to it. Especially on an ad-hoc basis on a night when the Governer is in the crowd. They were watching us, we had to get it right.

28-02-2018, 09:07 AM
She is embarrassed and humiliated? Seriously that is really overreacting.

28-02-2018, 11:03 AM
Given Susan Alberti's incredible contributions to the Western Bulldogs and AFLW she and her husband fully deserve free and special entry to anything at Whitten Oval. She is rightly held in high esteem by supporters. In terms of her entourage / film crew entry , that could and should have been arranged sometime prior to the event.

28-02-2018, 06:53 PM
Given Susan Alberti's incredible contributions to the Western Bulldogs and AFLW she and her husband fully deserve free and special entry to anything at Whitten Oval. She is rightly held in high esteem by supporters. In terms of her entourage / film crew entry , that could and should have been arranged sometime prior to the event.

Fully agree WestDog. Sue is great for the AFLW and you could argue that the competition wouldn't be as advanced as it is without her. To that end she should feel welcome at any ground let alone one that she has played such a significant role in getting set-up.

If however, you are bringing guests then this has to be arranged.

It's important that both PG and Sue get this sorted.

01-03-2018, 09:05 AM
And very soon please!

01-03-2018, 09:06 AM
How many special passes do you give out?
One. To Susan. She's unique.

01-03-2018, 10:38 AM
One. To Susan. She's unique.

I'm not so sure Mof. There are incredible stalwarts/contributors behind all Clubs. Many go unnoticed, without the public profile or resources, that have gone above and beyond for decades.

Whilst the likes of Peter, Sue, John Schultz, Irene Chatfield, David Smorgon and even Bob in more recent times have contributed enormously it's not something that sits comfortably if we were to start singling out one or two for special treatment not afforded to others whether they come with a profile or in the category of the silent heroes of our Club.

01-03-2018, 10:52 AM
I'm not so sure Mof. There are incredible stalwarts/contributors behind all Clubs. Many go unnoticed, without the public profile or resources, that have gone above and beyond for decades.

Whilst the likes of Peter, Sue, John Schultz, Irene Chatfield, David Smorgon and even Bob in more recent times have contributed enormously it's not something that sits comfortably if we were to start singling out one or two for special treatment not afforded to others whether they come with a profile or in the category of the silent heroes of our Club.

My thoughts exactly.

01-03-2018, 11:12 AM

‘I think it’s gender-based’: Caro questions club culture at Western Bulldogs

Caro has slammed Peter Gordon’s actions as “childish” and called other figures at the Western Bulldogs into question over a range of recent incidents.

When addressing the issue of Sue Alberti being refused entry at last week’s AFLW match, Caro told Sportsday the issue stems from a long running feud between the two club stalwarts.

“I think it’s gender-based,” Caro said.

“It was probably a bit entitled but for heavens sake, it’s free entry, and she’s Susan Alberti.

“For Peter to put out that press release, that was one of the more childish retorts, and probably a slightly childish response from Sue.

“I’m amazed the club let it get that far.

“A lot of people seem to be putting their hands up about this flipping premiership.”

Caro also said she’s heard a number of issues coming out of the Dogs that she finds concerning.

“I don’t like some of the comments Luke Beveridge made last week,” she said.

01-03-2018, 11:14 AM
Time to retire Caro with that sort of Bullshit.

Trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, for goodness sake, just report on football and not waste people's time.

01-03-2018, 11:14 AM
Chris Judd was refused entry into <insert name here> park last night as he didn't have a ticket, and he's an active board member.

01-03-2018, 11:16 AM
Chris Judd was refused entry into <insert name here> park last night as he didn't have a ticket, and he's an active board member.

And was a big deal made out of that? WAs it front page in the HUN today? (i don't know I don't read Murdoch papers)

01-03-2018, 11:28 AM
Chris Judd was refused entry into <insert name here> park last night as he didn't have a ticket, and he's an active board member.

BBL players apparantly have an enormous ability to leave their match passes behind at the hotel/airport/last city they were in. I heard at one game three players who were still outside the ground at the toss and their captain had to bat when he wanted to bowl because he didn't want to field with eight fieldsmen for the first couple of overs.

Should we go troppo over that?

01-03-2018, 11:47 AM

‘I think it’s gender-based’: Caro questions club culture at Western Bulldogs

Caro has slammed Peter Gordon’s actions as “childish” and called other figures at the Western Bulldogs into question over a range of recent incidents.

When addressing the issue of Sue Alberti being refused entry at last week’s AFLW match, Caro told Sportsday the issue stems from a long running feud between the two club stalwarts.

“I think it’s gender-based,” Caro said.

“It was probably a bit entitled but for heavens sake, it’s free entry, and she’s Susan Alberti.

“For Peter to put out that press release, that was one of the more childish retorts, and probably a slightly childish response from Sue.

“I’m amazed the club let it get that far.

“A lot of people seem to be putting their hands up about this flipping premiership.”

Caro also said she’s heard a number of issues coming out of the Dogs that she finds concerning.

“I don’t like some of the comments Luke Beveridge made last week,” she said.

Breathe Caro. Take a breath.


When addressing the issue of Sue Alberti being refused entry at last week’s AFLW match, Caro told Sportsday the issue stems from a long running feud between the two club stalwarts

“I think it’s gender-based,” Caro said.

Two different things. Or are you saying that PG is a horrible mysoginist and Susan Alberti is some sort of fishwife and the two of them are so unprofessional that they let their petty feud affect their love of the club. If so I feel bad for Caro because she has missed the point of football and football clubs totally.

01-03-2018, 11:50 AM
It was only a matter of time before sexism came into it. I'm surprised Caro couldn't cram in global warming, refugees, and something anti-Trump to complete the cliche quartet. You can take her out of The Age...

Susan has done herself and the club a great disservice carrying on like this. To demand special access for herself and an entourage unannounced is poor enough, but to go straight to the press about it is inexcusable. She does have a knack for getting noses out of joint, I know a number of academics who find her using the title of Dr after receiving an honorary doctorate particularly distasteful also.

01-03-2018, 12:43 PM
HUN reporting Nicole Livingstone will escort her in to all AFLW matches.

I thought matches were free entry, just use the correct gate FFS

01-03-2018, 01:20 PM
It was only a matter of time before sexism came into it. I'm surprised Caro couldn't cram in global warming, refugees, and something anti-Trump to complete the cliche quartet. You can take her out of The Age...

Susan has done herself and the club a great disservice carrying on like this. To demand special access for herself and an entourage unannounced is poor enough, but to go straight to the press about it is inexcusable. She does have a knack for getting noses out of joint, I know a number of academics who find her using the title of Dr after receiving an honorary doctorate particularly distasteful also.

Negative gearing. :)

Axe Man
01-03-2018, 02:57 PM
HUN reporting Nicole Livingstone will escort her in to all AFLW matches.

I thought matches were free entry, just use the correct gate FFS

AFL to escort Susan Alberti into AFLW matches after accreditation saga with Western Bulldogs (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/aflw/afl-to-escort-susan-alberti-into-aflw-matches-after-accreditation-saga-with-western-bulldogs/news-story/10de221ca980d924637cf76e84834ba2)

THE AFL has stepped in to resolve the Susan Alberti accreditation saga.

AFLW boss Nicole Livingstone contacted the Western Bulldogs patron on Wednesday to guarantee her entry into all future matches.

Alberti was told it was too late to issue her with official accreditation but that she would be met at the gate by Livingstone or another AFL staffer and personally escorted into AFLW stadiums.

She said she “absolutely” intended to attend the Bulldogs’ next home match against Melbourne at Whitten Oval on Saturday, March 17.

“I’ll be met by the AFL and I won’t be going through the side gate — I’ll be going through the front door,” Alberti told the Herald Sun.

“Nicole Livingstone has been very supportive. They (the AFL) have been wonderful, they’ve been lovely actually.”

But Alberti said she had no plans to meet with Bulldogs president Peter Gordon.

Alberti, 70, was denied entry to the main entrance of the Whitten Oval last Friday night in a fiasco that has inflamed long-running tensions between the two Dogs benefactors.

A former Bulldogs vice-president and major driver behind the creation of the AFLW competition, Alberti said on Saturday the incident had left her “sad and humiliated”.

Gordon hit back at Alberti in a statement on Saturday afternoon, saying: “I stand by the policies and actions of our staff and management”.

“No one was excluded from the Whitten Oval,” Gordon said.

Federal MP Michael Sukkar later called on Gordon to apologise to Alberti for the “hurt and humiliation that occurred on Friday night”.

“No one has done more for the Western Bulldogs or women’s football in recent years than Sue,” Sukkar said.

“Sue should be revered and respected for everything she has done.”

Alberti was named 2017 Melburnian of the Year and was appointed as a Companion of the Order of Australia in 2016 for “eminent service to the community, particularly through philanthropic and fundraising support”.

Axe Man
01-03-2018, 03:00 PM
Why is she refusing to meet with Peter Gordon to sort this out? Seems childish.

01-03-2018, 03:17 PM
What a pathetic response.

Just like Dave Porter and the cheer squad, when push comes to shove self-interest trumps any loyalty to the club.

01-03-2018, 03:19 PM
What a pathetic response.

Just like Dave Porter and the cheer squad, when push comes to shove self-interest trumps any loyalty to the club.

But she is the number one ticket holder at Frankston VFL club this year - that's loyalty :D

01-03-2018, 03:23 PM
PG is clearly a very difficult person to work with and during Sue's time as VP I'd imagine there were issues.

However it seems she's taking this as a personal slight against her, when in reality it is a management decision to only let staff and officials through that gate. The first step ahould have been to have a meeting with PG, who presumably would have explained that the main entrance is for club officials only - as Susan no longer holds an official position at the club, she unfortunately doesn't meet the criteria.

Right or wrong the media involvement has painted Susan in a bad light for me, while emphasising the difficulties of working with Peter Gordon.

01-03-2018, 03:37 PM
PG is clearly a very difficult person to work with and during Sue's time as VP I'd imagine there were issues.

However it seems she's taking this as a personal slight against her, when in reality it is a management decision to only let staff and officials through that gate. The first step ahould have been to have a meeting with PG, who presumably would have explained that the main entrance is for club officials only - as Susan no longer holds an official position at the club, she unfortunately doesn't meet the criteria.

Right or wrong the media involvement has painted Susan in a bad light for me, while emphasising the difficulties of working with Peter Gordon.

I don't believe Peter is a difficult person to work with. My wife worked with him at Slaters for over 10 years and can vouch for that.

He is highly professional and only expects the highest standards from all. Those that paint him difficult to work with obviously can't meet the standards expected. If anyone has any personal experience, fine but don't believe what you read in the daily rag.

Rocket Science
01-03-2018, 03:51 PM

‘I think it’s gender-based’: Caro questions club culture at Western Bulldogs

Caro has slammed Peter Gordon’s actions as “childish” and called other figures at the Western Bulldogs into question over a range of recent incidents.

When addressing the issue of Sue Alberti being refused entry at last week’s AFLW match, Caro told Sportsday the issue stems from a long running feud between the two club stalwarts.

“I think it’s gender-based,” Caro said.

“It was probably a bit entitled but for heavens sake, it’s free entry, and she’s Susan Alberti.

“For Peter to put out that press release, that was one of the more childish retorts, and probably a slightly childish response from Sue.

“I’m amazed the club let it get that far.

“A lot of people seem to be putting their hands up about this flipping premiership.”

Caro also said she’s heard a number of issues coming out of the Dogs that she finds concerning.

“I don’t like some of the comments Luke Beveridge made last week,” she said.


Turn it up.

Wilson cops a lot of undeserved flak but she's - quite transparently - courting it here in spades.

After basically conceding the issue's a storm in a teacup, albeit an unedifying one - she takes an erratic swing at the Pres for being a misogynist, a feeble swing at the coach for something she "didn't like" and one more haymaker at the club for issues she finds "concerning".

Combining so much perniciousness with so little substance is quite the feat, even for someone whose default setting is oppositional storytelling. Your Freudian slip is showing Caro.

01-03-2018, 04:40 PM
Thanks very much Sue. Great effort at being a football club.

I was defending you before you ran off to your mate Nicole.

01-03-2018, 04:45 PM
PG is clearly a very difficult person to work with and during Sue's time as VP I'd imagine there were issues.

However it seems she's taking this as a personal slight against her, when in reality it is a management decision to only let staff and officials through that gate. The first step ahould have been to have a meeting with PG, who presumably would have explained that the main entrance is for club officials only - as Susan no longer holds an official position at the club, she unfortunately doesn't meet the criteria.

Right or wrong the media involvement has painted Susan in a bad light for me, while emphasising the difficulties of working with Peter Gordon.

I used to really admire PG and Alberti. I thought they were two people who were willing to put the club ahead of their own interests and we were all heading in the same direction. I still think the same about PG but from the start of this situation I was suspecting Alberti's motives because they weren't in the best interests of the club.

Take a good look in the mirror Susan and try and remember that it's not all about the person looking back at you.

01-03-2018, 05:23 PM
She was getting entry though, she just didn't get let through a gate that was closed off to begin with

01-03-2018, 06:12 PM
What a disgraceful performance from Alberti.

She should be ashamed of herself.

Remi Moses
01-03-2018, 06:20 PM
Easton Wood was denied entry ! I’d take exception in letting that nutcase Trump in the ground
Time for an adult conversation Sue

01-03-2018, 07:48 PM
Easton Wood was denied entry ! I’d take exception in letting that nutcase Trump in the ground
Time for an adult conversation Sue

Chris Judd board member wasn't allowed through as he didn't have a ticket (last night)

01-03-2018, 08:02 PM
Bloody hell Sue thanks for helping the team

01-03-2018, 08:02 PM
The most offensive part of this whole distasteful exercise is the idea that Susan Alberti somehow feels the need for protection when she enters Whitten Oval.

If it looks like an hysterical reaction and it sounds like an hysterical reaction and it feels like an hysterical reaction then it might be an hysterical reaction Susan. That's proven by the hysterical (funny this time) of Nicole Livingston. We get it, you have a new set of friends but you don't need to be rubbing our noses in them.

01-03-2018, 10:01 PM
So she thinks shes too good to go through the commoners gates like the rest of us?

01-03-2018, 10:17 PM
I get the reasons why people are siding with the club but I think we are being too harsh on Sue Alberti.

Regarding the media, I believe both Jack Hevrin and Michael Warner were entering the ground through the same entrance at around the same time so were likely sniffing around for a story. Apparently Hevrin even pleaded with security to get her checked in.

Sue needs to step up now and make sure she clears the air with PG. We need to move on.

01-03-2018, 10:49 PM
I don't think you can choose sides on this. At the end of the day, who cares.

01-03-2018, 10:55 PM
I get the reasons why people are siding with the club but I think we are being too harsh on Sue Alberti.

I dunno about that. Alberti knew that there was a shit storm underneath this and she went ahead and unleashed it anyway. I wouldn't have done it to the club no matter how upset I was with the officials.

Sue needs to step up now and make sure she clears the air with PG. We need to move on.

Yes she does.

02-03-2018, 09:49 AM
Sue needs to step up now and make sure she clears the air with PG. We need to move on.
Too late, horse has bolted. Any future meeting to clear the air is now meaningless for the club because this pathetic little issue has reached maximum media damage through a combination of Susan's preciousness and sense of entitlement and PG's needless and rather pithy statement.

Both should be ashamed of their actions, Susan more so than Peter. But it goes to the heart of our appalling communications from senior management. This issue, the JJ issue and the banner fiasco have all been handled utterly pathetically. And they are all notionally minor issues but our responses have magnified all of them and garnered the club unwanted negative media coverage.

02-03-2018, 10:03 AM
Too late, horse has bolted. Any future meeting to clear the air is now meaningless for the club because this pathetic little issue has reached maximum media damage through a combination of Susan's preciousness and sense of entitlement and PG's needless and rather pithy statement.

Both should be ashamed of their actions, Susan more so than Peter. But it goes to the heart of our appalling communications from senior management. This issue, the JJ issue and the banner fiasco have all been handled utterly pathetically. And they are all notionally minor issues but our responses have magnified all of them and garnered the club unwanted negative media coverage.

I think you are being over dramatic.

1. I think Peter did the right thing, given HUN was posting on their front page. He was compelled to stick up for the club.

2. JJ issue, we got on the front foot and silenced everyone

2. What Banner fiasco? Did I miss something.

02-03-2018, 10:17 AM
I think you are being over dramatic.

1. I think Peter did the right thing, given HUN was posting on their front page. He was compelled to stick up for the club.

2. JJ issue, we got on the front foot and silenced everyone

2. What Banner fiasco? Did I miss something.
1. Peter's response was over the top, whilst well intended. We're talking about someone being advised to go through a different gate at a FREE event. Susan is a revered figure but is not an official of the club - we did not need to make any public statement to inflame the situation, but egos are a hard thing to rein in (I'm talking about both of them)

2. JJ statement was fine except for the pathetic line about being "disappointed he was out so late". That completely undid the purpose of the statement, by implying the club was actually not happy with his actions - grist for the mill for the media scumbags who are trawling the gutter to make their shitty living

3. Danny being demoted/sacked from writing the banners was very poorly handled. We turned a positive discussion topic and a clear point of difference that the club enjoyed into something completely watered down. The wording about how "we've moved beyond such messaging" was as off the mark as you could get with regard to this issue and speaks to the general Groupthink mentality that society abides by in this day and age. We can't write anything on the banners that might potentially inflame or insult anyone now can we (even though that was the exact purpose of Danny's banners)

We're performing like busted arseholes off the park at the moment. Won't matter a jot when the season starts but I expect much better from so-called professionals.

02-03-2018, 10:18 AM
I think you are being over dramatic.

1. I think Peter did the right thing, given HUN was posting on their front page. He was compelled to stick up for the club.

2. JJ issue, we got on the front foot and silenced everyone

2. What Banner fiasco? Did I miss something.

You don't read Facebook do you? The banner thing has been all over it.

02-03-2018, 10:31 AM
Didn't know about the banner thing.

Not that I really care about the banners, but at least we were doing something different - and Danny becoming a regular on channel 7s shows was a bit of extra positive press for the club and I think was another aspect (however small) of 2016 that people warmed to.

To have wording like "we've moved beyond such messaging" - sounds like we are disapproving and distancing ourselves from Danny McGinlay and the light entertainment he was adding. That's pretty ordinary.

02-03-2018, 10:34 AM
Didn't know about the banner thing.

Not that I really care about the banners, but at least we were doing something different - and Danny becoming a regular on channel 7s shows was a bit of extra positive press for the club and I think was another aspect (however small) of 2016 that people warmed to.

To have wording like "we've moved beyond such messaging" - sounds like we are disapproving and distancing ourselves from Danny McGinlay and the light entertainment he was adding. That's pretty ordinary.

The wording in the press release sounded a bit rude didn't it?

02-03-2018, 11:07 AM
You don't read Facebook do you? The banner thing has been all over it.

I was objecting to the word Fiasco - really a non issue and no one outside the club cares

02-03-2018, 11:15 AM
1. Peter's response was over the top, whilst well intended. We're talking about someone being advised to go through a different gate at a FREE event.

PG was backing the staff at the entrance with extra security for the Governor of VIC. It wasn't just Susan it was the whole camera crew. PG has rung her 4 times but she refuses to meet him or talk about it. End of story, hardly an issue but HUN decided to go for us. Chris Judd being refused entry didn't make the front page and arguably that is a bigger story.

JJ statement was fine except for the pathetic line about being "disappointed he was out so late". That completely undid the purpose of the statement, by implying the club was actually not happy with his actions - grist for the mill for the media scumbags who are trawling the gutter to make their shitty living .

I don't think any one cares about that statement - not a big deal.

Danny being demoted/sacked from writing the banners was very poorly handled. We turned a positive discussion topic and a clear point of difference that the club enjoyed into something completely watered down. The wording about how "we've moved beyond such messaging" was as off the mark as you could get with regard to this issue and speaks to the general Groupthink mentality that society abides by in this day and age. We can't write anything on the banners that might potentially inflame or insult anyone now can we (even though that was the exact purpose of Danny's banners) .

Hardly a fiasco.

We're performing like busted arseholes off the park at the moment. Won't matter a jot when the season starts but I expect much better from so-called professionals.

Harsh statement and I don't agree, but respect your opinion.

02-03-2018, 11:16 AM
I'm happy we've moved on from Danny and the cheesy banners. He'd run his course and milked everything out of it.

Could have probably handled the transition but man, we're talking about banners here.

And this Alberti/PG stuff. Come on, it's absolutely pointless stuff that has no bearing on what actually matters...what happens on the field.

The next month is going to drag if these types of non issues are all we have to talk about.

02-03-2018, 11:28 AM
I'm not too phased by the decision on the banner, aside from the messaging about the messaging............I personally thought they'd well and truly peaked.

The JJ statement is fine. Footballers are instructed to not be out late this close to the commencement of the season, I can understand why the club thought it was needed to point out its disappointment he was out late, if it didn't, they'd be admonished for not doing so.

As for the Alberti situation, I don't understand why she has to use the entrance reserved for club/AFL officials and players.

02-03-2018, 01:31 PM
I saw Lou Richards go through that entrance back in the day when (Was it the members' entrance? I think it was) it was actually a turnstile. It might have something to do with it. It makes as much sense as anything else does.

02-03-2018, 01:35 PM
I'm happy we've moved on from Danny and the cheesy banners. He'd run his course and milked everything out of it.

I didn't think they were cheesy at all Comrade, I thought, as supporters of other clubs did, that they were refreshing, inventive and to the point. Whoever at the club canned McGinlay is shallow imo, so who specifically made the decision ? And who is that genius modern day Nostradamus who determined that Danny couldn't change tack ?


02-03-2018, 02:14 PM
Damage is done. Not a good way to start the 2018 season.

I wonder if as a club we would need to be more open to the media for them not to blow up every small thing big like an elephant and run with it for a long period. Have the communication going both ways. Feed them with (not so important) story to keep them satisfy. (Not sure we employ a media/communication manager to manage the media)

Sport media are like sharks. If you feeding them, keeping them under control they would be tame and harmless. But if we don't and occasionally letting them smell blood, they would be all over us.

02-03-2018, 02:40 PM
Damage is done. Not a good way to start the 2018 season.

I wonder if as a club we would need to be more open to the media for them not to blow up every small thing big like an elephant and run with it for a long period. Have the communication going both ways. Feed them with (not so important) story to keep them satisfy. (Not sure we employ a media/communication manager to manage the media)

Sport media are like sharks. If you feeding them, keeping them under control they would be tame and harmless. But if we don't and occasionally letting them smell blood, they would be all over us.

The problem is that we have provided access in the past, and have been used as a punching bag too often.

I like our current approach, we are on the right path if we are annoying the entitled media establishment to the extent that they have to push stories like this one which are immaterial to our club and its successes or otherwise.

02-03-2018, 02:46 PM
Damage is done. Not a good way to start the 2018 season.

I wonder if as a club we would need to be more open to the media for them not to blow up every small thing big like an elephant and run with it for a long period. Have the communication going both ways. Feed them with (not so important) story to keep them satisfy. (Not sure we employ a media/communication manager to manage the media)

Sport media are like sharks. If you feeding them, keeping them under control they would be tame and harmless. But if we don't and occasionally letting them smell blood, they would be all over us.

We do. The team we have in place aren't very good at what they do though,

16-03-2018, 07:17 PM
Had not heard about the ditching of Danny but then again i'm not much into facebook.
Whose pea brain idea was this? The most refreshing change for the past 10 years. Positive exposure for the club. Can't wait to see the banners for the season. I'm sure they will be hilarious :rolleyes:

16-03-2018, 08:59 PM
Had not heard about the ditching of Danny but then again i'm not much into facebook.
Whose pea brain idea was this? The most refreshing change for the past 10 years. Positive exposure for the club. Can't wait to see the banners for the season. I'm sure they will be hilarious :rolleyes:

What's wrong with - Roses are red, violets are blue we are gunna do you. :D

17-03-2018, 08:15 AM
Had not heard about the ditching of Danny but then again i'm not much into facebook.
Whose pea brain idea was this? The most refreshing change for the past 10 years. Positive exposure for the club. Can't wait to see the banners for the season. I'm sure they will be hilarious :rolleyes:

the new ceo

Ghost Dog
18-03-2018, 10:05 AM
Well, the Melbourne / negative gearing one made me really laugh at the time.
Much enjoyed and will miss the banners. The 2016 season was an aligning of the stars in so many ways.
PG and Susan are getting old and cranky by the sounds of it. They should lighten up.

18-03-2018, 08:30 PM
Susan was there last night and mixing it with everyone looking very happy , personally I think it was a media beat up,as is the way nowadays.

18-03-2018, 08:46 PM
Susan was there last night and mixing it with everyone looking very happy , personally I think it was a media beat up,as is the way nowadays.

Really great to hear that ledge.

18-03-2018, 09:39 PM
I really hope this gets sorted because Susan is a really marvellous person who has done so much for our Club and for yhe wider community.

Daughter of the West
22-03-2018, 09:29 PM
I don't like it when Mum and Dad are arguing.

I think you should have an acknowledgement from Titus O'Reily Murphy's Lore:

Greater Western Sydney vs Western Bulldogs (UNSW) 1:10 PM

The Bulldogs seemed to have a lot of issues in the offseason. Stringer leaving because of all the various things was a huge story but not as big as Susan Alberti being not let in a specific gate at a match that was free entry.

It was a brutal confrontation and worth all the media coverage.

“Sorry, you can’t come in here because you’ve got a bunch of other people with you, but you can all come in for free at any other gate.”

Can the team rebound this season with the shadow of ‘Gategate’ hanging over them?

Possibly, although there’s more than a few injuries that will be possibly troubling them even more than mum and dad fighting.


And didn't someone else here coin the term GateGate?

24-03-2018, 02:44 PM
Well done girls. I hope everyone who stayed involved with the premier team enjoy the premiership.