View Full Version : Westernbulldogs 2018 List

15-02-2018, 03:05 PM

15-02-2018, 03:11 PM
Middle row is all above 193cm except Macrae who is around 190

Axe Man
15-02-2018, 03:14 PM
Wow, a lot going on there.

Boyd looks like a musketeer.

Libba has the fro back.

Collins looks 35, whilst Picken looks like a 15 year old from the 90s.

And I'm not sure what to say about Williams.
https://s9.postimg.org/81fy0xw5r/Capture.png (https://postimages.org/)

15-02-2018, 04:38 PM
Clay Smith is looking menacing - I like it :)

15-02-2018, 04:54 PM
Who's to our left of BTC

Axe Man
15-02-2018, 05:00 PM
Who's to our left of BTC


15-02-2018, 09:29 PM
Wow, a lot going on there.

Boyd looks like a musketeer.

Libba has the fro back.

Collins looks 35, whilst Picken looks like a 15 year old from the 90s.

And I'm not sure what to say about Williams.
https://s9.postimg.org/81fy0xw5r/Capture.png (https://postimages.org/)

Haven't we been told by Tim Watson we've 'gone rogue'.....

15-02-2018, 09:31 PM
Middle row is all above 193cm except Macrae who is around 190

And we have Redpath, Roughead and Bonti around the same mark in the front seated row.

15-02-2018, 09:36 PM
And we have Redpath, Roughead and Bonti around the same mark in the front seated row.

Surely we are the tallest team in the AFL

15-02-2018, 09:39 PM
Is Libba going for the Arnold Horshack look?

15-02-2018, 09:48 PM
Is Libba going for the Arnold Horshack look?

I think so too. Well put!

The bulldog tragician
15-02-2018, 09:56 PM
There are some seriously problematic hairstyles there ��

16-02-2018, 06:10 AM
Middle row is all above 193cm except Macrae who is around 190

There are four rows.

16-02-2018, 08:30 AM
There are four rows.

That just cracked me up, hilarious, sorry Bornadog.

16-02-2018, 08:54 AM
That just cracked me up, hilarious, sorry Bornadog.

There is always one. :D

16-02-2018, 11:21 AM
Wow, a lot going on there.

Boyd looks like a musketeer.

Libba has the fro back.

Collins looks 35, whilst Picken looks like a 15 year old from the 90s.

And I'm not sure what to say about Williams.
https://s9.postimg.org/81fy0xw5r/Capture.png (https://postimages.org/)


16-02-2018, 01:02 PM
There is always one. :D

Let's face it, it's usually me. ;)

16-02-2018, 01:05 PM

That is horrible :D

Daughter of the West
16-02-2018, 01:38 PM
Wow, a lot going on there.

Boyd looks like a musketeer.

Libba has the fro back.

Collins looks 35, whilst Picken looks like a 15 year old from the 90s.

And I'm not sure what to say about Williams.
https://s9.postimg.org/81fy0xw5r/Capture.png (https://postimages.org/)

Has there been some kind of club dare to see who can look the most outrageous in the photos? When JJ is looking run of the mill, lord knows there's some crazy stuff going on.

And I did like Biggsy's little spots in the Bulldogs instagram yesterday. If there is anyone that knows their way around being ridiculous on insta, it's him!

16-02-2018, 03:07 PM
Is it just me or does Tim English's head look ridiculously small compared to the rest of his body?

16-02-2018, 03:17 PM
Is it just me or does Tim English's head look ridiculously small compared to the rest of his body?
There's something weird going on there - there seems to be a lot of neck there. He's probably on par shoulder level with guys 1-2 inches shorter than him. It's wide too which makes his head look a little odd.

Will be a gun though.

16-02-2018, 03:21 PM
Has there been some kind of club dare to see who can look the most outrageous in the photos? When JJ is looking run of the mill, lord knows there's some crazy stuff going on.

And I did like Biggsy's little spots in the Bulldogs instagram yesterday. If there is anyone that knows their way around being ridiculous on insta, it's him!

However The Bont looking good:


16-02-2018, 04:02 PM
Bailey Williams OMG....trying out as the new face of Caramilk or something.

16-02-2018, 04:37 PM
Bailey Williams OMG....trying out as the new face of Caramilk or something.

Good on him, you are only young once.

17-02-2018, 08:31 AM
Good on him, you are only young once.

There is no upper age limit on stupid hair cuts though.

18-02-2018, 08:03 PM
Yeah Bailey's haircut certainly out of left field :)

18-02-2018, 08:05 PM
There are four rows.

Middle row would be the row in between the 2 rows back and 2 rows front so if there were 5 rows :)

19-02-2018, 03:51 AM
Middle row would be the row in betweej the 2 rows back and 2 rows front so if there were 5 rows :)

There are four rows.

19-02-2018, 03:26 PM
There are four rows.

Yep in this photo. Middle would be in between th 2nd and 3rd rows in this case.

19-02-2018, 05:44 PM
Yep in this photo. Middle would be in between th 2nd and 3rd rows in this case.

If my maths are correct I believe Tim English's belly button is the correct answer.

19-02-2018, 06:23 PM
I'm battling to name everyone in our team photo :eek:

19-02-2018, 06:52 PM
Middle row would be the row in between the 2 rows back and 2 rows front so if there were 5 rows :)

There are four rows.

Yep in this photo. Middle would be in between th 2nd and 3rd rows in this case.

There are four rows.

If my maths are correct I believe Tim English's belly button is the correct answer.

It makes as much sense as any other answer.

But there are definitely four rows.

19-02-2018, 07:12 PM
I'm battling to name everyone in our team photo :eek:

Row and number from the left? I'm pretty confident I've got them all.

19-02-2018, 08:01 PM

Without looking up the faces I'll give it a try :)

1st Row: Clay Smith, Hayden Crozier, Bailey Williams, ?, Matt Suckling, Josh Dunkley, Lin Jong, Shane Biggs, Lukas Webb, Pat Lipinski, Mitch Wallis, Tory Dickson

2nd Row: Jack Macrae, Zaine Cordy, Marcus Adams, ?, Jackson Trengove, Tom Campbell, Tim English, Tom Boyd, ?, ?, Fletcher Roberts, Aaron Naughton, Kieran Collins

3rd Row: Luke Dahlhaus, Liam Picken, Jason Johanissen, Jack Redpath, Easton Wood (captain), Luke Beveeidge (coach), Marcus Bontempelli, Jordan Roughead, Lachie Hunter, Dale Morris, Tom Liberatore

4th Row: ?, Rorake Smith, Mitch Honeychurch, Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Bailey Dale, ?, Ed Richards, ?

19-02-2018, 08:20 PM
I think this is right, I only checked the site for the spelling of Schache and Mullenger-McHugh, it will take some time to remember the numbers.

1st Row: Clay Smith, Hayden Crozier, Bailey Williams, Lynch, Matt Suckling, Josh Dunkley, Lin Jong, Shane Biggs, Lukas Webb, Pat Lipinski, Mitch Wallis, Tory Dickson

2nd Row: Jack Macrae, Zaine Cordy, Marcus Adams, Mullenger-McHugh, Jackson Trengove, Tom Campbell, Tim English, Tom Boyd, Schache, Young, Fletcher Roberts, Aaron Naughton, Kieran Collins

3rd Row: Luke Dahlhaus, Liam Picken, Jason Johanissen, Jack Redpath, Easton Wood (captain), Luke Beveeidge (coach), Marcus Bontempelli, Jordan Roughead, Lachie Hunter, Dale Morris, Tom Liberatore

4th Row: Porter, Rorake Smith, Mitch Honeychurch, Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Bailey Dale, Greene, Ed Richards, Gowers

19-02-2018, 08:35 PM
I think this is right, I only checked the site for the spelling of Schache and Mullenger-McHugh, it will take some time to remember the numbers.

1st Row: Clay Smith, Hayden Crozier, Bailey Williams, Lynch, Matt Suckling, Josh Dunkley, Lin Jong, Shane Biggs, Lukas Webb, Pat Lipinski, Mitch Wallis, Tory Dickson

2nd Row: Jack Macrae, Zaine Cordy, Marcus Adams, Mullenger-McHugh, Jackson Trengove, Tom Campbell, Tim English, Tom Boyd, Schache, Young, Fletcher Roberts, Aaron Naughton, Kieran Collins

3rd Row: Luke Dahlhaus, Liam Picken, Jason Johanissen, Jack Redpath, Easton Wood (captain), Luke Beveeidge (coach), Marcus Bontempelli, Jordan Roughead, Lachie Hunter, Dale Morris, Tom Liberatore

4th Row: Porter, Rorake Smith, Mitch Honeychurch, Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Bailey Dale, Greene, Ed Richards, Gowers

Only a few around that I didnt get straight away but most of them I got. Will certainly get to know them more in both the VFL and AFL this year.

19-02-2018, 09:29 PM
I think this is right, I only checked the site for the spelling of Schache and Mullenger-McHugh, it will take some time to remember the numbers.

1st Row: Clay Smith, Hayden Crozier, Bailey Williams, Lynch, Matt Suckling, Josh Dunkley, Lin Jong, Shane Biggs, Lukas Webb, Pat Lipinski, Mitch Wallis, Tory Dickson

2nd Row: Jack Macrae, Zaine Cordy, Marcus Adams Collins, Mullenger-McHugh, Jackson Trengove, Tom Campbell, Tim English, Tom Boyd, Schache, Young, Fletcher Roberts, Aaron Naughton, Kieran Collins Adams

3rd Row: Luke Dahlhaus, Liam Picken, Jason Johanissen, Jack Redpath, Easton Wood (captain), Luke Beveeidge (coach), Marcus Bontempelli, Jordan Roughead, Lachie Hunter, Dale Morris, Tom Liberatore

4th Row: Porter, Rorake Smith, Mitch Honeychurch, Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Bailey Dale, Greene, Ed Richards, Gowers

Basically you have Collins and Adams wrong

19-02-2018, 09:45 PM
Basically you have Collins and Adams wrong

It's the beards :D

19-02-2018, 09:47 PM
Nice pick up GVGjr, i missed that one.

20-02-2018, 02:16 AM
Im not sure if Jackson Trengove is mucking around or serious with that haircut.

Rocket Science
20-02-2018, 03:00 PM
Im not sure if Jackson Trengove is mucking around or serious with that haircut.

There's mucking around ...


And there's serious ...

http://i67.tinypic.com/35m1gdf.png http://i64.tinypic.com/34i1ilt.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2s19lqa.png http://i63.tinypic.com/v3ncyr.png

And then there's Biggsy ...


20-02-2018, 03:17 PM


https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExISFRISFRUSEhUVFxUQEBUVFRUWFhUVFRUYHSggGBol HRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQGi0dHx0tLS0tLS0t LS0rKy0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLTc3Nys3KzctLS0rKysrK//AABEIAMQBAQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQIDBgABB//EADgQAAEDAwMCAwYFAwQDAQAAAAEAAgMEESEFEjFBUQYiYRMycYGRoRRCsdH wFSPBM1Jy8WKC4ZL/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAhEQEBAAICAwEBAAMAAAAAAAAAAQIRITEDEkETUSIycf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Az2ou8pWSqDkrV6h7qyU5yVxx0Y9qnHlCDlFOGEK3lVG lvLX6J7qctKTaL7ibtKiFl2sBUZguupFOIdAmlM3CBhjTWmNhwtfGnJFSDlI yBRY5akmXXUC xUjIFFzwgOfJdCSAoj27epU7gi4z2SACSEkKunjsUfNwhYBlZ5iCogriosK9 c5ZVSQKEqJQ3JKC1PW2xC3Llj9R1Z8hyTZdGE4S0lV4ka24GUCPFxvxj5rLe 1Q8k2Vew laf4ojdYOwU/hnDxdpuviU1Sm3hvxK6F4DiSw90B9c2FTsULQVDZWB7Tg5V3sypC0NUg2ygy Mgq7bdMnntPVSa9VCnUnRoNf7QLlRtXJhg9QHlWQqOStlqI8qx1QMlc0i8e1 PRDN5RmzCGaMoi721ejnyBNmFKdI90JqwKNJvad1K68YOT2Sutq3NOFpME7a WkzhMBHhYKDXDus11inUOrSgecix4IwtMZoryevAbkmw 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Lf/uK5cnO2vjWB5tdSaSeq5cuiO7Dp4WfFBVbcFcuQeXRdtXq5chi//9k=

Rocket Science
20-02-2018, 04:25 PM

20-02-2018, 05:11 PM
There's mucking around ...


And there's serious ...

http://i67.tinypic.com/35m1gdf.png http://i64.tinypic.com/34i1ilt.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2s19lqa.png http://i63.tinypic.com/v3ncyr.png

And then there's Biggsy ...


I must show mum those pictures.


That's scary. Tom doesn't look unlike John Nance. If you ignore the age difference.