View Full Version : Why is the club fighting with EVERYONE?

23-03-2018, 08:33 PM

Why do we have a (as my 11yo would say) 'BEEF' with every reporter and media commentator in the land. I get that it puts us in our own little bunker but man I would kill for a bit of positive news/positive perspective on what we are doing.

I know it shouldn't matter, but since when is creating a bit of a buzz about the team and the way they are going to perform seen as a BAD thing? Read through the 'team for round 1' thread and some of the most loyal supporters of a team that won a freaking premiership less than 2-years ago are 'dreading it' and 'regretting spending the $ on the trip to the game'...and this is BEFORE round 1. God help us if we lose and play poorly.

Yes, the media pack are a bunch of peanuts but they pretty much control the public image of the club/the way it is portrayed...as a 20+ year member I wouldn't mind it if someone, somewhere, said something nice.

Does anyone else feel this way?

23-03-2018, 08:48 PM
A bit of positivity is always good of course with constructive criticism that is valid.

23-03-2018, 08:49 PM
Nope don't see it this way. The club communication with members is terrific. Reporters and commentators by and large are morons, why treat them as anything more? As for game day pessimism.... It's realism.

23-03-2018, 09:16 PM

Why do we have a (as my 11yo would say) 'BEEF' with every reporter and media commentator in the land. I get that it puts us in our own little bunker but man I would kill for a bit of positive news/positive perspective on what we are doing.

I know it shouldn't matter, but since when is creating a bit of a buzz about the team and the way they are going to perform seen as a BAD thing? Read through the 'team for round 1' thread and some of the most loyal supporters of a team that won a freaking premiership less than 2-years ago are 'dreading it' and 'regretting spending the $ on the trip to the game'...and this is BEFORE round 1. God help us if we lose and play poorly.

Yes, the media pack are a bunch of peanuts but they pretty much control the public image of the club/the way it is portrayed...as a 20+ year member I wouldn't mind it if someone, somewhere, said something nice.

Does anyone else feel this way?

It's a strange position for us but I think there is both some positives and negatives behind it.

We've clearly taken a lower profile this year but the media had a choice to either respect that or work with it or have some of the more higher profile exponents take umbrage at that stance and try and start sniping away at us.

If some at the media start to focus on the more speculative side of things I think as supporters we should want the club to push back hard to correct the ill informed comments being spoken. It's all great to have some fluffy good news stories floating around but I suspect we are very much in a transition phase within the footy department and we need the space to work through whatever challenges we are facing.

If the media use their position to interfere or meddle with what we are doing then we should treat them in a very dismissive manner.
I'm getting sick of the media trying to beef up the stories rather than focus on the footy.

As for the varying level of enthusiasm of our supporters, that has been happening for a while now. Rightly or wrongly the GF win has been the catalyst for a lot of supporters to step back a bit. I don't think some positive stories about the club are going to change that.

23-03-2018, 09:37 PM
I feel like the dread is more a product of playing a team that many of us would absolutely not consider to be our best 22. Having Honey, Gowers and English in the team should be a sign that we've been decimated by injuries but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Ultimately winning will take care of how the media reports about us and generate positivity. If Bevo is asked about something that is blatantly false and calls it out as such then that's fine with me. The will of course be a backlash because people will want to defend their colleagues but you just have to deal with it. Better leaving the false impression we were looking to be rid of the two (assuming of course this is the truth)

23-03-2018, 10:03 PM
I don't feel like that at all.

The media basically is lazy and don't investigate stories anymore. They look at social media nd go with stories without checking.

We know Barrett has got it in with Bevo and as for Tom Morris who should check stories before he publishes.

Any examples MJP of negativety from the press?

23-03-2018, 10:12 PM
Its fast becoming like the English Tabloids.

23-03-2018, 10:14 PM
Its fast becoming like the English Tabloids.

It already is, have you ever read the daily mail.

23-03-2018, 10:18 PM
The club doesn't worry about the white noise but the public do .

23-03-2018, 10:20 PM
Its fast becoming like the English Tabloids.

I really feel like it is nowadays.

23-03-2018, 10:26 PM
It already is, have you ever read the daily mail.

Its not The Sun/Mirror levels yet mate. God help us when it gets there though.

23-03-2018, 10:26 PM
The media has lost its way , it's supposed to report stories not make them up or presume public rumours that they read or made up just to get the public to read their articles.

23-03-2018, 11:36 PM
You're not alone mjp.

I'm not particularly concerned over the media, although it would be nice to receive a bit of positive press. But I feel alot of the footballing public dislikes us not because we are good but rather because we are dicks in just about every interaction with the football community.

It's also funny that the one thing we have done well in the media lately has been Bob Murphy and even he is now disliked by half the football community because like always the media have just shoved him down our throats constantly.

I've also had concerns over the club off field for a while, and to me we come across publicly as very arrogant, stubborn and almost reclusive at times.

I think the club has been shown to be very difficult to work with of late, and I don't think it has been to our benefit. We have declared too many people enemies, justified or not, and I think it is coming back at us from some of the more prominent media members.

23-03-2018, 11:59 PM
Good. I am happy with us shutting up shop on that front and doing our own thing. Can't trust the AFL media, they aren't respecting the boundaries and have spat the dummy because we have asserted the boundaries.

24-03-2018, 12:01 AM
I couldn't agree more MJP. I just cannot understand the strategy behind the way we approach public relations over the past few years. It seems to be a mix of total naivety, lack of ability to read the environment, and a stubbornness to not admit we don't have the right people in place.

You could spend days listing all the issues we've mishandled over the past few years. Realistically it was only winning the premiership that stopped the media from trying to run us out the league. List them off

Boyd contract
Libba and Dahlhaus trade bait
Gordon vs Alberti

All of which were not particularly big issues but our handling of them allowed them to grow into public relations disasters. Add the to the fact that we do not allow any positive news to come out of the club at under any circumstances and you have the shitstorm of bad press we currently enjoy.

It's as if we have some misguided belief that if we don't provide the full context to a rumour then the media won't run with the story, when the reality is that if we don't provide the details then the media will make up a the details to fill the gaps and make it as sensational as they can. Our media department must have been hired from a supermarket such is their level of incompetence.

I just don't understand when we pay decent money why we can't aquire decent people. It defies belief!

24-03-2018, 12:21 AM
I watched Outsiders on the train from London to Leeds this morning and I just feel something is missing. Whether its the communication to media or to the supporters, I just don't get the same feeling. Moreso, I don't get the sense that we are suddenly going to improve rapidly this year (at least not early). The Round 1 team is a little ho-hum; not much detail on where and why T Boyd, Wally, Dicko etc have not been playing. Given we didn't make the finals, unfortunate injuries aside, I would have thought we would have just about had a full list of guys rearing to go.

I can't see the round 1 team beating GWS and I can see us being 1-2 after 3 rounds....we don't seem to be channeling a sense of spirit.

24-03-2018, 08:09 AM
I watched Outsiders on the train from London to Leeds this morning and I just feel something is missing. Whether its the communication to media or to the supporters, I just don't get the same feeling. Moreso, I don't get the sense that we are suddenly going to improve rapidly this year (at least not early). The Round 1 team is a little ho-hum; not much detail on where and why T Boyd, Wally, Dicko etc have not been playing. Given we didn't make the finals, unfortunate injuries aside, I would have thought we would have just about had a full list of guys rearing to go.

I can't see the round 1 team beating GWS and I can see us being 1-2 after 3 rounds....we don't seem to be channeling a sense of spirit.

But you are looking at it from outside and a long way away , it's a bit like a marriage, no one knows what's actually happening inside the home.

24-03-2018, 08:37 AM
Yeah true, the tone of messsaging is subdued. Bevo’s Speech at the season launch was tame. There was no challenge laid down. It just seems flat as though we are writing 2017 off as a hangover and just expecting 2018 to click. I can only judge on what I read and watch.

24-03-2018, 08:53 AM
I’ve got a simple answer to it all Bevo and Gordon are control freaks. Its worrying you get nothing as a supporter during the preseason the updates of slow mo barley showing the players is frustrating. Wilson said the other day that Bevo had issues with both JMAC and DALY, no offence but surely the coach doesn’t have control of list management and recruitment also? It kind of feels from the outside that they are all arguing about who is responsible for the premiership. I’m more interested in how are we going to win the next..

24-03-2018, 09:13 AM
I couldn't agree more MJP. I just cannot understand the strategy behind the way we approach public relations over the past few years. It seems to be a mix of total naivety, lack of ability to read the environment, and a stubbornness to not admit we don't have the right people in place.

You could spend days listing all the issues we've mishandled over the past few years. Realistically it was only winning the premiership that stopped the media from trying to run us out the league. List them off

Boyd contract
Libba and Dahlhaus trade bait
Gordon vs Alberti

All of which were not particularly big issues but our handling of them allowed them to grow into public relations disasters. Add the to the fact that we do not allow any positive news to come out of the club at under any circumstances and you have the shitstorm of bad press we currently enjoy.

It's as if we have some misguided belief that if we don't provide the full context to a rumour then the media won't run with the story, when the reality is that if we don't provide the details then the media will make up a the details to fill the gaps and make it as sensational as they can. Our media department must have been hired from a supermarket such is their level of incompetence.

I just don't understand when we pay decent money why we can't aquire decent people. It defies belief!

Great post.

The premiership was the best stop putty we could of dreamed of. But last year's results coupled with the issues you listed have given the media flogs leverage to bring up past and current issues and then we are always seeming to then be reactive to the stories and trying to defend them.
On one hand I like the stance we have made with the media, stuff them it's none of their concern but on the other hand when its constant negetive sided news coming out of the club it can't be healthy when you're trying to build a supporter base.

Early season wins will keep them at bay but if we start dropping off they'll come for us hard. I'd like to see us jump on the front foot and get our media department or marketing to start with a bit of our own propaganda and paint us in a positive light in the media.
As a fan I never know what to believe and sometimes it starts to creep in my my that maybe their is truth to what these flogs are saying.
Look at how Essenscum dealt with Stringer. You would of thought they just picked up Dustin Martin instead of a bloke that has hardly had a kick in 2 years and has had nothing but off field issues. Good marketing.

24-03-2018, 09:42 AM
Great post.

The premiership was the best stop putty we could of dreamed of. But last year's results coupled with the issues you lists have given the media flogs leverage to bring up past and current issues and then we are always seeming to then be reactive to the stories and trying to defend them.
On one hand I like the stance we have made with the media, stuff them it's non of their concern but on the other hand when its constant negetive sided news coming out of the club it can't be healthy when you're trying to build a supporter base.

Early season wins will keep them at bay but if we start dropping off they'll come for us hard. I'd like to see us jump on the front foot and get our media department or marketing to start with a bit of our own propaganda and paint us in a positive light in the media.
As a fan I never know what to believe and sometimes it starts to creep in my my that maybe their is truth to what these flogs are saying.
Look at how Essenscum dealt with Stringer. You would of thought they just picked up Dustin Martin instead of a bloke that has hardly had a kick in 2 years and has had nothing but of field issues. Good marketing.

Like we did with Boyd you mean?

If our club picked up a very dodgy bloke and player as a recruit I'd rather we weren't singing from the rooftops about it for two reasons. 1/ as soon as he *!*!*!*!s up We look like dills. And 2/ I'd rather the club didn't treat me like an idiot and lie to me. If we pick up a player with more than his share of human frailty then maybe telling everyone he is a cross between Wayne Carey and Gary Ablett sr isn't the best idea. My names Billy not silly.

24-03-2018, 09:51 AM
Like we did with Boyd you mean?

If our club picked up a very dodgy bloke and player as a recruit I'd rather we weren't singing from the rooftops about it for two reasons. 1/ as soon as he *!*!*!*!s up We look like dills. And 2/ I'd rather the club didn't treat me like an idiot and lie to me. If we pick up a player with more than his share of human frailty then maybe telling everyone he is a cross between Wayne Carey and Gary Ablett sr isn't the best idea. My names Billy not silly.

Yeah fair enough probably a bad example old Jakey but my point being I would really like to see us generating some good news stories to drown out the drivel.

The bulldog tragician
24-03-2018, 10:40 AM
Last March the communications director Denis Bicer left the club. He had been the one who initiated The Ride, the First Dog cartoons, the banners, and was also keen for my blog to be on the website. We were leading the way in communications, proud of our unique story, open and inclusive but now..

24-03-2018, 11:25 AM
Yeah fair enough probably a bad example old Jakey but my point being I would really like to see us generating some good news stories to drown out the drivel.

A ten goals win tomorrow would be the most welcome bit of good news!

The really weird thing from my POV is the two biggish media appearences Bevo did last week was talking about his favourite music on the Conversation Hour and his favourite books on another show. I wonder if the story's this week are a reaction to Bevo being in different sections of the media last week.

Ghost Dog
24-03-2018, 11:30 AM
Last March the communications director Denis Bicer left the club. He had been the one who initiated The Ride, the First Dog cartoons, the banners, and was also keen for my blog to be on the website. We were leading the way in communications, proud of our unique story, open and inclusive but now..

I didn't know about this. It's a very interesting observation, and thanks for pointing it out.
A small club struggling to handle success? Outsiders in the media causing trouble / Jealousy of the cup and the way we won it.

24-03-2018, 11:40 AM
I worry we over analyze everything we hear or read in the media , as Bevo has said before if we spent our time defending things from the media we wouldn't get anything done.
People bored also just write rubbish on FB and other social media and it's analyzed by the public and for some reason gets believed.
Sometimes we need to take a step back and relax and realise it's not all true.

Ghost Dog
24-03-2018, 11:42 AM
I worry we over analyze everything we hear or read in the media , as Bevo has said before if we spent our time defending things from the media we wouldn't get anything done.
People bored also just write rubbish on FB and other social media and it's analyzed by the public and for some reason gets believed.
Sometimes we need to take a step back and relax and realise it's not all true.

Good point. I was reading how Tom Boyd and Cloke were supposed to have struggled with what they read on facebook and Twitter. If I was a pro athlete with a big responsibility, no way I would touch social media.

Remi Moses
24-03-2018, 11:47 AM
Just as the amount of media involved in the code has increased rapidly , so has the b/s rumour mill.
I’ll site the JJ having an affair with Stringers ex as exhibit A
I do agree though the whole Alberti v Gordon Stoush is extremely childish and paints the club as petty .
The proof will be in the Teams performance, simple as that .

Remi Moses
24-03-2018, 11:50 AM
Another bit of crap bandied around was the alleged media ban put on Bevo .
Just nonsense , and something he knocked on the head . As a punter you have to sort through the dross served up .

24-03-2018, 11:58 AM
I couldn't agree more MJP. I just cannot understand the strategy behind the way we approach public relations over the past few years. It seems to be a mix of total naivety, lack of ability to read the environment, and a stubbornness to not admit we don't have the right people in place.

You could spend days listing all the issues we've mishandled over the past few years. Realistically it was only winning the premiership that stopped the media from trying to run us out the league. List them off

Boyd contract
Libba and Dahlhaus trade bait
Gordon vs Alberti

All of which were not particularly big issues but our handling of them allowed them to grow into public relations disasters. Add the to the fact that we do not allow any positive news to come out of the club at under any circumstances and you have the shitstorm of bad press we currently enjoy.

It's as if we have some misguided belief that if we don't provide the full context to a rumour then the media won't run with the story, when the reality is that if we don't provide the details then the media will make up a the details to fill the gaps and make it as sensational as they can. Our media department must have been hired from a supermarket such is their level of incompetence.

I just don't understand when we pay decent money why we can't aquire decent people. It defies belief!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa...

Our contracted Captain demanding a trade half way through the trade period "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

Our coach being forced out as a result "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

A listed player potentially colluding with an opposition club "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

One of our most talented players being traded out due to significant behavioural problems "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

We all certainly thought they were on this board.

I'll admit our media department has had a bad run, but the idea that we're 'Fighting with everyone' is extremely far-fetched.

24-03-2018, 01:19 PM
I just don't understand when we pay decent money why we can't aquire decent people. It defies belief!

I wonder about that too. Maybe there is too much money in the AFL and eople want the money and they want the big glamorous club on their CV as well.

Personally I don't understand why winning a premiership for the Bulldogs or the Saints is not seen as something so short of miraculous. That to be able to say "yep, I was part of the team that delivered that." isn't seen as the pinnacle of achievement, while working for one of the big 4 clubs in itself seems to confirm you are you are a gun coach/administrator/footy department member. Maybe when you are talking to someone from another sport telling them you were at a club when it won its first flag in 62 years doesn't carry the same amount of kudos as having worked at a club that they may have heard of before.

24-03-2018, 01:24 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa...

Our contracted Captain demanding a trade half way through the trade period "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

Our coach being forced out as a result "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

A listed player potentially colluding with an opposition club "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

One of our most talented players being traded out due to significant behavioural problems "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

We all certainly thought they were on this board.

I'll admit our media department has had a bad run, but the idea that we're 'Fighting with everyone' is extremely far-fetched.

Agree. If you want a Club that fought with everyone it was Richmond. It was them against the world. Instigated by Graeme Richmond. They also won multiple premierships. Apparently it worked.

24-03-2018, 01:28 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa...

Our contracted Captain demanding a trade half way through the trade period "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

Our coach being forced out as a result "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

A listed player potentially colluding with an opposition club "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

One of our most talented players being traded out due to significant behavioural problems "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

We all certainly thought they were on this board.

I'll admit our media department has had a bad run, but the idea that we're 'Fighting with everyone' is extremely far-fetched.


Some real overaction in this thread. How about some support for the club

24-03-2018, 02:30 PM
The proof will be in the Teams performance, simple as that .

Yeah...but I love the club anyway and we are going to have ups and downs with performance. I have seen pretty much ZERO positive press about anything and we haven't played a game. The Essendon/Stringer example is a good one - it has not been seen as our club following a 'no dh' policy in order to help the team move forward but the way it has been reported:

1/. We are all stupid.
2/. Essendon are smart.
3/. We have given up on a generational talent who was a key part of our premiership.
4/. ...and by the way, the guys the Bulldogs have replaced him with are overpriced (Boyd), over-rated (Schache) and can't even get a game!

Saying, 'Yeah, but we know the truth' is fine...but I have an 11yo who waivers between Dogs and Dockers (keep in mind we live a 2min walk from the new Fremantle facilities) and every time the 2016 premiers are mentioned it is all 'BAD'.

Things are NOT that bad. We have more than a dozen premiership players running out on Sunday...this season should be a positive story about refocussing and bouncing back...if we were like Hawthorn in 2009 last year, why wouldn't we be like Hawthorn in 2010 this year (aka the best team in the comp that should have won the GF) rather than being thought of as not even as good as Melbourne (yet to play finals in 10 years) and St Kilda.

24-03-2018, 02:34 PM

Some real overaction in this thread. How about some support for the club

C'mon. You know I support the club and always will. I just want some positive stories.

Once upon a time there was a joke about the way every time Tom Boyd's name was mentioned whoever from the club was 'talking' about it told a story about his development and how he would be the best kpp in the competition etc...there is nothing WRONG with creating a positive narrative about the season that has members and supporters looking forward to Round 1.

24-03-2018, 03:24 PM
Yeah...but I love the club anyway and we are going to have ups and downs with performance. I have seen pretty much ZERO positive press about anything and we haven't played a game. The Essendon/Stringer example is a good one - it has not been seen as our club following a 'no dh' policy in order to help the team move forward but the way it has been reported:

1/. We are all stupid.
2/. Essendon are smart.
3/. We have given up on a generational talent who was a key part of our premiership.
4/. ...and by the way, the guys the Bulldogs have replaced him with are overpriced (Boyd), over-rated (Schache) and can't even get a game!

Saying, 'Yeah, but we know the truth' is fine...but I have an 11yo who waivers between Dogs and Dockers (keep in mind we live a 2min walk from the new Fremantle facilities) and every time the 2016 premiers are mentioned it is all 'BAD'.

Things are NOT that bad. We have more than a dozen premiership players running out on Sunday...this season should be a positive story about refocussing and bouncing back...if we were like Hawthorn in 2009 last year, why wouldn't we be like Hawthorn in 2010 this year (aka the best team in the comp that should have won the GF) rather than being thought of as not even as good as Melbourne (yet to play finals in 10 years) and St Kilda.

I 100% get the points you are making and yes negative stories will cost us some supporters/members however, it can also be galvanizing to have an us vs them position.. The good journos will still write the good stories and the ones who endeavor to stir things up by creating the story line will continue just go about things in their own manner.
If the club and coach feel strongly that it's time to set the record straight we should accept that position and support them
You're 100% right, there is plenty to be positive about but I don't necessarily need to hear about it from some parts of the media.

24-03-2018, 03:26 PM
I 100% get the points you are making and yes negative stories will cost us some supporters/members however, it can also be galvanizing to have an us vs them position.. The good journos will still write the good stories and the ones who endeavor to stir things up by creating the story line will continue just go about things in their own manner.
If the club and coach feel strongly that it's time to set the record straight we should accept that position and support them
You're 100% right, there is plenty to be positive about but I don't necessarily need to hear about it from some parts of the media.

And that's the key to it.

Ghost Dog
24-03-2018, 04:23 PM
My Dad is a lifetime Bombers supporter and he doesn't have too many good things to say about Stringer's performance so far, having watched the Crows game. I think Essendon fans who know much about footy look at his defensive work and give a little groan.

24-03-2018, 04:30 PM
4 years 4 flags, apparently all when the club is in disarray , I like this club being in disarray.
I hope we are in complete disarray for the next ten years. !

24-03-2018, 05:08 PM

Some real overaction in this thread. How about some support for the club

So everything is perfect because you support the club? What value does posting something like that ad to the discussion?

24-03-2018, 05:10 PM
So everything is perfect because you support the club? What value does posting something like that ad to the discussion?

Take it this way, your post adds zero value to the club and those reading the negativity.

24-03-2018, 05:19 PM
Take it this way, your post adds zero value to the club and those reading the negativity.

In your opinion, but to be honest I couldn't care less about your opinion. I've added to the discussion, agree with it or not who cares. Boasting about your moral superiority by insisting everything is perfect because you support the club and that makes you a real supporter, and demanding discussion be shut down because you don't agree with it is utter garbage.

24-03-2018, 05:30 PM
In your opinion, but to be honest I couldn't care less about your opinion. I've added to the discussion, agree with it or not who cares. Boasting about your moral superiority by insisting everything is perfect because you support the club and that makes you a real supporter, and demanding discussion be shut down because you don't agree with it is utter garbage.

Did I say everything is perfect - I don't believe I said that - nothing is ever perfect. I just don't believe anything I read in the media.

As Peter said at the Season Launch, it is in the media's DNA to ignore us and if they get a sniff of something they make a mountain out of a mole hill.

I believe I said, how about some support for the club?

The club that has doubled membership over the past few years, eradicated debt, and net debt, brought in premierships with the AFL, 2 x VFL and today the AFLW. If a few sooks along the way couldn't work with the club management or to the rules of the football department, so be it - and that is not utter garbage.

24-03-2018, 05:31 PM
We need to be united now to get the plastics tomorrow.

24-03-2018, 05:40 PM
The club that has doubled membership over the past few years, eradicated debt, and net debt, brought in premierships with the AFL, 2 x VFL and today the AFLW. If a few sooks along the way couldn't work with the club management or to the rules of the football department, so be it.

And that's a very good counterpoint to the OP, one I probably would have at least in part agreed with up front. I question why we do so little about promoting those major wins, and the little wins along the ride, to counter the crushing negative publicity the media pours on us. The constant negativity of the press does have an effect on supporters and we should be much better than we are at countering it.

Look at a club like Essendon, they've been pathetic for nearly two decades on the field, they've had a number of issues with coaches, and obviously they had their entire senior listed for an industrial scale performance enhancing drug program, yet they're out there everyday getting puff pieces into the media and putting out home made propaganda that whips their idiot supporters into a frenzy and builds a buzz before their inevitable failure.

24-03-2018, 05:43 PM
And that's a very good counterpoint to the OP, one I probably would have at least in part agreed with up front. I question why we do so little about promoting those major wins, and the little wins along the ride, to counter the crushing negative publicity the media pours on us. The constant negativity of the press does have an effect on supporters and we should be much better than we are at countering it.

Look at a club like Essendon, they've been pathetic for nearly two decades on the field, they've had a number of issues with coaches, and obviously they had their entire senior listed for an industrial scale performance enhancing drug program, yet they're out there everyday getting puff pieces into the media and putting out home made propaganda that whips their idiot supporters into a frenzy and builds a buzz before their inevitable failure.

Is that because half the media follow Essendon (especially the HUN), or do they have very good internal media people who talk to the papers, radio, TV etc.

24-03-2018, 06:38 PM
Is that because half the media follow Essendon (especially the HUN), or do they have very good internal media people who talk to the papers, radio, TV etc.

It's likely a combination of the two. They work closely with the media and give them endless access to the club as well as personal kick backs (like VIP privileges) for favourable coverage. It's basically the opposite of what we do.

24-03-2018, 07:49 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa...

Our contracted Captain demanding a trade half way through the trade period "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

Our coach being forced out as a result "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

A listed player potentially colluding with an opposition club "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

One of our most talented players being traded out due to significant behavioural problems "Wasn't a particularly big issue"?

We all certainly thought they were on this board.

I'll admit our media department has had a bad run, but the idea that we're 'Fighting with everyone' is extremely far-fetched.

It was and it was an issue the media speculated on well before it happened. I agree most of what they write is rubbish, but there are grains of truth and not all is well in Dogland

24-03-2018, 08:09 PM
Last March the communications director Denis Bicer left the club. He had been the one who initiated The Ride, the First Dog cartoons, the banners, and was also keen for my blog to be on the website. We were leading the way in communications, proud of our unique story, open and inclusive but now..

That tells a bit of the story for me, Bicer did a good job. That's a loss of talent for sure.

24-03-2018, 09:06 PM
Just watching Norf slush around vs GC... Wondering how Shaun Higgins is feeling about his move..

As for fighting everyone.. why not?!

24-03-2018, 09:13 PM
And that's a very good counterpoint to the OP, one I probably would have at least in part agreed with up front. I question why we do so little about promoting those major wins, and the little wins along the ride, to counter the crushing negative publicity the media pours on us. The constant negativity of the press does have an effect on supporters and we should be much better than we are at countering it.

Look at a club like Essendon, they've been pathetic for nearly two decades on the field, they've had a number of issues with coaches, and obviously they had their entire senior listed for an industrial scale performance enhancing drug program, yet they're out there everyday getting puff pieces into the media and putting out home made propaganda that whips their idiot supporters into a frenzy and builds a buzz before their inevitable failure.

It's like we did all the really hard bits like winning stuff but then got all markievicz about sharing that good news with everyone else.

Someone mentioned Graeme Richmond and his "us against the world" philosophy. I've just finished reading The Hafey Years and a large chunk of the second half of the book is about that attitude and GR's regret that with a little give the Tiges may have won a few more flags. So the us v them stuff has a shelf life.

The bulldog tragician
24-03-2018, 10:52 PM
I really liked that Bevo was different, and open, and refreshingly honest. I know there have been reasons for him to develop a mistrust of the media, and that’s sad. But who are the losers if the club goes into siege mentality - not the media, they just thrive on it, but us as fans who start to feel shut out of our club’s story.

25-03-2018, 12:00 AM
I definitely agreed with the overall contention of the OP.

I find it really lazy, boring and unimaginative to just put up the shutters and say ‘Ah the media are idiots - they just make things up’.
This is mostly nonsense. There’s been plenty of reasons to examine how the club is going.

I feel like we have done a pretty ordinary job at controlling the narrative and using the media to our advantage. Every off season story of significance has been shaped in a negative way against the club because get on the defensive and close ranks. The Essendon example is a good one - they haven’t won a final since 2004! What were you all doing in 2004!!??? They should be absolutely under the pump for a myriad of reasons. But As nauseating as it is (particularly for someone like me who grew up in Essendon and absolutely despise them) - they came into round 1 as one of the big stories, and will finish the round as ‘the big winners’.

I am fascinated with what’s next for the year - and hoping my instincts are wrong, but I feel like the coach has (temporarily) lost his mojo, and it is trickling down throughout the club. I guess he set such a high benchmark with public speaking and public comments in the past - but his address at the season launch was his worst effort to date. Really stumbling with message, without the usual strength and confidence and not committal on where we are at. And I feel like he has been scrambling in press conferences on the talk of selection, our key position players that are somehow not ready or not in form to make the best 22, and the Dahlhaus/Libba discussion. Just really picking up where we left off last year.

Good performance can solve a lot of this. But its been an ordinary off-season.

25-03-2018, 12:52 AM
Its not The Sun/Mirror levels yet mate. God help us when it gets there though.

Don’t even mention that scum paper Chef.

25-03-2018, 06:41 AM
The problem with the us vs them narrative is that it wears out. It galvanises players and supporters for a few years maybe and then everyone gets sick of it.

25-03-2018, 08:00 AM
The problem with the us vs them narrative is that it wears out. It galvanises players and supporters for a few years maybe and then everyone gets sick of it.

Yes it's very much a short term approach and one with a bit of risk.

Regarding the opening post, I think there has a been a lot of good news stories and we aren't fighting with everyone. Yes we could have the media onside a bit more but that will come.

Are we really fighting with everyone or just pushing back on the ones that aren't telling the correct stories.?

25-03-2018, 08:54 AM
I am fascinated with what’s next for the year - and hoping my instincts are wrong, but I feel like the coach has (temporarily) lost his mojo, and it is trickling down throughout the club. I guess he set such a high benchmark with public speaking and public comments in the past - but his address at the season launch was his worst effort to date. Really stumbling with message, without the usual strength and confidence and not committal on where we are at. And I feel like he has been scrambling in press conferences on the talk of selection, our key position players that are somehow not ready or not in form to make the best 22, and the Dahlhaus/Libba discussion. Just really picking up where we left off last year.

Good performance can solve a lot of this. But its been an ordinary off-season.

Thanks for this insight Ozza.

I haven't paid enough attention to observe the same, but what you've identified here is definitely cause for concern. We're not going to achieve much is our message, our belief and our conviction has gone missing. Given the amount of change during the off-season internally, the whispers that come with that, and the baggage no doubt left behind by trading Jake and rumours circulating about others who under-performed last year, it may be a tough environment for some or at least, a very different one to which they've enjoyed the previous couple of years.

Hopefully all of this innuendo has been put to bed internally and has steeled the group.

We're at our best when we're consistently putting the team above ourselves and playing with a purpose - let's hope we see 22 blokes doing their best to help one another and some men of mayhem intent today.

25-03-2018, 11:05 AM
I feel like we have done a pretty ordinary job at controlling the narrative and using the media to our advantage. Every off season story of significance has been shaped in a negative way against the club because get on the defensive and close ranks.

Name one article? If you say the Dahl/ Libba one, then you are bascically calling Bevo a liar. Other than that I can't recall any other bad article. (maybe my memory is selective :D )

I am fascinated with what’s next for the year - and hoping my instincts are wrong, but I feel like the coach has (temporarily) lost his mojo, and it is trickling down throughout the club.

Don't understand how you can actually think this, but that is your opinion.

Personally I don't get that feeling. It's the same every pre-season, Bevo doesn't talk much to the media and delegates alot of that work. It is very tough for the coach. The season ends, then he has to get into trading mode, then draftimg mode, then the preseason begins. When do these blokes get a chance to have some time off?

Listen to the Bob Murphy Podacst (refer the thread on Bulldog Podcasts), its great to listen to Bevo.

25-03-2018, 11:15 AM
It's like we did all the really hard bits like winning stuff but then got all markievicz about sharing that good news with everyone else.

Someone mentioned Graeme Richmond and his "us against the world" philosophy. I've just finished reading The Hafey Years and a large chunk of the second half of the book is about that attitude and GR's regret that with a little give the Tiges may have won a few more flags. So the us v them stuff has a shelf life.

They did win 5 flags though in that time before the shelf life. Not too shabby.

25-03-2018, 12:04 PM
They did win 5 flags though in that time before the shelf life. Not too shabby.

The feeling was it should have been at least 2 or 3 more in the 1976-1980 period and the big problem was that things were running too well and GR basically went rogue and turned on the club.

25-03-2018, 05:21 PM
Name one article? If you say the Dahl/ Libba one, then you are bascically calling Bevo a liar. Other than that I can't recall any other bad article. (maybe my memory is selective :D )

Don't understand how you can actually think this, but that is your opinion.

Personally I don't get that feeling. It's the same every pre-season, Bevo doesn't talk much to the media and delegates alot of that work. It is very tough for the coach. The season ends, then he has to get into trading mode, then draftimg mode, then the preseason begins. When do these blokes get a chance to have some time off?

Listen to the Bob Murphy Podacst (refer the thread on Bulldog Podcasts), its great to listen to Bevo.

I’ve been seriously concerned about how Bevo has been going for a while now. He doesn’t seem to have borne any of the flack for how far we fell off the perch last year. How, after winning a premiership, he changed around the coaches roles immediately after. How he decided upon this new mantra of the players having to be versatile - and undoubtedly got the balance of versatility vs players in best positions - out of whack (pretty sure I brought up my concern over this round 1 v Collingwood that I wasn’t sure about it).
We moved players around to unfamiliar positions where they haven’t ever looked suited. Regular puzzling selections, and some disasterous decisions with the ruck and stoppages (how the hell with 3 ruckman in the team, did we have Dunkley twice go up in the ruck today?).
The Stringer presser by Bevo was really ill-advised - as was the whole Stringer situation.
And now to top things off - we picked a line up for round 1 that not one person I can think of - hasn’t thought was ridiculous. Even in the way we played today. Whatever plan we went in with in terms of the forward and defensive structure - appeared to just get thrown out the window.
The coaching has been pretty ordinary for 23 games now. People have been reluctant to call him on it - because he’s the messiah and he brought a flag to Footscray.

25-03-2018, 05:38 PM
I’ve been seriously concerned about how Bevo has been going for a while now. He doesn’t seem to have borne any of the flack for how far we fell off the perch last year. How, after winning a premiership, he changed around the coaches roles immediately after. How he decided upon this new mantra of the players having to be versatile - and undoubtedly got the balance of versatility vs players in best positions - out of whack (pretty sure I brought up my concern over this round 1 v Collingwood that I wasn’t sure about it).
We moved players around to unfamiliar positions where they haven’t ever looked suited. Regular puzzling selections, and some disasterous decisions with the ruck and stoppages (how the hell with 3 ruckman in the team, did we have Dunkley twice go up in the ruck today?).
The Stringer presser by Bevo was really ill-advised - as was the whole Stringer situation.
And now to top things off - we picked a line up for round 1 that not one person I can think of - hasn’t thought was ridiculous. Even in the way we played today. Whatever plan we went in with in terms of the forward and defensive structure - appeared to just get thrown out the window.
The coaching has been pretty ordinary for 23 games now. People have been reluctant to call him on it - because he’s the messiah and he brought a flag to Footscray.

I was holding off, but I completely agree with your assessment on how Bevo is going at the moment. Today's result felt inevitable with the lead in we've had.

I'm starting to get the vibe I had in the latter years of Wallace, which is we'd rather be different and out of the box than good. Some of the on field has been as puzzling as the off field.

25-03-2018, 05:48 PM
I was holding off, but I completely agree with your assessment on how Bevo is going at the moment. Today's result felt inevitable with the lead in we've had.

I'm starting to get the vibe I had in the latter years of Wallace, which is we'd rather be different and out of the box than good. Some of the on field has been as puzzling as the off field.

Yep, its some kind of coaching hubris.
It’s like because Clarko changed his game style to get the Hawks back up to the top - we decided to follow suit and be ‘ahead of the game’....but we did it immediately after winning one.

Can particularly relate to the feeling of ‘inevitability’ before today’s game. I never thought we’d win up there...but once selection and press conferences were done midweek - all I could see coming was a ten goal plus loss. It was actually worse than I imagined.

25-03-2018, 05:51 PM
I was holding off, but I completely agree with your assessment on how Bevo is going at the moment. Today's result felt inevitable with the lead in we've had.

I'm starting to get the vibe I had in the latter years of Wallace, which is we'd rather be different and out of the box than good. Some of the on field has been as puzzling as the off field.

4 Flags in 3 years says we are doing something right,admittedly in different comps but the culture can't be that bad.
But yes somethings awry.

25-03-2018, 06:25 PM
I was holding off, but I completely agree with your assessment on how Bevo is going at the moment. Today's result felt inevitable with the lead in we've had.

I'm starting to get the vibe I had in the latter years of Wallace, which is we'd rather be different and out of the box than good. Some of the on field has been as puzzling as the off field.
Just as players can lose form so can coaches, and Bevo is shockingly out of form at the moment. He's now lost 4 in a row since we were 11-8 late in the season last year - losing is habitual and it's a habit Bevo and the team needs to get out of ASAP.

Nuggety Back Pocket
25-03-2018, 08:14 PM
I was holding off, but I completely agree with your assessment on how Bevo is going at the moment. Today's result felt inevitable with the lead in we've had.

I'm starting to get the vibe I had in the latter years of Wallace, which is we'd rather be different and out of the box than good. Some of the on field has been as puzzling as the off field.
This was a poorly selected team today with the one redeeming feature being that we may have found a number one ruckman in English. When you do not have a genuine key forward, I struggle to understand why Schache wasn't included when he was drafted for that reason. When you lose Morris plus Murphy and Matthew Boyd why would you leave your defence without your two most experienced and attacking defenders in Wood and JJ by moving them forward. This was a very ordinary team today with 8 players missing from our 2016 Premiership side plus the injury to Libba left us sadly undermanned.
Why Daniel wasn't selected remains a mystery. I am loath to criticise Bevo however it would appear that our MC maybe in need of a dramatic overhaul.

26-03-2018, 12:11 AM
I’ve been seriously concerned about how Bevo has been going for a while now. He doesn’t seem to have borne any of the flack for how far we fell off the perch last year. How, after winning a premiership, he changed around the coaches roles immediately after. How he decided upon this new mantra of the players having to be versatile - and undoubtedly got the balance of versatility vs players in best positions - out of whack (pretty sure I brought up my concern over this round 1 v Collingwood that I wasn’t sure about it).
We moved players around to unfamiliar positions where they haven’t ever looked suited. Regular puzzling selections, and some disasterous decisions with the ruck and stoppages (how the hell with 3 ruckman in the team, did we have Dunkley twice go up in the ruck today?).
The Stringer presser by Bevo was really ill-advised - as was the whole Stringer situation.
And now to top things off - we picked a line up for round 1 that not one person I can think of - hasn’t thought was ridiculous. Even in the way we played today. Whatever plan we went in with in terms of the forward and defensive structure - appeared to just get thrown out the window.
The coaching has been pretty ordinary for 23 games now. People have been reluctant to call him on it - because he’s the messiah and he brought a flag to Footscray.
Yep, I don’t bet often and I won my flights back on our gws prelim, after team selection this week I put $ on gws by 40

Ghost Dog
26-03-2018, 11:54 AM
You know you are in trouble when your own fans are betting against you.
Early season, trying to get some game time into our second tier? No idea why so many good players were left out of our side. Devastated about Libba. Felt sick upon hearing it. Drop off in skills is really worrying. Are we still doing the handball club thing??
What a s*** weekend of sport. Only consolation is Collingwood seem to be tracking well....

26-03-2018, 12:07 PM
You know you are in trouble when your own fans are betting against you.
Early season, trying to get some game time into our second tier? No idea why so many good players were left out of our side. Devastated about Libba. Felt sick upon hearing it. Drop off in skills is really worrying. Are we still doing the handball club thing??
What a s*** weekend of sport. Only consolation is Collingwood seem to be tracking well....

One of the most worrying elements for me - is that we seemingly haven't gone into Round 1 with a side that is seen as resembling the long term best 22. Bevo has been making comments around certain players not being in the right sort of form yet, but that 'they'll make their way into the team when they're ready'. Ok, so if that is accurate and not just spin, and he genuinely believes that the 22 we went with is the way to go - then how is it that in the second quarter - Wood goes Back.....but then for the second half he is forward again. How do we somehow get 2.5 quarters in - and have given up on ruckman at centre bounces and have all three rucks inside 50? How does it take us 10 minutes to have Bontempelli go onto the ball when GWS have smashed up inside up until then and have kicked 3 already.

Naughton, first gamer - fed to the wolves down back. And then late in the game he ends up on the half forward line.

Brad Johnson summed it up in the coverage - we need to get back to playing our best players, in the positions that they play their best.

26-03-2018, 12:25 PM
One of the most worrying elements for me - is that we seemingly haven't gone into Round 1 with a side that is seen as resembling the long term best 22. Bevo has been making comments around certain players not being in the right sort of form yet, but that 'they'll make their way into the team when they're ready'. Ok, so if that is accurate and not just spin, and he genuinely believes that the 22 we went with is the way to go - then how is it that in the second quarter - Wood goes Back.....but then for the second half he is forward again. How do we somehow get 2.5 quarters in - and have given up on ruckman at centre bounces and have all three rucks inside 50? How does it take us 10 minutes to have Bontempelli go onto the ball when GWS have smashed up inside up until then and have kicked 3 already.

Naughton, first gamer - fed to the wolves down back. And then late in the game he ends up on the half forward line.

Brad Johnson summed it up in the coverage - we need to get back to playing our best players, in the positions that they play their best.

Terry Wallace was almost angry when talking about the make-up of the team on AFL Nation's radio coverage. He couldn't believe why so many players were being played out of position and couldn't understand the rationale behind persisting with Wood as a forward.

26-03-2018, 12:27 PM
Terry Wallace was almost angry when talking about the make-up of the team on AFL Nation's radio coverage. He couldn't believe why so many players were being played out of position and couldn't understand the rationale behind persisting with Wood as a forward.

Good of plough to say what every one of our supporters were thinking!

26-03-2018, 12:36 PM
Terry Wallace was almost angry when talking about the make-up of the team on AFL Nation's radio coverage. He couldn't believe why so many players were being played out of position and couldn't understand the rationale behind persisting with Wood as a forward.

Other than Wood, who was being played out of position?

26-03-2018, 12:38 PM
Good of plough to say what every one of our supporters were thinking!

I like the intent of him calling out the absurdity, but my concern is if someone outside the club questions the logic of what we're doing then we're likely to take it up a level even further just to prove a point.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
26-03-2018, 12:51 PM
I like the intent of him calling out the absurdity, but my concern is if someone outside the club questions the logic of what we're doing then we're likely to take it up a level even further just to prove a point.

Excellent..I've long been pining for a Naitanui v Daniel match-up!

The bulldog tragician
26-03-2018, 12:56 PM
Other than Wood, who was being played out of position?

JJ on the half back line would have helped. I’m not sure if anyone else has commented on this, but compared to the Acronyms we had no real springboard from defence. Williams and Biggs had their hands full, and the mids seemed very poor in getting back to link up.

26-03-2018, 01:11 PM
JJ on the half back line would have helped. I’m not sure if anyone else has commented on this, but compared to the Acronyms we had no real springboard from defence. Williams and Biggs had their hands full, and the mids seemed very poor in getting back to link up.

I thought Biggs played a shocker. Got a few possessions in the last, but he was disappointing

26-03-2018, 01:35 PM
Other than Wood, who was being played out of position?

Trengove spent all of the first half as a key forward, no surprise he didn't touch the ball. His leading patterns were shambolic.
In the 3rd qtr we had English & Roughead as our key forwards... That worked well.

On topic the communication out of the club is pitiful... We've become extremely insular which isn't great for supporter engagement.

26-03-2018, 01:40 PM
We’re playing forwards as rucks, rucks as forwards and defenders as forwards. That leaves midfielders/hbfs or rookies as key defenders.

26-03-2018, 01:46 PM
I thought Biggs played a shocker. Got a few possessions in the last, but he was disappointing

I agree. No run at all from Biggs and once he got the ball - his kicking was atrocious. Didn't help him that he often ended up trying to defend the last line against talls (possibly because Naughton and Roberts couldn't keep up).

I would stick with Biggs - but I have no faith in Bailey Williams. He should be in the VFL until he learns to defend better and take better care of the footy.

27-03-2018, 09:15 AM
This board is full of the club's most loyal supporters yet very few seem to get what on earth Bevo is doing and why. Gives a reasonable indication that communication from the club to fans is busted.

Nuggety Back Pocket
27-03-2018, 08:06 PM
Other than Wood, who was being played out of position?

Given the loss of Morris and Adams, Wood JJ and Trengrove all should have played in defence. We were left rudderless in defence. This was a very poorly selected team. The omissions of Daniel Jong and Wallis showed up badly when Libba went down leaving us few options in the midfield.

27-03-2018, 08:12 PM
We’re playing forwards as rucks, rucks as forwards and defenders as forwards. That leaves midfielders/hbfs or rookies as key defenders.

The mind boggles.

We need to go back to basics I think.