View Full Version : Victoria University Whitten Oval Precinct Development

12-04-2018, 10:39 PM
Link (http://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/news/2018-04-12/planning-for-our-future)


The Western Bulldogs Football Club welcomes the Andrews’ Government’s intent to assign the land at the southern (Geelong Road) end of the VU Whitten Oval, the existing Cross Street and adjoining land, to the Club for VU Whitten Oval football and for community development purposes.

We express our gratitude to Dan Andrews and his team for their co-operation and work with us over many months on this important work for the Club and Melbourne’s west.

We also acknowledge a $5,000,000 grant the Victorian Government has recently made to the Club to improve our football facilities with an emphasis on women’s change rooms, toilets, a scoreboard and TV quality lighting for our future AFLW home games.

The Club has been working on a master plan for the redevelopment of the precinct for some time and has engaged with a number of consultants for this purpose.

The re-alignment of Cross Street and the assignment of freehold title over the southern end of the Whitten Oval and the existing Cross Street land south of the oval as far as West Footscray station are the foundation of this master plan, and the Club will continue to work closely with Maribyrnong City Council on the re-alignment of Cross Street.

The Club plans to develop the southern end of VUWO both with match-day viewing, seating, and hospitality offerings but to also develop the expanded site with complementary uses which may include car parking, commercial, residential, entertainment and retail opportunities. We will achieve this historic re-design of our home ground in consultation with our members, the local community and the City of Maribyrnong.

Our plan is that the non match-day uses on the site (commercial and residential) capture financial value which will form the major part of a capital raising project, which will transform the oval into a unique community hub, the centerpiece of which will be the opportunity for families and people of the west to watch the men's and women's teams of the Western Bulldogs play football at a state-of-the-art 21st century community facility.

In consultation with the State Government, we have developed other elements to our long-term plans as the AFL team of Melbourne’s west. These discussions have included an extension of the crown lease held by the Bulldogs over the balance of the Whitten Oval, and plans to further develop Mars Stadium and extend the length of the Club’s home game commitments in Ballarat.

The Club also plans that the sale of our remaining licensed premises, joint ventures with prospective long-term tenants and other fundraising initiatives will help fund our long-term development plans. The arrangement recognizes that only the Western Bulldogs can optimize the real potential of this unique site.

It will be a vibrant and entertaining football venue on weekends and a busy and attractive place to live, work, dine and play sport during the week. It will also house the Club’s growing community services arm.

While its principal football use will be for women’s and VFL games, we do anticipate that its expanded capacity and quality will make the occasional fixturing of a heritage game in the men’s AFL premiership season an option. By the end of the 2018 season, we hope to be in a position to provide our members with visual and explanatory graphics of the principal re-design options for the precinct.

Obviously the acquisition of freehold title over such a large tract of premium land has a transformative effect on the Club’s future. Our commitment is to use this unprecedented opportunity to future-proof the Club and to provide a modern and exciting home ground venue which still honours our Western Oval and West Footscray heritage, while simultaneously providing a state-of-the-art destination for the people of the west.


12-04-2018, 10:56 PM
Did that say a five million dollar grant?

12-04-2018, 10:58 PM
Did that say a five million dollar grant?

It's a start, we need more than that. The club has some ambitious plans.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
12-04-2018, 11:08 PM
It's a start, we need more than that. The club has some ambitious plans.

Ambitiuous yes, bold even, given the grand scope. Vital to ensure we've got the right blend of people with the connections, experience and skillsets to pull this off.
It is an enticing risk.

Ghost Dog
13-04-2018, 04:49 AM
Five million sounds like a lot at first. But that will buy you four small terrace houses in Yarraville these days....

13-04-2018, 07:01 AM
Basically that boils down to the state govt giving the club the vacant land over the road on Cross st, as I read it.
Or am I wrong?

13-04-2018, 08:51 AM
Basically that boils down to the state govt giving the club the vacant land over the road on Cross st, as I read it.
Or am I wrong?

Plus, Scoreboard, change room facilities for AFLW, upgrade in lighting to TV std and tpilets.

13-04-2018, 09:49 AM
Basically that boils down to the state govt giving the club the vacant land over the road on Cross st, as I read it.
Or am I wrong?

Can you expand on this please Webby? Do you mean the land underneath the railway bridge? What do we plan on doing with it?

13-04-2018, 09:52 AM
I'm fairly sure that the parcel of land (or at least a portion of what we are being given by the State) was previously considered VicTrack land. And incidentally, Cam Rose (our former CEO) is the CEO of Victrack these days.

13-04-2018, 09:53 AM
Five million sounds like a lot at first. But that will buy you four small terrace houses in Yarraville these days....

Yeah I think the median house price now in Yarraville is $1 million.

13-04-2018, 11:19 AM
And having bought in Yarraville 30 years ago makes a happy camper!

13-04-2018, 03:11 PM
Part of me hopes the “realignment” of Cross Street doesn’t mean that they’re blocking it off. Thousands of cars pass through there, under Mt Mistake to get to work every morning. Me included.

Would just mean more traffic congestion in the morning... On the flip side, it’d be good for the club if they could take all of that area and utilise it..

13-04-2018, 03:17 PM
I believe this is what it's referring to from Google Maps:

https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-37.8013651,144.8867051,3a,75y,189.53h,92.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3. ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw%26output%3 Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w %3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D281.16678%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D 100!7i13312!8i6656

13-04-2018, 03:52 PM
Part of me hopes the “realignment” of Cross Street doesn’t mean that they’re blocking it off. Thousands of cars pass through there, under Mt Mistake to get to work every morning. Me included.

Would just mean more traffic congestion in the morning... On the flip side, it’d be good for the club if they could take all of that area and utilise it..

Nah they won't, they have just put all the speed humps into Cross st and Rupert st and Buckingham st and all the back routes through into Footscray and the city. If they were going to close it off to traffic they wouldn't have payed a contractor to come and do the work surely?

Although it is the City of Maribyrnong we are talking about. Now you've got me worried...

13-04-2018, 03:57 PM
I believe this is what it's referring to from Google Maps:

https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-37.8013651,144.8867051,3a,75y,189.53h,92.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3. ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw%26output%3 Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w %3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D281.16678%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D 100!7i13312!8i6656

Yep, that's the electrical relay in Cross st. It's roughly across the road from where the scoreboard stood. More or less adjacent but behind where it was.

It's where the paint and glue sniffers tend to pass out.

13-04-2018, 04:03 PM
I believe this is what it's referring to from Google Maps:

https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-37.8013651,144.8867051,3a,75y,189.53h,92.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3. ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DqHyYK1UtFMdcRvTHnt0_Dw%26output%3 Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w %3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D281.16678%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D 100!7i13312!8i6656

I hope not ! That's where I park every game and no one else seems to cotton on so I get to games as late as I want and still have a place to park. That little green patch is a beauty of a spot.

13-04-2018, 07:31 PM
I hope not ! That's where I park every game and no one else seems to cotton on so I get to games as late as I want and still have a place to park. That little green patch is a beauty of a spot.

Taken the train out to Whitten Oval several times when I have been but more parking though would be welcome for future WO trips via the car.

13-04-2018, 07:38 PM
Taken the train out to Whitten Oval several times when I have been but more parking though would be welcome for future WO trips via the car.

If I were you Easty I would leave the car at home when you visit the west. There are quite a few lunatics driving the streets around here.

13-04-2018, 07:43 PM
If I were you Easty I would leave the car at home when you visit the west. There are quite a few lunatics driving the streets around here.

The train is a good ride in and very close to the ground which is a big plus. Parking still could be an issue even with the expansion.

13-04-2018, 08:32 PM
The train is a good ride in and very close to the ground which is a big plus. Parking still could be an issue even with the expansion.

The last time they had a big crowd at Whitten oval (God bless those girls, I never thought I would see the ground packed out ever again) cars were parking outside my house!

13-04-2018, 09:04 PM
The last time they had a big crowd at Whitten oval (God bless those girls, I never thought I would see the ground packed out ever again) cars were parking outside my house!

Are you slightly west from Whitten Oval or closer to Ashley street Twodogs? I'd guess closer to Whitten Oval :)

13-04-2018, 09:20 PM
Are you slightly west from Whitten Oval or closer to Ashley street Twodogs? I'd guess closer to Whitten Oval :)

We were living in Clive st and that was 1.1 kms from the ground. It's very near Sims supermarket, right behind Barkly st shopping strip but we moved and now I live in Rupert st pretty much across the road from Tottenham station car park, I haven't checked the odometer to see how far the new place is from the footy ground but it's another km or so. I'm about 4-5 blocks back from Ashley st heading towards Footscray. It's a nice walk into Footscray or the Footy ground from here.

Remi Moses
14-04-2018, 02:34 PM
Is Sims still there ?

14-04-2018, 06:05 PM
Is Sims still there ?

Yep. Just been sold bit still operating as a supermarket.

Remi Moses
14-04-2018, 08:01 PM
God I miss those 50 cent cola drinks . Those were the days

14-04-2018, 09:54 PM
Is Sims still there ?

It is. It was sold last year and I believe was being refitted.
The previous owners/family went through an extremely tough time on a number of fronts. The business was handed over to administrators and sold.

14-04-2018, 11:02 PM
It is. It was sold last year and I believe was being refitted.
The previous owners/family went through an extremely tough time on a number of fronts. The business was handed over to administrators and sold.

Sims Supermarket history. First to use barcodes in Australia from 1979.


14-04-2018, 11:16 PM
Sims Supermarket history. First to use barcodes in Australia from 1979.


I didn't know that about the barcodes. There you go. West Footscray leading the world again.

15-04-2018, 12:34 AM
I didn't know that about the barcodes. There you go. West Footscray leading the world again.


Lots of great history in the west for sure. First use of barcodes in our country originated in the west and to fly out of Melbourne from the airport you start in the west and come back to the west - north west really :)

Sims IGA in Blackburn North I've gone past occasionally but haven't been in there.

Williamstown has a huge maritime history as does Port Melbourne.

15-04-2018, 04:00 PM
Back to the topic of the thread the prospect of future AFL Bulldog home games at Whitten Oval will be great. Even one home game there per year I would love.

15-04-2018, 04:05 PM
Back to the topic of the thread the prospect of future AFL Bulldog home games at Whitten Oval will be great. Even one home game there per year I would love.

It all sounds romantic, but I prefer to keep it home of our VFL and AFLW teams. I would prefer to have a home game at the G.

15-04-2018, 04:08 PM
It all sounds romantic, but I prefer to keep it home of our VFL and AFLW teams. I would prefer to have a home game at the G.

Yeah a home game at the G would be good as well. Etihad is our home ground now but we really should play a bit more at the G than we do. Maybe when we get 50K members that might change.

15-04-2018, 04:17 PM
Yeah a home game at the G would be good as well. Etihad is our home ground now but we really should play a bit more at the G than we do. Maybe when we get 50K members that might change.

Richmond have 90,000 fans and yesterday they had less at the G than we did at Etihad.

15-04-2018, 04:20 PM
Richmond have 90,000 fans and yesterday they had less at the G than we did at Etihad.

So right. Yeah no reason why we can't play a few more games there than say 4 or 5 per year with 1 being a home game.

15-04-2018, 04:25 PM
So right. Yeah no reason why we can't play a few more games there than say 4 or 5 per year with 1 being a home game.

Because the G will be home to the GF till 2057, interstate teams are going to get more games there. I doubt we would get 4 or 5, but at least 3 would be good.

15-04-2018, 04:29 PM
Because the G will be home to the GF till 2057, interstate teams are going to get more games there. I doubt we would get 4 or 5, but at least 3 would be good.

It was the ground where we played 2 magical games in September/October 2016 :)

15-04-2018, 04:35 PM
It was the ground where we played 2 magical games in September/October 2016 :)

It’s a ground where we have won 8 of our last 10 I think.

15-04-2018, 04:47 PM
It’s a ground where we have won 8 of our last 10 I think.

Good record overall in recent years.

03-10-2018, 07:53 PM
The club will be announcing new plans to develop the ground with seating for 15,000. Aim is for the Women's team, VFL team and on the odd occassion an AFL match.

The ground will also be further developed for even better training facilities.

New change rooms for the women and an electronic scoreboard will begin in the next few weeks.

03-10-2018, 08:06 PM
The club will be announcing new plans to develop the ground with seating for 15,000. Aim is for the Women's team, VFL team and on the odd occassion an AFL match.

The ground will also be further developed for even better training facilities.

New change rooms for the women and an electronic scoreboard will begin in the next few weeks.

Would love to see an actual AFL match at the Whitten Oval. If I've been there in the past I was too young to really remember.

03-10-2018, 08:39 PM
Finally a scoreboard .. I’ve been giving the poor old facilities manager a good old hammering for years over that problem, I can see him pointing it out to me the minute I next walk in the ground.
Going to cost me a beer or two.

03-10-2018, 08:46 PM
Western Bulldogs plan to sell all remaining pokies machines. Will find new ways to bring in revenue which are not dependent on gaming. President Peter Gordon says the club will post the biggest profit in club history this year.

03-10-2018, 09:05 PM
Western Bulldogs plan to sell all remaining pokies machines. Will find new ways to bring in revenue which are not dependent on gaming. President Peter Gordon says the club will post the biggest profit in club history this year.

Everything about this is good.

03-10-2018, 10:42 PM
Western Bulldogs to sell remaining poker machines and spend up on Whitten Oval redevelopment (https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/teams/western-bulldogs/western-bulldogs-to-sell-remaining-poker-machines-and-spend-up-on-whitten-oval-redevelopment/news-story/280dcd20758b18db76700e3128135a3a)

WESTERN Bulldogs will sell their remaining pokies machines and plan to use that revenue to help fund a Whitten Oval redevelopment (https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/teams/western-bulldogs/western-bulldogs-president-peter-gordon-to-stay-on-for-three-more-years/news-story/8f80bc8f95e7c2e3c0b04cc94be7f952).

President Peter Gordon revealed at Wednesday night’s best and fairest that the club was on track to post its biggest-ever profit in 2018 (https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/teams/western-bulldogs/peter-gordon-remains-upbeat-about-western-bulldogs-despite-two-seasons-of-struggle/news-story/7136848f9560f6b7a45f8bc57ae7e084).

Gordon said state-of-the-art training facilities would help attract star talent with the club able to match salary cap and football department spending with the biggest in the competition.


Bulldogs president Peter Gordon.The Bulldogs will turn over more than $55 million this year and post a third successive profit of more than $1 million.
Gordon wants Whitten Oval’s capacity to grow to 15,000 for AFLW matches.

“We don’t rule out seeking the odd AFL fixture as part of heritage round sometime in the future,” Gordon told last night’s best-and-fairest count.
“We are moving to sell our remaining gaming assets and using those asset sales as part of the capital commitment to the (Whitten Oval) redevelopment.


The Bulldogs want Whitten Oval’s capacity to grow to 15,000. Pic: Getty Images“We aspire to build something that’s new and suited to the needs of our teams in the 21st century while also retaining the soul of the 150-year-old western oval.

“Our growth and strength in membership over the past two years has been the biggest in our history. We are no longer shackled by crippling debt.

“We have made historic agreements with the state government to redevelop our spiritual home.”

03-10-2018, 11:25 PM
Really great to hear. I love the fact we have always stayed at Whitten Oval in the inner west and didn't go further out like some other clubs have. It is in a great location close to the CBD, well serviced by public transport West Footscray station and you get excellent views of Mount Dandenong from the Whitten Stand :) Off field overall we are doing great with all those community initiatives - on field is where need to pick up. It is a great time to be a Western Bulldogs supporter and member and we need as many members we can get. I'll be renewing soon again for 2019. Go Dogs!

04-10-2018, 05:49 AM
Do we still get the equalisation fund money off the AFL?
Or is it the fact that the AFL now owns Etihad we are getting our rightful earnings from the attendance ?
To be honest I thought we had got rid of our pokies about 5 years ago.
Read an article in my local about the bombers trying to lease Melton country club another 21 years but the council is under pressure to stop as the country club has taken 9million out of the residents this year.
I was also in the belief that all clubs were supposed to abandon the pokies as revenue ( thought the AFL had made some sort of rule).

Bulldog Joe
04-10-2018, 08:07 AM
Do we still get the equalisation fund money off the AFL?
Or is it the fact that the AFL now owns Etihad we are getting our rightful earnings from the attendance ?
To be honest I thought we had got rid of our pokies about 5 years ago.
I was also in the belief that all clubs were supposed to abandon the pokies as revenue ( thought the AFL had made some sort of rule).

Carlton would have to close down as a football club without pokies revenue.

04-10-2018, 08:29 AM
Carlton would have to close down as a football club without pokies revenue.

Problem ?

06-02-2019, 04:12 PM
New Scoreboard


06-02-2019, 04:42 PM
Is the scoreboard going to be able to show replays or is it just a scoreboard?

06-02-2019, 05:02 PM
Is the scoreboard going to be able to show replays or is it just a scoreboard?

Full on vision, plus scores.

06-02-2019, 07:10 PM
New Scoreboard


I drove past on Scotsmen's hill on Monday and they had just started work on the footings. The players were out training and all the workers had stopped to watch, I thought to myself "they had better have that working by Saturday night or Mr Gordon is not going to be happy that the workers decided to stand around watching training today"

06-02-2019, 07:13 PM
At the Geelong Road end I believe. Much needed that’s for sure with the AFLW and VFL there and the odd AFL match in the future.

06-02-2019, 08:30 PM
Looks huge!

08-02-2019, 01:59 PM
Well here it is:


08-02-2019, 02:01 PM
No more back of the trailer scoreboards :D

09-02-2019, 08:18 PM
Looks great

09-02-2019, 09:02 PM
Next step is to increase the capacity to somewhere around 15k to 20k according to PG

09-02-2019, 09:27 PM
Next step is to increase the capacity to somewhere around 15k to 20k according to PG

Future AFL games 1 or 2 per year very possible if we get the capacity up. Has the lighting now although I think it needs to be more powerful for hosting night AFL games but probably will be played in the daytime if we were to play AFL games. Just all hypotheticals.

09-02-2019, 09:38 PM
Future AFL games 1 or 2 per year very possible if we get the capacity up. Has the lighting now although I think it needs to be more powerful for hosting night AFL games but probably will be played in the daytime if we were to play AFL games. Just all hypotheticals.

It will be more set up for Women's football

09-02-2019, 10:44 PM
It will be more set up for Women's football

Still getting close to Ballarat though. Quite possible we could fit games against say the GC in with that capacity.

Happy Days
10-02-2019, 11:40 AM
Still getting close to Ballarat though. Quite possible we could fit games against say the GC in with that capacity.

The AFL will never allow games at grounds like WO with such a substantial breeze. Think of the ~ o p t i c s ~.

10-02-2019, 11:41 AM
The AFL will never allow games at grounds like WO with such a substantial breeze. Think of the ~ o p t i c s ~.

Cairns & Ballarat are no different

14-02-2019, 02:28 PM
The AFL will never allow games at grounds like WO with such a substantial breeze. Think of the ~ o p t i c s ~.
Isn't there some weird arrangement where AFL games can't be held at stadiums with wooden grandstands?

14-02-2019, 05:04 PM
Isn't there some weird arrangement where AFL games can't be held at stadiums with wooden grandstands?

Not sure what it is exactly. Someone on here might know more.

The wooden seats = old school :) When I’m at the Whitten Oval I always love to sit in the Whitten Stand and I think back this was buzzing in the 80s before I was born when we had great wins.

Nowadays I think we are just comfortable in the seats at the G and Marvel.

19-02-2019, 02:00 PM
The AFL will never allow games at grounds like WO with such a substantial breeze. Think of the ~ o p t i c s ~.

The new scoreboard is big enough to affect the wind at Geelong Rd end.

24-02-2019, 12:59 PM
Isn't there some weird arrangement where AFL games can't be held at stadiums with wooden grandstands?

From memory FA and the Thatcher government in England held an enquiry after the Bradford fire in 1985 and banned stadia (the correct plural form of stadium;)) with wooden seating from hosting matches in England. The AFL did make out that they had surveyed the grounds in the early '80s and held concerns about how a few could have been problematic if there was a fire but that had more to do with ground rationalization and getting rid of grounds like Whitten oval than any deeply held concerns about safety.

13-01-2021, 11:22 AM
The redevelopment of Whitten Oval is a step closer with Maribyrnong council granting the Western Bulldogs a planning permit. (https://maribyrnonghobsonsbay.starweekly.com.au/news/western-bulldogs-granted-permit/)

At the last council meeting, the council considered the $50 million project which includes a new indoor recreation facility, museum, and playground and will increase the capacity of the function centre, car parking area, offices and retail spaces on the oval.
This would be in addition to demolishing and replacing the existing E.J Whitten Stand, installing new light towers, and resurfacing the playing field
Councillors granted the permit, but supported objectors’ calls to ensure that Spurling Reserve remained available to the public at all times and the continued community use of the both facilities.
Mayor Michael Clarke says councillors could see the economic and community wellbeing benefits from the introduction of the function centre, shop and café and the addition of a basketball court and playground and improved pedestrian access to and around the site, including for those requiring disability access.
But he said they also recognised that Spurling Reserve has played a fundamental role in providing localised open space for residents in an area which has a shortfall of publicly accessible open space.
“We cannot support it being fenced off for car parking.”
In granting the planning permit, council is requiring all existing car parking within Spurling Reserve, adjacent to Barkly Street, be removed.
Council will write to the Bulldogs to explore the establishment of a community working group to formalise continued community access to Whitten Oval and Spurling Reserve.
The Club will also be required, following the first televised matches, to submit its lighting plan to council for approval.

13-01-2021, 11:24 AM
Demolishing the E.J. stand. The price of progress, bit sad though lots of memories there over the years.

13-01-2021, 12:37 PM
Demolishing the E.J. stand. The price of progress, bit sad though lots of memories there over the years.

I remember when it was built.

I wonder what happens to the seats bought by members - they have plaques on them? ( mine included)

13-01-2021, 12:41 PM
I remember when it was built.

I wonder what happens to the seats bought by members - they have plaques on them? ( mine included)

Would be worth shooting the club an email - would be nice if you could keep the plaque.

13-01-2021, 12:43 PM
I remember when it was built.

I wonder what happens to the seats bought by members - they have plaques on them? ( mine included)

That's a good question, you'd hope they're somehow represented in the new stand.

02-08-2022, 02:02 PM

Axe Man
02-08-2022, 02:17 PM
I saw this photo on Facebook and agree with what many people pointed out - surely they could have taken down and preserved the signage?

02-08-2022, 02:56 PM
I saw this photo on Facebook and agree with what many people pointed out - surely they could have taken down and preserved the signage?

They could have preserved a lot and auctioned/sold it off to supporters. Ripping it down like that and destroying everything just seems like we're destroying history. I saw the post on Facebook as well, like you said, lots of old supporters really unhappy with what they did and that photo.

02-08-2022, 03:15 PM

Mon Couer!

02-08-2022, 03:31 PM
Mon Couer!

Nah, progress:D

02-08-2022, 03:31 PM
They could have preserved a lot and auctioned/sold it off to supporters. Ripping it down like that and destroying everything just seems like we're destroying history. I saw the post on Facebook as well, like you said, lots of old supporters really unhappy with what they did and that photo.

Is it possible to please everyone?

They removed the plaques that's pretty evident. Not sure those old signs are worth preserving are they? I get some things are, just not sure about those.
The big EJ sign should be from the bottom.

02-08-2022, 04:36 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/JnMPjTFY/Mematic-20220802-163456.jpg (https://postimg.cc/DWprTcn1)

Axe Man
02-08-2022, 04:42 PM
Is it possible to please everyone?

They removed the plaques that's pretty evident. Not sure those old signs are worth preserving are they? I get some things are, just not sure about those.
The big EJ sign should be from the bottom.

Even if those signs weren't possible or worthwhile to preserve, posting a photo of them tearing down Charlie Sutton's sign is tone deaf.

02-08-2022, 04:57 PM
Even if those signs weren't possible or worthwhile to preserve, posting a photo of them tearing down Charlie Sutton's sign is tone deaf.

With Darce and Cody looking on it symbolised the old and the new.
I'm not too bothered about a sign, the new stand will have plenty for those into nostalgia.
Sad to see it go though I spent so much time growing up in front of that lump of concrete!

02-08-2022, 06:45 PM
Even if those signs weren't possible or worthwhile to preserve, posting a photo of them tearing down Charlie Sutton's sign is tone deaf.

Exactly, they just don't get it. That would have hurt so many people just seeing that. Everyone knew it was coming, not all wanted it to happen but to post it like a promotional tool was a pretty stupid thing to do.

02-08-2022, 07:06 PM
Fair for fans to experience some grief. Time and tide waits for no one.

To be fair re: signs above the stands, while they represent famous names deserving of respect, the actual signs aren’t exactly historical relics. Probably could have done without seeing Charlie’s name in tatters though.

02-08-2022, 08:29 PM
What exactly are people upset about.

Symbolically crushing the spirit of Charlie?

It's a piece of wood.

Pretty sure Charlie wouldn't have cared too much.

02-08-2022, 10:02 PM
What exactly are people upset about.

Symbolically crushing the spirit of Charlie?

It's a piece of wood.

Pretty sure Charlie wouldn't have cared too much.
Looks like the crane shopped early

02-08-2022, 10:17 PM
Looks like the crane shopped early

Haha. You can leave on that high.

04-08-2022, 09:14 AM
Jaysus. Seeing Charlie's name swinging like that auck!

04-08-2022, 10:07 AM
This video explains a bit more, and yes some pieces are being preserved.


17-08-2022, 05:39 PM
Bulldogs set for VU Whitten Oval surface and landscaping works (https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/news/1201190/bulldogs-set-for-vu-whitten-oval-surface-and-landscaping-works)

The next important phase of the highly anticipated VU Whitten Oval redevelopment is about to commence, concurrent with the completion of the demolition of the Whitten Stand.

Once complete, each of the Club’s teams will have access to a pristine refurbished and regraded playing surface, and fans will benefit with new seating, greatly improved food and beverage facilities, new broadcast quality lighting and improved entrances for the public.

To accommodate these changes, from Tuesday 23 August the VU Whitten Oval surface and surrounding landscaped areas will be closed to the public as work begins on this crucial phase of the precinct works.

The Club looks forward to welcoming patrons back to VU Whitten Oval once these external works are complete, which is currently expected to be in April 2023, in time for VFL, VFLW and AFLW matches.

The Bulldogs Shop and the Club’s membership services desk will remain open to the public for the immediate future.

The Bulldogs’ teams will continue to access the Club’s high-performance centre at VU Whitten Oval during the next phase of works, while utilising alternative venues for on-field training, including the newly redeveloped Skinner Reserve in Braybrook.

As previously communicated, the women’s team will play its Season 7 home games at alternative venues, including Mars Stadium in Ballarat, Ikon Park and Punt Road Oval.

“We are working with tight, detailed plans and timelines for the redevelopment project, and a key consideration for us is allowing the new VU Whitten Oval turf to be ready as soon as possible next year, including for the AFL team to train on ahead of the 2023 season,” said Bulldogs CEO Ameet Bains.

“This means we need to start these works immediately in order to meet those timelines.

“If we wait any longer, we face the risk of the process dragging out, which will greatly impact the ability for our programs to utilise the oval during the 2023 season.

“In addition to the disruptions our football programs will face, we acknowledge the impact these works will have on local residents and their access to the oval and surrounds.  This will be an inconvenience for a period of time, but we are so excited about what our members and fans, and the local community, will come back to when the work is complete.”

07-09-2022, 09:38 AM

07-09-2022, 01:51 PM
Apparently on Twitter it's being said they're excavating for a defensive structure and not having a lot of luck finding anything. :)

You have to laugh.

09-09-2022, 04:12 PM
The ground is being realigned


09-09-2022, 04:12 PM

09-09-2022, 04:13 PM

09-09-2022, 04:35 PM
If you paid top dollar for that hotel room, BAD, I'd request a refund.

09-09-2022, 04:44 PM
If you paid top dollar for that hotel room, BAD, I'd request a refund.

Should see the room :D

09-09-2022, 05:19 PM
Should see the room :D

I've heard about the pulls you've been taking. This sounds like a trap.

22-10-2022, 12:25 PM

Whitten Oval Under Construction @In The Kennel

08-11-2022, 07:32 PM

Short-term pain, long-term gain: Dogs' HQ to be transformed
The Whitten Oval is being transformed into one of the best training and administration bases in Victoria
By Josh Gabelich on Nov 8, 2022

THE WESTERN Bulldogs headquarters in Footscray look vastly different to the place Liam Jones last trained at before he departed for Carlton eight years ago.

The 31-year-old returned to the Whitten Oval as an unrestricted free agent last month, with star key forward-ruckman Rory Lobb also arriving from Fremantle.

But things are different, at least right now.

Lobb has moved from one of the best training facilities in the AFL in Cockburn to a construction site.
Things aren’t pretty, but they will be in the not-too-distant future.

Victoria University Whitten Oval and the Western Bulldogs’ training and administration base is undergoing a major $77 million renovation, which will be fully completed by 2024.

The iconic Whitten Stand was demolished in July before the surface was completely dug up in August, sending the players to training grounds off-site for the closing weeks of the season, as well as for season seven of AFLW.

Like plenty of Bulldogs, Jones and Lobb have been completing their off-season weights program inside a gym that has moved into where the old cafeteria used to be open to diehard supporters looking for a glimpse of their heroes.

Those who haven't been back at the club will get a surprise when they report for pre-season training in the coming weeks. The Bulldogs' first-to-fourth-year players are due back on November 21, while the senior group return on December 5.

The plan is to be back on the ground by round one, but it might take a bit longer given the large-scale transformation occurring to the ground.

The surface has been excavated and will return in a different dimension with 1500 seats in a new incarnation of the Whitten Stand, plus broadcast quality lightning upgraded and a new Bulldogs museum, among other additions.

In the meantime, Luke Beveridge's side will complete pre-season training at Skinner Reserve in Braybrook, 10 minutes away from the Whitten Oval.

Skinner Reserve underwent a $3 million redevelopment last year in a project involving the Maribyrnong City Council and the Western Bulldogs, providing a training base for the AFLW program in recent months.

Just like all the weights, Pilates reformers and exercise equipment, the football department has been relocated to inside the John Gent Stand, moving away from the previous building which is still standing but currently has nothing but a roof.

While the membership, community and finance teams are on a floor above them, Chris Grant's football department have been moved into new workstations with a temporary theatrette constructed for meetings, where they will be for the next 12 months. It is makeshift, but it will do.

The redevelopment of Bulldogs HQ has been one of the key projects Ameet Bains has overseen since becoming CEO at the end of 2017, as well as the continued growth of AFLW, the club's partnership with Ballarat and exceeding 50,000 members for the first time in 2022.

The State Government has contributed $44.8 million to a project that is set to provide the Western Bulldogs with one of the best training and administration bases in Victoria.

Short-term pain, long-term gain for Jones, Lobb and the Dogs.

08-11-2022, 07:56 PM
Be great once all completed.

08-11-2022, 07:58 PM
Be great once all completed.

I suppose so Easty, but we always seem to be a work in progress and this will again distance the players from the supporters.

08-11-2022, 08:04 PM
I suppose so Easty, but we always seem to be a work in progress and this will again distance the players from the supporters.

Yeah that’s a downside you want to have that more closer for sure.

09-11-2022, 10:06 AM
I suppose so Easty, but we always seem to be a work in progress and this will again distance the players from the supporters.

Might be easier to see training at Skinner G than it was this year.

09-11-2022, 10:57 AM
I hadn't comprehended the dimensions of the oval were changing before I read that article. Does anyone know what the new dimensions will be?

Axe Man
09-11-2022, 11:22 AM
I hadn't comprehended the dimensions of the oval were changing before I read that article. Does anyone know what the new dimensions will be?

Replicating Kardinia Park so we can finally win a game there! ;)

09-11-2022, 11:48 AM
Might be easier to see training at Skinner G than it was this year.

It should but Bevo's secret squirrel approach might make it hard.

09-11-2022, 12:03 PM
I suppose so Easty, but we always seem to be a work in progress and this will again distance the players from the supporters.

I don't understand this comment. We are building first class facilities and there has to be some inconvenience to get there.

18-11-2022, 05:19 PM

18-11-2022, 05:28 PM
It's been destroyed !

18-11-2022, 05:39 PM
It's been destroyed !

The Performance centre isn't that old so its a shame it's been gutted. I wish there was a way to revamp facilities rather than gut them.

18-11-2022, 09:13 PM
There will be an indoor playing field, so they had to gut the old facility

18-11-2022, 09:46 PM
There will be an indoor playing field, so they had to gut the old facility

Is that so Bevo can do his planning without prying eyes. :)

08-02-2023, 05:31 PM
Getting there


13-02-2023, 09:22 AM
Does anyone know if the shop is open during the redevelopment?

13-02-2023, 09:56 AM
Does anyone know if the shop is open during the redevelopment?

Best I could find 1ED. I'd call the club prior to heading in there to make sure.

Will the Bulldogs Shop and Barkers Café continue to operate during the redevelopment?
The Bulldogs Shop will continue to operate in a temporarily smaller capacity until the new shop in the Whitten Stand is available.
Barkers Café will continue to operate throughout the redevelopment.

From here : https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/redevelopment/whitten-oval-redevelopment-faqs


13-02-2023, 10:02 AM
Thanks mate, will do just to be safe.

16-02-2023, 11:01 PM

17-02-2023, 01:49 PM

19-02-2023, 09:48 PM
A lot going on around the old army shed but what’s going on with the old EJ stand ?

19-02-2023, 09:49 PM
A lot going on around the old army shed but what’s going on with the old EJ stand ?

It's gone ledge and will be rebuilt.

01-06-2023, 08:46 PM
Latest update with JJ.

Pretty impressive.

Didn't mention GvGs tent area, I'm sure it's just an oversight.


01-06-2023, 09:31 PM
Latest update with JJ.

Pretty impressive.

Didn't mention GvGs tent area, I'm sure it's just an oversight.


I’m a little worried , it looks like the replacement for the old Whitten stand won’t be another stand for supporters. I hope they allow some sort of cover for us members .

21-07-2023, 11:16 AM
Lights are up


21-07-2023, 12:01 PM
Lights are up


I was there yesterday (well in the area) and they dominate the skyline. They're massive!

21-07-2023, 04:34 PM
Three towers or four?

21-07-2023, 04:41 PM
Three towers or four?

Four. Still need to do one.

22-07-2023, 12:01 AM
I was there yesterday (well in the area) and they dominate the skyline. They're massive!

I drive past there as well. It is coming along. Will the old Whitten Stand be a new redeveloped stand? Was good to have sat in the old Whitten stand in the 2010s before it was knocked down.

22-07-2023, 12:23 AM
I drive past there as well. It is coming along. Will the old Whitten Stand be a new redeveloped stand? Was good to have sat in the old Whitten stand in the 2010s before it was knocked down.

I believe so yes.

22-07-2023, 12:28 AM
I believe so yes.

Will be great once it's all done. Great for our VFL and AFLW teams.

22-07-2023, 12:54 AM
It is going to be a first class facility when completed. That has to help with player attraction and retention.