View Full Version : Which Bulldogs players have you met personally?

28-01-2007, 11:08 AM
I will start off by saying I have met a number of players on a personal level.

Steve Wallis at Conrad Jupiters at the Gold Coast.
Tony McGuinness, Andrew Purser, Doug Hawkins, Kelvin Templeton and Gary Dempsey at various times.

What were they like when you met them?
Did any of them snub you?
Who was the most friendly?
Who was the most aloof?

28-01-2007, 12:37 PM
I met Darcy once at the airport when I was seeing off some family, and he was here for some reason or other. I went to the opposing school to Big Will's down in Adelaide, and he played on the opposition side in year 12 football etc. I met Jordy once too, a good mate of mine played in an U 18's side with him and Didak I think..something like that. Would have been whilst McMahon was still at Pultney, not Immanuel.

ie. I have only met some of the SA guys, unlike the majority of you mob who can see them every other day.

28-01-2007, 02:54 PM
I know Matthew Croft through a business association. One year Matthew invited my self and a mate to play golf in the plyers year end goldf tornament and we were paired off with Murhpy and Mark Stevens from the Herald Sun. We got to know Murphy pretty well as he also interviewed us for the Club Corner he was hosting for Fox Footy, it was a real laugh. Met a lot of the players on the golf day, especially afterwards at the bar and dinner.

28-01-2007, 03:00 PM
I know Matthew Croft through a business association. One year Matthew invited my self and a mate to play golf in the plyers year end goldf tornament and we were paired off with Murhpy and Mark Stevens from the Herald Sun. We got to know Murphy pretty well as he also interviewed us for the Club Corner he was hosting for Fox Footy, it was a real laugh. Met a lot of the players on the golf day, especially afterwards at the bar and dinner.

Crofty is a sensational bloke. I only had a quick chat to him once but he was a very down to earth type.

It must have been a bit of a hoot having a game of golf with Murphy? I'm pretty sure I saw the Fox sports Club Corner show where Murphy was cracking wise all the time and driving the golf buggy.

Murphy is very good in front of the cameras.

The Coon Dog
28-01-2007, 04:25 PM
Yesterday at golf I met Cam Faulkner, Brennan Stack & Malcolm 'Sugar' Lynch. 3 very down to earth guys who are better footballers than golfers.

28-01-2007, 06:10 PM
Crofty is a sensational bloke. I only had a quick chat to him once but he was a very down to earth type.

It must have been a bit of a hoot having a game of golf with Murphy? I'm pretty sure I saw the Fox sports Club Corner show where Murphy was cracking wise all the time and driving the golf buggy.

Murphy is very good in front of the cameras.

Murphy was very funny and a great bloke and future leader.

28-01-2007, 06:13 PM
I have met a quite a few of them over the years whilst working at my last job and if they see me at any function they will always come over to say hello.

Brad Johnson - first time I met him I had a broken elbow after a fall and he was telling me he knew exactly how I felt and that he had been there and done that before. Always very friendly and speaks to me by name whenever he sees me.

Leon Cameron - Another one who always has time for a chat and a laugh whenever I see him, I have probably known him the longest. I remember when he went to Richmond he came up to me and said "Don't hate me", I replied Never, you will find your way back to the Dogs eventually, and he did.

Ryan Hargrave and Mitch Hahn always saw them in a coffee shop near my work as I would always pick up a latte' on my way to work. They were both clowns and like to have a laugh.

I have met a few others but those four I have mentioned would have to be the nicest and friendliest.

Bulldog players I didn't like that I have met -

Scott Wynd - I met once or twice, didn't like him very much, found him to be a bit of a smarty - perhaps he was having an off day although I must say he didn't leave a good impression.

A few more on the not like list, but that is another story for another day.

The Bulldogs Bite
28-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Brad Johnson & Rohan Smith: I was only about 7 or 8, but they were at a restaurant in Werribee which at the time was very popular but since declined significantly. I think Johnno & Bubba might have been living out that way too at the time? Anyway, when we were leaving my mum took me up to get their autographs and chat to them. I can't remember fine details, but they were nice and as a young kid it made the night.

Brett Montgomery: This was prior to him being traded from The Dogs, so I'm guessing back in the 97 era sometime. It was after Training, and he was surrounded by kids with pens and paper. Being shy, I wasn't one to push and shove to get the autograph. Basically waited my turn whilst the other kids would eagerly move in order to secure a signature. I remember at the end, I asked if i could please have his autograph, and he said "you most certainly can" - and patted me on the head. Apparently, Mum said he was very appreciative and told her that I had wonderful manners. After that, Monty was a favourite. Even after he left The Dogs, he was liked in our household and we were all rapt - particuarly Mum - to have him back last year.

I've seen Chris Grant a couple times too. Once at the AFL Shop with Leon Cameron - who wasn't the nicest person I've ever met - and at the 2005 VFL Grand Final. Granty was terrific both times and gave me and my dad a lot of respect. He's absolutely huge too but it's great to know he's as nice as he appears.

I've had "hellos" to numerous other players such as Kretiuk, Darcy & Eagleton but the ones above were the more detailed.

The Bulldogs Bite
28-01-2007, 06:51 PM
Oh, and Nathan Brown too, when he was at The Dogs. I think he left the next season, and whilst I was disappointed because he was a good player, I didn't mind so much because he was a prick when I met him during that season. Basically exactly how he acts on Television. Smart mouth.

29-01-2007, 10:17 AM
I met Rob Murphy and thanked him for all the pleasure the Dogs brought us last year and he seemed genuinely pleased & shook my hand warmly. Then he did his ACL a couple of weeks later.

I met Tom Williams in 2005, tapped him manfully in the shoulder and said "Don't worry, you're bound to have a better year in 2006." :o I've cursed him. I've refrained from talking to injured players after that.

Hard Ball Get
29-01-2007, 03:41 PM
I met Liba at a sportsmans night and he was very passionate about his footy. He had a lot of time for questions after the night and he also organised to get some players down to a hospital to fisit an injured kid from the under 16's.

I Shook hands with Natah Brown at a bar called Jimmy Rowes in Moonee Ponds. He was full of self importance as you can imagine.

dog town
29-01-2007, 04:41 PM
I met Liba at a sportsmans night and he was very passionate about his footy. He had a lot of time for questions after the night and he also organised to get some players down to a hospital to fisit an injured kid from the under 16's.

I Shook hands with Natah Brown at a bar called Jimmy Rowes in Moonee Ponds. He was full of self importance as you can imagine.I met Brown at the same place years and years ago and he was actually playing up the night before a practice match. I believe its called Prine of Wales these days.

I know Cam Wight pretty well as I am a fellow Sunbury boy and mix in similar circles. Also knew Brad Murphy and Nick Bruton to varying degrees. Met Mcmahon and Wiggins a couple of times.

29-01-2007, 04:44 PM
I met Brown at the same place years and years ago and he was actually playing up the night before a practice match. I believe its called Prine of Wales these days.

I know Cam Wight pretty well as I am a fellow Sunbury boy and mix in similar circles. Also knew Brad Murphy and Nick Bruton to varying degrees. Met Mcmahon and Wiggins a couple of times.

How did you find Murphy and Bruton? Brad Murphy had a bad reputation for being over confident.

Dry Rot
29-01-2007, 11:32 PM
I've met the great Brain Harris at least a couple of times post the Swans game in Sydney.

Due to the appalling influence of people present like Twodogs, Alwaysadog, Ernie Sigley and The Doctor, not to forget Matty Boyd's mother, these functions have blended into one in my mind, much like the jugs of beer Ernie Sigley was endlessly buying.

But after one game I had a good rave with Brian, who was most chuffed about the BHAS and signed my modest A3 BHAS banner. At another, I shouted at him "Crack some heads for me, Brian" which, in a sense was successful. Next game he duly cracked a head or two, and was suspended.

I have had little contact with the players - hell I only see them once a year playing. I have found my Melbourne based friends a little shy (and perhaps more sober) than me and after one game they were a little surprised when I boldly (and perhaps a little pissed) went up to Mastermind Coach Peter Rohde and began to explain some NRL based tactics and strategies.

IIRC, initially my Melbourne based friends found this to be cool, until they heard my ideas and I tried to illustrate a tackling technique upon Rohde, whereupon they quietly melted away into the crowd.

All I can say is that Rohde never implemented my radical ideas, and we finsihed last, then third last.

05-02-2012, 01:18 PM

Maybe some newbies can add to this thread.

05-02-2012, 02:07 PM
Two up here in Ky.

Frank Fanning is one of my dad's best mates and Barry Kerr is my local pharmacist(and I feed him a couple of times a week).

They have only played a handful of games between them.

Huddo used to come in a bit to a Cafe I worked in Echuca and I got to chat with him there. What a legend he is.

Chris Grant's cousin was my MOD at boarding school and I got to meet him after a game through him. CG is god to me.

05-02-2012, 02:19 PM
Ive haven't met any players personally but I met and got some autographs from Matthew Boyd, Daniel Cross, Jordan Roughead, Daniel Giansircursa and rookie Lin Jong at the East meet West Training session a couple of weeks. I wished them good luck for the rest of the pre season. Hopefully it can turn into great results.

05-02-2012, 03:11 PM
When I was 10 or 11 I'd say, my mum met Ryan Hargrave at the Legends Young Guns dinner, and through that organised for him to take me on a tour of the changerooms at Whitten Oval after training one day.

He was absolutely brilliant to me, took me around to meet all the players and showed me all the different areas. I was too nervous to actually really talk to any of them, but I always had a soft spot for Hargrave because of that.

Jason Johanissen was on our table at last years East West Club dinner, seemed like a genuinely nice kid as well. Bit shy, because he's quite young and not established I would say, but chatted about his form for Williamstown and his goals. Nice guy.

05-02-2012, 07:32 PM
I went to primary school for a few years with Ayce.

I really like Minson, he was up for a chat (I was about 16 at the time, so I though that was nice. I can't be bothered talking to 16year olds and i'm only 21, haha).

05-02-2012, 07:45 PM
I keep noticing Picken at my local supermarket, but Im not one to bother someone when their out doing something I wouldn't like being interrupted doing, if that makes sense.

Anyone else approached any of our players in random circumstances?

05-02-2012, 07:52 PM
My dad is a mate of a bloke who was mates with Ryan Griffen's late dad. Attended a barbecue as a kid at their place, met Ryan who at the time was a new draftee.

Spoke to Liam Jones on the phone a while ago (spoke about it on here). Lewis Johnston is an old school mate of mine and drunk dialled me when he was on the piss with Dahl, Tutt and Jones at the Bulldogs players' house. Handed over to Liam and he actually had a chat with me.

05-02-2012, 08:44 PM
I have lived with a few over the years my mum used to take them in, Alistair Ford and Darren Grant were the first so did my mum in law, last 2 being Stephen Tiller and Jesse Wells.
Grew up in Braybrook so I was mates with a couple, the days when players were from the area.

05-02-2012, 11:43 PM
I have had the opportunity to meet quite a few players over the years, so I think I'll do this chronologically.

When I was a kid the East West Club was this tiny little group with maybe 50 members, and they would have a pie night down at the club after training once a year. I still vividly recall sitting next to Scott Wynd as a 5-yr old eating a pie. I couldn't say a word. Over the years I met Scotty quite a few times and he was always very nice - even enquired after my health when he heard me coughing. I also had a friend in high school do his ACL and wrote to Scotty about it at my mum's suggestion. Scotty called my mate up and chatted to him for half an hour!

However it was the Optus Oval years that were the most fruitful. My mum, sisters and I would get to the ground at 11am and sit next to the players race. After a couple of games mum realised the Italian lady sitting next to us kept referring to Libba as "my boy" and booing the umpires (was quite cute). So mum struck up a conversation with her. It was the start of a friendship that continues to this day. It turned out that most of the people we were sitting with were Liberatores including a very young Tom (who unfortunately doesn't remember us). More interestingly though was that my youngest sister was a big Libba fan, and through Mrs Liberatore we got to meet him. He is the nicest bloke and is so passionate about the footy and the club. He still says hello when we run into him around the place (apparently a photo of my sister decked out in all her Libba stuff as a 5 yr old is in his trophy cabinet :eek:)

During these years my sisters and I would also somehow worm our way into the rooms post match. Cooky was always up for a laugh, and for some reason I remember him walking around with loaves of bread under each arm. There was the time Nathan Brown had obviously done something to Matthew "Psycho" Dent and we saw a stark naked Browny being chased by a stark naked Psycho carrying an axe. Brown was always very full of himself and not that great to talk to, his mother on the other hand was a lovely lady and we spoke to her for a good hour whilst I was waiting to get Granty's signature only to find out he'd snuck out the back! Granty was always nice though, I wrote him a letter end of '96 along with every other Bulldogs supporter, to which I got a reply, and then when I mentioned it whilst getting his autograph he remembered it (fairly sure he was just being polite). Apart from Browny most of the players were always happy to have a chat and sign our autograph books. Never had a problem with any of them.

And lastly, but not least. I was taught by Bob Murphy's parents at high school. Infact, I owe a great debt to Mr Murphy as he was very influencial on my teenage years. I've kept in contact with them and they are just a lovely family. My mum got me a hoops jumper for christmas and got Bob to sign it. Told him it was for me and he chatted to her about my being in Germany and to pass on his 'hellos'.

I feel very privilaged to have met some many of my idols over the years, but it also makes me sad to think that my niece will never have the chance to have the same experiences.

06-02-2012, 04:09 PM
As i grew up in Braybrook across the road from Phil O'Keefe he ia the one I knew best my best friend as a kid was a cousin to Darren Brown. I remember sitting on the dugout waiting for him to get a run in his one and only game. But my all time favorite story in Zeno Ztatzaris who grew up a few houses down and had his name painted on the tin roof in massive letters the story with my friends and I was that his dad was so wrapped when he first went to the dogs that he did it but I asked him one night and he said it was he himself and his old man was not a happy camper a great bloke and a real laugh.Simon and Paul Atkins also shared more than a couple of beers with me and were top blokes and always keen to talk footy as was Mick McLean.

06-02-2012, 04:54 PM
I've seen and had a small chat to a few players whilst out on the piss. Minno, Sam Power, Tim callan, Ryan Griffen and Faulkner. Not sure if most of them were drinking. I certainly was. Had an interesting time with Faulkner.

Boyd lives fairly close to me so I see him running occasionally.

Dimma with his restaurant etc.

Other than that met most of the players at functions etc.

06-02-2012, 06:47 PM
Faulkner is an absolute *!*!*!*! these days.

Is one of the better players in the league he plays in (Yorke Peninsula FL, SA) but is king of the behind the play cheap shot. Absolute prick off the field too, you wouldn't even know he's a failed AFL player.

Remi Moses
06-02-2012, 07:45 PM
Faulkner is an absolute *!*!*!*! these days.

Is one of the better players in the league he plays in (Yorke Peninsula FL, SA) but is king of the behind the play cheap shot. Absolute prick off the field too, you wouldn't even know he's a failed AFL player.

Ahhh the next Andrew Mccleod :(

Daughter of the West
07-02-2012, 11:44 AM
I've met Jack Collins (lovely, lovely bloke - RIP) and Charlie Sutton a couple of times as they were mates of my Grandfather, but my favourite story involves Bob Murphy.

A couple of mates, my sister, my (now) husband and I were out at Cherry Bar one night a couple of years ago, not long after the end of the season. I must have had a crappy day, because I wasn't really decked out in my best and decided to hit the wines with a bit too much enthusiasm.

Lo and behold, Bob walks in with a couple of friends and heads to the bar. One of my mates (a mad doggies supporter) keeps nudging me and saying, "That's Bob Murphy!" Duh. I tell him to leave Bob alone, that I'm sure he just wants to have a quiet drink and enjoy the music in peace. But my mate insists that Bob is staring at him, that Bob has recognised him from somewhere (pffft, yeah). I insist that he leaves Bob alone, and turn back to my drink. Next thing I know, Bob is walking over to us on my mate's arm and introduces himself! I'm ready to belt my mate, as he's used my family connections as an "in" to speak to Bob, and I'm quite drunk, looking below par and incredibly embarrassed!

Bob (and his two friends) were lovely however, and they stayed around and chatted for a half an hour and danced with us too! He's just a lovely, lovely, lovely down to earth guy.

Ghost Dog
07-02-2012, 11:54 PM
Met Tom Williams down at Crown one morning. I was on my way to work and he was looking for a cab after a big night I guess. had a bit of a chat, Gave him some encouragement and he seemed to really appreciate it. Hope he didn't blow all his money! Liked him ever since.

08-02-2012, 08:46 PM
Have been fortunate enough to meet and mix with a number of players and officials over the years. Although a bit belated from his playing days I sat with Peter Foster at last year's B&F. Fossie was one of my faves throughout his career so couldn't have been happier with the night's seating allocation. What a lovely guy, certainly did no damage to the regard I held him in. A quite unassuming great of our Club.

Had a similar experience with Steve McPherson where I was fortunate enough to sit next to him throughout the infamous '97 prelim final. Still hold close the consolation he provided as I felt my world falling apart in that final quarter. Another cracking bloke.

Not Bulldog per se but did spend a few hours a couple of weeks back bodyboarding with Gary Lyon down at Cape Paterson.

09-02-2012, 09:45 AM
Have been fortunate enough to meet and mix with a number of players and officials over the years. Although a bit belated from his playing days I sat with Peter Foster at last year's B&F. Fossie was one of my faves throughout his career so couldn't have been happier with the night's seating allocation. What a lovely guy, certainly did no damage to the regard I held him in. A quite unassuming great of our Club.

I am so jealous!! :D Fossie is still my all time favourite Bulldogs player. :)

09-02-2012, 10:49 AM
Although a bit belated from his playing days I sat with Peter Foster at last year's B&F. Fossie was one of my faves throughout his career so couldn't have been happier with the night's seating allocation. What a lovely guy, certainly did no damage to the regard I held him in. A quite unassuming great of our Club.

Definitely agree - Peter Foster he really is such a nice person to chat with.

Another one from that era Ross Abbey - extremely nice to talk with, he used to come into my previous workplace so always stopped by my office for a bulldog chat and a coffee.

09-02-2012, 10:07 PM
I had the pleasure of meeting Mitch Hahn at the Anglers Tavern one night nearly 10 years ago when he was my favourite player. We shared a beer and had a good chat, really nice guy Mitch. He even invited me to join him and his entourage of women at the next club he was going to. I unfortunately had to decline as i was with a large group of my mates, still regret it to this day. Most of my mates are Essendon supporters and to my horror Mitch had joined in the singing of the essendon theme song on the way out.

10-02-2012, 09:48 AM
I had the pleasure of meeting Mitch Hahn at the Anglers Tavern one night nearly 10 years ago when he was my favourite player. We shared a beer and had a good chat, really nice guy Mitch. He even invited me to join him and his entourage of women at the next club he was going to. I unfortunately had to decline as i was with a large group of my mates, still regret it to this day. Most of my mates are Essendon supporters and to my horror Mitch had joined in the singing of the essendon theme song on the way out.



mates...girls plus Mitch Hahn

decisions decisions. I know what I would do:D

10-02-2012, 05:04 PM


mates...girls plus Mitch Hahn

decisions decisions. I know what I would do:D

Yeah i made a stupid decision, have a habit of doing that unfortunately. Could have been an interesting night if I had have tagged along with Mitch and roved to his quality crumbs. What on earth was i thinking?

11-02-2012, 01:02 PM
Yeah i made a stupid decision, have a habit of doing that unfortunately. Could have been an interesting night if I had have tagged along with Mitch and roved to his quality crumbs. What on earth was i thinking?

Its amazing how much influence a whole lot of mates can have on you. I have been there done that and like you thought later.... why o why.:D

21-05-2012, 05:26 PM
Chris Grant's cousin was my MOD at boarding school and I got to meet him after a game through him. CG is god to me.

What's an MOD?

When my son was about 18 months old I took him to meet Chris Grant at the AFL shop that Grant owned at Highpoint. About a year later my son and I were walking through the carpark at Whitten Oval when we saw Chris walking toward us. He remembered our names and where we had met, what a guy!

21-05-2012, 05:44 PM
What's an MOD?

When my son was about 18 months old I took him to meet Chris Grant at the AFL shop that Grant owned at Highpoint. About a year later my son and I were walking through the carpark at Whitten Oval when we saw Chris walking toward us. He remembered our names and where we had met, what a guy!

Master on duty. A teacher who would come into the boarding house between 6.30pm-10.30pm week nights to make sure we weren't up to too much mischief and doing how homework.

21-05-2012, 07:11 PM
My twin brother has done a lot of work for Scott Wynd.
One afternoon down at my local pub I noticed Scotty staring at me and I knew straight away he had me mistaken for my brother.
I had to introduce myself as my twins twin. You should have seen the look on his face when I finally convinced him I wasn't who he thought I was.

22-05-2012, 01:33 AM
Hardly in the same realm as some of the others but I became very good friends with Paul Dooley while I was at uni in his time on the list. Was always good for a chat and we stayed in touch for a bit after he went back to the VFL. Retired a couple of years after he was delisted from the dogs as his knees were shot. Shame because he was a handy VFL footballer.

22-05-2012, 09:08 AM
My family was best friends with the Winmar family years ago (when he was at the Bulldogs)

We got invited to club functions, one in particular i was only a young fella sitting next to Chris Grant having dinner. It was a steak and i was struggling to cut it up. So much so that my knife slipped off the plate nearly stabbing Granty in the leg (Oops) He then said 'i'll help you out' and grabbed my plate and cut up my steak for me. Will never forget it.

I also remember a young blonde haired Nathan Brown acting like a complete moron.

22-05-2012, 09:17 AM
Most recent player I have met was Lin Jong at the seasons launch. He was at our table and we can a good chat to him. Nice young level headed 18 year old and will follow his caraeer with interest.

22-05-2012, 11:21 AM
As stated in the other thread I know Bob reasonably well.

On a much lesser scale I have played cricket with and against Alan Thorpe and Joffa:D

22-05-2012, 01:02 PM
Master on duty. A teacher who would come into the boarding house between 6.30pm-10.30pm week nights to make sure we weren't up to too much mischief and doing how homework.

Cheers. For some reason I thought it might have been an older kid.

22-05-2012, 02:17 PM
I was the page boy at Jack Collins' wedding, he was a really lovely guy. The only time I ever really had ice cream as a primary school kid was when he'd pick me up from school.

Tony McGuinness dropped off some Bulldog stuff to me through that connection so I could finish a school project. Was disappointed to see him go to the Crows.

As a kid met the Willy players a couple of times, I remember Chops Rickman & Bazza Round being friendly.

Met Gia a few times as well, good guy, pretty quiet in a group setting. He didn't say a word about Rhode although his (now wife) was a little more honest ;)

Met Darcy & Aker at various fucntions over the years. Darc was quiet, Aker was freindly and would chat about anything and everyone.

Years ago when I left the Navy I went two months doing door to door sales, Garlo bought from me when he knew I was a Bulldog fan.

22-05-2012, 02:28 PM
As stated on the other thread I met a few of the players at this year's East Meets West Day at Wesley College in Glen Waverley. The players I met were Daniel Giansircursa (I spoke to him a bit about how the pre season was going and wished him good luck with it all), Jordan Roughead, Daniel Cross, Our Captain Matthew Boyd and rookie Lin Jong when I think I made his day when I asked him for his autograph. Also met the Coach Brendan McCartney and spoke to our CEO Simon Garlick.

11-07-2012, 09:27 PM
Definitely agree - Peter Foster he really is such a nice person to chat with.

Another one from that era Ross Abbey - extremely nice to talk with, he used to come into my previous workplace so always stopped by my office for a bulldog chat and a coffee.

I just had Ross over at my place to give us a quote on an extension to our house.
What an absolute gentleman.
Had a great chat about past and present Footscray / WB.

13-07-2012, 12:29 PM
I just had Ross over at my place to give us a quote on an extension to our house.
What an absolute gentleman.
Had a great chat about past and present Footscray / WB.

Nice bloke, sat behind him at the 1990 GF behind the goals and had a quick chat.