View Full Version : Southern and Sumich bury the hatchet.

03-09-2018, 10:03 PM

Thought this was a pretty nice story, and well handled by both all involved.

03-09-2018, 10:37 PM
About time

Rocket Science
04-09-2018, 12:25 AM
Ha. Accepting the apology might've been brave but accepting the hug was braver.

Struth he used to dine out every time we played them.

14-09-2018, 06:20 PM
Great story. Still remember Wally's bump and the aftermath vividly. Danny, like a lot of players involved was fired up.
I doubt if he thought his headlock would have such a dire result. He certainly wasn't a dirty player like many others.
Ideally it would have been better for both if it could have been cleared up long ago but better late than never.

15-09-2018, 01:58 PM
Great story. Still remember Wally's bump and the aftermath vividly. Danny, like a lot of players involved was fired up.
I doubt if he thought his headlock would have such a dire result. He certainly wasn't a dirty player like many others.
Ideally it would have been better for both if it could have been cleared up long ago but better late than never.

Had forgotten that Daniel was only 19 at the time of the incident.

Can’t imagine there would’ve being many 19 year old’s in the thick of it like Daniel did that day.

Times have certainly changed, if only the league would take a stronger stance on Toby Greene’s kicking.