View Full Version : Libba bags Campbell Rose

14-02-2008, 04:35 PM
Libba was just on SEN absolutely giving it to Campbell Rose.

Said that Chris Bond, Matthew Drain and Sean Wellman all left the club because of Rose.

Past and present players are not happy with Rose. They believe that he doesn't see it as a football club, just a business. All he has done is cut costs.

Mentioned that if it wasn't for the Federal Govt, the new development would not have gone ahead, and the club would be gone.

His final comment was that he does not believe that Campbell Rose is the person to lead the club forward.

14-02-2008, 04:37 PM
Libba on SEN, wants Rose out, says there are problems at the club and Rose should go. Wouldn't give the specific reasons - not necassary to come out in the press. I think he is still bitter that they don't want him as a coach.

14-02-2008, 04:40 PM
The guy is bitter about many things, especially about not getting a role down there.

14-02-2008, 04:46 PM
Former boardman, David McClaren, rang SEN and said that Libba was clearly carrying a grudge from when he was over looked for the assistant coaching role that Leon Cameron got.

Said that Rose is abrasive, but very focused in what he is doing. Done a good job in stabilising the club.

Libba queried why we were building the Edgewate Club and David said that under our agreement to get the funding for the Whitten Oval development, the pokies had to move.

Sockeye Salmon
14-02-2008, 04:49 PM
Wellman was 'encouraged' to leave by Eade.

Bond wanted to leave because he realised he would never get a senior gig if he stayed an assistant with us. Eade was disappointed that he left but grudgingly agreed that it would be in Bond's best interests.

Drain left because we were tardy in offering a new contract and he didn't know if he would survive the review or not.

Without the Federal Gov funding the development would not have gone ahead. Without council funding the development would not have gone ahead. Without State gov funding the development would not have gone ahead. Without dealing with permits and local objections the development would not have gone ahead. Of course Campbell Rose overcame all of these hurdles and the development is going ahead.

Without Campbell Rose the club might just have gone under.

Rose has done a little more than cut costs, as well. He has also increased revenue by $7mil since he took over in 2002.

Libba has been bitter since he didn't get the assistants job a few years back, hasn't he?

14-02-2008, 04:50 PM
David Smorgon has just rang in and said that when past players don't get jobs, or freebies, or welcome backed, things like this happen.

Said that Libba has not been at the club for 7 years and does not know what he's talking about.

Said that Rose has turned our club around.

Refuted the fact the Fed Govt was not the only one to put money in. It was a joint effort orchestrated by Rose.

Said that Libba had no credibilitiy.

Said that Libba sent an application for the Football Managers role, the day that they awared the job to James Fantasis.

Said that Libba sent him a text message when his wifed died. David rang Libba to thank him, and Libba said that he would do anything to help the club. Smorgon went beserk saying how does he think this is helping the club, and went on a ver personal attack of Libba

His final comments were that this is uninformed, not factual, and sick and tired of snipers.

14-02-2008, 04:52 PM
That was a ripper spray from Smorgon.

14-02-2008, 05:03 PM
Perhaps we had it wrong about Armstrong and co.

Perhaps Libba is the fifth columnist.

14-02-2008, 05:08 PM
Not too sure about the thought-process behind this one by Libba.

14-02-2008, 05:09 PM
Perhaps we had it wrong about Armstrong and co.

Perhaps Libba is the fifth columnist.

It sounded like to me someone has been talking to Libba and telling him things, maybe it is the Richmond guys.

14-02-2008, 05:57 PM
Campbell Rose rang through to SEN and says he is disspointed Libba aired this in the media. He said his door is open to discuss any time and has asked him to come down to the club and talk about his issues.

The last time he spoke to Libba was the day Rose was about to appoint the GM of Football. Libba apparently rang up and said he wanted to apply. Fancy ringing up the last minute to apply for the role, and also not going through the proper channels ie the recruitment firm.

Roses aid he is looking at the future of the club, not just the next few years but the next 100 years and Libba has no idea on the vision of where the club is heading.

14-02-2008, 06:48 PM
Not too sure about the thought-process behind this one by Libba.

That's just it - he doesn't think. His inability to land a job at the Bulldogs in some capacity has soured him towards the Dogs. This is his way of lashing back.

The Coon Dog
14-02-2008, 07:13 PM
That's just it - he doesn't think. His inability to land a job at the Bulldogs in some capacity has soured him towards the Dogs. This is his way of lashing back.

Sad, there's no winners in something like this.

On SEN they said that tomorrow morning Doug Hawkins will be on the with Billy, Tim & Andy. Unless he gets sound advice, it's got recipe for disaster written all over it.

14-02-2008, 07:23 PM
Said that Libba sent him a text message when his wifed died. David rang Libba to thank him, and Libba said that he would do anything to help the club. Smorgon went beserk saying how does he think this is helping the club, and went on a ver personal attack of Libba

Cold someone please explain this bit for me. Did he ring about his wife and talk try to talk to Smogon about business?

14-02-2008, 07:24 PM
Sad, there's no winners in something like this.

On SEN they said that tomorrow morning Doug Hawkins will be on the with Billy, Tim & Andy. Unless he gets sound advice, it's got recipe for disaster written all over it.

I can hardly wait :rolleyes: - Libba & Hawkins are extremely close post their football playing days and both have had continual pot shots at the club in recent times. Funny how both of them have hardly made more than a handful of appearances at the club in the last 7 years - yet they are experts on how the place should be run. Guess we will all be tuning into SEN tomorrow morning.

14-02-2008, 07:29 PM
I can hardly wait :rolleyes: - Libba & Hawkins are extremely close post their football playing days and both have had continual pot shots at the club in recent times. Funny how both of them have hardly made more than a handful of appearances at the club in the last 7 years - yet they are experts on how the place should be run. Guess we will all be tuning into SEN tomorrow morning.

Bloody SCHOOL!!!:mad:

14-02-2008, 08:21 PM
Cold someone please explain this bit for me. Did he ring about his wife and talk try to talk to Smogon about business?

The sentence could be worded a bit better. The point he was making was that Libba said he'd do anything to help the club. This was said a matter of weeks ago.

He then comes out with this rubbish today.

I'm bitterly, bitterly disappointed with Libba to be perfectly honest.

If he's bitter about being overlooked for a coaching gig that's fine. Come out and say you're bitterly disappointed about being overlooked, and leave it at that. These pot shots serve only to destabalise the club.

Bulldog fans did a lot of sticking up for Libba during his career, because lets face it, some of the things he did on the filed were widely frowned upon. To take pot shots at the man steering the club in the right direction seems a pretty poor way for Libba to repay the fans.

14-02-2008, 08:26 PM
David Smorgon has just rang in and said that when past players don't get jobs, or freebies, or welcome backed, things like this happen.

Said that Libba has not been at the club for 7 years and does not know what he's talking about.

Said that Rose has turned our club around.

Refuted the fact the Fed Govt was not the only one to put money in. It was a joint effort orchestrated by Rose.

Said that Libba had no credibilitiy.

Said that Libba sent an application for the Football Managers role, the day that they awared the job to James Fantasis.

Said that Libba sent him a text message when his wifed died. David rang Libba to thank him, and Libba said that he would do anything to help the club. Smorgon went beserk saying how does he think this is helping the club, and went on a ver personal attack of Libba

His final comments were that this is uninformed, not factual, and sick and tired of snipers.

bit harsh eh?

wasn't great to hear all this, didn't expect it from him.
loved him as a player, and he is a good guy

14-02-2008, 09:19 PM
So disappointed in Libba.

All B....y experts since they have left the club.

Drop Kick Dougie (sorry amazing on the field - drop kick off) will talk a of "mamure" I am sure.

14-02-2008, 09:50 PM
So disappointed in libba, hes obviously got so much time on his hands at the moment that he has to come out and bag the club.

Grow a brain libba, next time think about what your going to say in public, and what something like this could do to a club that gave you your career when noone else would.

Even tho i didnt hear it im sooo glad smorgo came out and stood up to libba, smorga and cam rose are 2 of the best things thats happened to our club in the last 10 or so years, ill back them before i do libba.

Rocket Science
15-02-2008, 01:00 AM
He's basically mimicked what man-of-the-hour Carey tried at the beginning of last season.

For Lib himself, lack of substance aside it's odd timing to say the least...regardless of the motivation if he bided his time until the end of the season before mouthing off and the club had another annus horribilis he might have found a sympathetic ear.

In terms of the club, needless to say this isn't exactly what a mob looking to regain widespread faith needs at this point in the campaign.

15-02-2008, 01:09 AM
He just had to keep the controversies rolling didn't he.

15-02-2008, 01:10 AM
Poor form by Libba, very poor form. Its almost as though he believes the club owes him something, not sure exactly what as if it wasn't for the club showing faith he wouldn't have had the career he has had. I would have like him back at the club in some capacity, but now.....nope.

Horrie Clover
15-02-2008, 09:37 AM
Hi guys,

This is my first post. I'm a Carlton supporter & obviously know a fair bit about off field drama given the rubbish we've been through over the past few years.

Hopefully this can all be sorted out behind closed doors without the media stiring the pot and adding fuel to what is clearly a divisive situation.

Hopefully none of this affects the Doggies onfield performance this year & you guys get back to the form you had in 06 & make a real tilt at the top 4.


Sockeye Salmon
15-02-2008, 10:13 AM
Hi guys,

This is my first post. I'm a Carlton supporter & obviously know a fair bit about off field drama given the rubbish we've been through over the past few years.

Hopefully this can all be sorted out behind closed doors without the media stiring the pot and adding fuel to what is clearly a divisive situation.

Hopefully none of this affects the Doggies onfield performance this year & you guys get back to the form you had in 06 & make a real tilt at the top 4.


Our first foreigner.

Welcome aboard.

15-02-2008, 10:14 AM
Our first foreigner.

Welcome aboard.

We have a couple ;)

15-02-2008, 10:16 AM
He's basically mimicked what man-of-the-hour Carey tried at the beginning of last season.

Hopefully we can stick it up him, much like North did to Carey

15-02-2008, 10:33 AM
Hopefully we can stick it up him, much like North did to Carey

As North made the Prelims last year, perhaps Libba, in his infinite wisdom, is hoping this will do the same to our Dogs this year. Perhaps Rodney put him up to it. Maybe ROSE put him up to it.

And maybe I just saw bacon fly.

DYNASTY. The only way to end this CRAP. Let's win this thing. Smorgo and Rose are creating a juggernaut out in the west of Melbourne. Quietly but surely. It looks small now, but rest assured, once the momentum builds we will be wondering what we were all muttering about a couple of years ago. I mean, the redevelopment isn't even complete yet, for heaven's sakes. Talk about rubbishing a masterpiece before it's done.

Big Will
15-02-2008, 01:41 PM
That was a ripper spray from Smorgon.

As much as Libba is in the wrong on this one does anyone else think Smorgon went a little too hard in returning fire? Don't get me wrong it's a good thing he came out and supported Rose and the club but he didn't need to add the extra personal bits.

Smorgon has been a good president for our club so far but I think his outburst (regarding Libba and money) has given the media more ammunition to hurt our club with. Although it is understandable Smorgon is under pressure during his work and personal life, we need a professional stance not an emotional or personal attack from our President in the media.

always right
15-02-2008, 02:22 PM
As much as Libba is in the wrong on this one does anyone else think Smorgon went a little too hard in returning fire? Don't get me wrong it's a good thing he came out and supported Rose and the club but he didn't need to add the extra personal bits.

Smorgon has been a good president for our club so far but I think his outburst (regarding Libba and money) has given the media more ammunition to hurt our club with. Although it is understandable Smorgon is under pressure during his work and personal life, we need a professional stance not an emotional or personal attack from our President in the media.

You're right but he's a passionate bloke and it's that passion that has served our club so well. If he had his time again, I supect he may have chosen to leave some of the the personal stuff out but hey...shit happens when he get worked up over something he had every right to be.

I can forgive a bloke for making mistakes when they are fighting for the reputation of the club and those within it. Will find it harder to forgive someone who's intent is simply to undermine our club.

Sockeye Salmon
15-02-2008, 02:23 PM
As much as Libba is in the wrong on this one does anyone else think Smorgon went a little too hard in returning fire? Don't get me wrong it's a good thing he came out and supported Rose and the club but he didn't need to add the extra personal bits.

Smorgon has been a good president for our club so far but I think his outburst (regarding Libba and money) has given the media more ammunition to hurt our club with. Although it is understandable Smorgon is under pressure during his work and personal life, we need a professional stance not an emotional or personal attack from our President in the media.

I think Smorgon had to come out this hard.

Make sure there is absolutely no way you can be mis-interpreted.

This is wrong and not acceptable!

15-02-2008, 03:10 PM
Luke Darcy will be on SEN in the next half hour or so and they are going to ask him for an opinion

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
15-02-2008, 06:23 PM
You're right but he's a passionate bloke and it's that passion that has served our club so well. If he had his time again, I supect he may have chosen to leave some of the the personal stuff out but hey...shit happens when he get worked up over something he had every right to be.

I can forgive a bloke for making mistakes when they are fighting for the reputation of the club and those within it. Will find it harder to forgive someone who's intent is simply to undermine our club.

Agree AR, I think the buildup of innuendo and baseless rumour mongering that has been heaped on us this pre-season, has finally taken it's toll. Libba's unnecessary comments I think are the straw that has broken the camel's back. And unlike the other rumours which have materialised without a definite culprit to blame, Smorgo had a bonafide target for this one to take aim at.
I think it also hurt more given that Libba is a former decorated player, and anything less than a strong statedment against what Libba said would almost tacitly give the rumour extra breath and life.

I'm sure if it was only Libba's comments that had been directed at our club in recent times, the response may've been more measured and less emotive from Smorgo.

15-02-2008, 06:56 PM
I'm sorry for Libba. He is obviously troubled soul at the moment. Recent break up of his marriage. Doesn't know friend from foe.

15-02-2008, 06:58 PM
As much as Libba is in the wrong on this one does anyone else think Smorgon went a little too hard in returning fire? Don't get me wrong it's a good thing he came out and supported Rose and the club but he didn't need to add the extra personal bits.

Smorgon has been a good president for our club so far but I think his outburst (regarding Libba and money) has given the media more ammunition to hurt our club with. Although it is understandable Smorgon is under pressure during his work and personal life, we need a professional stance not an emotional or personal attack from our President in the media.

I don't think he was out of line at all. if anything it shows the passion he has for the club which is more than you can say for Libba who has decided to rubbish to progress we've made with "heresay" statements from "undisclosed" critics of Rose, Eade and Smorgan. Its funny how a guy who hasn't been in the place for 7 years has "well placed sources".

As for a professional/non-emotive stance, I think Smorgan has been more than tolerant of the sniping which the club has endured during the off season. Rumours of a player rift, assistants not happy, the club in complete disarray, the funding for the development to be pulled etc and through it all you have Smorgan who denies it. Libba was the straw that broke the camel's back an I have no doubt that he feels hurt by Libba's comments, because whilst directed at Rose and Eade, Smorgan as president carries the can for both of their appointments.

Here is a guy who is effectively given his heart and soul to the club, in a capacity which is just as important as the on field role/service provide by Libba. If anything in the last 7 years Smorgan's role has been more significant than that of Libba's and this latest incident tops it off. The argument that players make great adminstrators because they played the game is a load of bollocks. Most players are as dumb as dog sh*t and think that because they've played the game they have a mortgage over its future.

What makes Libba think he was good enough for an assistant role or the footy manager's role anyway? he didn't even manage to keep his job at Carlton arguably the sh*ttest team over the last 3-4 years.

15-02-2008, 06:58 PM
I'm sorry for Libba. He is obviously troubled soul at the moment. Recent break up of his marriage. Doesn't know friend from foe.

Now that does help explain his actions.

15-02-2008, 07:49 PM
I'm sorry for Libba. He is obviously troubled soul at the moment. Recent break up of his marriage. Doesn't know friend from foe.

Whilst I sympathise with Libba, surely this must be a time where he should be repairing bridges and not burning them.

15-02-2008, 08:16 PM
Whilst I sympathise with Libba, surely this must be a time where he should be repairing bridges and not burning them.

It can be hard to distinguish between the two.

15-02-2008, 10:40 PM
It can be hard to distinguish between the two.

Fair enough then. I suppose having not gone through the experience doesn't really put me in much of a place to comment.

18-02-2008, 02:58 PM
I think Libba was out of line but Smorgon showed a distinct lack of class with his very personal attack (Smorgon also publicly embarrassed Eade last year after the review and should have kept some of what he had to say to himself).

Smorgon and Rose have done great things for the club and should be applauded, but it doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. The club has managed itself very poorly in the media since the end part of last season and its no wonder we are down in terms of members.

20-02-2008, 07:12 AM
I think Libba was out of line but Smorgon showed a distinct lack of class with his very personal attack (Smorgon also publicly embarrassed Eade last year after the review and should have kept some of what he had to say to himself).

Smorgon and Rose have done great things for the club and should be applauded, but it doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. The club has managed itself very poorly in the media since the end part of last season and its no wonder we are down in terms of members.

How was Liba's attack any less personal? Libba's attack was ignorant, personal and self fettering and born of not a genuine love of the club, but a desire to further undermine the club for his own advantage. It was a pretty despicable act by the Gnome and disappointing because of the Champion player that he was. personally I don't have an issue with Smorgon coming out to defend the club in this manner.

20-02-2008, 08:44 AM
How was Liba's attack any less personal? Libba's attack was ignorant, personal and self fettering and born of not a genuine love of the club, but a desire to further undermine the club for his own advantage. It was a pretty despicable act by the Gnome and disappointing because of the Champion player that he was. personally I don't have an issue with Smorgon coming out to defend the club in this manner.

Not saying Libba wasn't out of line, just don't think that Smorgon did himself or the club any favours in the way he reacted. Libba says something about Rose and within an hour Smorgon responds in a very personal and public manner, there has been rumours about Eade for the last 4 months and Smorgon has been much less strident in his support (in fact I think his silence on Eade has contributed to the undermining of the club). Smorgon should be less precious about Rose and more precious about our football department.

21-02-2008, 08:40 AM
Not saying Libba wasn't out of line, just don't think that Smorgon did himself or the club any favours in the way he reacted. Libba says something about Rose and within an hour Smorgon responds in a very personal and public manner, there has been rumours about Eade for the last 4 months and Smorgon has been much less strident in his support (in fact I think his silence on Eade has contributed to the undermining of the club). Smorgon should be less precious about Rose and more precious about our football department.

What you're saying though is that Smorgan can't win. If he remains silent he is destabilising the club by allowing unsubstatiated rumours to fester and continue. If he speaks out he is damned for reacting. I undestand what your saying about maybe he should have been a little less personal, but at the end of the day responding to blatent ill-informed lies requires a strong response. Should he stop defending Rose and start defending the football department? Well last I looked the office of the CEO had delivered on its promises, but the football department hasn't. Whether Rose's approach has meant that the football department has suffered is debateable and something only time will tell, but to date Rose has ticked the boxes!

21-02-2008, 09:12 AM
Smorgon should defend all departments of the football club (just not by descending to cheap personal attacks). Saying that the football department doesn't deserve support because they had a poor year doesn't add up as all it does is destabilise the club and the football department continues to perform poorly.