View Full Version : Should fans be ejected for calling umpires names?

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 08:42 AM
One Carlton fan kicked out. Some Richmond cheer squad members kicked out. What's your view?

While I think Adam Goodes is a great guy, I personally do not think minors should be ejected from games without a guardian. And people insulting umpires should probably get one warning or anyone for that matter.

An Age commentator chimed on the recent ejection of a Carlton fan " Overbearing and politicised is the entire AFL nowadays. Trying (and failing dismally) to be all things holy and a beacon of perfection to everyone. Just stick to your knitting."
I remember once going to the baseball in Japan and it was like attending parent's day at a school play. Everyone clapped politely at the same time. Is this what we want our game to become like?

How are you we supposed to get umpires if we can't stop them being abused? What if an umpire has mental health struggles?

Is the argument about 'It's a workplace and umpires should not have to tolerate that' valid in a highly competitive sporting comp? It's not like any other work place!

Many issues there.

09-06-2019, 09:29 AM
I get the passion that supporters have at AFL games and it's a great tradition and one I would hate to see lost on a game that has become all too clinical.
I do however, go back to some advice I received as a youngster and that was about the fact that you attend sporting events as a supporter and therefore that should be your primary reason for attending the game is to support your team. It's doesn't mean getting in the face of opposition supporters, it doesn't mean abusing umpires or opposition players especially in a coordinated way.
We just don't need to boo players or officials as it adds nothing to the game but too many people think it's their paid up right to abuse people when it isn't. I especially dislike the almost coordinated manner or pack mentality with how it's been happening over the last few years.

We shouldn't be disrespecting people in the manner we have been but I think it's going to get worse.

Even educating people won't work and we only have to look at gambling addition and drug use in the footy community to know that all the education in the world won't stop people making bad decisions.

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 10:22 AM
Give people something better to do?

In China the level of fan engagement at sporting events is full on. They give away lots of stuff, lots of polls you can enter via wechat, scantily clad cheer leaders ( one thing we don't seem to be copying from American sports! ).
AFL day game entertainment tends to be a little budget and overall, woeful. Maybe this is one remedy besides 'education' which may or may not work.
I can't remember ever going to a game and coming home thinking ' wow that half time entertainment was good'.
Do we need a selection of 'appropriate things to shout at the umpire' listed on the back of the footy record? :D

The AFL is highly unimaginative and lacking in fun. During the Goodes thing they could have created one of those huge inflatable balls they used to have at the cricket in Aboriginal colours and had it doing the rounds of the crowds during half time. Would have kept people entertained and a gentle reminder. Bad idea? well anyway they are just not very inventive or creative with fan engagement. Maybe they need to hire Titus.

09-06-2019, 11:18 AM
Regarding Goodes GD, the AFL is far better for the Nicky Winmar line in the sand type moment and it's sad to say it was highly controversial at the time and it will be better for Adam Goodes calling out racism despite the age of the young lady doing it.
Players like Winmar and Goodes felt obligated to make those stances and I feel they were targeted for doing what they were supposed to.

Booing GAJ or umpires might be the 'in thing' at the moment but hopefully many will learn that it's not the right thing to do week after week

09-06-2019, 11:29 AM
I voted "Warning". Tossing someone out over that is absurd.

Unpopular opinion... I think Goodes did more to advance the "Adam Goodes is a complete flog" argument than the "Australia is racist" argument, when he took on that child. It was disgraceful then, and it is now, to see a child publicly held up as "the face of racism". Still think he's a flog and that's why he was booed. Eddie Betts is a star, he's indigenous, he doesn't get roundly booed.

Gablett gets booed because he's a flog, and as recent events show, is treated differently to the rest of the league when it comes to applying the rules. That's gonna get you booed - and I have no issue with it.

I agree with the comment re: sports in Japan. Their music concerts are the same. No thanks.

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 11:29 AM
Regarding Goodes GD, the AFL is far better for the Nicky Winmar line in the sand type moment and it's sad to say it was highly controversial at the time and it will be better for Adam Goodes calling out racism despite the age of the young lady doing it.
Players like Winmar and Goodes felt obligated to make those stances and I feel they were targeted for doing what they were supposed to.

Booing GAJ or umpires might be the 'in thing' at the moment but hopefully many will learn that it's not the right thing to do week after week

I'm not sure the AFL is going to get the desired result in it's handling of this and other matters.

Kids should never be dragged out of a stadium by themselves if they are underage. If necessary they and a parent should be escorted out. There were several options available but it seems like the AFL hasn't really thought their game day policies through very carefully. Do players have the right to ask a fan to be ejected at any time? Who gets to decide if the player is correct? What if an umpire or player mishears of misinterprets what a fan says? It's going to work far better if you have sporting communities working with you. I don't think many people have an appreciation of what it takes to be an umpire. We don't celebrate their roles nearly enough.

If this is going to be the policy at AFL level why not get Cricket involved? And Rugby?
I am not sure education is a complete waste of time. The campaign to quieten parents down at local games was a good one I thought and necessary. It's just these things need to be maintained over time I guess and unified at stadium level across codes.

09-06-2019, 11:38 AM
Adam did the right thing, but I'm not sure the AFL is going to get the desired result in it's handling of the matter. As the recent documentary shows, they really stuffed it up. Kids should never be dragged out of a stadium by themselves if they are underage. If necessary they and a parent should be escorted out.

Today's club statement is interesting. For two reasons as I see it.
1. The use of the term tragedy. (See Congo and Belgians, Holocaust and treatment of First Australians by European settlers as examples of actual tragedy).
2. This paragraph "In late 2014, we were horrified by this unfolding tragedy including the behaviour of significant sections of our own supporter base attending the Round 22 match against Sydney at the then Etihad Stadium"

Our club has just released a public statement saying significant sections (I'd have that at well over 50% more like 75%) of us, as supporters, were complicit in a tragedy.

I don't know what to think about that. I'll need some time to digest it I think.

Would like to get others thoughts. Pretty smart people on here.

For the poll I chose warning.

09-06-2019, 11:46 AM
How may people in the work force can handle a lot of scrutiny now?

From my experience, you have to be so careful when doing your one-on-one catch-up's with staff and especially during the formal appraisal process. So many people are fragile and can't handle constructive feedback, they despise being measured against their KPI's singling out any little reason as primary factors on why they haven't hit their targets and yet they demand to be treated as professionals and often say they don't need to be managed.
I wonder how many of them then go to the footy on the weekend to pay out on others they don't feel are measuring up?

There are some double standards in the way many are treating others and it's interesting that some people think it's their god given right to call people flogs and boo them because it supposedly needs to be called out.

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 11:52 AM
I voted "Warning". Tossing someone out over that is absurd.

Unpopular opinion... I think Goodes did more to advance the "Adam Goodes is a complete flog" argument than the "Australia is racist" argument, when he took on that child. It was disgraceful then, and it is now, to see a child publicly held up as "the face of racism". Still think he's a flog and that's why he was booed. Eddie Betts is a star, he's indigenous, he doesn't get roundly booed.

Gablett gets booed because he's a flog, and as recent events show, is treated differently to the rest of the league when it comes to applying the rules. That's gonna get you booed - and I have no issue with it.

I agree with the comment re: sports in Japan. Their music concerts are the same. No thanks.

Appreciate this post. If the topic is should we kick people out or not, I agree that ejecting people for sledging an umpire is very heavy handed,( if this rule applied in the premier league half the stadium would be out! ) and has to be done carefully with minors. Tend to think the AFL's handling of things didn't really advance Adam's cause. Footy is a lightning rod for emotions. Better to take the steam out of things than approach it as they do. Surely if you took a few officials over to the Richmond mob behind the goals and had a few words to the leaders it would calm them down. The worry is it turns into a game of whack-a-mole, with people just not wanting to get caught, rather than finding better ways to express themselves.
But this is Melbourne. You get on a train and if you haven't tapped your Myki you are suddenly surrounded by three green people with big boots and note pads. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

09-06-2019, 12:00 PM
I'm not sure the AFL is going to get the desired result in it's handling of this and other matters.

Kids should never be dragged out of a stadium by themselves if they are underage. If necessary they and a parent should be escorted out. There were several options available but it seems like the AFL hasn't really thought their game day policies through very carefully. Do players have the right to ask a fan to be ejected at any time? Who gets to decide if the player is correct? What if an umpire or player mishears of misinterprets what a fan says? It's going to work far better if you have sporting communities working with you. I don't think many people have an appreciation of what it takes to be an umpire. We don't celebrate their roles nearly enough.

If this is going to be the policy at AFL level why not get Cricket involved? And Rugby?
I am not sure education is a complete waste of time. The campaign to quieten parents down at local games was a good one I thought and necessary. It's just these things need to be maintained over time I guess and unified at stadium level across codes.

That's a good assessment. There is nothing in there that I don't agree with. From what I remember Goodes ran at a Carlton supporter shaking his fist in an action that Goodes himself later described as a war dance. What was the Carlton supporter doing that deserved that? Are we to believe that Goodes concentration was waning to the extent that he was listening to the crowd rather than what his teammates were saying?

I can remember Tony Liberatore being booed and abused every time he had the ball in his hands and Libba's attitude was "Bring it on. At least when they are booing me I know that I am getting plenty of the ball" While some might say that two wrongs don't make a right I still know who's attitude I support.

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 12:05 PM
That's a good assessment. There is nothing in there that I don't agree with. From what I remember Goodes ran at a Carlton supporter shaking his fist in an action that Goodes himself later described as a war dance. What was the Carlton supporter doing that deserved that? Are we to believe that Goodes concentration was waning to the extent that he was listening to the crowd rather than what his teammates were saying?

I can remember Tony Liberatore being booed and abused every time he had the ball in his hands and Libba's attitude was "Bring it on. At least when they are booing me I know that I am getting plenty of the ball" While some might say that two wrongs don't make a right I still know who's attitude I support.

Cheers TD. Fans to be given a warning for you TD? Or make sledging umpires accepted part of the game, as they do in soccer.

Don't want to turn a thread into a revisionist thing of that one incident, but I guess all people wish they had done things differently at that time regards that issue.

09-06-2019, 12:11 PM
I fully agree with not swearing at umpires but for the life of me I cannot see the problem in giving the umpire some "good advice". I do it from time to time and I will continue to do it when the umpiring deserves it. I will post on WOOF if I am kicked out.

09-06-2019, 12:15 PM
Fans to be given a warning for you TD? Or make sledging umpires accepted part of the game, as they do in soccer.

Adam was trying to fumble his way through a complex situation I think ( with a bit of dance creativity, probably was trying to borrow from the Hakka ) Don't want to turn a thread into a revisionist thing of that one incident, but I guess all people wish they had done things differently at that time regards that issue.

Greg Inglis used to do a goanna dance when he scored a try and no-one ever got upset about that, in fact outside of NRL I would be surprised if anyone even knew he did it. We can honor different racial aspects without getting out knickers into a knot about it.

I voted that sledging umpires is a great tradition.

09-06-2019, 12:32 PM
Today's club statement is interesting. For two reasons as I see it.
1. The use of the term tragedy. (See Congo and Belgians, Holocaust and treatment of First Australians by European settlers as examples of actual tragedy).
2. This paragraph "In late 2014, we were horrified by this unfolding tragedy including the behaviour of significant sections of our own supporter base attending the Round 22 match against Sydney at the then Etihad Stadium"

Our club has just released a public statement saying significant sections (I'd have that at well over 50% more like 75%) of us, as supporters, were complicit in a tragedy.

I don't know what to think about that. I'll need some time to digest it I think.

Would like to get others thoughts. Pretty smart people on here.

For the poll I chose warning.

I just read the whole thing. I'm not sure why we needed to put it out, obviously there's some good reason I don't see. And the evidence of our commitment to equality was (among others) Bobby wearing a 37 jumper for one single game's coin toss doesn't change a single thing or help one indigenous Australian. If that's among our best evidence of commitment to equality, we need to maybe do something of substance. I don't have strong feelings either way, I'm probably just more confused by it more than anything.

09-06-2019, 12:44 PM
scantily clad cheer leaders ( one thing we don't seem to be copying from American sports! ).

Thank goodness we don't do this - absolutely demeaning to women. WE tried this in the 70's, and we had Charlie's Angels cheersquad. A bunch of girls with not much on - maybe the men like it, but I am 100% sure most women wouldn't have.

On the question of being thrown out for abusing the umpire - I think a warning if it is not spouting racial vilification, or hatred towards the minority etc - is appropriate. Using the word Poof like the Carlton supporter is not on.

Ghost Dog
09-06-2019, 01:08 PM
Thank goodness we don't do this - absolutely demeaning to women. WE tried this in the 70's, and we had Charlie's Angels cheersquad. A bunch of girls with not much on - maybe the men like it, but I am 100% sure most women wouldn't have.

On the question of being thrown out for abusing the umpire - I think a warning if it is not spouting racial vilification, or hatred towards the minority etc - is appropriate. Using the word Poof like the Carlton supporter is not on.

Different culture isn't it! Even in some US primary schools, I heard they have cheerleading competitions.

09-06-2019, 03:06 PM
I don’t have a problem with umpire abuse , it’s the fact they are umpires it’s nothing to do with personal, we have all gone off at umpires but to be honest I wouldn’t have a clue who they are(except Razor) it’s a 2 second rant at a wrong decision, not a personal attack on the actual person.
To be honest I might go off at Razor but you know what ? I respect him for doing the job, it’s a near on impossible with the way the AFL makes grey rules.
Just don’t make bad decisions against the Bulldogs .
Another way to look at it is why are spectators abusing umpires ?
Maybe the AFL need to look at themselves and a lot of stupid rules the umpires are forced to adjudicate on that are so grey !

09-06-2019, 03:24 PM
Thank goodness we don't do this - absolutely demeaning to women. WE tried this in the 70's, and we had Charlie's Angels cheersquad. A bunch of girls with not much on - maybe the men like it, but I am 100% sure most women wouldn't have.

On the question of being thrown out for abusing the umpire - I think a warning if it is not spouting racial vilification, or hatred towards the minority etc - is appropriate. Using the word Poof like the Carlton supporter is not on.

The Carlton fan says he used the word flog and he was choosing his words carefully because of what happened to the Richmond cheer squad last week. Umpires and the like need to be careful here, they don't get the benefit of speaking with privilege, if they say that someone called them a poof then they have to be able to prove that the person they have picked out of a crowd of thousands did indeed call them a poof or face the fact that they have defamed someone's character, caused that person to be vilified and had them thrown out of the ground because they have imagined an insult.

I couldn't be that sure.

09-06-2019, 04:39 PM
The Carlton fan says he used the word flog and he was choosing his words carefully because of what happened to the Richmond cheer squad last week. Umpires and the like need to be careful here, they don't get the benefit of speaking with privilege, if they say that someone called them a poof then they have to be able to prove that the person they have picked out of a crowd of thousands did indeed call them a poof or face the fact that they have defamed someone's character, caused that person to be vilified and had them thrown out of the ground because they have imagined an insult.

I couldn't be that sure.

Thanks, I did see they changed it to flog.

I wonder if you have any redress against the Stadium management. Where does it say in the terms of entry you can't call someone a flog :D

09-06-2019, 04:59 PM
Thanks, I did see they changed it to flog.

I wonder if you have any redress against the Stadium management. Where does it say in the terms of entry you can't call someone a flog :D

No worries BAD.

If the guy were to take action then it would be against the umpire in question wouldn't it? If this has played out in the way it's said to have then he's the one who has slandered the Carlton supporter. I doubt stadium management or the umpires' department send umpires out and tell them to defame fans.

This is down to the individual (umpire) in question. He needs to understand that his action had a consequence for the person he pointed out and I hope that person takes an action and gets the remedy the law says he should, whether that's an apology or financial recompense.

09-06-2019, 05:59 PM
As a youngen, I would boo and call the umpires ‘white maggots’. It’s what I saw, it’s what I replicated. As a father of two, I teach my kids not to boo. It’s the lowest order of wit and not needed in the game. I teach them to cheer for their team (one Bulldog, one Docker) and not boo the opposition players, regardless of their actions ( except Stringer ... GrubGrubGrubGrub him :p).

As I have grown older, and society has matured, the need/want to boo has waned. Time to move on.

In regard to abusing umpires, I use a smart-Alec comment that does not contain a swear word or is derogatory. The umpires (as a whole) do an incredible job.

09-06-2019, 09:27 PM
If an umpire isn't getting abused doesn't that mean his doing a good job.
If you can't let him or her know the error of their ways how will they know they have had a good game.
I never boo and I never rant unless it's in my own home in private.
When ever I get a chance to see a game live I'm very meek and people wouldn't even know I'm there.

10-06-2019, 12:31 PM
If he called him a poof , how is that derogatory?
Haven’t we all been told we are all the same no matter our sexual preferences ?
What if he is gay and we call him a heterosexual or straight is that supporter kicked out ?
I don’t get how society works how PC is ridiculously pushed to the minority and the majority are stepped on.
I give an example if you call an aboriginal an ape it’s an insult but if you call a white man an ape it means your big and strong.
I’ve always known calling someone an ape meant you were a big guy , nothing to do with skin colour or race.
Umpires have been booed off the ground since I’ve know football, mainly because the person booing is a fan of the losing team and are one eyed supporter. *!*!*!*! me it’s not personal it’s a vent it’s where people go to be emotional about their team and the team they play.
Really want to see abuse and bullying go to an interstate game , I’m old I’m aged I take it like water off a ducks back and after the game you can usually have a beer with the supporters who were yelling and screaming.
I went to our AFL grand final both sides supporters were emotional and threw the odd line at players and umpires , after we won a swans supporter actually bought me a beer and congratulated us.
I’m sure that once that siren goes players supporters and umpires errors are all forgotten and no one would be vindictive.
It’s more the media spinning this rubbish and making the whole supporting your team and not the opposition a joke.
On that note I have seen it’s mostly a teams supporters who barrack for the same team that get into fights, it’s the alcohol that does it but no way will the AFL admit to that! Responsible serving of alcohol at football games doesn’t exist.

10-06-2019, 12:47 PM
If he called him a poof , how is that derogatory?
Haven’t we all been told we are all the same no matter our sexual preferences ?
What if he is gay and we call him a heterosexual or straight is that supporter kicked out ?
I don’t get how society works how PC is ridiculously pushed to the minority and the majority are stepped on.
I give an example if you call an aboriginal an ape it’s an insult but if you call a white man an ape it means your big and strong.
I’ve always known calling someone an ape meant you were a big guy , nothing to do with skin colour or race.
Umpires have been booed off the ground since I’ve know football, mainly because the person booing is a fan of the losing team and are one eyed supporter. *!*!*!*! me it’s not personal it’s a vent it’s where people go to be emotional about their team and the team they play.
Really want to see abuse and bullying go to an interstate game , I’m old I’m aged I take it like water off a ducks back and after the game you can usually have a beer with the supporters who were yelling and screaming.
I went to our AFL grand final both sides supporters were emotional and threw the odd line at players and umpires , after we won a swans supporter actually bought me a beer and congratulated us.
I’m sure that once that siren goes players supporters and umpires errors are all forgotten and no one would be vindictive.
It’s more the media spinning this rubbish and making the whole supporting your team and not the opposition a joke.
On that note I have seen it’s mostly a teams supporters who barrack for the same team that get into fights, it’s the alcohol that does it but no way will the AFL admit to that! Responsible serving of alcohol at football games doesn’t exist.

Because that particular word has negative connotations and is often used in a pejorative manner? If you really need to differentiate (and I don't see what somebody's sexuality has to do with their ability to umpire or play the game-The boundary umpire Graeme Carbery managed perfectly well until Phil Carmen headbutted him and then chose to out him in the press.) then why not use the words gay or queer which is what they chose to call themselves?

If you really want to understand then Google the name Ian Roberts (Rugby League) and read a little about his story to get a different view of the situation.

Ghost Dog
10-06-2019, 12:48 PM
I didn't really start this as a revisionist look at the Goodes incident. That's just one isolated incident but sheds light on AFL's poor processes. Adam's actions are in no way questioned. It's about the AFL and how they want to manage crowds. If they are serious about stamping out racism, and abuse of umpires, they need to have a unified policy with other stadiums and codes so their policies are clear, unified at VFL level as well, to protect umpires in a way that keeps the flow of the game. If their policies are done poorly, probably not a lot will happen other than a few people giving up on AFL or choosing to stay at home to watch it. I imagine the AFL can live with that. Someone brave may try to sue them I guess.

10-06-2019, 10:37 PM
Personally reckon there’s a lot of grey in this. I was shocked someone would get tossed out for calling someone a flog, but can see why they would for calling someone a poof, ape, or similar “hate” words. Society has moved on from that stuff... but surely we can call an ump a flog, a clown, a muppet... that kind of thing.

11-06-2019, 05:06 PM

'I'm not at the ballet': Cops bail up Pies fan for 'barracking too loud'

A footy fan at Monday's Queen's Birthday clash at the MCG claims he was threatened with eviction by half a dozen police because he was "barracking too loud".

Pies supporter Simon Grech, 39, a self-described "very passionate supporter", says he was sitting with a group of mates in his usual seat in the Collingwood reserve section when the police approached him in the second quarter after a spectacular Jordan De Goey goal.

He said police acknowledged he was not swearing or being abusive, and when he questioned them about the apparent problem an officer replied: "Do you hear what I said? You're barracking too loud".

Mr Grech said another officer told him he wasn't doing anything wrong but that they had to follow protocol.

"I want to to know whose orders are they acting on because it's getting beyond a joke," Mr Grech said.

"I'm not at the ballet, I'm at the footy. I pay $1000 a year ... Why should the AFL take my money and then take away my right to support my team?

"For the whole second half I didn't say boo. They used the words 'unsociable barracking' or something like that ... do they want us to wear seat belts now so we can't jump up?

"You want me to start fairy-clapping? Are we at a cupcake contest?"

The incident sparked a social media firestorm on Monday after someone sitting nearby posted to Twitter that the father of two was "not offensive, not swearing, just loud."

Fans have been up in arms after a series of recent bans and evictions for what many say is no more than passionate supporting.

It is becoming ridiculous now. There is more if anyone would like to click on link.

11-06-2019, 05:51 PM
AFL is becoming unbearable. The sooner Gilligan and Hocking are sacked the better.

11-06-2019, 06:52 PM
Might get a fan revolt and people won’t go.
Other sports around competing against the AFL, might just help them sports.
It seriously is stupid IMO.

11-06-2019, 06:52 PM
Because that particular word has negative connotations and is often used in a pejorative manner? If you really need to differentiate (and I don't see what somebody's sexuality has to do with their ability to umpire or play the game-The boundary umpire Graeme Carbery managed perfectly well until Phil Carmen headbutted him and then chose to out him in the press.) then why not use the words gay or queer which is what they chose to call themselves?

If you really want to understand then Google the name Ian Roberts (Rugby League) and read a little about his story to get a different view of the situation.

Well said Td. As for the ape reference ... nah can't be bothered. Let's get the thread back on track.

Ghost Dog
11-06-2019, 07:40 PM
This will start a game of whack-a-mole backlash. You watch. 3000 collingwood fans are going to get together and start chanting flog, flog, flog. What are they going to do then? It will become a badge of honour for being kicked out, like it was back in bay 13.
To the Melbourne silver spooners I would say instead of griping about others, barrack harder and drown the others out. At least that is what I thought AFL footy was about.

11-06-2019, 08:51 PM
It is really getting quite ridiculous.

We go to the footy and display our passion for our team in our case the Bulldogs and you will hear all sorts of stuff and you should not be kicked out for it.

Ghost Dog
11-06-2019, 08:59 PM
Australian media is controlled by right wing conservative types that loves to stoke and provoke using 'left-wing trigger' ( focus on gender rage, LGTBI, Indigenous rage, etc etc ) and 'suburban family trigger' news bait ( African gangs, 'Aussies doing it tough' etc etc). Expect that Theage and other fairfax news will love riding this attack on the freedom of good old Umpire sledging aussies to generate lots of suburban twitter rage to get lots of clicks.

11-06-2019, 09:05 PM
I reckon that all those sweet little old ladies who sat around the fence at Western Oval, back when I was a kid, might have been lucky to be still there at a quarter time these days. They certainly voiced their support in no uncertain terms.

And good on them too.

11-06-2019, 09:16 PM
I wouldnt be surprised if the violence that has become prevalent at games in the last couple of years has a direct correlation to this crack down on yelling (Its not even swearing for *!*!*!*!'s sake!) People being told that they cant vent through the game are going to bottle up their emotions and strike out when it reaches boiling point. The authorities (otherwise known as Gil and his mates) have mucked up big time on this and need to come out, admit they were wrong and fix the problem.

It's become a counter productive problem of their own making and if they are incapable of making it better then what is the point of them? We may as well save the millions we are paying for the stupid committee that only seems to exist to hand out jobs and roles to Steve Hocking's mates. And Steve Hocking is a dill.

11-06-2019, 09:59 PM
Hey I'm all for people getting kicked out for using the word "flog" - just because the use of the word makes my skin crawl!

But in all seriousness, unless something said is extremely offensive (racist, homophobic, over the top swearing), then it is absolute rubbish to be kicking people out. And who is dobbing in other fans for this?

11-06-2019, 10:55 PM
Hey I'm all for people getting kicked out for using the word "flog" - just because the use of the word makes my skin crawl!

But in all seriousness, unless something said is extremely offensive (racist, homophobic, over the top swearing), then it is absolute rubbish to be kicking people out. And who is dobbing in other fans for this?

People that need to try and figure out what they expect when they go to the football?

They remind me of people who move in next door to venues like the Esplanade or the Tote or the Prince of Wales and then complain about the noise.

12-06-2019, 12:03 AM
Should fans be ejected for calling umpires names? No, but for abuse that over the top then yes.

Abusing/lambasting/criticising the umpires is part of sport. The best umpires are the anonymous umpires where they put away the whistle and let the game flow. That's true in every sport....AFL, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey etc - to take that away is to reduce the game to an Opera or Stage Show where the audience is allowed to interact with polite applause.

Where throwing a fan out (is underage then with their legal guardian) is where that abuse is over the top or out of order. Here we are delving into insultingly homophobic, racist, sexist or rude and offensive to people generally. That's not fun and is not banter.

12-06-2019, 08:58 AM
I mentioned in another thread about hearing two sides to every story. The media all reported a Carlton supporter was thrown out for calling an umpire a flog, and we all believed it.

Here is the other side of the story:

AFL says Carlton fan was evicted for 'spooking' umpire by running, screaming, waving his arms (https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/afl-says-carlton-fan-was-evicted-for-spooking-umpire-by-running-screaming-waving-his-arms-20190611-p51woc.html)

Ghost Dog
12-06-2019, 09:52 AM
Spooked! How traumatic. Waving arms can be pretty threatening. The umpire only has two escorts in orange vests to defend him, better upgrade that to six.

The fan was removed when standing where he bought his ticket, so am not sure about that claim. Must check the allegiance of the umpire. Might be wearing Collingwood underpants.

Regards article above, no less than three journalists attributed to this story, despite the fact at least two of them probably didn't do much. Most of it is copied and pasted from previous articles.
That's one way of looking very well researched I guess. Well played AGE.

Wow, will they all share the Walkley on that one? Flogs...

12-06-2019, 10:17 AM
A couple of years ago I went to a function where the speaker was a current AFL umpire. He said they didn't take notice of the crowd abuse/noise and it was water off a ducks back. Abusing umpires in lesser leagues does need looking at though, especially junior comps.
My take is this - constant obscenities or fighting gets you booted or banned depending on the severity of those actions. As to loud barracking , cmon AFL and coppers at the game, get real, get a life.
Are we heading toward the day where the thought police at are at AFL games so if you even think the umpire is a flog you will be arrested. Also do not yell too loudly at the final siren of the GF when your team wins or you will be suddenly surrounded by 6 cops.. Nanny, nanny, nanny......Bay 13 is under threat of becoming crocheting corner.

Axe Man
12-06-2019, 10:50 AM
Politically-correct insults suitable for an AFL umpire in 2019 (https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/politicallycorrect-insults-suitable-for-an-afl-umpire-in-2019/news-story/fcf228909fcfae53317fbe98a34dff05)

You can’t call them green maggots and you can’t refer to the fact they are bald. But here are 20 politically correct comments you are permitted to shout at AFL umpires when at the footy.

If you’re the sort of person to get up and yell at the footy umpire without even a trigger warning, this is for you.

Here are 20 woke, anti-maggophobic comments you are politically permitted to make at the footy.

1. If you require the use of a trained canine as visual aide, you have my full support.

2. Your whistle is presently in no danger of being overused.

3. I have had respectful, consensual relations with a member of your immediate family.

4. I believe your talents might best be applied in a different field of work.

5. Although I do not presume your gender, I observe your follicles are sparse.

6. It is wonderful to see tolerance of all levels of intellect in umpire hiring policy.

7. While sleep is important for mental health, you should reconsider doing it during play.

8. Age is clearly no indication of ability because my grandparent could make a boundary throw like that.

9. Congratulations on embracing a fluid definition of 15m.

10. It is human to make mistakes and you are really, really human.

11. Your outward appearance doesn’t reflect who you are inside. If you are an opposition player on the inside, please let us know.

12. How brave of you to identify as a goal umpire.

13. Your success in your chosen field, despite your obvious lack of education, is truly inspirational.

14. While your patronage of the safe injecting room is encouraged, it is not advisable to visit immediately prior to a match.

15. It is great to see you shunning outdated body image expectations around weight.

16. How shameful for the AFL not to provide you with a rule book in Braille.

17. I trust your decision not to call ‘holding the man’ is a silent protest against the patriarchy.

18. Proposed laws legalising marijuana will undoubtedly help me understand your decisions.

19. Thank you for prompting me to challenge my prejudices about what is and isn’t a handball.

20. As a fan of inclusiveness, I welcome your application of netball rules to this match.

12-06-2019, 01:43 PM
Should fans be ejected for calling umpires names? No, but for abuse that over the top then yes.

Abusing/lambasting/criticising the umpires is part of sport. The best umpires are the anonymous umpires where they put away the whistle and let the game flow. That's true in every sport....AFL, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey etc - to take that away is to reduce the game to an Opera or Stage Show where the audience is allowed to interact with polite applause.

Where throwing a fan out (is underage then with their legal guardian) is where that abuse is over the top or out of order. Here we are delving into insultingly homophobic, racist, sexist or rude and offensive to people generally. That's not fun and is not banter.

Agree with everything except the bit I've bolded.

In my experience the best referees/umpires in sport are far from 'anonymous'. Quite the opposite. They're as well known as they are explicitly because they are the best at what they do.

I'm thinking Ed Hochuli, Gene Steratore and Bill Vinovich in the NFL. Joe West and Jim Joyce in MLB. Ken Mauer in the NBA. Nigel Owens in Rugby Union. Gerard Sutton in the NRL, Bill Harrigan before he retired. They're all as well known as they are because they're good at what they do.

If anything the AFL is one of the few sports where umpires, by design, don't have a massive profile outside of the game. The only reason Ray Chamberlain is as highlighted as he is, can be traced back to his nickname, which Brian Taylor and the Triple M team gave him. Nigel Owens did some hilarious ads in the leadup to World Cup.

For what its worth, the crackdown is getting silly, but security and the Police have their actions driven by the league, and with some things they're given very little discretion to work with. If the league decide they want someone out, Police and Security have to suck it up and roll with it.

Anyone directing their anger toward security and police needs to work their way up the chain.

12-06-2019, 04:59 PM
People should say what they want but swearing when kids are around is a no go (obviously).

I don't understand why people scream at the umpires to be honest. I'm pretty much support your team and outside of that just shut up...unless an opposition fan (or three) want to engage in some banter in which case go for it.

12-06-2019, 06:09 PM
People should say what they want but swearing when kids are around is a no go (obviously).

I don't understand why people scream at the umpires to be honest. I'm pretty much support your team and outside of that just shut up...unless an opposition fan (or three) want to engage in some banter in which case go for it.

To me this is the correct blueprint for going to the footy. Support the team and enjoy yourself while being respectful of others.
A bit of good natured banter goes OK as well

12-06-2019, 06:27 PM
People should say what they want but swearing when kids are around is a no go (obviously).

I don't understand why people scream at the umpires to be honest. I'm pretty much support your team and outside of that just shut up...unless an opposition fan (or three) want to engage in some banter in which case go for it.

I'm guilty of getting stuck into umpires, but if I then see a replay and realise they're right and I'm wrong I'll happily say so.

12-06-2019, 06:36 PM
People should say what they want but swearing when kids are around is a no go (obviously).

I don't understand why people scream at the umpires to be honest. I'm pretty much support your team and outside of that just shut up...unless an opposition fan (or three) want to engage in some banter in which case go for it.

I'd agree except for that time I swore in your daughter's face at the top of my voice. It was Peter Street though...

12-06-2019, 06:41 PM

I mentioned Nigel Owens earlier in the thread.

As you can see, he strikes a healthy and humorous balance between treating players like professional athletes and naughty school boys.

He's my favorite official in World Sports

12-06-2019, 07:04 PM
As an aside I remember how crazy Carlton supporters went when they had an invisible spear chucked at them...……...they of all supporters should know how upsetting invisible stuff coming their way at a swift rate can be.

12-06-2019, 08:43 PM

I mentioned Nigel Owens earlier in the thread.

As you can see, he strikes a healthy and humorous balance between treating players like professional athletes and naughty school boys.

He's my favorite official in World Sports

I cant remember if it was Graham Poll or Howard Webb that my son showed me a photo of celebrating the team they support getting a promotion (I think their team went into league one a couple of years ago) he looks very, very drunk and happy. You forget that refs mostly all follow a team because they really, really love the game.

12-06-2019, 09:06 PM
I cant remember if it was Graham Poll or Howard Webb that my son showed me a photo of celebrating the team they support getting a promotion (I think their team went into league one a couple of years ago) he looks very, very drunk and happy. You forget that refs mostly all follow a team because they really, really love the game.

I've listened to a few interviews with Owens and he is deeply passionate about the game and very proud to be involved in it.

He speaks lovingly of the old style sense of respect that still exists in the game and it's reflected through the way the players because on the field, both towards each other and between the officials and players.

There was a funny incident in the last world cup where a South African referee was shoved to the ground by USA Captain Todd Clever. The referees way of dealing with it was to tell Clever (after a separate chat with the captains, "And you're getting my washing bill".

12-06-2019, 09:08 PM
One common theme that I keep hearing from the PC brigade is that verbal abuse of AFL umpires will cause umpires at local football to walk away. I am not sure where this is supposed to be happening, because I am involved in junior football in the WRFL and the respect shown to the WRFL umpires is excellent. Most weeks the umps are applauded as they enter the field, and there is plenty of encouragement and "well done guys" post game. And without fail, both teams give the umps 3 cheers post game.

The friendly atmosphere at local footy is a long way from the toxic atmosphere that has been allowed to develop at AFL matches - and that is the fault those in the ivory towers running (or is that ruining) the game.

12-06-2019, 10:08 PM
I'd agree except for that time I swore in your daughter's face at the top of my voice. It was Peter Street though...

I don't remember that exact moment but given she was living (and is) living in a house with me, pretty sure she would have heard that word before...

Things I need to improve about myself...

12-06-2019, 10:27 PM
Its more complex than perhaps it is being presented but FWIW I have been hassled every home game for about 13 years because I have a few flags/banners that I like to hang off Lvl3. Stopped bringing them this year because I have my 3YO & I don't trust the bastards to not get violent.

14-06-2019, 09:44 AM
I've changed my mindset since about 5 years ago and generally leave the umpires alone aside from the odd outburst of bafflement.

I can distinctly remember a first quarter against St.Kilda in about 2009 (we were getting done in the first and then dominated the remaining 3 quarters for an easy win). Where at the game we thought (and declared) we were getting screwed by the umpires with about 5 questionable decisions in that first quarter then upon watching the replay we discovered they were all excellent calls. Since then I've taken the viewpoint that they probably have a better view than I do from level 3 and that freekick counts by no means should be even.

Sure they do stuff up occasionally, but that is bound to happen considering the pace of the game, the lack of clear and dry rules (so much is up to interpretation) and the fact that there are three different umpires all with slightly different interpretations of each incident.

Also you have to consider that since the AFL umpires are by definition the best umpires of this sport in the world, and still have relatively frequent bad moments, that maybe the sport is actually a nightmare to adjudicate.

14-06-2019, 02:09 PM
Interesting. This has not been handled well by AFL

'Flog man' threatens to take AFL to court

by Alistair Paton

A Carlton fan who was thrown out of Marvel Stadium for abusing an umpire has threatened to sue AFL boss Gillon McLachlan.

In a remarkable escalation of supporter backlash at the league, the fan accused McLachlan of defaming him during his weekly radio appearance on 3AW.

The league CEO said that while the AFL decided to take no further action against the man, it found he had been removed from the ground last Saturday after he "ran across two bays" to hurl abuse at umpire Mathew Nicholls.

"Mathew Nicholls is a very experienced umpire, I got the note for that and I followed it up, he said it was the most intimidated he's felt in his hundreds of games of football," McLachlan said.

The fan, who calls himself Frankie, phoned the radio station after McLachlan's interview and acknowledged calling Nicholls a "bald-headed flog", but said the AFL had "thrown me under a bus".

"Where's the footage of me running across two bays? I want to see that," he said.
"They own the ground. Surely they can get in contact with security, let's see the footage.

"That's a load of crap … we've all had enough."

'Frankie' said he was happy to produce his ticket that showed his seat was at the top of the umpires' race.
"I was standing at my seat and I haven't moved for the whole day.

"If my hand in my pocket and the other hand holding a radio is intimidating, we've got a few issues in society."

McLachlan said the fan – who says he is "still waiting on my official warning" – was removed for "the whole environment", not his "bald-headed flog" taunt.

The AFL boss said fans were still allowed to boo umpires and yell insults that weren't "intimidatory", but he couldn't define where that line was.

"Booing has been part of our game for 100 years … people boo the umpires all the time.
"I can't prescribe for you respectful behaviour, what words are and aren't (acceptable) … the fans decide in the end.

"Everyone should feel comfortable at the football … there's been no change in policy, I want to be clear that they should go and express themselves at the game, but it has to be respectful, and that's the way it's always been."

So many sides to this story.

14-06-2019, 06:03 PM
Interesting. This has not been handled well by AFL

So many sides to this story.

Indeed. There has been so much of people being stood over by organisation's like the AFL with no comeback. You cant just go around saying what you like about people.

Ghost Dog
15-06-2019, 07:56 AM
I tell you what. NRL are starting to get the edge on AFL in many areas. I wonder if an NRL umpire has ever forced a fan to be ejected from a stadium.
The Carlton fan is correct. Lots of security cameras at the ground. Let the truth be told.

Ghost Dog
15-06-2019, 08:18 AM
To me this is the correct blueprint for going to the footy. Support the team and enjoy yourself while being respectful of others.
A bit of good natured banter goes OK as well

Gary Ablett was once subjected to a diatribe by one of his own fans up the race. He tried to calm that person down. I remember thinking he was probably in his rights to have the fan calmed down. It was far, far worse than this incident. Or even the Goodes incident in my view. The fan was literally screaming invective at GAJ.

15-06-2019, 10:25 AM
Gary Ablett was once subjected to a diatribe by one of his own fans up the race. He tried to calm that person down. I remember thinking he was probably in his rights to have the fan calmed down. It was far, far worse than this incident. Or even the Goodes incident in my view. The fan was literally screaming invective at GAJ.

Libba senior used to cop the most disgusting things I have ever said from some members of the crowd. Some of the North Melbourne supporters in particular said some of the most awful things. Libba didn't care-he *!*!*!*!ing loved it

Ghost Dog
16-06-2019, 10:58 AM
China has a new social credit system ' sesame points', coming in next year. If you post or repost something that praises the government or a government approved article you gain points. If you do the opposite you lose points. These points go towards getting things like a travel visa.

Don't think Australia is immune to this type of use of technology, and the roving use of ' behavioural awareness officers' staff at games is just the start. Eventually you will pay for your ticket with your phone and alerts on certain fans will be triggered up in the security office.

BUT! then again if I had kids and wanted to take them to the footy, I would probably be in favor of having these people at games.

16-06-2019, 11:17 AM
China has a new social credit system ' sesame points', coming in next year. If you post or repost something that praises the government or a government approved article you gain points. If you do the opposite you lose points. These points go towards getting things like a travel visa.

Don't think Australia is immune to this type of use of technology, and the roving use of ' behavioural awareness officers' staff at games is just the start. Eventually you will pay for your ticket with your phone and alerts on certain fans will be triggered up in the security office.

And we can be sure that the AFeL won't *!*!*!*! that up.

16-06-2019, 12:31 PM
Today the media were blowing up a story about a brawl, after the Dogs vs Blues game. The film accompanying the article showed only Richmond supporters, with no reference to the fact that this brawl was not at our game, but was included as an illustration.

However I was appalled to see security guards "patrolling" the aisles and walkways, clearly trying to control the crowd by intimidation, when there was no sign of anything other than the usual barracking. Personally I think Blues fans should be thrown out for being unbelievable whingers.... but that's another story.

But that's not a good look for our game, and to my mind totally unnecessary. Obviously the powers that be never stood in the outer at Victoria Park back in the 60's, or in the darkened crowd areas of the Lakeside Oval in the night Premiership games of long ago. Crowds these days are angels compared to that era.

16-06-2019, 12:52 PM
One of the guys I work with (a pain in the neck Carlton Supporter) has written to the AFL this morning complaining about Libba at the end of the game when he was doing cry baby eyes to the Carlton supporters. He also had a whinge about the umpiring.

16-06-2019, 12:54 PM
One of the guys I work with (a pain in the neck Carlton Supporter) has written to the AFL this morning complaining about Libba at the end of the game when he was doing cry baby eyes to the Carlton supporters. He also had a whinge about the umpiring.

I love Libba's, father and son.

16-06-2019, 12:55 PM
One of the guys I work with (a pain in the neck Carlton Supporter) has written to the AFL this morning complaining about Libba at the end of the game when he was doing cry baby eyes to the Carlton supporters. He also had a whinge about the umpiring.

It wouldn't surprise me if Libba copped a warning for it

16-06-2019, 01:00 PM
I love Libba's, father and son.

Me too

16-06-2019, 01:03 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if Libba copped a warning for it

Me neither. They will probably do something. It is not going to go away.

I am sure I will hear all about it at work tomorrow.

16-06-2019, 01:11 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if Libba copped a warning for it

It wouldn't surprise me. It doesn't make it right though. Since the '90s the AFeL have always had one set of rules for people called Liberatore and another set of rules for everyone else. If you think it doesn't then where is Tony's apology for all the booing he had to put with during his career, now that we are handing apologies out retrospectively?

16-06-2019, 01:16 PM
Westdog54 would know better than I. But back in the day, police were required to walk up and down the isles every ten minutes of a quarter. Just as a gentle reminder of police presence both to deter antisocial behaviour and reinforce safety for attendees be it from other fans or something much, much worse (if it ever happened, touch wood it doesn't).

I know from many years ago stadium management hated the police as they cost a lot more money than hiring security guards. If they were using the security guards in the same fashion above, then the practice has been going on for decades and no one has really noticed in the media. Therefore, nothing really in it. The issue is, there's been no explanation who has been driving this and what their motives are. Hopefully the press can find this out ASAP.

16-06-2019, 01:25 PM
Westdog54 would know better than I. But back in the day, police were required to walk up and down the isles every ten minutes of a quarter. Just as a gentle reminder of police presence both to deter antisocial behaviour and reinforce safety for attendees be it from other fans or something much, much worse (if it ever happened, touch wood it doesn't).

I know from many years ago stadium management hated the police as they cost a lot more money than hiring security guards. If they were using the security guards in the same fashion above, then the practice has been going on for decades and no one has really noticed in the media. Therefore, nothing really in it. The issue is, there's been no explanation who has been driving this and what their motives are. Hopefully the press can find this out ASAP.

I think the point is that coppers are professionals and know how to be there without really being seen to be there or drawing attention to themselves and calm situations before/when they arise whereas the cowboy security guards with the benefit of a fortnight's training storm up and down the aisles like brownshirts leering at people and looking like they are more interested in starting fights instead of preventing them.

So yep the security guards may save the AFeL a few pennys when you first look at the balance sheet but they cost pounds in people deciding not to go to the game or when they sue Gil for acting like a dill. After all it's not like Gil is going to pay any damages out of his own pocket, that money will come from the AFeL's bottom line.

16-06-2019, 02:16 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if Libba copped a warning for it

Surprise no, but I would be pissed off yes.

16-06-2019, 03:32 PM
One of the guys I work with (a pain in the neck Carlton Supporter) has written to the AFL this morning complaining about Libba at the end of the game when he was doing cry baby eyes to the Carlton supporters. He also had a whinge about the umpiring.

What a sook.

16-06-2019, 04:36 PM
Therefore, nothing really in it. The issue is, there's been no explanation who has been driving this and what their motives are. Hopefully the press can find this out ASAP.

'We've gone too far': Marvel Stadium to review security measures (http://'We've gone too far': Marvel Stadium to review security measures)

16-06-2019, 05:01 PM
Has anyone noticed how nobody's talking about how shit the game is to watch and how the rule changes have done bollocks to solve that issue?

Funny how these things tend to pop up when the AFL is under a huge amount of scrutiny over the quality of the product itself.

The article posted on the previous page tells me this is a genuine attempt at distraction and a patsy fan was selected for sacrifice with Gill being the arrogant twat that he is believing the fan wouldn't fight back.

16-06-2019, 05:13 PM
What a sook.

Yes he is a big sook. Had a few swipes at me over the years over Footy. One of those who criticizes how other teams play and thinks his team is the hardest done by.

16-06-2019, 05:15 PM
Has anyone noticed how nobody's talking about how shit the game is to watch and how the rule changes have done bollocks to solve that issue?

Funny how these things tend to pop up when the AFL is under a huge amount of scrutiny over the quality of the product itself.

The article posted on the previous page tells me this is a genuine attempt at distraction and a patsy fan was selected for sacrifice with Gill being the arrogant twat that he is believing the fan wouldn't fight back.

You know me Jeemak, at least 9 years anyway (on the forum), I have been saying don't touch the rules AFL you are ruining our game. It is all coming to a head, the game is crap these days.

Not one rule change, has enhanced the game since 1996 when it started with changing interpretation of prior poss. I am not counting any rule that protects a players head. (which were always there anyhow).

example, last night, everytime there was a genuine contest between two big guys, the whistle was blown. There were 4 free kicks to Carlton, and three to us, for a slight holding of the jumper. Yet, players can drop the ball, dispose of it incorrectly - the basics like that are ignored with just play on.

16-06-2019, 05:26 PM
Yes he is a big sook. Had a few swipes at me over the years over Footy. One of those who criticizes how other teams play and thinks his team is the hardest done by.

Send him this photo


Libba is a legend, they were whining so much it was unbearable.

16-06-2019, 05:48 PM
Send him this photo


Libba is a legend, they were whining so much it was unbearable.

Thanks might just do that. Yes Libba is a legend

16-06-2019, 06:35 PM
Send him this photo


Libba is a legend, they were whining so much it was unbearable.

Hahaha. I love it!!

16-06-2019, 10:14 PM
Send him this photo


Libba is a legend, they were whining so much it was unbearable.

Go Libba :D Go Dogs!

17-06-2019, 11:59 AM
Gotta love that, Libba's version of "stick it up 'em". What would the sook do if Stratton gave him the bird ?

Ghost Dog
17-06-2019, 04:00 PM
Gotta love that, Libba's version of "stick it up 'em". What would the sook do if Stratton gave him the bird ?

Tom, would you mind stepping into my office?
Sure Peter, what's up? Oh that, I had something in my eyes.....

17-06-2019, 06:26 PM
Tom, would you mind stepping into my office?
Sure Peter, what's up? Oh that, I had something in my eyes.....

And I was just rubbing it out when I looked up and bugger me if I wasnt standing next to all theses Carlton supporters. So anyway I was just stopped to say giddaye to them and somebody took my photo at what must have been exactly the wrong time. Geez, it almost looks like I was taunting them or something, doesn't it?

17-06-2019, 07:50 PM
Did Gill actually apologise for his henchmen walking up and down the aisles looking to throw people out?

17-06-2019, 08:05 PM
Did Gill actually apologise for his henchmen walking up and down the aisles looking to throw people out?

It's been reported it was a Marvel Stadium decision to increase the aisle presence of security. They're going to wind it back, and consider reverting back to using police.

Jeff Kennett reckons the security personnel were "new arrivals" who don't understand the game:


Get your brooms, it's shenanigans!

17-06-2019, 08:54 PM
It's been reported it was a Marvel Stadium decision to increase the aisle presence of security. They're going to wind it back, and consider reverting back to using police.

Jeff Kennett reckons the security personnel were "new arrivals" who don't understand the game:


Get your brooms, it's shenanigans!

Which is owned by the AFL.

17-06-2019, 09:30 PM
Which is owned by the AFL.

No no no no no...….the AFL assures us it was an independent decision, and if you can't trust the AFL, who can you trust?

Ghost Dog
18-06-2019, 08:20 AM
I don't mind what the AFL are trying to do to be honest. The amount of times I've been to the footy and some idiots are using the crowd to mask some idiot behavior I can't remember. It's the way they go about it that seems so out of touch.
With terrorism now I don't think extra security is a bad thing at the football. But 'behavior awareness officer' is so counter culture it beggars belief.

18-06-2019, 08:30 AM
For every person offended by the additional security there would be double that appreciating it. A work colleague took his mother to the footy Saturday night and had to move seats to get away from fans being dickheads

Extra security is Okay in my opinion, they just need a little training so that they go unnoticed

18-06-2019, 08:57 AM
For every person offended by the additional security there would be double that appreciating it. A work colleague took his mother to the footy Saturday night and had to move seats to get away from fans being dickheads

Extra security is Okay in my opinion, they just need a little training so that they go unnoticed

As long as security stick to their job and not do this:


18-06-2019, 09:00 AM
Are you sure that hasn't been doctored BAD? If not, training is lacking

18-06-2019, 09:05 AM
Are you sure that hasn't been doctored BAD? If not, training is lacking

Not doctored at all. See vision from foxfooty here (https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2019-vision-emerges-of-security-guard-stepping-onto-blundstone-arena-about-to-break-up-onfield-tussle/news-story/0497f44b6c3c1e121d6868072a47d4a0) Security has actually run on the ground to break up the scuffle.

18-06-2019, 09:53 AM
For every person offended by the additional security there would be double that appreciating it. A work colleague took his mother to the footy Saturday night and had to move seats to get away from fans being dickheads

Extra security is Okay in my opinion, they just need a little training so that they go unnoticed

My Nan was unfortunate enough to end up with a ticket sitting among Essendon supporters one day and there were some very aggressive and rude people that made her prefer to stand and watch up the back (and she's very short). Some people's 'barracking' is just being a dickhead

18-06-2019, 10:20 AM
As long as security stick to their job and not do this:


That's obviously Tassie's fault. That's why they can't be trusted with their own club.