View Full Version : Western Bulldogs want future Indigenous stars to call the west home

27-06-2019, 06:14 PM
Link (https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/western-bulldogs-want-future-indigenous-stars-to-call-the-west-home-20190626-p521mb.html)


https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUTExMWFRUXGBcYGBcYGRUXGBgaGhcYGBcYHRcaHSggGh8l GxcXITEhJSkrLi4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGxAQGy0lHyIrLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLSstLS03Lf/AABEIAM0AmgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgQHAQIDAAj/xABSEAABAgQDBAYFBQsICQUAAAABAgMABBEhBRIxBkFRYRMicZGhwQcUgbHw IzJzs9EkMzRCUlRystPh8RUWU2KDkqTDQ2N0gpSitMLSZISTo9T/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQAG/8QAJhEAAgIBBAEFAAMBAAAAAAAAAQIAAxEEEiExExQiMkFRBSNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8As5WJzS3322G2CllaUVccdSolTTbtaJbUKfKU13RuHsQ/Ikx/aPn/ACxHHDprJNTovUutH/Cs/ZBNc/yJiwWDLgSPnnKXMsOwOnzELM5tfNIcUj7n6ppXK5 0hwLuZJrwircbSOnc1 dyglaAnmRkk8GGVbZTm4yo/snT/nCDuCT84 nN08sL7pZ0 PrMV4Ed3vh62EmPk8tIl1UCdhs9w2tmc/OGfZLL85iB2LTb8unM9PMIG4GXNSeAT01T7IXvSd6QvVAZdivTkCq6WbBFQR UXUQewViip/EnHV53FFZJJJUSTUkkmpvvMCAhDmfSTTsy4vIjEmSoioShlsmm83dNR2RK/k2f/AD8f8M2P 6PnHAsddl3ErbWpJCgQRQlNDegUCCL0Ij6F2C2vTPMioo8gfKCmVKjUjMi5q 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Y4/PJn 7KfsInxmd4Gi0tzd9nx3RXHpGaV0qFlWYEEBJN0j8UZdMo61Dzvzus7CIOs3 Nan81G/6CBuIeiOUfUFOvzSlUArmYFgTwZ5wStcGWrqZTK89HakMsrcXZTqFhGY0LlF pPVTUknKFVUaaACtTDa 2QSdPjjvEFJP0QSTa0rQ9NhQIoekb9n j8IOfzKZNy7Mn 1I17BziWXJyJe2otEpwUvWNUqFodf5iS1brmDu /u Rjb Ycobn1j/AImZ8nIrsMF6c/sSVqI40jRStBvh6GwkmNz5rb8Km/2sbnYiTOqHT2zE0f8AMiQs70x/YgOhRBHIimu6LQ2UP3DK/wCzs/VpgcdhZHTol/8AzTP7SGCUYS2hCEDKhKUpSL2SAABfgBFwMQ1dZWf/2Q==

The Western Bulldogs are making a concerted effort to ensure Indigenous talent call Whitten Oval home in the future after a season without an Indigenous player on their AFL list.

Club president Peter Gordon said the club now had the personnel and resources to create an environment that would meet the needs of young Indigenous people who might join the Bulldogs as an AFL or AFLW player or work at the club.

Gordon said the club was determined to remedy any disconnect between the club and Indigenous people that may have existed in the past telling club members at a forum on Tuesday part of the question the club was continually asking themselves was how they were going to attend to the needs of a young Indigenous player in the 21st century.

‘‘It seems to me it’s the right thing to do as a community and a club that embraces diversity and our indigenous history,’’ Gordon told The Age.

Former Bulldogs player Brett Goodes, the brother of former Sydney Swans champion Adam Goodes, is driving the whole-of-club approach as the club’s Indigenous Liaison Officer in an approach Gordon said was understated.

Goodes is one of 18 Indigenous players to play with the Western Bulldogs with three of the 18 – Joel Hamling, Jarrod Harbrow and Liam Jones – now at other clubs while former Bulldog Michael McLean is one of the most respected footballers in the club’s history.

‘‘We can’t solve that problem overnight and we have tried to take a multi-faceted approach to it,’’ Gordon said.

He said he was heartened by the way the club had embraced Goodes’ initiatives and the Reconciliation Action Plan released last year underpinned their approach with Belinda Duarte, who was the inaugural director of Richmond Football Club’s Korin Gamadji Institute, to officially join the club’s board at their next AGM.

‘‘Belinda has many skills and joins the board for many reasons, but one of them is that she is a proud Indigenous woman with a great track record in AFL footy,’’ Gordon said.

All-Australian Chad Wingard chose to join Hawthorn during last year’s trade period instead of the Bulldogs who were very interested in securing the former Port Adelaide forward.

Gordon told members that although he did not know what drove Wingard’s decision it was logical to suspect that the absence of Indigenous players on the Bulldogs list potentially put them ‘‘behind the eight ball’’ in securing Wingard. He said it made sense to ensure the club was not waiting for an Indigenous player to join their list to get the environment right with the club excited at the prospect of securing NGA academy member Jamarra Ugle-Hagan who the Bulldogs will have priority access to in the 2020 national draft.

‘‘We might potentially draft two or three [Indigenous players] in any particular year and they will be a part of a seachange of the history and culture of the club and will be working alongside good people like Belinda and Brett,’’ Gordon said.

27-06-2019, 06:31 PM
Ensuring Jamarra Ugle-Hagan gets to us post AFEL NGA review should be top priority. That was meant to be the point of running an NGA to bring in indigenous/multi cultural talent.

Maybe in the trade period the Hill brothers this year fit the bill. Jack Martin wants way too much; $700,000 reportedly. Nicholls isn't worth it. Cockatoo is always injured. I don't rate Tippa highly, ditto for Shai Bolton. Cedric Cox at the right price would interest me.

Axe Man
27-06-2019, 10:53 PM
Ensuring Jamarra Ugle-Hagan gets to us post AFEL NGA review should be top priority. That was meant to be the point of running an NGA to bring in indigenous/multi cultural talent.

Maybe in the trade period the Hill brothers this year fit the bill. Jack Martin wants way too much; $700,000 reportedly. Nicholls isn't worth it. Cockatoo is always injured. I don't rate Tippa highly, ditto for Shai Bolton. Cedric Cox at the right price would interest me.

If you are referring to Tom Nicholls I don’t believe he is indigenous, his mother is Fijian.

28-06-2019, 09:21 AM
We'll pick up CCP this year, hopefully an experienced indigenous player as well. If we miss out on Jack Martin I'd consider Karl Amon from Port. Outside runner and offers us pace, best 22 now so more expensive than last year but out of contract and I suspect he's gettable at the right price.

28-06-2019, 10:17 AM
If you are referring to Tom Nicholls I don’t believe he is indigenous, his mother is Fijian.

I thought I read that he was indigenous. Looks like I was wrong.

We'll pick up CCP this year, hopefully an experienced indigenous player as well. If we miss out on Jack Martin I'd consider Karl Amon from Port. Outside runner and offers us pace, best 22 now so more expensive than last year but out of contract and I suspect he's gettable at the right price.

Why will we pick up CCP? Averging 15 disposals and 1.6 marks a game. What does he do that the stats don't show?

If Jack Martin's price tag in the media is right, $700,000 a season, then I hope we miss out on him. Good luck to him if he can convince a club to pay it.

28-06-2019, 10:20 AM
I thought I read that he was indigenous. Looks like I was wrong.

Why will we pick up CCP? Averging 15 disposals and 1.6 marks a game. What does he do that the stats don't show?

If Jack Martin's price tag in the media is right, $700,000 a season, then I hope we miss out on him. Good luck to him if he can convince a club to pay it.

700k would be the high mark wouldn't it? Start high and get to where you want. Probably n x 600 where n takes him to an important contract period.

28-06-2019, 10:39 AM
Why will we pick up CCP? Averging 15 disposals and 1.6 marks a game. What does he do that the stats don't show?
He's a pressure forward and I believe the club has indicated previously they are happy with his progress.

28-06-2019, 11:15 AM
He's a pressure forward and I believe the club has indicated previously they are happy with his progress.

I've been loosely following him, I thought he was an inside midfielder that only moved forward in the last few weeks. His only draft central team of the week was as an on baller. Draft central records him as playing 18 TAC/NABL games, and only kicking two goals from the 18 games. The boys we passed on last year had better numbers. But if the club is happy, then I guess that's good all round.

28-06-2019, 11:24 AM
We'll pick up CCP this year, hopefully an experienced indigenous player as well. If we miss out on Jack Martin I'd consider Karl Amon from Port. Outside runner and offers us pace, best 22 now so more expensive than last year but out of contract and I suspect he's gettable at the right price.

I think Martin and Amon would be players I would target as well

They could make a big difference to us

Happy Days
01-07-2019, 07:36 PM
I thought I read that he was indigenous. Looks like I was wrong.

If Jack Martin's price tag in the media is right, $700,000 a season, then I hope we miss out on him. Good luck to him if he can convince a club to pay it.

I could live with that deal. $700k isn't the albatross it would've been even 5 years ago, and as the greatest team in world sport the New York Knicks found out today, there is no point having cap space if you don't use it on someone.

01-07-2019, 07:48 PM
I could live with that deal. $700k isn't the albatross it would've been even 5 years ago, and as the greatest team in world sport the New York Knicks found out today, there is no point having cap space if you don't use it on someone.
Would Martin offer more than Sam Gray from Port? I guess Martin can run through the middle but Sam would be far, far cheaper in dollars and trade cost.

01-07-2019, 07:54 PM
I could live with that deal. $700k isn't the albatross it would've been even 5 years ago, and as the greatest team in world sport the New York Knicks found out today, there is no point having cap space if you don't use it on someone.

I don't have an issue with offering big salaries. I'm just not sure Martin is worth it.

Happy Days
01-07-2019, 08:30 PM
Would Martin offer more than Sam Gray from Port? I guess Martin can run through the middle but Sam would be far, far cheaper in dollars and trade cost.

I think he would. Sam Gray works hard but is still a bit of a front-runner and is light on for talent - he was allegedly playing in that game on the weekend in conditions that should be tailor made for him, for example. Martin's potential is still untapped, and he already does everything that Sam Gray does better than Gray does it (has 40 more tackles than Gray in 2 more games this season). Plus he's three years younger.

Martin gets a bad wrap because of the hype that surrounded his entry into the game and the team he plays for. He's a very good footballer.

Gray is pretty hard to get enthusiastic about to be honest.

01-07-2019, 09:25 PM
Would Martin offer more than Sam Gray from Port? I guess Martin can run through the middle but Sam would be far, far cheaper in dollars and trade cost.

I think he would offer a potential star player vs workman like option of Sam Grey

01-07-2019, 10:28 PM
I think he would offer a potential star player vs workman like option of Sam Grey

We need some star player types, we have enough workman options.

Martin is well and truly worth $700k plus

The Doctor
02-07-2019, 09:06 AM
We could kick start it by drafting a few of them. But if we are to make our club a football home for indigenous players then we had better make sure we make them feel at home when they get here and not isolated. So our support systems need to be in place.

I'm all for it. This year's draft has some very talented indigenous players. I'd be delighted, for example, if we used one of our top picks on Elijah Taylor and traded for Jack Martin. Add Jamarra Ugle-Hagen next year & we will have created a potentially lethal forward line in a couple of years. I mentioned in another thread I think Ryder from Port on a 2 year deal would be worth considering to bolster our thin ruck stocks. So there are no excuses for us as the opportunities are easily there.

I'm glad to see the club is recognising this but they must do it properly and not just a token effort.

02-07-2019, 10:46 AM
We could kick start it by drafting a few of them. But if we are to make our club a football home for indigenous players then we had better make sure we make them feel at home when they get here and not isolated. So our support systems need to be in place.

I'm all for it. This year's draft has some very talented indigenous players. I'd be delighted, for example, if we used one of our top picks on Elijah Taylor and traded for Jack Martin. Add Jamarra Ugle-Hagen next year & we will have created a potentially lethal forward line in a couple of years. I mentioned in another thread I think Ryder from Port on a 2 year deal would be worth considering to bolster our thin ruck stocks. So there are no excuses for us as the opportunities are easily there.

I'm glad to see the club is recognising this but they must do it properly and not just a token effort.

Listening to PG at the members forum, I think they are serious about this.

Joining the board will be Belinda Duarte:

Ms Duarte was the first female executive at the Richmond Football Club and the first Aboriginal executive in the AFL. In her time with the Tigers, Ms Duarte was the inaugural chief executive officer for the Korin Gamadji Institute, an educational and training facility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Brett Goodes is taking on the role as Indigenous liaison manager and with Belinda will put together a programme. I also felt PG was targeting some existing players to trade for. The idea is to get a marquee player to also be the face of the club to attract more players.

The Adelaide Connection
02-07-2019, 11:06 AM
Listening to PG at the members forum, I think they are serious about this.

Joining the board will be Belinda Duarte:

Brett Goodes is taking on the role as Indigenous liaison manager and with Belinda will put together a programme. I also felt PG was targeting some existing players to trade for. The idea is to get a marquee player to also be the face of the club to attract more players.

Let’s open the chequebook and throw a Hail Mary play for Sydney Stack. Judging from the Dreamtime game he has a strong connection to this culture and an ambassadorial type role (coupled with a more generous contract offer) might be enough to test his loyalties.

02-09-2019, 11:16 PM
Hopefully Jack Martin will be the one to kick this programme off

Dancin' Douggy
03-09-2019, 12:15 PM
We'll pick up CCP this year, hopefully an experienced indigenous player as well. If we miss out on Jack Martin I'd consider Karl Amon from Port. Outside runner and offers us pace, best 22 now so more expensive than last year but out of contract and I suspect he's gettable at the right price.

Pardon my ignorance...........but who is CCP?

03-09-2019, 02:26 PM
Pardon my ignorance...........but who is CCP?
Craig Cooper-Peters.

Designed our indigenous jumper last year, 2019 draft eligible but seems more a Cat B rookie prospect. Tough kid, highly rated leadership / off field. Plays inside mid and has been playing defensive forward roles this year.

Dancin' Douggy
03-09-2019, 02:33 PM
Thanks Mofra

Craig Cooper-Peters.

Designed our indigenous jumper last year, 2019 draft eligible but seems more a Cat B rookie prospect. Tough kid, highly rated leadership / off field. Plays inside mid and has been playing defensive forward roles this year.

17-11-2020, 10:50 PM
Link (https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/western-bulldogs-want-future-indigenous-stars-to-call-the-west-home-20190626-p521mb.html)


https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUTExMWFRUXGBcYGBcYGRUXGBgaGhcYGBcYHRcaHSggGh8l GxcXITEhJSkrLi4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGxAQGy0lHyIrLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLSstLS03Lf/AABEIAM0AmgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgQHAQIDAAj/xABSEAABAgQDBAYFBQsICQUAAAABAgMABBEhBRIxBkFRYRMicZGhwQcUgbHw IzJzs9EkMzRCUlRystPh8RUWU2KDkqTDQ2N0gpSitMLSZISTo9T/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQAG/8QAJhEAAgIBBAEFAAMBAAAAAAAAAQIAAxEEEiExExQiMkFRBSNhcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8As5WJzS3322G2CllaUVccdSolTTbtaJbUKfKU13RuHsQ/Ikx/aPn/ACxHHDprJNTovUutH/Cs/ZBNc/yJiwWDLgSPnnKXMsOwOnzELM5tfNIcUj7n6ppXK5 0hwLuZJrwircbSOnc1 dyglaAnmRkk8GGVbZTm4yo/snT/nCDuCT84 nN08sL7pZ0 PrMV4Ed3vh62EmPk8tIl1UCdhs9w2tmc/OGfZLL85iB2LTb8unM9PMIG4GXNSeAT01T7IXvSd6QvVAZdivTkCq6WbBFQR UXUQewViip/EnHV53FFZJJJUSTUkkmpvvMCAhDmfSTTsy4vIjEmSoioShlsmm83dNR2RK/k2f/AD8f8M2P 6PnHAsddl3ErbWpJCgQRQlNDegUCCL0Ij6F2C2vTPMioo8gfKCmVKjUjMi5q 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The Western Bulldogs are making a concerted effort to ensure Indigenous talent call Whitten Oval home in the future after a season without an Indigenous player on their AFL list.

Club president Peter Gordon said the club now had the personnel and resources to create an environment that would meet the needs of young Indigenous people who might join the Bulldogs as an AFL or AFLW player or work at the club.

Gordon said the club was determined to remedy any disconnect between the club and Indigenous people that may have existed in the past telling club members at a forum on Tuesday part of the question the club was continually asking themselves was how they were going to attend to the needs of a young Indigenous player in the 21st century.

‘‘It seems to me it’s the right thing to do as a community and a club that embraces diversity and our indigenous history,’’ Gordon told The Age.

Former Bulldogs player Brett Goodes, the brother of former Sydney Swans champion Adam Goodes, is driving the whole-of-club approach as the club’s Indigenous Liaison Officer in an approach Gordon said was understated.

Goodes is one of 18 Indigenous players to play with the Western Bulldogs with three of the 18 – Joel Hamling, Jarrod Harbrow and Liam Jones – now at other clubs while former Bulldog Michael McLean is one of the most respected footballers in the club’s history.

‘‘We can’t solve that problem overnight and we have tried to take a multi-faceted approach to it,’’ Gordon said.

He said he was heartened by the way the club had embraced Goodes’ initiatives and the Reconciliation Action Plan released last year underpinned their approach with Belinda Duarte, who was the inaugural director of Richmond Football Club’s Korin Gamadji Institute, to officially join the club’s board at their next AGM.

‘‘Belinda has many skills and joins the board for many reasons, but one of them is that she is a proud Indigenous woman with a great track record in AFL footy,’’ Gordon said.

All-Australian Chad Wingard chose to join Hawthorn during last year’s trade period instead of the Bulldogs who were very interested in securing the former Port Adelaide forward.

Gordon told members that although he did not know what drove Wingard’s decision it was logical to suspect that the absence of Indigenous players on the Bulldogs list potentially put them ‘‘behind the eight ball’’ in securing Wingard. He said it made sense to ensure the club was not waiting for an Indigenous player to join their list to get the environment right with the club excited at the prospect of securing NGA academy member Jamarra Ugle-Hagan who the Bulldogs will have priority access to in the 2020 national draft.

‘‘We might potentially draft two or three [Indigenous players] in any particular year and they will be a part of a seachange of the history and culture of the club and will be working alongside good people like Belinda and Brett,’’ Gordon said.

I wonder where we are with this?

Wingard said no. Jack Martin said no. No idea if we were even a shot with Williams. AMT knocked back a better offer from us to stay at Essendon (!!?!?!?!), Jermaine Jones got snapped up by WCE. A theory was having indigenous players at the club when JUH walks in the door. But despite chasing hard, we are still coming up short. I wonder if we draft any other indigenous kids this year?

17-11-2020, 10:54 PM
I wonder where we are with this?

Wingard said no. Jack Martin said no. No idea if we were even a shot with Williams. AMT knocked back a better offer from us to stay at Essendon (!!?!?!?!), Jermaine Jones got snapped up by WCE. A theory was having indigenous players at the club when JUH walks in the door. But despite chasing hard, we are still coming up short. I wonder if we draft any other indigenous kids this year?

We have a lot of off field involvement with various indigenous programmes but we have not been able to recruit players.

Would have been good to entice someone like an Eddy Betts type and give them an on and off field role. This would then encourage other players to come over.

The Adelaide Connection
18-11-2020, 01:10 AM
We have a lot of off field involvement with various indigenous programmes but we have not been able to recruit players.

Would have been good to entice someone like an Eddy Betts type and give them an on and off field role. This would then encourage other players to come over.

Betts or Burgoyne would have to be on the wishlist for 2022. Both seem like outstanding people, are champions, and seem like the right type or leaders for a coaching role and/or head of an indigenous programme. You would think both would have a huge pull getting indigenous players in too.

Happy Days
18-11-2020, 09:09 AM
We made a “concerted effort” by never drafting any since this article dropped?

01-04-2023, 09:46 PM
We played Arty, Marra & Jones Thursday night.

By my record checking, the most Indigenous players selected for a bulldogs team since Round 21, 2011. (Djerrkura, Stack & Jones - Hill & Skinner didn’t play)

I wonder if from the low of the low that was Marra’s suffering. (On top of super exciting young talent) The footy world might see us having demonstrated a far more advanced and extremely supportive environment and club destination for indigenous players with so many not taking up trade offers from us. With Varcoe too, I feel this might be finally a turning point for the club’s ambitions to convince indigenous players to join our club - as per the OP from Peter Gordon.