View Full Version : Predicted Teams Round 2 - 2020

17-05-2020, 09:00 PM
This was the team in round 1. What changes would you make:

B: Alex Keath, Zaine Cordy, Easton Wood
HB: Hayden Crozier, Jason Johannisen, Caleb Daniel
C: Bailey Smith, Marcus Bontempelli, Lachie Hunter
HF: Bailey Dale, Josh Bruce, Matthew Suckling
F: Mitch Wallis, Aaron Naughton, Sam Lloyd
R: Tim English, Josh Dunkley, Jack Macrae
INT: Lewis Young, Ben Cavarra, Bailey Williams, Ryan Gardner

EMG: Schache, McLean, Richards, Sweet

We know Hunter is out.

I read a report Libba and Duryea will be available. Should Trengove come in, Gardner dropped? Does Cavarra get another go?

17-05-2020, 09:16 PM
I'm going to assume there is 6 on the bench

B: Johannisen, Trengove, Lew Young
HB: Crozier, Keath, Suckling
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Dale, Bruce, Lloyd
F: Wallis, Naughton, Schache
R: English, Bontempelli, Macrae
Int: Cordy, Daniel, Williams, McLean, Richards, Wood

BAD, Ayce Cordy? :)

17-05-2020, 09:39 PM
BAD, Ayce Cordy? :)

Making a come back :D

17-05-2020, 10:43 PM
I'm going to assume there is 6 on the bench

B: Johannisen, Trengove, Lew Young
HB: Crozier, Keath, Suckling
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Dale, Bruce, Lloyd
F: Wallis, Naughton, Schache
R: English, Bontempelli, Macrae
Int: Cordy, Daniel, Williams, McLean, Richards, Wood

Do you think we are too tall, or with 6 on the bench, it helps us

17-05-2020, 11:37 PM
I'm going to assume there is 6 on the bench

B: Johannisen, Trengove, Lew Young
HB: Crozier, Keath, Suckling
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Dale, Bruce, Lloyd
F: Wallis, Naughton, Schache
R: English, Bontempelli, Macrae
Int: Cordy, Daniel, Williams, McLean, Richards, Wood

BAD, Ayce Cordy? :)

I reckon I'd have Wood in ahead of Young most definitely. On ability, and leadership.

If it was how I selected the team over and above how I think the coaches would, I'd have Naughton in the back pocket and Suckling on the bench. Reason being is we need to get winning games as quickly as we possibly can and I don't trust our midfield to be on immediately in lieu of the their last two outings, and not leaving our defence horribly exposed. The shortness of the season renders the point moot in my view, there's literally no time to try and find a system in defence to counter the possibility of easy free ball coming in every other second.

That would leave a final three of Wood, Trengove and Naughton/JJ, and I'd expect the latter plus Wood to alternate between high and low work on the day.

B:Wood, Trengove, Naughton
HB: Johannisen, Keath, Crozier
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Lloyd, Schache, McLean
F: Wallis, Bruce, Dale
R:English, Bontempelli, Macrae
INT: Young, Cordy, Williams, Suckling, Richards, Daniel

Firstly, I think the bench I've selected looks varied and really dangerous and many of them (if not all) have the ability to play forward and back.

I think Dale needs to play deep and come up at the ball to be his most dangerous which is why he's played closer to goal. I need McLean to be pretty defencive because what Lloyd and Schache have in run and forward nous they lack in defencive effort and that means that Toby will have to help keep it in as his main priority, killing the outlet.

Bruce is a close to goal player, and that's just where he needs to be, and I think without a genuine crumber we need to have someone like Wallis at his feet to put pressure on at the first to second contest once it's gone deep. The side after that first contest worries me, but we just don't have anyone who is proven at making it work. It might change as we progress through the season, but until then we need to put all our effort into stopping goals from leaking, and driving as much as we can from half back and centre/midfield.

18-05-2020, 03:11 AM
Do you think we are too tall, or with 6 on the bench, it helps us

After we recruited Bruce we were told we were planning to play 3 talls forwards so I don't think that is an issue for the forwards
Young is a quick runner so I don't think we lose too much movement with him as a 3rd tall defender and I'm planning to use Trengove or Young in the ruck a few times throughout the game. Cordy and Wood can slide into the backline as well
English and Cordy round out the other talls

18-05-2020, 05:25 AM
B: Wood, Naughton, Crozier
HB: JJ, Keath, Williams
C: Smith, Dunkley, Richards
HF: Lipinski, Schache, Lloyd
FF: Weightman, Bruce, West
R: English, Bont, Macrae
I: Trengove, Dale, Libba, Cavarra, Daniel, Wallis

This seems like a decent balance between youth, experience and fringe players.

Naughton at full back where he belongs and is needed most.

My preference would be someone like Lachie Young playing all the games but Wood is in his way and there's no chance Easton loses his spot at this point.

Gardner should be no where near the team, and Cordy should only play if it's forward but I'd prefer Schache get a chance to show something.

18-05-2020, 08:21 AM
I read a report Libba and Duryea will be available. Should Trengove come in, Gardner dropped? Does Cavarra get another go?[/FONT][/FONT]
Libba and Duryea are automatic ins for me - Libba would not serve up such a pissweak, meek effort and Duryea is our only real lockdown small defender. The fact he can kick is a bonus.

Hunter out, Dale out. No other changes. I prefer Trengove to Gardner at this stage but I doubt the MC sees it that way given Ryan was given the opportunity over summer and Trengove wasn't.
I'm a huge Lachie Young fan and think he's a natural successor to Wood as a medium defender who can intercept. I want him to get games.

18-05-2020, 10:56 AM
Libba and Duryea are automatic ins for me - Libba would not serve up such a pissweak, meek effort and Duryea is our only real lockdown small defender. The fact he can kick is a bonus.

Hunter out, Dale out. No other changes. I prefer Trengove to Gardner at this stage but I doubt the MC sees it that way given Ryan was given the opportunity over summer and Trengove wasn't.
I'm a huge Lachie Young fan and think he's a natural successor to Wood as a medium defender who can intercept. I want him to get games.

I think both Duryea and Liberatore are as good as automatic selections if they are over their injuries. Gardner will be selected over Trengove and like you I see a bright future for Lachie Young but he's probably a mile back in the selection process at the moment

18-05-2020, 11:01 AM
6 on the bench has not been confirmed at this stage.

18-05-2020, 11:37 AM
6 on the bench has not been confirmed at this stage.

The indication is there might be an announcement by Thursday

18-05-2020, 05:54 PM
Hope Cavarra gets another go. Bevo is usually pretty good at giving at least 2 games min. Important from a confidence perspective. Plus I really hope Ben makes it as I have enjoyed watching him do well in VFL with us last year (when he was not injured).

18-05-2020, 07:40 PM
All those teams look great until I work out who is missing.

18-05-2020, 09:00 PM
6 on the bench has not been confirmed at this stage.

It appears to be unlikely now and Bevo is bucking the trend with other coaches saying it should be 4 until something else changes

18-05-2020, 10:07 PM
It appears to be unlikely now and Bevo is bucking the trend with other coaches saying it should be 4 until something else changes

We are already compromising the game by shortening quarters. I tend to agree, you can't change rules or structure during a season.

The Pie Man
19-05-2020, 11:11 AM
Libba and Duryea are automatic ins for me - Libba would not serve up such a pissweak, meek effort and Duryea is our only real lockdown small defender. The fact he can kick is a bonus.

Hunter out, Dale out. No other changes. I prefer Trengove to Gardner at this stage but I doubt the MC sees it that way given Ryan was given the opportunity over summer and Trengove wasn't.
I'm a huge Lachie Young fan and think he's a natural successor to Wood as a medium defender who can intercept. I want him to get games.

If Libba is right to go, then yep, straight in. I wouldn't drop Dale just yet...

In: Libba, Duryea

Out: Hunter, Gardner

See who looks better out of McLean or Wallis on the track for their spot. Same Richards for Suckling. Schache unlucky to miss again.

I'd play Trengove, but it's not going to happen

The Pie Man
19-05-2020, 11:14 AM

..and that's not even considering Hayes & Lipinski, who would surely be closely looked at.

20-05-2020, 11:53 AM
In: Duryea, Lipinski, Richards

Out: Hunter, Gardner, Dale

I am assuming 4 on the bench

26-05-2020, 11:22 PM
I'm going to assume there is 6 on the bench

B: Johannisen, Trengove, Lew Young
HB: Crozier, Keath, Suckling
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Dale, Bruce, Lloyd
F: Wallis, Naughton, Schache
R: English, Bontempelli, Macrae
Int: Cordy, Daniel, Williams, McLean, Richards, Wood

Stevo tweeting interchange will remain as 4

Who comes out of your team?

27-05-2020, 12:34 AM
B:Wood, Trengove, Naughton
HB: Johannisen, Keath, Crozier
C: Smith, Dunkley, Lipinski
HF: Lloyd, Schache, McLean
F: Wallis, Bruce, Dale
R:English, Bontempelli, Macrae
INT: Cordy, Williams, Suckling, Daniel

If Naughton (who being underdone is better served in defence anyway) is too iffy then replace him with Cordy, and Lewis Young goes onto the bench. The defence is pretty much listed as a back six more than in a positional sense.

In lieu of MJP rightly asking who in my team plays on who from the opposition, it's round two and three months into the season so I have no bloody idea and have selected the side accordingly!

30-05-2020, 06:43 PM
I wonder if it will just be Hayes for Hunter for the round 2 side

Happy Days
31-05-2020, 02:38 PM
I wonder if it will just be Hayes for Hunter for the round 2 side

If Gardner plays I'm throwing hands.

31-05-2020, 03:06 PM
If Gardner plays I'm throwing hands.

and I will do a Terry Wallace

​https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhISEBIVFRUSFRUVFRUXFRUVFRYVFRUWFhUVFxYYHSggGBol GxUWITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQFy0dHR0rKy0rKysr LSstLSstKy0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLSsrLTctNys3LSsrLSstKys3LSstK//AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgIDBAUHAf/EAE4QAAEDAQQFBwcGCggHAAAAAAEAAhEDBBIhMQUGQVFhBxMicZGx0TJygYO SocEUI0JSU8IVMzREYoKzw HwJCU1Q6Ky0vEWZHOEk6S0/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwT/xAAhEQEBAAMAAwABBQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRMQMSITIEE0FRcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4eiLyUHqIiAiSiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICI koCIiAiJKAiLyUHqLyUlB6i8lECV4iIC3 o1IPt1na4AgudIIkHoO2LQKRcn39oWbznfs3oldlGh6H2NP2G CrGhKH2NP2G CzAq5W3PbEboSz/YU/Yb4INCWf7Gn7DVsWptRdsJuhLP9kz2G CrboOhj80z2G C2LQjRifQobYA0FQ yb7DPBPwHQH9232Gf6VtZRzkNtRU0LRDSblOQJjm6f lYlfRlBrS54ptAEkllMAektW qtlrhwKgHKJRdU5mmyZMuPSIECc25LNvxZ9qy7S1icSGU710xPN0oPEHast9 KzXQ67Tx2XKfwCiln1ZcRjVjqC1Wl9HVrO6A4lpy9C5TO7063x/Np0LJRcCW02ewzwVl2jqf2bPZb4KPan6ScXmm8cdsqYFq6y7cctxr2aNpD 7Ycvojd1K LDS 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ICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIi ICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiD//2Q==

31-05-2020, 05:59 PM
and I will do a Terry Wallace

​https://www.woof.net.au/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhISEBIVFRUSFRUVFRUXFRUVFRYVFRUWFhUVFxYYHSggGBol GxUWITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OGhAQFy0dHR0rKy0rKysr LSstLSstKy0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLSsrLTctNys3LSsrLSstKys3LSstK//AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgIDBAUHAf/EAE4QAAEDAQQFBwcGCggHAAAAAAEAAhEDBBIhMQUGQVFhBxMicZGx0TJygYO SocEUI0JSU8IVMzREYoKzw HwJCU1Q6Ky0vEWZHOEk6S0/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwT/xAAhEQEBAAMAAwABBQAAAAAAAAAAAQIRMQMSITIEE0FRcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4eiLyUHqIiAiSiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICI koCIiAiJKAiLyUHqLyUlB6i8lECV4iIC3 o1IPt1na4AgudIIkHoO2LQKRcn39oWbznfs3oldlGh6H2NP2G CrGhKH2NP2G CzAq5W3PbEboSz/YU/Yb4INCWf7Gn7DVsWptRdsJuhLP9kz2G CrboOhj80z2G C2LQjRifQobYA0FQ yb7DPBPwHQH9232Gf6VtZRzkNtRU0LRDSblOQJjm6f lYlfRlBrS54ptAEkllMAektW qtlrhwKgHKJRdU5mmyZMuPSIECc25LNvxZ9qy7S1icSGU710xPN0oPEHast9 KzXQ67Tx2XKfwCiln1ZcRjVjqC1Wl9HVrO6A4lpy9C5TO7063x/Np0LJRcCW02ewzwVl2jqf2bPZb4KPan6ScXmm8cdsqYFq6y7cctxr2aNpD 7Ycvojd1K LDS 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rZkKx8nG93tHxVXMDefad4qDIA4I5WOZG93tO8V5zInM5fWd4oMiFbAOPWrf NDj7RQ0xx7SgqcCoTrLpVlK0OljnFrIN26IkdEG8ROZ2qYupjj2qC672MtqM qtddD2i9DQS4swAE5YOB9Cxnx28F1kxtXqzX1i1wLZJLTEGNk5qWNcaeJIMY ndgoFYuiZLi6ACMIIIcDs4SpKzSJN5pM3jI47/AEQvLXtl2x7cGmqy48F1oqMqQIgXL14yCRBaGjDetqVVW0cCaVa6IawsEZCX YQOqUNMbh2Lv4fxeT9Td5/4wq46XYoTaPKd5x71ObQ3pKC1TL3 e/vXePMBVq2FWAqJ3q1VmhZsAIpVRx6NprNx7Pet60qOapn j2fzbQP8A266kDSt48Yy6vgqp9SBO5WwV68iOlktI8YAQDJxxxzjdGxVtOee e1UZ7wPeV7Eb/AEklUc25Zz Set/drmK6Zyy/mnrf3a5mvPn16MOCIiy0IiICIiAtnq5HymlOGJx3G6YPbC1i22qzotVEnYXH/A5LxZ13XRlsLmMLs3NaT1kAlbK9l1rQaMdFOnn5I2cJW3oVJ2FViyM0OSVaa 47ivZ4KsrkpOKovcO5eg/zgg9qVA0FxyAJPUBJXF9Pay2i1VHPDqjaMkNa0kNuzmYzK7Haqd9j2kjpNc3 PeI3LmWqOkqNBrKdcDpEgdG9kY71nLLTp48fb42GpumajalKlUqOfTrS1t6e hUAmASJggZLe6503Gz3mMLyxwMAFxukEEgDE5hU27S9O0vp06QIdZqzC4mnd GDiHEHbh3remeCmOXtFzx/byjkdLTF0Ft03tsiCDxGYV7RFpcarHuO0gzsBwUg5Q9HkilWA8mWOI44iew9 qytStXRTHym2iGsF9rHZNAE33/Bvbw5ZYbunfHyfN1vdN6UZY7GznhNWsLlKntiQXVDuA IG1Ylnqh7Q9uIcJC5lrNrG622mpaHyGno0m/VpjyR1nM8SqdCaZq05LXuifJvdHsK9GGGpp5/Jl7Xbo9p8oqD2lkVKnnu71JdH6TbW2w6JjKd8KO6QHztTznd61rTishVSqF6 oJpqofmLP5to/ qqfipECo3qs75mh/wBx 2cVImrpjxmroKrlWwvS7cJWmXrasz1lVrHa0SQce7s2q8Sg5nyxnGy u72Lmy6TyxZ2X1v3FzZcMuvRhwREWWhERAREQFm6IYXVWNbgSSO0GVhLZ6uO i00iROJw/VcrJu6HbbERcZGQaAPQI C2NBcRoactNF7jTrPHSJLSbzcyfJdI7FLtA8oJJDLVTAkgB9PACcOk0nD0Fa 0w6WEee9WmuVFZ 5QXC9VByxb2KwNN6wUbI1rq5d0yQ1rRLnRE9QxGJQbisy81zZ8oEdohc45k0 BVo1qbb4EtJA2k4g7pCvW3lPaAeZszidhqOAHWQ2T71qGaRr2xrrVUAdcdzb wxsBrQA5s5/WOJWM8du3iur9dBsNo5ynSADGlzrz7pBxGIvEDFbUuUSoV61Cwut/N9FnNta15PzgqVWMJnOIOBV7R2u1lqwHONJxza8GAfPGCnjx1Gv1GW8vjN1n 0z8lpNfgQ6rSa4EAyy HPEHCbrStbyr6WLKLaAONc4xtptxPoOCjvKRpRtV1KjScHhnzhLSHAudg3Eb hJ/WWq110ia9qdj0aLWUh oOmfaLuwLppw4jrgZjtVxhIVNM5nf3LxzlviM6ha3tgtcRGRBiFt2W81sXgX 9rhhfHEfW47VHaZWVZw6QZjgEStyvQvJRRlMNVz8zR86uPeD8VI2lRfVc/N0uFSuO1lLxUmC1jWcl4FexMKgKuVtlSKgvYGdkD4q5KsF2M3e2PdCF8q0jn nLD a t/drmy6Pyvfmvrf3a5wvPl16MOCIiy0IiICIiD0LJ0cYqMI2H/AHWKrtn8ofzsVnRmPzPEledSBeOkGMltl2zQekucs9F5J6TGk4nOIO3eFsQ5 py7yoXqTa5srAfoFzfQDI9xUioWhS0bIQuU6 6X5 1FjXTToi60AQA4/jDxxAE8FKddNZPk9Pm6R dqNOP2bcrx4nGAuWSkIvkSp9qI/mLBbrQDtNMN3ucwNYR s5QGmV0GyC7q 4tHSqWq7x/GtA7lqInukWm06Bdf6TvkYcTvqUmBwd7TJXCXCPgu78nUVdF8yTeu89RO7HY OAvR6Fwis0gQc24ekYEe5STVsat MnRlMFwe4YUWuqv4lsXR6XFg4rCqVDBc7MyTxJMk9pKy2Pu0HtB/GupsjLCnee733FhV8YGzb1BVnS1TJjHavZVt70YcJWVZNJZF6MVgg5YrJp1Q IBM jD0qypY3dlrBzQQZ38DuV1YmjmuAN67ngW7RG3isyUtY/lKdVXDm2Zzz9Tqjm6Kk6iWqvkdVod76NFSwFXBmrgK9LlblHvXRFFUy/M5ZbOtegrHDMcZO4zh2CFfCtHPuVw/kvrfuLnK6JytZ2X1v3FztefPrvhyPV4iLLQiIgIiICuUswrauUcwgzWugzuM 45eleWqvzlQvLWNkDBjbrRG5oyXitFbqT k11JtUUqjNzu8fwUmbbBTa574usaXHHYMVAtUa8Pe3eAewqV6RpF9CqwZuY6 OsCR3KUQLSNsdXqPqvxLzOJyGwegKgWN5pGvkwPFMH6zoJIHUB71YOX8FO9b WU/wdZxRi4HU7pAj6LgT1lUQqmV0ZjyNXqd3M2pwG/Gq8LmrDkuiB5GgaAbmbQ7/E p8CrETTkeqAWWswGbtbPZLmNmOE9y5Zp8AW o2IDbQ7DAeQ4nIZSWz6V0TkdcBStDQZhzZOwujGFzTWutdt9d3/ADFU 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e1bJulDzYpPYQMACN4wB61h2Glfq02/WcApVYtHSQHQDgQSJa6CJHXngluhrNGacfZ2ltlcQ98FxAiLpyGOQk4rU2mo 95e6o685xkk5kyuj2jQdJjSGNEumSBHpUB0hSuOLd5njhIz7VJlbVYErx7SE jNeFaqR4VSV6Ua2VCrrW4KocFS47FXTq7CqNlYHZ4LZUGMMXqgZ1teR1dEFa vR 0rLlGa32r9UXqwaIDQ2P1ZHwU0IUC1ed0qo3sJ7JK6FcWsWatL0KssQBdGdP CrauwvWMxRXOuVQY2bqqfcUAXROVtsGzet 4ueFcM umPHiIiy0IiIKlSvYSEHoWZoercrU3bnfArChVMdBBGxBNtLaPNUi66TvAwA WbZLG2lTDWiN 8nioizWGuAAC3D9EKv/iWvvb7Kl2N/UOJVbXKKv01VO1vsoNNVd7fZWhMaT1et1IVaL2HaCeojEH3KEjTtbe32VcOs NcgiWwRHk7Egv6Cs73OFRsC7kSYxI2KZC1ENktLHfSGBa7jwK583SzxODDO9 o2DZuVQ0zV3iN0YKX6OmC1uqjYG8DJPDgFAtZHHn 3skrCGnK28dUYLGtdufUdeeccstyRVQGJ9AXhVjnT28E5wq7RdJVykNqxLxV fOlNi Six dK9FYq7G70dtHUsuVH2aQe3IjsVz8K1OHYm2dJfoSqGucYceiQQBMCc1srNp yu2Lrg NjX4 xU BUDs2natMktu4iMW7FaOlanDsVmWk9XUqOtgGFVob5zXU/fi0rbWbTFJ OI4iHjtaVxylp6u3J/uXj9NVD9Fgd9Zrbju1pCv7h6O406zHeS9p4TB7CrhpkLiNDWe0tw5y95zQ73 5rKp68WxvkvA4XcOxX3ielb/lb/NfW/cXPFttO6xV7Zc58tPNzENDc4mY6lqVzt3W5NR6V4EhIUV6i8hEHqIiAiIgIi ICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIi ICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiD//2Q==

Pose provocatively emerging from a pool?

31-05-2020, 06:45 PM
Pose provocatively emerging from a pool?

yes of course, and then spew up :D

31-05-2020, 06:48 PM
Pose provocatively emerging from a pool?

I've met BAD and he's a genuine chance to pull something like that.

31-05-2020, 07:00 PM
I've met BAD and he's a genuine chance to pull something like that.

I haven't met BAD but in my mind he fits the bill.

31-05-2020, 07:15 PM
A good spew is something I'm trying to avoid.

31-05-2020, 07:25 PM
A good spew is something I'm trying to avoid.

I dunno. A good purge never hurts.

31-05-2020, 08:27 PM
A good spew is something I'm trying to avoid.

I dunno. A good purge never hurts.

I had a good friend over to my place on Friday night and in his wisdom he thought it would be a good idea for us to tackle a bottle of spiced rum, on the rocks, in addition to the beer and wine we'd consumed.

Anyway, I get up the next day and I see my sink full of all sorts of things that looked like I'd blown chunks after he'd left. Given the straight brown liquor the memory was hazy, but I didn't have any foul taste in my mouth (well, no more than I should have) and I seemed not to have the acidic feeling in my nasal cavity that seems to accompany a good spew.

I was genuinely confused.

So I check my fridge, apparently I'd decided the early hours of Saturday morning was a good time to clean out some leftovers and meals I hadn't finished throughout the week...…..thankfully.

31-05-2020, 09:20 PM
I had a good friend over to my place on Friday night and in his wisdom he thought it would be a good idea for us to tackle a bottle of spiced rum, on the rocks, in addition to the beer and wine we'd consumed.

Anyway, I get up the next day and I see my sink full of all sorts of things that looked like I'd blown chunks after he'd left. Given the straight brown liquor the memory was hazy, but I didn't have any foul taste in my mouth (well, no more than I should have) and I seemed not to have the acidic feeling in my nasal cavity that seems to accompany a good spew.

I was genuinely confused.

So I check my fridge, apparently I'd decided the early hours of Saturday morning was a good time to clean out some leftovers and meals I hadn't finished throughout the week...…..thankfully.

That's one of those "Geez I'm glad I don't drink" stories. First time I got pissed I'm 16 and one of my mates from the cricket club convinced me to scol a bottle of Brandivino. He really regretted it when I threw up in his fish tank.

31-05-2020, 11:16 PM
That's one of those "Geez I'm glad I don't drink" stories. First time I got pissed I'm 16 and one of my mates from the cricket club convinced me to scol a bottle of Brandivino. He really regretted it when I threw up in his fish tank.

Not as much as the fish did, I suppose.

I actually always knew I didn't blow chunks, it was just enough paranoia to keep me busy for a few moments.

31-05-2020, 11:51 PM
Not as much as the fish did, I suppose.

I actually always knew I didn't blow chunks, it was just enough paranoia to keep me busy for a few moments.

It was a huge night, I got maybe halfway through that bottle before sinking to my knees. Don't remember a thing after that but I was watching WOS the next day and there's me running onto the track at Moonee valley trots during a race. Apparently Vin Knight called me a f-wit. 42 Celsius the next day to go with my thumping hangover. It's when I swore off the grog for good. I've had the odd glass of gin or vodka since. I reckon that the last one was on my wedding day. That would have been 19-20 years ago. I had a can if beer in the fridge and when I opened it, it was as green inside as the Vic bitter colour on the outside.

The fish tank was empty luckily. It wouldn't have been nice thinking "ewww. I don't remember eating those"

The Pie Man
01-06-2020, 01:59 PM
I wonder if it will just be Hayes for Hunter for the round 2 side

He's an obvious in for Hunter given the run he provides, great opportunity for him.

I do hope there's more change though - the only way I'd see Lew Young play is if Naughton wasn't right, and even then, Schache should be ahead of him.

Get the feeling many share my view that Trengove should play.

Happy to give Cavarra a few weeks to prove what he can do.

01-06-2020, 08:16 PM
I just saw replay of 4th q v GWS prelim '16, Libba must be an in.

The Pie Man
02-06-2020, 01:32 PM
I just saw replay of 4th q v GWS prelim '16, Libba must be an in.

If he's fit and motovated, I agree

04-06-2020, 02:56 PM
I would like to see Libba and Lippa come in, plus Richards, Duryea and Trengove

Out: Gardner, Hunter, Dale, Cavarra and Naughton if injured

06-06-2020, 02:23 PM
AFL.com crack is a decent effort I quite like the side, compared with round 1 which might have been one of the worst balanced teams we have seen in awhile.

B: Easton Wood, Zaine Cordy, Jason Johannisen
HB: Hayden Crozier, Alex Keath, Bailey Williams
C: Bailey Smith, Marcus Bontempelli, Matthew Suckling
HF: Bailey Dale, Josh Bruce, Patrick Lipinski
F: Mitch Wallis, Aaron Naughton, Sam Lloyd
Foll: Tim English, Josh Dunkley, Jackson Macrae
I/C: Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Tom Liberatore, Josh Schache

In: Patrick Lipinski, Tom Liberatore, Toby McLean, Josh Schache
Out: Lachie Hunter (suspended), Ryan Gardner (omitted), Lewis Young (omitted), Ben Cavarra (omitted)

I think Cav probably gets another chance maybe for Mclean and I'm keen to see Richards for some much needed speed not easy to find a spot though.I also prefer Trengove to Cordy not sure it will happen.

Lets get back to our one wood, win contested ball, sling shot off half back, bring better pressure which should see Naughty and Bruce get some one on one opportunity.

06-06-2020, 11:13 PM
I think this is how we might line up against against the Saints

B: Williams - Cordy - Wood
HB: Crozier - Keath - Johannisen
C: B.Smith - Liberatore - Hayes
HF: Lipinski - Bruce - Bontempelli
F: Wallis - Naughton - Lloyd
R: English - Dunkley - Macrae
Int: Dale - Daniel - Young - Suckling

Outs: Gardner, Hunter, Cavarra
Ins: Liberatore, Hayes, Lipinski

Emergencies: Trengove - Richards - Duryea - Schache - McLean

Liberatore will give us more midfield punch and Lipinski another stronger body to throw into the midfield rotations
McLean desperately unlucky and we might have already given up on our preseason hype of playing 3 tall forwards

I'd be doing what I could to include Trengove and Duryea providing Duryea is fit. McLean probably should come in for Dale

The Adelaide Connection
07-06-2020, 05:59 PM
I think this is how we might line up against against the Saints

B: Williams - Cordy - Wood
HB: Crozier - Keath - Johannisen
C: B.Smith - Liberatore - Hayes
HF: Lipinski - Bruce - Bontempelli
F: Wallis - Naughton - Lloyd
R: English - Dunkley - Macrae
Int: Dale - Daniel - Young - Suckling

Outs: Gardner, Hunter, Cavarra
Ins: Liberatore, Hayes, Lipinski

Emergencies: Trengove - Richards - Duryea - Schache - McLean

Liberatore will give us more midfield punch and Lipinski another stronger body to throw into the midfield rotations
McLean desperately unlucky and we might have already given up on our preseason hype of playing 3 tall forwards

I'd be doing what I could to include Trengove and Duryea providing Duryea is fit. McLean probably should come in for Dale

I wonder if Trengove is the ingredient to stop Max King becoming a long line of developing or average players to kick a bag on us.

From what I saw of him he is still baby giraffe-like and tried to get involved in packs moreso than demanding it on the lead. Trengove only gives up 5cm and would have him fro strength and body position etc.

07-06-2020, 09:00 PM
From what I saw of him he is still baby giraffe-like and tried to get involved in packs moreso than demanding it on the lead. Trengove only gives up 5cm and would have him fro strength and body position etc.

I just think Trengove plays full stop. I can't figure out why he seems to be on the outs.

07-06-2020, 09:40 PM
I’m on the record as being a Toby Maclean fan. Not sure who i would omit to fit him in but I hope he plays.

Bulldog Joe
07-06-2020, 10:06 PM
I’m on the record as being a Toby Maclean fan. Not sure who i would omit to fit him in but I hope he plays.

I would definitely play McLean ahead of Bailey Dale. Just competes better.

07-06-2020, 10:49 PM
I wonder if Trengove is the ingredient to stop Max King becoming a long line of developing or average players to kick a bag on us.

From what I saw of him he is still baby giraffe-like and tried to get involved in packs moreso than demanding it on the lead. Trengove only gives up 5cm and would have him fro strength and body position etc.

He did such a good job on Richmonds Lynch last year and I think he could curtail other KPF as well
I suspect King might have Lewis Young as his opponent. Young is almost as tall and very quick. It will be a good test for his defensive attributes if he lines up on King

07-06-2020, 10:54 PM
While I have posted a line-up I suspect we will select my 22 for the game against the Saints would be a bit different. I just think it's hard from Bevo and the MC to make wholesale changes unless it's almost forced upon them and we aren't there yet

I'd probably make 5 changes to our round one team looking to improve our midfield and adding some good users of the footy in Duryea and Richards.

I also think we should consider putting some work into Bradley Hill

The Adelaide Connection
07-06-2020, 11:28 PM
He did such a good job on Richmonds Lynch last year and I think he could curtail other KPF as well
I suspect King might have Lewis Young as his opponent. Young is almost as tall and very quick. It will be a good test for his defensive attributes if he lines up on King

Lewis Young will likely get a crack, but I would prefer to see Trengove get the gig. Max's speed could be an issue, but I think most of the ball coming into him will be dumped on his head (and Trengove's bodywork is much better than Young).

08-06-2020, 08:04 AM
Lewis Young will likely get a crack, but I would prefer to see Trengove get the gig. Max's speed could be an issue, but I think most of the ball coming into him will be dumped on his head (and Trengove's bodywork is much better than Young).

I'm with you TAC, I'd love to know why Trengove doesn't appear to quite fit into the MC considerations. I understand some of his deficiencies but he's a solid 1 v 1 defender and a more than handy ruck man as needed. I also rate his leadership attributes

In this instance though perhaps Young is quite a decent match-up

08-06-2020, 08:46 AM
I'm with you TAC, I'd love to know why Trengove doesn't appear to quite fit into the MC considerations. I understand some of his deficiencies but he's a solid 1 v 1 defender and a more than handy ruck man as needed. I also rate his leadership attributes

In this instance though perhaps Young is quite a decent match-up

And for a team that has rolled out some pretty meek performances in our last two outings, his habit of not taking a backwards step would be fairly welcome.

08-06-2020, 09:01 AM
And for a team that has rolled out some pretty meek performances in our last two outings, his habit of not taking a backwards step would be fairly welcome.

Another tick in the plus column but it may not be even be one of the considerations for the MC

08-06-2020, 09:17 AM
Another tick in the plus column but it may not be even be one of the considerations for the MC

Trengove's last game was against GWS in round 22 after English was out and he played in the ruck, with Lewis Young at FB. Simpson won the hitouts 56 to 24. Tim came in the following week against the Crows and Trengove was dropped. Walker kicked 5 goals that day.

In the final, we really needed Trengove to take on Mumford's bullying tactics. I don't understand why he isn't in the team.

Jam Donuts
08-06-2020, 09:43 AM
Another tick in the plus column but it may not be even be one of the considerations for the MC
It may not be one of their considerations, but it bloody well should be, inject some aggression and a pinch of mongrel, otherwise we will get rolled like the last 2 matches, any team with aspirations of being a top team has to be aggressive and tough, we are neither at the moment and I do not mean thuggery, just plain hard at it at all times, we were back in 2015 and 2016 but it has disappeared. Bring it back please.

The Bulldogs Bite
08-06-2020, 11:20 AM
Agree with all of the above - one thing I would say is that we do need to keep pumping games into Young, so I hope we can manage this. Feel like Young's future is so important for two reaosns;

1 - If he's good enough, and I think he is, he needs games now. We should be contending from 2020-2022 at the least, so he needs to be near his best. He can't be near his best if he's still only got a handful of games to his name.

2 - If he's not good enough, then we quickly figure out that he either needs greater help or he's not worth keeping.

09-06-2020, 02:49 PM
I would definitely play McLean ahead of Bailey Dale. Just competes better.

Maybe, although he didn't have his best year last season. McLean and Dale are different players as you know.

If you want a pressure forward / midfield relief (esp. now that Hunter is out), play McLean, if you want the best chance to score, play Dale.

Axe Man
10-06-2020, 10:21 AM
AFL.com predicted team (I think they may have Schache and Young around the wrong way!):

In: Patrick Lipinski, Tom Liberatore, Toby McLean, Josh Schache
Out: Lachie Hunter (suspended), Ryan Gardner (omitted), Lewis Young (omitted), Ben Cavarra (omitted)

B: Easton Wood, Zaine Cordy, Jason Johannisen
HB: Hayden Crozier, Alex Keath, Bailey Williams
C: Bailey Smith, Marcus Bontempelli, Matthew Suckling
HF: Bailey Dale, Josh Bruce, Patrick Lipinski
F: Mitch Wallis, Aaron Naughton, Sam Lloyd
Foll: Tim English, Josh Dunkley, Jackson Macrae
I/C: Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Tom Liberatore, Lewis Young

Emerg: Ed Richards, Ryan Gardner, Tory Dickson, Josh Schache
Unavailable: Lachie Hunter (suspended), Taylor Duryea (quad)

The Bulldogs got smashed in just about every area in round one, so there's no band-aid fix. Lipinski is a no-brainer inclusion and Liberatore looks right to go. McLean might provide more than Cavarra as a pressure forward. - Jourdan Canil

10-06-2020, 11:44 AM
AFL.com predicted team (I think they may have Schache and Young around the wrong way!):

In: Patrick Lipinski, Tom Liberatore, Toby McLean, Josh Schache
Out: Lachie Hunter (suspended), Ryan Gardner (omitted), Lewis Young (omitted), Ben Cavarra (omitted)

B: Easton Wood, Zaine Cordy, Jason Johannisen
HB: Hayden Crozier, Alex Keath, Bailey Williams
C: Bailey Smith, Marcus Bontempelli, Matthew Suckling
HF: Bailey Dale, Josh Bruce, Patrick Lipinski
F: Mitch Wallis, Aaron Naughton, Sam Lloyd
Foll: Tim English, Josh Dunkley, Jackson Macrae
I/C: Caleb Daniel, Toby McLean, Tom Liberatore, Lewis Young

Emerg: Ed Richards, Ryan Gardner, Tory Dickson, Josh Schache
Unavailable: Lachie Hunter (suspended), Taylor Duryea (quad)

The Bulldogs got smashed in just about every area in round one, so there's no band-aid fix. Lipinski is a no-brainer inclusion and Liberatore looks right to go. McLean might provide more than Cavarra as a pressure forward. - Jourdan Canil

I actually don't mind that team and think that is the way we will go, even though I would like to see Trengove in

10-06-2020, 12:14 PM
As Axe Man points out Lewis Young is omitted but on the bench while they list Schache as an in but he's also listed as an emergency

Will be an interesting selection process for us. The only thing is for certain is Hunter is out

10-06-2020, 01:05 PM
In what universe would McLean provide more than Cavarra as a pressure forward?

10-06-2020, 01:19 PM
There is only one player on the St Kilda list that worries me - Brad Hill.
I'm happy to go shorter and bring in an extra runner so Brad Hill is not left alone at any point in time. In transition or when we have the ball I'd still have Hayes stuck to him - he's the only bloke left available not named Wallis that has the tank to go with him, and if Hill and Wallis had a footrace Hill would finish before Wallis had even tied his shoelaces.

I'd roll the dice with Wood on Membrey, Cordy deep, Alex Keath at HB, and have Croz floating in cutting off their entries. If Hill's kicking it unopposed the ball will be to their advantage anyway, if it's anyone else bar Billings the ball will be scrubbed into St Kilda's F50 with all the grace of Nick Bruton in ugg-boots so we should back our defenders in.

If Schache comes in, Dale has to go out even if Naughts is out with his knee.
Cav stays in for mine, ditto Williams - screw reputation, we simply have to reward effort after two pitiful games in our last two showings.

At this stage I have Hunter, Gardner, Dale and Young out with Hayes, Schache, Libba in with the last spot going to either Ed Richards or Toby McLean. Either of them will need to chop out on the wing and add outside run.

I suspect the MC will keep Dale in and fear Naughton will miss.

11-06-2020, 11:38 AM
Up to 6 changes coming

Axe Man
11-06-2020, 12:01 PM
Sounds like Libba, Lippa and Lin among the ins...

Six could come in: Bevo prepares to swing the axe (https://www.afl.com.au/news/446753/six-could-come-in-bevo-prepares-to-swing-the-axe)

THE Western Bulldogs could make up to six changes ahead of Sunday's round two clash against St Kilda.

After getting smashed by the Magpies around the midfield, Bulldogs coach Luke Beveridge has a few choices to make at the selection table.

"We'll have an influx of maybe 4-6 players into the team and some will go out, but not through injury," Beveridge said on Thursday.

"We had a couple of players who weren't available [in round one] in Paddy Lipinski, Lin Jong and Tommy Liberatore ...

"They've trained well and probably pick themselves."

Liberatore's grunt was conspicuously absent in round one in particular, but he's ticked the boxes since returning.

"He (Liberatore) was pretty good last Friday in our match practice, but he's been a little bit behind with his preparation but he's definitely being considered."

Before training started, the team walked out wearing a few of the club's Sir Doug Nicholls round guernseys and knelt together in a sign of solidarity against racism.

All 45 Bulldogs were on the park for Thursday's main training session but Roarke Smith (quad), Taylor Duryea (quad) and Riley Garcia (knee) are unavailable for Sunday's game.

Those not in the senior team this week will not have an opportunity to play a scratch match over the weekend with both the Dogs and Saints agreeing to scrap the idea due to a short time between each club's next game.

"We've got a five-day turnaround into our round three game and the Saints have got six," Beveridge said.

The Dogs will get a chance the following Friday however, with Beveridge confirming a match against the Kangaroos.

The Pie Man
11-06-2020, 01:06 PM
Jong getting a game would be a huge good news story. Would definitely lift at least my spirits

11-06-2020, 02:16 PM
Up to 6 changes coming

About time

11-06-2020, 02:17 PM
Jong getting a game would be a huge good news story. Would definitely lift at least my spirits

Decent chance to landing Hunters spot on a wing. I wonder if he will be the run with player with Bradley Hill

11-06-2020, 03:31 PM
Sounds like Laitham might get his debut

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
11-06-2020, 03:32 PM
So Laitham is making his debut!
Wow did not see that coming.

11-06-2020, 03:46 PM
Our MC simply refuses to take the safe option.


The Bulldogs Bite
11-06-2020, 03:54 PM
Our MC simply refuses to take the safe option.


Don't act so surprised!

TBH I'm looking forward to seeing LV play. Not sure he's earned it - hasn't really had a chance to given COVID - but I really like all his qualities and feel that IF he can find enough of the ball, he could do some damage.

In a strange, disappointing, ugly year, for some reason I'm looking more forward to Sunday Night now.

11-06-2020, 04:06 PM
Don't act so surprised!

TBH I'm looking forward to seeing LV play. Not sure he's earned it - hasn't really had a chance to given COVID - but I really like all his qualities and feel that IF he can find enough of the ball, he could do some damage.

In a strange, disappointing, ugly year, for some reason I'm looking more forward to Sunday Night now.
I’m trying to get excited but every time I think of football our last game pops into my head. Luckily we’ve got ample opportunity to make up for it

11-06-2020, 04:33 PM
Bevo did say in his presser he will reward the players that impressed in training and match simulation and kept up their fitness during ISO

Rocket Science
11-06-2020, 05:45 PM
Appears the MC's keen to make a statement after the Collingwood debacle.

Vandermeer's a goer and lord knows we could use some of his tenacious dash but it's an interesting indictment on a handful who've been overlooked.

Happy Days
11-06-2020, 06:18 PM
Our MC simply refuses to take the safe option.


I dunno man he's looked pretty good whenever I've seen him. This isn't totally out of left field.

11-06-2020, 06:25 PM
Gardner still in. Fml

Happy Days
11-06-2020, 06:26 PM
How is that even possible

11-06-2020, 06:29 PM

In: P.Lipinski, B.Gowers, E.Richards, L.Vandermeer, W.Hayes, J.Sweet, L.Jong
Out: E.Wood (quad), Le.Young (omitted), L.Hunter (suspension)

11-06-2020, 06:31 PM
Nice to see we’ve brought in Gowers to assist with our forward pressure. :rolleyes:

I guess we need to get the ball down there first before it trampolines out.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
11-06-2020, 06:32 PM
How bad must Trengove be going? Behind Gardner in defense, and Sweet in the ruck.

11-06-2020, 06:32 PM
How Trengove (due to coaches not liking him for some unfathomable reason) or Young (now shoehorned as a star forward prospect even though we already have one not getting games) don't get a game ahead of an injured Wood, possibly a horrifically underperforming of recent years Cordy and a severely underwhelming Ryan Gardner baffles me.

11-06-2020, 06:32 PM
Still miffed why Trengove can’t get a run. No offence to Gardner but surely Trengove is a better option.

11-06-2020, 06:32 PM
Gardner and Cavarra maintained. Wood with a quad (our 3rd player with a quad injury)
Gowers back into the mix, no Liberatore nor Trengove

11-06-2020, 06:33 PM
At first glance: Yuck.

Guess we'll see on Sunday.

11-06-2020, 06:34 PM
Cavarra maintained.

Do we know this? On the extended bench and fighting for one of three spots with Suckling, Hayes, Jong, Sweet, Cordy and Richards.

11-06-2020, 06:35 PM
At first glance: Yuck.

Guess we'll see on Sunday.

Oh isn't it great to have footy back. I've missed this feeling of disgust and horror.

Lets hope it works out well.

Axe Man
11-06-2020, 06:35 PM
No Libba. Wood an unexpected injury.

Extended bench: Matthew Suckling, Zaine Cordy, Ed Richards, Laitham Vandermeer, Ben Cavarra, Will Hayes, Jordon Sweet, Lin Jong

We already know Vandermeer is in so I'm guessing Suckling, Cordy and a toss up between Richards/Cavarra/Hayes/Jong for the last spot.

11-06-2020, 06:36 PM
Gardner and Cavarra maintained. Wood with a quad (our 3rd player with a quad injury)
Gowers back into the mix, no Liberatore nor Trengove

If we are not hard enough in the guts surely Libba would have been our go to option. I am stumped by these selections.

Good luck to Laith and pleased to see Lin back in.

11-06-2020, 06:40 PM
Do we know this? On the extended bench and fighting for one of three spots with Suckling, Hayes, Jong, Sweet, Cordy and Richards.

We won't know for sure until this time tomorrow but he hasn't been omitted and it's not like we rolled the dice with someone like Weightman or Dickson to play the FP position

The Bulldogs Bite
11-06-2020, 06:51 PM
Only possible reason to play Gardner is that they think he matches up better athletically v King than anyone else. Which probably sums up how bad our KPDs are.

Hope Ryan improves but his performances so far have been concerning.

JT might as well stay home - not being given a look in whatsoever.

11-06-2020, 06:51 PM
Here's the full list:

St Kilda v Western Bulldogs
Sunday 14 June, 6.05pm AEST
Marvel Stadium


B: Ryan Gardner, Alex Keath, Bailey Williams
HB: Hayden Crozier, Jason Johannisen, Caleb Daniel
C: Bailey Smith, Marcus Bontempelli, Pat Lipinski
HF: Bailey Dale, Aaron Naughton, Billy Gowers
F: Mitch Wallis, Josh Bruce, Sam Lloyd
Foll: Tim English, Josh Dunkley, Jack Macrae
Int (extended): Matthew Suckling, Zaine Cordy, Ed Richards, Laitham Vandermeer, Ben Cavarra, Will Hayes, Jordon Sweet, Lin Jong

IN: Ed Richards, Laitham Vandermeer, Billy Gowers, Pat Lipinski, Will Hayes, Jordon Sweet, Lin Jong
OUT: Lachie Hunter (club suspension), Easton Wood (quad), Lewis Young

11-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Where is the so called swinging of the axe and 4-6 changes?

We’ve only dropped Young. The other two changes thus far are due to suspension and injury.

Of course it’s an extended bench but those ins and moreso the lack of outs are disheartening.

Like others I’m mystified by the refusal from the MC to name Trengove. Gardner was plain awful last game. Granted, the whole team was, but I’d like to have seen more changes. I guess it’s in unique circumstances so we’ll have to give the MC the benefit of the doubt, but if we dish up a similar performance how can we ever have faith?

11-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Gowers for mongrel? That's all I can think of.

Strange team indeed, I must say I am enlightened to see Cordy on the bench. Surely he is out of chances soon?

Remi Moses
11-06-2020, 06:55 PM
I don’t get it
Gardner over Trengove and Young ?
Libba ready to go and doesn’t play ?
I hope this doesn’t turn to crap

Remi Moses
11-06-2020, 06:56 PM
Good luck to the kid
Sounds like a South African cricketer

11-06-2020, 06:57 PM
Gowers must have come back in ripping shape after iso.

The Underdog
11-06-2020, 07:08 PM
I don’t get it
Gardner over Trengove and Young ?
Libba ready to go and doesn’t play ?
I hope this doesn’t turn to crap

I reckon they’re saving Libba for GWS on a 5 day break.
Gardner I can’t help you with....

11-06-2020, 07:19 PM
Gowers must have come back in ripping shape after iso.

Must have cut out mates coming over for beers after the Hunter incident?

11-06-2020, 07:22 PM
I don’t get it
Gardner over Trengove and Young ?
Libba ready to go and doesn’t play ?
I hope this doesn’t turn to crap

I mentioned this in another thread. Lew Young must have come back from the break in poor shape. Gardner over him? I'd rather go in small.

11-06-2020, 07:30 PM
Must have cut out mates coming over for beers after the Hunter incident?

Happy Days
11-06-2020, 07:38 PM
Oh man I was so cut about Gardner I didn't even see Gowers.

What am I missing here. I thought we squashed this already.

Rocket Science
11-06-2020, 07:58 PM
Gowers huh?

Guess I'll be dusting off the 'ol swear jar.

11-06-2020, 08:07 PM
The only slight positive is Sweet being selected on the extended bench, seemingly to put English on notice if not this week then in the coming weeks. And rightly so.

No Libba is a travesty if he's 100% right. We desperately need his competitiveness and hardness in the coalface.

To say Bailey Dale is lucky to retain his place would be an understatement. Apart from English, he was the biggest disappointment from R1.

The Underdog
11-06-2020, 08:11 PM
Gowers huh?

Guess I'll be dusting off the 'ol swear jar.

Someone has to kick 1.4 (aside from Naughts)

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
11-06-2020, 08:15 PM
Someone has to kick 1.4 (aside from Naughts)

The only positive (but maybe also an indictment on the rest of our list) You know he WILL fly the flag if the Saints try and act like tough guys. And given how we've given our best impersonations of wet lettuce leaves the past two games, we need someone to get in.

11-06-2020, 08:19 PM
Libba probably not quite ready I would say.

Selections are based on performance at training and simulated matches according to Bevo. We know a few players came back not in great condition as Bevo also alluded to.

11-06-2020, 08:26 PM
I cannot see what Bevo or the MC sees in Gardner, I don't see the point.

Also cannot see how we expect to get value from Keath if he is going to be asked to play the lockdown role on the Saints forwards.

If we line up with a half back line like that I will spew - Daniel is a link forward of the centre not a rebound defender.

Gowers......one can only hope he has a blinder, but having him and Bailey Dale in the same side means that there is a distinct lack of workrate. Throw in Lloyd and you are carrying 3 receivers.

In terms of bench - if Vandermeer plays then I think it should be Cordy, Richards and Suckling with him.

11-06-2020, 08:30 PM
I don't get much confidence when I look at the squad. It is really hard to gauge where the selection panel are headed with most of their decisions.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
11-06-2020, 08:31 PM
Libba probably not quite ready I would say.

Selections are based on performance at training and simulated matches according to Bevo. We know a few players came back not in great condition as Bevo also alluded to.

That in and of itself is crushing. Given how woeful we were in Rnd 1, not to mention the GWS final, I would've hoped most saw the break as a real chance to push for a claim. I'm hoping Gardner, Gowers and Hayes have absolute blinders and show they've stepped up, not just stood out from others who have faltered.

11-06-2020, 08:58 PM
I don’t mind the Gowers selection tbh. He can be a liability but he also has the X-factor. It will be interesting to see how he performs when he is not one of the main targets.

What has happened to Schache? Wonder if he was in the mix.

11-06-2020, 09:33 PM
I have a bad feeling about this game and some of those selections that have been mentioned aren't helping

11-06-2020, 09:34 PM
Gardner is the worst player in the AFL. Sure giving the Aints a good chance of a win.

11-06-2020, 09:58 PM
I've encouraged my friends to gamble irresponsibly on the Saints after those teams have been named. Some shockers.

Side note, how nice is it to have someone meaningless to be outraged about?? I was sick of only having major world events and politics to discuss.

12-06-2020, 08:30 AM
Not my team either but history says we have all been wrong before on our team selections. Go Dogs.

Bulldog Joe
12-06-2020, 09:42 AM
Team selection has always been baffling.

It seems that Bevo has a theory each season and is determined to stick with it until repeatedly proven wrong.

Unfortunately, there is no time to recover if it goes horribly wrong.

12-06-2020, 09:56 AM
Team selection has always been baffling.

It seems that Bevo has a theory each season and is determined to stick with it until repeatedly proven wrong.

Unfortunately, there is no time to recover if it goes horribly wrong.

It's not a lot different to the team selected for round one. Round one team was 22 players and reserves because it was a Friday night game
Round 2 is a Sunday night game and contains 8 on the bench

What we do know is Gowers, Lipinski and Vandermeer are in and Hunter, Wood and Young are out.
I suspect Hayes and Jong will fight it out from one more spot on the ins for Sunday

The Bulldogs Bite
12-06-2020, 10:34 AM
It's not a lot different to the team selected for round one. Round one team was 22 players and reserves because it was a Friday night game
Round 2 is a Sunday night game and contains 8 on the bench

What we do know is Gowers, Lipinski and Vandermeer are in and Hunter, Wood and Young are out.
I suspect Hayes and Jong will fight it out from one more spot on the ins for Sunday

Bevo hinted at multiple changes, almost as if we were making a bit of a statement.

Scapegoating Young is hardly a statement.

BJ's summation of Bevo/MC is deadly accurate - they enter each season with a theory and don't waiver until it's proven wrong again and again and again. Given the year, I won't be as critical but it always feels like we're competing against the opposition and ourselves.

12-06-2020, 10:36 AM
I am not a fan of Gardner, but you know what, he has only played three senior games. He played two very ordinary games in 2019 and played round one. He wasn't the worst, he took 5 marks, but did make two horrendous mistakes with his kicking and gifted Collingwood two easy goals.

I would prefer Trengove or Young in his spot, but I think Ryan has worked very hard, trained hard and he really is passionate and wants to play senior football. No doubt Bevo is rewarding him.

12-06-2020, 10:40 AM
I would prefer Trengove or Young in his spot, but I think Ryan has worked very hard, trained hard and he really is passionate and wants to play senior football. No doubt Bevo is rewarding him.

That's all well and good, but actually having the talent to play at the highest level is kind of important. Nothing Gardner has shown either at VFL or AFL level suggests he has any kind of toolset that will allow him to add value.

There are plenty of passionate, hard trainers playing local footy where their talent belongs.

12-06-2020, 10:44 AM
That's all well and good, but actually having the talent to play at the highest level is kind of important. Nothing Gardner has shown either at VFL or AFL level suggests he has any kind of toolset that will allow him to add value.

There are plenty of passionate, hard trainers playing local footy where their talent belongs.

I think he has shown something at VFL level. As I said I am not a fan, just trying to work out why he is in the team.

12-06-2020, 11:08 AM
I am not a fan of Gardner, but you know what, he has only played three senior games. He played two very ordinary games in 2019 and played round one. He wasn't the worst, he took 5 marks, but did make two horrendous mistakes with his kicking and gifted Collingwood two easy goals.

I would prefer Trengove or Young in his spot, but I think Ryan has worked very hard, trained hard and he really is passionate and wants to play senior football. No doubt Bevo is rewarding him.

How many of those marks were from when we kicked it across ground to him standing by himself behind the play?

If I was Collingwood I wouldn't have manned him up either given he also misses his foot when he kicks the ball.

12-06-2020, 11:16 AM
How Gardner gets a game before Lewis Young and Trengove is bewildering. Dale, Gowers, Wallis and Lloyd are under the microscope imo and really have to show something in Rd 2. JJ is only giving away 22cm to King, goodluck with that. Our history suggests Daniel will play on King at some point.

12-06-2020, 11:26 AM
I totally get the Gardiner selection dislike but really he was the least of our problems from R1. It's not his fault he gets selected.

I'm far more concerned about having an absolutely uncompetitive ruck division get completely and utterly decimated, placing enormous pressure on our midfield and defensive unit and completely starving our forward line. I'm also concerned that our lauded midfield group can, too often enough for my liking, consistently get monstered by opposition mids that bring the heat. Apart from selecting Sweet as a likely emergency, we have done nothing at selection to address these critical issues. Libba in is a no-brainer, as is Trengove to make us more competitive in the ruck and also provide cover in defence.

I'm completely puzzled by the team selection this week. I'll probably be 100% wrong and we smash the Saints.

12-06-2020, 11:27 AM
After seeing this team, at least I won't have the pain of false hope. I can settle back in the certain knowledge we will lose this one too.

Bulldog Joe
12-06-2020, 11:43 AM
I am not a fan of Gardner, but you know what, he has only played three senior games. He played two very ordinary games in 2019 and played round one. He wasn't the worst, he took 5 marks, but did make two horrendous mistakes with his kicking and gifted Collingwood two easy goals.

I would prefer Trengove or Young in his spot, but I think Ryan has worked very hard, trained hard and he really is passionate and wants to play senior football. No doubt Bevo is rewarding him.

As I see it Bevo has identified that Gardner is some sort of late bloomer who will make us infinitely better and he is going to give him every opportunity to prove it right up until Gardner absolutely proves it is not the case.

If only he would afford as much opportunity to Trengove.

Should Gardner get anywhere near what Bevo apparently sees, I think he could become almost (but not quite) what Trengove already consistently is (when he is played).

12-06-2020, 11:52 AM
Jesus christ, Gardner isn't the barometer of our team's performances. Cut the kid some slack.

Tim English and our midfield were absolutely murdered in Round 1 and were pretty piss poor against GWS in the final. That's where we win and lose this game, not on the back of a rookie lister just starting his career who is part of a defensive unit that includes two other guys who should be taking tall opponents as well (Cordy and Keath).

12-06-2020, 12:29 PM
As I see it Bevo has identified that Gardner is some sort of late bloomer who will make us infinitely better and he is going to give him every opportunity to prove it right up until Gardner absolutely proves it is not the case.

If only he would afford as much opportunity to Trengove.

Should Gardner get anywhere near what Bevo apparently sees, I think he could become almost (but not quite) what Trengove already consistently is (when he is played).

It’s hard to work out isn’t it. Trengove played up until the last game in Ballarat v Crows from memory. English was sick the previous week and Jackson went into the ruck v GWS, Young played in his spot and the rest is history. He played in the GWS and Essendon games which were arguably our best. I assume Bevo wants better ball users in the back half but maybe robbing Peter to pay Paul as he brings other skills to the team; leadership for one. Jury’s out on Gardner and agree with the sentiment it’s in no way his responsibility, but it’s certainly worth questioning.

12-06-2020, 01:13 PM
Jesus christ, Gardner isn't the barometer of our team's performances. Cut the kid some slack.

Tim English and our midfield were absolutely murdered in Round 1 and were pretty piss poor against GWS in the final. That's where we win and lose this game, not on the back of a rookie lister just starting his career who is part of a defensive unit that includes two other guys who should be taking tall opponents as well (Cordy and Keath).

Do you really think anyone here believes Gardner is the barometer of our team's performance?

Of course he isn't, but he may be a barometer for our selection committee.

The fact we're picking him despite his complete lack of proven ability ahead of someone like Trengove, who HAS performed at the highest level, who gives us leadership onfield and who actually provides coverage in areas we desperately need (key defence and ruck) just shows our selection philosophy appears completely muddled.

Then again, I'm a Naughton-as-defender bull, so the more poor performances as our defence puts up, the more chance we might see him play in the spot the team needs him the most. So on second thoughts...yay Gardner.

12-06-2020, 01:26 PM
I’m confused but perhaps it’s just the MC picking squads with an eye to this game and the GWS one given the latter is only 5 days rest. It at least explains the Libba omission IMO. He’s probably being saved for the ‘grudge‘ match as there’s no way he’d pull up well enough to play both games. Might be the same with Jackson? That’s what I’m telling myself

12-06-2020, 01:26 PM
Do you really think anyone here believes Gardner is the barometer of our team's performance?

Of course he isn't, but he may be a barometer for our selection committee.

The fact we're picking him despite his complete lack of proven ability ahead of someone like Trengove, who HAS performed at the highest level, who gives us leadership onfield and who actually provides coverage in areas we desperately need (key defence and ruck) just shows our selection philosophy appears completely muddled.

Then again, I'm a Naughton-as-defender bull, so the more poor performances as our defence puts up, the more chance we might see him play in the spot the team needs him the most. So on second thoughts...yay Gardner.
Given in the last page we have people saying that friends should bet on the Saints or a t least we won't have false hope, I certainly believe far too much responsibility for our anticipated performance seems to rest on the selection of one junior player.
On performance and effort, Gardner isn't the first person I'd drop (Bailey Dale, I'm nodding at you).

Nobody know who is training the strongest, who is moving the best, etc.

The biggest issue with our performances right now isn't a developing tall defender potentially losing a one on one. It's how the hell we control the ball in the middle or at least apply enough pressure to stop the ball getting into our defence, cleanly, 70+ times per game.

Second issue is how we get it out of our defence because that was woefully inadequate against Collingwood. We were too tall in round 1 and I think the MC at least recognise this, although I have a sneaking suspicion we may find English forward and sharing ruck duties with Sweet at least once this season. Where that leaves Schache I don't know. I'm not sure Schache is in our long term planning anymore.

12-06-2020, 01:27 PM
I’m confused but perhaps it’s just the MC picking squads with an eye to this game and the GWS one given the latter is only 5 days rest. It at least explains the Libba omission IMO. He’s probably being saved for the ‘grudge‘ match as there’s no way he’d pull up well enough to play both games. Might be the same with Jackson? That’s what I’m telling myself
I hope so. Trengove and Libba make us a lot tougher on paper and we desperately need some of that right now.

12-06-2020, 01:28 PM
Where is the so called swinging of the axe and 4-6 changes?

We’ve only dropped Young. The other two changes thus far are due to suspension and injury.

Of course it’s an extended bench but those ins and moreso the lack of outs are disheartening.

Like others I’m mystified by the refusal from the MC to name Trengove. Gardner was plain awful last game. Granted, the whole team was, but I’d like to have seen more changes. I guess it’s in unique circumstances so we’ll have to give the MC the benefit of the doubt, but if we dish up a similar performance how can we ever have faith?

We will know soon enough how many changes we will really make.
It's the guys that didn't make the extended squad that really interest me

Happy Days
12-06-2020, 02:02 PM
What's up with Toby McLean? Hasn't even been given a second thought through the first couple of weeks. Trengove not being considered is equally irksome, especially considering there's a clear matchup for him in whichever of Marshall/Ryder is forward.

And, as others have flagged where's Libba? He's definitely passing the eye test if nothing else.

I disagree with the assertion that Gardner and Gowers won't cost us the game. They're objectively bad players who we've gone past good players to pick. 1/11th of a side isn't nothing to anyone who saw Bob Quiney play for Australia.

12-06-2020, 03:33 PM
What's up with Toby McLean? Hasn't even been given a second thought through the first couple of weeks. Trengove not being considered is equally irksome, especially considering there's a clear matchup for him in whichever of Marshall/Ryder is forward.

And, as others have flagged where's Libba? He's definitely passing the eye test if nothing else.

I disagree with the assertion that Gardner and Gowers won't cost us the game. They're objectively bad players who we've gone past good players to pick. 1/11th of a side isn't nothing to anyone who saw Bob Quiney play for Australia.

Mclean hasn't played well for over a year, and needs to find form.

I am guessing Libba wasn't quiet right, but I want him back for next week.

Bulldog Joe
12-06-2020, 03:57 PM
I am not a fan of Gardner, but you know what, he has only played three senior games. He played two very ordinary games in 2019 and played round one. He wasn't the worst, he took 5 marks, but did make two horrendous mistakes with his kicking and gifted Collingwood two easy goals.

I would prefer Trengove or Young in his spot, but I think Ryan has worked very hard, trained hard and he really is passionate and wants to play senior football. No doubt Bevo is rewarding him.

I have just had an interesting conversation (currently stuck in Tasmania), with a person connected to the Burnie Dockers (Gardner and Mihocek's home club).

Apparently Gardner is a brilliant trainer, but lets nerves get the better of him on match day.

He better get over that issue quickly so he can show us why Bevo is determined for him to play.

12-06-2020, 04:08 PM
I have just had an interesting conversation (currently stuck in Tasmania), with a person connected to the Burnie Dockers (Gardner and Mihocek's home club).

Apparently Gardner is a brilliant trainer, but lets nerves get the better of him on match day.

He better get over that issue quickly so he can show us why Bevo is determined for him to play.
He wouldn't be the first in that regard - Brodie Moles instantly comes to mind. Was vomiting before every game due to nerves.
Cheers for the info.

12-06-2020, 04:19 PM
I have just had an interesting conversation (currently stuck in Tasmania), with a person connected to the Burnie Dockers (Gardner and Mihocek's home club).

Apparently Gardner is a brilliant trainer, but lets nerves get the better of him on match day.

He better get over that issue quickly so he can show us why Bevo is determined for him to play.

It's one thing to train well and another to play well on game day. We don't win 4 points for training well. It baffles me, we've got guys like Trengove who will only get a game if everyone else falls down injured and then others who seem to get a lot more rope.

Axe Man
12-06-2020, 05:06 PM
In: Gowers, Richards, Vandermeer, Jong, Lipinski
Out: Cavarra, Wood, Hunter, Young, Cordy

12-06-2020, 05:07 PM
Cordy Gone

12-06-2020, 05:11 PM
Well I imagine some will be glad to see Cordy out... not for the swap of Gardiner when Trengove and Young are sitting on the sidelines but hey you can't win em all

12-06-2020, 05:13 PM
Wow we are going in quite small to deal with their rucks and forwards. If the ball gets to ground in their 50 often enough we’ll have a field day. For me, Max King has Ben Brown/Majak Daw/any other tall gangly forward written all over him. He’ll dominate against us. So no point naming a FB. Will be an interesting game

12-06-2020, 05:13 PM
Just Gardner and Keath tallish defenders v Ryder, Membrey, King has me a little concerned.

Axe Man
12-06-2020, 05:14 PM
So with Keath and Gardner for Ryder/Marshall and King, who plays on Membrey? Thought he would have been an ok matchup for Wood or Cordy, so I guess that leaves Crozier?

12-06-2020, 05:16 PM
Happy that Cordy has been given a spell.

Not happy Cavarra has been turfed after one game.

Pretty meh to see Jongy back in. Good on him to fight back despite his injury woes but we've seen enough to know what we're going to get which is some quality mixed with some hare-brained decisions.

12-06-2020, 05:17 PM
So with Keath and Gardner for Ryder/Marshall and King, who plays on Membrey? Thought he would have been an ok matchup for Wood or Cordy, so I guess that leaves Crozier?

Have we checked the weather forecast, maybe it's going to be a bad day for talls...oh...wait.
We need to bring the intensity, they can not get clean ball inside 50.

12-06-2020, 06:16 PM
He wouldn't be the first in that regard - Brodie Moles instantly comes to mind. Was vomiting before every game due to nerves.
Cheers for the info.

I think Brett Ratten used to be a chucker as well.

12-06-2020, 06:18 PM
Happy that Cordy has been given a spell.

Not happy Cavarra has been turfed after one game.

Pretty meh to see Jongy back in. Good on him to fight back despite his injury woes but we've seen enough to know what we're going to get which is some quality mixed with some hare-brained decisions.

He's one of those free pass players mate, goes hard so a lot of supporters look past the really really shit things he does on a regular basis.

12-06-2020, 06:23 PM
Interesting no one from the midfield was dropped. They are the ones who let the team down in round 1 and in last years elimination final not our defenders, not our forwards.
Saints are normally too quick for us with ball movement and across the ground. I wonder if we have have come up with a way to combat that.

12-06-2020, 06:38 PM
Interesting no one from the midfield was dropped. They are the ones who let the team down in round 1 and in last years elimination final not our defenders, not our forwards.
Saints are normally too quick for us with ball movement and across the ground. I wonder if we have have come up with a way to combat that.

I think last year after some ordinary performances they seemed to rise to the challenge. Realistically that's the area of the ground where most of our best players are, so they probably get a little more leeway than some others. Whether that's right or wrong, I don't know.

12-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Bevo back to the standard early season I've got no idea who my best 22 is....

One things for sure we don't have time on our side this year though, particularly with no reserves comps.

Happily go short in the backline with Naughty up our sleeves( and now with Bruce in the side), but I don't like the idea of Caleb back compounding it, not being able to slide across for a mark. With a number of half-back flankers already in the side surely we can find a position for him elsewhere.

We have the players to slingshot off half-back lets hope we bring the pressure.

12-06-2020, 07:33 PM
Just Gardner and Keath tallish defenders v Ryder, Membrey, King has me a little concerned.

And we don't have Wood who is often asked to play tall

I guess that most people would be starting to get sick of the ongoing Trengove speculation here on WOOF but his non selection I think can only be regarded as confirmation that he is out of the selection mix.

12-06-2020, 07:36 PM
With just 2 key defenders and 2 key forwards does this mean either Jongy, Bont or Dunks is the relief ruck?

We are certainly planning to run the Saints off their feet

12-06-2020, 07:37 PM
Interesting no one from the midfield was dropped. They are the ones who let the team down in round 1 and in last years elimination final not our defenders, not our forwards.
Saints are normally too quick for us with ball movement and across the ground. I wonder if we have have come up with a way to combat that.

Yeah agree Aza. The mids need to be better in this game. They have been awful in the last 2 games.

12-06-2020, 07:38 PM
And we don't have Wood who is often asked to play tall

I guess that most people would be starting to get sick of the ongoing Trengove speculation here on WOOF but his non selection I think can only be regarded as confirmation that he is out of the selection mix.

Why keep him then? It's a waste of a list spot much like Fletcher Roberts' retention, that was pointless as well. He was never going to be played.

12-06-2020, 07:39 PM
I think with Gardiner and previously Young, the MC is just working out whether they can play and are worth persisting with at the expense of the known quantity in Trengove. I don't necessarily like it, but I understand why it's being done if that is in fact what's happening.

This could possibly be an admission we don't internally feel we're genuine contenders this year, given what we have seen with our midfield these past couple of games perhaps the MC is being pragmatic about the season.

12-06-2020, 08:11 PM
Given in the last page we have people saying that friends should bet on the Saints or a t least we won't have false hope, I certainly believe far too much responsibility for our anticipated performance seems to rest on the selection of one junior player.
On performance and effort, Gardner isn't the first person I'd drop (Bailey Dale, I'm nodding at you).

Nobody know who is training the strongest, who is moving the best, etc.

The biggest issue with our performances right now isn't a developing tall defender potentially losing a one on one. It's how the hell we control the ball in the middle or at least apply enough pressure to stop the ball getting into our defence, cleanly, 70+ times per game.

Second issue is how we get it out of our defence because that was woefully inadequate against Collingwood. We were too tall in round 1 and I think the MC at least recognise this, although I have a sneaking suspicion we may find English forward and sharing ruck duties with Sweet at least once this season. Where that leaves Schache I don't know. I'm not sure Schache is in our long term planning anymore.
I think Schache isn’t in our future plans. The recruitment of JUH sort of makes him redundant if Naughts is indeed staying forward

dog town
12-06-2020, 09:18 PM
Disagree with some of the personnel but the balance of the side is far better. More run and more mobility is the right call. We were far too tall in round 1.

12-06-2020, 09:50 PM
Unhappy Cavarra dropped and Gower who is an atrocious kick for goal gets another game. I know Gowers is tough but really? Happy Jongy plays-hope he does not suffer (another) injury. In Bevo we trust. Or is it in Bevo we are bemused?

12-06-2020, 09:58 PM
Disagree with some of the personnel but the balance of the side is far better. More run and more mobility is the right call. We were far too tall in round 1.

Agree, the team was way too tall in the first game. Other than Gardner, not sure why people are complaining.

We are missing Hunter, Wood and Libba, so plenty to look forward to.

12-06-2020, 10:16 PM
I think Brett Ratten used to be a chucker as well.

Archer as well believe it or not.

12-06-2020, 10:22 PM
And we don't have Wood who is often asked to play tall

I guess that most people would be starting to get sick of the ongoing Trengove speculation here on WOOF but his non selection I think can only be regarded as confirmation that he is out of the selection mix.

Yes appears he’s a last resort now.

Remi Moses
12-06-2020, 11:00 PM
I reckon they’re saving Libba for GWS on a 5 day break.
Gardner I can’t help you with....

Probably right there
Pretty crabby hearing a few players haven’t come back in the best shape
That’s not good enough , and there’s no excuses . We put our hard earned in and many haven’t asked for any refund of not watching the game !

13-06-2020, 12:00 AM
Disagree with some of the personnel but the balance of the side is far better. More run and more mobility is the right call. We were far too tall in round 1.

So if we think they got the balance right this time why did we get it so wrong last time?
We went into the game against the Pies with and extra tall and I think we are going into this game against the Saints with one tall less than we really need.

We were also promised 3 talls in the forward line to justify why we recruited Bruce but now Schache and Young aren't in the mix for senior selection. Is it a horses for courses approach for our game against the Saints or have we given up on that idea?

If the balance of this team we selected is right I think it's raises a question if the balance of the list we have assembled matches our selection ideas.

13-06-2020, 12:08 AM
I think Schache isn’t in our future plans. The recruitment of JUM sort of makes him redundant if Naughts is indeed staying forward

Ugle-Hagan won't be coming to our side with a solid season of TAC footy behind him like our draftees would normally have, he's going to need at least one or two full seasons to settle into the demands of senior football

13-06-2020, 12:15 AM
If its any consolation (it's not really) the Saints fans are also baffled by their 22. Dunstan and Battle out has them shocked.

13-06-2020, 10:14 AM
If its any consolation (it's not really) the Saints fans are also baffled by their 22. Dunstan and Battle out has them shocked.

It's because us supporters know better than a full coaching team :D:D

Happy Days
13-06-2020, 11:40 AM
If its any consolation (it's not really) the Saints fans are also baffled by their 22. Dunstan and Battle out has them shocked.

I've been pretty baffled by most of what they did last off-season. Hill is a great pick up and looked but they paid through the nose for him.

Why did they get Howard if they now can't fit Good Player Josh Battle into their 22? Why did they take their best player from last year (Marshall) and halve his time at his most effective position (if round one is any indication anyway)?

I feel like they've placed more importance on seeming like a destination club rather than building a cogent team. But at the same time I'm kinda sick of sports being all about potentially being good at some arbitrary point in the future rather than being actually good right now so part of me hopes it works.

13-06-2020, 11:43 AM
He wouldn't be the first in that regard - Brodie Moles instantly comes to mind. Was vomiting before every game due to nerves.
Cheers for the info.

Quote a few musos I know are chuckers. It's not just the persians either.

The Adelaide Connection
13-06-2020, 11:50 AM
On the surface, some of the selections do seem a bit batshit crazy. But maybe some players have come back lacking a bit of fitness and/or are rustier on the track than others?

Against Collingwood we looked the best on the few occasions that we were able to move the ball quickly, break the lines and run. We just didn't have enough cattle that were able to pull this off often enough given their excellent full team defence on the night. It's clear we've decided to go "all in" on this and have chopped out a few talls for more HB's with wheels.

If we can win the midfield battle and if the pressure on the Saints is manic enough that their entries are messy and easily mopped up, it will end up being a stroke of genius. They are going to look waaaaay too top-heavy.

If they are able to generate enough clean inside 50 entries we could be in some serious trouble. I wonder if the contingency is to swing Naughton back if they are getting on top in some periods?

I shouldn't be positive A) After Collingwood B) After the last Saints game, but I think this could all be crazy enough to work. I'd like Young for Gardiner, but I am going to assume Gardiner came back in better nick.

Fingers crossed.

13-06-2020, 02:27 PM
I think last year after some ordinary performances they seemed to rise to the challenge. Realistically that's the area of the ground where most of our best players are, so they probably get a little more leeway than some others. Whether that's right or wrong, I don't know.

You raise valid points. I'm not sure who'd i'd drop from our midfield group either but I am concerned we do lack a certain hardness and intent that say a Liberatore or Liam Picken would bring.

Bulldog Revolution
13-06-2020, 04:37 PM
I guess that most people would be starting to get sick of the ongoing Trengove speculation here on WOOF but his non selection I think can only be regarded as confirmation that he is out of the selection mix.

Its early in the season - and they are trying to reward some types who likely have more up-side than Trengrove

We've picked a squad that should be better prepared to defend when the ball goes forward - Gowers and Richards work hard at that

We need Macrae, Dunkley, Bont, and English to be much better

We will miss Hunter, but maybe Lipinski will replace some of what he does.

Im presuming Cordy hasn't presented in great nick - and so I don't mind them giving Gardner a chance - he didn't have a great game against the Pies but it was really only Smith, Wood and Keath who were ok that night.

Im in the Toby Mac fan club and would have liked to have given him a shot on a wing

13-06-2020, 04:59 PM
I don't mind us backing ourselves in to outrun them, it worked alot in 2016. I also dont think we need a Liberatore for hardness, our midfield is capable enough that they shouldn't need to rely on a fringe one position player with shit knees to ensure they turn up. I'm even ok wjth Gowers, he is phhsical and aggressive, has clearly returned in great nick and has enough randomness about him to have an impact (I'm not sauing he is good though).

The Gardner call is compounded by the fact that he is one of only two key defenders in the side, and also thr fact that even if he develops into an AFL level player his best case scenario is Jackson Trengove, so instead of playing Trengove we are playing a player that is a borderline liability in the hope he becomes as good as a guy we refuse to play. Baffling.

Vandermeer is exciting and if he comes along it really helps us out as we are a very one paced side.

Also Lipinski in is great, he is really good in that link up role and is a good finisher as well. Very underrated player.

The bulldog tragician
13-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Only five of the 2016 premiership guys out there. Wow.

Whatever we think of selections ( I’m very very unenthused) the idea that we would be holding back for the short turnaround just can’t be it surely. After our dismal round one we can’t be too cute with selections. Losing to the Saints who are hardly premiership favourites would set the danger bells ringing about a year of misery to come, so I hope... HOPE! ... Bevo is basing these calls on form and matchups, not the sense of a stubborn snubbing of the nose at critics that I sometimes fear is his mindset.

13-06-2020, 06:42 PM
Quote a few musos I know are chuckers. It's not just the persians either.

My sister in law was an opera singer who would chuck before each performance. Acid in the throat box! Doug Hawkins said he regularly chucked pre game. I couldn't sleep the night before a new program teaching in industry.
The selected team must be based on practice form.

13-06-2020, 08:46 PM
You raise valid points. I'm not sure who'd i'd drop from our midfield group either but I am concerned we do lack a certain hardness and intent that say a Liberatore or Liam Picken would bring.

I said in another thread we're stymied by the fact we have a plethora of prolific ball winners, which is a bizarre problem to actually have!

My view is Dunkley is best used as grunt or defencive out of him, Jacko and Bont as his foot skills are a bit ordinary and he can expose opposition players in the air. Bont and Jacko can cut teams to ribbons with their ball use, Dunkley can't.

So until Libba gets back into the side, or we use Toby as a defencive mid as I've said in another thread as well, I think it's best Dunkley sacrifices his ball winning a bit and plays more defencively.

14-06-2020, 09:48 AM
My sister in law was an opera singer who would chuck before each performance. Acid in the throat box! Doug Hawkins said he regularly chucked pre game. I couldn't sleep the night before a new program teaching in industry.
The selected team must be based on practice form.

Exactly. Match practice and training form. That is the only way the MC can choose the team now, this season at least. Because we are not privy to any of that it is hard to judge the team.

14-06-2020, 10:40 AM
We are going into this game with a bare bones selection approach for key position players. There are minimal options for anyone else to cover any our 5 KPP if they're injured or in need of a break.
Who covers English if he needs a spell? Naughton and Bruce seem the most likely but also Bontempelli, Dunkley and Jong might have to help out

The Saints have gone in with 7 KPP that contains 2 ruckman plus Coffield provides another option if needed.
If they line up as selected in the forward line we will either need to swing Naughton back or accept that Williams will have to play as the 3rd key defender

Interesting selection approach by us but if it works then it's a brilliant one.

14-06-2020, 10:49 AM
We are going into this game with a bare bones selection approach for key position players. There are minimal options for anyone else to cover any our 5 KPP if they're injured or in need of a break.
Who covers English if he needs a spell? Naughton and Bruce seem the most likely but also Bontempelli, Dunkley and Jong might have to help out

The Saints have gone in with 7 KPP that contains 2 ruckman plus Coffield provides another option if needed.
If they line up as selected in the forward line we will either need to swing Naughton back or accept that Williams will have to play as the 3rd key defender

Interesting selection approach by us but if it works then it's a brilliant one.

I tend to think it comes back to how St.Kilda have beaten us the last couple of times.

We are potentially one KP defender short but as always the game will be won in the midfield.
If we win the midfield battle it is unlikely we will need the extra KP defender.

14-06-2020, 11:06 AM
I tend to think it comes back to how St.Kilda have beaten us the last couple of times.

We are potentially one KP defender short but as always the game will be won in the midfield.
If we win the midfield battle it is unlikely we will need the extra KP defender.

My preference is always to have some options and I'm not a big fan of a bare bones selection approach. Even if our midfield performs well I still think we are going to need an extra tall in the back half at times. We can go in with a small forward line but a couple of big grabs by their forwards will probably see Naughton heading to the back line which robs us of some goal kicking punch.

If it works great, but if it doesn't we can't use it as a excuse as it's very much a calculated gamble

14-06-2020, 12:23 PM
My preference is always to have some options and I'm not a big fan of a bare bones selection approach. Even if our midfield performs well I still think we are going to need an extra tall in the back half at times. We can go in with a small forward line but a couple of big grabs by their forwards will probably see Naughton heading to the back line which robs us of some goal kicking punch.

If it works great, but if it doesn't we can't use it as a excuse as it's very much a calculated gamble

If Naughton goes back at least one woof poster will be happy. Not looking at anyone Comrade....

14-06-2020, 12:25 PM
If Naughton goes back at least on woof poster will be happy. Not looking at anyone Comrade....

Two posters......

14-06-2020, 12:39 PM
Two posters......

I don't care where he plays if we win.

What sits in the back of my mind is that defence wins finals and grand finals.

14-06-2020, 01:00 PM
Marshall and Ryder are a formidable ruck division with quite diverse skill sets. English has, thus far, proven on numerous occasions that he simply cannot handle quality ruckmen. Unless English can improve remarkably from his previous 2 sub-par and frankly unacceptable performances in the seniors, we will be under significant pressure in both D50 and in the midfield battle.

This is a massive game for Tim English and his career as an AFL quality ruckman. I hope he reverses history and passes the test.

The Bulldogs Bite
14-06-2020, 01:02 PM
Marshall and Ryder are a formidable ruck division with quite diverse skill sets. English has proven on numerous occasions that he simply cannot handle quality ruckmen. Unless English can improve remarkably from his previous 2 sub-par and frankly unacceptable performances in the seniors, we will be under significant pressure in both D50 and in the midfield battle.

This is a massive game for Tim English and his career as an AFL quality ruckman. I hope he reverses history and passes the test.

It's a story within a story. Big day for him to earn some respect back because the footy world took notice of his appalling game v Grundy.

There will be a ton of heat on us if we lose so I'm looking forward to seeing what we do about it. Do we stand up or fold?

The Adelaide Connection
14-06-2020, 01:43 PM
Marshall and Ryder are a formidable ruck division with quite diverse skill sets. English has, thus far, proven on numerous occasions that he simply cannot handle quality ruckmen. Unless English can improve remarkably from his previous 2 sub-par and frankly unacceptable performances in the seniors, we will be under significant pressure in both D50 and in the midfield battle.

This is a massive game for Tim English and his career as an AFL quality ruckman. I hope he reverses history and passes the test.

Ever the (occasional?) optimist, I will point you in the direction of Adelaide's Reilly O'Brien.

Adelaide have been particularly terrible at getting games into youngsters in the last forever, then inexplicably they start playing this guy ahead of Jacobs last year. He was awful. Then he wasn't. Now he is mostly quite good, certainly beyond the capabilities one would think he would perform at. In fact, I think he was about their only positive last night.

English has 100 times the natural ability of O'Brien. I think we all think English will be very good eventually, but if we can persist in getting games into him hopefully it will happen in the shorter term.

A dominant ruckman? Imagine that.

Rocket Science
14-06-2020, 01:48 PM
Suddenly more than a little anxious about the Saints' capacity to exploit the Keath-Gardner combo aerially.

If either has to lock down on an opposition tall who happens to be in the mood we're in some strife.

14-06-2020, 01:56 PM
English has 100 times the natural ability of O'Brien. I think we all think English will be very good eventually, but if we can persist in getting games into him hopefully it will happen in the shorter term.

A dominant ruckman? Imagine that.
I think English is clearly an AFL standard player. I question whether he has the necessary ruck craft or nous to play as our key no 1 ruckman. He hasn't shown this ever in his career to date nor did he ever show this as a junior.

O'Brien is clearly a ruckman who was stuck behind a better one (Jacobs) until he forced his way into the team through great 2nds form in his key role. He was awful for about 2 games max, then he became a very good ruckman as he adjusted to the speed of the senior level. English is a different proposition. He is a 205cm giant who regularly concedes ruck hitouts in absurdedly lopsided numbers to better quality ruckman. I've never seen a player his height, who is selected as a no 1 ruckman, be so thoroughly and consistently uncompetitive in ruck hitouts and at stoppages. I really want to be wrong, but I cannot ever see him becoming a dominant no 1 ruckman who rucks 80% of game time.

14-06-2020, 02:03 PM
Agreed think he would be an excellent CHF his marking is his biggest asset. Something like Naughton at FB, Keath at CHB, English at CHF, Bruce at FF and Tom Campbell rucking 80% of game time would be nice.

The Adelaide Connection
14-06-2020, 02:13 PM
I think English is clearly an AFL standard player. I question whether he has the necessary ruck craft or nous to play as our key no 1 ruckman. He hasn't shown this ever in his career to date nor did he ever show this as a junior.

O'Brien is clearly a ruckman who was stuck behind a better one (Jacobs) until he forced his way into the team through great 2nds form in his key role. He was awful for about 2 games max, then he became a very good ruckman as he adjusted to the speed of the senior level. English is a different proposition. He is a 205cm giant who regularly concedes ruck hitouts in absurdedly lopsided numbers to better quality ruckman. I've never seen a player his height, who is selected as a no 1 ruckman, be so thoroughly and consistently uncompetitive in ruck hitouts and at stoppages. I really want to be wrong, but I cannot ever see him becoming a dominant no 1 ruckman who rucks 80% of game time.

I can't really disagree with you on most points (aside O'Brien only taking two games to come good). There was something unsavoury about the move to oust Jacobs from the team and they persisted with O'Brien longer than they probably should have initially.

The fact that English was a midfielder until he grew crazy amounts overnight certainly raises some questions about whether he will ever be up to it as a first ruck. It also fits Bevo's strange mantra of not wanting to play actual ruckmen in the ruck.

I would vote we persist, but I want Trengove in the team as backup for the nights when it goes really pear-shaped (which it has in the past). Insurance of being able to move English to the forward line, Trengove to the ruck, and Naughton down back would make me feel much better.

I hope English can prove us wrong.

14-06-2020, 03:36 PM
Agreed think he would be an excellent CHF his marking is his biggest asset. Something like Naughton at FB, Keath at CHB, English at CHF, Bruce at FF and Tom Campbell rucking 80% of game time would be nice.

You'd love to see it.

Doesn't naming Naughton at FB just feel right?

14-06-2020, 03:45 PM
Hear hear Adelaide connection and sedat. I am also not confident English will ever be a good number 1 ruck and wonder if he could be good as a back man and already has shown promising signs as a forward.

What about a wing? He is good below knees, reasonably quick simply due to his giraffe size legs and has decent disposal and will outmark smaller wings. I can see our speedy skilful back men looking up to kick to him. Is he mobile and agile enough to stop oppo wings when they have the ball-perhaps not?

Also I would like a bit more aggression in his game. Use his size to throw around a bit without being a thug. And for goodness sake stop looking at oppo ruckman when in middle bounce- look at the ball. It was downright embarrassing to see him against Grundy worrying about where Grundy was to detriment of competing for the ball, so much so I thought he might be scarred forever from it. Seems like an intelligent fellow so hope that’s not the case but talk about being pantsed.

Bevo seemingly belligerent with not giving Trenners a go - at least since our one final game last year, possibly longer. Must surely be more to it than we know.

14-06-2020, 04:40 PM
At the same age, not much difference

Player Statistics Comparison

Sam Jacobs (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/pp-greater-western-sydney-giants--sam-jacobs)
Timothy English (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/pp-western-bulldogs--timothy-english)

GWS Giants (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/th-greater-western-sydney-giants)
Western Bulldogs (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/th-western-bulldogs)


Career Games

Woodville West Torrens
South Fremantle

April 10, 1988
Date of Birth
August 10, 1997

Turned 22 in 2010
Turned 22 in 2019



2009 National Draft (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_drafts?year=2009&t=N&s=P)
Last Drafted In
2016 National Draft (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_drafts?year=2016&t=N&s=P)

Round 5, Pick #72
Last Draft Position
Round 1, Pick #19

Carlton Blues (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/th-carlton-blues)
Last Drafted By
Western Bulldogs (https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/th-western-bulldogs)

Stats for Season










Inside 50s

Goal Assists

Frees For

Frees Against

Contested Possessions

Uncontested Possessions

Effective Disposals

Disposal Efficiency %


Contested Marks

Marks Inside 50


Rebound 50s

One Percenters


Time On Ground %

Centre Clearances

Stoppage Clearances

Score Involvements

Metres Gained



Tackles Inside 50

AFL Fantasy Score

Supercoach Score