View Full Version : Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism

Dry Rot
01-02-2021, 12:16 PM
The Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, according to an independent review commissioned by the club and which has been leaked today.

While reference was made to claims of racism across the AFL more generally, Collingwood's history with racism was described as "distinct and egregious", with the club's leadership, "particularly its board", needing to drive structural change.

Key points:

The review found Collingwood's response to racist incidents was "at best ineffective"
Collingwood has had the report since December, but has not released any details from it
It makes 18 recommendations, including a process of "truth-telling" and support for talent from diverse communities


Happy Days
01-02-2021, 12:31 PM
Hardly surprising. The real question is what exactly will Eddie’s thoughtless and dismissive response be to the findings?

01-02-2021, 12:34 PM
Hardly surprising. The real question is what exactly will Eddie’s thoughtless and dismissive response will be to the findings?

For starters, he should be stepping down

01-02-2021, 04:59 PM
Eddie says it is a proud day for the club

Happy Days
01-02-2021, 05:20 PM
Eddie says it is a proud day for the club

Unbelieveable, awe inspiring response from the King. There really is no one on his level.

01-02-2021, 05:57 PM
"In our netball team we have Asian people coming through".

Truly amazing press conference. A master-class in how not to handle this scenario.

At this stage he is not stepping down. It would be pretty harsh to move him on I guess seeing as he has only been in charge of the club for the last 20 years.

01-02-2021, 06:55 PM
The bullet points in the ABC article are damning

There is a gap between what Collingwood Football Club says it stands for and what it does

The club is more likely to react to media coverage about a racist incident than complaints made within the club

Collingwood's response has often been perceived as one where claims of racism are dealt with in terms of damage control and protecting the brand

Those who have raised issues felt they paid a high price for speaking out

It diminishes the ability of the Club to resolve the dispute internally, and

It heightens the risk of public grievance and negative publicity that impacts the Club, its staff, its players and its supporters

None of those are defend-able but if people are paying a high price for speaking out the culture will never improve

I'd love to see the specific details behind this and I'd be interested to know who leaked it

Rocket Science
01-02-2021, 08:41 PM
The bullet points in the ABC article are damning

There is a gap between what Collingwood Football Club says it stands for and what it does

The club is more likely to react to media coverage about a racist incident than complaints made within the club

Collingwood's response has often been perceived as one where claims of racism are dealt with in terms of damage control and protecting the brand

Those who have raised issues felt they paid a high price for speaking out

It diminishes the ability of the Club to resolve the dispute internally, and

It heightens the risk of public grievance and negative publicity that impacts the Club, its staff, its players and its supporters

None of those are defend-able but if people are paying a high price for speaking out the culture will never improve

I'd love to see the specific details behind this and I'd be interested to know who leaked it

You know what else is pretty damning?

McGuire, desperately squirming and deflecting today "if we're going to get anywhere, we've got to get past the idea of tearing down people", breathtakingly spoken like a man whose club hasn't just spent the past few years doing precisely that to Lumumba both openly and behind the scenes to discredit him, quiet him and win a PR war.

That went well.

At least the league's shown some vocal leadership on the issue at a time when it matters most.

Oh wait ...

02-02-2021, 01:16 PM
Here's a piece from Eddie outlining his views in further detail:


02-02-2021, 01:30 PM
Ned Guy must be glad that his train-wreck on Fox Footy isn't the worst Collingwood press conference of the past 6 months anymore.

Axe Man
02-02-2021, 02:53 PM
McGuire Acts Swiftly Following Racism Report And Hires Sam Newman As Head Of Racial Harmony (https://www.betootaadvocate.com/sports/mcguire-acts-swiftly-following-racism-report-and-hires-sam-newman-as-head-of-racial-harmony/?fbclid=IwAR3KDboaxVTSkIquQ36G4RKcZukCtGa9QJkHRIMU1TJx0AxoME W5WHPC-8A)

https://i.postimg.cc/jdVY4t1f/eddiesam-768x480.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

As the fallout from the damning report into the culture of racism at Collingwood continues, Eddie McGuire has today moved to quickly set things right.

The decades-long boss of the club at the centre of the majority of racism scandals in the AFL revealed that he is going to be leaning on an old mate to get him out of this pickle.

“We at Collingwood are pleased to announce that Sam Newman will be joining the club to lead our new Racial Harmony Initiative and our Cultural Pathways Program,” said McGuire today.

“But I just must quickly say what I said yesterday.”

“Despite this report finding that we have a deep and entrenched culture of appaling racism, we are not a racist club, and we don’t have racist people in our organisation.”

McGuire then explained that Newman will begin by implementing his traditional policy of dealing with accusations of racism, by telling people to stop being sooks and harden up.

“Sam has decades of experience dealing with accusations of racism, and he’s great at saying he’s not, and telling people to have a cup of cement because they are offended by the things he says and does,” continued McGuire.

“And that fits in perfectly with our club culture.”

“So it’s a great move for us moving forward I think.”

Rocket Science
02-02-2021, 03:00 PM
Hark, the league has something resembling an opinion!

https://i.ibb.co/ky4kVrS/Screen-Shot-2021-02-02-at-2-54-34-PM.png (https://ibb.co/W3kqNd2)

And in a shocking development it's not lament that Ed's first instinct was to spin the thing, it's that's he didn't spin it quite well enough.

02-02-2021, 03:57 PM

No surprises in terms of their history and current leadership.

02-02-2021, 05:00 PM

Following on from Board meeting tonight - Eddie departs

The bulldog tragician
02-02-2021, 06:48 PM
Now Eddie apologises for again mis-speaking. For a guy who is a journalist and with so many years in the media and with access to the best PR and crisis management he sure gets it wrong a lot. However while there’s the usual desire to poke fun at Eddie and the Pies our club doesn’t have a great record in recruiting and nurturing Indigenous players and we can never feel over confident that racism isn’t just as rife within our 4 walls as any other environment.

Meanwhile let’s hear from Eddie:


Collingwood Football Club president Eddie McGuire has apologised for calling the tabling of the historic report into racism at the AFL club a “proud day”.

On a Zoom call held for the club’s annual general meeting, the long-standing president said he had “got it wrong” in describing the contents of the report that was prematurely leaked to the media.

“Over the course of an hour, we answered every question, but in my opening, I got it wrong,” Mr McGuire said.

“I said it was a proud day for Collingwood, and I shouldn’t have.”

“Under the pressure of the day, the use of the word proud was wrong.

“I did not, I did not mean we were proud of past incidents of racism and the hurt that had caused.

“It’s been interpreted widely that way, and I regret that deeply.

The 35-page independent report found that Collingwood had an unhealthy culture of protecting individuals ahead of the club and was prompted by former player Heritier Lumumba’s claims of racism.

The report suggests the club’s actions have been at best ineffective and at worst have exacerbated problems of racism at the club.

Mr McGuire said on Tuesday night, after reports of his initial statements were criticised, that the club is “humbled”and “galvanised” to dismantle any structures racism that remain at the club.

“Collingwood seek to acknowledge its failings, to learn from them, to grow, to improve in all areas of the game, and to heal. We may not be able to undo conduct of the past but we can certainly make the future balanced and inclusive for all people,” Mr McGuire said.

“I’m sorry that my error has acted as a distraction from the importance of the finding of racism and the work that lies ahead.

“[We are] apologetic, we are humbled, and we are also galvanised to dismantle any structures of systematic racism.”

The report was tabled with the board before Christmas, days after long-standing club president Eddie McGuire said he would stand down as at the end of this year.

“There is a culture of individuals, if not quite being bigger than the club, then at least having an unhealthy *!degree of influence over club culture,” the report allegedly said.

Lumumba refused to participate in the report, doubtful of Collingwood’s rigour in addressing the issues.

Lumumba has lodged a claim in the Supreme Court alleging an unsafe workplace at Collingwood but those papers are yet to be served on the named defendants, Collingwood and the AFL.

Rocket Science
02-02-2021, 07:30 PM
Meanwhile one of their board members at this eve's AGM evidently didn't get the memo ...

https://i.ibb.co/zrpwKJ3/Screen-Shot-2021-02-02-at-7-27-07-PM.png (https://imgbb.com/)

It's a just a thing that's wafting about in the air and perhaps seeped into the carpets they can probably fumigate for.

02-02-2021, 07:47 PM
Eddie should stay and address the issues that have been raised. He has to repair his own image along with that of the Collingwood footy club

I get why so many have called for his head and I agree his approach has been appalling but he should want to fix this and set the club on a far better course

02-02-2021, 09:04 PM
Eddie should stay and address the issues that have been raised. He has to repair his own image along with that of the Collingwood footy club

I get why so many have called for his head and I agree his approach has been appalling but he should want to fix this and set the club on a far better course

He's had enough chances and proved himself incapable of being better in this area.

People have good attributes and bad attributes, blind spots and clear sight. In this area Eddie has bad attributes and a blind spot, and this doesn't mean he is a bad person in totality, rather, it just means that he's not the person to take the club in a different direction when it comes to systemic racism within its four walls and beyond.

03-02-2021, 09:40 AM
He's had enough chances and proved himself incapable of being better in this area.

People have good attributes and bad attributes, blind spots and clear sight. In this area Eddie has bad attributes and a blind spot, and this doesn't mean he is a bad person in totality, rather, it just means that he's not the person to take the club in a different direction when it comes to systemic racism within its four walls and beyond.

Perfectly articulated.

03-02-2021, 10:34 AM
Meanwhile one of their board members at this eve's AGM evidently didn't get the memo ...

https://i.ibb.co/zrpwKJ3/Screen-Shot-2021-02-02-at-7-27-07-PM.png (https://imgbb.com/)

It's a just a thing that's wafting about in the air and perhaps seeped into the carpets they can probably fumigate for.

I think this is an important point though in many ways.

There are a LOT of people who work at Collingwood in all areas of the club. I think it is possible for individuals within an organisation - and I know there have been a few references on socials to a couple of indigenous staffers who have been working to change things from the inside - to have a mindset that is open, welcoming and supportive to ALL whilst the overall tone of the place is flawed.

I know this sounds like the defence used by most of the members of the SS post WWII however it is an important point.

What has happened here is overall positive and hopefully it has all clubs looking at the way they conduct themselves. There is no doubt that the thoughts expressed by Matt Rendall back in 2012 were held by pretty much every club in the competition and the continued focus on recruiting players from the Victorian APS schools is strong evidence of this...that players including Lamumba and Chris Egan have spoken out about the way they were treated at Collingwood is a credit to them - that the investigation has been released is also a positive (setting aside the legitimate concerns about the time taken to complete it).

Whether Eddie remains in place to address the issues himself (I think he should be determined to do that but if I was on the board I wouldn't let him - he really has become the George C. Wallace of this issue and no matter what he says and does NOW there is simply too much history there for anyone to take any words of reconciliation seriously) or if he is replaced and another leader given the opportunity Collingwood have actually been given an opportunity not afforded any other club right now - to rebuild their culture from the ground up using 2021 sensibilities...

04-02-2021, 05:27 PM

04-02-2021, 08:05 PM

I preferred the Easybeats' version.

Dry Rot
04-02-2021, 10:28 PM

I only saw this in passing, and my first thought was that it was an apology to Collingwood fans that they have only won 2 flags in 63 years.

Axe Man
09-02-2021, 04:26 PM
Eddie standing down as President, effective immediately.

09-02-2021, 05:02 PM
Eddie standing down as President, effective immediately.

It is the right thing to do.

09-02-2021, 05:49 PM
Eddie standing down as President, effective immediately.

He ran out of options didn't he? As Jeemak mentioned, he had a blind spot on the issue and didn't male the right calls
He's done so much for football over the years but many will remember this instead of the more positive outcomes

Look at the way PG exited the position and the way he will be remembered. Ed's done himself a disservice

09-02-2021, 06:57 PM
He ran out of options didn't he? As Jeemak mentioned, he had a blind spot on the issue and didn't male the right calls
He's done so much for football over the years but many will remember this instead of the more positive outcomes

Look at the way PG exited the position and the way he will be remembered. Ed's done himself a disservice

It was 2013 when he called Adam Goodes a gorilla.

It's good that Collingwood took some fast, decisive action.

09-02-2021, 07:09 PM
Eddie has been his own worst enemy. His comments over the years have often shown that he is blind to the make up of 2020 Australian society. For example, the comment that "we've got Asian people coming through our netball team." Well maybe some of those people had grandparents who were born here - certainly parents who were born here and certainly the players themselves are likely to have been born here.
It must make those players question just what it is they have to do to be accepted as Australian.
I would not classify Eddie as a nasty racist - he is not. But he does have a blind spot and has been really poor in his use of language. "Proud day for Collingwood"! That was spin to the nth degree.
Better to have said: "This is a watershed moment for Collingwood. We have failed as an organisation to support all who comprise it. We cannot allow this state of affairs to continue. We are sorry for the hurt we have caused. We are sorry that we have allowed issues to fester instead of addressing them. We must do better and we will do better.:

The Bulldogs Bite
09-02-2021, 09:14 PM
Eddie dug himself a hole he couldn't climb out of. In the end, the right decision was made.


Let's not pretend Eddie is the devil and forget all the good things he has done for clubs and people within the football World. For mine, he's a good person with good intentions who occasionally says some stupid things. He fell on his own sword but I can't stand people who jump on the bandwagon by painting him in such a negative light.

Unfortunately he hasn't learned from past mistakes and its cost him.

09-02-2021, 10:29 PM
It was 2013 when he called Adam Goodes a gorilla.

It's good that Collingwood took some fast, decisive action.

He didn't call him one, just said he should pretend to be one to promote a stage show! Jesus, sensitive! ;)

Dry Rot
10-02-2021, 12:52 AM
Eddie McGuire failed to identify his use-by date and, when forced out, portrayed himself as the victim

Barry Cassidy


10-02-2021, 02:17 AM
Thanks for posting.

I like Barry Cassidy and have read a couple of his articles on the topic and they resonate a bit, though I can't help but think life in the political media sphere has hardened him a bit much over time (check his face lines out), as he talks about things in absolute terms which isn't helpful (to sport or political discourse).

For instance Eddy was defencive at his presser, as anyone would be after 22 years at the helm trying to do his best. I'd have done a shit tonne worse than Eddy did today (albeit my misdemeanors would be a lot more trivial, but shocking at the same time compared to his). But was he really playing the victim?

Happy Days
10-02-2021, 09:16 AM
Thanks for posting.

I like Barry Cassidy and have read a couple of his articles on the topic and they resonate a bit, though I can't help but think life in the political media sphere has hardened him a bit much over time (check his face lines out), as he talks about things in absolute terms which isn't helpful (to sport or political discourse).

For instance Eddy was defencive at his presser, as anyone would be after 22 years at the helm trying to do his best. I'd have done a shit tonne worse than Eddy did today (albeit my misdemeanors would be a lot more trivial, but shocking at the same time compared to his). But was he really playing the victim?

In a word, yes. There was no contrition in his words yesterday, just a suggestion that he doesn't always get "it" right (which is a whole thing onto itself) and a laundry list of his achievements. It's another example of Eddie just not getting why this is happening, and thinking it is something happening to him rather than something he caused through years of ignorance.

Yesterday should have been a direct acknowledgement of the reasons why Eddie is stepping down, not a "fine I'll do it but its bullshit" victory lap presser followed by every Collingwood dickhead coming out of the woodwork to say that the club isn't racist and they never saw any racism under Eddie and what a great job Eddie did. Because now they're just back where they were before the report dropped, and the minority voices have yet again been silenced behind the wave of noise from the retired old players who let the whole culture of systemic racism foster in the first place. Why do any of it honestly.

The bulldog tragician
10-02-2021, 10:45 AM
I thought that Eddie's emotion beneath those tears was just rage and anger. 'Look at everything I did for you lot and where's the gratitude.'

The more so as he liked to think of himself as progressive. And to some extent he was in his early days, but the caravan always keeps moving on. We've all come a long way in understanding things to be racist that we might have thought of as just gentle banter in days gone past.

At some point Eddie got stuck and no longer "got it" or moved with the times. I feel that's where the 'proud moment' came from, an aggrieved almost paranoid sense that he thought himself as in the vanguard, doing all this great stuff, yet where was the love, the pats on the back, the recognition that he, the Broady boy, would always be fighting the good fight!

He's lost the larrikin edge and charm. Now he's a red-in-the-face blustering caricature, almost a parody of the perennially outraged Collingwood supporter.

10-02-2021, 11:01 AM
I thought that Eddie's emotion beneath those tears was just rage and anger. 'Look at everything I did for you lot and where's the gratitude.'

The more so as he liked to think of himself as progressive. And to some extent he was in his early days, but the caravan always keeps moving on. We've all come a long way in understanding things to be racist that we might have thought of as just gentle banter in days gone past.

At some point Eddie got stuck and no longer "got it" or moved with the times. I feel that's where the 'proud moment' came from, an aggrieved almost paranoid sense that he thought himself as in the vanguard, doing all this great stuff, yet where was the love, the pats on the back, the recognition that he, the Broady boy, would always be fighting the good fight!

He's lost the larrikin edge and charm. Now he's a red-in-the-face blustering caricature, almost a parody of the perennially outraged Collingwood supporter.

Good take.

10-02-2021, 01:26 PM
In a word, yes. There was no contrition in his words yesterday, just a suggestion that he doesn't always get "it" right (which is a whole thing onto itself) and a laundry list of his achievements. It's another example of Eddie just not getting why this is happening, and thinking it is something happening to him rather than something he caused through years of ignorance.

Yesterday should have been a direct acknowledgement of the reasons why Eddie is stepping down, not a "fine I'll do it but its bullshit" victory lap presser followed by every Collingwood dickhead coming out of the woodwork to say that the club isn't racist and they never saw any racism under Eddie and what a great job Eddie did. Because now they're just back where they were before the report dropped, and the minority voices have yet again been silenced behind the wave of noise from the retired old players who let the whole culture of systemic racism foster in the first place. Why do any of it honestly.

You nailed it.

10-02-2021, 01:34 PM
In a word, yes. There was no contrition in his words yesterday, just a suggestion that he doesn't always get "it" right (which is a whole thing onto itself) and a laundry list of his achievements. It's another example of Eddie just not getting why this is happening, and thinking it is something happening to him rather than something he caused through years of ignorance.

Yesterday should have been a direct acknowledgement of the reasons why Eddie is stepping down, not a "fine I'll do it but its bullshit" victory lap presser followed by every Collingwood dickhead coming out of the woodwork to say that the club isn't racist and they never saw any racism under Eddie and what a great job Eddie did. Because now they're just back where they were before the report dropped, and the minority voices have yet again been silenced behind the wave of noise from the retired old players who let the whole culture of systemic racism foster in the first place. Why do any of it honestly.

I thought that Eddie's emotion beneath those tears was just rage and anger. 'Look at everything I did for you lot and where's the gratitude.'

The more so as he liked to think of himself as progressive. And to some extent he was in his early days, but the caravan always keeps moving on. We've all come a long way in understanding things to be racist that we might have thought of as just gentle banter in days gone past.

At some point Eddie got stuck and no longer "got it" or moved with the times. I feel that's where the 'proud moment' came from, an aggrieved almost paranoid sense that he thought himself as in the vanguard, doing all this great stuff, yet where was the love, the pats on the back, the recognition that he, the Broady boy, would always be fighting the good fight!

He's lost the larrikin edge and charm. Now he's a red-in-the-face blustering caricature, almost a parody of the perennially outraged Collingwood supporter.

Both terrific posts.

Ghost Dog
10-02-2021, 01:51 PM
After his proud day comments, and considering how long he has been there, it's probably the right result really that he has a break.
The Goodes gaffe some years ago was really embarrassing and a massive red flag. We are trying to change Australian society.
When Dippa came out with his gaffe, the AFL made him do a tour of aboriginal communities in the north. At the time of Eddie's 'gorilla' gaffe I felt he got off lightly.

All this Footy show style, TV nudge-nudge wink-wink, casual racism has to go. It's not only about racism but also bullying. Bullying is a huge problem in AFL. Watch Footy Show and how people revel in Australian bullying. Go to a game and listen to the names people call each other. There is theatre and then there is flat out nastiness.

Players have to realize they are in a work place and subject to the same laws as any other work place.
You are not going to go around any office in Australia calling someone a chimp. AFL no exception.

The Pie Man
10-02-2021, 04:29 PM
I'm amazed he walked, situation internally must've gotten quite toxic to turn Eddie around and accept that staying was more about him and less about Collingwood's best interests.

I don't believe he would've survived the Goodes saga if we were based in the US.

I don't hate him, he's been a positive figure in many ways, but he's lived a charmed adult life up to this point.

Listening to SEN yesterday afternoon was pretty soul destroying - a couple of good calls (if anyone was listening, Grace from Inverloch was magnificent) in amongst some really depressing stuff from the punters. Long long long long way to go in this space

10-02-2021, 04:44 PM
Listening to SEN yesterday afternoon was pretty soul destroying - a couple of good calls (if anyone was listening, Grace from Inverloch was magnificent) in amongst some really depressing stuff from the punters. Long long long long way to go in this space

This is why I can't bring myself to listen to SEN anymore.

10-02-2021, 05:56 PM
This is why I can't bring myself to listen to SEN anymore.

That and the constant ad breaks. I happened to tune into a vaguely interesting segment last week about which players would have some improvement in them but the amount of ads they had was unbelievable.

10-02-2021, 07:09 PM
I thought that Eddie's emotion beneath those tears was just rage and anger. 'Look at everything I did for you lot and where's the gratitude.'

The more so as he liked to think of himself as progressive. And to some extent he was in his early days, but the caravan always keeps moving on. We've all come a long way in understanding things to be racist that we might have thought of as just gentle banter in days gone past.

At some point Eddie got stuck and no longer "got it" or moved with the times. I feel that's where the 'proud moment' came from, an aggrieved almost paranoid sense that he thought himself as in the vanguard, doing all this great stuff, yet where was the love, the pats on the back, the recognition that he, the Broady boy, would always be fighting the good fight!

He's lost the larrikin edge and charm. Now he's a red-in-the-face blustering caricature, almost a parody of the perennially outraged Collingwood supporter.

McGuire is the living embodiment of the "die a hero or live long enough to become the villain" meme.

He has been great for a lot of reasons for Collingwood, but he became so bloated with self importance he thought he was untouchable. He thought he could say his quiet thoughts out loud.

It's never been more evident in his recent media appearances, where he clearly just doesn't get it.

Ghost Dog
10-02-2021, 08:01 PM
Anyway, I might add, if education is the mantra, it's an opportunity.
An influential figure he could, after he heals up, play a key role in moving AFL policies forward. I like what Anderews said about leaders not running from problems. Out of touch, yes but freed from the chair of Collingwood, over time, I hope he is embraced by the AFL community, moves forward and not used as a whipping post. Certainly supported the Bulldogs in his time, and is a likable person.

Rendell, Goodes, McGuire, the race issue has taken its toll on AFL and a lot of it is about miscommunication and a need for education. But there is a danger too ( Rendell ) of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Dry Rot
10-02-2021, 08:38 PM
I wonder how Varcoe found his time at the Pies?

11-02-2021, 01:49 AM
In a word, yes. There was no contrition in his words yesterday, just a suggestion that he doesn't always get "it" right (which is a whole thing onto itself) and a laundry list of his achievements. It's another example of Eddie just not getting why this is happening, and thinking it is something happening to him rather than something he caused through years of ignorance.

Yesterday should have been a direct acknowledgement of the reasons why Eddie is stepping down, not a "fine I'll do it but its bullshit" victory lap presser followed by every Collingwood dickhead coming out of the woodwork to say that the club isn't racist and they never saw any racism under Eddie and what a great job Eddie did. Because now they're just back where they were before the report dropped, and the minority voices have yet again been silenced behind the wave of noise from the retired old players who let the whole culture of systemic racism foster in the first place. Why do any of it honestly.

Good post mate.

11-02-2021, 01:51 AM
This is why I can't bring myself to listen to SEN anymore.

That and the constant ad breaks. I happened to tune into a vaguely interesting segment last week about which players would have some improvement in them but the amount of ads they had was unbelievable.

Franco on the Toilet circa 2009 wasn't enough for you?

11-02-2021, 05:48 AM
I am not surprised by the support that is being expressed for Eddie in some quarters and it is a perfect example of the root cause of the problem - the entitlement of racists. It's the "I am superior to you so my take, on any situation, trumps yours. You don't like a joke, you don't like a nickname. That's YOUR problem, not mine. You need to toughen up."
And to those who support the victims of racism we have this: "Oh, so you're on his side are you? So you just want to virtue signal do you? Want to stifle freedom of speech and my rights as a 'sovereign citizen' do you? You're part of the problem."

"Well NO! You are the effing problem! So take a step back and have a good, hard look ..."

Sadly those types are incapable of, or refuse, to do that. That's why we have a problem.

And finally, I have heard people say "Well Eddie was just saying he was proud of the club for facing up to things and doing something. "
If he was so proud then why was to report buried for weeks so that it was eventually leaked to the press? Doesn't seem like the actions of a President who believes there is a problem.

11-02-2021, 08:06 AM
After his proud day comments, and considering how long he has been there, it's probably the right result really that he has a break.
The Goodes gaffe some years ago was really embarrassing and a massive red flag. We are trying to change Australian society.
When Dippa came out with his gaffe, the AFL made him do a tour of aboriginal communities in the north. At the time of Eddie's 'gorilla' gaffe I felt he got off lightly.

All this Footy show style, TV nudge-nudge wink-wink, casual racism has to go. It's not only about racism but also bullying. Bullying is a huge problem in AFL. Watch Footy Show and how people revel in Australian bullying. Go to a game and listen to the names people call each other. There is theatre and then there is flat out nastiness.

Players have to realize they are in a work place and subject to the same laws as any other work place.
You are not going to go around any office in Australia calling someone a chimp. AFL no exception.

While nothing to do with Collingwood's situation and just an observation Bob Skilton went through his career nicknamed Chimp. Due to his long arms and hairy back I assume. Teddy always called him that.

18-02-2021, 09:20 PM
A good article written by the authors of the Do Better report.


Amazing the perspective you can glean from something after the dust has settled.

18-02-2021, 09:46 PM
Ex player Shae MacNamara has posted some thoughts on Twitter, calling out a few key figures in particular LINK (https://twitter.com/bigdyman/status/1362185681242587143?s=19)

"Luke Ball (X AFLPA President),
I know you were very close with Heritier in and outside of the club.
You knew what he went through and you chose to stay silent when you could have validated his
Your self-preservation is really disappointing.

Nick Maxwell,
You were his brother, for real.
He lived with you and you named your dog after him because it’s black.
Your silence in choosing your self-preservation with the club is really disappointing.

Coach Buckley,
You tried to publicly deny this for several years... Why are you hiding now?
Are you still being all that you can be?"

18-02-2021, 09:58 PM
He hasn't missed, has he!

Actually made really good points, and the defenciveness of some of the responses coming in is pretty full on.

Dry Rot
03-03-2021, 12:07 AM
They thought it was a joke: Krakouer reveals disgusting racist Magpie moment


What a wonderful club....

03-03-2021, 12:57 AM
Well, I just learnt a new word I hope I never have to hear in my lifetime.

Axe Man
04-03-2021, 01:53 PM
Good old Joffa really helping Collingwood's cause...

Ex-Pies cheersquad leader Jeff ‘Joffa’ Corfe won’t apologise for racist social media post, despite being condemned by club (https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2021-joffa-corfe-tweet-collingwood-statement-racism-report-heritier-lumumba-eddie-mcguire/news-story/3b948bf5a5cecef8c403a58c75f45a92)

Former Collingwood cheersquad leader Jeff ‘Joffa’ Corfe says he won’t be apologising for a racist tweet he sent, despite the Magpies publicly urging him to say sorry.

Corfe for years was synonymous with the football club, frequently seen at Collingwood games leading the cheer squad and wearing a gold jacket when his side was destined for victory before finishing up at the end of 2019 and moving overseas.

On Tuesday night Corfe, who has been vocal in his support of former president Eddie McGuire and denouncing the idea of systemic racism at Collingwood, published an offensive tweet in which he took aim at aged care workers with an Indian background, writing: “Get rid of all Indian workers in aged care might be a start.”

On Wednesday night, Collingwood’s official Twitter account condemned Corfe’s tweet (which remains live at the time of writing) and called on him to apologise.

“Joffa Corfe is not a member of the Collingwood Football Club but has had a long association with our organisation,” the tweet read.

“As such we cannot stand by his comments of last night. We condemn them and ask him to consider the hurt he has caused and an appropriate apology.”

But Corfe wrote on Twitter that “an apology will not be forthcoming”, adding: “Have a wonderful day everyone. Off to surfers (Paradise) to live the life.”

Prior to Collingwood’s tweet on Tuesday night, Corfe appeared to directly address backlash to his initial post, vowing: “I won’t be silenced by the bull***t minority pretending to be the do gooders I’ll have the balls to say and tweet whatever I want.”

“To the losers out there in Twitter world feel free to copy and paste anything i say everywhere and anywhere.”

Collingwood last month announced it had established an anti-racism expert group to help the club rid itself of “systemic racism”.

It was one of several key recommendations in a club-commissioned ‘Do Better’ report that forensically reviewed the club’s history with racism.

The report described the club’s history with racism as “distinct and egregious”, with the club’s leadership, “particularly its board”, needing to drive structural change.

04-03-2021, 02:09 PM
Can't stand racism. Have lost all respect for Joffa

04-03-2021, 02:15 PM
Can't stand racism. Have lost all respect for Joffa

What a fool. I spent two years with the amazing staff on the front lines in aged care whilst they cared for my father. Many from the Philippines, they are talented, hard working amazing people. They should be lauded not attacked.
They do incredible work that most couldn't comprehend despite the deplorable state of funding and resources.
I usually ignore fools like Joffa, however aged care is such an emotive setting it's very hard to.

04-03-2021, 02:41 PM
What a fool. I spent two years with the amazing staff on the front lines in aged care whilst they cared for my father. Many from the Philippines, they are talented, hard working amazing people. They should be lauded not attacked.
They do incredible work that most couldn't comprehend despite the deplorable state of funding and resources.
I usually ignore fools like Joffa, however aged care is such an emotive setting it's very hard to.

I bet that's not the kind of work he'd be willing to do himself either