View Full Version : Strange things you've seen at footy games

Dry Rot
19-03-2008, 09:00 AM
In my NRL days, I saw some strange things attending matches, including a mental patient in pyjamas holding a flower run through a match in progress, narrowly missing coming to grief from Gillespie and Roberts. "LSD forever" he cried, as he jumped back over the fence to escape security.

I wasn't at the SCG then but I recall the Plugger piglet incident in about 1994. I haven't seen much odd offield/crowd stuff up here except for Tigers fans turning on their own which I now realise is usual behaviour.

What strange things have you seen at footy games, either onfield or offield/crowd behaviour?

Sockeye Salmon
19-03-2008, 09:15 AM
The elephant at North Melbourne was unusual.

Dry Rot
19-03-2008, 09:17 AM
The elephant at North Melbourne was unusual.

What happened?

Sockeye Salmon
19-03-2008, 09:27 AM
What happened?

For a publicity stunt some idiot decided it would be a good idea to parade an elephant around the ground with a girl of about 10 riding it.

The elephant got spooked by the crowd and started to stampede. They couldn't stop it nor could they get the girl off.

It took a while but it calmed down eventually (more than you could say about the girl).

The girl was unhurt and was interviewed on TFS a few years back. She's about 40 now.

19-03-2008, 09:38 AM
In my NRL days, I saw some strange things attending matches, including a mental patient in pyjamas holding a flower run through a match in progress, narrowly missing coming to grief from Gillespie and Roberts. "LSD forever" he cried, as he jumped back over the fence to escape security.

Hilarious...'LSD forever' I have to use that, gold.

Dry Rot
19-03-2008, 09:44 AM
Hilarious...'LSD forever' I have to use that, gold.

At the same game at Leichhardt Oval, some dork was given the PA at half time.

He couldn't string 3 words together anyway, compounded by the fact that we were under the flightpath, with a 747 blotting out the other 3 words each time he spoke. Finally we heard "Will you marry me" and some tools on the hills held up posters of yes and the crowd roared.

W W Biscuit
19-03-2008, 06:04 PM
At VFL Park in the late 70s, some mates and I were having a kick on the ground after the final siren. Right in front of us, a hippy-looking guy with a backpack walked up to the centre circle plate, flopped IT out and relieved himself on it. As casual as you could be. We couldn't believe it!!

19-03-2008, 07:39 PM
At VFL Park in the late 70s, some mates and I were having a kick on the ground after the final siren. Right in front of us, a hippy-looking guy with a backpack walked up to the centre circle plate, flopped IT out and relieved himself on it. As casual as you could be. We couldn't believe it!!

Using the circle as a target. Awesome

19-03-2008, 07:45 PM
That Captain Carlton Guy was extremely strange I think he has a brother called Storm Man both are strange and concerning. To think they have a right to vote

20-03-2008, 03:21 PM
Sockeye Salmon arguing with an 80-old Footscray supporter who was bagging our players...

I think she had collected a 4-letter word for every single one of those years.

Sockeye Salmon
20-03-2008, 03:43 PM
Sockeye Salmon arguing with an 80-old Footscray supporter who was bagging our players...

I think she had collected a 4-letter word for every single one of those years.

That was the Hawthorn game early in the season that we won. How bad would she have been by round 22?

Adam Cooney and Matthew Robbins had shockers and all she did for the whole game was slag them off, brutally. "Robbins you are a ****ing gutless, weak dog".

Ernie helped too, IIRC.

20-03-2008, 03:49 PM
Sockeye Salmon arguing with an 80-old Footscray supporter who was bagging our players...

I think she had collected a 4-letter word for every single one of those years.

That was the Hawthorn game early in the season that we won. How bad would she have been by round 22?

Adam Cooney and Matthew Robbins had shockers and all she did for the whole game was slag them off, brutally. "Robbins you are a ****ing gutless, weak dog".

Ernie helped too, IIRC.

That was my gran. Hasn't she taught me well.;)

20-03-2008, 03:57 PM
One day in the '80s the power went out at Whitten Oval.

We were playing Geelong and because there was no power the timekeepers found the ols cow bell and were ringing it instead of the siren. Anyway they were ringing the bell but the umpire (Kevin Smith I think) couldnt hear it. The Geelong coach Tom Hafey ran out on the ground and tapped the umpire on the shoulder just as he was about to bounce the ball. The umpire turned around, looked at Hafey and thought 'WTF are you doing?". Hafey turned and pointed at the timekeeper who had run onto the ground frantically ringing his bell and just held his hands up and rolled his eyes. It was piss funny.

20-03-2008, 10:09 PM
That Captain Carlton Guy was extremely strange I think he has a brother called Storm Man both are strange and concerning. To think they have a right to vote

RRR interviewed someonewho was a Carlton mascot (could be the same bloke). This was not long after September 11 when anything Islamic was viewed with suspician. Turns out the guy was a struggling actor & a Muslim who copped it all week from xenophobic strangers who abused him, then had about 3 hours of being cheered by complete strangers due to his mascot duties.

Life can be a strange mistress at times.

Rocket Science
21-03-2008, 03:20 PM
Not sure it classifies as "strange", more galling than anything else but it's somewhere in the vicinity I suppose.

Hark back to a certain fateful September arvo in 1997...perched up high in the southern stand amidst a sizeable gaggle of likeminded red, white and blue-supporting folk, save for a quartet of textbook, rough as guts Crows supporters in the row immediately behind. You know the type...regulation-issue mullets, goaties, Crows beanies, wifebeater singlets and perhaps a single mouthful of teeth between them if being generous.

Anyway, this mob must have spent the preceding 24 hours bending the elbow in a big way and were clearly eyeballed before a ball had been bounced to the extent they spent most of the day loudly sh1tcanning both the Dogs and their own team with every expletive invented, fighting with eachother at various stages, regularly falling over and arguing with nearby punters, while constantly being asked to either tone it down or rack off altogether.

This precipitated frequent visits and numerous warnings from the coppers every half hour, who'd had enough by 3/4 time to physically eject the lot of em, which was naturally greeted by loud cheers from about 100 nearby punters and just before the final and only portion of the game they'd have actually derived any joy from.

So, at work on the Monday had forgotten about the imbeciles and was more preoccupied with a state of stunned bereavement after the last quarter capitulation and subsequent result, spending amost of the day resisting the urge to read the papers, before finally succumbing and flipping over a face-down copy of Herald Sun.

And what dominates the front page of that esteemed rag?

A giant full-colour pic of the very same boofheads snapped in the carpark post-game, crawling all over eachother while mugging for the lens with toothless gobs agape in pissed delirium.

Ya wouldn't bloody read about it.