View Full Version : NFR - Level Crossings

27-03-2008, 05:26 PM
It's been sad to hear all the death that has come via level crossing these past few weeks. Young life’s cut to terribly short.

But who’s to blame?

The media are making out like it’s the trains fault. It's not like they can swerve around the car. Shouldn't the blame rest solely on the driver's negligence? Take the VW Beetle accident a month or so ago. Obviously late to work, she tried to beat the train by driving around boom gates. Her own fault and look at the devastation it has caused not only her family, but the train driver and the passengers on that train. She would have affected over 50 peoples lives from this irresponsible act that should never have happened.

People risking their lives to get to their destination 25 seconds earlier. It's not worth it.

Please guys, take it easy, and use common sense when crossing tracks. Think of your loved ones when you try and beat a train next time.

27-03-2008, 06:05 PM
Yes i agree Borgy, i was in the railways for 10 years and my brother is a driver, many years ago he was involved in a double fatalaty involving 2 children out Yarraville way , took him years to get over it and i am sure it will haunt him the rest of his life, the main reason i never became a driver.

27-03-2008, 08:17 PM
I'm a trainee driver, hopefully i get lucky, some people go there whole career and are fine.

27-03-2008, 08:21 PM
Hey i have seen your car Ageo hope you dont drive trains the same way or im catching a bus from now on.

27-03-2008, 08:23 PM
I think there should be boom gates at every crossing.
Full stop.
People might disagree and all...but with the growing number of level crossing accidents there needs to be something done.
I know personally my family was driving along once with the music loud and there was such little signage for the crossing we were shocked when we crossed over it only to hear the blasting horn of a train to pass over the road seconds after we were over it.
sure people will say its stupid driving, but I think the government should be putting gates at every crossing.

27-03-2008, 08:24 PM
St Albans station is a nightmare and complete mess, because of traffic lights cars can get stuck , through no fault of theyre own.

27-03-2008, 08:25 PM
Hey i have seen your car Ageo hope you dont drive trains the same way or im catching a bus from now on.

hehe, theres a funny story behind that, not sure if i told you.

27-03-2008, 08:27 PM
St Albans station is a nightmare and complete mess, because of traffic lights cars can get stuck , through no fault of theyre own.

as a Learner driver, im petrified of crossings for that reason!
Ill avoid that station in the near future lol

27-03-2008, 09:14 PM
Thought this was a football board?

27-03-2008, 09:16 PM
Its everything as well as football from what i can gather, but as long as we talk bulldogs when talking footy i love it.

27-03-2008, 09:24 PM
I think there should be boom gates at every crossing.
Full stop.
Doesn't stop all accidents. A number of fatalities have happen where there are boom gates. eg Yarraville.

How about people obey the laws in place to protect them?

27-03-2008, 09:31 PM
I know personally my family was driving along once with the music loud and there was such little signage for the crossing we were shocked when we crossed over it only to hear the blasting horn of a train to pass over the road seconds after we were over it.
sure people will say its stupid driving, but I think the government should be putting gates at every crossing.
Excuse me but it is stupid driving.
Can only protect people so far if they want to be stupid.

It the same BS with alcohol laws. How about educating people and changing the culture a little instead of banning it?

28-03-2008, 05:54 PM
Doesn't stop all accidents. A number of fatalities have happen where there are boom gates. eg Yarraville.

How about people obey the laws in place to protect them?

Yeah it doesnt stop them, but for the level crossing that you CANT notice very well (rural ones), boom gates sure would open your eyes.
Crossing thorugh when there ARE boomgates is pure stupid driving, but when you genuinly cant see the crossing until you feel the bump, thats shouldnt be tolerated.

The Doctor
28-03-2008, 07:50 PM
My wife being a good Sydney girl, thinks Victoria is 20 odd years behind Sydney in terms of it's railway crossings situation.

In the 70's Sydney had similar problems with many roads being blocked by railway crossings and the associated dangers. Since then they rectified this by building bridges and tunnels to divert and improve traffic flow. Nowadays I can't think of any railway crossings that exist in Sydney. Mind you traffic in Sydney is still shit.

I heard the minister recently say that the current situation is adequate and any improvements would be too expensive? Is this serious Lyn Kosky????

29-03-2008, 10:12 AM
Yeah it doesnt stop them, but for the level crossing that you CANT notice very well (rural ones), boom gates sure would open your eyes.
Crossing thorugh when there ARE boomgates is pure stupid driving, but when you genuinly cant see the crossing until you feel the bump, thats shouldnt be tolerated.
If you can't see/don't notice a railroad line or any the signage around them then you shouldn't be driving at all.
Maybe we should all live in our own personal bubbles for safetys sake.

29-03-2008, 06:53 PM
If you can't see/don't notice a railroad line or any the signage around them then you shouldn't be driving at all.
Maybe we should all live in our own personal bubbles for safetys sake.

whats worrying was though, is that there was no signage.
Dad called up or something and they checked it out.

29-03-2008, 06:59 PM
Boom gates at every rural railway crossing would cost a fortune. Surely ripple strips would be just as effective and a far cheaper option.

29-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Boom gates at every rural railway crossing would cost a fortune. Surely ripple strips would be just as effective and a far cheaper option.

never thought of those..ripple strips would be so good.

29-03-2008, 07:39 PM
St Albans station is a nightmare and complete mess, because of traffic lights cars can get stuck , through no fault of theyre own.

I used to have to go through that every morning, now i jsut go down ballarat road, takes a bit longer but least i dont get stuck with the trains every single morning.

Cars dont have to get stuck at all, if they stayed behind the lines then there would be no need to have cars stuck on the tracks.

I seriously dont understand some people and they way they go through level crossings, especially in the country, and people not see a bit train coming towards them? Its not hard to slow down a little and look both ways befoer you get near tracks.

If people used comon sense then these accidents wouldnt keep happening.

30-03-2008, 10:50 AM
never thought of those..ripple strips would be so good.

The crossing where the latest incident happened near Geelong did have rumble strips and BIG signage.

I agree with Ernie, people have to take more responsibilty for their actions.

The Govt cant legislate for peoples lack of awareness.

The way they are reported is also annoying to me, they get all emotive instead of actually reporting the facts.

If drivers arent being more aware of level crossings, purely on the number of fatalities and the advertising campaign to increase awareness, Im not sure what else the Govt can do.

30-03-2008, 11:09 AM
whats worrying was though, is that there was no signage.
Dad called up or something and they checked it out.

I find that very hard to believe.