View Full Version : Aker's Handstand - Gone!

The Coon Dog
27-03-2008, 10:45 PM
Saw Aker interviewed by Hutchy to TFS tonight & he said that one of the issues coming out of 'Leading Teams' was the assessment from his peers that the handstand was a bit 'too individual' & as such it is no mor!. Aker said that overall he got some really positive feedback which he felt he really needed.

27-03-2008, 11:33 PM
Also saw this coon dog, amazing stuff.

Wondering if anyone else has any guesses at some positivies or negatives the other players might have been told?
im wondering in particular to Cooney, Griff, Hill, Higgins and Wight

27-03-2008, 11:46 PM
They probably asked Johnno to be less perfect because it is rather selfish since they all look the little bit worse in their professional and private lives.

I can understand the problem with Acker's HS (the official internet way of saying hand stand from this moment on;))

While the teammates all celebrate together Acka goes to a place to be alone and do his hand stand. If he could do it with the team it would be fine

The Coon Dog
28-03-2008, 07:17 AM
Aker gives handstand the flick (http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl/story/0,26576,23444404-19742,00.html)

WESTERN Bulldogs star Jason Akermanis appears unlikely to perform a post-victory handstand again at AFL level.

Akermanis has performed a handstand for fans at his old club, the Brisbane Lions, and at the Bulldogs in recent years after his side won games.

But some of his Bulldogs teammates told him during a recent peer assessment session that they thought the handstand took away from the team focus.

"One of the things that came up from a few, not all but just a few, is that they thought the handstand was a bit individual," Akermanis told the Nine Network's The Footy Show.

"So unfortunately it seems the handstand is dead, it's no more."

Despite not being able to perform his party trick, Akermanis said he appreciated getting feedback from his teammates on his play and personality.

"It is brutal, absolutely brutal for those who haven't done it," he said.

"But it's the first time I really got good feedback and to be honest, I needed it, for my own knowledge."

The Bulldogs play Melbourne at the MCG on Saturday.

28-03-2008, 07:19 AM
It's a bit of a non issue. Aker did it for himself and for the fans who loved it.

Dancin' Douggy
28-03-2008, 09:23 AM
I'm glad it's gone. It started to seem contrived. I'd rather see him embracing his team mates and saving the hand stand for special moments.

28-03-2008, 09:42 AM
If we win the GF, Aker can do as many HS's as he likes.

28-03-2008, 09:58 AM
Yeah, I'm not really fussed and didn't really think it was news worthy. I guess he had to say something otherwise people would start wondering where it had gone but eh.

28-03-2008, 09:59 AM
If we win the GF, Aker can do as many HS's as he likes.

I know what you mean, but it would seem his team-mates have a contrary opinion.

I don't really understand why he had to talk about this being part of his feedback from the players...surely if you are criticised for acting as an individual, perhaps just shutting the thing down with a "I'm not doing it any more - I have moved on" would have been better than calling attention to yourself (in the same week as that ridiculous Leigh Matthews article) by talking about how by doing the handstand you are acting like too much of an individual.

I will never understand Aker.

28-03-2008, 10:20 AM
To me the handstand was part of the Brisbane Lions and the Gabba and promoting footy up there and not really a bulldog thing. I am glad he will no longer do it.

I want to see Aker being a team member and being excepted by all the doggies players. eg, if he is treated badly by the opposition, some of our players to back him up and at least remonstrate. (unlike last year when they didn't)

28-03-2008, 11:21 AM
That handstand crap was part of another club culture, and the fact that the issue has arisen during a week when Aker publicly revealed a private conversation with Leigh Matthews tells me that it was all about Aker. In fact, Aker is all about Aker. He is a monumentally self-obsessed character (read his autobiography, can't think of the title just now), and the sooner we are rid of him the better. Let him contribute whatever he can to the club, and then good riddance. Every time I hear that he's written an article or been interviewed I get a sense of trepidation about the size of the turd he has just dumped on someone or something.

I agree with a lot of what he says, and his forthright attitude is an improvement on the robotic statements we get from most players, but his unquenchable need to broadcast those views as widely as possible is infantile, and destructive to the club.

28-03-2008, 01:18 PM
That handstand crap was part of another club culture, and the fact that the issue has arisen during a week when Aker publicly revealed a private conversation with Leigh Matthews tells me that it was all about Aker. In fact, Aker is all about Aker. He is a monumentally self-obsessed character (read his autobiography, can't think of the title just now), and the sooner we are rid of him the better. Let him contribute whatever he can to the club, and then good riddance. Every time I hear that he's written an article or been interviewed I get a sense of trepidation about the size of the turd he has just dumped on someone or something.

I agree with a lot of what he says, and his forthright attitude is an improvement on the robotic statements we get from most players, but his unquenchable need to broadcast those views as widely as possible is infantile, and destructive to the club.

other than that I gather you like him:D

28-03-2008, 02:21 PM
I love that he is forthright -- Aker was giving an honest answer to a simple question. He doesn't seem at all selfish -- self-focussed, yes, as an elite athlete trying to get the best out of himself, but a consummate professional and team man. Watch him encourage everyone around him constantly as he plays and in practice. Watch him go up to teammates behind play and pat them on the back for a good play or pass or tackle. Of course he's said stupid things once or twice but I love him all the more for it.. even when he was at Brisbane I would watch his interviews and enjoy the honesty and be absolutely surprised how everyone in the media would re/mis-interpret things he said in good faith.

He has always done the right thing by the Dogs, from the transfer to his work ethic on and off the field, to cutting down on media commitments when asked to etc.. he is one of our genuine top-shelf players, and I am so sick of our supporters constantly criticising our best players in a personal way. He is STILL loved in Brisbane by many of their fans, for the joy and success he helped bring to them. Can we not also enjoy what our players bring instead of constantly sniping at everything they do?

How do we know what the arrangement was between Leigh and Aker after their conversation? Aker could very well have said 'will it be okay if I write about some of this?' Too much (negative) opinion about things we have no idea about.

Re: the thread, I noticed that the handstand was missing after the game last week and I for one was very interested to hear about the reason for it. For one, it gives a real insight into the Leading Teams process at the Dogs, how raw and honest it is, the very real value and results, and also into the mentality of the team regarding certain things like the handstand. It was also interesting to note that peer feedback was encouraging and of value in pointing out areas of strengths to celebrate and weaknesses to work on. How saying any of this can be construed as selfish I am at a loss to understand.

Sockeye Salmon
28-03-2008, 02:41 PM
I was unsure of him when he came to us but has completely won me over.

I didn't realise how professional and focused he was. Even his disaster last year was because he overdid it trying to impress.

28-03-2008, 02:50 PM
I was unsure of him when he came to us but has completely won me over.

I didn't realise how professional and focused he was. Even his disaster last year was because he overdid it trying to impress.

Here here.

Was great to see his confidence back last week, especially with his kicking. He will be a seriously good player for us this year.

The Underdog
28-03-2008, 03:03 PM
I've been nothing but impressed with what he has done on the field. Sure he had an up and down season last year but in no way was that through lack of effort. He is completely professional and a great example, however the more self-serving ridiculous columns he writes like the Matthews one this week, the less I really want to see of him off the field. There's nothing wrong with being forthright and honest but sometimes knowing when to shut up is a good thing too.

As for the handstand, as some others have said, it's hardly news.

The Dogfather
28-03-2008, 03:07 PM
Well done to Aker for taking anothers opinion on board and putting the team first. If we have 22 blokes with that attitude every week we'll be doing ok!

29-03-2008, 12:22 AM
That handstand crap was part of another club culture, and the fact that the issue has arisen during a week when Aker publicly revealed a private conversation with Leigh Matthews tells me that it was all about Aker. In fact, Aker is all about Aker. He is a monumentally self-obsessed character (read his autobiography, can't think of the title just now), and the sooner we are rid of him the better. Let him contribute whatever he can to the club, and then good riddance. Every time I hear that he's written an article or been interviewed I get a sense of trepidation about the size of the turd he has just dumped on someone or something.

I agree with a lot of what he says, and his forthright attitude is an improvement on the robotic statements we get from most players, but his unquenchable need to broadcast those views as widely as possible is infantile, and destructive to the club.

Aker's about getting the best out of himself. If that makes him self obsessed then I hope all we do is recruit self obsessed footballers from now on. He works harder than most, makes the most of a monumental talent he has and doesnt just cruise along surviving on his skills and if he wants to shout from the rooftops about it then I couldnt give a fat rat's clacker.

Nine times out of ten he backs up his statements up on the field and that what counts, surely? After all we've had the nicest, most cuddly collection of players for years now and what's it got us? Nothing, that's what.

I hope Aker has a long period of time at our club-well past his playing career-but I dont think he'd be the type to hang around footy when his playing career is over.

29-03-2008, 08:54 AM
I know what you mean, but it would seem his team-mates have a contrary opinion.

I don't really understand why he had to talk about this being part of his feedback from the players...surely if you are criticised for acting as an individual, perhaps just shutting the thing down with a "I'm not doing it any more - I have moved on" would have been better than calling attention to yourself (in the same week as that ridiculous Leigh Matthews article) by talking about how by doing the handstand you are acting like too much of an individual.

I will never understand Aker.

I reckon he genuinely cant help it. It looked like he thought he was doing the team thing but just had to explain it because that is what he does.

So from his perspective he is taking the criticism on board and stepping up (which he is) but everyone is else wonders why he has to talk about it. He doesnt wonder, he just talks about it.

It has to be said, he is a far different acker than the one the lions had. I agree that this will be the year that makes him - off the field as well.