View Full Version : Wayne Carey on Denton tonight

Dry Rot
31-03-2008, 07:43 PM
From the snippets I've seen, he's digging himself into a deeper hole.

Great player, but an utter knob of a person.

31-03-2008, 08:02 PM
From the snippets I've seen, he's digging himself into a deeper hole.

Great player, but an utter knob of a person.

Will be interesting to watch, his father was on the front page of the Herald Sun today calling him an idiot.

Obviously Carey has just about hit rockbottom, he needs help. Whether he embraces it is another story. Hopefully, he eventually gets himself together he has a little daughter that might be the motivation he needs to get himself right. Time will tell.

31-03-2008, 08:55 PM
Will be interesting to watch, his father was on the front page of the Herald Sun today calling him an idiot.

Obviously Carey has just about hit rockbottom, he needs help. Whether he embraces it is another story. Hopefully, he eventually gets himself together he has a little daughter that might be the motivation he needs to get himself right. Time will tell.

Not sure about the rock bottom BB, he isn't short of money and he is still able to get into the lomelight and elicit sympathy.

I think he still hasn't grown up and he still still doesn't accept responsibility for his actions. It will be interesting to see if he blames all his troubles on substances etc.

Sockeye Salmon
31-03-2008, 08:55 PM
Will be interesting to watch, his father was on the front page of the Herald Sun today calling him an idiot.

"I don't know what he said but he's lying"

31-03-2008, 09:15 PM
Not sure about the rock bottom BB, he isn't short of money and he is still able to get into the lomelight and elicit sympathy.

Yeah, you are probably right - the money side helps him, he is spiralling out of control and somehow I don't think he fully realises that. Denial is an interesting word.

"I don't know what he said but he's lying"

Yep, and Carey Snr said he will sue the ABC for anything that is said that he doesn't agree with.

31-03-2008, 10:35 PM
Denial is an interesting word.

It is the most appropriate word, sounds like Kate is still doing the hard stuff.

Those who supported his earlier excesses are now excusing him. More like a Hollywood damage control act than a real navel examination.

31-03-2008, 10:38 PM
Wish they asked Dick why he had a punch on with Mick Martin, always had the impression Dick was mad too.

31-03-2008, 10:41 PM
It is the most appropriate word, sounds like Kate is still doing the hard stuff.

Those who supported his earlier excesses are now excusing him. More like a Hollywood damage control act than a real navel examination.

Interesting interview with Carey - Denton is good with the questioning. Certain parts of that interview were quite sad really. A fallen hero.

31-03-2008, 10:48 PM
Interesting interview with Carey - Denton is good with the questioning. Certain parts of that interview were quite sad really. A fallen hero.

Two sides to every story and as usual the media side is a real beat up and exagerated. He certainly needs help with his drinking but some of the things we have read about have not been true.

Dancin' Douggy
31-03-2008, 10:56 PM
Interesting interview with Carey - Denton is good with the questioning. One thing that was believable was when he spoke about his child. He obviously had it tough as a kid.

It was strange.
He said that all of the bad things he'd ever done were when he was drunk or on cocaine. But then denied that he'd ever done anything bad.
He's really only scratching the surface of his problems. His old man does sound like a complete a@#%hole though.
And Wayne should NOT have worn WHITE COWBOY BOOTS. Hardly the footwear of a repentant sinner.

Dry Rot
31-03-2008, 10:57 PM
I'm not sure that a few people around him un-named would be real happy.

While he was happy to take responsibility, he wasn't backward putting others forward like Kelly Stevens to take some blame.

31-03-2008, 10:57 PM
Two sides to every story and as usual the media side is a real beat up and exagerated. He certainly needs help with his drinking but some of the things we have read about have not been true.

So many different conflicting reports around - just saw a promo from ACA mentioning "The things that Wayne Carey didn't reveal" to be on tomorrow evening. One thing for certain the bloke needs help that is very clear.

31-03-2008, 10:58 PM
It was strange.

And Wayne should NOT have worn WHITE COWBOY BOOTS. Hardly the footwear of a repentant sinner.

what is that about?

01-04-2008, 08:02 AM
They were white sneakers and I don't see the significance or why he couldn't wear them.

Back to the interview there are more holes in his storys than a cheese grater.
Things like:
Why would any go to a trash mag like New Idea to say a story without getting paid?
The number of times he accepted responsibility and made apologies but keeps getting into trouble.
Denial of a violence issue or issue towards women when its obvious.
Blaming alcohol, drugs and others for his issues.
His only really concern is himself

He is a long way from rehabilitation, as he in denial, didn't seem sincere , not remorseful nor has no outlook fro the future.
Anyone who saw the Denton interview with the Grinspoon singer(ex drug user) would notice the difference.

01-04-2008, 08:13 AM
I think I read this before about him and Shane Warne but he does fit the narcissism profile.

He has a long way to go with his recovery

01-04-2008, 09:08 AM
He seemed almost coy about his actions, I don't think he truly feels guilt about them. It's almost like he's going through the process because that is what you do. Hopefully for his sake and his families sake he can get it together.

Dancin' Douggy
01-04-2008, 10:06 AM
They were white sneakers and I don't see the significance or why he couldn't wear them.

Back to the interview there are more holes in his storys than a cheese grater.
Things like:
Why would any go to a trash mag like New Idea to say a story without getting paid?
The number of times he accepted responsibility and made apologies but keeps getting into trouble.
Denial of a violence issue or issue towards women when its obvious.
Blaming alcohol, drugs and others for his issues.
His only really concern is himself

He is a long way from rehabilitation, as he in denial, didn't seem sincere , not remorseful nor has no outlook fro the future.
Anyone who saw the Denton interview with the Grinspoon singer(ex drug user) would notice the difference.

They were extremely bright, pointy white boots with a heel. I know it's a small point but I think it reveals something about his state of mind. Still clinging to an idea of the arrogant lair saying @%#@ you to his detractors.
Like it or not he was in public court last night. Wearing those shoes showed he was more interested in looking cool than looking contrite.
Any image consultant, publicity agent or legal adviser would have told him to wear different shoes.
I think it was an error in judgement. It was like Ben Cousins wearing that ridiculous T Shirt. It made his apology seem completely insincere.

01-04-2008, 10:07 AM
It was really hard watching, totally raw and exposed. Like watching a car crash in slow motion, tough to view but yet I couldn't turn away.

I don't feel sorry for him; he really needs help though.

What about that story that Hinch told, about Carey in Bendigo, taking a policeman's pistol; surely if that never happened there are consequences.

01-04-2008, 10:25 AM
The way I saw the interview was that Carey is clearly receiving councilling, and part of that process is for him to admit his faults, but I feel he was restricted in some of his responses, and these restrictions were probably put on him from his legal people.

Ernie, the New Idea payment/non payment is very interesting. The only reason I can see for him to do it and not be paid, is because once a his councillor has said that he needs to admit his guilt/faults before he can move forward.

01-04-2008, 11:23 AM
The way saw the interview was that Carey is clearly receiving councilling, and part of that process is for him to admit his faults, but I feel he was restricted in some of his responses, and these restrictions were probably put on him from his legal people.

Ernie, the New Idea payment/non payment is very interesting. The only reason I can see for him to do it and not be paid, is because once a his councillor has said that he needs to admit his guilt/faults before he can move forward.

Not sure Aker, admit ,maybe but to whom; the public or himself? In the end whose opinion is going to get him out of this mess? We all make excuses for bad behaviour to tell others; where we get into real trouble is when we believe those stories ourselves. This seems to be the netherworld that Wayne is inhabiting.

01-04-2008, 12:42 PM
They were extremely bright, pointy white boots with a heel. I know it's a small point but I think it reveals something about his state of mind. Still clinging to an idea of the arrogant lair saying @%#@ you to his detractors.
Like it or not he was in public court last night. Wearing those shoes showed he was more interested in looking cool than looking contrite.
Any image consultant, publicity agent or legal adviser would have told him to wear different shoes.
I think it was an error in judgement. It was like Ben Cousins wearing that ridiculous T Shirt. It made his apology seem completely insincere.

Exactly. He could wear a bear suit if he wanted, but let's not pretend that it doesn't make a difference.

He still considers himself a bit of a lair.

01-04-2008, 12:44 PM
Ernie, the New Idea payment/non payment is very interesting. The only reason I can see for him to do it and not be paid, is because once a his councillor has said that he needs to admit his guilt/faults before he can move forward.
I understand that but why would you go to New idea to do? There are plenty of more reputable news agencies that could have done the same and need the publicity more than New Idea. To me the only reason you would go to New Idea is the money they paid.

01-04-2008, 12:47 PM
They were extremely bright, pointy white boots with a heel. I know it's a small point but I think it reveals something about his state of mind. Still clinging to an idea of the arrogant lair saying @%#@ you to his detractors.
Like it or not he was in public court last night. Wearing those shoes showed he was more interested in looking cool than looking contrite.
Any image consultant, publicity agent or legal adviser would have told him to wear different shoes.
I think it was an error in judgement. It was like Ben Cousins wearing that ridiculous T Shirt. It made his apology seem completely insincere.

Ok fair enough.

I actually thought he on hair replacements too! Sure he was thinner up top.

01-04-2008, 12:52 PM
Other point I don't understand and maybve other could help me here is the notion of drinking/drugging yourself to point where you can't remember what happened.
I drink to excess sometime but to me a memory loss is the last thing I would want to happen. If it happened to me, I would give it break for a while.

He forgot the breat grab incident but clearly remembers other drunken episodes? How do you explain that?

I also like the bit where he tried to emphasize it was Kelli Stevens fault they were caught as she walked in on him in the toilet. He was obviously powerless to stop her.

01-04-2008, 12:58 PM
Other point I don't understand and maybve other could help me here is the notion of drinking/drugging yourself to point where you can't remember what happened.
I drink to excess sometime but to me a memory loss is the last thing I would want to happen. If it happened to me, I would give it break for a while.

The memory loss thing is fairly common in my social circles. There's been heaps of times that I just cant cant recall things even years down the track.

01-04-2008, 01:10 PM
The memory loss thing is fairly common in my social circles. There's been heaps of times that I just cant cant recall things even years down the track.

Maybe it was the way I was brought up? Just don't understand how you can forget things like how you got to a certain place and who you saw and who you spoke with.
I enjoy a drink and I think it enhances my enjoyment sometimes so why would I want to forget stuff?

The Coon Dog
01-04-2008, 01:10 PM
The memory loss thing is fairly common in my social circles. There's been heaps of times that I just cant cant recall things even years down the track.

Like where you left your glasses 5 minutes ago?

01-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Like where you left your glasses 5 minutes ago?
Yes thats difference as I do that all the time too.

I might do or say something silly that I forget quickly that other might recall but again that completely different.

01-04-2008, 03:53 PM
This sentence says everything. I'm going to break it up and comment on each bit.

I enjoy a drink?

For some of us the enjoyment element just doesnt enter the equation when it comes to our poisons. Those of us who make a habit of excess in drugs/alchohol/gambling/sex or whatever dont do it because it's fun, we do it a/ To forget b/ To get away from people or problems, basically to escape from rest of the world or c/self medication.

and I think it enhances my enjoyment sometimes so why would I want to forget stuff?

Self loathing is what causes most of the reasons for the stuff I mentioned above. If you hate yourself enough then you'll do anything to wipe the memories away.

I could be completely wrong and talking a pile of crap but I've spent an awful lot of time thinking about this stuff!

01-04-2008, 03:56 PM
Like where you left your glasses 5 minutes ago?

Ha ha! You've had your last laugh at me for my glasses losing habit. Got a pair of transitions so I dont have to change them everytime I go outside.

You'll just have to find something else about me to laugh at now.

01-04-2008, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the different view Twodogs

Ha ha! You've had your last laugh at me for my glasses losing habit. Got a pair of transitions so I dont have to change them everytime I go outside.
You'll just have to find something else about me to laugh at now.

Why don't you get a pair that you can flip up for indoors cos they are really cool and no one will laugh at you.

01-04-2008, 04:22 PM
A man, on his way home from work was stuck in traffic on the Monash freeway which was much worse than usual. Noticing a policeman walking among the stalled cars, he asked, "Officer, what's the hold up?"

The policeman says: "Wayne Carey is so depressed about being caught beating up his girlfriend, he's stopped his car and is threatening to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire.

He says his family hates him, fans hate him, his former team mates hate him and he now won't have the $1million a year from his footy show contract. I'm walking around taking up a collection for him."

"Oh, really?" the man says. "How much have you collected so far?"

"So far only 18 litres, but a lot of people are still siphoning."

01-04-2008, 04:28 PM
Ha ha:)

01-04-2008, 04:32 PM
A man, on his way home from work was stuck in traffic on the Monash freeway which was much worse than usual. Noticing a policeman walking among the stalled cars, he asked, "Officer, what's the hold up?"

The policeman says: "Wayne Carey is so depressed about being caught beating up his girlfriend, he's stopped his car and is threatening to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire.

He says his family hates him, fans hate him, his former team mates hate him and he now won't have the $1million a year from his footy show contract. I'm walking around taking up a collection for him."

"Oh, really?" the man says. "How much have you collected so far?"

"So far only 18 litres, but a lot of people are still siphoning."

I first heard that one about John Howard in the official motorcade on Sydney Harbour bridge in the late '90s.:D

01-04-2008, 04:38 PM
Wayne is shitting himself because reality has set in, and the Americans, where he has no contacts to get him out of it are gunning for him.
Thats how i see it and he wants sympathy, him going on tv saying he is this that or the other all leads to him using these examples in rehab and getting his life back together to use as a defence in America. because he now realises he might go to jail for a long time, its a pity the Australian law didnt threaten him with this stuff years ago.
I have heard stories of how he was being a niusance even before he came to Nth Melb, and they have been protecting him for years. Since he left and after he did the things he did there they have left him out to cop his desserts.By sounds of it he was shagging Stevens mrs for a while, what kind of a man does that to a team mate and how long was he saying good day mate to Stevens in the locker room while doing it?
This bloke is only sorry he got caught, not for what he has done.
I agree his family life seems a bit of a mess, but he has had more opportunities to fix it than a lot of people.
Obviously didnt learn or want to learn from his parents pitfalls.
Another question, where is his mother? If anyone should be there its her.

01-04-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the different view Twodogs.

No worries. I've been there, done that and got several T-Shirts. It's only lately I've been able to understand the motivation of what drives/drove me to do it.

The thing is it starts with being honest and then the long road begins. Peronally I dont think that Carey was being totally honest or frank in that interview. He says he's seeing someone(as in a therapist, not a chick) and I hope he's being honest with them. If
he's not then he still hasnt taken a signifigant step to rehabilitation.

Why don't you get a pair that you can flip up for indoors cos they are really cool and no one will laugh at you.

What, are you my mother now?

01-04-2008, 11:08 PM

You'll just have to find something else about me to laugh at now.

Oh dear, let me see, that should take about.....12 seconds.

I have a list would you like me start here - is there a word limit?

02-04-2008, 03:49 AM
And if you missed it like i did it will be released as a podcast on iTunes and probably the Enough Rope website