View Full Version : Comms & engagement. What’s missing? What do we want?

The bulldog tragician
10-02-2023, 11:06 AM
I’m reminded of The Simpson line as they go on a protest march.

What do we want? Better communication!

When do we want it? Reasonably soon!

Scattered throughout various threads here on Woof, and within the Preseason training thread, there is considerable disappointment and even anger at the club’s communication. Failures at basics - posting training times… too many bland cliched articles - or nothing at all. As a person with a comms background I can’t believe how many things are not working well.

I’m hoping we can collate suggestions for improvement here in this specific thread.

Specific experiences are also valuable. I’m not sure what MJP’s experience in Perth was, for example. People turning up in full kit to a non existent training session.

What we want more of. Or less of, for that matter.

I have a contact on the Board and will undertake to send a link to this thread if it proves to be useful. Fire away.

10-02-2023, 05:01 PM
Great thread TBT, I'm sending off some thoughts to the club so I will hold back on this until next week.

11-02-2023, 09:13 AM
First world problem I know but got my $20 Bulldog shop voucher that comes with my membership recently and thought i would redeem for a 2023 members cap so jumped on line and ordered but found that the postage for said $20.00 cap (or freebie in this case) was $12.50. As I live within half an hour of the club I thought bugger it I will drive in and pick up myself. Upon getting to the Bulldog shop was told that the members cap was only available to order online. I then thought that I would get the members beanie but was told the same thing, only available to order online, so a frustrating and wasted trip. It seems that the club are almost going out of their way to prohibit face to face contact with the people who matter most, us the supporters. Rant over.

dog town
11-02-2023, 10:15 AM
I have said this before but I just want more insight through social media, hear from the coaches on areas for improvement with some specifics, something on player development, positional switches and that type of thing.

There is plenty they can give us without giving away anything critical and the other clubs are busy worrying about themselves at the moment. If I am being greedy better footage and highlights from training would be great, some detail in match sim reports as well.

11-02-2023, 10:59 AM
As I live within half an hour of the club I thought bugger it I will drive in and pick up myself.

I'm literally chuckling at this...I mean, who actually GOES TO THE SHOP in 2023? Doesn't everyone just want to order online??

Now I'm over the sarcasm of my initial answer:

1/. I 'kinda' get it with the online ordering of member specific items. BUT - you should have a click'n'collect option that doesn't involve a delivery charge.
2/. I only 'kinda' get it and you would have thought that getting people INTO the shop would be a positive...'cos once you've come in you might just purchase something else.

11-02-2023, 12:24 PM
2/. I only 'kinda' get it and you would have thought that getting people INTO the shop would be a positive...'cos once you've come in you might just purchase something else.

And if you're gonna staff it anyway why make it harder, it isn't like the club isn't getting the money.

11-02-2023, 02:43 PM
I know its fairly meaningless but I wouldn't mind some updates on how players are travelling in the offseason. Selling some hope would go a long way.

Completely different issue but I wasn't impressed with how memberships would roll into the next year without approval yoo.

12-02-2023, 06:28 PM
I know its fairly meaningless but I wouldn't mind some updates on how players are travelling in the offseason. Selling some hope would go a long way.

Completely different issue but I wasn't impressed with how memberships would roll into the next year without approval yoo.

From my view this is something that can be easily overcome and it costs the club bugger all to lift their output in regards to informing the fans.

The aim of the club should be about turning fans into members and I just can't put my hand on my heart and say that we've been on the front foot about at least trying to sell all the positives that we have to offer.
A few Twitter feeds, some small clips with catchy music on the website but nothing from the coach, captain, CEO or President that lets the fans know we are open for business and we should be competitive. It's like we shy away from setting a high benchmark for ourselves in case we don't back it up.

Anyway I have raised some opportunities for improvement with them today.

12-02-2023, 06:58 PM
What do we want?

Continuous preferential access to training for WOOFers!

12-02-2023, 07:01 PM
What do we want?

Continuous preferential access to training for WOOFers!

More informative reports from the club would be my aim. It's not about supporters informing the supporters it should be club driven.

13-02-2023, 08:10 PM
I LOVED the footage of the recruiters discussing our draft selections.

14-02-2023, 10:54 AM
I LOVED the footage of the recruiters discussing our draft selections.

I think this is it. What do we want?

- More than just "highlights". I mean, they're good filler but I'm also able to go back and watch last year's matches on Kayo if I want. The odd random highlight is pretty low level.
- Why not explain certain drills and show an example. Doesn't have to be giving away a state secret. Get Rohan Smith to explain one drill and show an example.
- Why not show a "day in the life" of literally anyone at the club. Players, Coaches, Fitness staff, players in rehab, draftees, the boot studder, the marketing dude, the groundsman, the nutritionalist, the president (if we have one).
- Richmond is doing a fitness challenge for their fans. Not really sure what that involves but why not do something like that? Hook it into strava and do a leaderboard?
- As discussed to death, tell us when training is happening and where.
- Show us goal kicking comps they have each week. Have a leader board. Offer a fan to come down and take on the players.
- Push into fan generated content - "show us ya mullet" "show us ya fave doggies memorabilia" "show us your classic footy cards". Whatever.

I guess you could literally come up with a hundred ideas that you could then look at as a time/effort/impact type of matrix, and could cover the spectrum of fans from the obsessed through to the casual and the kids. You could cover them off pretty easily. I presume the admin/marketing guys put in 8 hr days so figure there'd be enough time to dedicate probably 1 hr of someone's time 3 or 4 times a week to nailing this.

14-02-2023, 11:39 AM
More informative reports from the club would be my aim. It's not about supporters informing the supporters it should be club driven.

I totally agree. My sources of club info are:

1: This forum
2: The general football press and media
3. The club website

The club website should be first with the news, good or bad.