View Full Version : Controversial Opinion: Bont has gotten too BIG

15-03-2023, 10:44 AM
Hey -

As the season draws ever closer I just wanted to share a few player thoughts. I have a list of about 12 I would like to get through but I'll see how I go.

First one is simple: Bont has simply put on TOO much size and is too big to be the best player he can. I worry about primarily about lower leg injury and soreness - he is MASSIVE.

I KNOW his pre-season running has been off-the-charts good - and 'speed' has never been his thing - but I honestly feel that he needs to be a MIDFIELDER not a centre-half-back...and he's now 100% Key PP size and (throwback) KPP build - and I'm think 1990's Jackovich when I make that point.

Does anyone else feel like a few less kgs (and I KNOW it's all muscle) would serve him well/take the pressure off his body and assist in his ability to recover from week-to-week and with his longevity?

Anyway - unleash the hounds 'cos I'm sure this wont be a popular pov.

Bulldog Joe
15-03-2023, 10:51 AM
Personally I am trusting Bont on this.

He has done a lot of work understanding his physical requirements and all the reports plus the pre-season practice and match sim indicate he is primed.

15-03-2023, 10:59 AM
You will find players do a lot of weights over the pre season but they will lose the bulk during the season as they don’t do weights as much.
I get your point an example being Templeton, nowadays they have a lot more knowledge and do it gradually.

Bont seems to have a good body to not get injured.
I hope we aren’t putting the “ moz” on him.

15-03-2023, 11:07 AM
Hey, MJP, I am the one that usually comments on body size :D

I sort of agree that Bont could trim down a bit and be a little more athletic in shape, however, I think he is still moving ok as he is a freak.

15-03-2023, 11:13 AM
I'm not aligned at all on this.

I think he's thinned down a bit this year and is extremely lean... he's moving as well as he ever has and I'm expecting a huge year from him.

15-03-2023, 11:17 AM
Yeah, sorry MJP - think I'm with the wolf pack.

If you stood Bont next to Petracca or Cripps, I'm not sure there'd be a big difference in the shape of the three. Happy to be called out on that, but just how it looks to me on tele.

15-03-2023, 11:24 AM
Everybody is okay to have there own opinion but bont looks great

15-03-2023, 11:26 AM

I heard Easton Wood speaking about this recently, he had been recovering from an injury and put on too much bulk.
He couldn't run out games he said.

Re Bont, I'd suggest he's hitting all the appropriate benchmarks for his position in pre-season so im not concerned and seeing him live a couple of times, to my eye he's pretty lean.

Interesting view.

The Doctor
15-03-2023, 11:36 AM
he is MASSIVE.

I KNOW his pre-season running has been off-the-charts good - and 'speed' has never been his thing - but I honestly feel that he needs to be a MIDFIELDER not a centre-half-back...and he's now 100% Key PP size and (throwback) KPP build - and I'm think 1990's Jackovich when I make that point.

well I did suggest him for CHB in one of those threads about playing guys in a different position to try something new. I don't think it went down to well.

to me he looks in great shape, a power athlete.

15-03-2023, 12:25 PM
to me he looks in great shape, a power athlete.

I love the phrase and 100% agree.

I'm just not sure power athlete is what we need...I would have said 'Endurance Athlete' for what we need from him right now.

15-03-2023, 12:26 PM
I'm loving all the replies by the way!

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
15-03-2023, 01:09 PM
I don't really have any experience in this regard to make an informed comment, other than to say its these types of threads and conversations on topics like this that reaffirm why this forum has a point of difference to other fan sites.

Also that from my uneducated point of view, I looked at the way Bont has moved in the practice match and he just looked impossible to stop, and it didn't look to have negatively impacted other areas of his game.

I must say though that given your professional fitness background Mike, I am now concerned! So thanks!!!

15-03-2023, 01:10 PM
To me he looks lean and ripped and I don't believe he could get any leaner and play like he does. Given he hasn't missed a session and came 3rd in the MAS test are all positive signs to me that they have struck the right balance with his physique

15-03-2023, 01:28 PM
To me he looks lean and ripped and I don't believe he could get any leaner and play like he does. Given he hasn't missed a session and came 3rd in the MAS test are all positive signs to me that they have struck the right balance with his physique

I guess you have seen him up close at the training sessions - so sounds good to me.

Injury free, he will be number 1 this year in the AFL

15-03-2023, 01:47 PM
Hey -

As the season draws ever closer I just wanted to share a few player thoughts. I have a list of about 12 I would like to get through but I'll see how I go.

First one is simple: Bont has simply put on TOO much size and is too big to be the best player he can. I worry about primarily about lower leg injury and soreness - he is MASSIVE.

I KNOW his pre-season running has been off-the-charts good - and 'speed' has never been his thing - but I honestly feel that he needs to be a MIDFIELDER not a centre-half-back...and he's now 100% Key PP size and (throwback) KPP build - and I'm think 1990's Jackovich when I make that point.

Does anyone else feel like a few less kgs (and I KNOW it's all muscle) would serve him well/take the pressure off his body and assist in his ability to recover from week-to-week and with his longevity?

Anyway - unleash the hounds 'cos I'm sure this wont be a popular pov.

I have no footy background like you mjp but this did pass my mind. Let’s see how season pans out. Players tend to lose a few kg during season I read somewhere so maybe that’s accounted for. One thing for sure as the ultimate professional and with medicos and sport scientists involved I know Bont has planned this which gives me confidence. Having seen a little pre-season he looks magnificent.

The Doctor
15-03-2023, 01:55 PM
Just looked on the Dogs website and they have him listed at 96kg which is probably a couple of kg's over the ideal weight for his 194cm height. But I'm no expert on this.

15-03-2023, 02:06 PM
Bont has never been quick of foot, just quick of mind and always half a step ahead of his opponents.
I think his extra bulk will only help that especially when in congestion.

I don't think any lack of speed or mobility should be a concern.

He clearly has done a heap of work this pre season; this is his eighth or ninth pre season so he would really know and understand his body, when to push and when to rest.

Hopefully the team wins enough games early enough so if he needs to rest later in the season he can.

Time will tell.

15-03-2023, 02:08 PM
I'm loving all the replies by the way!

If he is bigger, are you thinking it was something that was planned?
Maybe more inside work with Dunkley gone?

15-03-2023, 02:52 PM
Pre season bulk. I do the same thing but around the waist :)

15-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Despite the comments here, Bont has a high top speed. He wouldn't get there as quick as JJ but once those big legs gets him rolling has a gallop for sure.

15-03-2023, 03:36 PM
I'm not really worried about speed as much as lower leg stress and injury.

You have to carry that 96kgs - and there's no way that's correct btw - around the field with you...

Anyway - it's just a thought of mine.

15-03-2023, 03:44 PM
I'm not really worried about speed as much as lower leg stress and injury.

You have to carry that 96kgs - and there's no way that's correct btw - around the field with you...

Anyway - it's just a thought of mine.

Yep, his game was never based on speed. Over the summer I've only had one person point out to me that they thought Bont was huge and another 6 or 7 have commented on how lean he looks. Rightly or wrongly the fact that he hasn't missed a session at Skinner gives me the impression that we've worked out the right balance for him.

15-03-2023, 03:58 PM
I think he looks obscenely huge fwiw. Unsure how I feel about it, well at least from a footballing perspective.

15-03-2023, 04:01 PM
https://scontent.fmel16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/336040577_1001441214161723_1240434247721131179_n.jpg?_nc_cat =100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=ao2xdeVMAfAAX_5y2tb&_nc_ht=scontent.fmel16-1.fna&oh=00_AfCGnRBZVl4zFW6HPbOlFyHgwOdIN_terYp3PqsHlaRhGg&oe=6415CFDE

15-03-2023, 04:05 PM
The king looks fit as

15-03-2023, 04:24 PM
Check out the boots.

15-03-2023, 04:30 PM
In terms of the actual question. I have no idea how extra size would impact the likelyhood of injuries but I think there are two ways he gets separation from the pack.

Pushing off an opponent going for a tackle and turning that into forward momentum
Arching his back and using the angle to get a couple of steps of space before kicking.

If he's bulked up I can see tacking him now being an even worse nightmare so if he lacks a half step of pace hopefully the other mids will be there to work with him (ideally Adz or Smith to use their acceleration)

15-03-2023, 04:30 PM
@MJP I see your Bont and raise you an Ed

https://i.postimg.cc/x8S32tHZ/Screenshot-20230315-162826.png (https://postimg.cc/N9pH88d8)

15-03-2023, 04:30 PM
A side note, it appears the clubs captain sets the music to be played at the training sessions. Someone requested if they could change up the music and the response was 'speak to Bont'
What a man, we are privileged to have him :)

15-03-2023, 04:33 PM
A side note, it appears the clubs captain sets the music to be played at the training sessions. Someone requested if they could change up the music and the response was 'speak to Bont'
What a man, we are privileged to have him :)

Depends what music he picked doesn't it?

15-03-2023, 05:47 PM
I thought he looked leaner and more athletic in the preseason, moreso than the previous two years.

15-03-2023, 05:53 PM
Bont Preseason in 2020



Bont in the 2021 Grand Final



Bont in Preseason 20223



15-03-2023, 06:02 PM
Interesting discussion and great to see no one is getting negative to a challenging question. Bont looks to be in perfect condition from my limited experience.

15-03-2023, 06:05 PM
I don't believe he looks materially different to the naked eye from 2020 preseason to 2023 preseason. Possibly a little more muscular (or lower body fat) in the arms bust still super lean through the core. You also put on some natural muscle bulk throughout your 20s which is just natural progression.

Happy Days
15-03-2023, 06:22 PM
He looks sick, he should get bigger. It’s an upper body business brother.

15-03-2023, 06:45 PM
Bevo forgot to tell us, we are going for a five headed monster.

15-03-2023, 06:51 PM
I thought he looked bigger in the arms and shoulders throughout preseason, not sure how that will translate to stress levels on his body/ legs.

I feel that it's as much a maturing/ body thing as it is anything else. For some reason the bulk doesn't look anything but natural/ proportioned to his height and shape.

15-03-2023, 06:54 PM
Players have a tendency to lose bulk that they build up during the preseason once the real stuff happens. There are exceptions, Marcus Adams is a player who I always felt was playing with far too much muscle mass than his body was letting him.

15-03-2023, 07:07 PM
Players have a tendency to lose bulk that they build up during the preseason once the real stuff happens. There are exceptions, Marcus Adams is a player who I always felt was playing with far too much muscle mass than his body was letting him.

Michael Conlan was one who always appeared to keep his bulk. Not sure it was all generated "naturally"



15-03-2023, 07:33 PM
He's definitely thicker through the chest, but I'd hope it's all been done with consideration of his overall size and strength, particularly his history of hip issues.

I had looked and thought he was big, but didn't think he was too big

15-03-2023, 07:41 PM
Michael Conlan was one who always appeared to keep his bulk. Not sure it was all generated "naturally"



There are some people who are just naturally freaks but yeah, a VFL player back in the 80s being that jacked certainly raises a few eyebrows.

15-03-2023, 07:51 PM
Bevo forgot to tell us, we are going for a five headed monster.

Throw in Bruce and could be 6 headed monster

15-03-2023, 07:56 PM
There are some people who are just naturally freaks but yeah, a VFL player back in the 80s being that jacked certainly raises a few eyebrows.

They had Doug Barwick who went to the same doctor I think.

https://i.postimg.cc/L47MdXqq/Screenshot-20230315-195653.jpg (https://postimg.cc/G9kfGbxr)

15-03-2023, 08:01 PM
Bont's big and wide but isn't thick on the profile. Looks like the perfect size for inside / outside work.

15-03-2023, 08:02 PM
Michael Conlan was one who always appeared to keep his bulk. Not sure it was all generated "naturally"



He was fast and could run all day too.

15-03-2023, 08:10 PM
They had Doug Barwick who went to the same doctor I think.

https://i.postimg.cc/L47MdXqq/Screenshot-20230315-195653.jpg (https://postimg.cc/G9kfGbxr)

Wes Fellowes anyone?

15-03-2023, 08:21 PM
Was Kouta too big?

The game's different, I get it, but Bont is a few cms taller than what Kouta was.

15-03-2023, 08:21 PM
Wes Fellowes

https://scontent.fmel8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/118518693_3427783833935246_3084644025873231866_n.jpg?_nc_cat =111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=ubkrXZxxS5IAX_N4s9O&_nc_ht=scontent.fmel8-1.fna&oh=00_AfCEABR2sVSR0YyZP4mOr_v12ZXGqWfQlUOEACrSpH1Lsw&oe=6438F87A

15-03-2023, 08:32 PM
Wes Fellowes

https://scontent.fmel8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/118518693_3427783833935246_3084644025873231866_n.jpg?_nc_cat =111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=ubkrXZxxS5IAX_N4s9O&_nc_ht=scontent.fmel8-1.fna&oh=00_AfCEABR2sVSR0YyZP4mOr_v12ZXGqWfQlUOEACrSpH1Lsw&oe=6438F87A

Good one Ange.

Wes looks a couple of k's light on in this one.

15-03-2023, 11:07 PM
I don’t know how many KG he should be. I’d thought he looked trim and strong, and his arms prob more defined.

I hope he’s even harder to tackle but you do hear more often about guys having to lose weight later in their careers rather than bulking up. And given he’s never been easy to tackle or knock over in a contest, you’d think there was no need to put weight on.

That said, I’m sure its all based on a plan, and not an accident.

15-03-2023, 11:37 PM
In terms of the actual question. I have no idea how extra size would impact the likelyhood of injuries but I think there are two ways he gets separation from the pack.

Pushing off an opponent going for a tackle and turning that into forward momentum
Arching his back and using the angle to get a couple of steps of space before kicking.

If he's bulked up I can see tacking him now being an even worse nightmare so if he lacks a half step of pace hopefully the other mids will be there to work with him (ideally Adz or Smith to use their acceleration)

It’s a worry on the knees . You can’t build up your knees so if you’re too top heavy you can twist or turn quick and they just collapse under the strain . As I mentioned before Templeton got too big , it was a huge problem in the league back in the 80s but they understand it better nowadays. Grounds are better and the science is better . It’s a gradual build up over the years now whereas then it was all done in about two seasons .

15-03-2023, 11:42 PM
I noticed he is a lot wider across the shoulders if you look at him from behind. It started to show last year but it’s definitely got wider this year .

16-03-2023, 12:48 AM
https://scontent.fmel16-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/336040577_1001441214161723_1240434247721131179_n.jpg?_nc_cat =100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=ao2xdeVMAfAAX_5y2tb&_nc_ht=scontent.fmel16-1.fna&oh=00_AfCGnRBZVl4zFW6HPbOlFyHgwOdIN_terYp3PqsHlaRhGg&oe=6415CFDE Sez it all!

16-03-2023, 11:26 AM
Michael Conlan was one who always appeared to keep his bulk. Not sure it was all generated "naturally"



It is pretty obvious, looking at those pictures that Michael Conlan and Bevo go to the same dentist.