View Full Version : Flogs & Polishes

The Coon Dog
12-04-2008, 08:54 AM

* Lake - very assured down back all night & where did he come from for that goal.
* Cross - love his ability to run when others are spent, it creates options for team mates with the ball & love his ability to mark overhead when standing still or moving backwards.
* Griffen - love his shimmy, see you later!
* Aker -You wouldn't want the ball in anyone else's hands running into goal.
* Minson - The Birthday Boy stood up when we needed it in the final term. Nice banana goal too.
* Welsh - He's got the footy smarts. Interesting to read the bucketing he copped from the Adelaide fans after he left.
* Callan - He's won me over with his bravery. Just goes in where angels fear to tread.
* Another win - Different type of win, I'm sure I've witnessed many games where we've played better & still lost.


* Basic skill errors - How many times by hand, foot or brain did we make basic skill errors? Continually missed targets & took wrong options.
* Murph - Not one for the archives.
* Johnno - Continues to drop chest marks, just doesn't seem right somehow.
* Eagle - Was he with you eating donuts FDOTM during the 2nd & 3rd quarters?
* Huddo - When your opponent decides to run forward, please try to follow him.
* Griffen - Kick through the ball, especially when Inspector Gadget is in the goal square!
* Addison - Just have to kick those goals. To not make the distance from 35 out on the run!
* Morris - Who was he kicking to after that long run? No Bulldogs player within cooee of where he kicked.

12-04-2008, 09:16 AM
- Managing to win by 30 points even though we played below par footy for a half!
- Griffen, i just love him.

- Eades reluctance to constantly leave cooney and griff out of the centre for too many bounces in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.
- Playing Johnson in the middle, as much as it pains me to say it, he was terrible W.O.G worst on ground by a mile.

- Johnson again, no second efforts, couldn't hold a chest make, poor decision making, and worst of all constantly went to ground, even worse was always the last to get up off the ground!
If something is not wrong with him, could this be signs of a decline in his performance??

12-04-2008, 09:28 AM
- Managing to win by 30 points even though we played below par footy for a half!
- Griffen, i just love him.

- Eades reluctance to constantly leave cooney and griff out of the centre for too many bounces in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.
- Playing Johnson in the middle, as much as it pains me to say it, he was terrible W.O.G worst on ground by a mile.

- Johnson again, no second efforts, couldn't hold a chest make, poor decision making, and worst of all constantly went to ground, even worse was always the last to get up off the ground!
If something is not wrong with him, could this be signs of a decline in his performance??

Bit hard on Johnno here, he was super in the first quarter (spoiling Hille, creating space, big tackle on Lovett? in the back pocket). After quarter time everyone bar a few dropped off. One of those nights I would say. He'll be back and no your powers don't decline within 3 weeks.

12-04-2008, 09:38 AM

WILL MINSON: (best game I've seen him play, he'll be in my votes)
AKER: (getting better and better for us)
WELSH: (looks dangerous, he'll kick a big bag soon, very smart player)
CALLAN: (goes in so hard, good example)


MURPH (??? Ryder ate him up)
HUDSON (decision making poor)
OUR SKILL LEVEL (so many missed or half way hand balls and we kicked to too many contested situations).
NATHAN BUCKLEY (critical of us after the game, got the impression he didn't rate us and doesn't really like us much after 2006 EF, p**% off Bucks you has been):D

12-04-2008, 09:58 AM
I don't mind Bucks commentary 1eye, I thought his analysis was pretty good and his comments re: shutting down the corridor and things like that were insightful.

Polishes - Will's banana, Griff streaking through the middle kicking long goals.

12-04-2008, 10:10 AM

Aker - classy performance
Minson & Lake - both were huge in the last qtr.
Welsh - very good performance, probably should have kicked 5.
Griffen - another good performance, as with a few others please kick the ball into the crowd when shooting at goal.
Cross - workrate was massive in the 2nd half.
Callan - very courageous and ran hard to help out his team-mates
4th qtr - lifted intensity when we needed to.


Murphy - tries to be to cute with the ball, turned it over far too many times especially in the 3rd qtr.
1st qtr - should have been 6 goals up, when you have the upper hand all over the ground make sure you make the most of it on the scoreboard.
Eagleton - continues to play selfish football
Johnson - horrible, turns the ball over far to reguarly when he is played in the midfield. Made mistakes a first gamer should make not a 300 game veteran.

12-04-2008, 12:24 PM
I don't mind Bucks commentary 1eye, I thought his analysis was pretty good and his comments re: shutting down the corridor and things like that were insightful.

Polishes - Will's banana, Griff streaking through the middle kicking long goals.

Don't mind his analysis, just didn't appreciate his scorn at the end of the game.

12-04-2008, 12:28 PM

Minson - really contested well late in the game, popped up with a few goals to make up for a poor effort on Hille in their goal square. A few very strong passages of play really set us up again.

Aker - does what he has to do, and is a massive steadying influence when it gets a bit hectic.

Callan / Griffen /Cooney - thought they all played their role very well.

General ball winning ability in the 2nd/3rd terms.
Finishing in the 1st Qtr, we should have put them away!
Passengers, too many for too long in the game last night.

12-04-2008, 01:03 PM
Would like to push the fact that blokes like Minson, Harbrow and Callan really fitted in well and have impressed me with theyre strong points starting to show last night.
We now have a side with probably one of the strongest back up of players in the league, which makes it a nice but hard decision making for Rodney.
He is having to drop players, not for bad form but for pressure from others or back from injury, i am not sure who he is going to drop,but whoever he drops for West its not because of bad form or most importantly not good enough!
To be honest, no flogs, we all have bad games, but when your kids stand up and you win, its more a polish than a flog.
If we win with so many experienced players as they are reporting down, isnt that an awesome thing to hear? The sign of the makings of a great side. This is the transition starting to take place, finally we dont rely on a couple of older players to perform week in , week out.
Go dogs!

13-04-2008, 12:02 AM
Aker would be close to leading our B&F this season - he has been sensational for us. Pace, class, pinpoint disposal by hand and foot, goal sense, one-percenters and always picks the best option.

To win ugly is a hallmark of the best sides and we did that last night. Good sign - I've seen more than my share of far better performances that end up as losses. To win with virtually no influence from Murph, Gilbee and Johnno was a strong sign of our increased depth and the new resolve to share the load amoungst the playing group. Speaking of Gilbs, doesn't Rocket love to give him a regular spray!

Rocket Science
13-04-2008, 01:10 AM
Eagleton - continues to play selfish football

Spot on. Short of an awakening of biblical proportions, he's yesterday's news, plain and simple. Defend him if you will but he's an off-the-bench cameo bloke at best these days and should no longer take a regular spot for granted. If Higgins was fit, Eagle would be in major shtup.

This isn't about picking on a familiar target this is about modern day reality and our ambitions as a football club. Good teams simply can't afford regular liabilities or weak links. Eagleton's game without the football continues to be non-existent, and his game WITH it, supposedly his bread and butter, isn't nearly polished enough to maintain a spot on a side looking to make serious finals noise and hoping to compete with the heavyweights of the AFL when it counts.

We're all about a new era predicated upon a new approach which is substantially about addressing old and familiar flaws, and whether he's either unwilling or incapable, or both, our way forward won't unfold with significant contributions from Eagle from here on in...He's run his race and after years of hoping he'll come around, at this point I'll vehemently argue we're a more competitive squad in his absence.

Thanks for your service, but unless you modify your game, and quickly, we move on. End of story.

13-04-2008, 01:35 AM
How high a draft pick can we get off Wallace for Eagle? (assuming he's still there)