View Full Version : Bankers & Anchors: Rnd 12, 2023 vs Geelong

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
02-06-2023, 08:49 PM
This is the Round 12, 2023 edition of the weekly Bankers and Anchors thread. Once tonight's game against Geelong is concluded post your nominations for:

The Bankers = 3 guys/aspects of the game that we banked on to do the right thing during the game
The Anchors = 3 guys/aspects of the game that weighed us down by their errors or poor play

Please limit it to no more than three of each player or aspect of the game, but feel free to make honourable/dishonourable mentions. As usual try to make it constructive criticism.

Try and restrict it to individual players rather than aspects of the overall match - I will allow more freedom now as the thread seems to be going down more of the aspects of the game path so you can have 3 for each made up of aspects of the game and individual players.

The thread is named in honour of a popular WOOF Contributor, The Banker, who passed away on 22/04/2012 after a six month battle with cancer.

03-06-2023, 09:54 PM




03-06-2023, 10:06 PM
We didn't want to beat Cats anyway.

Our field and goal kicking
Inability to cope with G's overall defence and skills with turnovers.
We lost to Cats home game them decimated.
Scott had a smug smile before during and after as if no sweat.

05-06-2023, 04:02 PM

Picking out Tom Stewart with precision passes.
Inaccuracy - not just McNeil ,continues, is deflating, costs us games, and no action for a remedy - what's wrong with bringing Tory Dickson into the club for a month.
Whoever successfully coaches the forwards to be a rabble should be shown the door.

05-06-2023, 04:56 PM
This thread is dying. Very few bother to contribute each week.

05-06-2023, 06:43 PM
This thread is dying. Very few bother to contribute each week.

Easier to come up with 3 things you learned than 3 good and 3 bad. If it's a win the bad will be inaccurate kicking for goal and the 22nd worst player on the ground, maybe the umps too. If we lose the good will be a couple players that played well.

I'm Not Bitter Anymore!
05-06-2023, 09:15 PM
This thread is dying. Very few bother to contribute each week.
I think it’s because you don’t write “bank ‘em and anch ‘em” anymore

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
09-06-2023, 02:48 PM
This thread is dying. Very few bother to contribute each week.

As the person who posts this thread each week, probably hasn't helped that I haven't been contributing regularly either.
I've a lot going on right now, and doing my best to make sure I keep creating this and the Moment thread.

Hopefully things will change soon, and I'll be in a position to contribute more often.

09-06-2023, 02:56 PM
I never like doing the anchors part :)

09-06-2023, 03:37 PM
As the person who posts this thread each week, probably hasn't helped that I haven't been contributing regularly either.
I've a lot going on right now, and doing my best to make sure I keep creating this and the Moment thread.

Hopefully things will change soon, and I'll be in a position to contribute more often.

Not good enough Mal. Woof comes first. Sheesh.

I never like doing the anchors part :)

Is that because you have to mention McNeil?

09-06-2023, 04:56 PM
We need to do what we did at work.

In our weekly retrospective, in stead of what we did well, what we did poorly.

It's what we did well, what have we learned?

09-06-2023, 05:54 PM
I think this thread is worthwhile.

It’s a catch 22 for me as when we lose I don’t watch replay and without watching replay I’m reluctant to praise or lambast, in case I’ve missed some finer points more evident after a 2nd viewing. Will now endeavour to give my 10c worth though, with or without replay.

Let’s hope I want to watch most of the remaining H&A game this year (and 3 to 4 more weeks of finals).