View Full Version : WOOF Update

17-09-2023, 11:07 AM
Well it's confession time or perhaps it's time for an announcement from me. At the very least it's time to share.

Despite my absolute enjoyment of following the Dogs through many good and testing times and and how much I enjoying discussing the Bulldogs with other supporters I've really been considering closing the site down.

The challenge is mainly in two area's
1) Attracting new members who want to join in discussions has been very challenging over a long period of time.
We had an exceptionally good rate of new members joining when supporters wanted access to the content of the Preseason training threads, and we did pick up some good contributors in the process, but most people made it very clear they just want to read and not participate in discussions. That's great for a Blog set-up but not so for a discussion forum.

2) Many of our longer term WOOF members don't have the time and perhaps the interest in participating with discussions and to me that's like having to watch the Dogs with many injured players sitting in the stands. You're constantly hoping they make a come back but they're more or less on the bench for significant chunks of the season.

I reached out to a lot of members, some responded and confirmed they don't have the time or the interest anymore and some read the message and didn't respond. One or two indicated it was a short term distraction while most others indicated they wanted to be readers not contributors.

So when you can't really attract new members who want to join in and it's hard getting some of your best contributors motivated the quality and quantity of discussions starts to decline to the point when closing the site down becomes something to consider.

A few months ago I switched off the option for people to join the site, we only had a few token members anyway, and I also switched off the option for guests to view the forum content if they aren't logged in. This gave me the chance to see how many members logged on for a read.
My view is that it wouldn't be right to have someone join the forum only to have it close down a couple of months later.

So what's next and what does it mean for WOOF members?
I'm probably in a holding pattern at this point but closing the forum or modifying it in some form is definitely an option.
A lot of very vibrant club forums have closed in recent years as the forum set-up isn't what most supporters want. They get a lot more from FB, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter than having to read through some discussions on a forum.
I'll give plenty of notice and won't leave you high and dry.

Finding the right time for an announcement like this is a particular challenge in itself.

I'll keep you all informed.

17-09-2023, 11:16 AM
I am really sad to hear this as woof has been my goto forum for club and footy news and discussion.
The member discussion has been great and free of any trolls . Maybe it has inherited the no tools recruitment culture from the club.

Just want to thank all the contributers as your inisght of the game has been educational and lots of fun . Been living overseas , woof offers armchair view of the club.
Many thanks gv for hosting this medium .
I do hope if can continue but understand if it needs to close

My fav threads:
- weekly game commentary
- 3 things i learnt
- vfl reports
- early trade rumours
- bt draft calculations and strategy

17-09-2023, 11:30 AM
I was asked to join this site years ago it’s been awesome I got to go to Rockets 50th due to this site and I got off fb and other social media pages as they are mostly over emotional people who believe anything they read and then turn to abuse of club , players etc . Disgusting in my eyes . The rubbish rumours etc, enough was enough.
This site has given what real forums should be . Proper discussions , no abuse and grounded thoughts on what the club is doing or should be doing.
This site gives proper insight and valuable information when all around the media it’s a circus of rubbish.
It also brings us together telling our stories and experiences over the years .
I hope you don’t shut this site down as its probably the most respected off all forums.
You have done an amazing job and it would be really sad and leave some sort of hole in my football life.

17-09-2023, 11:35 AM
GVGjr I know the lack of contributions and new members has been a concern of yours for sometime.

I for one am much 99% more active on woof than I am interacting on other social media platforms and when the time comes for woof to end I certainly will miss it.

I can’t imagine the time, effort and $ required to host and maintain the website which I’m sure can be challenging.

17-09-2023, 11:44 AM
GVGjr I know the lack of contributions and new members has been a concern of yours for sometime.

I for one am much 99% more active on woof than I am interacting on other social media platforms and when the time comes for woof to end I certainly will miss it.

I can’t imagine the time, effort and $ required to host and maintain the website which I’m sure can be challenging.

I'm not really on FB, I only occasionally look at it, Twitter is like a click and collect experience to me. Most just want to read or ridicule on there and that doesn't appeal. I look at Insta on occasions but I don't participate and I'm fortunate to be on a couple of WhatsApp groups with like minded supporters.

The decision that I'm weighing up isn't about the money to run and maintain the site and it's very much more about not wanting to see the site die a slow death. The reality is that most Bulldog supporters outside of WOOF just want to read content than make a contribution to the discussions and that is a problem for a discussion forum.

As they say in the classics.."The tribe has spoken"

17-09-2023, 11:48 AM
This announcement probably deserved its own thread!

If we're eulogising Woof, I joined here as an 18yo who just wanted to drink in as much about the bulldogs as I could. This site has informed the way I communicate with others, how I engage in debate and how I view football. It is a place unlike all other media that I see, with long responses and a strong community particularly amongst core/regular contributors. I have learned plenty from all contributors, and I thank you Gary for facilitating this magnificent place for so long.

If you feel the time is right, no hard feelings from me - but I will miss this place.

17-09-2023, 12:15 PM
This announcement probably deserved its own thread!

If we're eulogising Woof, I joined here as an 18yo who just wanted to drink in as much about the bulldogs as I could. This site has informed the way I communicate with others, how I engage in debate and how I view football. It is a place unlike all other media that I see, with long responses and a strong community particularly amongst core/regular contributors. I have learned plenty from all contributors, and I thank you Gary for facilitating this magnificent place for so long.

If you feel the time is right, no hard feelings from me - but I will miss this place.

I thought of doing that but BT's Segway was too good to pass up.

I might duplicate it on it's own thread in another day or two.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
17-09-2023, 12:34 PM
I too am really sad that this is seeming like the end of the road for WOOF.
I know this year I've been one who has had some challenges that have prevented me from engaging beyond a limited level in football related activities.

However this site means a heck of a lot to me, and my lack of posting this year has not meant a lack of reading.
As my circumstances have begun to positively change in the last month in particular I've really been looking forward to next season and getting more involved again.

However I understand your perspective Gary and know how much effort you've put in over the years trying to build this little community via this platform.

It really will be a shame personally though, as this forum and many of the posters in it via their WOOF persona have become constants in terms of; regular contact and discourse, disagreement, reasoned discussion and comraderie in a common cause.
If the decision to end is a mix of effort/cost, I would he happy to step up cash/timewise to help keep it viable, either here or on a more intuitive and functional platform (if that's even necessary). I'm sure others would have similar levels of value ascribed to this place to also make a similar commitment.

If its not that, then all I can say is what a wonderful pleasure it has been to converse and get to know many of you here via your persona, just a little bit. It really is a net positive experience for me, and losing the connectivity with the community would significantly diminish, by a massive amount my engagement and overall Bulldog supporting experience.

17-09-2023, 12:52 PM
For me there's really no alternative to WOOF. Any other source of Bulldogs chat is just garbage. When big footy is the next best you know it's bleak. No other source comes close to rivalling the discussion, banter, insight and intelligence posters offer on here. It'd be sad to see it go.

FWIW, I used to post on BF but gave it up a while back. A few people commented on there that WOOF wasn't an option for them due to lack of mobile compatibility/a rather archaic look and feel. I know that can mean more $$$ to put in but thought I'd share some feedback I had heard.

17-09-2023, 12:56 PM
WOOF rules and would easily be my most visited site of the last 15 years.

Understand the decision if it does go that way, and am curious how much more time in my life I'll have without it, but won't lie I'll be disappointed and sad to see it go.

Have tried to be a part of a variety of other forums and they are a shitshow both in quality and quantity of content. WOOF is so far ahead of anything resembling competition it's ridiculous.

17-09-2023, 01:11 PM
I also started with BF but I wasn't there for long when I stumbled onto Woof.
BF was not very appealing with trolls from other club supports stirring the pot where here was a more controlled environment with great insights to the club we all love.
I too understand reason why the site would come to a close and that will be a very sad day and I will miss the game day chat (even the more passionate calls) but I think the insights to the draft and training reports as being interstate you don't get that sort of access.
As for social media what's that? I don't have instagram, I've only gone on twitter from links on this site and I do have FB but only to look at market place.
If the end is nigh I would like to thank GVGjr for all his work and the moderators that keep this site a home away from home.

17-09-2023, 01:23 PM
I really enjoy logging on for a read and a chat but Im not an overly active contributor. I will try and do my best to lift my contribution if that helps. Gaz did reach out to me and I did lift my contributions.

17-09-2023, 01:55 PM
If you come to the conclusion you will shut the site down could we have a celebration of the site over the years and maybe a VFL game meet up, I have conversed with so many people over the years and met very few .
I say VFL due to it being Whitten oval forum and it’s home.
I would also like to thank you in person with a few beers and a pie or two.

17-09-2023, 02:27 PM
It will be such a sad, sad day if WOOF were to close. Thank you for keeping it running for so long. For me it is easily the best source for anything Western Bulldogs.

Yes, there are more modern ways of communicating than forums, but this closed Bulldog community with its passionate, knowledegable and insightful contributors has no equal anywhere else across the internet.

17-09-2023, 04:02 PM
This is by far the best source of information for a Bulldogs supporter. A very supportive and informative community, which is fantastic for a fan that lives interstate in Sydney. Having this information is amazing in particular the thread about the preseason at the start of the year was fantastic, all the posts made it feel like I was right there, which is challenging when the club does not always update fans on what is going on in preseason. I also love reading about the AFL Draft thread, I am not the most knowledgable person in that area but I love reading about the different players supporters think would be an asset for our team. It will be a sad day if WOOF were too close and I hope it stays open for many years to come.

17-09-2023, 04:36 PM
However this site means a heck of a lot to me, and my lack of posting this year has not meant a lack of reading.
As my circumstances have begun to positively change in the last month in particular I've really been looking forward to next season and getting more involved again.

That point isn't lost on me, we have some exceptionally loyal and terrific members and I don't want to let down the people who have contributed so much to the discussions. With a dwindling participation rate though and a very clear message from many forum members that they only want to read the content on WOOF and are very unlikely to contribute to discussions going forward it's hard to ignore that feedback. We were never a news board but that's what people prefer and they can get that quicker on other social formats.

I'm exploring other options so all is not lost but I felt I should give the good folk here a heads up.

17-09-2023, 04:42 PM
That point isn't lost on me, we have some exceptionally loyal and terrific members and I don't want to let down the people who have contributed so much to the discussions. With a dwindling participation rate though and a very clear message from many forum members that they only want to read the content on WOOF and are very unlikely to contribute to discussions going forward it's hard to ignore that feedback. We were never a news board but that's what people prefer and they can get that quicker on other social formats.

I'm exploring other options so all is not lost but I felt I should give the good folk here a heads up.

Happy to help out in any way G.

Obviously I have no life so I'm here regularly, and it is literally the only place I go for Dogs discourse.

It is a real shame we can't get more new folk involved, other than the advertising space, it's been few and far between.

We've had a couple of great additions on the back of your training reports, however I'm not sure what point of difference we can offer that will attract more regulars.
Game plan/match day analysis would attract me.

Let's all chip in and pay MJP to do a coaches report on each match!

17-09-2023, 05:14 PM
Game plan/match day analysis would attract me.

Let's all chip in and pay MJP to do a coaches report on each match!

What we can do is start the match day thread earlier in the week and have a weekly volunteer to write a match preview like we did previously.

17-09-2023, 05:35 PM

Sad times.

This site is my one way to TRY and stay connected.

The crew I met via BF helped me negotiate my move to Melbourne all those years ago AND went out of their way to make me welcome in person once I arrived. When WOOF started (post Tri-Colour) I moved here and have essentially never logged onto BF since.

I log in here every day - well, pretty much every day - and try to post...

I will support whatever decision you make mate and will forever be grateful for the work you have done. When you live in Perth and support the Bulldogs, well...it can be bleak. This place has always made me feel welcome and (just a little) less crazy.

17-09-2023, 05:52 PM
What we can do is start the match day thread earlier in the week and have a weekly volunteer to write a match preview like we did previously.

I'm happy to do a regular bit.

17-09-2023, 07:06 PM
Sad to hear but absolutely understand Gary, I'm another that has drifted away previously and needed a nudge from you to get back onboard. This site is everything for me regarding Bulldogs. The time, effort and funds you have put in are very much appreciated.

17-09-2023, 07:29 PM
I initially joined Big Footy first back in 2011 and still have an account there same username Eastdog.

Joined WOOF in 2012 and like others have said really enjoy the discussions on different topics. I don’t contribute a whole lot during the week as much but have really enjoyed helping you Gary in creating weekly the Doggies game day threads and AFL round discussion threads.

The pre season reports are a great highlight in the off-season. Really love those reports from all woofers who go to watch training yourself Gary and Smads57.

Really hope you can keep the forum going in some capacity as it will be a sad day when WOOF closes.

17-09-2023, 08:34 PM
So I told the wife woof would might be closing town, she said you can just talk to me about. So I explained the nature of our current picks, list needs, why GCS would sell a top 4 pick, the bidding process and discount on Croft, and spots open needed for complying with bidding rules, plus maybe Lual slipping as an NGA and rookie upgrade/delist rules. And how moreover, that it was in fact really interesting especially when taken altogether.

She wants woof stay open Gary.

17-09-2023, 08:55 PM
So I told the wife woof would might be closing town, she said you can just talk to me about. So I explained the nature of our current picks, list needs, why GCS would sell a top 4 pick, the bidding process and discount on Croft, and spots open needed for complying with bidding rules, plus maybe Lual slipping as an NGA and rookie upgrade/delist rules. And how moreover, that it was in fact really interesting especially when taken altogether.

She wants woof stay open Gary.

BT your wife has spoken… get it done … keep woof open !
Bt without your insight in the trading strategies I would have no idea how it all works . Really appreciate you putting down these trading ideas .

17-09-2023, 08:57 PM
BT your wife has spoken… get it done … keep woof open !
Bt without your insight in the trading strategies I would have no idea how it all works . Really appreciate you putting down these trading ideas .

I’m happy someone wants to hear it! More so now.

18-09-2023, 10:40 AM
I'm a relatively new blow-in and I don't post as often as I perhaps could, but I want to say that WOOF is the only football site I've joined. I check it every day and post when I think I've got something useful to say or an interesting question to ask. I really rate the quality of the posters and commentary here. I read other footy sites, but don't have accounts there and nor do I post.

I joined this place because the discussion was sensible, courteous, and broadly knowledgeable - and more importantly, when it indulged in speculation it was honest about it. That sort of intellectual honesty matters a lot to me.

I'm not on FB, Twitter, Insta... if this site shuts down I'll probably keep lurking on Big Footy, but I'd be surprised if I ever post. I got an account on Reddit briefly but I got drawn into the melee there and it wasn't good for my mental health, I think Big Footy's preference for the controversial and combative would end me.

To finish - I have run small internet communities before and I 100% understand the challenges you're facing. Low engagement, no matter how high quality, is a real drain on motivation, and eventually trying to find new members becomes a chore even if it is still a passion project. I won't try and talk you out of it because I respect the work you do and the fact that we obtain our enjoyment here from effort you donate for free. Thank you.

18-09-2023, 11:10 AM
I'm a relatively new blow-in and I don't post as often as I perhaps could, but I want to say that WOOF is the only football site I've joined. I check it every day and post when I think I've got something useful to say or an interesting question to ask. I really rate the quality of the posters and commentary here. I read other footy sites, but don't have accounts there and nor do I post.

I joined this place because the discussion was sensible, courteous, and broadly knowledgeable - and more importantly, when it indulged in speculation it was honest about it. That sort of intellectual honesty matters a lot to me.

I'm not on FB, Twitter, Insta... if this site shuts down I'll probably keep lurking on Big Footy, but I'd be surprised if I ever post. I got an account on Reddit briefly but I got drawn into the melee there and it wasn't good for my mental health, I think Big Footy's preference for the controversial and combative would end me.

To finish - I have run small internet communities before and I 100% understand the challenges you're facing. Low engagement, no matter how high quality, is a real drain on motivation, and eventually trying to find new members becomes a chore even if it is still a passion project. I won't try and talk you out of it because I respect the work you do and the fact that we obtain our enjoyment here from effort you donate for free. Thank you.

Brilliant boots. I'd say you've nailed my sentiment exactly.

18-09-2023, 11:44 AM
When I lived in the UK for 5 years a while back, this site was all I had to keep up to date with footy, outside of some dodgy web downloads of games after they'd already happened. I never really had anything to add so didn't post that much.

Living in Brisbane, I find this community so valuable to my engagement with the team and the club. I don't see how I could be as passionate about the Doggies if it wasn't for Woof. I know memberships etc are a volume game, but this site surely adds to the WB bottom line through keeping some engaged that might have otherwise fallen off in the past couple of years.

I've appreciated every post from everyone over the years. It's been a wonderful community to be part of. If it has to end now, it's had a good run and Gary, your efforts have made the world a better place! Thank you!

I dunno what I'll do. I'm sure I'll try BF again. Might create a new handle. "WishIWasPostingOnWoofButThisWillHaveToDo".

Daughter of the West
18-09-2023, 12:25 PM
I'll always have winning the 2022 Rocco Jones Norm Smith Medal Random-Coz-He-Made-It-Up-As-He-Went-Along-Sweep...

This site has seen me through new jobs, a career change, the death of my bulldog loving dad, the birth of my kids and moving countries. I can't thank you enough GVG and all the regular posters for your contributions, this site is literally the only reason that I have something credible to say about the Bulldogs at any time.

18-09-2023, 12:29 PM
I'll always have winning the 2022 Rocco Jones Norm Smith Medal Random-Coz-He-Made-It-Up-As-He-Went-Along-Sweep...

This site has seen me through new jobs, a career change, the death of my bulldog loving dad, the birth of my kids and moving countries. I can't thank you enough GVG and all the regular posters for your contributions, this site is literally the only reason that I have something credible to say about the Bulldogs at any time.


In all seriousness though every poster on here would take a little nugget they learnt on woof and claim it as their own in the real world and you know what, that is how it should be!

Rocco Jones
18-09-2023, 12:43 PM
I am in a What's App with Gary and I think he knows how he feels. Just want to extend it here. Such a great board to follow our club on. Gary is the god of all moderators.

18-09-2023, 02:16 PM
I'll always have winning the 2022 Rocco Jones Norm Smith Medal Random-Coz-He-Made-It-Up-As-He-Went-Along-Sweep...

This site has seen me through new jobs, a career change, the death of my bulldog loving dad, the birth of my kids and moving countries. I can't thank you enough GVG and all the regular posters for your contributions, this site is literally the only reason that I have something credible to say about the Bulldogs at any time.

Well DOTW this just ripped my guts out in the best way.

I'm a terrible footy pundit and don't offer much but stupid jokes but I adore this site and the people on it, even SSGG. It's literally the only football related site I use. I would be gutted if it was gone.

Especially if it disappeared before we ever got a contract thread.

18-09-2023, 02:42 PM
Especially if it disappeared before we ever got a contract thread.

The so-called "Contract Thread" reminds me of this story:

A philosophy professor walks in to give his class their final exam.
Placing his chair on his desk the professor instructs the class, "Using every applicable thing you've learned in this course, prove to me that this chair DOES NOT EXIST."

So, pencils are writing and erasers are erasing, students are preparing to embark on novels proving that this chair doesn't exist, except for one student. He spends thirty seconds writing his answer, then turns his final in to the astonishment of his peers.

Time goes by, and the day comes when all the students get their final grades...and to the amazement of the class, the student who wrote for thirty seconds gets the highest grade in the class.

His answer to the question: "What chair?

18-09-2023, 02:47 PM
Well DOTW this just ripped my guts out in the best way.

I'm a terrible footy pundit and don't offer much but stupid jokes but I adore this site and the people on it, even SSGG. It's literally the only football related site I use. I would be gutted if it was gone.

Especially if it disappeared before we ever got a contract thread.

Maybe a mutiny is in order? The power's gone to his head!

https://i.postimg.cc/rw851tMT/Mematic-20230918-144708.jpg (https://postimg.cc/56RH1yXK)

Of course I kid and fully support G.

18-09-2023, 04:13 PM
it would be areal shame if the site closed down, there are many great contributors, some great banter, some funny jokes and all Bulldog talk without having a go at each other.

What I don't understand is the logistics behind the site. Is there a money issue to run it, is it the time it takes, what is the concern if there aren't too many members, contributors?

We await to see GVGjr's decision.

The Doctor
18-09-2023, 05:02 PM
GVG, perhaps we are bound to be a small close knit community that welcomes new people when they stumble upon us. It's obvious this forum means a lot to many who post here.

Even if we can't attract larger numbers of contributors, what will it take to keep the forum going? PM if necessary.

The bulldog tragician
18-09-2023, 05:21 PM
it would be areal shame if the site closed down, there are many great contributors, some great banter, some funny jokes and all Bulldog talk without having a go at each other.

What I don't understand is the logistics behind the site. Is there a money issue to run it, is it the time it takes, what is the concern if there aren't too many members, contributors?

We await to see GVGjr's decision.

I also like that it is kind of boutique. I don’t think there is a lack of interaction or differing views because of the relatively small size. But I also appreciate it can be kind of disheartening too and not reward for effort, perhaps? Will always appreciate though, what a community it has provided, after a bad loss it’s cathartic, the views on what we could do better are always thoughtful and insightful …even though I’ve never understood a single bit of BT’s points and draft analysis :) I particularly remember what a refuge this place was in Shocktober. Thank you GVG however you decide.

18-09-2023, 06:14 PM
GVG, perhaps we are bound to be a small close knit community that welcomes new people when they stumble upon us. It's obvious this forum means a lot to many who post here.

Even if we can't attract larger numbers of contributors, what will it take to keep the forum going? PM if necessary.

Thanks Doc, I've been more than comfortable with WOOF being more of a niche Bulldogs focus forum than a high volume one for a long while now. That's not what's behind why I'm having a rethink.
There were times through the season where all we could muster for the WOOF player awards were 9 or 10 members willing to cast their votes.
When a 100 members are logging on most days during the season and only 10% of them can bring themselves to contribute to a traditional thread you can see the motivation isn't where it once was.
That and reaching out to 20 of the quieter members where some didn't respond and those that did were pretty steadfast in that they just want to be readers not contributors to the forum going forward so doesn't doesn't paint a positive future.

I still really enjoy talking all things footy with Bulldogs supporters so it's not an easy decision but I'd also don't want to see a prolonged deterioration of participation levels that gets to the point where our best contributors are only logging on once a day because there isn't much to read. My gut feel tells me that most members have moved on from discussions and only want to read snippets of information on easier social platforms than having to put in a bit of effort into a discussion.

I've got some other options to consider and all is not lost.

18-09-2023, 06:30 PM
I've got some other options to consider and all is not lost.

https://i.postimg.cc/5NBZ8J0v/Mematic-20230918-182759.jpg (https://postimg.cc/1fzCZLD5)

18-09-2023, 06:39 PM
To my untrained eye the participation seems similar to when I joined but that's purely gut feel.

I don't participate in the voting as it's not really my thing but also I don't see as many games as I used to. I will certainly make an effort to contribute if it helps though.

The current participation and contribution level is still enough for my liking. I do understand the point of view of not wanting to see it deteriorate though.

18-09-2023, 06:56 PM
The best part of woof is you don?t get all the other noise and general crap that twitter (& other social media) manages to generate.

I for one hope woof continues in some form that is accessible. I?m not apart of non woof member activities as I don?t know anyone personally and that?s ok, but damn no ?woofer? as my better half coined it will leave a hole in my day to day life.

TCD told me when I first joined woof evolved out of the big footy revolt (I guess like Kerry Parker World Series cricket), I?d never logged onto bigfooty so I didn?t quite understand what he meant, until I did.

Shit, it isn?t even just the footy talk, it?s finding new tv shows, new music, the banter.

GVGjr what ever you decide make sure it is the right decision for you and whatever it is I?m sure no one will say NETS.

18-09-2023, 08:15 PM
What a great site this is and it is a source of all information for me, especially as I don’t live in an AFL dominated state. I love reading all the posts and banter and the source of knowledge of our posters is incredible. Would love to see the site continue for many a year and thank you, Gary, for all that you have done to keep the site going for all these years. Hopefully it does continue.

19-09-2023, 08:41 PM
Many thanks to all WOOF members who have taken the time to either ready or respond to my post about the forum's future.
In particular I want to call out the contributions from the likes of YHF, BT, MJP, GG, Soup, Eastdog, Hotdog60, Angelo, Aza, Topdog, Boots, MrMahatma, Rocco, EW, BAD, The Doc, Bulldog tragician, BT&T and WTLF (and apologies if I have missed anyone else)
You have all made a terrific contributions to discussions over a long, long time and it's been very much appreciated.

Thought I should add some more detail to what I mentioned while on the train trip to Bendigo on Sunday.

It's definitely not a financial decision, the site is hosted for less than a dollar a day and I get a lot more enjoyment from it than that. In fact in this day and age of spiraling costs I'd rate it as a good value for money deal given the entertainment and enjoyment I and hopefully many others receive.

It just comes down to participation levels from the forum members. Many of WOOF members have reached out and it's really appreciated. I liken the decision as one about when people start to consider trading in the loyal family truckster and working out if it has a few more services in it or do you cut your losses before it eventually stops running.

A lot of WOOF members haven't read this yet despite logging on so I might copy it over to it's own thread.

I've got a few options I'm reviewing which includes keeping the site open so at this stage all is not lost.

Bulldog Joe
19-09-2023, 09:02 PM
Many thanks to all WOOF members who have taken the time to either ready or respond to my post about the forum's future.
In particular I want to call out the contributions from the likes of YHF, BT, MJP, GG, Soup, Eastdog, Hotdog60, Angelo, Aza, Topdog, Boots, MrMahatma, Rocco, EW, BAD, The Doc, Bulldog tragician, BT&T and WTLF (and apologies if I have missed anyone else)
You have all made a terrific contributions to discussions over a long, long time and it's been very much appreciated.

Thought I should add some more detail to what I mentioned while on the train trip to Bendigo on Sunday.

It's definitely not a financial decision, the site is hosted for less than a dollar a day and I get a lot more enjoyment from it than that. In fact in this day and age of spiraling costs I'd rate it as a good value for money deal given the entertainment and enjoyment I and hopefully many others receive.

It just comes down to participation levels from the forum members. Many of WOOF members have reached out and it's really appreciated. I liken the decision as one about when people start to consider trading in the loyal family truckster and working out if it has a few more services in it or do you cut your losses before it eventually stops running.

A lot of WOOF members haven't read this yet despite logging on so I might copy it over to it's own thread.

I've got a few options I'm reviewing which includes keeping the site open so at this stage all is not lost.

Thanks Gary
We certainly appreciate your efforts and while nothing lasts forever I sincerely hope we can keep operating in some form
I have had a few personal challenges particularly in relation to available time, but WOOF has given me somewhere to go even when I only have time for a quick read.

19-09-2023, 09:24 PM
Do we start a membership drive?

I don’t know too many other dogs fans not on this site. And I’ve told those I do know about it, but maybe it’s time to get more persistent!?

19-09-2023, 09:37 PM
I’ve often thought about tiered membership.

Bronze level for anyone
Silver level for interesting threads, but some level of activity
Gold for information threads that rewards high activity (whatever that might be classed as)

Let those who post get positively rewarded and encouraged that to access the best content only requires forum contributions. If you don’t want to contribute and just read, then just read the bronze level stuff.

If you want the good stuff, then contribute to a level Gary is happy with. If posters like trade stuff or historical analysis, I’m happy to do even more and some by request if it meant it got classed into the higher level access. I love the coaching and draft stuff, and the preseason stuff too, so happy to have my posting rewarded with access to the good stuff.

Also, the club should look at giving us some sort of access to content we can create. If you think about the player sponsors, coterie members, reserved seat holders, social club members, members and serious merchandise buyers this forum would generate the club a very considerable amount of revenue and with WOOF lost who knows if the club will bleed a good chunk of that. If they provide some access to info I’m even happy to try to package that up into gold level content to further positively reinforce contribution to woof.

19-09-2023, 09:38 PM
I’ve often thought about tiered membership.

Bronze level for anyone
Silver level for interesting threads, but some level of activity
Gold for information threads that rewards high activity (whatever that might be classed as)

Let those who post get positively rewarded and encouraged that to access the best content only requires forum contributions. If you don’t want to contribute and just read, then just read the bronze level stuff.

If you want the good stuff, then contribute to a level Gary is happy with. If posters like trade stuff or historical analysis, I’m happy to do even more and some by request if it meant it got classed into the higher level access. I love the coaching and draft stuff, and the preseason stuff too, so happy to have my posting rewarded with access to the good stuff.

Also, the club should look at giving us some sort of access to content we can create. If you think about the player sponsors, coterie members, reserved seat holders, social club members, members and serious merchandise buyers this forum would generate the club a very considerable amount of revenue and with WOOF list who knows if the club will bleed a good chunk of that. If they provide some access to info I’m even happy to try to package that up into gold level content to further positively reinforce contribution to woof.

What about those that just shitpost, but shitpost a lot?

19-09-2023, 09:39 PM
What about those that just shitpost, but shitpost a lot?

Platinum members. All access all the time.

19-09-2023, 09:40 PM
Platinum members. All access all the time.

My ninja.

19-09-2023, 10:31 PM
I've wanted to post a few thoughts in response to G's update but have held back mainly because there's not much to say in lieu of the excellent responses to date.

This forum is a huge part of my life and all of the lives of regular posters. There'll be a huge hole in my heart if we go off line. There's not much else to be said about a community that has nurtured the highs and lows we've all experienced over the last couple of decades, and if it has to end then so be it. I'll reflect on it fondly and longingly as I figure out what I need to do to fill the space between the beats.

I do want to say though, whatever you can do to keep this thing going Gary, we'll be supportive and grateful for it. It's not going to make the news, it's not going to get you any huge amount of kudos outside of us who live here. But it will count, because what I've read in this thread means a lot and tells me it's a needed part of the Bulldog community - possibly as important as the Bulldogs/ the club.

The Bulldogs Bite
19-09-2023, 11:55 PM
Just stumbled back across this thread.

I understand where you're coming from Gary. Sometimes it's better to end in a good place than to slowly wither away.

However, even if contributions have declined, there's no doubt WOOF means a lot to many of us. It's a sense of belonging.

I'd be a little lost without WOOF. I'd miss seeing the posts of our loyal contributors too. I was here when it started and it's been able to connect me to the club like nothing else. I've often thought the club itself could better utilise WOOF.

If it is to end, thanks Gary. It's been a really great ride.

20-09-2023, 09:03 AM
Moving some posts over to this thread

Dogs 24/7
20-09-2023, 09:55 AM
I know that Gary has reached out to me a couple of times about my contribution levels. I enjoy the manner in which opinions are shared and its the only social media site that I participate in with other Bulldog fans. I will gladly commit to lifting my contribution rate if it means the site will keep running. I could get off my arse and start a few threads as well.

20-09-2023, 09:57 AM
I first met Gary when I was doing some work for a software company and Gary was on the project representing the business. The project was huge with over 300 people in a very large room, but not many Doggies supporters around. Gary and I of course talked about the Bulldogs and had a running joke on Monday mornings if someone claiming to be a supporter wanted to talk about the game we would ask " Are you a member", and if the answer was no, Gary would say, sorry don't talk to me :D.

At the time Gary was about to start up WOOF and encouraged me to join from the start. I was also starting my own small business, with the majority of time spent in my home office, so it has been easy to be logged on the whole day and throw in some comments here and there, and therefore the high post count. It would have been impossible to log in so much if I worked in the corporate world like in the past.

I can understand why things must change as the social media world has also changed dramatically in the past 5 to 10 years, but WOOF has survived thanks to some dedicated posters. Over the years many have dropped off and I miss some of their posts like Lantern, Chops, Sockeye Salmon and many others.

Whatever changes happen, I will always be grateful that we have had WOOF to discuss all things Bulldogs and thank Gary and all the mods for running the forum.

20-09-2023, 09:59 AM
I'll admit I really like this site and would be sad to see it go.
The effort to keep it up and running is definitely appreciated but I can understand if the passion to keep it going may not always be there.

20-09-2023, 10:05 AM
It will be such a sad, sad day if WOOF were to close. Thank you for keeping it running for so long. For me it is easily the best source for anything Western Bulldogs.

Yes, there are more modern ways of communicating than forums, but this closed Bulldog community with its passionate, knowledegable and insightful contributors has no equal anywhere else across the internet.

Here here. I?d be like a lost dog without woof. The preseason buzz, the draft anticipation, admiring the draft puzzles that BT explains like no other, the knowledge and insights of those that watch draft hopefuls and those that have played/coached who understand the game so well, the highs and lows of the season (afl, aflw, vfl), the posts that make me laugh even when we are losing games and most of all the respect and civility with which we treat fellow posters whose views may differ from ours.

20-09-2023, 10:13 AM
What about those that just shitpost, but shitpost a lot?

Brown tier.

20-09-2023, 10:14 AM
Woof (and my forever cherished The Peoples beard scarf) are such a blessing, many of us have so many challenges in being able to commit to coteries and in person events, as others have said, through geography or being time poor, woof allows us to connect with like minded individuals as we can, when we can. And Gary, a huge thanks to you for allowing us to do that.

I really enjoy the insights of others, the varying opinions, the banter, the deep dives into drafting and club workings.

Gary, if there is anything we can do to help you keep the flame burning, please let us know.

BTW, please think of the journalists who will no longer have a source of all things bulldogs to start a story from! ;)

20-09-2023, 10:26 AM
BTW, please think of the journalists who will no longer have a source of all things bulldogs to start a story from! ;)

There have certainly been a few. I remember jokingly posting something about the Bulldogs should receive a wildcard entry into the finals series when Essendon were being kicked out and Ralphy had pretty much the same thoughts in an article in the HUN the next day.

It's a bit harder for them now given I've closed down many of the boards from being viewed by guests :)

Axe Man
20-09-2023, 10:30 AM
Many posters have already expressed my feelings. I would be very disappointed if woof were to cease, bigfooty is average and Facebook is a cesspool. I feel like we are great size with plenty of discussion on a range of topics. More posters won't necessarily make the place better and could actually have the opposite effect.

I think this place is too important to too many to kill off, I hope we can find some sort of resolution. Otherwise...

https://i.postimg.cc/SNZ1vbFL/bender.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

20-09-2023, 10:32 AM
There have certainly been a few. I remember jokingly posting something about the Bulldogs should receive a wildcard entry into the finals series when Essendon were being kicked out and Ralphy had pretty much the same thoughts in an article in the HUN the next day.

It's a bit harder for them now given I've closed down many of the boards from being viewed by guests :)

Well that took away the fun.
Caro definitely reads a lot of Nuffies posts on social media with some of the statements she makes.

20-09-2023, 10:38 AM
So what our/woofs greatest hits:

PM Gillard showing off her The People’s Beard Scarf?
The March to the G - the club then ran with - for the Hawks Semi in 2016?
Pushing the idea for unwanted merchandise to go into community campaigns, the club ended up taking on?
Prime position in the Lego MCG?
Getting everyone a GF ticket in 2016?
Player sponsors? (Can’t recall them all now)
Me recruiting Tom Boyd?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
20-09-2023, 10:58 AM
So what our/woofs greatest hits:

PM Gillard showing off her The People’s Beard Scarf?
The March to the G - the club then ran with - for the Hawks Semi in 2016?
Pushing the idea for unwanted merchandise to go into community campaigns, the club ended up taking on?
Prime position in the Lego MCG?
Getting everyone a GF ticket in 2016?
Player sponsors? (Can’t recall them all now)

GG's, post 21GF best impression of Michael Douglas lead in the movie Falling down. That was a beautiful descent into momentary madness brought on by our onfield capitulation.

20-09-2023, 11:04 AM
GG's, post 21GF best impression of Michael Douglas lead in the movie Falling down. That was a beautiful descent into momentary madness brought on by our onfield capitulation.

I think I died inside. There were mitigating circumstances !! ;)

I thought I was over cracking it after 2016, however I had one time left in me.

My nomination is the miles taken out of BAD's fat shaming of Bruce, and also that his goals dont count might've been hanging in on MJP ? Can't recall but great bants.

Oh Oh - and Jeemak trading Dunkley XD

20-09-2023, 11:09 AM
I nominate the pending royal rumble at the nets and the sad fact this forum could shut down without any of us seeing a contracts thread.

20-09-2023, 11:09 AM
So what our/woofs greatest hits:

PM Gillard showing off her The People’s Beard Scarf?
The March to the G - the club then ran with - for the Hawks Semi in 2016?
Pushing the idea for unwanted merchandise to go into community campaigns, the club ended up taking on?
Prime position in the Lego MCG?
Getting everyone a GF ticket in 2016?
Player sponsors? (Can’t recall them all now)

The GF tickets in 2016 for mine, I'll be eternally grateful to you for that mate. Without this place I would never have been able to go.

Plus got to meet you, whythelongface, Lantern and Chocomenty(?). What a day.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
20-09-2023, 11:13 AM
You know, on the flipside, one of the more curious and disappointing aspects OF WOOF, is that over 16 years we never developed a Contract Status type thread.

Just find it peculiar is all.

20-09-2023, 11:16 AM
You know, on the flipside, one of the more curious and disappointing aspects OF WOOF, is that over 16 years we never developed a Contract Status type thread.

Just find it peculiar is all.

I raised it with G......

No response. It's either he doesn't want to admit the clear and obvious error - or he's still mad about the destroyer of woof meme.

Axe Man
20-09-2023, 11:24 AM
My new Woof will just be blackjack, hookers and a contract thread.

20-09-2023, 11:29 AM
My new Woof will just be blackjack, hookers and a contract thread.

Sex, drugs and contract threads.

20-09-2023, 11:30 AM
I raised it with G......

No response. It's either he doesn't want to admit the clear and obvious error - or he's still mad about the destroyer of woof meme.

Stunning given we'd most likely see an uptick in member participation if the thread existed.

20-09-2023, 11:38 AM
My new Woof will just be blackjack, hookers and a contract thread.


Axe Man
20-09-2023, 11:51 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/3rX104Kb/bender1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

20-09-2023, 11:54 AM
My nomination is the miles taken out of BAD's fat shaming of Bruce, and also that his goals dont count might've been hanging in on MJP ? Can't recall but great bants.

It worked, the following year he lost 5kg and kicked 50 goals :D

20-09-2023, 12:00 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/3rX104Kb/bender1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
Ahhhahahaha, gold.

20-09-2023, 01:09 PM
As one of the prodigal posters that dropped off and came back, WOOF's been the reason I've engaged with footy again this year. For me, 2016 felt like it ticked a box and I've never really had the same kind of engagement with the game since Bevo, Murphy and Wood held the cup up.

Coming back to WOOF and being part of this community again has helped me rekindle a passion for the Dogs. I wouldn't be watching games if not for this forum. Life's happened all around it over the last few years - an interstate move and some serious family illness - but having a Dogs game to chuck on TV and chat about with people who also care has been a genuine highlight that I've looked forward to each week.

I joined WOOF as a 15-year-old, so have been here for half my life - whatever you do end up going GVG, I'm sure we're all so appreciative of the little community that you've fostered.

20-09-2023, 02:41 PM
Is there some way to help lighten the load Gary? Would it be possible for someone to step in and take over not only moderating the page but perhaps also taking over admin of the site?

You've carried the baton for a long time and reading back over the thread it's pretty clear that the site means alot to alot of people.

The Pie Man
20-09-2023, 02:41 PM
So what our/woofs greatest hits:

PM Gillard showing off her The People?s Beard Scarf?
The March to the G - the club then ran with - for the Hawks Semi in 2016?
Pushing the idea for unwanted merchandise to go into community campaigns, the club ended up taking on?
Prime position in the Lego MCG?
Getting everyone a GF ticket in 2016?
Player sponsors? (Can?t recall them all now)

Now there?s a time in my life I?ll never forget?standing on the Docklands concourse with a bag of 20ish scarves for WOOFers to collect like a dodgy geezer as strangers approached asking me if I had any extra for sale

20-09-2023, 02:44 PM
...his goals dont count might've been hanging in on MJP ?

I'm liking that my 'Crap goals against crap teams' post has been given new life by the now 2-time Coleman Medallist (C. Curnow).

20 goals in 2-games vs West Coast, 2 goals in 2 finals...is there any danger of a key forward standing up in a big game??

Well...not for Melbourne of course. They don't have anyone.

20-09-2023, 02:47 PM
I'm liking that my 'Crap goals against crap teams' post has been given new life by the now 2-time Coleman Medallist (C. Curnow).

20 goals in 2-games vs West Coast, 2 goals in 2 finals...is there any danger of a key forward standing up in a big game??

Well...not for Melbourne of course. They don't have anyone.

We never got to see Schache play!

20-09-2023, 04:19 PM
Is there some way to help lighten the load Gary? Would it be possible for someone to step in and take over not only moderating the page but perhaps also taking over admin of the site?

You've carried the baton for a long time and reading back over the thread it's pretty clear that the site means alot to alot of people.

We do have a few people who help the forum and set-up regular threads which without that assistance I tend to think there wouldn't be the level of participation we have now.
Eastdog does a lot of work preparing weekly threads during the season as does YHF, BulldogJoe, Scraggers and The Doctor and it all helps.
MJP starts a lot of threads particularly through the footy season which drives conversations. Axe does a lot with news articles and links and GG has often offered to help the site along as well.
We also have a very good participation with BT and the Doc leading the charge on draft and list management conversations and Smads, DogTown and I did a bit with the training reports during the off season. Smads often posts a lot of VFL updates as well.
This all helps keep the site vibrant and giving others reasons to log on and hopefully participate in discussions.

If we could get a few more willing to take on generating new threads of footy or any sport for that matter that would be a huge positive for the site.

20-09-2023, 07:18 PM
Woof has also been my go to place, especially during the season. I understand what you are saying, but it will be a sad day. Most will probably be glad to see me disappear anyway haha. But in all seriousness, woof has helped me when I was going thru my 2 months of Covid last year, and am now getting over my 2nd bout. We all have opinions, but that’s what makes WOOF great. We aren’tsheep. I enjoy everyone’s posts because I get to see a slice of that person in their postings. Like MJP, living outside of Melb and unable to go to games is heart wrenching at times, especially when we are doing well, and WOOF made me feel part of the red, white and blue family, even though I’m the black sheep haha
Whatever happens to WOOF down the track, I want to thank Garry and anyone else involved for keeping it afloat for this long.

20-09-2023, 07:20 PM
Woof has also been my go to place, especially during the season. I understand what you are saying, but it will be a sad day. Most will probably be glad to see me disappear anyway haha. But in all seriousness, woof has helped me when I was going thru my 2 months of Covid last year, and am now getting over my 2nd bout. We all have opinions, but that?s what makes WOOF great. We aren?t sheep. I enjoy everyone?s posts because I get to see a slice of that person in their postings. Like MJP, living outside of Melb and unable to go to games is heart wrenching at times, especially when we are doing well, and WOOF made me feel part of the red, white and blue family, even though I?m the black sheep haha
Whatever happens to WOOF down the track, I want to thank Garry and anyone else involved for keeping it afloat for this long.

I love reading your take on games and wining and losing as it is different to others and makes you think.

20-09-2023, 07:25 PM
Woof has also been my go to place, especially during the season. I understand what you are saying, but it will be a sad day. Most will probably be glad to see me disappear anyway haha.

No way.

20-09-2023, 07:50 PM
Woof has also been my go to place, especially during the season. I understand what you are saying, but it will be a sad day. Most will probably be glad to see me disappear anyway haha. But in all seriousness, woof has helped me when I was going thru my 2 months of Covid last year, and am now getting over my 2nd bout. We all have opinions, but that’s what makes WOOF great. We aren’tsheep. I enjoy everyone’s posts because I get to see a slice of that person in their postings. Like MJP, living outside of Melb and unable to go to games is heart wrenching at times, especially when we are doing well, and WOOF made me feel part of the red, white and blue family, even though I’m the black sheep haha
Whatever happens to WOOF down the track, I want to thank Garry and anyone else involved for keeping it afloat for this long.

I love your work mate. Not sure about your taste in music though ;)

20-09-2023, 08:04 PM
Not a thread I had on my bingo card!

Off the bat, I want to acknowledge GVGjnr for your efforts in facilitating this space. It’s an excellent one. Regardless of what’s next, I will respect your choice and maintain that appreciation.

I’ve been posting regularly across forums since back in the day when the Club had its own one, then there was a board Dogs in Space, my own Geocities page Mount Mistake, then BigFooty, then the short lived Bulldogs Barking which I was helping run, there was an invite only predecessor to WOOF and then of course, here. Would have been 15/16 and still had two working eyes!

WOOF has proven to be the best quality, most interesting and resilient one of them all.

For me, when Plough said “have your showers and I’ll see you back at the social club,” that means get home, watch the replay and joint the discussion here. It’s as synchronous with going to the footy as seeing the Hyde St Band, peanut man, the cartoon Dog on the screen at Colonial Stadium etc.

Forums are an interesting, increasingly niche space. I still prefer them to reddit and broader social media. It’d be a loss to see WOOF go.

20-09-2023, 08:40 PM
Wow my heart leapt into my throat reading that first post Gary. It's since been warmed by the many touching responses. Thank you so much for everything you do to keep the forum running. It must be hard to do so much only to feel like the discussion is dwindling, but hopefully some of the responses in this thread make it clear just how much WOOF means to the many who remain active.

Seeing as we're all sharing our WOOF love - I joined WOOF in my late teens having grown up in Canberra, with very few people to talk footy with IRL. Being Bulldogs obsessed was the result of crafty and persistent indoctrination from my grandfather, who lived in the Western suburbs all his life. He'd mail me clippings out of the Herald Sun and The Age every week, then we'd have hours long phone conversations to discuss them and any other ground we thought worth covering. He's long since passed, and to a large extent WOOF has been to me a continuation of the tradition we once kept. The discussion means every bit as much to me as the game itself.

As others have said, while the social media juggernauts might be stealing potential forum members, there really is no comparison. The nuanced, respectful discussion on here is the best, and I feel so grateful to the regular posters who keep the flame lit. I'll be making my best effort to post more often, as I'm sometimes guilty of only reading when logging on.

20-09-2023, 09:42 PM
Guilty as charged.. I am a reader..BUT I will sorely miss this family of posters that are my go to after every win loss or draw
Love reading the good the bad and the ugly
Hope like hell it continues.. understand if it doesn’t
My very favourite time was when everyone pitched in to make sure we all got to the Grand Final

Dry Rot
20-09-2023, 11:07 PM
Just saw this thread now.

Shame it has to come to this but I see G's POV. He has flagged low levels of posting and participation before.

What am I about to say does not apply to most of people who have replied on this thread.

If you think about it, you spend something like 2 1/2 to 3 hours watching each Dogs game on the TV, and I assume something like 4 to 5 hours travelling to watch a game, watching it and going home.

There are multiple game related threads such as player awards, 3 things I've learnt, bankers and anchors etc. If you spent all that time watching and/or attending a game, it is really a small amount of extra time and effort to post on those threads as an example.

However, unfortunately many people didn't.

I have had many years now being the primary carer for an old guy with terminal cancer and on top of that this year after decades living in my unit my Landlord threw me out of my home, and then had months of fun navigating the appalling rental market.

Yet I still found the time to watch most games and post in the match threads at least. I also tried to post a few new threads, some for some flew, others didn't.

So if you're reading this thread and you have enjoyed what you read on WOOF but rarely made the effort to post here, then I suppose you're the reason that this site may close.

21-09-2023, 05:43 AM
Also only just seeing this now.

In 2007 when I joined I was living in Adelaide, finishing uni and a long suffering Dogs fan in a ?Crows? family still haunted by 1997 and 1998 preliminary finals losses. I certainly had a lot more time to contribute back then compared to now (and had too many rowing related references in my younger years I?m sure) and I suspect (reading this thread) some of the generational changes with technology and social media mean that there aren?t the same levels of younger folk <25 who have interest in joining discussion forums like this. It?s a shame.

I?ve loved this site for a long time. The knowledge and my understanding of the game has materially improved as a result. I?ve learned a lot of details about the history of our club and what those living through it and attending games from well before I was born (1985) have experienced. The insights into junior footy (which I once had the bandwidth to frequent) the trade period etc are all highlights. Training updates a must to consume for any genuine Dogs member over the long summer months. Met a few folks from the site in person over the years (but not nearly enough) and managed to get a few Dogs mates I picked up along the way to join albeit they never became active members.

We?ve seen some shocking periods of players leaving, coaches leaving? superstars being drafted and emerging, the game itself continuing to change and evolve. We climbed bloody the mountain! Like many here, I never thought I?d see a prelim win in my lifetime let alone a grand final triumph.

Life has changed a lot personally too. Moved to Melbourne in 2013 - Dogs games in person every week, brilliant! Career got serious and full on. Family and a young child with another not far away. Finding a spare 10 minutes to conjure a meaningful post becomes harder and harder.

Whatever you decide Gary, it?s been a wonderful journey. This community is unique and has offered so much to so many. I?d really like to be able to continue the connection with the community in some shape or form if it comes to that.

Long live WOOF.

Cheers, Ed

21-09-2023, 12:23 PM
Please, don't, WOOF has been my go to over coffees at work on boring shifts for years now.
Also my safe space I can give you guys what whispers flutter across my desk.

Happy to donate some money if it's a money-related thing, I know hosting can be a pain in the ass.

I love this place, would be incredibly sad to see it go.

21-09-2023, 01:21 PM
I?ve loved this site for a long time. The knowledge and my understanding of the game has materially improved as a result. I?ve learned a lot of details about the history of our club and what those living through it and attending games from well before I was born (1985) have experienced. The insights into junior footy (which I once had the bandwidth to frequent) the trade period etc are all highlights. Training updates a must to consume for any genuine Dogs member over the long summer months. Met a few folks from the site in person over the years (but not nearly enough) and managed to get a few Dogs mates I picked up along the way to join albeit they never became active members.

Cheers, Ed

This is a big one for me too. I can guarantee I wouldn't have been using Lally Bamblett and Zeno Tzatsaris on my footygrids if it wasn't for WOOF.

I love learning about the history of the club, and there aren't many places that do that like woof.

21-09-2023, 04:54 PM
So if you're reading this thread and you have enjoyed what you read on WOOF but rarely made the effort to post here, then I suppose you're the reason that this site may close.

I get that people have a lot of other priorities than a footy forum and I'm not critical of anyone with a reduced participation rate but when we haven't been that successful in attracting new members, and that is my problem not theirs, and especially when the feedback received from many members contacted is absolute that most of them just want to be readers not contributors then the conversation levels will clearly dry up. That's when it gets to a point where closing the site and remembering it in a more positive way starts to get tempting.

I'm in no rush to close the site and I'm looking at some other options as well.

21-09-2023, 07:14 PM
I actually thought Woof had its best preseason ever I'm a little surprised we are struggling to make the 8. The access posters gave us over the preseason and the discussion had off the back of it had me more excited for a season than I can remember.

Its been a long few years as a bulldogs supporter really driven by expectation, I know it could be worse but we really haven't had many outstanding performances but being able to read Woof, get a different opinion than mine and contribute a little along the way has made enjoyable still.

I do love a rumour or two, the draft and trade week so even prior to preseason I still find myself participating on here. Fingers crossed it can continue.

21-09-2023, 08:36 PM
My very favourite time was when everyone pitched in to make sure we all got to the Grand Final

WOOFs finest moment. Bar none.

We take care of our own.

21-09-2023, 08:41 PM
Yeah, but Trade Dunkley...........

21-09-2023, 10:56 PM
Yeah, but Trade Dunkley...........

Bastard :D

21-09-2023, 11:02 PM
Bastard :D

He just wanted a better deal for his GFs family and his best mate's partner and kid......oh wait, you're referring to me.......

21-09-2023, 11:04 PM
Woof for me has been a lifeline. I have lived in London for 21 years and been on Woof for 14 of those. Before Woof I had BigFooty and the pages of garbage that were written with no real discussion, often just kids posting crap. Woof is my lunchtime read both in season and out of season. Its how i really keep in touch and up to date with what is going on not being immersed in football they way I would be were i in Melbourne. It means that my posts are often in the dead of night for most of you.

It would be a massive loss from a personal perspective so if there is some way to keep it going that would be great.

21-09-2023, 11:10 PM
I get that people have a lot of other priorities than a footy forum and I'm not critical of anyone with a reduced participation rate but when we haven't been that successful in attracting new members, and that is my problem not theirs, and especially when the feedback received from many members contacted is absolute that most of them just want to be readers not contributors then the conversation levels will clearly dry up. That's when it gets to a point where closing the site and remembering it in a more positive way starts to get tempting.

I'm in no rush to close the site and I'm looking at some other options as well.

If there are things we can do to help attract new members please do let us know. I probably have been more of a taker than a contributor and this last 12 months personally has been busy - work/home have all amped to a major level.

21-09-2023, 11:10 PM
He just wanted a better deal for his GFs family and his best mate's partner and kid......oh wait, you're referring to me.......

Both :D:D

21-09-2023, 11:43 PM
The big takeaway which I have taken from this is - post more, engage more, encourage more discussion. I've been on here for 15 years and only 3500 posts, so there's room to improve there.

I often feel that I don't have time to collect all of my thoughts, and I feel like the quality of posts is too high for a quick rambling thought, but I'm going to ignore the little voice and just hit "post" from now on.

22-09-2023, 12:46 AM
Woof for me has been a lifeline. I have lived in London for 21 years and been on Woof for 14 of those. Before Woof I had BigFooty and the pages of garbage that were written with no real discussion, often just kids posting crap. Woof is my lunchtime read both in season and out of season. Its how i really keep in touch and up to date with what is going on not being immersed in football they way I would be were i in Melbourne. It means that my posts are often in the dead of night for most of you.

It would be a massive loss from a personal perspective so if there is some way to keep it going that would be great.

Fredi what drew you over to the UK and why did you stay there all this time?

22-09-2023, 01:04 AM
The big takeaway which I have taken from this is - post more, engage more, encourage more discussion. I've been on here for 15 years and only 3500 posts, so there's room to improve there.

I often feel that I don't have time to collect all of my thoughts, and I feel like the quality of posts is too high for a quick rambling thought, but I'm going to ignore the little voice and just hit "post" from now on.

It’s what I do!

22-09-2023, 01:28 AM
WOOFs finest moment. Bar none.

We take care of our own.

It wasn’t bar none … it was the Transport Hotel. And 17 bourbons in, I’m not sure you were really looking after me :cool:

22-09-2023, 07:00 AM
The big takeaway which I have taken from this is - post more, engage more, encourage more discussion. I've been on here for 15 years and only 3500 posts, so there's room to improve there.

I often feel that I don't have time to collect all of my thoughts, and I feel like the quality of posts is too high for a quick rambling thought, but I'm going to ignore the little voice and just hit "post" from now on.

The answer is shitpost without remorse. It's what I do.

It wasn’t bar none … it was the Transport Hotel. And 17 bourbons in, I’m not sure you were really looking after me :cool:

Ha ha ha ha. I was trying to get you to drink until I was attractive but there wasn't enough bourbon.

22-09-2023, 08:23 AM
I nearly fell out of my chair when I read this. I fit the category of being inconsistent with my posting efforts and Gary has reached out to me a couple of times. We have had some good chats and Ive met him a couple of times. The focus on family and at times I found footy discussions annoying are the main reasons for my absent times. With a lot of those distractions behind me and especially now that the children are growing up means I can jump in here more. Im willing to be part of any joint effort to help the site as I enjoy the discussions and would miss them.

22-09-2023, 10:23 AM
...at times I found footy discussions annoying...

I think we all find this mate - it's why having more people in discussions is so good...

22-09-2023, 11:13 AM
I think we all find this mate - it's why having more people in discussions is so good...

Ok but can we talk more about Jordon Sweet?

22-09-2023, 01:17 PM
Ok but can we talk more about Jordon Sweet?

Jordan...Sweet? OK - Never heard of him...maybe we should start breaking down his game. What about some other guy called - I think - Young? Apparently we really mistreated him if we had just given the young fella more of a go, well - obviously we would already have the 2021 and 2022 cups and this years would be a Fait Accompli.

Now I think about it...I may have heard mention of this Sweet fellow once or twice!

22-09-2023, 03:23 PM
Ive read though this 2 or 3 times not and Im trying to work out how I can help the site along if it proceeds.
Gary do you think you will get access to the training sessions again for next season?
Smads57, Dog Town and you did a lot with the training reports which gave me plenty of reasons to long on from December to Feb which is normally my hiatus.
List management and drafting stuff we seem to be a leader on so I dont think I can help much.
MJP, Axe Man, YHF and Eastdog start a lot of threads and I enjoyed the Beazer this year.
Do you have any suggestions on what assistance I might be able to offer?

22-09-2023, 04:27 PM
Ive read though this 2 or 3 times not and Im trying to work out how I can help the site along if it proceeds.
Gary do you think you will get access to the training sessions again for next season?
Smads57, Dog Town and you did a lot with the training reports which gave me plenty of reasons to long on from December to Feb which is normally my hiatus.
List management and drafting stuff we seem to be a leader on so I dont think I can help much.
MJP, Axe Man, YHF and Eastdog start a lot of threads and I enjoyed the Beazer this year.
Do you have any suggestions on what assistance I might be able to offer?

Stevo, the best action you can take is actively post. That is what we need. Not necessarily more threads but discussion in existing ones.

The Underdog
22-09-2023, 06:06 PM
I've been absent from the board for a little while and was relatively sporadic prior. I got to the point late in the season where generally I didn't have much passion for the game and the negativity of what was happening with the club and the reflection of that here wasn't adding to things and I needed a break overall. I honestly only watched bits and pieces of the last 5-6 weeks of the season. On top of which I just haven't felt like I had anything much to say, which makes it hard. My music / TV / Premier League posts have probably been running at about 5:1 to Dogs posts prior to hiatus-ing, which probably gives an indication of where my feelings are about the club at the moment.

Still this board has been a part of my life for way too long (kudos Gary, how the hell?), so it would be sad to see it go.

22-09-2023, 07:04 PM
I've been absent from the board for a little while and was relatively sporadic prior. I got to the point late in the season where generally I didn't have much passion for the game and the negativity of what was happening with the club and the reflection of that here wasn't adding to things and I needed a break overall. I honestly only watched bits and pieces of the last 5-6 weeks of the season. On top of which I just haven't felt like I had anything much to say, which makes it hard. My music / TV / Premier League posts have probably been running at about 5:1 to Dogs posts prior to hiatus-ing, which probably gives an indication of where my feelings are about the club at the moment.

Still this board has been a part of my life for way too long (kudos Gary, how the hell?), so it would be sad to see it go.

TU please see post 106 for my suggestions when such malaise hits you.

Good to have you back, always liked reading your thoughts.

22-09-2023, 07:51 PM
Ive read though this 2 or 3 times not and Im trying to work out how I can help the site along if it proceeds.
Gary do you think you will get access to the training sessions again for next season?
Smads57, Dog Town and you did a lot with the training reports which gave me plenty of reasons to long on from December to Feb which is normally my hiatus.
List management and drafting stuff we seem to be a leader on so I dont think I can help much.
MJP, Axe Man, YHF and Eastdog start a lot of threads and I enjoyed the Beazer this year.
Do you have any suggestions on what assistance I might be able to offer?

I need to reach out too the club and see if getting to preseason training is an option but given it's going to be a construction site for a long while I wonder if that's even possible.

Setting up some weekly threads particularly during the season could be of a great assistance so lets see how it plays out and I'll be in touch.

02-01-2024, 10:33 AM
Just to provide an update, I'm working with the IT guy who helped set-up the site and seeing if we can add some more features including a more mobile phone friendly app or if we need to upgrade to a later version of vBulletin. Fixing the mobile phone responsiveness is the priority.
The problem with the upgrades to later versions is that you lose some functionality that we've added over the years.
If we fix the mobile phone responsiveness option, change some of the some of the look and feel of the site and add a few more member friendly features that would be my preferred option but the version we are running is fairly old now but it is stable.

I might even be able to add something extra to the training reports but lets wait and see.

02-01-2024, 03:41 PM
Just to provide an update, I'm working with the IT guy who helped set-up the site and seeing if we can add some more features including a more mobile phone friendly app or if we need to upgrade to a later version of vBulletin. Fixing the mobile phone responsiveness is the priority.
The problem with the upgrades to later versions is that you lose some functionality that we've added over the years.
If we fix the mobile phone responsiveness option, change some of the some of the look and feel of the site and add a few more member friendly features that would be my preferred option but the version we are running is fairly old now but it is stable.

I might even be able to add something extra to the training reports but lets wait and see.

Thanks Gary, that is great. Need to also look at those ??? marks that keep bobbing up.

02-01-2024, 04:16 PM
Thanks for the update GVGjr.

02-01-2024, 04:26 PM
Thanks Gary, that is great. Need to also look at those ??? marks that keep bobbing up.

I agree, we think it's an easy fix but a lot of the issues are also from Iphones and IPads who haven't been updating their software.

02-01-2024, 04:35 PM
Just to provide an update, I'm working with the IT guy who helped set-up the site and seeing if we can add some more features including a more mobile phone friendly app or if we need to upgrade to a later version of vBulletin. Fixing the mobile phone responsiveness is the priority.
The problem with the upgrades to later versions is that you lose some functionality that we've added over the years.
If we fix the mobile phone responsiveness option, change some of the some of the look and feel of the site and add a few more member friendly features that would be my preferred option but the version we are running is fairly old now but it is stable.

I might even be able to add something extra to the training reports but lets wait and see.

Last roll of the dice sort of thing Gazza? I know you mentioned we haven't had much luck into converting new members into contributors. Sightseers don't add much to discussions.

02-01-2024, 04:45 PM
What extra thing possibly Gary would be added to the training reports?

So potentially also we could have a woof app that can be downloaded from the App Store?

02-01-2024, 04:51 PM
Last roll of the dice sort of thing Gazza? I know you mentioned we haven't had much luck into converting new members into contributors. Sightseers don't add much to discussions.

Pretty much, we've had more than 100 new members join since mid November (and about 15 return from March) when the training reports were started and it's only resulted in about 10 genuine contributors. That's not an encouraging endorsement for the site.
We will address some of the functionality features that have been raised and see if that encourages participation.

02-01-2024, 04:55 PM
What extra thing possibly Gary would be added to the training reports?

So potentially also we could have a woof app that can be downloaded from the App Store?

Lets not ruin the potential surprise Easty :)

There is likely to be a drop down option for members to use a mobile app that is loaded onto the site. There won't be a need to download anything from the App Shop.

02-01-2024, 11:58 PM
Pretty much, we've had more than 100 new members join since mid November (and about 15 return from March) when the training reports were started and it's only resulted in about 10 genuine contributors. That's not an encouraging endorsement for the site.
We will address some of the functionality features that have been raised and see if that encourages participation.

It's not a great time to be building participation, so hopefully more momentum can be generated over the coming weeks and a strong showing in the preseason games and first month of footy will help engagement.

Looking forward to seeing how content can be adapted to deliver an enhanced experience, even if it's just an incremental improvement on the excellent content we already have access to.

03-01-2024, 12:14 AM
It's not a great time to be building participation, so hopefully more momentum can be generated over the coming weeks and a strong showing in the preseason games and first month of footy will help engagement.

Looking forward to seeing how content can be adapted to deliver an enhanced experience, even if it's just an incremental improvement on the excellent content we already have access to.

I get that but during all of the footy season we had maybe 7 people join the site. In Jan and Feb of 2023 we had over 100.
In Nov/Dec again more than 100. We are the Rosebud and Lorne of Bulldog sites where the vast majority of new members visit for the summer months and then return again next summer.
Most new members won't even respond to the welcome message that I send them but the ones who do immediately ask for access to the training reports.

So we will try and fix the mobile phone responsiveness and add a few other features and see if that is sufficient.

03-01-2024, 12:19 AM
I get that but during all of the footy season we had maybe 7 people join the site. In Jan and Feb of 2023 we had over 100.
In Nov/Dec again more than 100. We are the Rosebud and Lorne of Bulldog sites where the vast majority of new members visit for the summer months and then return again next summer.
Most new members won't even respond to the welcome message that I send them but the ones who do immediately ask for access to the training reports.

So we will try and fix the mobile phone responsiveness and add a few other features and see if that is sufficient.

By engagement I was referring to meaningful contributions from newer members, but it's also a possibility that like other things on the internet people get more pleasure out of posting about negative thoughts than positive ones (and that's OK)!

Better mobile functionality will go a long way, it's a big difference between what we have here and social media platforms. It'll never be the same but any improvement would be a big thing for many readers/ posters.

03-01-2024, 02:41 AM
I get that but during all of the footy season we had maybe 7 people join the site. In Jan and Feb of 2023 we had over 100.
In Nov/Dec again more than 100. We are the Rosebud and Lorne of Bulldog sites where the vast majority of new members visit for the summer months and then return again next summer.
Most new members won't even respond to the welcome message that I send them but the ones who do immediately ask for access to the training reports.

So we will try and fix the mobile phone responsiveness and add a few other features and see if that is sufficient.

Better to be a quality boutique site than a junky mass social media mess.

Can understand the younger demographic wanting mobile functionality, but I find this trad. style desktop version enjoyable to wander around and peruse.

Have noticed some good contributions from new users, one who gave a very good run down of training and some great photos.

I can see the Lorne and Rosebud analogy. My comparison is only to Bigfooty, but they have very little of interest over the Lorne/Rosebud period. They do get better engagement in season and during the drafts and trading period, though, where I find the post game analysis interesting and on both there and WOOF I am happy to speculate forever on draft and trading.

The clear distinction for WOOF is a far more reasonable and polite approach to discussion and disagreement which is a joy to encounter.

03-01-2024, 08:49 AM
Btw I think this site works really well in an internet browser and is no harder to make posts in on phone than any other social media app, the issue is more to do with the length of typical responses I am trying to write on here vs functionality.

03-01-2024, 09:54 AM
Btw I think this site works really well in an internet browser and is no harder to make posts in on phone than any other social media app, the issue is more to do with the length of typical responses I am trying to write on here vs functionality.

I tend to agree. No concerns using my phone (it’s all I ever use) and find navigation and posting easy. The question marks are annoying and sometimes I don’t proof my posts before hitting submit meaning they have a few typos etc but other than that, I’m personally fine with the current iteration.

Re broader engagement, Gary - would there be any merit in setting up a fee for service access to the training reports for those who don’t want to post but want access to the content? I know that goes against how you’ve run the site historically (and would prefer to run it going forward) however if those 100 folks contributed a small fee it could support whatever upgrades you’re planning and an ongoing maintenance of the forum?

I think you’re always going to have a core group of us who’ve been members and posting here for 10+ years and high quality discussion but it’s perhaps realistic to only add a handful (maybe 5-8) who fit into that group each year as most of us have already found the site and younger demographics seem less likely to use discussion forums as a rule. I’m sure some success over the opening rounds (or being utterly humiliated) would drive a lot of discussion too.

doggies ftw
03-01-2024, 10:01 AM
I think there?s a balancing act with keeping things locked down, you don?t want people contributing because they?re forced too - it?s not going to lead to quality posts. It needs to be a naturally occurring thing where people want to contribute.

I think a new refined layout will be super important, it is very clunky on mobile and a lot of people don?t even have or use a laptop anymore. It would definitely turn people away - being a site I know and enjoy you put up with the clunkiness, but if I was a new member whose stumbled upon it then yeah it would be a big factor in probably not coming back. Especially for the younger generation who don?t really use forums, that early 2000s ?forum? vibe doesn?t mean anything to them, they?re used to polished easy to use UIs like Reddit & Social media

I also think the state of our club on field over the past two years, ie piss poor coaching, poor results, losing games the exact same way we have for years - would be contributing. I?d go weeks at a time not reading footy media or forums because it was just not an enjoyable sport for me at times this year and not something I wanted to be reminded of nor waste my time on.

If this year starts in a similar way to last year well I?m genuinely gonna be done until we sack the coach - so I can see why it?s been hard to get solid contributors when we?ve been so underwhelming.

Just my 2c anyway

03-01-2024, 10:19 AM
I think there?s a balancing act with keeping things locked down, you don?t want people contributing because they?re forced too - it?s not going to lead to quality posts. It needs to be a naturally occurring thing where people want to contribute.

In Jan 2023 there were 47 guests logged onto the forum at the same time all reading one thread. The thought was that if you explain why only members who contribute to discussions get access to the report it might turn some passive readers into decent contributors.
And to some extent that did work but people being people most preferred to be readers or viewers than contributors because it's far easier to read the thoughts of the thoughts of others than to make the effort yourself.

I think a new refined layout will be super important, it is very clunky on mobile and a lot of people don?t even have or use a laptop anymore. It would definitely turn people away - being a site I know and enjoy you put up with the clunkiness, but if I was a new member whose stumbled upon it then yeah it would be a big factor in probably not coming back. Especially for the younger generation who don?t really use forums, that early 2000s ?forum? vibe doesn?t mean anything to them, they?re used to polished easy to use UIs like Reddit & Social media

The software really isn't the challenge in that it never stopped anyone from logging on for a read and 100's of non members or non contributors wanted to do that.
It's become more about that it's a convenient reason for non participation so while I have some doubts we will try to address it.

I also think the state of our club on field over the past two years, ie piss poor coaching, poor results, losing games the exact same way we have for years - would be contributing. I?d go weeks at a time not reading footy media or forums because it was just not an enjoyable sport for me at times this year and not something I wanted to be reminded of nor waste my time on.

If this year starts in a similar way to last year well I?m genuinely gonna be done until we sack the coach - so I can see why it?s been hard to get solid contributors when we?ve been so underwhelming.

Just my 2c anyway

I can understand that in terms of coughing up money for a membership but it actually doesn't have a lot to do with participation in a forums discussions. I think the challenge is that for some that they have built up a profile in one site so coming to another as a new member can be challenging.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

03-01-2024, 11:02 AM
As a new member i'd be disappointed if things were shut down because I love the contents and members on the site, however fully understand the frustration of having lurkers who don't contribute. I'm probably a little guilty of that myself, but it's often because I feel that if I don't have anything truly meaningful or insightful to contribute, it's best not to clog threads up. A quick glance on bigfooty shows that posting for the sake of posting can really derail a thread depending on the topic.

Whilst the format of the site is a little difficult to wrap the head around at first, I don't think it's really a limiting factor. If people truly want to post and be involved they'd find a way.

I think my main notes / difficulties when I found the site was navigating the messages (possibly why some don't respond Gary?), replying to posts in a thread and access on mobile. Although I have found that accessing the site just through mobile browser works fine if you know what you're doing.

Keep the faith guys, you've built a fantastic place for true dogs supporters here. Hopefully some of the newer members see that the more they contribute, the more things will grow and develop so there is less downtime between conversations. If not, i'd be happy to do a little recruitment drive on bigfooty etc!

03-01-2024, 12:16 PM
I struggled a while back when I first started using a mobile more than a laptop to view the site. Working from home has changed that a fair bit :;) but it used to be OK to read, but a punish to post, so I'd read more than post. That said, I use phone mostly now and post on that mostly - but writing anything longer than a para or 2 is a bit of a drag. That's just phones though.

03-01-2024, 12:28 PM
I think the site is super easy to use and I prefer it in almost every way aesthetically to BigFooty (which I do genuinely find hideous). I think some features when posting could maybe use a bit of modernisation (linking to photos/videos being one major example I can think of). Maybe the aesthetic seems fine to me because I grew up with an internet from before everthing was centralised onto 3-5 shitty websites

D Mitchell
03-01-2024, 12:38 PM
I think the site is super easy to use and .....

Agree. I really like the Whats New function. You can get an overview of what's topical quickly and that should encourage contributions across a number of topics.

03-01-2024, 01:20 PM
What extra thing possibly Gary would be added to the training reports?

Drone footage from that xmas present.

03-01-2024, 01:52 PM
Drone footage from that xmas present.

Controlled in his tent

03-01-2024, 02:12 PM
Drone footage from that xmas present.

Could you imagine the reports if the clubs and a WOOF drone collided?

03-01-2024, 02:13 PM
Agree. I really like the Whats New function. You can get an overview of what's topical quickly and that should encourage contributions across a number of topics.

My go to button is "New Posts" which shows all the "New Posts" since I last logged on.

03-01-2024, 02:41 PM
My go to button is "New Posts" which shows all the "New Posts" since I last logged on.

Yep I always use that

03-01-2024, 03:13 PM
Yep I always use that

Me also. Best button on here.

03-01-2024, 04:07 PM
Could you imagine the reports if the clubs and a WOOF drone collided?

Equip the WOOF one with missiles. Take theirs out first up. We need the footage more!

03-01-2024, 04:17 PM
Equip the WOOF one with missiles. Take theirs out first up. We need the footage more!

Sounds like a plan. :)

03-01-2024, 04:43 PM
Equip the WOOF one with missiles. Take theirs out first up. We need the footage more!

We can't afford a drone missile gap!

03-01-2024, 08:08 PM
We can't afford a drone missile gap!

We have to at least achieve the level of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction

03-01-2024, 10:05 PM
We have to at least achieve the level of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction

I too am watching Yellowjackets.

I had never heard that term until tonight and now twice in half an hour.

03-01-2024, 11:54 PM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty

04-01-2024, 12:10 AM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty

First in with a response. (Pats himself on the head!) I think you make a good point. It is not much fun posting into a void when you first join. Long term posters obviously have an easy familiarity, but a new poster doesn't have that same comfort level and getting a conversation going can be hard.

As a new poster myself I am conscious that I don't have any relevant experience or expertise behind anything I might say, whereas I think in your case, if you use the same name on Bigfooty, always have some very interesting points of view and start some good conversations.

I do enjoy reading the long term poster's views on here though, and am sure they will be interested in your perspectives. So please perservere.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
04-01-2024, 01:38 AM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty

That's a really good point. I think it's easy for people who have been here a long time to understand and get the in-jokes, and build up a knowledge base of how different posters feel about topics. That can perhaps feel if not intimidating to newcomers, at least a bit of a barrier to overcome, made especially harder if they are not getting much response to their comments.

I've been around here for a long time, and still I really have no idea as to how much administration and maintenance is required much less the actual monetary costs incurred by Gary are for WOOF.

I have little to add as to how to grow involvement that hasn't already been articulated by others, but I do know that were WOOF to shut down it would be a genuine loss to me and the relatively small but dedicated posters that make this place such a great online community.

As much as I relish a larger contributing Bulldog contingent here; it would enhance and potentially make this a more vibrant community than it already is, I'm even more invested in contributing towards solution that at the very least enables what we have now to continue going forward.

I do know that I for one would be more than willing to pay a subscription as well as take on any tasks that might make it more tenable to Gary to continue with a small site. I'm sure I wouldn't the only one either.

04-01-2024, 07:34 AM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty
Spot on, I try really hard to engage new members. I think any of us that have been here a while need to do this.
If 5 long term members reply for eg that's a great feeling for a new member and will certainly make them feel part of the community and not someone trying to interrupt a private chat group.

04-01-2024, 07:40 AM
First in with a response. (Pats himself on the head!) I think you make a good point. It is not much fun posting into a void when you first join. Long term posters obviously have an easy familiarity, but a new poster doesn't have that same comfort level and getting a conversation going can be hard.

As a new poster myself I am conscious that I don't have any relevant experience or expertise behind anything I might say, whereas I think in your case, if you use the same name on Bigfooty, always have some very interesting points of view and start some good conversations.

I do enjoy reading the long term poster's views on here though, and am sure they will be interested in your perspectives. So please perservere.

Wise words, change your handle to informed!

Diverse respectful opinions are what makes this place great.
There will always be a period of integration for any new members, that's expected; just know, and I'm sure I speak for most here, the community loves to read your posts even if you don't receive immediate replies.
Keep posting please!

04-01-2024, 08:26 AM
Spot on, I try really hard to engage new members.

I've found the problem.

04-01-2024, 08:36 AM
I've found the problem.

God level shit posting.

G can we ban EW if he crosses an SP threshold per day? XD

04-01-2024, 09:52 AM
My go to button is "New Posts" which shows all the "New Posts" since I last logged on.

Thats my bookmark for Woof :)

04-01-2024, 09:55 AM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty

You make a good point and I have asked our more regular contributors here to try and do a bit more with engaging newer members.

Just on the comment I have highlighted which is more specific to your time here, I went through your last 15 or 20 posts and nearly all of them have been responded to and done so promptly.

You could also take the lead and make newer members feel more welcome. If everyone rolls up their selves just a bit in terms of engaging others especially with the newer folk it all helps.

04-01-2024, 11:00 AM
TBH I?ve never taken any time to look who posts . If the post is something that grabs my interest and I want to get involved I post or reply.
How do we know who is new ?

04-01-2024, 11:04 AM
TBH I?ve never taken any time to look who posts . If the post is something that grabs my interest and I want to get involved I post or reply.
How do we know who is new ?

In the top right hand corner of the post, it will say someone's join date. See here that mine is December 2023.Yours is December of 2007

04-01-2024, 11:11 AM
Shit I am getting old , I was a young buck back then . 44
Just a question , I keep seeing question marks pop up in peoples posts it?s driving me nuts . Can we get rid of them ?

04-01-2024, 11:18 AM
If I notice a post is from a new member and I have nothing to engage with I try to drop a like or something. It's nice to get likes. That said sometimes new members tend to blend together because they don't have avatars yet

04-01-2024, 11:18 AM
I've gathered it's where apostrophes are being typed, so not sure how that's happening. Maybe we all need to screw our grammar up for the greater good

04-01-2024, 12:09 PM
Shit I am getting old , I was a young buck back then . 44
Just a question , I keep seeing question marks pop up in peoples posts it?s driving me nuts . Can we get rid of them ?
I think it's something to do with Apple devices and their charset (character set) being parsed incorrectly by the software the forum uses.
I use Android and it's fine with apostrophes.
Mods are aware.

04-01-2024, 12:32 PM
I think it's something to do with Apple devices and their charset (character set) being parsed incorrectly by the software the forum uses.
I use Android and it's fine with apostrophes.
Mods are aware.

Nah, happens on laptop as well

04-01-2024, 01:40 PM
Nah, happens on laptop as well
Crapple Macintrash or PC master race? Seems to happen when cutting and pasting from some sources too.
There will be a pattern / culprit just a matter of spending the time finding the commonality.

04-01-2024, 02:19 PM
Update is live?

Not sure how i feel about it yet but certainly easier to reply on mobile

04-01-2024, 03:00 PM
I've gathered it's where apostrophes are being typed, so not sure how that's happening. Maybe we all need to screw our grammar up for the greater good

Yep-I?ve got an apple device & this is what happens to my posts.

04-01-2024, 03:02 PM
Wise words, change your handle to informed!

Diverse respectful opinions are what makes this place great.
There will always be a period of integration for any new members, that's expected; just know, and I'm sure I speak for most here, the community loves to read your posts even if you don't receive immediate replies.
Keep posting please!

Seconded!! I enjoy seeing new posts from newbies.

Where have like and thx options gone? Disappeared about a week ago.

04-01-2024, 03:20 PM
Seconded!! I enjoy seeing new posts from newbies.

Where have like and thx options gone? Disappeared about a week ago.

might be missing on mobile?

04-01-2024, 04:49 PM

God level shit posting.

G can we ban EW if he crosses an SP threshold per day? XD

I shitpost, therefore I am.

04-01-2024, 04:49 PM
Seconded!! I enjoy seeing new posts from newbies.

Where have like and thx options gone? Disappeared about a week ago.

might be missing on mobile?

I only use mobile and I have them.

04-01-2024, 05:48 PM
Just my observation re: lack of engagement from new members..

Countless times now I?ve seen random users comment on threads, and receive minimal / no replies from other users, which can?t help with user retention. There?s probably an element of responsibility on existing users to engage in conversation with ?strangers? as much as longer term posters.

I know I?ve posted on various threads in the past with no response, and would?ve been happy to have long, back and forth conversations but instead resorted to Reddit/Bigfooty

I'm going to try and take up the challenge here and do a bit more although I do think it is a very friendly group compared to 10 years ago. I do like to read the contribution and fresh comments for some new members and it goes well so well with the many other quality contributors already here. It's a good site and I need to get more involved.

04-01-2024, 05:50 PM
Nah, happens on laptop as well

Once I upgraded the software on my phone and laptop to the latest version the problem went away.

04-01-2024, 05:52 PM
Seconded!! I enjoy seeing new posts from newbies.

Where have like and thx options gone? Disappeared about a week ago.

We need newbies and the new ideas they bring. I think that's why G is doing what he can to get 50 more members here who are willing to share their thoughts.

04-01-2024, 06:01 PM
Update is live?

Not sure how i feel about it yet but certainly easier to reply on mobile

Not yet, we are intending to copy the site over add the features and test it before loading it on here.
The current plan is to do it on the weekend. At the moment it doesn't look like we will have to go to the newer versions of vBulletin which means we would lose some of the features we already have and that the members seem to like. For example the likes and thanks feature is a bit different in later VB versions.

04-01-2024, 07:22 PM
I shitpost, therefore I am.
I seriously believe you to look like this :

https://i.postimg.cc/J4nnHX8D/OIG-Eo6-Ytw-MTf-Hm-U0-QCfd9-XD.jpg (https://postimg.cc/V5x13ddm)

04-01-2024, 07:26 PM
I seriously believe you to look like this :

https://i.postimg.cc/J4nnHX8D/OIG-Eo6-Ytw-MTf-Hm-U0-QCfd9-XD.jpg (https://postimg.cc/V5x13ddm)

Like that but more jacked.

04-01-2024, 08:55 PM
I tend to agree. No concerns using my phone (it?s all I ever use) and find navigation and posting easy. The question marks are annoying and sometimes I don?t proof my posts before hitting submit meaning they have a few typos etc but other than that, I?m personally fine with the current iteration.

Re broader engagement, Gary - would there be any merit in setting up a fee for service access to the training reports for those who don?t want to post but want access to the content? I know that goes against how you?ve run the site historically (and would prefer to run it going forward) however if those 100 folks contributed a small fee it could support whatever upgrades you?re planning and an ongoing maintenance of the forum?

I think you?re always going to have a core group of us who?ve been members and posting here for 10+ years and high quality discussion but it?s perhaps realistic to only add a handful (maybe 5-8) who fit into that group each year as most of us have already found the site and younger demographics seem less likely to use discussion forums as a rule. I?m sure some success over the opening rounds (or being utterly humiliated) would drive a lot of discussion too.

Over the years there have been some offers from non contributing members to make a donation to the forum to have full access and whilst it's a nice offer from my perspective it's never been about the money it's always been about participation.
We are essentially losing more good members each year than we can attract as many people scale back their contributions and we are exceptionally lucky that we picked up 10 or so good contributors in Jan/Feb 2023. We've picked up a few more in Nov/Dec but I'm not sure it's enough. 100 people have recently joined and ideally we need to get a few of them to start becoming regular contributors.

04-01-2024, 10:31 PM
Could getting some new members involved in the Dawg Squad help. GVG would know what that is in case new members don?t know. They could start some weekly threads etc.

I enjoy starting the Doggies game day and general round discussion threads each week.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
05-01-2024, 01:01 AM
Could getting some new members involved in the Dawg Squad help. GVG would know what that is in case new members don?t know. They could start some weekly threads etc.

I enjoy starting the Doggies game day and general round discussion threads each week.

I've been thinking along similar lines.
Maybe some fresh ideas for regular threads from some of the new members, or alternatively handing over the admin reigns for existing regular threads to some of the newer members.
Might be a good way for us all to get to know new members to the community.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
05-01-2024, 01:26 AM
Like that but more jacked.

Did you cut out and send away for the Charles Atlas muscle building method that was advertised in the back of the comic, alongside the x-ray glasses?

I might be showing my age here.

05-01-2024, 07:56 AM
Not yet, we are intending to copy the site over add the features and test it before loading it on here.
The current plan is to do it on the weekend. At the moment it doesn't look like we will have to go to the newer versions of vBulletin which means we would lose some of the features we already have and that the members seem to like. For example the likes and thanks feature is a bit different in later VB versions.

Interesting, I dont recall having to force "use desktop mode" for woof in the past but if i just use mobile now I get a very different view.

I think the other question would be if you continue on with VB but suspect that moving to a new platform would be a lot more work. VB has absolutely gone backwards with 5 and I'm not sure the release of 6 will bring back any of the devs that it lost. A company not knowing that letting developers make mods to improve their service is kinda amazing to witness.

07-01-2024, 01:18 PM
My go to button is "New Posts" which shows all the "New Posts" since I last logged on.

Where I go Bob all the time too. Always use my pc to post and mostly read. Phone sometimes to read but not happy jan using it for WOOF.

09-01-2024, 02:19 PM
Have only read GVGjr's initial post and srtrongly respect him and the site.
I found WOOF a decade ago looking for fellow Bulldog supporters.
I have never posted on or sought another site, WOOF is knowledgable and very faithful to our club.
I will respect whatever decision you make Gary and thanks so much for the decade of shared bulldoggedness so valuable to a solo old footscray supporter!
We won the premiership in 2016 and were able to share it with all the WOOFers.
Thanks Gary and all mods n contributors.
I'll never forget you.

09-01-2024, 03:26 PM
Hopefully Woof continues on as we are all passionate about our club and we all love talking Bulldogs which is all we need right here, especially those of us who do live interstate and i'm sure all of us fully appreciate the work and efforts from Gary over many years keeping the site up and running.

Like many i joined years ago and really enjoyed contributing and reading others opinions, stories etc but unfortunately a few things going on in life (moving up North selling up (house and job) was the key reason for not being on Woof for a good ten years, then Marriage, having kids, finding new jobs and everything that goes along with all of that sort of got my life focusing on other area's but obviously still passionately supporting our great club via Fox Footy, SEN online, the "ONE" game per season if lucky in Bris/GC.

I had been meaning to come back sooner but life as we know kept me focused elsewhere and thanks to Gary who did message me on a few occasions for a few good chats, my one Woof regret is that i wasn't on here in 2016 although i did get my membership Grand Final ticket (yes still and always be a member despite attending 1 or zero games - although i did sneak in 7 or 8 Hub games at Metricon in 2000, the only positive with Covid) and had a great side on view seat (didn't really care where it was, i was there!!!!!) hugging 20 or so complete strangers wearing red white and blue on the final siren, but meeting back up with Brother (Flamethrower) and a few mates afterwards, how bloody glorious.

So back now, will try and post as much as i can although life is a lot more hectic than it once was and hopefully be part of it on here will all you awesome folk to celebrate our next Premiership!!!!! Go Woof!

09-01-2024, 10:03 PM
The IT guy hasn't been able to progress things like I would have hoped.
Perhaps this weekend we will have some new features to enjoy and an improved logging on experience.

14-01-2024, 02:00 PM
Hopefully Woof continues on as we are all passionate about our club and we all love talking Bulldogs which is all we need right here, especially those of us who do live interstate and i'm sure all of us fully appreciate the work and efforts from Gary over many years keeping the site up and running.

Like many i joined years ago and really enjoyed contributing and reading others opinions, stories etc but unfortunately a few things going on in life (moving up North selling up (house and job) was the key reason for not being on Woof for a good ten years, then Marriage, having kids, finding new jobs and everything that goes along with all of that sort of got my life focusing on other area's but obviously still passionately supporting our great club via Fox Footy, SEN online, the "ONE" game per season if lucky in Bris/GC.

I had been meaning to come back sooner but life as we know kept me focused elsewhere and thanks to Gary who did message me on a few occasions for a few good chats, my one Woof regret is that i wasn't on here in 2016 although i did get my membership Grand Final ticket (yes still and always be a member despite attending 1 or zero games - although i did sneak in 7 or 8 Hub games at Metricon in 2000, the only positive with Covid) and had a great side on view seat (didn't really care where it was, i was there!!!!!) hugging 20 or so complete strangers wearing red white and blue on the final siren, but meeting back up with Brother (Flamethrower) and a few mates afterwards, how bloody glorious.

So back now, will try and post as much as i can although life is a lot more hectic than it once was and hopefully be part of it on here will all you awesome folk to celebrate our next Premiership!!!!! Go Woof!

Cannot find symbols so loved your piece above

11-02-2024, 10:11 AM
Okay,, after a very frustrating 4 to 6 weeks waiting for some new features, a more responsive mobile app and hopefully a new look and theme (Thanks to GrantyGhost) we now might be close to 'unleashing' a new an improved version of WOOF.
Fingers crossed this will be completed in the next 2 or 3 days.stay tuned.

11-02-2024, 12:20 PM
Okay,, after a very frustrating 4 to 6 weeks waiting for some new features, a more responsive mobile app and hopefully a new look and theme (Thanks to GrantyGhost) we now might be close to 'unleashing' a new an improved version of WOOF.
Fingers crossed this will be completed in the next 2 or 3 days.stay tuned.
Wowee.... The tension is killing me!

11-02-2024, 01:28 PM
Thanks for all your efforts GvGjr.

There's a good buzz around woof this preseason and the training reports from so many dedicated woofers are top notch.

I?m crossing fingers the like and dislike buttons will reappear on I phones and quotation marks don?t turn into question marks.

11-02-2024, 02:40 PM
Thanks for all your efforts GvGjr.

There's a good buzz around woof this preseason and the training reports from so many dedicated woofers are top notch.

I?m crossing fingers the like and dislike buttons will reappear on I phones and quotation marks don?t turn into question marks.

Have you installed the latest software updates your phone recently? I don't use iphones but I've had a few people report back that once they installed the latest software updates on their iphone/ipad it fixed a few of the problems.
That said, it's one of a number of requests I gave the IT guy.

11-02-2024, 02:57 PM
Okay,, after a very frustrating 4 to 6 weeks waiting for some new features, a more responsive mobile app and hopefully a new look and theme (Thanks to GrantyGhost) we now might be close to 'unleashing' a new an improved version of WOOF.
Fingers crossed this will be completed in the next 2 or 3 days.stay tuned.

Sounds great, thank you.

Will the browser version have any changes?

11-02-2024, 03:59 PM
Sounds great, thank you.

Will the browser version have any changes?

I'm not quite sure about the question about the browser. People choose their own browsers.

The vBulletin version we use isn't changing. I could fix the mobile component if we went to VB version 5 or 6 but we lose a lot of other features including likes and thanks etc and the look of the forum changes quite dramatically. The later versions are more limited with add-on options and even visually. Developers stopped creating add-ons as the versions 5 and 6 didn't cater for them.

The aim is to fix the responsiveness of the mobile app to accommodate the members who use this as their primary WOOF interaction, add a few more features, fix the issue with the characters for iphone/ipad users and to change the older retro style of the header to a fresher look. A lot of this was based on feedback from newer and existing member.

In essence with every upgrade there is going to need to be a few compromises we will all need to accept to fix some of the other challenges but we are long overdue for trying to fix some of the challenges.

11-02-2024, 04:44 PM
The IT guy has confirmed he is working on the upgrade. Perhaps we will get this done sooner rather than later.

11-02-2024, 08:14 PM
Have you installed the latest software updates your phone recently? I don't use iphones but I've had a few people report back that once they installed the latest software updates on their iphone/ipad it fixed a few of the problems.
That said, it's one of a number of requests I gave the IT guy.

Yeah-I?m up to date with software. It?s no biggie if it can?t be addressed.

11-02-2024, 08:16 PM
As you can see it?s apostrophes that are replaced by question marks. Here?s a tester for ?quotation marks?.

11-02-2024, 08:21 PM
As you can see it?s apostrophes that are replaced by question marks. Here?s a tester for ?quotation marks?.

They happen with Google Chrome browser as well

11-02-2024, 08:26 PM
I'm not quite sure about the question about the browser. People choose their own browsers.

The vBulletin version we use isn't changing. I could fix the mobile component if we went to VB version 5 or 6 but we lose a lot of other features including likes and thanks etc and the look of the forum changes quite dramatically. The later versions are more limited with add-on options and even visually. Developers stopped creating add-ons as the versions 5 and 6 didn't cater for them.

The aim is to fix the responsiveness of the mobile app to accommodate the members who use this as their primary WOOF interaction, add a few more features, fix the issue with the characters for iphone/ipad users and to change the older retro style of the header to a fresher look. A lot of this was based on feedback from newer and existing member.

In essence with every upgrade there is going to need to be a few compromises we will all need to accept to fix some of the other challenges but we are long overdue for trying to fix some of the challenges.
This is great to hear mate, appreciate it. I?ve been liking the discussions/content on Woof lately, but haven?t been able to interact as much as I?d like since I?m primarily limited to mobile (only use the PC for it on occasion).
These mobile changes - does it include a fix for the ?What?s New? button and Notifications? (Neither work for me, I?m on iPhone)

11-02-2024, 08:32 PM
This is great to hear mate, appreciate it. I?ve been liking the discussions/content on Woof lately, but haven?t been able to interact as much as I?d like since I?m primarily limited to mobile (only use the PC for it on occasion).
These mobile changes - does it include a fix for the ?What?s New? button and Notifications? (Neither work for me, I?m on iPhone)

I haven't tested it yet but that was the request. I should know in a couple of days.

11-02-2024, 08:56 PM
They happen with Google Chrome browser as well
Yeh, I tried different browsers too, normally I use safari.

14-02-2024, 04:34 PM
the IT guy has been in contact and we are close to loading the most of the changes sometime tonight.
If we go off line for a little while please do not panic. :)
The change of the theme might take a bit longer but the functionality to address the user interface is the priority.

14-02-2024, 04:38 PM
the IT guy has been in contact and we are close to loading the most of the changes sometime tonight.
If we go off line for a little while please do not panic. :)
The change of the theme might take a bit longer but the functionality to address the user interface is the priority.

Don't panic Mr. Mainwaring.

14-02-2024, 04:43 PM
Don't panic Mr. Mainwaring.

As Jack Jones the Butcher would say 'they don't like it up em'

14-02-2024, 04:44 PM
the IT guy has been in contact and we are close to loading the most of the changes sometime tonight.
If we go off line for a little while please do not panic. :)
The change of the theme might take a bit longer but the functionality to address the user interface is the priority.

This could be the greatest night since Oct 2016.

14-02-2024, 05:27 PM
As Jack Jones the Butcher would say 'they don't like it up em'

Lance Corporal Jones please.

Axe Man
01-03-2024, 10:41 AM
FYI I have had the following message a couple of times this morning when trying to access WOOF:

Invalid forum path specified! Please edit this file and be sure to include the correct path for your $forumpath variable.

01-03-2024, 10:43 AM
FYI I have had the following message a couple of times this morning when trying to access WOOF:


01-03-2024, 11:10 AM
Yep, same here . I have reported to the host

01-03-2024, 03:15 PM
Yes. I could not get access for a few hours today.

01-03-2024, 03:32 PM
Yes. I could not get access for a few hours today.

Seems to be a bit more frequent when I use the homepage option. The issue has been logged with the host and I hope this is rectified soon. Apologies to all.

01-03-2024, 04:26 PM
FYI I have had the following message a couple of times this morning when trying to access WOOF:

Are you trying to post in the contract thread? Because that could be your problem.

Axe Man
01-03-2024, 05:33 PM
Are you trying to post in the contract thread? Because that could be your problem.

Never heard of it.

01-03-2024, 06:13 PM
The problem should be fixed soon. It looks like the host reconfigured something incorrectly.

Bulldog Joe
01-03-2024, 06:15 PM
The problem should be fixed soon. It looks like the host reconfigured something incorrectly.

Any reason it happens on the laptop but not on the phone

01-03-2024, 06:21 PM
Any reason it happens on the laptop but not on the phone

Once I stopped clicking onto the homepage button I didn't get the problem again. It might have a different config between the phone and the laptop.

Should be fixed now. I'm checking it on a few browsers and it's now working fine.

Bulldog Joe
01-03-2024, 06:23 PM
Once I stopped clicking onto the homepage button I didn't get the problem again. It might have a different config between the phone and the laptop.

Should be fixed now. I'm checking it on a few browsers and it's now working fine.

Now right for me

02-03-2024, 12:07 AM
Never heard of it.

It's still fun even if you play along Axe.

02-03-2024, 01:16 PM
It's still fun even if you play along Axe.

I just go to Footywire because I can't find the thread