View Full Version : The Monday Soap Box - Round Two

24-03-2024, 10:32 PM
Have a rant or vent about something to do with round 2.
It could be the AFL, umpiring, Kane Cornes, Channel 7 commentary, Rules, Oppo players etc

25-03-2024, 08:57 AM
I've got 2 for this week from the game against the Suns.

The first one is the the Ballarat club is about food prices in the club. I thought I'd get a can of Coke Zero when I arrived and the barman told me it was $6 so I declined that and went for the free cup of chilled water. I would imagine they could purchase that for under $1 so there is no way I'm paying $6 for a can of fizzy.

I had a ticket in the Northern stand and at half time I went to the toilet etc. All tickets in the Northern stand were purchased by our supporters. Upon my return a husband and wife couple who weren't there before half time were sitting in my seat.
I pointed this out to the lady and said 'I'm sorry but your in my seat' 'Prove it' was her response so I showed her the ticket and she still wanted to argue that 'Can't you sit somewhere else there are plenty of empty seats' (This was 10 minutes before the 3rd quarter was about to start) so I said 'No and that the others would return shortly' but she still wanted to argue so at this stage I said to the husband 'if you don't move, I'm going to move you' they both decided to get up and moved to other seats and of course when the people return they had a similar discussion. When they eventually decided to leave the wife was still bitching and moaning.
I don't know if they were both hot and bothered and they were sick of standing but I didn't expected to have that much push back when I could easily produce the ticket of proof.

Other than that the whole trip to Ballarat and the end result was as good as I hoped for.

The Doctor
25-03-2024, 09:21 AM
My rant today is the axis of evil that fills the speakers of my TV set up. I'm referring to the hideous commentary of Gary Lyon, Jonathon Brown and Nathan Buckley. MY GOD I HATE IT.

They are on KAYO all the time. They have completely destroyed On The Couch with their blokey around the bbq with a few beers style. Their humour is not funny. I can't understand anything Brown says. Lyon has to comment on everything and often interrupts the caller. Buckley isn't too bad but tries to come across as a good bloke too much. Perhaps I should tell him this as he lives near me and I see him at the shops a lot!

25-03-2024, 09:30 AM
My rant today is the axis of evil that fills the speakers of my TV set up. I'm referring to the hideous commentary of Gary Lyon, Jonathon Brown and Nathan Buckley. MY GOD I HATE IT.

They are on KAYO all the time. They have completely destroyed On The Couch with their blokey around the bbq with a few beers style. Their humour is not funny. I can't understand anything Brown says. Lyon has to comment on everything and often interrupts the caller. Buckley isn't too bad but tries to come across as a good bloke too much. Perhaps I should tell him this as he lives near me and I see him at the shops a lot!

Totally agree with this, the three are very painful with probably Buckley the least, but nevertheless still painful to listen to.

25-03-2024, 09:34 AM
Tv commentators who just believe what the other ones say , as I mentioned somewhere else , 28 points up but they all went with 21 points up.
And ffs I heard it all week . Darcy kicking 6 goals in the twos on one program, Darcy kicking 5.1 on another program , he didn’t kicked 5 or 6 . What’s with the making it up without just checking ?

And as I am going on about commentators our own Luke Darcy .. Draper takes a contested overhead mark and Luke responds with due to his soccer skills as a junior.
Surely they are all just taking the piss now.

25-03-2024, 09:37 AM
I had a ticket in the Northern stand and at half time I went to the toilet etc. All tickets in the Northern stand were purchased by our supporters. Upon my return a husband and wife couple who weren't there before half time were sitting in my seat.
I pointed this out to the lady and said 'I'm sorry but your in my seat' 'Prove it' was her response so I showed her the ticket and she still wanted to argue that 'Can't you sit somewhere else there are plenty of empty seats' (This was 10 minutes before the 3rd quarter was about to start) so I said 'No and that the others would return shortly' but she still wanted to argue so at this stage I said to the husband 'if you don't move, I'm going to move you' they both decided to get up and moved to other seats and of course when the people return they had a similar discussion. When they eventually decided to leave the wife was still bitching and moaning.
I don't know if they were both hot and bothered and they were sick of standing but I didn't expected to have that much push back when I could easily produce the ticket of proof.

Earth would be a great place if it weren't for the people.

25-03-2024, 09:38 AM
My rant is the cost of a seat when you've already forked out for a membership.

I stood in the outer which was ok but my view was restricted.

Plus i got sunburnt so i can't win with Ballarat xD

I get we make good cash out of it but personally i'd prefer not playing there. Or maybe just once.

25-03-2024, 09:40 AM
Earth would be a great place if it weren't for the people.

Nick Cave nailed it "People Ain't No Good"

25-03-2024, 09:41 AM
My rant is the cost of a seat when you've already forked out for a membership.

I stood in the outer which was ok but my view was restricted.

Plus i got sunburnt so i can't win with Ballarat xD

I get we make good cash out of it but personally i'd prefer not playing there. Or maybe just once.

Why didn't you ask GVGjr to swap seats with you?

25-03-2024, 09:46 AM
Nick Cave nailed it "People Ain't No Good"

I prefer the Fauves' approach more.

25-03-2024, 09:46 AM
My rant is the cost of a seat when you've already forked out for a membership.

I stood in the outer which was ok but my view was restricted.

Plus i got sunburnt so i can't win with Ballarat xD

I get we make good cash out of it but personally i'd prefer not playing there. Or maybe just once.

I have the two game Ballarat membership with a seat in the big stand. Mind you my seat is on the edge and still in the Sun, but I didn't mind.

My Rant is about the three women behind me who thought they knew everything about the game. They yelled at every single play for a free kick(mostly weren't there), they couldn't work out which player was which. They yelled the entire game. The two people sitting next to me said they had enough and moved. I sort of found it funny, but gee, get some binoculars if you can't see across the ground. The older women kept calling VDM Vanderhar :D

25-03-2024, 09:47 AM
My rant is the cost of a seat when you've already forked out for a membership.

I stood in the outer which was ok but my view was restricted.

Plus i got sunburnt so i can't win with Ballarat xD

I get we make good cash out of it but personally i'd prefer not playing there. Or maybe just once.

I was traveling back on the train and there were a number of people really badly burnt. One guy, a suns supporter, would really be struggling today as he must not have been wearing a hat or used any sunblock.

25-03-2024, 10:02 AM
I was traveling back on the train and there were a number of people really badly burnt. One guy, a suns supporter, would really be struggling today as he must not have been wearing a hat or used any sunblock.

Well, i had a broad rimmed straw hat.... And i left it in the car as i was running late.
I had to park miles away so thought i'd get away with the scarf draped over the head.
Wrong. Im burnt ha.
I saw Ameet after and he parked right next to the presidents function. No wonder they love it ;)

25-03-2024, 10:03 AM
I was traveling back on the train and there were a number of people really badly burnt. One guy, a suns supporter, would really be struggling today as he must not have been wearing a hat or used any sunblock.

Considering the club he supports that’s doing my head in.

25-03-2024, 10:22 AM
Considering the club he supports that’s doing my head in.

That irony was not lost on me.

25-03-2024, 10:36 AM
I blame global warming. It's Ballarat ffs!

25-03-2024, 10:55 AM
I blame global warming. It's Ballarat ffs!

Mate, it was a beautiful day

25-03-2024, 10:59 AM
Mate, it was a beautiful day

I'd bet the overcast morning played it's role in catching people underprepared for the sunny afternoon

25-03-2024, 11:05 AM
Mate, it was a beautiful day

It was. No argument from me.

But it's the soapbox so I have to piss and moan about something !

So really, I'm angry at myself for forgetting my hat.

25-03-2024, 11:06 AM
I'd bet the overcast morning played it's role in catching people underprepared for the sunny afternoon

I think you are right. I never take a bag, but took my backpack with a jumper, hat and water just in case. I should have worn a short sleeve shirt.

25-03-2024, 11:10 AM
My rant today is the axis of evil that fills the speakers of my TV set up. I'm referring to the hideous commentary of Gary Lyon, Jonathon Brown and Nathan Buckley. MY GOD I HATE IT.

They are on KAYO all the time. They have completely destroyed On The Couch with their blokey around the bbq with a few beers style. Their humour is not funny. I can't understand anything Brown says. Lyon has to comment on everything and often interrupts the caller. Buckley isn't too bad but tries to come across as a good bloke too much. Perhaps I should tell him this as he lives near me and I see him at the shops a lot!
As tired as the Fox Footy coverage has become (and it is very stale), there is nothing that makes the game as unwatchable as what those ch 7 pricks have done to footy broadcasting.

Fox Footy urgently needs a reboot of talent and method and also a significant trimming of their list - they have way too many people doing special comments. The likes of Johnno, Ben Dixon, Nicky Dal and Cameron Mooney are just not very good performers and add little insights of note. Loinchop and Buckley aren't perfect but know their stuff, as does Jason Dunstall. Derm does as well but cannot shut up - less is more, Derm. Kingy and Montagna try and provide genuine tactical insights - I will never bag them for that. Brown is the token special comments meathead, and Howie is the token Triple M inspired caller - piss him off. Just load up Huddo with more games. The Pipe is annoying as buggery but he can be a good play-by-play caller when he wants to focuses just on that and not his shitty one-liners.

As rubbish as all the above can be, it is nothing on the ineptness, and the sheer lack of respect that ch 7 show their viewers on a daily basis. They are bastards, the lot of them.

Happy Days
25-03-2024, 12:20 PM
Dermott should only be allowed to call games between two teams he rates. His condescending uncle gimmick of praising shit players for executing basic skills is infuriating and the closest I get to change the channel heat with a commentator.

Also where was the race caller guy this week?

25-03-2024, 12:26 PM
King annoys me . They just throw stats at him every week and tell him make something of it that relates to the result of a game.
You can spin doctor anything to make suit your agenda.
They dissect like a mortician and sometimes the day goes your way and sometimes it doesn’t , bounce of the ball etc but he will somehow turn it into the game plan was wrong . Even a 1 point loss but if it ended up the other way he will say it was a great game plan .

25-03-2024, 12:41 PM
King annoys me . They just throw stats at him every week and tell him make something of it that relates to the result of a game.
You can spin doctor anything to make suit your agenda.
They dissect like a mortician and sometimes the day goes your way and sometimes it doesn’t , bounce of the ball etc but he will somehow turn it into the game plan was wrong . Even a 1 point loss but if it ended up the other way he will say it was a great game plan .
Would you rather over-analysis, or would you prefer Hame waxing lyrical for 2 minutes in-game about how Tom Stewart's 2nd cousin twice removed used to own a Jim's Mowing Franchise and trimmed the hedges on one of Matty Scarlett's investment properties on the Bellarine Peninsula, which happened to be next door to a holiday home once owned by Billy Brownless which he once rented out to Austin McCrabb for a long weekend back in 1996?

25-03-2024, 01:24 PM
Would you rather over-analysis, or would you prefer Hame waxing lyrical for 2 minutes in-game about how Tom Stewart's 2nd cousin twice removed used to own a Jim's Mowing Franchise and trimmed the hedges on one of Matty Scarlett's investment properties on the Bellarine Peninsula, which happened to be next door to a holiday home once owned by Billy Brownless which he once rented out to Austin McCrabb for a long weekend back in 1996?

That’s Macavaneys apprentice right there.
Couldn’t stand Bruce for that reason, just call the game Bruce !

25-03-2024, 02:39 PM
That’s Macavaneys apprentice right there.
Couldn’t stand Bruce for that reason, just call the game Bruce !
Maybe it was Loinchop who trimmed Billy's hedges? Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

Anyway fark ch 7

25-03-2024, 03:01 PM
The way in which Channel 7 handles replays annoys me. Particularly after a goal. They minimise the live play to a small box in the bottom right corner of the screen, and keep the replay... or crowd shots... or umpires scratching their bum... on the main screen.
And then, almost every time, they get their timing wrong about when to flip images when the game restarts. Accordingly, too often we miss the first couple of seconds of live play.
Why don't they follow the Fox example?

25-03-2024, 08:08 PM
We have 50,000 members - Mars "Stadium" holds about 10,000. Every time we play there 40,000 members are denied the chance to watch the team live.

25-03-2024, 08:11 PM
We have 50,000 members - Mars "Stadium" holds about 10,000. Every time we play there 40,000 members are denied the chance to watch the team live.

Not a fan of the Ballarat venture or do you think it dilutes the membership value?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
25-03-2024, 08:28 PM
We have 50,000 members - Mars "Stadium" holds about 10,000. Every time we play there 40,000 members are denied the chance to watch the team live.

We're not getting 50000 to Marvel against most teams. As long as its the 3 games a year, against either Gold Coast, Freo, West Coast, Brisbane, GSW, Sydney, Adelaide or Port I'm okay with it.
I think it's a good connection, and one, given the relative proximity to Melbourne has the additional benefit of fostering membership growth that has a reasonable chance of being enduring if handled well.

25-03-2024, 08:46 PM
We're not getting 50000 to Marvel against most teams. As long as its the 3 games a year, against either Gold Coast, Freo, West Coast, Brisbane, GSW, Sydney, Adelaide or Port I'm okay with it.
I think it's a good connection, and one, given the relative proximity to Melbourne has the additional benefit of fostering membership growth that has a reasonable chance of being enduring if handled well.

2 games a year

25-03-2024, 09:02 PM
2 games a year too many

Fixed ;)

25-03-2024, 09:08 PM
Fixed ;)

Hey, I love going to Ballarat. Feels like the old days in the suburbs

25-03-2024, 09:15 PM
Fixed ;)

They are much better than the sterile stuff we get at the G or Marvel. Feels like old school football.

25-03-2024, 09:22 PM
Hey, I love going to Ballarat. Feels like the old days in the suburbs

That’s why I like vfl , chat to your mates,have a beer, go on the ground at the breaks , even chat to the players , coach etc.

25-03-2024, 09:23 PM
They are much better than the sterile stuff we get at the G or Marvel. Feels like old school football.

Blurgh no can't agree.

Where's my half time scones? MACAROONS!

25-03-2024, 09:24 PM
Hey, I love going to Ballarat. Feels like the old days in the suburbs
But its not.

It's 100ks away and the ground is barely afl standard.

25-03-2024, 09:27 PM
That’s why I like vfl , chat to your mates,have a beer, go on the ground at the breaks , even chat to the players , coach etc.
Vfl is great. Let's not use nostalgia to revision those cold shitty days in garbage bags at suburban grounds for the elite level now.
Vfl is a great choice if you like that.

25-03-2024, 09:34 PM
I like the partnership. Better than travelling to the NT or being a substitute Tasmanian team

25-03-2024, 09:37 PM
I like the partnership. Better than travelling to the NT or being a substitute Tasmanian team

And it helps us make a profit on a couple of games that wouldn't be very profitable at Marvel.

25-03-2024, 09:39 PM
I like the partnership. Better than travelling to the NT or being a substitute Tasmanian team
Oh Cairns was so good!

25-03-2024, 09:43 PM
And it helps us make a profit on a couple of games that wouldn't be very profitable at Marvel.
That is good.

I get it for the rank and file however the ground is pretty poor.
No parking, no shade or freezing cold, poor food facilities, over priced, long queues.

Have you been chef?
People who fork out thousands for memberships take the biggest hit.
I've been to my last game there i reckon.

I get the appeal for those who miss the old days.

25-03-2024, 09:55 PM
That is good.

I get it for the rank and file however the ground is pretty poor.
No parking, no shade or freezing cold, poor food facilities, over priced, long queues.

Have you been chef?
People who fork out thousands for memberships take the biggest hit.
I've been to my last game there i reckon.

I get the appeal for those who miss the old days.

Yeah i go to all of them, they are the highlight of the draw for me. I lived in Ballarat(boarding school) so i love getting back there and the weather doesnt surprise me.

These games dont have the 'product' feel the City games have.

25-03-2024, 10:10 PM
Yeah i go to all of them, they are the highlight of the draw for me. I lived in Ballarat(boarding school) so i love getting back there and the weather doesnt surprise me.

These games dont have the 'product' feel the City games have.
Yep get that.

Glad we make cash out of it.

People complaining about the stadiums we have in Melbourne makes me laugh though, they're world class. One has a bloody roof!

25-03-2024, 10:17 PM
That is good.

I get it for the rank and file however the ground is pretty poor.
No parking, no shade or freezing cold, poor food facilities, over priced, long queues.

Have you been chef?
People who fork out thousands for memberships take the biggest hit.
I've been to my last game there i reckon.

I get the appeal for those who miss the old days.

Sounds like the old days at the Western Oval, just goes to show how good supporters have it these days, the comfort of the modern stadium and how easy grounds are to get to, food prices at games, what happened to the days of taking your flask with hot water housing 6 hot dogs in with a fresh bag of Tip Top hot dog buns and a few tomato sauce squeezies for maybe $11 all up, oh and i'm pretty sure we can still take in unopened bottles of drink for $1 a pop when chucking a few in the freezer and bringing to the game?

25-03-2024, 10:23 PM
Sounds like the old days at the Western Oval, just goes to show how good supporters have it these days, the comfort of the modern stadium and how easy grounds are to get to, food prices at games, what happened to the days of taking your flask with hot water housing 6 hot dogs in with a fresh bag of Tip Top hot dog buns and a few tomato sauce squeezies for maybe $11 all up, oh and i'm pretty sure we can still take in unopened bottles of drink for $1 a pop when chucking a few in the freezer and bringing to the game?
You can still take in the hot dog flask. It's a tradition!

25-03-2024, 10:54 PM
You can still take in the hot dog flask. It's a tradition!

All the more reason to do it at a good old suburban ground, i know this is a rant thread, therefor i'll have a whinge about people whinging ;)

The Dad in me with a few kids being the one going out doing most of the shopping etc, it's all about saving $$$, especially with petrol around the $2.30 Lt mark (that's a rant for a different thread), yeah footy food prices have always been expensive, expensive weak beer in a plastic cup for $11 eeer i'll pass, unfortunately we haven't had any games in Brissy/GC for a few seasons although might make more of an effort getting to some neutral games preferably Suns games at Metricon, but i'm absolutely doing the hot dog thing (6 hot dogs and rolls), freezing a few unopened small plastic Coke bottles for the 4 of us for all under $15.

25-03-2024, 11:53 PM
Sounds like the old days at the Western Oval, just goes to show how good supporters have it these days, the comfort of the modern stadium and how easy grounds are to get to, food prices at games, what happened to the days of taking your flask with hot water housing 6 hot dogs in with a fresh bag of Tip Top hot dog buns and a few tomato sauce squeezies for maybe $11 all up, oh and i'm pretty sure we can still take in unopened bottles of drink for $1 a pop when chucking a few in the freezer and bringing to the game?

One of the guys I sit with at Marvel always brings a flask with Hot Dogs

The Underdog
26-03-2024, 08:47 AM
Dwayne Russell on the broadcast used the term “winless Bulldogs” multiple times. After we’d played one bloody game.

26-03-2024, 09:01 AM
Dwayne Russell on the broadcast used the term “winless Bulldogs” multiple times. After we’d played one bloody game.

Not Dwayne best effort. He's normally better than that.

The Doctor
26-03-2024, 11:52 AM
Dwayne Russell on the broadcast used the term “winless Bulldogs” multiple times. After we’d played one bloody game.

He also referred to Jed Walter as 'The Next Big Thing" over and over. The kid hadn't got A kick yet.

Ben Dixon on one of the Foxfooty shows said he will be bigger than Disneyland, bigger than Ablett. FFS let the young fella get a kick before espousing such ridiculous platitudes.

I strongly believe Stringer spiralled after Jon Ralph labelled him The Package and compared him to Gary Ablett SNR.

I think this is sensationalism and irresponsible. That's how shit our media is.

26-03-2024, 11:54 AM
He also referred to Jed Walter as 'The Next Big Thing" over and over. The kid hadn't got A kick yet.

Ben Dixon on one of the Foxfooty shows said he will be bigger than Disneyland, bigger than Ablett. FFS let the young fella get a kick before espousing such ridiculous platitudes.

I strongly believe Stringer spiralled after Jon Ralph labelled him The Package and compared him to Gary Ablett SNR.

I think this is sensationalism and irresponsible. That's how shit our media is.

I thought that was Brian Taylorism

The Doctor
26-03-2024, 11:56 AM
I thought that was Brian Taylorism

It might be, it was around the same time. I thought it was Ralph initially.

26-03-2024, 12:06 PM
Stringer was the package he just arrived with parts missing and damaged in delivery.

26-03-2024, 12:16 PM
Ben Dixon on one of the Foxfooty shows said he will be bigger than Disneyland, bigger than Ablett. FFS let the young fella get a kick before espousing such ridiculous platitudes.
The first rule of media is it's better to be first than to be right.

26-03-2024, 02:01 PM
I've got 2 for this week from the game against the Suns.

The first one is the the Ballarat club is about food prices in the club. I thought I'd get a can of Coke Zero when I arrived and the barman told me it was $6 so I declined that and went for the free cup of chilled water. I would imagine they could purchase that for under $1 so there is no way I'm paying $6 for a can of fizzy.

I had a ticket in the Northern stand and at half time I went to the toilet etc. All tickets in the Northern stand were purchased by our supporters. Upon my return a husband and wife couple who weren't there before half time were sitting in my seat.
I pointed this out to the lady and said 'I'm sorry but your in my seat' 'Prove it' was her response so I showed her the ticket and she still wanted to argue that 'Can't you sit somewhere else there are plenty of empty seats' (This was 10 minutes before the 3rd quarter was about to start) so I said 'No and that the others would return shortly' but she still wanted to argue so at this stage I said to the husband 'if you don't move, I'm going to move you' they both decided to get up and moved to other seats and of course when the people return they had a similar discussion. When they eventually decided to leave the wife was still bitching and moaning.
I don't know if they were both hot and bothered and they were sick of standing but I didn't expected to have that much push back when I could easily produce the ticket of proof.

Other than that the whole trip to Ballarat and the end result was as good as I hoped for.

You should have threatened him with the nets G.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
26-03-2024, 02:39 PM
You should have threatened him with the nets G.

sounds like he kinda did!
I didn't know Gary wasn't averse to throwing hands!

26-03-2024, 02:44 PM
sounds like he kinda did!
I didn't know Gary wasn't averse to throwing hands!

Would have been interesting if the husband said "Try it".

26-03-2024, 07:08 PM
sounds like he kinda did!
I didn't know Gary wasn't averse to throwing hands!

I've been watching too much of Fridays with Frank. :)